Year C Fourth Sunday of Lent 30th March, 2025
Sat 29th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Micheal Moore. John & Cathy Dunne. Brendan & Kate Dunne & DFM Sun 30th 11.00am Una O’ Malley MM Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack Mon 31st 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th No Mass. Sat 5th 6.30pm Mattie, Dolores & Andy Gaffney Jim & Breda Smith. Sun 6th 11.00am Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. Michael & Teresa White & DFM.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 30th 9.30am Thomas Manny. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead, Sun 6th 9.30am Sean Fitzsimons.
0ffertory: 755. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 325 Euro. Monthly 20 Euro Annual 300 Euro
Summer Time: Clocks will go forward this Saturday night. Mass on Sunday will be at Summer Time.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Confessions: There will be Confessions for Lent before the Vigil Mass next Saurday evening, 5th April at 6pm.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration will be in Killulagh Church from Mon 31st March for the Summer Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
24 Hours for the Lord: We are having 24 Hours Adoration for the Lord in Delvin Church on Saturday 5th April from 11am
– Sun 6th finishing at 11am. A sign- in sheet. is available at the back of the Church. We ask that 2 people sign in each hour if
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday 3rd April at 8pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
A Family Of Saints: A talk by Fr. Michael McGoldrick OCD on St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Louis & St. Zelie Martin &
Leonie Martin on Sat 26th April from 11am -3pm in Carmelite Friary Church, Kildare. Contact 085-8887549
Evangelium Ireland Conference, 2025: Evangelium Ireland invites young Catholics to its annual Apologetics Conference
at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth on Saturday, 26th April. The event features talks and workshops on topics such as
discipleship in the Gospel of St. John. Holy Mass will be celebrated. Cost 45 Euro. Further info
Jubilee Pilgrimage to Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English. And Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Further info
contact 01-2410800 or email:
Jubilee Youth Day Rome: From 28th July to 3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4night or 5night stay. Fares begin at 829 Euro. Booking Forms available through Joe Walsh Tours.
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. Booking with Mullingar Travel
Delvin Adult Ed, Group: Members are asked to meet outside Gaffney’s Lounge at 10.30am on Tue next, 1st April to
arrange transport.
Carers Support Group: HSE are running a 5 week Carers Support Group for family members and carers of people living
with Dementia commencing 1st April every Tuesday at Mullingar Bridge and Amenity Centre, Bellview, Mullingar from
2pm-3pm. Please contact 087-4740529 or 087 4740534
Familty Carers Ireland: Are you caring for a loved one at home with additional needs? Become a Member of Family
Carers Ireland by contacting 057-9370221 or visit
Charitable Donations:: CHY3 Forms have been send out to people who pay more than 250 Euro to the Church Renovation
Fund and Offerings during the Year. We would be very grateful if you could fill out the form and return in envelope provided. You can hand it in at Mass or drop it in to the Parochial House. This form is only issued once every 5 Years.
St. Scire C. E : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, Interested in upskilling
or career Change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931
Year C Third Sunday of Lent 23rd March, 2025
Sat 22nd 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Sun 23rd 11.00am Carmel Gaffney. G O’ Brien, parents George & Mary.
Greg Smith. Mon 24th 9.30am Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Micheal Moore. John & Cathy Dunne. Brendan & Kate Dunne & DFM Sun 30th 11.00am Una O’ Malley MM Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack
Killulagh Masses
Sun 23rd 9.30am John & Violet Lynch Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Sun 30th 9.30am Thomas Manny.
- I. P. Michael Carroll. Collinstown Road, Delvin. Lilly Dunne.(nee Fox) Clontarf, Dublin .formerly Delvin.
0ffertory: 855. Euro. St. Patrick’s Day 520 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 305 Euro. Monthly 130 Euro Annual 300 Euro
Confessions: There will be Confessions for Lent before the Vigil Mass next Saurday evening, 29th March at 6pm.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm. From Monday 1st April Adoration will be in Killulagh
Church for the Summer Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Feast of the Annunciation:: On Tuesday next, March 25th we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. The
following is a short reflection on the significance of this feast.” Given her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother
of Jesus. Expousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely
to the person and to the work of her Son, she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on
him by God’s grace. “ (Catechism of the Catholic Church. 494).:
24 Hours for the Lord: We are having 24 Hours Adoration for the Lord in Delvin Church on Saturday 5th April from 11am
– Sun 6th finishing at 11am. A sign- in sheet. will be available in the Church during the coming week.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: From 30th April to 7th May. Led by Fr. Oliver Devine. Cost 865 Euro. Contact 087 6552453
Jubilee Pilgrimage to Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English. And Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Further info
contact 01-2410800 or email:
Jubilee Youth Day Rome: From 28th July to 3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4night or 5night stay. Fares begin at 829 Euro. Booking Forms available through Joe Walsh Tours.
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. Booking with Mullingar Travel
Catholic Marriage Enrichment Programme: The programme provides a broader and deeper understanding of the
sacrament of marriage. Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church's teaching, we understand marriage as a covenant between
one man and one woman. The Next marriage Enrichment Weekend is at Knock from Fri 28th March- Sunday 30th March
Booking info
Charitabe Donations:: CHY3 Forms have been send out to people who pay more than 250 Euro to the Church Renovation
Fund and Offerings during the Year. We would be very grateful if you could fill out the form and return in envelope provided. You can hand it in at Mass or drop it in to the Parochial House. This form is only issued once every 5 Years.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday 27th March. We are starting with Mass at
11.15am. It is the Birthday Party, so we hope to see a big crowd on the day.
St. Patrick’s N. S. Crowenstown: Are holding a Coffee Morning in the School on Friday 28th March in aid of Daffodil Day,
- from 10am -12pm. We appreciate your support on the day.
St. Scire C. E : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, Interested in upskilling
or career Change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931
Year C Second Sunday of Lent 16th March, 2025
Sat 15th 6.30pm Owen & Mgt Murtagh & DFM Josephine Carroll. Sun 16th 11.00am Jim Poynton. Bernie Drum
Mon 187th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 11.00am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mas. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Sun 23rd 11.00am Carmel Gaffney. G O’ Brien, parents George & Mary. Greg Smith.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 16th 9.30am Claire & Pat Neade & DFM Mon 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am
John & Violet Lynch
- I. P. Julia Ryan. Robinstown, Delvin. formerly Castletownbere, Cork. James Glennon who died in England. formerly Ellenstown, Delvin.
0ffertory: 920. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 435 Euro. Monthly 115 Euro Annual 2,900 Euro
Confessions: There will be Confessions for Lent before the Vigil Mass next Saurday evening, 22nd March at 6pm.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Trocaire Boxes are been distributed at the moment. Spare Boxes in both Churches.
St. Patrick’s Testimony: Copies of St. Patrick’s Testimony are available in the porches of the Church. They cost 1 Euro
each. This document contains the words of St.Patrick, written near the end of his life. It helps us to understand the amazing
life of our Patron Saint.
Light the Fire, 2025: The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to join us in Slane on St. Patrick’s Day, 5pm Vespers
on the Hill of Slane, 6.15pm Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, celebrated by the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Luis Mariano
Montemayor and Bishop Tom Deenihan, followed by Eucharistic Adoration.
Eucharistic Procession In Athlone: Takes place on the Eve of St. Patrick’s Day. Starts at 3pm with the Divine Mercy
Chaplet in St. Mary’s Church. Jubilee Eucharistic Procession through the streets, and finishes with Mass at 6pm
Feast of St. Joseph: Wed 19th we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. We will have Adoration in Killulagh Church after the
9.30am Mass until 11am. We pray that we can learn to imitate his faithfulness to God and his care of Mary and Jesus.
Young Adults Retreat for Lent: Takes place in Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat 22nd Mar from 10am -5pm. Prayer, Talks, Mass
Contact Sr. Una at 090 6481666, or email
.Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place on this Sun 16th Mar from 3pm-5pm. Those entering floats are asked to assemble
at the Salesyard at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm. Please come along and support our Parade.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are having a Book Collection in Sports Centre next Saturday 22nd Mar between 11am –
3pm. We appreciate if you would bring along your collection of unwanted books.
Feast of St. Patrick
This Monday we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. It would be hard to underestimate the influence of St. Patrick on
the faith of the people of Ireland. In reent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by other
celebrations associated with the Feast. This year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the
Feast of St. Patrick. We include here an extract from the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells
about his carelessness, about his relationship with God and about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish
people will experience a similar conversion as we celebrate his Feast.
The Power of Prayer
After I came to Ireland, every day I had to tend sheep and many times a day I prayed. The love of God and his fear
came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened. My Spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say
as many as a 100 prayers, and almost as many in the night. Even when I was staying in the woods and on the
mountains. I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, because the spirit
within me was then fervent.
Year C First Sunday of Lent 9th March, 2025
Sat 8th 6.30pm May Toner. Robert Clancy. Sun 9th 11.00am Noel O’ Driscoll MM Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Owen & Mgt Murtagh & DFM Sun 16th 11.00am Jim Poynton. Bernie Drum
Killulagh Masses
Sun 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Mass.
0ffertory: 790. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 195 Euro. Monthly 120 Euro
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Confessions: There will be Confessions for Lent before the Vigil Mass next Saurday evening, 15th March at 6pm.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Weekday Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri. Evening
Mass on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be 9.30am on Wednesday.
The Celebration of Lent:: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance., and self-denial, e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Trocaire Boxes are been distributed at the moment. We thank the Collectors who deliver the boxes. If you
did not get a box there are spare ones in both Churches.
eath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4 night or 5 night stay. Fares begin at 829 Eupmro. Booking Forms are available through Joe Walsh .
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. . Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel
Jubilee Youth Day Rome, 2025: :From 28th July -3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see Poster on Notice Board.
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English and Fr. Michael Kilamrtin.
Further info contact 01-2410800. or email:
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Monday next, 10th March in Gaffney’s Lounge at 8pm.
.Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. ; Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
Upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Ways of Fasting during Lent by Pope Francis
Fast from hurting words and say kind words
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
Fast from anger and be filled with patience
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
Fast from worries and have trust in God
Fast from complaints: contemplate simplicity,
Fast from pressures and be prayerful
Fast from bitterness: fill you hearts with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate:
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words: be silent and listen.
Year C Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd March, 2025
Sat 1st 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson, son Pat & DFM Sun 2nd 11.00am Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy & Annie Mc Cann & son Tommy. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th (Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Joseph Kane & DFM Sat 8th 6.30pm May Toner. Robert Clancy.
Sun 9th 11.00am Noel O’ Driscoll MM
Killulagh Masses
Sun 2nd 9.30am Joe Flynn. Wed 5th ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead Sun 9th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Una O’ Malley. Lacora Glen, Delvin.
Offertory: 860. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 320 Euro. Monthly 20 Euro
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed last Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all
who helped them prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
Ash Wednesday; Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed during 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 7.30pm in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent:: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance., and self-denial, e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4 night or 5 night stay. Fares begin at 829 Eupmro. Booking Forms are available through Joe Walsh .
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. . Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel
Jubilee Youth Day Rome, 2025: :From 28th July -3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see Poster on Notice Board.
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English and Fr. Michael Kilamrtin.
Further info contact 01-2410800. or email:
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday 6th March at 8pm.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Will meet in the Hall on Tue next, March 4th at 10.30am. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Hospice Homecare:: Meeting on Wednesday 5th March at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Delvin Parade: Committee would like to thank all who supported the Table Quiz last Friday night. It was a great success.
.Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
For this reason the Church, especially during Advent and Lent above all at the Easter Vigil, re-reads and re-lives the
great events of salvation history in the “today” of her liturgy. But this also demands that catechesis help the faithful
to open themselves to this spiritual understanding of the economy of salvation as the Church’s liturgy reveals it and
enables us to live it.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 1095.
Saints of t
Year C Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd February, 2025
Sat 22nd 6.30pm TJ & Kathleen O’ Driscoll & son Noel. Larry Allen & DFM Sun 23rd 11.00am Ann Roberts & Joe Smith Mon 24th Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Pat Gaffney (50th Anniversary) & Kathleen Gaffney Sat 1st 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson & son Pat & DFM
Sun 2nd 11.00am Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy & Annie Mc Cann & son Tommy.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 23rd 9.30am Bernadette Fox MM & Pat Fox Sun 2nd 9.30am Tom Flynn.
- I. P. Maureen Dalgan. England sister of Thomas & John Brennan. Bolandstown. Kathleen Cunning. Crossakiel. sister of Paddy Lynch. Reynella. Matty Faye. brother of Angela Weymes. Addinstown. Michael Daly. Clondaliever, Collinstown.
Offertory: 905. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 220 Euro. Monthly 130 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Confirmation: Will be celebrated in Delvin Church on Friday next, 28th February at 3pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4 night or 5 night stay. Fares begin at 829 Eupmro. Booking Forms are available through Joe Walsh .
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. . Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel
Jubilee Youth Day Rome, 2025: :From 28th July -3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see Poster on Notice Board.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: :From 30th April to 7th May. Led by Fr. Oliver Devine. Cost 865 Euro. Contact 087 65552453
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English and Fr. Michael Kilamrtin.
Further info contact 01-2410800. or email:
St. Pio & St. Camillus Pilgrimage to Rome, San Giovanni: From 4th October. Spiritual Director. Fr. Monks. Group
Organiser Mary Briody. Poster on Notice Board with Itinerary and contact number.
Healing Mass in St. Camillus Nursing Centre on Thursday next, 27th February at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are back in the Hall on Thursday next, 27th Febraary starting at 11am.
.Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931.
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit empowers God’s people to proclaim the Good News of
Jesus Christ, to live that message, and to continue Jesus’s mission and ministry in the world. Just as the Holy Spirit
descended on Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry and transformed the fearful disciples at Pentecost, the
Spirit equips every Christian for a life of service and witness. Many Catholics have come to realise that expectant
faith is necessary to receive and experience the full power of the Holy Spirit that is available in confirmation. Indeed,
God does not restrict the experience of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power to the actual time of receiving this
sacrament . Acts 10:47 testifies to this, and so does the experience of many confirmed Catholics who have been
“baptised in the Holy Spirit” and have thus come to know the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in a new or
fuller way. Nonetheless Catholic believe have witnessed that God desires to send the fullness of His Holy Spirit
through confirmation, and that the manifestation and gifts of the Holy Spirit will be evident when this sacrament is
approached with expectant faith and prayer.
Year C Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th February, 2025
Sat 15th 6.30pm Gerry Toner Sun 16th 11.00am Joe & Letitia Cullen & DFM Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mary & William Clancy Sat 22nd 6.30pm
TJ & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Larry Allen & DFM Sun 23rd 11.00am Ann Roberts & Joe Smith
Killulagh Masses
Sun 16th 9.30am Martin Kiernan Noel Fox. Sun 23rd 9.30am Bernadette Fox MM & Pat Fox
- I. P. Noel O’ Driscoll. Bolandstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 850 Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 270 Euro. Monthly 170 Euro Annual: 1,085 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
Confirmation: Will be celebrated in Delvin Church on Friday 28th February at 3pm.
St. Michaels Church, Castlepollard: An Ecumenical Service will be held in St. Michaels Church on Sunday February 16th
at 5pm. The speaker will be Most Rev. Martin Hayes, Bishop of Kilmore. All are welcome.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4 night or 5 night stay. Fares begin at 829 Euro. Booking Forms are available through Joe Walsh Tours.
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. . Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel
Jubilee Youth Day Rome, 2025: :From 28th July -3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see Poster on Notice Board.
Retreat for Young Adults: From 14th -16th February at Abbey of Our Lady of Silence, Cistercians, Roscrea Contact Sr. Una
at 090 6481666 or email
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: :From 30th April to 7th May. Led by Fr. Oliver Devine. Cost 865 Euro. Contact 087 65552453
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English and Fr. Michael Kilamrtin.
Further info contact 01-2410800. or email:
St. Pio & St. Camillus Pilgrimage to Rome, San Giovanni: From 4th October. Spiritual Director. Fr. Monks. Group
Organiser Mary Briody. Poster on Notice Board with Itinerary and contact number. Healing Mass in Camillinas on last
Thursday of every month
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting in Gaffney’s Lounge on Mon 17th Feb at 8pm.
Delvin Parade: Are holding a Table Quiz on Friday 21st February in Gaffney’s Lounge starting at 9pm sharp. Table of 4 40
Euro. We appreciate your support.
.Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931.
Marriage in God’s Plan
Holy Scripture affirms that man and woman were created for one another. “It is not good that the man should be
alone.” The woman,”flesh of his flesh,” his equal, his nearest in all things, is given to him by God as a “helpmate”;
she thus represents God from whom comes our help. “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves
to his wife, and they become one flesh”. The Lord himself shows that this signifies an unbreakable union, of their two
lives by recalling what the plan of the Creator had been “in the beginning”; So they are no longer two, but one
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 1605.
Year C Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th February, 2025
Sat 8th 6.30pm Pat Daly MM Ray Mulligan. Sun 9th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & Son Pat. Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Gerry Toner Sun 16th 11.00am Joe & Letitia Cullen & DFM
Killulagh Masses
Sun 9th 9.30am Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Martin Kiernan
- I. P. Seamus Mc Govern. Cork. brother of Paddy Mc Govern. Addinstown, Delvin.. Stephen Duffy. Drumcree. brother of Johnny Duffy. Williamstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 575 Euro Candlemas Offerings 1,060 Euro Needs of the Diocese: 980 Euro
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection last weekend. Total was 980 Euro.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to Candlemas Offerings last weekend.
Feast of Our Lady Of Lourdes: Tuesday 11th February is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day.
Hear our prayer, Oh God, and heal the many illnesses that afflict us in body, mind and soul. Bring comfort to those who
suffer. Bring consolation to those who despair. Bring strength to those of us who walk with the sick. Bring hope to all for
whom the path to healing is long or may not end .Let us never forget your special care for the sick, that they may also know
they are precious and loved. Amen.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: Next Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
Confirmation: Will be celebrated in Delvin Church on Friday 28th February at 3pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4 night or 5 night stay. Fares begin at 829 Euro. Booking Forms are available through Joe Walsh Tours.
Further info contact 01-2410800
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. . Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel
Jubilee Youth Day Rome, 2025: :From 28th July -3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see Poster on Notice Board.
Retreat for Young Adults: From 14th -16th February at Abbey of Our Lady of Silence, Cistercians, Roscrea Contact Sr. Una
at 090 6481666 or email
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: :From 30th April to 7th May. Led by Fr. Oliver Devine. Cost 865 Euro. Contact 087 65552453
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France: 21st -28th May. Led by Fr. Mark English and Fr. Michael Kilamrtin.
Further info contact 01-2410800. or email:
St. Pio & St. Camillus Pilgrimage to Rome, San Giovanni: From 4th October. Spiritual Director. Fr. Monks. Group
Organiser Mary Briody. Poster on Notice Board with Itinerary and contact number. Healing Mass in Camillinas on last
Thursday of every month
.St. Tola’s N. S. : Are running a clothes collection fundraiser from 13th Jan to 14th Feb.. Bags can be left at the Gym Door.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931.
Year C The Presentation of the Lord 2nd February, 2025
Sat 1st 6.30pm Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Sun 2nd 11.00am Pat Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am May Downes Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 8th 6.30pm Pat Daly MM Ray Mulligan. Sun 9th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & Son Pat.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 2nd Feb 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 9th 9.30am Mass.
Offertory: 740 Euro Ren Fund. Weekly 180 Euro Monthly 80 Euro
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. .
Needs of the Diocese: The second collection will be taken up this weekend 2nd February..
Feast of the Presentation: Sunday 2nd February is the Feast of the Presentation. Anybody wishing to have candles blessed
for use in the home can leave them in the Church before 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 11am Mass in Delvin.
It is also World Day for Consecrated Life.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of St. Blaise: Monday 3rd Feb we celebrate Feast of St. Blaise.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 6th Feb at 8pm in the Parochial House.New Members very welcome.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place on 9th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims may
choose between a 4 night or 5 night stay. Fares begin at 829 Euro. Booking Forms are available through Joe Walsh Tours.
Further info contact 01-2410800
Annual Mass of Remembrance: Will be held on Wed 5th Feb at 2pm in St.Paul’s Church, Delvin Road, Mullingar in
memory of people buried in St. Loman’s Hospital Cemetery from 1907-1970 and to remember deceased patients and staff.
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. . Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel
Jubilee Youth Day Rome, 2025: :From 28th July -3rd August. Join with young people from around the world in Rome this
Summer. Over 18. Cost 750 Euro. More info see Poster on Notice Board.
Retreat for Young Adults: From 14th -16th February at Abbey of Our Lady of Silence, Cistercians, Roscrea Contact Sr. Una
at 090 6481666 or email
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2025: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place in St. Tola’s N. S. on Wednesday 5th
Feb from 6pm -7pm. All Welcome. Enrolment Applications available and accepted on the night.
St. Patrick’s N. S. Crowenstown: Open Day and Coffee Morning on Sat 8th Feb from 10am-12noon in the school, or drop
in from 2pm –3pm between 4th -7th Feb.
.St. Tola’s N. S. : Are running a clothes collection fundraiser from 13th Jan to 14th Feb.. Bags can be left at the Gym Door.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet in the Hall on Tue next, 4th Feb at 10.30am. New members are very welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and inreceipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931.
St. Brigid
St. Brigid is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. She was born c.454. When she was young her father wished to make a very suitable marriage for her but she insisted in consecrating her virginity to God. She received the veil and spiritual formation probably from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in Ardagh. Others followed her example and this led her to found a double monastery in Kildare with the assistance of Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and her cult is widespread not only throughout Ireland but in several European lands. The St. Brigid’s Cross, in legend used by Brigid to explain the Catholic faith, remains a popular sign of God’s protection.
Year C Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th January, 2025
Sat 25th 6.30pm Tom & Mark Hickey. Dolores & Mattie Gaffney. Michael & Ester Cooney. Sun 26th 11.00am Pat & Noeleen Smith. Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am John O’ Leary (late of Baileborough & Delvin) Fri 31st 9.30am Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Sun 2nd 11.00am Pat Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis
Killulagh Masses
Sun 26th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent Sun 2nd Feb 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Bernie Fox. Printinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 885 Euro Ren Fund. Weekly 235 Euro Monthly 20 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. The Jubilee has its origins in an ancient biblical tradition. (Leviticus). Every
50th Year was celebrated as a time for setting slaves free, for forgiving debts, and for allowing the land to rest. In our
Christian tradition the Jubilee has a strong focus on reconciliation and renewal, including reaching out to people on the
Needs of the Diocese: The second collection will be taken up this weekend 25th & 26th January. .
Feast of St. Brigid: Next Saturday 1st Feb is the Feast of St, Brigid. Anybody wishing to have St. Brigid’s Crosses blessed
can leave them in the Church before the 6.30pm Vigil Mass They will be blessed during Mass.
Feast of the Presentation: Sunday 2nd February is the Feast of the Presentation. Anybody wishing to have candles blessed
for use in the home can leave them in the Church before 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 11am Mass in Delvin.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. Highlights include Papal Audience, The Basilicas of St. Peter (including the prayer ritual of crossing through the
Holy Door). St. John Lateran, St.Mary Major, The Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museum, Day Trip to Assisi, The Colosseum
& Roman Forum, The Sancta Scala, Catacombs of San Sebastian. Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish
College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel email
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2025: Open Evening on Wed January 29th from 6.30pm -8pm in St. Ernan’s N. S.
Completed Enrolment forms to be returned to the school between Feb 4th & Feb 25th .
Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place in St. Tola’s N. S. on Wednesday 5th from 6pm -7pm. All Welcome. Enrolment
Applications available and accepted on the night. Open Day and Coffee Morning on Sat 8th Feb from 10am-12noon in St.
Patrick’s N. S. Crowenstown or drop in from 2pm -3pm between 4th -7th Feb.
. St. Tola’s N. S. : Are running a clothes collection fundraiser from 13th Jan to 14th Feb.. Bags can be left at the Gym Door.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 0449664931
Anniversary Celebrations: 89’ Double Football Champions on 8th Feb in Mullingar Park Hotel starting at 7pm. Tickets cost 60 Euro and can be purchased at Leavy’s Shop.
Sunday of the Word of God
Pope Francis has chosen this Sunday 26th as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the importance of the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope Francis establishing the Sunday of the Word of God. “it belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognize themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the scared text by restricting it to certain circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it, move from dispersion and division towards unity. The Word of God unites believers and makes them one people. In this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping everyone to understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word feel an urgent need to make it accessible to their community.”
Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th January, 2025
Sat 18th 6.30pm Frank Brady. John & Anna Vaughan. Sun 19th 11.00am Eugene Doherty. Dick, Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & Baby Patrick. Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Tom & Mark Hickey. Dolores & Mattie Gaffney. Michael & Ester Cooney. Sun 26th 11.00am Pat & Noeleen Smith. Tommy & Annie Lenihan.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 19th 9.30am Bridget, Matthew & Larry Whelehan & DFM Paddy & Betty Kelleghan. Chris Callaghan.
Sun 26th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent
- I. P. Daphne Smith. Billistown House, Delvin..
Offertory: 980 Euro Needs of the Diocese 995 Euro. Ren Fund. Weekly 330 Euro Monthly 105 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Radio Mass: LMFM local Radio Station broadcast Mass every Sunday from a parish in the diocese. Mass is recorded on a
Saturday evening and broadcast on Sunday morning. This parish has been asked to allow Vigil Mass next Saturday, January
25th to be recorded and broadcast on Sunday, January 26th .
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. The Jubilee has its origins in an ancient biblical tradition. (Leviticus). Every
50th Year was celebrated as a time for setting slaves free, for forgiving debts, and for allowing the land to rest. In our
Christian tradition the Jubilee has a strong focus on reconciliation and renewal, including reaching out to people on the
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the first part of the collection for the Needs of the Diocese which
was taken up last weekend. Amount was 995 Euro. The second collection will be taken up next weekend 25th & 26th
January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
for the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Christian Unity Week: From Saturday 18th -25th January is a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Sunday of the Word of God: Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 26th as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to
reflect on the importance of the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy.
Catholic Schools Week: Will run from Mon 20th to Friday 24th .The Theme for Catholic Schools Week Alive in Chris.
“Christ is Alive He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes
young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive
and he wants you to be alive “ --Pope Francis Christus Vivit, Section 1. Reflecting on the theme, Catholic schools will
explore what it means to be fully alive as a human being--- living life to the full in Christ. The theme will explore how we
exist for one another in Christ building from the wellbeing of the individual , extending the notion of true wellbeing to
others, to our families and communities, and to the Other, in God. The theme will mediate on hope, the true purpose and
meaning of human life, and , in the more senior years, on true freedom
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. Highlights include Papal Audience, The Basilicas of St. Peter (including the prayer ritual of crossing through the
Holy Door). St. John Lateran, St.Mary Major, The Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museum, Day Trip to Assisi, The Colosseum
& Roman Forum, The Sancta Scala, Catacombs of San Sebastian. Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish
College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel email
St. Tola’s N. S. : Are running a clothes collection fundraiser from 13th Jan to 14th Feb.. Bags can be left at the Gym Door.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 0449664931
Anniversary Celebrations: 89’ Double Football Champions on 8th Feb in Mullingar Park Hotel starting at 7pm. Tickets cost 60 Euro and can be purchased at Leavy’s Shop.
Year C The Baptism of the Lord 12th January, 2025
Sat 11th 6.30pm Pat Healy. Sun 12th 11.00am Christy Drumm. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Sun 19th 11.00am Eugene Doherty. Dick, Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & Baby Patrick.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 12th 9.30am Margaret Manny Sun 19th 9.30am Bridget, Matthew & Larry Whelehan & DFM Paddy & Betty Kelleghan. Chris Callaghan.
- I. P. Pat Daly. Castletown Court, Delvin.
Offertory: 815 Euro 6th January 220 Euro Ren Fund. Weekly 875. Monthly 230 Euro Annual 300 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.
Radio Mass: LMFM local Radio Station broadcast Mass every Sunday from a parish in the diocese. Mass is recorded on a
Saturday evening and broadcast on Sunday morning. This parish has been asked to allow Vigil Mass on Saturday, January
25th to be recorded and broadcast on Sunday, January 26th .
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. The Jubilee has its origins in an ancient biblical tradition. (Leviticus). Every
50th Year was celebrated as a time for setting slaves free, for forgiving debts, and for allowing the land to rest. In our
Christian tradition the Jubilee has a strong focus on reconciliation and renewal, including reaching out to people on the
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this Sun 12th January and again on
Sunday 26th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
for the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Christian Unity Week: From Saturday 18th -25th January is a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Sunday of the Word of God: Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 26th as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to
reflect on the importance of the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy.
Catholic Schools Week: Will run from Mon 20th to Thursday 24th
Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage: 22nd -27th September, 2025: As Pope Francis convokes the Jubilee Holy Year of Hope,
consider joining with Bishop Tom Deenihan and fellow pilgrims from across the Diocese in making the Jubilee Pilgrimage
to Rome. Highlights include Papal Audience, The Basilicas of St. Peter (including the prayer ritual of crossing through the
Holy Door). St. John Lateran, St.Mary Major, The Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museum, Day Trip to Assisi, The Colosseum
& Roman Forum, The Sancta Scala, Catacombs of San Sebastian. Pilgrims will be accommodated at the Pontifical Irish
College. Cost 1,399 Euro. . Booking with Mullingar Travel email
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 0449664931
The Baptism of Jesus and Ours.
Jesus’s baptism is the pattern of ours. In baptism we go down with Christ into the waters of death, and our sins are drowned in those waters. And because we have gone down with Christ, we also come up from the waters together with him and hear---mighty and majestic---- the Father’s voice directed to us as well. It pronounces a new name for each of us, in the depths of each of our hearts “Beloved! In whom I am well pleased.” We hear the name as ours and not because of any good deeds we have done but because Christ in his overflowing love willed to share his relationship to his Father with us.
Homiletic Directory. No. 137.
Year C Second Sunday of Christmas 5th January, 2025
Sat 4th 6.30pm Carmel Reilly. Sun 5th 11.00am Kyran Smyth & daughter Patricia. Mon 6th 11.00am Mass & 7.30pm Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Pat Healy. Sun 12th 11.00am Christy Drumm.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 5th 9.30am Willie Dugdale. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass will be in St. Tola’s N. S. Sun 12th 9.30am Margaret Manny
- I. P. Martha Smith. Dublin cousin of Mc Grath family, Addinstown.
Offertory: 865 Euro Christmas Offerings: 8,630. Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Freyer Moyles. Tadhg Daniel Mc Grath. Mia Belle Kelly.
Feast of the Epiphany: Monday 6th is the Feast of the Epiphany. It is a Holy Day of obligation.
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima on Monday will begin at 12noon. This is to allow people to attend Mass at 11am..
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings. Total taken up was 8,630 Euro
Radio Mass: LMFM local Radio Station broadcast Mass every Sunday from a parish in the diocese. Mass is recorded on a
Saturday evening and broadcast on Sunday morning. This parish has been asked to allow Vigil Mass on Saturday, January
25th to be recorded and broadcast on Sunday, January 26th .
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. The Jubilee has its origins in an ancient biblical tradition. (Leviticus). Every
50th Year was celebrated as a time for setting slaves free, for forgiving debts, and for allowing the land to rest. In our
Christian tradition the Jubilee has a strong focus on reconciliation and renewal, including reaching out to people on the
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 12th January and again on
Sunday 26th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
for the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group:: Will be back in the Hall on Tue 7th January at 10.30am. Looking forward to seeing you all back.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 0449664931
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel. Son of God and Savior of the world. The great feast
of the Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men(magi) from the East, together with his Baptism in
the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan
religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, the good news of salvation through the Incarnation.
Important Dates for 2025
5th March, Ash Wednesday.
20th April, Easter Sunday.
8th June, Pentecost Sunday.
Church Holidays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Mon 6th January. All Saints Day, Saturday 1st November
St. Patrick’s Day, Monday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Monday 8th December.
Feast of the Assumption, Friday 15th August Christmas Day, Thursday 25th December.
Year C The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 29th December, 2024,
Sat 28th 6.30pm John, Mgt & Babs Moran. Larry Murtagh & DFM Sun 29th 11.00am Tossie Murray MM
Bill Anderson. James Kiernan. Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 31st 9.30am Mass. Wed 1st 12noon Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 3rd ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 4th 6.30pm Carmel Reilly. Sun 5th 11.00am Kyran Smyth & daughter Patricia.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 29th 9.30am Josie & Patrick Mc Hale. Fri 3rd (First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 5th 9.30am
Willie Dugdale.
Offertory: 930 Euro Christmas Offerings: 2,300. Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to 930
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.. Adoration will take place on Mon
30th December as usual.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings taken up on Sun 22nd December.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick this Sunday 29th at 10.30am.The Priest
will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God. ( January 1st )
At the message of an Angel, the Virgin Mary received the word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer.
Jubilee Year: The theme of hope encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world. Everyone is
invited to participate in this special year of faith. The Jubilee has its origins in an ancient biblical tradition. (Leviticus). Every
50th Year was celebrated as a time for setting slaves free, for forgiving debts, and for allowing the land to rest. In our
Christian tradition the Jubilee has a strong focus on reconciliation and renewal, including reaching out to people on the
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 12th January and again on
Sunday 26th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
for the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
World Day of Peace: This Wednesday January 1st is World Day of Peace. Mass in Delvin at 12noon on that day. Please
pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming year.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Donations for Flowers: Thanks to all who contributed to the collection for flowers, Amount was 340 Euro.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 0449664931
New Year Greetings: We wish all our parishioners every blessing and success for 2025. Thanks to everybody for
their generosity and support in the past year.
Important Dates for 2025
5th March, Ash Wednesday.
20th April, Easter Sunday.
8th June, Pentecost Sunday.
Church Holidays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Mon 6th January. All Saints Day, Saturday 1st November
St. Patrick’s Day, Monday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Monday 8th December.
Feast of the Assumption, Friday 15th August Christmas Day, Thursday 25th December.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Advent 22nd December, 2024,
Sat 21st 6.30pm Tommy Cunneen & DFM Cunneen Family. Pauline & Joe Tierney. Sun 22nd 11.00am Anna Wyse. Nancy Neville Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th (Christmas Eve ) 7.00pm Mass. Wed 25th ( Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass. Thurs 26th 10.00am Thomas & Bridget Brennan. Bernie Clune. Fri 27th 10.00am DFM Kearney Family.
Sat 28th 6.30pm John, Mgt & Babs Moran. Larry Murtagh & DFM Sun 29th 11.00am Tossie Murray MM Bill Anderson. James Kiernan.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 22nd 9.30am DFM Nuigent Fanily. John & Ellen Ivory, sons Loman & Frank Wed 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass. Sun 29th 9.30am Josie & Patrick Mc Hale.
- I. P. Eamon O’ Farrell. Castleknock, Dublin. brother of late Finbarr O’ Farrell. Rickardstown.
Offertory: 855 Euro Ren. Fund: Weekly. 320 Euro. Monthly 100 Euro. . Annual: 250 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months.. Adoration will take place on Mon
30th December as usual.
Advent: This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall him as he really is. .
Christmas Candles: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 29th at 10.30am.The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Donations for Flowers: Boxes will be left at the doors of the Church this weekend to get flowers for the Altar at Christmas.
We appreciate your support.
Christmas Confessions:
Sat 21st 7.15pm in Delvin after Vigil Mass
Tue 24th 12noon in Killulagh
Tue 24th 5-5.30pm in Delvin.
Christmas Masses: Delvin
Tuesday 24th ( Christmas Eve) 7.00pm Vigil Mass.
Christmas Day: Wednesday 25th 9.30am in Killulagh
11.00am in Delvin
Christmas Greetings
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. We welcome all
who have come home to be with their families. We think of all who cannot travel this Christmas, or who have to
work during the Christmas.
The Crib
Standing before the Christmas Crib, we are reminded of the time when we were children, eagerly waiting to set it up.
These memories make us all the more conscious of the previous gift received from those who passed on the faith to
- At the same time they remind us of our duty to share this same experience with our children and grandchildren.
It does not matter how the nativity scene is arranged: it can always be the same or it can change from year to year.
What matters is that it speaks to our lives. Wherever it is and whatever form it takes, the Christmas crib speaks to of
the love of God, The God who became a child in order to make us know how close he is to every man, woman and
child…..May we open our hearts to this simple grace, so that from our wonderment a humble prayer may arise: a
prayer of thanksgiving to God, who wished to share with us his all, and thus never to leave us alone.
Pope Francis
Year C Third Sunday of Advent 15th December, 2024,
Sat 14th 6.30pm Dan & Annie Mc Grath, sister Betty. Sean & Gerard Connolly. Sun 15th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. William & Teresa Mc Cormack. Bernadette Kelly. Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Patrick & Margaret Farrelly & DFM Fri 20th 9.30am Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Tommy Cunneen & DFM Cunneen Family. Pauline & Joe Tierney. Sun 22nd 11.00am Anna Wyse. Nancy Neville
Killulagh Masses
Sun 15th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM. Paddy & Anna Cassidy Sun 22nd 9.30am DFM Nuigent Fanily. John & Ellen Ivory, sons Loman & Frank
- I.P. Fr. Frank Mac Namara. Retired P.. P. Ratoath.
Offertory: 765 Euro Ren. Fund: Weekly. 265 Euro. Monthly 215 Euro. .
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall him as he really is. .
Future Plans: For some time the Bishop and Council of Priests have been discussing how to prepare for a time when the
number of priests in the diocese will be reduced. Other Dioceses are already coping with this problem. A number of Dioceses
have decided to group parishes together so that they can support each other in meeting the needs of parishioners. At a recent
meeting of all the priests in Cavan it was agreed to implement a similar arrangement for this Diocese. It is proposed that
Delvin Parish will be grouped with Clonmellon, Athboy, Kildalkey ,and Ballivor. It will take some time to bring the new
arrangements into operation. We will keep you informed as the plans progress.
Christmas Candles:: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Donations for Flowers: Boxes will be left at the doors of the Church for the next two weekends to get flowers for the Altar
at Christmas. We appreciate your support.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 15th December at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Christmas Confessions:
Sat 21st 7.15pm in Delvin after Vigil Mass
Tue 24th 12noon in Killulagh
Tue 24th 5-5.30pm in Delvin.
Confessions: There will be Confessions on Thursday 19th in Delvin Church at 7.30pm. In Clonmellon on Fri 20th at
7.30pm. Visiting Priests will attend.
Christmas Masses: Delvin
Tuesday 24th ( Christmas Eve) 7.00pm Vigil Mass.
Christmas Day: Wednesday 25th 9.30am in Killulagh
11.00am in Delvin
It is not surprising, then, as the spirit of anticipation grows through the weeks of Advent, that the Third Sunday
takes its name from the first words of the Entrance Song, which have for centuries been sung on the day. St Paul’s
words to the Philippians “Gaudete-Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” He
has come. He will come again in glory. He comes at Christmas. He comes already now in each Eucharist celebrated
during Advent. “Indeed the Lord is near.”
Year C Second Sunday of Advent 8th December, 2024,
Sat 7th 6.30pm Jane & Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy, daughter Assumpta & DFM Joe Reilly & son James. Sun 8th 11.00am Dan & Sheila Brennan. Carmel Doherty. Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass.
Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Dan & Annie Mc Grath, sister Betty. Sean & Gerard Connolly. Sun 15th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. William & Teresa Mc Cormack. Bernadette Kelly.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 8th 9.30am Leo Mc Cabe MM Sun 15th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM. Paddy & Anna Cassidy
Offertory: 1,060 Euro Ren. Fund: Weekly. 255 Euro. Monthly 410 Euro. .
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall him as he really is.
Confessions: In Delvin on Friday morning after Mass and on Saturday before Vigil Mass.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 12th December at 8pm in the Parochial House.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow. and later in Wales. On his
return he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath, around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the inittiators of
the great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the Saints of Ireland. His Feast
Day is Thursday 12th December.
Future Plans: For some time the Bishop and Council of Priests have been discussing how to prepare for a time when the
number of priests in the diocese will be reduced. Other Dioceses are already coping with this problem. A number of Dioceses
have decided to group parishes together so that they can support each other in meeting the needs of parishioners. At a recent
meeting of all the priests in Cavan it was agreed to implement a similar arrangement for this Diocese. It is proposed that
Delvin Parish will be grouped with Clonmellon, Athboy, Kildalkey ,and Ballivor. It will take some time to bring the new
arrangements into operation. We will keep you informed as the plans progress.
Advent Retreat: Dominical Retreat Centre, Tallaght from 12th -15th December. Further info retreats
Tel. 01-4048123
Rosary Procession: Rosary Procession in honour of The Immaculate Conception celebrated this Sun 8th December starts at
2pm in Garden of Remembrance Parnell Sq and finishes at 4pm with Benediction at St. Teresa’s Church, Clarendon St,
Dublin. Poster on Notice Board.
St. Vincent de Paul: Drive Thru Collection will take place on Sat 7th Dec between 11am -2pm. SVP Collectors will be in
place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church front Door. Church Gate Collection will be taken up at Masses on Sat
7th & Sun 8th . at the Gates.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 8th December at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year C First Sunday of Advent 1st December, 2024,
Sat 30th 6.30pm Pat Lynch. Tom, May, Sean & Maura Fay. Sun 1st 11.00am Rose Murray MM Noel Lynch. Billy Moran.& DFM Mon 2nd No Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am David Anderson. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Bridie & Owen Gaffney & DFM Sat 7th 6.30pm Jane & Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy & DFM Joe Reilly & son James. Sun 8th 11.00am Dan & Sheila Brennan. Carmel Doherty.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 1st 9.30am Gertrude, Michael & Bernadette Kiernan. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am
Leo Mc Cabe MM
- I. P. Tossie Murray. Ballinvalley, Delvin.
Offertory: 775 Euro Ren. Fund: Weekly. 295 Euro. Monthly 90 Euro. . Annual: 600 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usuaLdays this week..
Bible Alive: December Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The liturgy at this time refers to Conversion, quoting
the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:: That the salvation
already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby granting us
what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall him as he really is.
Christmas Confessions: To prepare for Christmas there will be Confessions before Mass on Sat 7th Dec
Retreat at Kylemore Abbey: From 6pm Fri 29th November to 1.30pm on Sunday 1st December. Further info Email
Advent Retreat: Dominical Retreat Centre, Tallaght from 12th -15th December. Further info retreats
Tel. 01-4048123
Rosary Procession: Rosary Procession in honour of The Immaculate Conception celebrated on Sun 8th December starts at
2pm in Garden of Remembrance Parnell Sq and finishes at 4pm with Benediction at St. Teresa’s Church, Clarendon St,
Dublin. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin GAA: AGM will take place in the Handball Alley on Sat Dec 7th at 8pm. This years AGM is especially important as
our outgoing Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and PRO are not seeking re-election after serving on the
executive for the past six years. It is time to hand over the baton to carry on the good work done in recent years Forms are
available from Secretary GAA Annual Draw on Sat 30th Nov. Tickets 10 Euro.
St. Vincent de Paul: Delvin Branch are celebrating 40 years in existence this Saturday 30th Nov. We congratulate them on
all the good work they have done during the past 40 years and wish them continued success for the future.
Drive Thru Collection will take place on Sat 7th Dec between 11am -2pm. SVP Collectors will be in place with sealed
collection buckets next to the Church front Door. Church Gate Collection will be taken up at Masses on Sat 7th & Sun 8th .
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 1st December at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year B Feast of Christ the King. 24th November, 2024
Sat 23rd 6.30pm James, Jimmy, Margaret & Michael Anderson. Breda Murtagh (nee Devaney) & DFM
Sun 24th 11.00am Margaret & Mick Farrington. Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Mary Jane & Tom Heffernan.
Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th No Mass. Thurs 28th No Mass.. Fri 29th No Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Pat Lynch. Tom, May, Sean & Maura Fay. Sun 1st 11.00am Rose Murray MM Noel Lynch. Billy Moran.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 24th 9.30am Joe Callan. John & Nancy Barry. Margaret & Jimmy Carey. Tony Larkin. Sun 1st 9.30am Gertrude, Michael & Bernadette Kiernan.
- I. P. Assumpta Mc Guinness. Clonmellon. Con Gilsenan. Multyfarnham. brother of Mary Murphy. Bracklyn Estate..
Offertory: 840 Euro Ren. Fund: Weekly. 260 Euro. Monthly 195 Euro. .
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday, November 24th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. To mark the Feast in the
parish we will have Adoration in Delvin Church from 12noon -1pm.
Solemnity of Christ the King: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in
Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar. It began on Fri 22nd November at 7.30pm and will conclude on Sun with Solemn
Vespers & Benediction at 4pm.
Each parish has been assigned one hour for adoration. Delvin and Killulagh have been given the last Hour on Sunday from
3-4pm. Members of the parish are invited to join in Adoration for this hour (3 to 4) on Sunday. You are also welcome at
other times during the two days if it is more convenient.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The liturgy at this time refers to Conversion, quoting
the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:: That the salvation
already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby granting us
what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall him as he really is.
Retreat at Kylemore Abbey: From 6pm Fri 29th November to 1.30pm on Sunday 1st December. Further info Email
Advent Retreat: Dominical Retreat Centre, Tallaght from 12th -15th December. Further info retreats
Tel. 01-4048123
Ballivor Church: Are having a Concert with Michael English and Band on Fri 29th Nov at 8pm. Further info contact , or 046-9546488
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: AGM will take place on Wed 27th Nov at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s Lounge. All are Welcome.
Delvin GAA: AGM will take place in the Handball Alley on Sat Dec 7th at 8pm. This years AGM is especially important as
our outgoing Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and PRO are not seeking re-election after serving on the
executive for the past six years. It is time to hand over the baton to carry on the good work done in recent years Forms are
available from Secretary GAA Annual Draw on Sat 30th Nov. Tickets 10 Euro.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday 28th Nov starting at 11am.
St. Vincent de Paul: Delvin Branch are celebrating 40 years in existence on 30th Nov. Drive Thru Collection will take place
on Sat 7th Dec between 11am -2pm. Church Gate Collection will be taken up at Masses on Sat 7th & Sun 8th .
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 24th November at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year B Thirty – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 17th November, 2024
Sat 16th 6.30pm John & Bridie Carolan Walter Casserly & Grandaughter Niamh. Sun 17th 11.00am Frank Kelly.
Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm James, Jimmy, Margaret & Michael Anderson. Breda Murtagh (nee Devaney) & DFM
Sun 24th 11.00am Margaret & Mick Farrington. Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Mary Jane & Tom Heffernan.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Sheila Aughey. Sun 24th 9.30am Joe Callan. John & Nancy Barry.
Margaret & Jimmy Carey. Tony Larkin.
- I. P. Kathleen Lennon. Kilbeggan. mother of Geraldine Fallon. Balrath South, Delvin.
Offertory: 950 Euro Ren. Fund: Weekly. 485 Euro. Monthly 575 Euro. Annual 1,500.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
Service for the Dead: Will take place on Friday November 22nd at 7.30pm.All are welcome, especially families and
relatives of those who died during the past year.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday, November 24th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. To mark the Feast in the
parish we will have Adoration in Delvin Church from 12noon -1pm.
Solemnity of Christ the King: 40 Hours Adoration in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar from Friday 22nd –Sunday
24th November. Friday 22nd Opening Mass at 7.30pm. Saturday 23rd Confessions Noon to Midnight. Sunday 24th Solemn
Vespers & Benediction at 4pm.
Each parish has been assigned one hour for adoration. Delvin and Killulagh have been given the last Hour on Sunday from
3-4pm. Members of the parish are invited to join in Adoration for this hour (3 to 4) on Sunday. You are also welcome at
other times during the two days if it is more convenient.
Young Adult Retreat: A Retreat in Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea 15th -17th November. Theme: I believe that nothing can
happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. (Phil 3;8) Cost 150 Euro. Contact Sr.
Una 0906481666, or emil
Retreat at Kylemore Abbey: From 6pm Fri 29th November to 1.30pm on Sunday 1st December. Further info Email
Advent Retreat: Dominical Retreat Centre, Tallaght from 12th -15th December. Further info retreats
Tel. 01-4048123
World Day of Remembrane of Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads this Sunday 17th
November at our Masses. Annual Prayer Service will be held in Bloomfield Hotel at 1pm this Sunday 17th November.
Ballivor Church: Are having a Concert with Michael English and Band on Fri 29th Nov at 8pm. Further info contact , or 046-9546488
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up for our Presentation to the New Chairperson Teresa Collentine on
Wednesday last in Gaffney’s Lounge. The amount handed over for the year was 37,095 Euro. A big thank you to all who
fundraised from the parish and surrounding parishes. As always we appreciate the good work that is done throughout the
year for the Hospice.
Delvin Tidy Towns: A. G. M. will take place in Gaffney’s Lounge on Wednesday next, November 20th at 8pm. We need
more volunteers to join us and improve our village.
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 17th November at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Christmas Indoor Market: Takes place from 23rd Nov -24th . Time: 11am-4pm. Location: Forest Park Business Campus,
Mullingar. Please book in advance by calling 044-9345060.
Year B Thirty – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 10th November, 2024
Sat 9th 6.30pm John & Frances Fitzpatrick. Brendan Mullen, parents May & John & DFM. Sun 10th 11.00am Dermot Kenny & Toni Marie Kenny. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM.. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass.
Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am James & Mary Gaffney. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm
John & Bridie Carolan Sun 17th 11.00am Frank Kelly.
Killulagh Masses
Sun 10th 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully & DFM. Christopher Fenlon. Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Sheila Aughey.
- I. P. Rose Murray. Ballinvalley, Delvin.
Offertory: 645 Euro 1st November 320 Euro. November Offerings: 2,120. Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings last weekend.
Service for the Dead: Will take place on Friday November 22nd at 7.30pm.All are welcome, especially families and
relatives of those who died during the past year.
Solemnity of Christ the King: 40 Hours Adoration in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar from Friday 22nd –Sunday
24th November. Friday 22nd Opening Mass at 7.30pm. Saturday 23rd Confessions Noon to Midnight. Sunday 24th Solemn
Vespers & Benediction at 4pm.
Young Adult Retreat: A Retreat in Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea 15th -17th November. Theme: I believe that nothing can
happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. (Phil 3;8) Cost 150 Euro. Contact Sr.
Una 0906481666, or emil
Pioneers: A short-term pledge gives spiritual support and encouragement to people and their families who are living under a
shadow of addiction. Contact the Pioneers on 01-8054226 or
World Day of Remembrane of Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads next Sunday 17th
November at our Masses.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to our New Chairperson Teresa Collentine will take place on Wednesday 13th
November at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge. It is also an Information Night. Please come along and feel free to ask any questions
regarding Hospice and Palliative Care.
St. Patrick’s N. S. Crowenstown: Table Quiz will take place in Gaffney’s Lounge, Delvin on Friday 15th November
starting at 8pm. Table of 4 40 Euro. All Welcome and your support is greatly appreciated.
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 10th November at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Liturgical Formation
The starting point is instead to recognize the reality of the sacred liturgy, a living treasure that can not be reduced to
tastes, recipes and currents, but which should be welcomed with docility and promoted with love, as irreplaceable
nourishment for the organic growth of the People of God. The liturgy is not ‘the field of do-it-yourself’, but the
epiphany of ecclesial communion. Therefore, ‘we’, not ‘I’, responds in prayers and gestures: the real community, not
the ideal subject When we look back to nostalgic past tendencies or wish to impose them again, there is the risk of
placing the part before the whole, the ‘I’ before the People of God, the abstract before the concrete, ideology before
communion and, fundamentally, the worldly before the spiritual.
Pope Francis.
Year B Thirty – First Sunday in Ordinary Time. 3rd November, 2024
Sat 2nd ( Feast of All Souls) 6.30pm Denis & Nora Mc Garry. Willie, Bridie & Ciaran Walsh. Sun 3rd 11.00am
Marius Carroll. Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am New List of the Dead. Sat 9th 6.30pm John & Frances Fitzpatrick. Brendan Mullen, mother May & DFM.
Sun 10th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM..
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 3rd 9.30am Elizabeth, Larry, Matt & Tommy Poynton. Sun 10th 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully.
- I. P. Leo Mc Cabe. Johnstown, Killulagh.. Maisie Cullen. late of Clondone, Delvin. who died in England.
Offertory: 1,035 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 235 Euro. Monthly 55 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Fatima every Monday from 10am -8pm for the Winter Months..
All the Saints of Ireland: Wednesday, 6th November we celebrate the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed . They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Friday 8th November at 9.30am in Delvin Church.
November Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s Intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . (to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st – Nov 8th .
Service for the Dead: Will take place on Friday November 22nd at 7.30pm.All are welcome, especially families and
relatives of those who died during the past year.
Solemnity of Christ the King: 40 Hours Adoration in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar from Friday 22nd –Sunday
24th November. Friday 22nd Opening Mass at 7.30pm. Saturday 23rd Confessions Noon to Midnight. Sunday 24th Solemn
Vespers & Benediction at 4pm.
Young Adult Retreat: A Retreat in Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea 15th -17th November. Theme: I believe that nothing can
happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. (Phil 3;8) Cost 150 Euro. Contact Sr.
Una 0906481666, or emil
Pioneers: A short-term pledge gives spiritual support and encouragement to people and their families who are living under a
shadow of addiction. Contact the Pioneers on 01-8054226 or
St. Patrick’s Hall: On Saturday, November 9th TV personality and writer Manchan Magan will present his show Rewilding
the Mind at 8pm in the Hall. Tickets available from Delvin Post Office or Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wednesday next, November 6th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge. Presentation to our
New Chairperson Teresa Collentine will take place on Wednesday 13th November at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge. It is also an
Information Night. Please come along and feel free to ask any questions regarding Hospice and Palliative Care.
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 3rd November at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Paymrnt. Please contat 044-9664931.
The Meaning of Christian Death
Because of Christ, Christian death has a positive meaning: “for to me to live in Christ, and to die is gain.” (Phil 1:21)
“The saying is sure if we have died with him, we will also live with him.” (2 Tm 2:11) What is essentially new about
Christian death is this: through Baptism the Christian has already “died with Christ” sacramentally, in order to live
a new life, and if we die in Christ’s grace, physical death completes this “dying with Christ” and so completes our
incorporation into him in his redeeming act.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. (1010)
Year B Mission Sunday 20th October, 2024
Sat 19th 6.30pm Kevin Murphy MM Sun 20th 11.00am Camillus Gaffney MM Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Jim, Joan Bernie, Nora & Walter Carroll. Peter & Mary Walsh. George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith & DFM John Mc Cormack. Sun 27th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick family. Maggie & Dermot Kenny.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 20th 9.30am Tom & Kathleen Monaghan. Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Sun 27th 9.30am Sheila Nugent MM
Offertory: 820 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 385 Euro. Monthly 60 Euro. Annual: 500 Euro
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Introduction to the Bible: :Fr. John from Kells has introduced the St. Matthew’s Gospel every Monday at 12noon . Each
session will last 25 minutes. You can access the talks on
World Mission Sunday: Takes place this Sunday 20th October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance in communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Envelopes are available in the porches of the Churches.. You can place a donation in the envelope and put it in the collection
box or hand it in at the Parochial House.
Confirmation: Will be on Friday February 28th at 3pm in Delvin. .
Service for the Dead: Will take place on Friday November 22nd at 7.30pm.
First Holy Communion: Will be in Delvin Church on Saturday, May 17th as follows: St. Tola’s School at 10am. St.
Ernans and St.Patricks Schools at 12.30pm.
Relics of St. Bernadette: The relics will be present in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd of
October. Mon 21st October at 2pm Liturgy of Welcome to begin Veneration of the Relics. 7pm Solemn Vespers with
Candlelight Procession and Rosary.
Tuesday 22nd 7.45am, 8.10am Parish Masses with Veneration of the Relics throughout the day. 2pm Mass with Anointing of
the Sick. 7pm Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes.
A few volunteers are available to provide transport for those wishing to attend Mass and Anointing of the sick on Tuesday
22nd at 2pm. If you need transport contact the Parochial House.
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: Are having 40 Hours Adoration from Tuesday, 29th October to Saturday, 2nd November. 1pm
–9pm Daily. Poster on Notice Board with details for each day. Mass at 8pm each evening.:
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will take place in the Hall on Thursday next, Octoberr 24th at 11am.
Please note that we are back a week earlier.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 20th October at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Paymrnt. Please contat 044-9664931.
Year B Twenty- Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th October, 2024
Sat 12th 6.30pm James & Patricia Dolan. Jimmy & Jane Reilly. Sun 13th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth. Mattie & Bridget Gilmore. Mon 14th 9.30am DFM Mc Dermott family. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Christopher Kelly. Briain Holmes. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Kevin Murphy MM Sun 20th 11.00am Camillus Gaffney MM
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 13th 9.30am Olive & Peter Kelleghan & DFM Sun 20th 9.30am Tom & Kathleen Monaghan. Thomas & Kathleen Clinton.
- I. P. John Conlon. Drumlish, Longford. father of Aidan Conlon. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory: 850 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 270 Euro. Monthly 160 Euro. Annual: 585 Euro
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Introduction to the Bible: :Fr. John from Kells will introduce the St. Matthew’s Gospel every Monday at 12noon which
began on Monday last 7th October. Each session will last 25 minutes. You can access the talks on
World Mission Sunday: Takes place on Sunday 20th October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance in communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Confirmation: Will be on Friday February 28th at 3pm in Delvin. Enrolment for Confirmation will take place on Saturday
next, October 19th at Vigil Mass (6.30pm) in Delvin.
Service for the Dead: Will take place on Friday November 22nd at 7.30pm.
First Holy Communion: Will be in Delvin Church on Saturday, May 17th as follows: St. Tola’s School at 10am. St.
Ernans and St.Patricks Schools at 12.30pm.
Kingscourt Parish: Is hosting a Choral workshop with Ciaran Coll for choir members, solo singers and musicians at the
Parish Centre, St. Mary’s Road, Kingscourt on Sat 19th October commencing at 2.30pm. It will conclude with a Sung Mass
at 6pm. All Welcome.
Retreat for Young Adults: (18-40) Dalgan Park, Navan from 18th -20th October. Theme: ‘Cry out with joy to the Lord,
serve the Lord with gladness. (Ps 99)’ An opportunity to join with young people in prayer, friendship in their faith,
encouraging talks, Holy Mass, Confession. Cost 160 Euro. Contact Sr. Una 090 6481666. Email
Relics of St. Bernadette: The relics will be present in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd of
October. Mon 21st October at 2pm Liturgy of Welcome to begin Veneration of the Relics. 7pm Solemn Vespers with
Candlelight Procession and Rosary.
Tuesday 22nd 7.45am, 8.10am Parish Masses with Veneration of the Relics throughout the day. 2pm Mass with Anointing of
the Sick. 7pm Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes.
A few volunteers are available to provide transport for those wishing to attend Mass and Anointing of the sick on Tuesday
22nd at 2pm. If you need transport contact the Parochial House.
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 13th October at 8pm.
Year B Twenty- Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 6th October, 2024
Sat 5th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 6th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 6.30pm James & Patricia Dolan. Jimmy & Jane Reilly. Sun 13th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth. Mattie & Bridget Gilmore.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 6th 9.30am Stan Smyth Mairead Spellman MM Sun 13th 9.30am Olive & Peter Kelleghan & DFM
- I. P. Betty Masterson. Coolock, Dublin. mother of Maureen Kelly. Rosmeasd, Delvin.
Offertory: 635 Euro Funeral Offertory 310 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 255 Euro. Monthly 355 Euro. Annual: 500 Euro
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thursday 10th October at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Introduction to the Bible: :Fr. John from Kells will introduce the St. Matthew’s Gospel every Monday at 12noon
beginning Monday 7th October. Each session will last 25 minutes. You can access the talks on
Blessed Carlo Acutis: We celebrate Blessed Carlo Acutis Feast Day on Saturday next, 12th October. He was a Catholic
Italian teenager (age 15) who died in 2006 and was beatified in 2020. Acutis, a gamer and computer programmer who loved
soccer and the Eucharist, has been the subject of interest around the world. Pope Francis referred to Carlo as a model of
holiness in a digital age. Carlo’s life should teach today’s young people how to properly use and enjoy technology, including
the internet and social media.
Meath Samuel Group: For Young Adults aged (18-40) Meet one Sunday a month, from October to May, at St. Mary’s in
Navan for Talks, Holy Hour, Confession, and Mass, with commitment to Daily Prayer. Led by the Franciscan Sisters of the
Renewal. Begins Sunday 6th October. Contact
Kingscourt Parish: Is hosting a Choral workshop with Ciaran Coll for choir members, solo singers and musicians at the
Parish Centre, St. Mary’s Road, Kingscourt on Sat 19th October commencing at 2.30pm. It will conclude with a Sung Mass
at 6pm. All Welcome.
Retreat for Young Adults: (18-40) Dalgan Park, Navan from 18th -20th October. Theme: ‘Cry out with joy to the Lord,
serve the Lord with gladness. (Ps 99)’ An opportunity to join with young people in prayer, friendship in their faith,
encouraging talks, Holy Mass, Confession. Cost 160 Euro. Contact Sr. Una 090 6481666. Email
Relics of St. Bernadette: The relics will be present in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd of
October. We will have details of the programme for the two days in the coming weeks.
Feast of the Holy Rosary: Pope Francis has invited Catholics to pray the Rosary on Monday 7th October at 7pm for the
intention of the success of the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025. We will pray the Rosary in Killulagh Church for this intention on
Monday evening at 7pm. Please come and join us. We also encourage families to pray the Rosary at home.
NET Ministries: We welcome a new NET Ministries team to the parish. The members of the team are Emily Bowdish,
Trinity Mette, Jeremy Luistro and Marcos Herrera. They will be working in the parish until the end of November..
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 6th October at 8pm.
Renovation Fund: The New Year will begin this Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current
year are asked to do so. New Boxes are been delivered at present. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe
please contact the Parochial House at 044-9664127
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who supported Our Annual Coffee Morning last Friday. It was a great success.
Delvin Friendship Club: Meeting in Gaffney’s Lounge on Monday next, 7th October at 8pm.
Year B Twenty- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th September, 2024
Sat 28th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 29th 11.00am Paddy & Bridie Brennan Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th (First Friday) No Mass. Sat 5th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 6th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 29th Willie Dunne & DFM Fri 4th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 6th 9.30am Stan Smyth
- I. P. Kevin Murphy. Mitchelstown, Delvin.. Sheila Nugent. Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory: 740 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 310 Euro. Monthly 140 Euro
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees: Today is a Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Introduction to the Bible: :Fr. John from Kells will introduce the St. Matthew’s Gospel every Monday beginning Monday
7th October. Each session will last 25 minutes. You can access the talks on
Meath Samuel Group: For Young Adults aged (18-40) Meet one Sunday a month, from October to May, at St. Mary’s in
Navan for Talks, Holy Hour, Confession, and Mass, with commitment to Daily Prayer. Led by the Franciscan Sisters of the
Renewal. Begins 6th October. Contact
Kingscourt Parish: Is hosting a Choral workshop with Ciaran Coll for choir members, solo singers and musicians at the
Parish Centre, St. Mary’s Road, Kingscourt on Sat 15th October commencing at 2.30pm. It will conclude with a Sung Mass
at 6pm. All Welcome.
Retreat for Young Adults: (18-40) Dalgan Park, Navan from 18th -20th October. Theme: ‘Cry out with joy to the Lord,
serve the Lord with gladness. (Ps 99)’ An opportunity to join with young people in prayer, friendship in their faith,
encouraging talks, Holy Mass, Confession. Cost 160 Euro. Contact Sr. Una 090 6481666. Email
NET Ministries: We welcome a new NET Ministries team to the parish. The members of the team are Emily Bowdish,
Trinity Mette, Jeremy Luistro and Marcos Herrera. They will be working in the parish until the end of November..
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Catholic Marriage Encounter in Ireland: Make your marriage a priority. Join the Catholic Marriage Encounter Weekend
that can bring you closer. Dates: Fri 8th –Sun 10th November at Focolare Centre, Prosperous, Co. Kildare. Booking Online
only at
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 29th September at 8pm.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end this Sunday September 29th . The New Year will
begin on Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes are
been delivered at present. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House at 044-
Delvin Adult Education Group: Resumes on Tue 1st Oct at 10.30am in the Hall. New comers most welcome to join.
St. Nincent de Paul: Are holding an Information Evening between 7pm-9pm on Thursday 3rd October to hear about what
SVP do and how you can help with visitations, shops, education and housing conferences in you area. Local volunteers will
be there to meet you at Mullingar Parish Community Centre.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested
in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year B Twenty- Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd September, 2024
Sat 21st 6.30pm Michael Reilly Myleroe. Sun 22nd 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 29th 11.00am Paddy & Bridie Brennan
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 22nd 9.30am Ann Kiernan Sun 29th Willie Dunne & DFM
- I. P. .Breda Nelissen. Belgium. formerly Teltown, Navan. sister of Sean O’ Brien. Addinstown. Mary Bowe. Gorey, Wexford. sister of Sean Murphy. Bracklyn Estate.
Offertory: 1,000. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 205 Euro. Monthly 495 Euro .Annual: 750 Euro
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Meath Diocesan Spirituality Afternoon for Pioneers: Afternoon of Prayer and Reflection this Sun 22nd September starting
at 2pm in Franciscan Abbey, Multyfarnham. We encourage Pioneers to attend. Poster on Notice Board
Vocations Society of St. Joseph: The Dromore Diocese of the Society are having a Mass and talk on the heroic
life of Servant of God. Fr. Willie Doyle SJ which will be held in the SMA Chapel Dromantaine, 96 Glen Road,
Newry BT34 1RH on Sunday 22nd September at 2pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Remaining Dates for One Day Pilgrimages to Lough Derg: Sun 22nd Sept. Those wishing to travel can do on any of the
dates listed. It is necessary to book in advance. Contact 071-9863518 or
Meath Samuel Group: For Young Adults aged (18-40) Meet one Sunday a month, from October to May, at St. Mary’s in
Navan for Talks, Holy Hour, Confession, and Mass, with commitment to Daily Prayer. Led by the Franciscan Sisters of the
Renewal. Begins 6th October. Contact
Kingscourt Parish: Is hosting a Choral workshop with Ciaran Coll for choir members, solo singers and musicians at the
Parish Centre, St. Mary’s Road, Kingscourt on Sat 15th October commencing at 2.30pm. It will conclude with a Sung Mass
at 6pm. All Welcome.
Retreat for Young Adults: (18-40) Dalgan Park, Navan from 18th -20th October. Theme: ‘Cry out with joy to the Lord,
serve the Lord with gladness. (Ps 99)’ An opportunity to join with young people in prayer, friendship in their faith,
encouraging talks, Holy Mass, Confession. Cost 160 Euro. Contact Sr. Una 090 6481666. Email
Parochial House Telephone: The telephone in the Parochial House has been repaired. Our apologies to those who could not
reach us while the telephone was out of order.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 22nd September at 8pm.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The New Year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House at 044-9664127
Delvin Parade: Delvin Parade Committee will host their AGM. on Mon 23rd Sept at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are back in The Hall on Thursday next, Sept 26th at 11am. Hope to see ye all back after the
Summer break.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning which will take place on Fri 27th Sept in Gaffney’s Lounge from
9.30am -1pm. We are also having a Cake Sale and Raffle on the day. We would appreciate if the ladies would do some
Baking and anyone who can donate home baked goods .
Delvin Adult Education Group: Resumes on Tue 1st Oct at 10.30am in the hall. New comers most welcome to join.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested
in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year B Twenty- Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th September, 2024
Sat 14th 6.30pm James Reilly. Sun 15th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray. Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th 9.30am Btendan Delaney. Peter Finnegan. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Michael Reilly Myleroe. Sun 22nd 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 15th 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony. Sun 22nd 9.30am Ann Kiernan
- I. P. Basil Foot. England. husband of Cathleen Foot. (nee Murphy) formerly Balrath, Delvin..
Offertory: 840. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 290 Euro. Monthly 160 Euro .Annual: 200 Euro
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Blessed Carlo Acutis: Navan Parish recently announced the upcoming visit of the primary relic of Blessed Carlo in
St. Mary’s Church, Navan from Assisi on Sun 15th –Mon 16th September beginning with Mass at 11am. Poster on Notice
Board with schedule of visit for the two days..
Meath Diocesan Spirituality Afternoon for Pioneers: Afternoon of Prayer and Reflection on Sun 22nd September starting
at 2pm in Franciscan Abbey, Multyfarnham. We encourage Pioneers to attend.
Vocations Society of St. Joseph: The Dromore Diocese of the Society are having a Mass and talk on the heroic
life of Servant of God. Fr. Willie Doyle SJ which will be held in the SMA Chapel Dromantaine, 96 Glen Road,
Newry BT34 1RH on Sunday 22nd September at 2pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Pro- Life Collection: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Pro- life collection last weekend. Amount was 345 Euro
Remaining Dates for One Day Pilgrimages to Lough Derg: Sun 15th , Sat 21st, Sun 22nd Sept. Those wishing to travel
can do on any of the dates listed. It is necessary to book in advance. Contact 071-9863518 or
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 15th September at 8pm.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The New Year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House at 044-9664127
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Mon next Sept 16th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge to organise Our Annual Coffee
Morning which will take place on Fri 27th September.
Delvin Parade:: Delvin Parade Committee will host their AGM on Mon 23rd September at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s Lounge
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested
in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The Sign of Peace: The Sign of Peace by which the Church entreats peace and unity for herself and for the whole
human family, and the faithful express to each other their ecclesial communion and mutual charity before
communicating in the Sacrament.
Signs and Symbols
God speaks to man through the visible creation. The material cosmos is so presented to man’s intelligence that he can
read there traces of its Creator. Light and darkness, wind and fire, water and earth, the tree and its fruit speak of
God and symbolize with his greatness and his nearness.
Inasmuch as they are creatures, these perceptible realities can become means of expressing the action of God who
sanctifies men, and the action of men who offer worship to God. The same is true of signs and symbols taken from
the social life of man: washing and anointing, breaking bread and sharing the cup can express the sanctifying
presence of God and man’s gratitude toward his Creator.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. ( 1147, 1148).
Year B Twenty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th September, 2024
Sat 7th 6.30pm Martin & Kathleen Brennan.. Sun 8th 11.00am Finbarr O’ Farrell, parents Tom & Eileen, sister Bridie.
Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm James Reilly. Sun 15th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 8th 9.30am Mick Ludlow MM Sun 15th 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony.
- I. P. Camillus Gaffney. Delvin. Mairead Spellman.(nee Fox) Dublin. formerly Killulagh, Delvin.
Offertory: 865. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 165 Euro. Monthly 140 Euro .
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Rian Feilim Ivory. Grace Garry. Riley Damien
Mc Cann Regan. Greta Lavrikaityte.
Delvin Church Choir: Resumes this Sun 8th September for 11am Mass. Newcomers most welcome to join.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgriims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Tuesday next, 10th September We pray
for all pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Vocations Society of St. Joseph: The Dromore Diocese of the Society are having a Mass and talk on the heroic
life of Servant of God. Fr. Willie Doyle SJ which will be held in the SMA Chapel Dromantaine, 96 Glen Road,
Newry BT34 1RH on Sunday 22nd September at 2pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Pro- Life Collection: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Pro- life collection last weekend. Amount was 340 Euro
Remaining Dates for One Day Pilgrimages to Lough Derg: Tue 10th, Sat 14th, Sun 15th , Sat 21st, Sun 22nd Sept. Those
wishing to travel can do on any of the dates listed. It is necessary to book in advance. Contact 071-9863518 or
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 8th September at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Mon next, Sept 9th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The New Year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House at 044-9664127
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested
in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The participation of lay people in Christ’s priestly office.
“Hence the laity, dedicated as they are in Christ and anointed by the Holy Spirit, are
marvellously called and prepared so that even richer fruits of the Spirit may be produced in
them. For all their works, prayers, and apostolic undertakings, family and married life,
daily work, relaxation of mind and body, if they are accomplished in the Spirit—indeed
even the hardships of life if patiently born—all these become spiritual sacrifices acceptable
to God through Jesus Christ. In the celebration of the Eucharist these may most fittingly be
offered to the Father along with the body of the Lord. And so, worshipping everywhere by
their holy actions, the laity consecrate the world itself to God , everywhere offering worship
by the holiness of their lives.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church 901.
Year B Twenty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st September, 2024
Sat 31st 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 1st 11.00am Kathleen Bray.. Mon 2nd 11.00am Funeral Mass. Tue 3rd No Mass . Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 7th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 8th 11.00am Finbarr O’ Farrell, parents Tom & Eileen, sister Bridie.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 1st 9.30am Noel Poynton MM Fri 6th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am Mick Ludlow MM
- I. P. Grzegorz Deja. Cloughan, Offaly. formerly Delvin.
Offertory: 810. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 235 Euro. Monthly 40 Euro .
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Delvin Church Choir: Resumes on Sun 8th September for 11am Mass. Newcomers most welcome to join.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. Extra places are now available. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the month of September and October in Delvin and Killulagh. If you
would like to book a Mass please contact 087-9768703 between 10am -12.30pm. We apologise if anyone was trying to get
through on the House phone as it is out of order for the last two weeks. We hope it will be repaired by next week.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs next, September 5th at 8pm.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: (1st September) The World Day of Prayer offers to individual believers
and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation,
raising to God our thanks for the marvelous works that he has entrusted to our care, involving his help for the protection of
creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live. The celebration of the Day on the same
date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our orthodox
brothers. We live in a time where all Christians are faced with identical and important challenges and we must give common
replies to these in order to appear more credible and effective. ( Pope Francis)
Young Adult Retreat: From 6th -8th September at Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea. Theme: What does it profit a person if
they gain the whole world and suffer the loss of their own soul? Mk 8:36 Inspiring Talks, Prayer with the monks,
Confession, Holy Mass. Cost 150 Euro. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666. email
Catholic Mothers Ireland: Family Day: We will be holding our inaugural Annual National Mass on Sat 7th September in
the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tullysaran, Co. Armagh. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin
at 12pm, followed by food and activities in the hall. A lovely day out for all the family. Email
Vocations Society of St. Joseph: The Dromore Diocese of the Society are having a Mass and talk on the heroic life of
Servant of God. Fr. Willie Doyle SJ which will be held in the SMA Chapel Dromantaine, 96 Glen Road, Newry BT34 1RH
on Sunday 22nd September at 2pm.
Creation: Creation is God’s work. Before humanity was, the rest of creation came into being. The earth and her creatures-
indeed the whole cosmos-have beauty, dignity and meaning before human presence. So to nurture awe at the wonder of
creation is part of our calling. Look up into the skies, walk in the fields, stand at the ocean’s edge. Everything belongs,
everything has beauty. Formed from the dust of the ground we are people intimately connected to the earth. As living beings
our life comes from the Creator God, whose breath animates us. What will we do with the breath that flows in and out from
our bodies in the time that is gifted to us? ( Ian Adams ) Souce: Intercom September, 2024.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 1st September at 8pm.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The New Year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House at 044-9664127
The Valley Drama Group: Are starting back for rehearsals on Thurs 5th September at 8pm in Mary Gaffney’s Lounge.
New members are very welcome, just come along on the night.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year B Twenty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th August, 2024
Sat 24th 6.30pm Miko & Frances Neylon. Sun 25th 11.00am Mass. Mon 26th 9.30am Mass. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. We4d 28th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 30th 9.30am Mass. Sat 31st 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 1st 11.00am Kathleen Bray..
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 25th Dolores Mc Cormack. Tom & Patricia Egginton. Michael Forde, late of Glaxtown. Martin Smith.
Sun 1st 9.30am Noel Poynton MM
Offertory: 715. Euro 15th August 240 Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 310 Euro. Monthly 320 Euro Annual 600 Euro..
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
refections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Bus will
leave from the Church Gate at 7am.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: (1st September) The World Day of Prayer offers to individual believers
and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation,
raising to God our thanks for the marvelous works that he has entrusted to our care, involving his help for the protection of
creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live. The celebration of the Day on the same
date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our orthodox
brothers. We live in a time where all Christians are faced with identical and important challenges and we must give common
replies to these in order to appear more credible and effective. ( Pope Francis)
Catholic Mothers Ireland: Family Day: We will be holding our inaugural Annual National Mass on Sat 7th Seotember in
the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tullysaran, Co. Armagh. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin
at 12pm, followed by food and activities in the hall. A lovely day out for all the family. Email
Vocations Society of St. Joseph: The Dromore Diocese of the Society are having a Mass and talk on the heroic life of
Servant of God. Fr. Willie Doyle SJ which will be held in the SMA Chapel Dromantaine, 96 Glen Road, Newry BT34 1RH
on Sunday 22nd September at 2pm.
Schools: Will be re-opening this week. St. Tola’s N. S. will re-open on Wed 28th August. St. Ernan’s N. S. Delvin on
Thursday 29th August. St. Patrick’s Crowenstown on Wed 28th August. St. Mary’s Special School on Mon 2nd September.
We pray for pupils, teachers and parents that God will bless them in the year ahead.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 25th Aug at 8pm.
Delvin G. A. A.: The Official Opening of Our Astro Turf Pitch Skills Wall will be this Sunday 25th August at 2pm in the
GAA Park. Lots of fun, games and Music. Refreshments served. Everyone is Welcome.
Creation: Creation is God’s work. Before humanity was, the rest of creation came into being. The earth and her creatures-
indeed the whole cosmos-have beauty, dignity and meaning before human presence. So to nurture awe at the wonder of
creation is part of our calling. Look up into the skies, walk in the fields, stand at the ocean’s edge. Everything belongs,
everything has beauty. Formed from the dust of the ground we are people intimately connected to the earth. As living beings
our life comes from the Creator God, whose breath animates us. What will we do with the breath that flows in and out from
our bodies in the time that is gifted to us? ( Ian Adams ) Souce: Intercom September, 2024.
St. Monica
St. Monica (born 382) was a very devout Christian. However, her Son Augustine turned away from the faith and
brought her great sadness. She shed many tears and prayed unceasingly for his conversion. Near the end of her life
her prayers were answered. Her son, Augustine did return to the Church and became a great teacher of the faith.
She is the Patron Saint of mothers.
Year B Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th August, 2024
Sat 17th 6.30pm Bridie Connolly. Sun 18th 11.00am Colin Clinton. Johnny, Mollie & Sean Mangan. Addinstown.
Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th No Mass.. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd No Mass.. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Miko & Frances Neylon. Sun 25th 11.00am Mass. .
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 18th 9.30am Peggy Newman. Colm Newman. Nuala, Peggy, Matt, Noel Poynton & DFM. Sun 25th Dolores Mc Cormack. Tom & Patricia Egginton. Michael Forde, late of Glaxtown. Martin Smith.
Offertory: 620. Euro Cemetery Collection: 3,275. Patron Day Offerings: 1,655.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
refections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings last weekend.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Skylar Greville. Hope Rebecca Byrne. Teddy Michael
Carroll. Caoimhe Garry. Sophie Rose Tuite. Mollie Rose Crowley..
Cemetery Days: Many thanks to all who helped in preparation for Cemetery days in Killulagh, Crowenstown and Delvin.
Special thanks to the participants from the Rural Social Scheme, Fas and Tidy Towns. Thanks to the huge crowds that
attended the Masses to honour Our Dead buried in the cemeteries.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
National Novena to Our Lady of Knock: From 14th -22nd August. Daily Ceremonies at 3pm and 8pm. Anointing of the
Sick at 2.30pm. Candlelight Procession each evening.
Speakers; Sunday 18th Most Rev. Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin. Monday 19th Sr. Orla Teracey, Missionary in Sudan.
Tuesday 20th Fr. Michael Mc Cullagh. C. M.. Wednesday 21st Dr. Grainne Doherty. Thursday 22nd Fr. Joe Moons S. J.
See Poster on Notice Board.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) by Monday 19th August..
Schools: Will be re-opening in the next two weeks. We pray for pupils, teachers and parents that God will bless them in the
year ahead.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Dardistown Bring & Buy: Takes place on Sat 24th August from 11am -4pm at the home of Teresa Mc Cann & Martin
Lynch. Proceeds going to North Westmeath Hospice. Raffle and Cake Sale on the day. We appreciate your support.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 18th Aug at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are
over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931
The Liturgy
The task that awaits us is indeed essentially that of spreading among the People of God the splendor of the living
mystery of the Lord, who makes himself manifest in then liturgy. Speaking of liturgical formation in the People of
God means first and foremost being aware of the indispensable role the liturgy holds in the Church and for the
Church . And then, concretely helping the People of God to interiorise better the prayer of the Church, to love it as
an experience of encounter with the Lord and with brothers and sisters who, in the light of this, rediscover its content
and observe its rites.
Year B Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th August, 2024
Sat 10th 7.00pm Mass in the Cemetery. Sun 11th 11.00am John Herward MM Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 7.30pm Kevin Power. Thurs 15th ( Feast of the Assumption) 11.00am Patrick & Margaret Farrelly & DFM. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm Bridie Connolly. Sun 18th 11.00am Colin Clinton. Johnny, Mollie & Sean Mangan. Addinstown.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 11th 9.30am Frances Comaskey. Thurs 15th ( Feast of the Assumption) 9.30am Mass. Sun 18th 9.30am
Peggy Newman. Colm Newman. Nuala, Peggy, Matt, Noel Poynton & DFM.
- I. P. Mick Ludlow. formerly Killough, Delvin. Ann Hogan.(nee Driscoll) England. .sister of late TJ & Paddy Driscoll. Bolandstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 935. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 285 Euro. Monthly 130 Euro Killulagh Cemetery: 1,110 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Sat 10th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the
cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be
provided in the Cemetery.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sun 11th August. The Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan and will also be accompanied by the Meath Diocesan Choir. The Fr. Willie Doyle SJ Pilgrimage will also take
place on Sun 11th August. Poster on Notice Board.
A bus will travel to Knock from Clonmellon and Delvin parishes for the pilgrimage on Sun, Aug 11th . Passengers from
Delvin will be collected outside the main entrance to the Church at 8.45am. Further information from Michelle Carroll.
Tel. 086 8404796
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and Thursday next is the Patron Day
of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the
Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for
ourselves and our Parish. Mass in Killulagh on Thursday morning at 9.30am and 11am in Delvin on that day.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Patrick Ciaran Walsh. Oakley William Gilmore. Jessica
Grace Jones. Evie-Ann Greville- Corroon. Pippa Reeder. Archie Reeder.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Youth 2000 Summer Festival, 2024: Takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Kildare from 15th -18th August. Further
information see www.
National Novena to Our Lady of Knock: From 14th -22nd August. Daily Ceremonies at 3pm and 8pm. Anointing of the
Sick at 2.30pm. Candlelight Procession each evening. See Poster on Notice Board for further details.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) by Monday 19th August..
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 11th Aug at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E: Have Vacancie glorification is happily in store s for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are
over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931
The Assumption of Mary
This is a celebration that offers to the Church and to all humanity an exemplar and a consoling message, teaching us
the fulfilment of our highest hopes. Their own future glorification is happily in store for all those whom Christ has
made his own brothers and sisters by taking on their flesh and blood.
Year B Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4th August, 2024
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Terri Grassick Larry Farrelly. Sun 4th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Mon 5th 9.30am Mass. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 7.00pm Mass in the Cemetery. Sun 11th 11.00am John Herward MM
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 4th 9.30am Callan Family. 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 11th 9.30am Frances Comaskey.
- I. P. Noel Poynton. Williamstown, Delvin. Michael Hetherton. Kilrush, Clonmellon..
Offertory: 915. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 160 Euro. Monthly 20 Euro
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Providing Compassionate Care at the end of Life: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life,
and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many
families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter; Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes. You are
invited to read this letter and view the accompanying video. Through the Valley, which offers personal testimonies by carers
and people with terminal illness. The key message of both letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent,
infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas
Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide, and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold
the sanctity of life.
Castlepollard Pioneer Centre: ‘A Matt Talbot Novena Mass and prayers takes place in St. Michael’s Church,
Castlepollard on Fri 9th August :at 7.30pm. We encourage Pioneer Members to attend’.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Cemetery Day, Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm this Sun, 4th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Mon 5th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Sat 10th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the
cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be
provided in the Cemetery.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 11th August. The Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan and will also be accompanied by the Meath Diocesan Choir. The Fr. Willie Doyle SJ Pilgrimage will also take
place on Sun 11th August. Poster on Notice Board.
A bus will travel to Knock from Clonmellon and Delvin parishes for the pilgrimage on Sun, Aug 11th . Passengers from
Delvin will be collected outside the main entrance to the Church at 8.45am. Anybody interested in travelling on the bus are
asked to hand in a note with their names and telephone number to the Parochial House before 6pm on Mon, Aug 5th .
Further information from Michelle Carroll. Tel. 086 8404796
Youth 2000 Summer Festival, 2024: Takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Kildare from 15th -18th August. Further
information see www.
National Novena to Our Lady of Knock: From 14th -22nd August. Daily Ceremonies at 3pm and 8pm. Anointing of the
Sick at 2.30pm. Candlelight Procession each evening. See Poster on Notice Board for further details.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) as soon as possible.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 4th Aug at 8pm.
Year B Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th July, 2024
Sat 27th 6.30pm Michael Doyle. Pat Anderson. Sun 28th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Fr. Camillus Kane & DFM
Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am Mass. Wed 31st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) No Mass.. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Terri Grassick Larry Farrelly. Sun 4th 11.00am Patricia Smyth.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 28th 9.30am Ursula & Edward King. Fri 2nd ( First Fri) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 4th 9.30am Callan Family.
- RI. P. Ann Marie Comey. Summerhill. daughter of Pat & Mary Farrelly. Printinstown, Delvin. John Weir. Rosmead,. Delvin. Martin Merchant. Castletown Geoghegan. brother of Liz Fitzsimons. Killough.
Offertory: 840. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 425 Euro. Monthly 110 Euro
Bible Alive: August |Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Providing Compassionate Care at the end of Life: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life,
and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many
families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter; Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes. You are
invited to read this letter and view the accompanying video. Through the Valley, which offers personal testimonies by carers
and people with terminal illness. The key message of both letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent,
infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas
Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide, and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold
the sanctity of life.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage:: Takes place at Knock Shrine this Sun 28th July at 3pm. Celebrating World Day for
Grandparents and the Elderly. All are Welcome.. Copies of Prayer for Grandparents are available in both Churches.
Cemetery Day, Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun next, 4th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Mon 5th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Sat 10th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the
cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be
provided in the Cemetery.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 11th August. The Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan and will also be accompanied by the Meath Diocesan Choir. The Fr. Willie Doyle SJ Pilgrimage will also take
place on Sun 11th August. Poster on Notice Board.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) as soon as possible.
Serving and Sharing Christ in a Synodal Church. Priory Institute: The Priory Institute two week on-line
Summer School is reflective, informative and interactive and will run from 19th August. The course includes 8 recorded
presentations and three on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. For further information
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Careteaakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 28th at 8pm.
Today’s Readings
From today until the 21st Sunday the continuous reading of St.Mark’s Gospel is interrupted, and the sixth chapter
of St. John is read. Jesus shows himself to be the true Messiah and the true prophet by the miracle of the loaves and
fishes. In taking, giving thanks and distributing, Jesus performs the actions that will distinguish the Eucharist.
Year B Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st July, 2024
Sat 20th 6.30pm Mattie Murtagh. William & Catherine Sherlock. Laurence, Therese, Anita, Brenda & Marie Leavy.
Sun 21st 11.00am Liz Mullen. Anne Vaughan Mon 22nd No Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th No Mass. Thurs 25th No Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Michael Doyle. Pat Anderson. Sun 28th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Fr. Camillus Kane & DFM
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 21st 9.30am Paddy & Bridie Dugdale. Michael Ivory. DFM O’ Neill Family, and nephew Sean Kelly, late of Glaxtown.. Sun 28th 9.30am Ursula & Edward King.
- I. P. John Herward. Balrath South, Southill. Delvin.
Offertory: 920. Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Providing Compassionate Care at the end of Life: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life,
and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many
families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter; Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes. You are
invited to read this letter and view the accompanying video. Through the Valley, which offers personal testimonies by carers
and people with terminal illness. The key message of both letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent,
infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas
Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide, and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold
the sanctity of life.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage:: Takes place at Knock Shrine on 28th July at 3pm. Celebrating World Day for
Grandparents and the Elderly. All are Welcome.
Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock: Will take place this Sun 21st July. Mass at 3pm will be followed by Eucharistic Blessing and
Procession to the Shrine. Pioneers along with friends and relations of people who are living “one day at a time” with
addiction are welcome. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 11th August. The Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan and will also be accompanied by the Meath Diocesan Choir. The Fr. Willie Doyle SJ Pilgrimage will also take
place on Sun 11th August. Poster on Notice Board.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) as soon as possible.
Serving and Sharing Christ in a Synodal Church. Priory Institute: The Priory Institute two week on-line
Summer School is reflective, informative and interactive and will run from 19th August. The course includes 8 recorded
presentations and three on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. For further information
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Careteaakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 21st at 8pm.
St. Mary Magdalene ( Feast Day Mon 22nd )
St. Mary Magdalene stood by the Cross of Jesus: with two other women she discovered the empty tomb, she was
granted an appearance of the Risen Lord early the same day, from which incident she has been described as ‘apostle
to the apostles’. The Gospels give no warrant for identifying her with the ‘woman who was a sinner’ who anointed
Christ’s feet. (Lk 7:37) or with Mary the sister of Martha who also anointed him. (Jn 12:5).
Year B Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th July, 2024
Sat 13th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby & DFM Christy Sheerin & DFM Margaret & Michael Rooney. Sun 14th 11.00am Tom & Phyllis Murphy & DFM. Maura Carroll Mon 15th No Mass. Tue 16th No Mass. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th No Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm Mattie Murtagh. William & Catherine Sherlock. Laurence, Therese, Anita, Brenda & Marie Leavy. Sun 21st 11.00am Liz Mullen. Anne Vaughan
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 14th 9.30am Bridie Callan Sun 21st 9.30am Paddy & Bridie Dugdale. Michael Ivory. DFM O’ Neill Family, and nephew Sean Kelly, late of Glaxtown..
- I. P. Anne Daly. Mulliganstown, Delvin. Anne Kennedy, who died in America. sister of Phil Leavy. Rockview, Delvin.
Offertory: 885. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 225 Euro . Monthly 180 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Providing Compassionate Care at the end of Life: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life,
and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many
families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter; Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes. You are
invited to read this letter and view the accompanying video. Through the Valley, which offers personal testimonies by carers
and people with terminal illness. The key message of both letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent,
infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas
Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide, and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold
the sanctity of life.
Novena to St. Camillus: Annual Novena of St. Camillus, Killucan started Fri 28th June and will finish on this Sunday 14th
July, Feast of St. Camillus. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Paul Crosby PP. Poster on Notice Board.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage:: Takes place at Knock Shrine on 28th July at 3pm. Celebrating World Day for
Grandparents and the Elderly. All are Welcome.
Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock: Will take place on Sun 21st July. Mass at 3pm will be followed by Eucharistic Blessing and
Procession to the Shrine. Pioneers along with friends and relations of people who are living “one day at a time” with
addiction are welcome. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 11th August. The Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan and will also be accompanied by the Meath Diocesan Choir. The Fr. Willie Doyle SJ Pilgrimage will also take
place on Sun 11th August. Poster on Notice Board.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) as soon as possible.
Serving and Sharing Christ in a Synodal Church. Priory Institute: The Priory Institute two week on-line
Summer School is reflective, informative and interactive and will run from 19th August. The course includes 8 recorded
presentations and three on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. For further information
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 14th at 8pm.
The Liturgy
Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people (1Pt 2:9; cf. 2:4-5), is their right and duty by reason of their baptism. In the restoration and promotion of the sacred liturgy, this full and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else; for it is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit; and therefore pastors of souls must zealously strive to achieve it, by means of the necessary instruction, in all their pastoral work.
Vatican 2 on the Liturgy.
Year B Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7th July, 2024
Sat 6th 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Nancy Lenihan & DFM. Christy Coll. Pauline Coll Sun 7th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Martin Carroll. Julia & Michael Carroll, Bridgie & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James.
Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th No Mass. Thurs 11th No Mass. Fri 12th No Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby & DFM Christy Sheerin & DFM Margaret & Michael Rooney. Sun 14th 11.00am Tom & Phyllis Murphy & DFM. Maura Carroll
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 7th 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Tony Larkin Sun 14th 9.30am Bridie Callan
- I. P. John Sheridan. Kilberry, Navan. brother of Pat Sheridan. Crowenstown. Mary O’ Connor. Tullamore. sister of Tom Reilly. Killulagh.
Offertory: 1,130. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 215 Euro . Monthly 480 Euro
Bible Alive: July Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Message from Fr. Heaney: Thanks to all who prepared for and took part in the Celebration to mark the Diamond Jubilee of
his Ordination. Thanks to all who took part in the Liturgy, especially the Choirs. Thanks to all who prepared the Church and
the Altar for Mass. Thanks to all involved in preparation of the Hall, those who prepared food, and everyone who came for
refreshments in the Hall. Thanks especially to the organising group for all the preparations. Finally thanks to all who sent
messages and good wishes for the occasion.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Peter’s Pence Collection;Thanks to all who contributed to the Peter’s Pence Collection last weekend. Amount 1,1 30 Euro..
Providing Compassionate Care at the end of Life: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life,
and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many
families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter; Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes. You are
invited to read this letter and view the accompanying video. Through the Valley, which offers personal testimonies by carers
and people with terminal illness. The key message of both letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent,
infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas
Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide, and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold
the sanctity of life.
Novena to St. Camillus: From Fri 28th June –Sat 13th July. Triduum of Prayer Thurs 11th –Sat 13th. .Sunday 14th July Feast
of St. Camillus Mass celebrated by Fr. Paul Crosby PP. Poster on Notice Board.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage:: Takes place at Knock Shrine on 28th July at 3pm. Celebrating World Day for
Grandparents and the Elderly. All are Welcome.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) as soon as possible.
Diploma in Church Music: Programme suitable for those already involved in the ministry of church music in the Christian
tradition, whether as organists, singers or choir directors. Further info Contact Admissions Team, St. Patrick’s College,
Maynooth. 01-7084778 Email:
Seeking, Serving and Sharing Christ in a Synodal Church. Priory Institute: The Priory Institute two week on-line
Summer School is reflective, informative and interactive and will run from 19th August. The course includes 8 recorded
presentations and three on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. For further information
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 7th at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Year B Thrteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th June, 2024
Sat 29th 6.30pm Imelda Keogh. Sun 30th 11.00am Sandra Gaffney. Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Thos & Isabel Anderson. Mon 1st 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri (First Friday) No Mass. Sat 6th 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Nancy Lenihan & DFM. Christy Coll. Pauline Coll Sun 7th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Martin Carroll. Julia & Michael Carroll, Bridgie & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 30th 9.30am Brigid Murray Fri 5th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead Sun 7th 9.30am Oliver Kiernan
Tony Larkin
- I. P. Nancy Mc Dermott. ( nee Smyth) Kinnegad. .formerly Billistown, Delvin. Theresa Burnay.(nee Kelleghan) England sister of Maureen Darby. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,010. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 275 Euro . Monthly 60 Euro
Bible Alive: July Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses this weekend.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass takes place in Loughcrew this Sun 30th June at 3pm. This year marks the 49th Anniversary of his
Canonisation in Rome by Pope Paul V1 in 1975.
Providing Compassionate Care at the end of Life: To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life,
and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many
families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter; Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes. You are
invited to read this letter and view the accompanying video. Through the Valley, which offers personal testimonies by carers
and people with terminal illness. The key message of both letter and video asserts that every person possesses inherent,
infinite dignity that remains intact regardless of their circumstances. In this context, bishops strongly oppose the Oireachtas
Committee’s proposal to Government to legislate for assisted suicide, and call on support for healthcare workers who uphold
the sanctity of life.
Novena to St. Camillus: From Fri 28th July –Sat 13th July. Triduum of Prayer Thurs 11th –Sat 13th. .Sunday 14th July Feast
of St. Camillus Mass celebrated by Fr. Paul Crosby PP. Poster on Notice Board.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage:: Takes place at Knock Shrine on 28th July at 3pm. Celebrating World Day for
Grandparents and the Elderly. All are Welcome.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) before the end of June.
Diploma in Church Music: Programme suitable for those already involved in the ministry of church music in the Christian
tradition, whether as organists, singers or choir directors. Further info Contact Admissions Team, St. Patrick’s College,
Maynooth. 01-7084778 Email:
Retreat for Young Adults: St..Columban’s Dalgan Park, Navan. Sat 6th July from 10am-5.30pm. A time to reflect, Mass,
helpful talks, adoration, confession, spiritual direction if required. Cost 20 Euro. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Seeking, Serving and Sharing Christ in a Synodal Church. Priory Institute: The Priory Institute two week on-line
Summer School is reflective, informative and interactive and will run from 19th August. The course includes 8 recorded
presentations and three on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. For further information
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 30th June at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Year B Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd June, 2024
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tom, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Winnie Walsh. Jenny Kenny & DFM. Sun 23rd 11.00am Peggy Lenihan. Nancy Healy. Bryan Orr. Sheila Orr Mon 24th 9.30am Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 7.30pm Jubilee Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Imelda Keogh. Sun 30th 11.00am
Sandra Gaffney. Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Thos & Isabel Anderson. Margaret & Michael Rooney
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 23rd 9.30am DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh. Marcus Daugela. Sun 30th 9.30am Brigid Murray
- I. P. Brendan Garry. Ballyhealy, Delvin. .
Offertory: 1,035. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 330 Euro . Monthly 80 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Jubilee Celebration: Fr. Heaney will celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination on June 21st. To mark the event Mass
will be celebrated here in Delvin on Friday, June 28th at 7.30pm. Light refreshments will be served in the hall afterwards.
All are Welcome.
Peter’s Pence Collection:: Will be taken up at Masses next weekend.
Burial: Will take place of the Ashes of Maura D’ Roza (nee Fay) on Sat 29th June at 3pm.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass takes place in Loughcrew on Sun 30th June at 3pm. This year marks the 49th Anniversary of his
Canonisation in Rome by Pope Paul V1 in 1975.
Planning for the Future: Bishop Deenihan and Fr. Derek Darby met with priests and chairpersons from Parish Pastoral
Assemblies in the Castlepollard area recently. Bishop Deenihan expressed his deep appreciation for the commitment and
time given by members of the Pastoral Assemblies to their parishes. He outlined some of the opportunities emerging across
the Diocese and invited assemblies to begin exploring ways they can work more collaboratively with their neighbouring
parishes, share resources, and support ongoing faith formation and evangelisation to ensure the sacramental life of parishes
can be supported and developed as we plan far ahead for the future.
Novena to St. Camillus: From Fri 28th July –Sat 13th July. Triduum of Prayer Thurs 11th –Sat 13th. .Sunday 14th July Feast
of St. Camillus Mass celebrated by Fr. Paul Crosby PP. Poster on Notice Board.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage:: Takes place at Knock Shrine on 28th July at 3pm. Celebrating World Day for
Grandparents and the Elderly. All are Welcome.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) before the end of June.
Diploma in Church Music: Programme suitable for those already involved in the ministry of church music in the Christian
tradition, whether as organists, singers or choir directors. Further info Contact Admissions Team, St. Patrick’s College,
Maynooth. 01-7084778 Email:
Retreat for Young Adults: St..Columban’s Dalgan Park, Navan. Sat 6th July from 10am-5.30pm. A time to reflect, Mass,
helpful talks, adoration, confession, spiritual direction if required. Cost 20 Euro. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Seeking, Serving and Sharing Christ in a Synodal Church. Priory Institute: The Priory Institute two week on-line
Summer School is reflective, informative and interactive and will run from 19th August. The course includes 8 recorded
presentations and three on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. For further information
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 23rd June at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: The Committee would like to thank all who supported the Coffee morning and sold Raffle Cards
last Friday. It was a great success. Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Thursday next, 27th June starting at 11am.
Accord: Are seeking marriage preparation facilitators. If interested contact Aishling at 01-5053102, or
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Year B Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th June, 2024
Sat 15th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & parents. Tommy Murphy. Sun 16th 11.00am Pat & Cailin Lynch. Ruth Barry. Paddy Gaffney. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tom, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Winnie Walsh. Jenny Kenny & DFM. Sun 23rd 11.00am Peggy Lenihan. Nancy Healy. Bryan Orr. Sheila Orr
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 16th 9.30am Michael Egginton. Sun 23rd 9.30am DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh.
Offertory: 840. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 275 Euro . Monthly 410 Euro Annual: 800 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following children to the parish community. Eoin Michael Lynch. Chris Zorko Shay Byrne.
Robert Byrne. Charlie Byrne. Andrew Clarke. Sadie Clarke. Ellie Kate Annie White. Tadhg Michael Carrington.
James Joseph Flynn. Sienna Murtagh Hunt.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan. The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Bus will leave for Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock next Saturday 22nd June at
9.15am. Pick up Point will be outside Gaffney’s Lounge, Main St.
Jubilee Celebration: Fr. Heaney will celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination on June 21st. To mark the event Mass
will be celebrated here in Delvin on Friday, June 28th at 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
Day for Life: Day for Life Sunday is celebrated annually with a special message by the Catholic Church across Ireland,
Scotland England and Wales. It is a day specifically dedicated to raising awareness and reflecting on the deep value and
meaning of human life at every stage, and in every condition. On Sunday 16th June, the Church will mark Day for Life 2024
with a message on the theme: The Lord is my Shepherd-Compassion and Hope at the End of Life
This year’s message reminds us that Jesus did not send the sick away, rather He showed that life always has dignity and that
there is no such a thing as a useless life. Catholics are called to defend the gift of life to its natural end and to protect
vulnerable citizens from a culture that could pressure them into assisted suicide. In this way, we are encouraged to support
people with the companionship of a listening ear, appropriate treatment, and the best of care, so that their last days can be
times of grace, intimacy and love.,
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass takes place in Loughcrew on Sun 30th June at 3pm. This year marks the 49th Anniversary of his
Canonisation in Rome by Pope Paul V1 in 1975.
Planning for the Future: Bishop Deenihan and Fr. Derek Darby met with priests and chairpersons from Parish Pastoral
Assemblies in the Castlepollard area recently. Bishop Deenihan expressed his deep appreciation for the commitment and
time given by members of the Pastoral Assemblies to their parishes. He outlined some of the opportunities emerging across
the Diocese and invited assemblies to begin exploring ways they can work more collaboratively with their neighbouring
parishes, share resources, and support ongoing faith formation and evangelisation to ensure the sacramental life of parishes
can be supported and developed as we plan far ahead for the future.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) before the end of June.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 16th June at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting in Gaffney’s Lounge on Monday 17th June at 8pm.
Dermot Kenny Memorial Cup: Will be played in Delvin G. A. A Park this Sun 16th June at 3pm. Delvin V Clann Na
nGael, Athboy. Proceeds going towards a Defibrillator for the G. A. A. Park.
Accord: Are seeking marriage preparation facilitators. If interested contact Aishling at 01-5053102, or
Drumcree Bog Festival: The Bog Festival has been cancelled due to weather conditions. .It will be on at a later date.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Contact 044-9664931
Year B Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th June, 2024
Sat 8th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Joseph Anderson. Sun 9th 11.00am Bernie Mc Grath.
Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & parents. Tommy Murphy. Sun 16th 11.00am Pat & Cailin Lynch. Ruth Barry. Paddy Gaffney.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 9th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. Colm & Lila O’ Farrell Sun 16th 9.30am Michael Egginton.
Offertory: 770. Euro Easter Dues: 2,120 . Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues Offerings last weekend. .
Baptisms: We welcome the following children to the parish community. Conor Mick Ivory. Evie Rose Murtagh.
Joseph Patrick Heffernan. Luke Anthony Mc Govern. Anna Danute Daugela. Hollie Patricia Smyth. Della Jane
Smyth. Molly Coughlan. Eabha Grace Smith. Luke Fitzpatrick. Sadhbh Mc Kendry. Theo Andrew Clune. Luke
James Mc Donnell. Tommy Mc Grath. Bonnie Catherine Moran.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 22nd June. Those of you
thinking about going please contact us soon. To book a seat contact Kathleen at 087-9768703. Margaret at 087-7688105 or
contact Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm
Jubilee Celebration: Fr. Heaney will celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination on June 21st. To mark the event Mass
will be celebrated here in Delvin on Friday, June 28th at 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass takes place in Loughcrew on Sun 30th June at 3pm. This year marks the 49th Anniversary of his
Canonisation in Rome by Pope Paul V1 in 1975.
Planning for the Future: Bishop Deenihan and Fr. Derek Darby met with priests and chairpersons from Parish Pastoral
Assemblies in the Castlepollard area recently. Bishop Deenihan expressed his deep appreciation for the commitment and
time given by members of the Pastoral Assemblies to their parishes. He outlined some of the opportunities emerging across
the Diocese and invited assemblies to begin exploring ways they can work more collaboratively with their neighbouring
parishes, share resources, and support ongoing faith formation and evangelisation to ensure the sacramental life of parishes
can be supported and developed as we plan far ahead for the future.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg A one day parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Saturday, August 31st. Those
who are interested in travelling are asked to contact Olive Power (087 9868125) before the end of June.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 9th June at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are having a Coffee Morning and Cake Sale on Fri 14th June in Gaffney’s Lounge from
9.30am -2pm. We would appreciate if you would do some baking for the Cake sale. Don’t forget to return your Raffle Card
Accord: Are seeking marriage preparation facilitators. If interested contact Aishling at 01-5053102, or
Drumcree Bog Festival: Takes place on Sun 16th June. Music by Various Artists.. Proceeds on the day going to Delvin Hospice Homecare and Collinstown Cemetery. We appreciate your support.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Contact 044-9664931
The Lord’s Day
Central to the Church’s Liturgical Life is Sunday, the day of Christ’s Resurrection. The observance begins with the evening of the preceding day. It is a day when all Catholics are obliged to take part in the Mass. The Lord’s Supper is its centre, for there the whole community of the faithful encounters the risen Lord who invites them to his banquet. (CCC, no 1166). The Church encourages that Sunday , the ‘ Lord’s Day’ also be a day for rest and recreation. It is also a day when the faithful can devote themselves to works of mercy and to the apostolate.
Irish Catholics Catechism for Adults. 192-3.
Year B Feast of Corpus Christi 2nd June, 2024
Sat 1st 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 2nd 11.00am Aggie O’ Doherty- Leonard MM James, Mary & John Herward. Seamus & James Higgins. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass Fri 7th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Noel Renehan. Sat 8th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph.
Joseph Anderson. Sun 9th 11.00am Bernie Mc Grath.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 2nd 9.30am Bridie Scally (nee Fox) Fri7th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead Sun 9th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. Colm & Lila O’ Farrell
R.I. P. Peter Mc Kenna. Mullimgar who lived in Delvin for the past few years.
Offertory: 900. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 280 Euro Monthly 35 Euro.
Bible Alive: June Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of Corpus Christi: This Sunday is the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
Day of Prayer for Priests: Next Friday is a Day of Prayer for Priests. It is also the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus: “ Understood in the light of the Scriptures, the term “ Sacred Heart of Jesus” denotes the entire
mystery of Christ Son of God, uncreated wisdom, infinite charity, principle of the salvation and sanctification of mankind.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs next, June 6th at 8pm in the Parochial House. Our Annual
Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 22nd June. Those of you thinking about going please contact us soon. To
book a seat contact Kathleen at 087-9768703. Margaret at 087-7688105 or contact Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering:(18 Years) will take place in St. Ultan’s Church, Bohermeen at 7.30pm on Fri 7th June.
This is an opportunity for young adults to join together for adoration, prayer, reflection and discussion assisted by priests
from the diocese and the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Contact Fr. Mark English info at
Vocations Holy Hour:: Takes place in Church of the Immaculate Conception, Asbbourne at 7pm on Fri 7th June. Solemnity
of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus opens his heart for us: this is His Priesthood. We so need hearts for Christ, as
priests in our Diocese. If you are thinking of a Vocation to the Priesthood, please come along and give your heart to the
Sacred heart of Jesus. Live from Facebook page: DioceseOfMeathVocations. or contact
Retreat for Young Adults (18-40 Yrs): From 7th -9th June at Roscrea Abbey. Mass, Confession, Talks. Cost is 150 Euro.
Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666, or email
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass takes place in Loughcrew on Sun 30th June at 3pm. This year marks the 49th Anniversary of his
Canonisation in Rome by Pope Paul V1 in 1975.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 2nd June at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are having a Coffee Morning and Cake Sale on Fri 14th June in Gaffney’s Lounge from
9.30am -2pm. We would appreciate if you would do some baking for the Cake sale. Don’t forget to return your Raffle Card
Accord: Are seeking marriage preparation facilitators. If interested contact Aishling at 01-5053102, or
Westmeath Community Development:: Free Annual Disability and Older people’s services and information is taking place on Mon 27th May from 10am -1pm in Bloomfield Hotel. All Welcome. Contact 044-9348571, or 087 25001
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Contact 044-9664931
The Witness of the Eucharist
Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to his Church. The faithful give witness by this to their communion in faith and charity. Together they testify to God’s holiness and their hope of salvation. They strengthen one another under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2182.
Year B The Most Holy Trinity 26th May, 2024
Sat 25th 6.30pm Geraldine Farrelly MM Sun 26th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly families. Josephine Murtagh & DFM Mon 27th 9.30am John Heffernan & Parents. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 31st 9.30am Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 2nd 11.00am Aggie O’ Doherty- Leonard MM James, Mary & John Herward. Seamus & James Higgins.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 26th 9.30am James & Hollie Mc Keon Sun 2nd 9.30am Bridie Scally (nee Fox)
- I. P. Joan Mander. Balrath South, Delvin. Pauline Clyne. Ballymahon. formerly Ballyhealy, Delvin. sister of Brendan Garry. Ballyhealy. Kathleen Farrell. Booterstown, Dublin. mother of Anita O’ Leary. Gigginstown.
Offertory: 990. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 380 Euro Monthly 150 Euro.
The Most Holy Trinity:: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of The Most Holy Trinity.
First Communion: Congratulations to the children from St. Mary’s School, Southill who received their First Holy
Communion on Wednesday last. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
Bible Alive: June Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 22nd June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703. Margaret at 087-7688105 or contact Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm
Knock Shrine: Summer Programme beginning at Knock Shrine. See poster on Notice Board with events.
Pray for Life Novena; The Pray for Life Novena is an invitation to join thousands of people across Ireland to pray for the
protection of human life, began on Thurs 23rd May and will end on the Feast of the Visitation on Fri 31st May. Further info
visit www.prayfor for the daily novena prayers.
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering:(18 Years) will take place in St. Ultan’s Church, Bohermeen at 7.30pm on Fri 7th June.
This is an opportunity for young adults to join together for adoration, prayer, reflection and discussion assisted by priests
from the diocese and the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Contact Fr. Mark English info at
All Ireland Rosary Rally- Knock: Takes place on Sat, 1st June. It begins at 9.30am and will end with Mass in the Basilica
at 3pm. See for more details.
Retreat for Young Adults (18-40 Yrs): From 7th -9th June at Roscrea Abbey. Mass, Confession, Talks. Cost is 150 Euro.
Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666, or email
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass takes place in Loughcrew on Sun 30th June at 3pm. This year marks the 49th Anniversary of his
Canonisation in Rome by Pope Paul V1 in 1975.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 26th May at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be on Thursday next, 30th May starting at 11am. We are having a
Coffee Morning and Cake Sale on Fri 14th June in Gaffney’s Lounge from 9.30am -1pm. We appreciate your support.
Car Boot Sale & Garden Fete: Will take place this Sun 26th May from 12noon -5pm at the school. We are currently selling
tickets for our raffle. 5 Euro each or 5 for 20 Euro. Contact St. Patrick’s School, Crowenstown at 044-9664585.
Accord: Are seeking marriage preparation facilitators. If interested contact Aishling at 01-5053102, or
Westmeath Community Development:: Free Annual Disability and Older people’s services and information is taking place on Mon 27th May from 10am -1pm in Bloomfield Hotel. All Welcome. Contact 044-9348571, or 087 2500161
The Trinity
The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith”. The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit , reveals himself to men “ and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 234.
Year B Pentecost Sunday 19th May, 2024
Sat 18th 6.30pm Michael, Bridget, Sean & Thomas Coyne. Sun 19th 11.00am Michael & Kitty Halpin. Carmel Cannon.
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Geraldine Farrelly MM Sun 26th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly families. Josephine Murtagh & DFM
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 19th 9.30am Richard & Danny Monaghan & DFM. Willie & Nuala Fox & DFM Sun 26th 9.30am James & Hollie Mc Keon
- I. P. Aggie O’ Doherty- Leonard. Castletown, Delvin. Maura Fay De Rossa. London. formerly Main St, Delvin. sister of Brendan Fay. Ballinaskeagh, Delvin.
Offertory: 850. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 245 Euro Monthly 140 Euro.
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Penrtecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
The Most Holy Trinity:: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of The Most Holy Trinity.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 22nd June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703. Margaret at 087-7688105 or contact Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm
Knock Shrine: Summer Programme beginning at Knock Shrine. See poster on Notice Board with events.
Pray for Life Novena; The Pray for Life Novena is an invitation to join thousands of people across Ireland to pray for the
protection of human life, from Thurs 23rd May to the Feast of the Visitation on Fri 31st May. Further info visit www.prayfor for the daily novena prayers.
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering:(18 Years) will take place in St. Ultan’s Church, Bohermeen at 7.30pm on Fri 7th June.
This is an opportunity for young adults to join together for adoration, prayer, reflection and discussion assisted by priests
from the diocese and the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Contact Fr. Mark English info at
Vocations Notice: “Be filled with God’s Spirit”. Answer His call to Priesthood. Vocations information; Contact Fr. Tony
Gonoude at 044-9373923 or www.
Ceili Catholic Community: Will be running a residential school of Evangelisation from Sept 2024 to May 2025. It will be
held in Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath. Further information; school@ceilicommunity. net. Whats App 087-9789150
NET Team: The team finish their time in the parish this weekend. We thank them for all they have done during the year and
we wish them every blessing in the future.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 19th May at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Monday next, 20th May at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Car Boot Sale & Garden Fete: Will take place on Sun 26th May from 12noon -5pm at the school. We are currently selling
tickets for our raffle. 5 Euro each or 5 for 20 Euro. Contact St. Patrick’s School, Crowenstown at 044-9664585.
Delvin Branch of St. Vincent de Paul: Are looking for additional members to join the local volunteers in delivering
discreet and vital support. Please come to our information Meeting in Fatima on Tue 28th May at 7.30pm
Westmeath Community Development:: Free Annual Disability and Older people’s services and information is taking place on Mon 27th May from 10am -1pm in Bloomfield Hotel. All Welcome. Contact 044-9348571, or 087 2500161
Feast of Pentecost
The tongues of fire God sends to light upon the disciples’ heads at Pentecost signify God’s presence in the Holy Spirit. The appearance of separate flames on each person indicates that he will now be present in a new and deeper way in each believer instead of just to certain people at certain times. As the events that follow demonstrate, this “fire” will open their minds to understand God’s Word and will give them the words they need to share the Gospel and the power and courage they need to be his witnesses.
Year B The Ascension of the Lord 12th May, 2024
B Sun 11.00am Marian Murtagh. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 9.30amn Harry, Molly, Paul & Rosaleen Barry. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm Michael, Bridget, Sean & Thomas Coyne. Sun 19th 11.00am Michael & Kitty Halpin. Carmel Cannon.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 12th 9.30am Bertie, Rosemary, Colette & Antoinette Kelleghan. Sun 19th 9.30am Richard & Danny Monaghan & DFM. Willie & Nuala Fox & DFM
- I. P. Sheila Kennedy (nee Egginton) Castlepollard. formerly Glackstown, Collinstown..Alacoque Dalton. Mulliganstown, Delvin. sister of Margaret Lynch. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 945. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 380 Euro Monthly 155 Euro.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to the children from the schools in the parish who received their First Holy
Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Teachers, Parents and all who helped them prepare for their big day..
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is also World Communications Day.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Penrtecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 22nd June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703. Margaret at 087-7688105 or contact Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting Fri 31st May until Thurs 15th August. 1 Day Retreat from May 5th Poster on Notice
Board. See
Knock Shrine: Summer Programme beginning at Knock Shrine. See poster on Notice Board with events.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Ceili Catholic Community: Will be running a residential school of Evangelisation from Sept 2024 to May 2025. It will be
held in Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath. Further information; school@ceilicommunity. net. Whats App 087-9789150
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 12th May at 8pm.
Car Boot Sale & Garden Fete: Will take place on Sun 28th May from 12noon -5pm at the school. We are currently selling
tickets for our raffle. 5 Euro each or 5 for 20 Euro. Contact St. Patrick’s School, Crowenstown at 044-9664585.
St. Scire C. E : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Delvin Branch of St. Vincent de Paul: Are looking for additional members to join the local volunteers in delivering discreet and vital support. Please come to our information Meeting in Fatima on Tue 28th May at 7.30pm
Westmeath Community Development:: Free Annual Disability and Older people’s services and information is taking place on Mon 27th May from 10am -1pm in Bloomfield Hotel. All Welcome. Contact 044-9348571, or 087 2500161
The Ascension of the Lord.
The ascension of Christ means our own salvation as well, where the glorious Head has gone before, the body is called to follow in hope. Let us therefore exult, beloved, as is fitting, and let us rejoice in devout thanksgiving. For on this day not only have we been confirmed in our possession of paradise, but we have entered heaven in the person of Christ: through his grace, we have regained far more than we had lost through the devil’s hatred.
Year B Sixth Sunday of Easter 5th May, 2024
Sat 4th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & Bl. Lal Timmons. Michael Gilroy. Nicholas Grassick. Sun 5th 11.00am Christy Darby.
Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Tom & Marie Mc Enerney & daughter Martina Yeoman. Margaret Shaw. Tom, Elizabeth & Mary Toner. Sun 11.00am Marian Murtagh.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 5th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Margaret Bennett. Sun 12th 9.30am Bertie, Rosemary, Colette & Antoinette Kelleghan.
- I. P. Pat Kangley. Corbetstown, Killucan. brother of Nuala Moran. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,050. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 240 Euro Monthly 30 Euro.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Confirmation: Congratulations to the children who were confirmed in St. Mary’s Special School, Southill last Friday.
Confirmation Prayer:: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
Bible Study: Will continue on Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. We will watch an episode of the well known film series, The
Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come and join us.
First Holy Communion: Children from the parish will receive their First Holy Communion next Saturday, May 11th .
St.Ernan’s and St. Patrick’s School children will receive their First Holy Communion at 10am in Delvin.
St. Tola’s School children will receive their First Holy Communion at 12noon in Killulagh.
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 22nd June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703. Margaret at 087-7688105 or contact Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting Fri 31st May until Thurs 15th August. 1 Day Retreat from May 5th Poster on Notice
Board. See
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Cemetery Days: Dates for Cemetery Days are as follows; Killulagh 4th August at 7pm. Crowenstown Mon 5th at 7pm.
Delvin Saturday 10th August at 7pm.
Ceili Catholic Community: Will be running a residential school of Evangelisation from Sept 2024 to May 2025. It will be
held in Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath. Further information; school@ceilicommunity. net. Whats App 087-9789150
Whist: Whist takes place in Fatima on Sun 5th May at 8pm.
Adult Education Group: Meeting on Tue 7th May in the Hall at 10.30am to finalise arrangements for our Trip to
Strokestown House. New members always welcome.
St. Scire C. E : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Book Festival: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall this Sun 6th May. We appreciate your support.
National Learning Network: :QQ1 Level 3 Rehabilitative training for individuals with physical and sensory challenges.. Call 086-7839078
The Ascension of the Lord.
The ascension of Christ means our own salvation as well, where the glorious Head has gone before, the body is called to follow in hope. Let us therefore exult, beloved, as is fitting, and let us rejoice in devout thanksgiving. For on this day not only have we been confirmed in our possession of paradise, but we have entered heaven in the person of Christ: through his grace, we have regained far more than we had lost through the devil’s hatred.
Year B Fifth Sunday of Easter 28th April,, 2024
Sat 27th 6.30pm Jim Poynton MM Bridgie & Kevin Murphy Sun 28th 11.00am Tommy, Christy, Martin, Parents Martin & Julia Kineavy William & Elizabeth Gilmore. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am Mass. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 3rd ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 4th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & Bl. Lal Timmons. Michael Gilroy. Nicholas Grassick. Sun 5th 11.00am Christy Darby.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 28th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith Fri 3rd ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead Sun 5th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Margaret Bennett.
- I. P. Catherine O’ Reilly. Finea. sister of Patricia Garry. Caddagh, Delvin. Geraldine Farrelly. ( nee Sherwin) Shankill, Co. Dublin. late of Main St, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,010. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 225 Euro Monthly 70 Euro.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Study: Will continue on Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. We will watch an episode of the well known film series, The
Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come and join us.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Vocations Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed towards the Offertory Collection last Sunday. The money will go
towards the students studying for the priesthood in the Diocese. Thanks to all who attended the Hour of Adoration in
Killulagh last Sunday for Vocations.
St. Joseph the Worker: Next Wed 1st May is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs next, May 2nd at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place this Sunday 28th April.
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting Fri 31st May until Thurs 15th August. 1 Day Retreat from May 5th Poster on Notice
Board. See
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering: Will take place in the Church of St. Ciaran, Duleek at 7.30pm on Fri 3rdMay. This is an
opportunity for young adults aged 18 Yrs upwards to join together for adoration, prayer, reflection and discussion. Contact
Fr. Mark English for more info
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Young Adult Retreat: Sat May 4th 10am -5pm. An opportunity to join with other young people in peace, prayer and joy.
Holy Mass, talks, chance for confession.Cost 20 Euro. Contact Sr. Una at 090 6481666, or email
National Pilgrimage for Life: Will be celebrated on Sat 4th May in Knock Shrine with Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Anointing of the Sick will take place during Mass Main Celebrant and homilist will be Archbishop Francis Duffy.
Poor Clares: Are hosting an online Q& A for young women who would like to know more about the Poor Clare way of
life. The event takes place from 7pm -8.30pm on Wed 1st May. Further info contact
Whist: Whist takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 28th April at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Book Festival: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri 4th, Sat 5th & Sun 6th May. Lots of entertainment including Arts & Crafts. Fair. , Delvin Valley Drama Group, Traditional Irish Music. Book Fair on Sunday. . We appreciate your support.
National Learning Network: :QQ1 Level 3 Rehabilitative training for individuals with physical and sensory challenges.. Call 086-7839078
Year B Vocations Sunday 21st April,, 2024
Sat 20th 6.30 pm Jimmy, Jane & Peggy Reilly. Jack Ivory. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 21st 11.00am Michael Moriarty. Michael & Mary Mullally & son Michael. Patrice Keane. Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Jim Poynton MM Bridgie & Kevin Murphy Sun 28th 11.00am Tommy, Christy, Martin, Parents Martin & Julia Kineavy
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 21st 9.30am Sean Newman. Sun 28th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith
- I. P. Jeanette Campbell. Southill, Delvin. formerly Shannon, Co. Clare.
Offertory: 990 Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 235 Euro Monthly 185 Euro.
Bible Study: Will continue on Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. We will watch an episode of the well known film series, The
Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come and join us.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Vocations Sunday: This Sunday 21st is Vocations Sunday. There will be Adoration in Killulagh Church from 12noon-
1pm.The Offertory Collection this Sunday will go towards the students studying for the priesthood in the Diocese.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. .Enkindle in the hearts of young men and women the spark of a Vocation.
Grant that Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place on Sunday 28th April.
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting Fri 31st May until Thurs 15th August. 1 Day Retreat from May 5th Poster on Notice
Board. See
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Young Adult Retreat: Sat May 4th 10am -5pm. An opportunity to join with other young people in peace, prayer and joy.
Holy Mass, talks, chance for confession.Cost 20 Euro. Contact Sr. Una at 090 6481666, or email
Fr. Willie Doyle: Talk on the Cause of Fr. Willie Doyle take place on Thurs 25th April at 7.30pm in Parish Centre,
Mullingar. Individual blessings available with Fr. Willie Doyle’s personal crucifix.
National Pilgrimage for Life: Will be celebrated on Sat 4th May in Knock Shrine with Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Anointing of the Sick will take place during Mass Main Celebrant and homilist will be Archbishop Francis Duffy.
Poor Clares: Are hosting an online Q& A for young women who would like to know more about the Poor Clare way of
life. The event takes place from 7pm -8.30pm on Wed 1st May. Further info contact
Whist: Whist takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 21st April at 8pm.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Are having their 1st meeting of the Year on Wed 24th Apr in Gaffney’s Lounge at 8pm. We need more volunteers if we are to keep the Tidy Towns going. We would appreciate your support.
Book Festival: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri 4th, Sat 5th & Sun 6th May. Lots of entertainment including Arts & Crafts. Fair. , Delvin Valley Drama Group, Traditional Irish Music. Book Fair on Sunday. . We appreciate your support.
The Good Shepherd
Christ is not just any good shepherd: He is the Good Shepherd. Ordinarily a shepherd receives wool from his sheep to cloth himself, but we, the sheep, have received a new garment from Christ the Good Shepherd. When we are baptized , we are baptized into Christ. Just as when the prodigal son received “the best robe” ( Lk 15:22) when he returned to his father, we are clothed in Christ when we return to our Father. A shepherd, to feed himself and his family, will slaughter and consume a sheep, but in the Eucharist, we the sheep consume our Shepherd who became the Lamb for us. We are nourished by his flesh and his blood, not he by ours. At Passover, while other shepherds brought the finest of their lambs to offer as a sacrifice to atone for their sins, our Shepherd offered himself in our place. Our Shepherd laid down his life for us, his sheep, so that we might have life for ever. We are poor and helpless sheep who are not used by our shepherd, but instead loved by him. (The Magnificat. April, 2024)
Year B Third Sunday of Easter 14th April,, 2024
Sat 13th 6.30pm Michael Mc Gowan. Tom Flynn & DFM Sun 14th 11.00am Gregory Smith MM. Tommy Gaffney & DFM Mon 15th 9.30am Harry Daly & DFM Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30 pm Jimmy, Jane & Peggy Reilly. Jack Ivory. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 21st 11.00am Michael Moriarty. Michael & Mary Mullally & son Michael. Patrice Keane.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 14th 9.30am Thomas Manny Sun 21st 9.30am Sean Newman.
- I. P. Sr. Imelda Kennelly. Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary, Monasterevin, Kildare. formerly St. Mary’s Southill, Delvin.
Offertory: 725. Euro Ren. Fund. Weekly 515 Euro Monthly 245 Euro. Annual 1,600 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm,.
Bible Study: Will continue on Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. We will watch an episode of the well known film series, The
Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come and join us.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sun 14th April Further details Bus leaving Delvin at 7.15am on Sunday. Contact 085-7579303
Vocations Sunday: Next Sunday 21st is Vocations Sunday. There will be Adoration in Delvin from 12noon-1pm.The
Offertory Collection next Sunday will go towards the students studying for the priesthood in the Diocese.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. .Enkindle in the hearts of young men and women the spark of a Vocation.
Grant that Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place on Sunday 28th April.
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting Fri 31st May until Thurs 15th August. 1 Day Retreat from May 5th Poster on Notice
Board. See
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Whist: Whist takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 14th April at 8pm.
Crowenstown N. S. : The Teachers, Staff and pupils would like to thank all who supported their Coffee Morning for
Daffodil Day in the school on Fri 22nd March last It was a wonderful day. Amount collected was 1,400 Euro.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who supported our Table Quiz last Friday night. It was a great success. Our
A.G. M. will take place in Gaffney’s Lounge on Wed next, 17th at 8pm.
Archerstown 5K Walk: Takes place next Sunday 21st April at 12.30pm. Starting point is Brownstown Community Centre. Registration at 11.30am. All proceeds going to Delvin Branch of Northwestmeath Hospice.:
Book Festival: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri 4th, Sat 5th & Sun 6th May. Lots of entertainment including Arts & Crafts. Fair. , Delvin Valley Drama Group, Traditional Irish Music. Book Fair on Sunday. . We appreciate your support.
St. Scire C. E Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The Good Shepherd
Christ is not just any good shepherd: He is the Good Shepherd. Ordinarily a shepherd receives wool from his sheep to cloth himself, but we, the sheep, have received a new garment from Christ the Good Shepherd. When we are baptized , we are baptized into Christ. Just as when the prodigal son received “the best robe” ( Lk 15:22) when he returned to his father, we are clothed in Christ when we return to our Father. A shepherd, to feed himself and his family, will slaughter and consume a sheep, but in the Eucharist, we the sheep consume our Shepherd who became the Lamb for us. We are nourished by his flesh and his blood, not he by ours. At Passover, while other shepherds brought the finest of their lambs to offer as a sacrifice to atone for their sins, our Shepherd offered himself in our place. Our Shepherd laid down his life for us, his sheep, so that we might have life for ever. We are poor and helpless sheep who are not used by our shepherd, but instead loved by him. (The Magnificat. April, 2024)
Year B Second Sunday of Easter ( Divine Mercy Sunday) 7th April,, 2024
Sat 6th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Micheal Moore. Sun 7th 11.00am Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. Mon 8th 9.30am Robert Clancy MM Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. N Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Michael Mc Gowan. Tom Flynn & DFM Sun 14th 11.00am Gregory Smith MM. Tommy Gaffney
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 14th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch. Eamonn Byrne Sun 14th 9.30am Thomas Manny
- I. P. Sean Fitzsimons. Sheepstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,250. Euro Good Friday Collection: 465 Euro Easter Offerings: 4,845 Euro
Easter Offering: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Offerings last weekend..
Good Friday Collection: Thanks to all who contributed to the Collection on Good Friday for the Holy Places in Jerusalem.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. If you still have to return your box, we would appreciate if
you would do so during the coming week. You can hand it in at the Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm. The amount
taken in so far is 3,757 Euro
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh every Monday from 10am -8pm,.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Divine Mercy Sunday: This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday points us to
the merciful love of God but lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery----the whole mystery of the death, burial and resurrection
of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the whole octave of
Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to
man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. John Paul). Devotions on Sun 7th April at 3pm in Holy Trinity Church,
Castlejordan. (Ballinabrackey Parish.)
Feast of the Annunciation:: On Monday next, April 8th we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. The
following is a short reflection on the significance of this feast. “ Given her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother
of Jesus.. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself
entirely to the person and to the work of her Son, she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and
dependent on him by God’s grace.” ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 494).
National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 14th April Further details Bus leaving Delvin at 7.15am on Sunday. Contact 085-7579303
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place on Sunday 28th April.
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting Fri 31st May until Thurs 15th August. 1 Day Retreat from May 5th Poster on Notice
Board. See
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group:: Meet on Tue 2nd April outside Gaffney’s at 10am. More details on Whats App Group.
Whist: Whist will resume in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 7th April at 8pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place on Monday next, 8th April in Gaffney’s Lounge at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The Struggle of St. Thomas
The struggle for faith experienced by Thomas leads us to think on the meaning of faith in the risen Christ. We do not depend on physical experience of Christ but know his presence in keeping God’s commandments, and as a gathered community, in the hearing of the word and in sacramental signs. So the Christian community is a thankful one, always blessing God for a surer hope through the resurrection of Christ.
Year B Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of the Lord 31st March, 2024
Sat 30th ( Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 31st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass. Mon 1st 9.30am Micheal Moore. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri 5th ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 6th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Sun 7th 11.00am Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 31st 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass. Fri 5th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 7th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch.
- I. P. Jim Poynton. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory: 890. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 185. Euro Monthly 75 Euro
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very happy Easter. Sincere thanks to all who participated in celebrations
during Lent and Holy Week.
Summer Time: The clocks go forward this Saturday night. Mass on this Sunday will be at Summer Time.
Easter Offering: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. If you still have to return your box, we would appreciate if
you would do so during the coming week. You can hand it in at the Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick on Easter Sunday beginning at 10.30am.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday next.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday next, 4th April at 8pm.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday points us to
the merciful love of God but lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery----the whole mystery of the death, burial and resurrection
of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the whole octave of
Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to
man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. John Paul). Devotions on Sun 7th April at 3pm in Holy Trinity Church,
Castlejordan. (Ballinabrackey Parish.)
National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 14th April Further details
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group:: Meet on Tue 2nd April outside Gaffney’s at 10am. More details on Whats App Group.
Whist: Whist will resume in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 7th April at 8pm.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Table Quiz will take place on Fri 5th April in Gaffney’s Lounge atarting at
8.30pm. We appreciate your support on the night.
St. Scire C. E Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Readings during the Easter Season
During the Sunday of Easter the first reading is taken, not from the Old Testament, but from the Acts of the Apostles. Many of the passages are examples of the earliest apostolic preaching, and we see in them how the apostles themselves used the Scriptures to announce the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In other passages, the consequences of Jesus’s resurrection and its effects in the life of the Christian community are recounted. From these passages, the homilist has in hand some of his strongest and most basic tools. He sees how the Apostles used the Scriptures to announce the death and resurrection of Jesus, and he does the same, not only in the passage at hand but in this same style throughout the whole liturgical year: He also sees the power of the life of the risen Lord at work in the first communities, and he declares in faith to his own people that the same power is still at work among us.
Homiletic Directory. 53.
Year B Palm Sunday 24th March, 2024.
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Mattie, Dolores & Andy Gaffney. Sun 24th 11.00am Carmel & Pat Gaffney & DFM. G O’ Brien, George & Mary O’ Brien. Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th ( Holy Thursday) 7.30pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 29th ( Good Friday) 7.30pm Good Friday Liturgy. Sat 30th ( Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 31st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 24th 9.30am Patrick & Teresa Bannon Thursday 28th ( Holy Thutrsday) 5.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Sun 31st 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass.
- i. P. Christy Carr. Killallon.
Offertory: 1,010. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 245 Euro Monthly 230 Euro
Palm Sunday: This Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins the celebration of the Great Week- Holy Week- which will reach
its high point in the final three days, the crown of the Church’s liturgical year. Please bring Palm branches to be blessed.
Confessions: Confessions will be available in Delvin Church after the liturgy on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and at
2pm and 7pm on Holy Saturday. Confessions in Killulagh Church before Mass on Holy Thursday and at 12noon on Holy
Saturday. There will be Confessions in Delvin Church on Monday evening next at 7.30pm. Visiting Priests will attend.
Chrism Mass: Will take place on Wed 27th March at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar. Ministers of Holy
Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all others involved in the ministry of the Church are invited. All are Welcome.
Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday is a Day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: We would appreciate if you would return your Trocaire Box on Holy Thursday, or hand it in at the pm
Parochial House.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Easter Card: You will get an Easter Card with your Easter Offering Envelope outlining the arrangements for Holy Week.
Please follow the Card for times of ceremonies and Confessions.
Vocations: Please pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life during Holy week. Our Holy Thursday Night Prayer
of the Church will be offered for Vocations at the end of Adoration at the Altar of Repose. (10.45)
Good Friday Collection: During the Good Friday Liturgy a collection will be taken up for the upkeep of the Holy Places in
Jerusalem and other parts of the Holy Land. The presence of Christians in the Holy Land has been reducing in recent years. .
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Divine Mercy Sunday: 7th April is Divine Mercy Sunday. Devotions at 3pm in Holy Trinity Church, Castlejordan.
(Ballinabrackey Parish.)
National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 14th April Further details
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Delvin |Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Table Quiz will take place on Fri 5th April in Gaffney’s Lounge atarting at
8.30pm. We appreciate your support on the night.
St. Scire C. E Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Holy Week
Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery, dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Easter Triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire liturgical year. Thus the solemnity of Easter has the same kind of pre-eminence in the liturgical year that Sunday has in the week. The celebration of the paschal mystery is not simply a recalling of past events in history. It is a sacramental celebration that renders present and actualizes the saving power of Christ’s death and resurrection to the Church.
Year B Fifth Sunday of Lent 17th March, 2024.
Sat 16th 6.30pm Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan. Josephine Carroll. Sun 17th 11.00am
Gerry Toner MM Mon 18th 9.30am Margaret & Owen Murtagh & DFM Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Mattie, Dolores & Andy Gaffney. Sun 24th 11.00am Carmel & Pat Gaffney & DFM. G O’ Brien, George & Mary O’ Brien.
Killulagh Masses:. Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes.. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Patrick & Teresa Bannon
Offertory: 940 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 260 Euro Monthly 35 Euro
Confessions: Before the Vigil Mass on Saturday and after 11 o, clock Mass on Sunday.
Bible Study: Our Bible Study has begun and continues every Tuesday Night. There are two Tuesday Nights left. We will
have our Bible Study Group in Fatima at 8pm. Each night we will watch an episode of the well known film series, The
Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come and join us.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Light The Fire, 2024: The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to join us in Slane on St. Patrick’s Day. 5pm
Vespers on the Hill of Slane and Rosary procession to the Church, 6pm Mass in St.Patrick’s Church followed by Eucharistic
Adoration. Event details or 041 9830441
St. Patricks Testimony: Copies of St. Patricks Testomony are available in the porches of the Church. They cost 1 Euro
each. This document contains the words of St. Patrick, written near the end of his life. It helps us to understand the amazing
life of our Patron Saint.
Feast of St. Joseph: Tue 19th we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. We will have Adoration in Delvin Church on that day
from 10am -11am. We pray that we can learn to imitate his faithfulness to God and his care of Mary and Jesus.
Palm Sunday :Next Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins the celebration of the Great Week- Holy Week- which will reach
its high point in the final three days, the crown of the Church’s liturgical year. Please bring Palm branches to be blessed.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place on Mon 18th March from 3pm -5pm. Those entering floats are asked to assemble at the Salesyard at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm. Please come along and support our Parade.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Thursday next, 21st March We are starting with Mass at 11.15am. It is the Birthday Party, so we hope to see a big crowd on the day.
St. Patrick’s N. S Crowenstown: Are having a Coffee Morning on Friday next, March 22nd from 10am -12noon in the School;. Proceeds going to Irish Cancer. It is also Daffodil Day. Please support this worthy cause.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are having a Book Collection in the Sports Centre next Saturday, 23rd March between 11am -3pm. We appreciate if you would bring along your collection of unwanted books.
Feast of St. Patrick
Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. It would be hard to underestimate the influence of St. Patrick on the faith of the people of Ireland. In recent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by other celebrations associated with the Feast. This year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the Feast of St. Patrick. We include here an extract from the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells about his carelessness, about his relationship with God and about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish people will experience a similar conversion as we celebrate his Feast.
The Power of Prayer
After I came to Ireland, every day I had to tend sheep and many times a day I prayed. The love of God and his fear came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened. My Spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say as many as a 100 prayers, and almost as many in the night. Even when I was staying in then woods and on the mountains, I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, becaude the spirit within me was then fervent.
Year B Fourth Sunday of Lent 10th March, 2024.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Johnny, Cathy, Brendan, Sean Dunne & DFM. Mary & Patsy Leonard. May Toner. Sun 10th 11.00am Maggie & Tom Leonard. Annie, Paddy & Tommy Mc Cann Bernie Drum. Mon 11th 9.30am Philomena & Michael Smith
Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan. Josephine Carroll. Sun 17th 11.00am Gerry Toner MM
Killulagh Masses. Sun 10th 9.30am Noel Fox. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes..
Offertory: 895. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 300 Euro Monthly 100 Euro. .
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Confessions: Before the Vigil Mass on Saturday and after 11 o, clock Mass on Sunday.
Bible Study: Our Bible Study has begun and continues every Tuesday Night. There are two Tuesday Nights left. We will
have our Bible Study Group in Fatima at 8pm. Each night we will watch an episode of the well known film series, The
Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come and join us.
Synod Feedback Invitation: A series of meetings is planned for the coming weeks across the Diocese of Meath to offer
feedback on the Synod which was held in Rome last October and to offer an opportunity for further discernment on the
synodal process which will inform the preparations for the Synod in Rome next October. All interested persons are invited to
our last meeting .which takes place in Ashbourne Parish Hall, Wed 13th March. All meetings commence at
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Light The Fire, 2024: The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to join us in Slane on St. Patrick’s Day. 5pm
Vespers on the Hill of Slane and Rosary procession to the Church, 6pm Mass in St.Patrick’s Church followed by Eucharistic
Adoration. Event details or 041 9830441
St. Patricks Testimony: Copies of St. Patricks Testomony are available in the porches of the Church. They cost 1 Euro
each. This document contains the words of St. Patrick, written near the end of his life. It helps us to understand the amazing
life of our Patron Saint.
25th Pioneer National Ball:: Takes place on Sat 6th April. Mass at 6pm in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar, followed
by special guest speaker, dinner, music at the Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar. For details/ tickets contact Dermot Fagan at
085-7201646, or Daisy Carey at 087-6544626
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place on Mon 18th March from 3pm -5pm. Those entering floats are asked to assemble at the Salesyard at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm. Please come along and support our Parade.
Feast of St. Patrick
Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. It would be hard to underestimate the influence of St. Patrick on the faith of the people of Ireland. In recent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by other celebrations associated with the Feast. This year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the Feast of St. Patrick. We include here an extract from the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells about his carelessness, about his relationship with God and about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish people will experience a similar conversion as we celebrate his Feast.
The Power of Prayer
After I came to Ireland, every day I had to tend sheep and many times a day I prayed. The love of God and his fear came to me more and more, and my faith wa strengthened. My Spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say as many as a 100 prayers, and almost as many in the night. Even when I was staying in then woods and on the mountains, I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, becaude the spirit within me was then fervent.
Year B Third Sunday of Lent 3rd March, 2024.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Sun 3rd 11.00am Joseph Kane & DFM. Michael & Teresa White & DFM
Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Johnny, Cathy, Brendan, Sean Dunne & DFM. Mary & Patsy Leonard. May Toner. Sun 10th 11.00am Maggie & Tom Leonard. Annie, Paddy & Tommy Mc Cann Bernie Drum.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Sun 10th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Gregory Smith. Clondone, Delvin. Christina Mooney. Trim. formerly St. Mary’s, Southill, Delvin.
Offertory: 840.. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 240 Euro Monthly 95. Euro. Annual 300 Euro .
Confessions: Before the Vigil Mass on Saturday and after 11 o, clock Mass on Sunday.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Bible Study: On the next four Tuesday nights we will have our Bible Study Group in Fatima at 8pm. Each night we will
watch an episode of the well known film series, The Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come
and join us.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday 7th March at 8pm.
Referendum: As you know the Referendums will be held on March 8th to amend the Constitution. The Irish Catholic
Bishops Conference has issued a statement about the Referendums. Copies of the statement are available at Church entrances
Synod Feedback Invitation: A series of meetings is planned for the coming weeks across the Diocese of Meath to offer
feedback on the Synod which was held in Rome last October and to offer an opportunity for further discernment on the
synodal process which will inform the preparations for the Synod in Rome next October. All interested persons are invited to
one of the following meetings; Navan Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th March. Ashbourne Parish Hall, Wed 13th March. All
meetings commence at
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Mass for Vocations in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on Thurs 7th March at 7.30pm.
The Celebrant will be Fr. Tony Gonoude, and the Preacher will be Fr. Barry White, our newest and youngest priest in the
Diocese of Meath. Christ so needs workers for His Kingdom. If you feel called to the Priesthood, place your trust in the
Lord. All most welcome to attend.
Meath Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will travel on September 10th and will be led by
Bishop Tom Deenihan The diocesan choir will accompany the pilgrimage. There are 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares
starting at 769 Euro. Further information and booking contact Joe Walsh Tours at or 01-2410800
Light The Fire, 2024: The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to join us in Slane on St. Patrick’s Day. 5pm
Vespers on the Hill of Slane and Rosary procession to the Church, 6pm Mass in St.Patrick’s Church followed by Eucharistic
Adoration. Event details or 041 9830441
25th Pioneer National Ball:: Takes place on Sat 6th April. Mass at 6pm in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar, followed
by special guest speaker, dinner, music at the Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar. For details/ tickets contact Dermot Fagan at
085-7201646, or Daisy Carey at 087-6544626
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a Trocaire Box, there are spare ones in both Churches.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Year B Second Sunday of Lent 25th February, 2024.
Sat 24th 6.30pm James & Margaret Mc Govern & daughter Mary. Sun 25th 11.00am Pat, Noeleen & Mary Smith.
Mon 26th 9.30am Sinead Barry. Tue 27th 9.30am Rose Gibney & DFM. Kathleen Gaffney. Wed 28th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st ( First Friday) 7.30pm Mass. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Sun 3rd 11.00am Joseph Keane & DFM. Michael & Teresa White & DFM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 25th 9.30am Joe Flynn. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 3rd 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Anne Roberts (nee Smith) formerly of Bracklyn, Delvin, who died in Canada.
Offertory: 1,040. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 250 Euro Monthly 540 Euro. .
Confessions: Before the Vigil Mass on Saturday and after 11 o, clock Mass on Sunday.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Study: On the next four Tuesdays nights we will have our Bible Study Group in Fatima at 8pm. Each night we will
watch an episode of the well known film series, The Chosen, and will have time for discussion and a cup of tea. Please come
and join us.
Referendum: As you know the Referendums will be held on March 8th to amend the Constitution. The Irish Catholic
Bishops Conference has issued a statement about the Referendums. Copies of the statement are available at Church entrances
Synod Feedback Invitation: A series of meetings is planned for the coming weeks across the Diocese of Meath to offer
feedback on the Synod which was held in Rome last October and to offer an opportunity for further discernment on the
synodal process which will inform the preparations for the Synod in Rome next October. All interested persons are invited to
one of the following meetings; Tullamore Parish Centre, Wed 28th February. Navan Parish Room, Wednesday 6th March.
Ashbourne Parish Hall, Wed 13th March. All meetings commence at
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a Trocaire Box, there are spare ones in both Churches.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Steadfast Discernment Weekend: NET Ireland is hosting a retreat at Maynooth Seminary from Mar 1st -3rd . It is a time for
young adults to come and discern with different religious orders, Mission organisations and much more. Please contact NET
Team if you know of any young adult that would be interested.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Thurs next, 29th Feb starting at 11am.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Ways of Fasting during Lent by Pope Francis
Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
Fast from worries and have trust in God.
Fast from complaints; contemplate simplicity.
Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
Fast from bitterness; fill your hearts with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate.
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words; be silent and listen.
Year B First Sunday of Lent 18th February, 2024.
Sat 17th 6.30pm T. J. & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Sun 18th 11.00am Christy Drumm MM Mon 19th 9.30am Paddy Downes. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st 7.30pm Mass Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm James & Margaret Mc Govern & daughter Mary. Sun 25th 11.00am Pat, Noeleen & Mary Smith.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 18th 9.30am Martin Kiernan. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Sun 25th 9.30am Joe Flynn.
- I. P. Gerard Toner. Balrath South, Delvin.
Offertory: 920. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 330 Euro Monthly 345 Euro. Annual 450 Euro.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Weekday Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri. Evening
Mass on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 9.30am on Wednesday.
Synod Feedback Invitation: A series of meetings is planned for the coming weeks across the Diocese of Meath to offer
feedback on the Synod which was held in Rome last October and to offer an opportunity for further discernment on the
synodal process which will inform the preparations for the Synod in Rome next October. All interested persons are invited to
one of the following meetings; Mullingar Community Centre, Wed 21st Feb. Tullamore Parish Centre, Wed 28th February.
Navan Parish Room, Wednesday 6th March. Ashbourne Parish Hall, Wed 13th March. All meetings commence at 7.1pm
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Trocaire Boxes are been delivered at the moment. We thank the Collectors who deliver the boxes . If you
did not get a box there are spare ones in both Churches.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2024: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb. Applications
for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email office St. Ernan’s 044-9664539 or
email St.Patrick’s Crowensstown 044-9664585, email
St. Patrick’s, Crowenstown Open Evening: Tue 20th Feb from 6pm -8pm in the school. Alternatively you may wish to visit
us during any school day
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Steadfast Discernment Weekend: NET Ireland is hosting a retreat at Maynooth Seminary from Mar 1st -3rd . It is a time for
young adults to come and discern with different religious orders, Mission organisations and much more. Please contact NET
Team if you know of any young adult that would be interested.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting in Gaffney’s Lounge on Mon Feb 19th at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Ways of Fasting during Lent by Pope Francis
Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
Fast from worries and have trust in God.
Fast from complaints; contemplate simplicity.
Fast from pesssures and be prayerful.
Fast from bitterness; fill your hearts with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate.
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words; be silent and listen.
Year B Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 11th February, 2024.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan. Sun 11th 11.00am Pat Healy MM Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th (Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm T. J. & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Sun 18th 11.00am Christy Drumm MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 11th 9.30am Pat Fox Wed 14th ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Sun 18th 9.30am
Martin Kiernan.
Offertory: 905. Euro. Candlemas Offerings 1,225. Euro.
Confirmation:Congratulations to the children who were confirmed on Thursday.Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer::Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro..
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offering last weekend.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: This Sunday is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day. Hear our
prayer, Oh God, and heal the many illnesses that afflict us in body, mind and soul. Bring comfort to those who suffer. Bring
consolation to those who despair. Bring strength to those of us who walk with the sick Bring hope to all for whom the path
to healing is long or may not end. Let us never forget your special care for the sick, that they may also know they are precious
and loved. Amen. :
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed during 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 7.30pm Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2024: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb. Applications
for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email office St. Ernan’s 044-9664539 or
email St.Patrick’s Crowensstown 044-9664585, email
St. Patrick’s, Crowenstown Open Evening: Tue 20th Feb from 6pm -8pm in the school. Alternatively you may wish to visit
us during any school day
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Pancake Tuesday: NET Team will be having a fun celebration with pancakes for the Youth Group on Tue 13th Feb.
Steadfast Discernment Weekend: NET Ireland is hosting a retreat at Maynooth Seminary from Mar 1st -3rd . It is a time for
young adults to come and discern with different religious orders, Mission organisations and much more. Please contact NET
Team if you know of any young adult that would be interested.
Anam Cara: :The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly meeting on Wed 14th Feb at 7.15pm
in Mullingar Park Hotel. Further info contact 01-4045378
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
For this reason the Church, especially during Advent and Lent above all at the Easter Vigil, re-reads and re- lives the
great events of salvation history in the “today” of her liturgy. But this also demands that catechesis help the faithful
to open themselves to this spiritual understanding of the economy of salvation as the Church’s liturgy reveals it and
enables us to live it.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 1095.
Year B Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 4th February, 2024.
Sat 3rd (Feast of St. Blaise) 6.30pm Pat Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 4th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & son Pat. Dermot Kenny. Mon 5th 9.30am Mass. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan. Sun 11th 11.00am Pat Healy MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 4th 9.30am Josie Mc Hale MM Sun 11th 9.30am Pat Fox
Offertory: 890. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 225. Euro. Monthly 155 Euro. Annual 650.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection last weekend. The amount was 1,635. Euro.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Annual Mass of Remembrance: Will be held on Wednesday 7th February at 2pm in St.Paul’s Church, Delvin Road,
Mullingar in memory of people buried in St. Loman’s Cemetery from 1907-1970 and to remember deceased patients and
staff. Mass will also be livestreamed on
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Next Sunday is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day. Hear our
prayer, Oh God, and heal the many illnesses that afflict us in body, mind and soul. Bring comfort to those who suffer. Bring
consolation to those who despair. Bring strength to those of us who walk with the sick Bring hope to all for whom the path
to healing is long or may not end. Let us never forget your special care for the sick, that they may also know they are precious
and loved. Amen. :
Renewal of Marriage Vows: Next Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2024: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb. Applications
for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email office St. Ernan’s 044-9664539 or
email St.Patrick’s Crowensstown 044-9664585, email
St. Patrick’s, Crowenstown Open Evenings Thurs 8th Feb from 6pm -8pm. Tue 20th Feb from 6pm -8pm in the school.
Alternatively you may wish to visit us during any school day
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Pancake Tuesday: NET Team will be having a fun celebration with pancakes for the Youth Group on Tue 13th Feb.
Delvin Adult Education Group: Meeting in the Hall on Tue next, Feb 6th at 10.30am. Meeting will entail preparation for
Summer Garden from seedling to bloom. New Members are very welcome.
Anam Cara: :The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly meeting on Wed 14th Feb at 7.15pm
in Mullingar Park Hotel. Further info contact 01-4045378
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit empowers God’s people to proclaim the Good News of
Jesus Christ, to live that message, and to continue Jesus’s mission and ministry in the world. Just as the Holy Spirit
descended on Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry and transformed the fearful disciples at Pentecost, the
Spirit equips every Christian for a life of service and witness. Many Catholics have come to realize that expectant
faith is necessary to receive and experience the full power of the Holy Spirit that is available in confirmation, Indeed,
God does not restrict the experience of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power to the actual time of receiving this
sacrament. Acts 10:47 testifies to this, and so does the experience of many confirmed Catholics who have been
“baptized in the Holy Spirit” and have thus come to know the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in a new or
fuller way. Nonetheless, Catholic believe and have witnessed that God desires to send the fullness of His Holy Spirit
through confirmation, and that the manifestation and gifts of the Holy Spirit will be evident when this sacrament is
approached with expectant faith and prayer.
Year B Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 28th January, 2024.
Sat 27th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Dolores & Mattie Gaffney. Sun 28th 11.00am Pat Smith. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am Mass. Wed 31st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st ( Feast of St. Brigid) 9.30am Mass. Fri 2nd ( Feast of the Presentation) 7.30pm John & Anna Vaughan Sat 3rd (Feast of St. Blaise) 6.30pm Pat Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 4th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & son Pat. Dermot Kenny.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 28th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons- Nugent Fri 2nd First Friday and Feast of the Presentation)
9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 4th 9.30am Josie Mc Hale MM
- I. P. Tess Mc Donnell. Clonmellon. mother of Thomas Mc Donnell. Crowenstown, Delvin. Nora Gilroy. Athboy. mother of Martina Gaffney. Printinstown, Delvin & Fr. Tom Gilroy PP Kinnegad.
Offertory: 860. Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 230. Euro. Monthly 30 Euro. Annual 1,250
Communiion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Needs of the Diocese: The second collection will be taken up this weekend 28th January. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th February, 2024.
Celebration for Religious: Each year the Church celebrates the contribution of men and women in religious Orders and
congregations to the Church.. To celebrate the contribution of religious to the Diocese of Meath , there will be a celebration
of Sung Vespers and blessing of Candles in the Cathedral, Mullingar this Sunday 28th at 4pm The Preacher will be Fr. John
Harris O. P. This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Michael Smith. The anniversary
will also be celebrated in the ceremony in the Cathedral on Sunday 28th .All are welcome.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thurs 1st Feb at 8pm. New members are welcome.
Feast of St. Brigid:: Thursday 1st is the Feast of St. Brigid. Anybody wishing to have St. Brigid’s Crosses blessed can leave
them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Thursday. They will be blessed during Mass.
Feast of the Presentation: Friday 2nd we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation. Anybody wishing to have Candles blessed
for use in the home can leave them in the Church before 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 7.30pm Mass in Delvin.
Today is also World Day of Consecrated Life.
Feast of St. Blaise: Sat 3rd is the Feast of St. Blaise.
Candlemas Offerings: Sunday 4th is Candlemas Day. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thurs and Fri from 1st to 6th years are
welcome. NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring.
Youth Group Cake Sale: Youth Group will be holding a Cake Sale after 11am Mass this Sun 28th Jan. All are Welcome..
Young Adult Bible Study: The NET Team will be hosting a Bible Study based on the Chosen every Sunday in
Fatima:from 5pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided and all are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2024: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb. Applications
for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email office St. Ernan’s 044-9664539 or
email St.Patrick’s Crowensstown 044-9664585, email
St. Ernan’s Open Evening takes place on Jan 24th from 6.30pm -8pm, Children and Parents are very welcome.
St. Tola’s N. S. Open Evening on Thurs 1st Feb from 6pm-7.30pm. Principal’s address at 6.30pm.
St. Patrick’s, Crowenstown Open Evenings Thurs 8th Feb from 6pm -8pm. Tue 20th Feb from 6pm -8pm in the school.
Alternatively you may wish to visit us during any school day
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
St. Brigid
St. Brigid is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. She was born c.454. When she was young
her father wished to make a very suitable marriage for her but she insisted in consecrating her virginity to God. She
received the veil and spiritual formation probably from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in
Ardagh. Others followed her example and this led her to found a double monastery in Kildare with the assistance of
Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and her cult is widespread not only throughout Ireland but in several European
lands. The St. Brigid’s Cross, in legend used by Brigid to explain the Christian faith, remains a popular sign of God’s
Year B Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 21st January, 2024.
Sat 20th 6.30pm John, Margaret & Babs Moran & DFM. Tom & Mark Hickey. Frank Brady. Sun 21st 11.00 Anna Wyse MM Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Dolores & Mattie Gaffney..
Sun 28th 11.00am Pat Smith
Killulagh Masses: Sun 21st 9.30am Matt, Bridget, Mary & Larry Whelehan & DFM. Sun 28th 9.30am
Nuala Fitzsimons- Nugent
Offertory: 860. Euro. Needs of the Diocese 1,250 Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 210. Euro. Monthly 100 Euro. Annual 700
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the first collection last weekend for the Needs of the Diocese.
Amount was 1,250 Euro. The second collection will be taken up next weekend 28th January. The Bishop has asked for a
contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese. These include Marriage preparation an
support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be
collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Christian Unity Week: Began on Thursday last and will continue until 25th January. It is a week of Prayer for Christian
Unity. We are conscious of the many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one.
During this week we join with Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored. A
Prayer Service to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held in Castlepollard Church this Sunday, January
21st at 3pm. All are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th February, 2024.
Celebration for Religious: Each year the Church celebrates the contribution of men and women in religious Orders and
congregations to the Church.. To celebrate the contribution of religious to the Diocese of Meath , there will be a celebration
of Sung Vespers and blessing of Candles in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Sunday 28th at 4pm The Preacher will be Fr. John
Harris O. P. This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Michael Smith. The anniversary
will also be celebrated in the ceremony in the Cathedral on Sunday 28th .All are welcome.
Diaconate Ordination We pray for Anthony Kerr who will be ordained Deacon by the Most Reverend Tom Deenihan,
Bishop of Meath on Sunday 21st January in St. Mary’s Church, Drogheda. Anthony is from the Parish of Navan.
Anthony has completed his Seminary training and is now preparing for Ordination to the Priesthood. Ordination of
Diaconate is the final step to his journey.
Catholic Schools Week: 22nd January-29th January The theme for each day are as follows:
Monday 22nd Service in our Community of Friends. Tuesday 23rd Service in Our School Community. Wednesday
24th Service in our Family Community. Grandparents Day. Thursday 25th Service in Our Local Coommunity.
Friday 26th Service in our Faith Community.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2024: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb. Applications
for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email office St. Ernan’s 044-9664539 or
email St.Patrick’s Crowensstown 044-9664585, email
St. Ernan’s Open Evening takes place on Jan 24th from 6.30pm -8pm, Children and Parents are very welcome.
St. Tola’s N. S. Open Evening on Thurs 1st Feb from 6pm-7.30pm. Principal’s address at 6.30pm.
Special Olympics, Mullingar: Table Quiz in aid of Special Olympics takes place on Thurs 25th January in Annesbrook
Hotel, Mullingar at 8.30pm. We appreciate your support.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Sunday of the Word of God
For this reason, the Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates the Lord’s Body. She never ceases
to present to the faithful the bread of life, taken from the one table of God’s Word and Christ’s Body. In Sacred
Scripture, the Church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength, for she welcomes it not as a human word,
but as what it really is, the Word of God. In the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven comes lovingly to meet his
children, and talks with them.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 103 & 104.
Year B Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 14th January, 2024.
Sat 13th 6.30pm Jane Bray MM Sun 14th 11.00am Dick & Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & Baby Patrick. Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm John, Margaret & Babs Moran & DFM. Tom & Mark Hickey. Frank Brady. Sun 21st 11.00am Mass.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 14th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Sun 21st 9.30am Matt, Bridget, Mary & Larry Whelehan & DFM.
- I.P. Pat Healy. Rosmead, Delvin. Christy Drumm. Clonmaskill, Delvin.
Offertory: 6th January 550. Euro. Sunday 7th January 985 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 515. Euro. Monthly 165 Euro. Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this Sun 14th January and again on
Sunday 28th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
to the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Come and See: The theme of vocation stands out in the biblical Readings of this Sunday---the Second in Ordinary Time. In
the Gospel, there is the call to the first disciples by Jesus, in the First Reading, is the call of the Prophet Samuel. In the
forefront of both these accounts, is the importance of the figure who plays the role of mediator, helping people to recognise
God’s voice and to follow it. May we help others to see their call and in particular, help young men to be priests for Christ in
our Diocese. Vocations Director Fr. Tony Gonoude. 044-9373923:
Christian Unity Week: From Thursday 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored. A Prayer Service to celebrate
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held in Castlepollard Church on Sunday, January 21st at 3pm. All are
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the supporm jkjt they need to recover from this ordeal.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th February, 2024.
Celebration for Religious: Each year the Church celebrates the contribution of men and women in religious Orders and
congregations to the Church on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd . To celebrate the contribution of religious to the
Diocese of Meath , there will be a celebration of Sung Vespers and blessing of Candles in the Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm
The Preacher will be Fr. John Harris O. P. This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop
Michael Smith. The anniversary will also be celebrated in the ceremony in the Cathedral on Sunday 21st .All are welcome.
Catholic Schools Week: 22nd January-29th January There will be more information on the theme for each day next week.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2024: Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb. Applications
for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email office St. Ernan’s 044-9664539 or
email St.Patrick’s Crowensstown 044-9664585, email
Delvin Handball Club: A. G. M. will be held on Fri 26th January in Handball Alley Meeting Room. Nomination and
Motion Papers are available from the Secretary, Delvin Westmeath Handball They must be returned by 15th January.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Sunday of the Word of God
Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 21st as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the importance of
the Word of God in our lives and in the liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope Francis
establishing the Sunday of the Word of God. “it belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognise
themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the sacred text by restricting it to certain
circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who,, in listening to it,
move from dispersion and division towards unity. The word of God unites believers and makes them one people. In
this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping everyone to
understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word feel an urgent need to make it
accessible to their community.”
Year B The Baptism of the Lord 7th January, 2024.
Sat 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany ) 11.00am Carmel Reilly. Vigil Mass 6.30pm Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune. Sun 7th 11.00am James Kiernan. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Jane Bray MM Sun 14th 11.00am Dick & Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & Baby Patrick.
Killulagh Masses: Sat 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany ) 9.30am Willie Dugdale. Sun 7th 9.30am Margaret Manny.
Sun 14th 9.30am Chris Callaghan.
Offertory: 745. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 695. Euro. Monthly 230 Euro. Annual 950 Euro.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Feast of the Epiphany: Will be celebrated on Saturday 6th January. It is a Holy Day.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 14th January and again on
Sunday 28th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
to the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Christian Unity Week: From Thursday 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th February, 2024.
Anam Cara:: Is holding it’s Monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wed 10th January at 7.15pm in Mullingar
Park Hotel. The event is open to all beraved parents Further information call 01-4045378.
St. Vincent de Paul: The Delvin Branch of St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal collected 2,918 Euro. Thanks to your
local donations. We were able to spend over 5,000 Euro supporting local people in need at Christmas.
SVP are contactable for advice or support at 1800 677 777. Anyone interested in joining the local SVP visit and look
at ways to help/ volunteer, or leave you contact details at the Parochial House.
Delvin Handball Club: Are hosting 2024 Junior Nationals Handball qualifiers this Sun 7th Jan in Handball Alley from
9.30am -7.30pm. All welcome to attend. A. G. M. will be held on Fri 26th January in Handball Alley Meeting Room.
Nomination and Motion Papers are available from the Secretary, Delvin Westmeath Handball They must be returned
by 15th January.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
The Baptism of Jesus and Ours
Jesus’s baptism is the pattern also of ours. In baptism we go down with Christ into the waters of death, and our sins
are drowned in those waters. And because we have gone down with Christ, we also come up from the waters
together with him and hear ---mighty and majestic----the Father’s voice directed to us as well.. It pronounces a new
name for each of us, in the depths of each of our hearts “ Beloved! In whom I am well pleased.” We hear the name as
ours not because of any good deeds we have done but because Christ in his overflowing love willed to share his
relationship to his Father with us.
Homiletic Directory. No. 137.
Important Dates for 2024
14th February, Ash Wednesday
31st March, Easter Sunday
19th May, Pentecost Sunday
Church Holidays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Saturday 6th January, All Saints Day, Friday 1st November
St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Sunday 8th December
Feast of the Assumption, Thursday 15th August. Christmas Day, Wednesday 25th December.
Year B The Holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 31st December, 2023.
Sat 30th 6.30pm Bill Anderson. John & Frances Fitzpatrick. Sun 31st 11.00am Anthony Haran & Parents Anthony & Sarah. Kitty & Joe Bray. Mon 1st 12noon Mass. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri 5th ( First Friday 7.30pm Peter & Bridget Cooke. Robinstown. Sat 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany )11.00am Carmel Reilly. Vigil Mass 6.30pm Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune. Sun 7th 11.00am James Kiernan.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 31st 9.30am Jim Flynn. Fri 5th (First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany) 9.30am Willie Dugdale. Sun 7th 9.30am Margaret Manny.
- I. P. Josie Mc Hale. Ballyowen. Delvin.
Sat/ Sun Offertory: 930. Euro Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day. 2,905 Euro. Christmas Offerings 7,390 Euro.
Bible Alive: January Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday 1st January.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God. ( January 1st ).
At the message of an angel, the Virgin Mary received the words of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer.
Feast of the Epiphany: Will be celebrated on Saturday 6th January. It is a Holy Day.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 14th January and again on
Sunday 28th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution
to the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is 5,500 Euro.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Sunday 31st December at 10.30am
The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
World Day of Peace:: This Monday January 1st is World Day of Peace. Mass in Delvin will be at 12noon on that day.
Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming year.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th February, 2024.
Anam Cara:: Is holding it’s Monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wed 10th January at 7.15pm in Mullingar
Park Hotel. The event is open to all beraved parents Further information call 01-4045378.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
New Year Greetings: We wish all our parishioners every blessing and success for 2024. Thanks to everybody for
their generosity and support in the past year.
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel., Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great
feast of the Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men(magi) from the East, together with his
Baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring
pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, the good news of salvation through the Incarnation.
Important Dates for 2024
14th February, Ash Wednesday
31st March, Easter Sunday
19th May, Pentecost Sunday
Church Holidays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Saturday 6th January, All Saints Day, Friday 1st November
St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Sunday 8th December
Feast of the Assumption, Thursday 15th August. Christmas Day, Wednesday 25th December.
Year B Fourth Sunday of Advent 24th December, 2023.
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Nancy Neville. Sun 24th 11.00am Margaret Farrington MM 7.00pm Christmas Vigil Mass. Mon 25th ( Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass. Tue 26th 10.00am. Tom & Bridie Brennan. Wed 27th 10.00am DFM Kearney Family Thurs 28th 10.00am Larry Murtagh & DFM. Breda Murtagh MM . Fri 29th 10.00am Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Bill Anderson. John & Frances Fitzpatrick. Sun 31st 11.00am Anthony Haran & Parents Anthony & Sarah. Kitty & Joe Bray.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 24th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory sons Loman & Frank. Mon 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass.
Sun 31st 9.30am Jim Flynn.
- I. P. Toni Marie Kenny. Mullingar. Anna Wyse. Castletown Court, Delvin.
Offertory: 970. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 345. Euro. Monthly 115 Euro.
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday 25th December.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career changer and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Christmas Candles: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 31st December at 10.30am. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
World Day of Peace:: Next Monday week January 1st is World Day of Peace. Mass in Delvin will be at 12noon on that day.
Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming year.
Anam Cara:: Is holding it’s Monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wed 10th January at 7.15pm in Mullingar
Park Hotel. The event is open to all beraved parents Further information call 01-4045378.
Christmas Confessions: 7.15pm in Delvin ( after Vigil Mass)
Sunday 24th 5-5.30pm in Delvin.
Christmas Masses: Delvin
Saturday 23rd Vigil Mass in Delvin at 6.30pm
Sunday 24th 9.30am in Killulagh
11.00am in Delvin
7.00pm (Christmas Eve) Vigil Mass in Delvin
Christmas Day: Monday 25th 9.30am in Killulagh
11.00am in Delvin.
Christmas Greetings
WE extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. We welcome all
who have come home to be with their families. We think of all who cannot travel this Christmas, or who have to
work during the Christmas.
The Crib
Standing before the Christmas Crib, we are reminded of the time when we were children, eagerly waiting to set it up.
These memories make us all the more conscious of the previous gift received from those who passed on the faith to
- At the same time they remind us if our duty to share this same experience with our children and grandchildren. It
does not matter how the nativity scene is arranged: it can always be the same or it can change from year to year.
What matters is that it speaks to our lives. Wherever it is and whatever form it takes, the Christmas crib speaks to of
the love of God, the God who became a child in order to make us know how close he is to every man, woman and
child…May we open our hearts to this simple grace, so that from our wonderment a humble prayer may arise: a
prayer of thanksgiving to God, who wished to share with us his all, and thus never to leave us alone.
Pope Francis.
Year B Third Sunday of Advent 17th December, 2023.
Sat 16th 6.30pm Tommy Cunneen & DFM Cunneen Family. William & Teresa Mc Cormack. Martin Brennan & Cathy O’ Sullivan. Sun 17th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Bernie Kelly. Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Thuirs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Nancy Neville. Sun 24th 11.00am Margaret Farrington MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 17th Pala Sheerin & DFM. Anna & Paddy Cassidy. Sun 24th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory sons Loman & Frank
- I. P. Kathleen Stafford. Castleview, Delvin. Jane Bray. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory: 710. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 220. Euro. Monthly 190 Euro. 8th Dec 315 Euro
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Advent Prayer: We will continue with a time of prayer in Delvin Church each Friday evening during Advent. It will
include Rosary and Benediction. It will be on Fri next, Dec 22nd at 7.30pm. Please come and join us as we prepare to
celebrate the Feast of Christmas.
Sunday Eucharist: Statement from the Irish Bishops Conference “The Sunday Mass is at the very heartbeat of the
Church and of our personal faith. While some may have drifted away, from regular attendance of Mass, and others may have
developed the habit of continuing to watch online instead of joining the community in person, we encourage families and
individuals who are able to do so, to return to Mass for Christmas and the New Year, knowing the importance of the Sunday
gathering in the life of our parishes. To assist the faithful, in 2024 we will publish a Pastoral Letter and acconpanying
resources, to help achieve a greater appreciation of Sunday, knowing that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our
spiritual and pastoral life.”
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday 25th December.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. : Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career changer and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
Christmas Candles: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 31st December at 10.30am. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Christmas Confessions: Friday 22nd after Advent Prayer (8.15approx)
Saturday 23rd 12noon in Killulagh.
7.15pm in Delvin ( after Vigil Mass)
Sunday 24th 5-5.30pm in Delvin.
Christmas Masses: Delvin
Saturday 23rd Vigil Mass in Delvin at 6.30pm
Sunday 24th 9.30am in Killulagh
11.00am in Delvin
7.00pm (Christmas Eve) Vigil Mass in Delvin
Christmas Day: Monday 25th 9.30am in Killulagh
11.00am in Delvin.
It is not surprising, then, as the spirit of anticipation grows through the weeks of Advent, that the Third Sunday
takes its name from the first words of the Entrance Song, which have for centuries been sung on the day. St. Paul’s
words to the Philippians: “ Gaudete-Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say, rejoice, Indeed, the Lord is near.” He
has come. He will come again in glory. He comes at Christmas. He comes already now in each Eucharist celebrated
during Advent. “ Indeed the Lord is near.”
Year B Second Sunday of Advent 10th December, 2023.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy & DFM. Dan & Sheila Brennan. Pat Lynch. Sun 10th 11.00am Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM. Deceased Members of Delvin GAA & Handball Clubs. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th 9.30am mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Tommy Cunneen & DFM Cunneen Family. William & Teresa Mc Cormack. Martin Brennan & Cathy O’ Sullivan. Sun 17th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Bernie Kelly.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 10th 9.30am Nugent Family, Bracklyn. Sun 17th Pala Sheerin & DFM.
Anna & Paddy Cassidy.
Offertory: 880. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 225. Euro. Monthly 145 Euro.
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Advent Prayer: We will continue with a time of prayer in Delvin Church each Friday evening during Advent. It will
include Rosary and Benediction. It will be on Fri next, Dec 15th at 7.30pm. Please come and join us as we prepare to
celebrate the Feast of Christmas.
Sunday Eucharist: Statement from the Irish Bishops Conference “The Sunday Mass is at the very heartbeat of the
Church and of our personal faith. While some may have drifted away, from regular attendance of Mass, and others may have
developed the habit of continuing to watch online instead of joining the community in person, we encourage families and
individuals who are able to do so, to return to Mass for Christmas and the New Year, knowing the importance of the Sunday
gathering in the life of our parishes. To assist the faithful, in 2024 we will publish a Pastoral Letter and acconpanying
resources, to help achieve a greater appreciation of Sunday, knowing that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our
spiritual and pastoral life.”
Diocese of Meath Vocations: If you have any men considering the call to the Priesthood, feel free to refer them to me and to
point them to the Vocations Website It’s an in depth guide for any questions they may have.. See Vocations Website Email Fr. Tony Gonoude 044-9373923.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and latter in Wales. On his
return he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath. around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of
the great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the Saints of Ireland. His Feast
Day is Tuesday 12th December.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Viatores Christi: Wish to convey heartfelt gratitude to the parishioners for this substantial contribution to Viatores Christi
which will be a great help to us in our work with our partner projects in some of the poorest communities of our world. The
collection received to date from the parish has been very generous, totaling 1,149 Euro.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up for the presentation on Thursday night last. A cheque of 25,000.
Euro was handed to Mr. John Shaw. A big thank you to all who fundraised from the parish and surrounding parishes. As
always we appreciate the good work that is done throughout the year for the |Hospice.
St. Vincent de Paul: Drive Thru Collection will take place this weekend. SVP collectors will be in place with sealed
collection buckets next to the Church front doors. Church Gate Collection will also be taken up at the Gates
before Masses. You can leave a donation at the Parochial House, alternatively you can donate online make a
one off or monthly donation and be sure to select North East area so your money goes to our Region.
Support: If you need Support and /or Advice please contact 1800677777.
Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday , until the solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year A First Sunday of Advent 3rd December, 2023.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Joe Reilly. Paddy & Bridie Brennan. Sun 3rd 11.00am Noel Lynch. David Anderson.
Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 9.30am. Thurs 7th 7.30pm. Fri 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 11.00am Joseph & Ellen Kane & DFM. Sat 9th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy & DFM. Dan & Sheila Brennan. Pat Lynch. Sun 10th 11.00am Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM. Deceased Members of Delvin GAA & Handball Clubs.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 3rd 9.30am Paddy & Betty Kelleghan. Tom & Kathleen Monaghan & DFM Fri 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 9.30am Mass in St. Tola’s N. S. Sun 10th 9.30am Nugent Family, Bracklyn.
R.I. P. Margaret Farrington. Main St, Delvin. Margaret Kelly. Athy, Kildare. mother of Michael Kelly. Rosmead, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,080. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 275. Euro. Monthly 75 Euro.
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Advent Prayer: We intend to have a time of prayer in Delvin Church each Friday evening during Advent. It will include
Rosary and Benediction. It will begin on Fri next, Dec 8th at 7.30pm. Please come and join us as we prepare to celebrate the
Feast of Christmas.
Safeguarding: This Sunday we will celebrate Safeguarding Sunday in the parish. We have a safeguarding policy which is
available from the parish office, and we have various procedures which some of you may be familiar with. This safeguarding
awareness day gives us an opportunity to focus on how best our parish can encourage children and young people to have
active ministries in our parish and to ensure they are both safe and welcome. We would like to acknowledge the children and
young people who take part in our parish activities and hope they will continue to be part of our parish life. Thanks also to
the volunteers and to the parents. Your enthusiasm, care and welcoming manner play a huge part in ensuring that children
and young people have a positive experience in our parish. Further information available from the Parish Office, from the
Diocesan Safeguarding website and our Safeguarding Representatives, Olive Power and Michael Murphy.
Viatores Christi: Members of Viatores Christi will speak at all Masses in the parish this weekend..
Diocese of Meath Vocations: If you have any men considering the call to the Priesthood, feel free to refer them to me and to
point them to the Vocations Website It’s an in depth guide for any questions they may have. Also please pray for Anthony
Kerr. Mark Caffery. Martin Smith and Nicola Tamburrino who are students for the Priesthood in our Diocese. See
Vocations Website Email Fr. Tony Gonoude 044-9373923.
40 Hours Adoration: A sincere thank you to all who attended and contributed to the Forty Hours Adoration in the Cathedral
of Christ the King. Let us pray that the weekend will be a source of prayer and blessings in the Diocese.
60th Anniversary Celebrations: St. Ernan’s N. S. Delvin (1963-2023) 60th Anniversary Celebrations will take place on
Friday December 8th . Mass at 11am in the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. All are welcome to join us at the school
afterwards from 12noon -2pm for refreshments and celebrations. Meet our pupils and staff and past pupils..
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: A. G. M. will take place in Gaffney’s Lounge on Wed next, Dec 6th at 8.30pm.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Thurs 7th Dec at 8.309m in Gaffney’s Lounge.
It is also an Information Night.. Please come along and feel free to ask questions regarding Hospice and Palliative Care...
St. Vincent de Paul: Drive Thru Collection will take place on Sat 9th Dec between 11am -3pm. SVP collectors will be in
place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church front doors. Church Gate Collection will also be taken up at the Gates
before Masses on Sat 9th & Sun 10th December. You can leave a donation at the Parochial House, alternatively you can
donate online make a one off or monthly donation and be sure to select North East area so your money goes to
our Region. Support: If you need Support and /or Advice please contact 1800677777.
Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday , until the solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year A Feast of Christ the King 26th November, 2023.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Bridie Walsh. Sun 26th 11.00am Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Tom & Mary Jane Heffernan. Eugene & Carmel Doherty. John Mc Cormack MM Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th Mass. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st First Friday) 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney Sat 2nd 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Joe Reilly. Paddy & Bridie Brennan. Sun 3rd 11.00am Noel Lynch. David Anderson.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 26th 9.30am DFM Campbell Family. Ballyowen. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Billy Moran. Sun 3rd 9.30am Paddy & Betty Kelleghan. Tom & Kathleen Monaghan & DFM
Offertory: 880. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 460. Euro. Monthly 200 Euro. Annual 200 Euro
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday November 26th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. To mark the Feast in the
parish we will have Adoration in Killulagh Church from 12noon -1pm.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It began on Fri 24th November ( 7.30pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday 25th until midnight.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Safeguarding: Next Sunday we will celebrate Safeguarding Sunday in the parish.
Viatores Christi: Members of Viatores Christi will speak at Masses in this parish during Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses
on 2nd /3rd December.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: A. G. M. will take place on 29th Nov at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s. All are welcome. We are
looking for help with our Sensory Garden on a Sat between 11-12noon. Contact Norman at 087-9389545.
60th Anniversary Celebrations: St. Ernan’s N. S. Delvin (1963-2023) 60th Anniversary Celebrations will take place on
Friday December 8th . Mass at 11am in the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. All are welcome to join us at the school
afterwards from 12noon -2pm for refreshments and celebrations. Meet our pupils and staff and past pupils: come along and
take a trip down memory lane.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday 30th November starting at 11am sharp.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed 29th November at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Meals –on- Wheels: Are looking for volunteers/ drivers who can spare 1 hour every week to do Meals on Wheels. Please
contact Tricia Mc Grath at 087-4124857. Your time will be much appreciated
Delvin G. A. A. : A. G. M. will take place on Fri 8th Dec at 8pm in Handball Alley. Nomination and Motion papers are
available by email from They must be returned by Nov 25th . Annual Draw will
take place on Sat 2nd Dec in Caman Inn. Tickets 10 Euro. We appreciate your support.
Delvin Camogie: Are having Christmas Market in the Hall next Sat Dec 2nd between 12-4pm. We appreciate your support.
St. Vincent de Paul: Increasing fuel and electric costs continue to put increased pressures on households so please
remember to give what you can this Christmas so we can help people in need in our community with basics like food and
Drive Thru Collection will take place on Sat 9th Dec between 11am -3pm. SVP collectors will be in place with sealed
collection buckets next to the Church front doors.
Church Gate Collection will also be taken up at the Gates before Masses on Sat 9th & Sun 10th December.
You can leave a donation at the Parochial House, alternatively you can donate online make a one off or monthly
donation and be sure to select North East area so your money goes to our Region.
Support: If you need Support and /or Advice please contact 1800677777.
Year A Thirty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th November, 2023.
Sat 18th 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Sun 19th 11.00am John & Bridie Carolan. Sean Connolly & Son Gerard. Dan & Annie Mc Grath & Betty Smith. Mon 20th Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Bridie Walsh. Sun 26th 11.00am
Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Tom & Mary Jane Heffernan. Eugene & Carmel Doherty. John Mc Cormack MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 19th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Tony Larkin. Margret & Jimmy Carey
Sun 26th 9.30am DFM Campbell Family. Ballyowen
- I.P. Brian Corcoran. Kells. formerly Main St, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,005. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 460. Euro. Monthly 200 Euro.
Bible Alive: November Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
First Holy Communion: We will celebrate First Holy Communion in this Parish on Saturday, May 11th, 2024.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday November 26th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. To mark the Feast in the
parish we will have Adoration in Killulagh Church from 12noon -1pm.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It will begin on Fri 24th November ( 7.30pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions will be available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday 25th until
Each parish has been assigned one hour for adoration. Delvin and Killulagh have been given the opening hour 8-9pm on
Friday next, 24th November. This hour follows the opening Mass at 7.30pm. Members of the parish are invited to join in
Adoration for this hour ( 8 to 9 ) on Friday. People who cannot attend at that time are welcome to attend at other times.
Viatores Christi: Members of Viatores Christi will speak at Masses in this parish during Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses
on 2nd /3rd December.
Priory Institute: Are providing Online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght. Open
Evening on Wed 29th November. Further info email
World Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Vixtims: We will remember all those killed on our roads this Sun 19th Nov
at our Masses.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Monday next, Nov 20th at 8pm in Gaffney;s Lounge.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: A. G. M. will take place on 29th Nov at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s. All are welcome. We need a
little more help with the centre.
60th Anniversary Celebrations: St. Ernan’s N. S. Delvin (1963-2023) 60th Anniversary Celebrations will take place on
Friday December 8th . Mass at 11am in the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. All are welcome to join us at the school
afterwards from 12noon -2pm for refreshments and celebrations. Meet our pupils and staff and past pupils: come along and
take a trip down memory lane.
Meals –on- Wheels: Are looking for volunteers/ drivers who can spare 1 hour every week to do Meals on Wheels. Please
contact Tricia Mc Grath at 087-4124857. Your time will be much appreciated
St. Vincent de Paul: Increasing fuel and electric costs continue to put increased pressures on households so please
remember to give what you can this Christmas so we can help people in need in our community with basics like food and
Drive Thru Collection will take place on Sat 9th Dec between 11am -3pm. SVP collectors will be in place with sealed
collection buckets next to the Church front doors.
Church Gate Collection will also be taken up at the Gates before Masses on Sat 9th & Sun 10th December.
Year A Thirty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th November, 2023.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Walter Casserly & Grandaughter Niamh. Sun 12th 11.00am Frank Kelly & parents Sheila & Ernest.
Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Anthony, Brigid & Maura Mc Cormack. Sat 18th 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Sun 19th 11.00am
John & Bridie Carolan. Sean Connolly & Son Gerard. Dan & Annie Mc Grath & Betty Smith.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 12th 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully & DFM. Nancy & John Barry. Gertrude & Michael Kiernan
Sun 19th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Tony Larkin. Margaret & Jimmy Carey.
Offertory: 915. Euro November Offerings: 2,235.Euro
Bible Alive: November Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Reading at Daily Mass: Next week the first reading will be taken from the Book of Wisdom. Here is a very short
introduction to the Book of Wisdom:
The Book of Wisdom was written in the second century BC for the large Jewish community in Alexandria. It encourages
fidelity to traditional teachings, but is influenced by some Greek thought. It begins by teaching that religious faith and
virtuous living are the basis of true wisdom and lead to immortal life.
First Holy Communion: We will celebrate First Holy Communion in this Parish on Saturday, May 11th, 2024.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It will begin on Fri 24th November ( 7pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions will be available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday until midnight.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to November Offerings last weekend.
Annual Service for the Dead: Will take place in Delvin Church on Friday 17th November at 7.30pm. All are welcome,
especially families and relatives of those who died during the past year.
Viatores Christi: Members of Viatores Christi will speak at Masses in this parish during Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses
on 2nd /3rd December.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance takes place this Sun 12th Nov at 3pm in St. Tereas’s
Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8. All parents, siblings and others affected by the loss of a baby are welcome to attend.
Priory Institute: Are providing Online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght. Open
Evening on Wed 29th November. Further info email
World Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Vixtims: We will remember all those killed on our roads next Sun 19th Nov
at our Masses.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Monday next, Nov 13th at 8pm in Gaffney;s Lounge.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: A. G. M. will take place on 29th Nov at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s. All are welcome. We need a
little more help with the centre.
60th Anniversary Celebrations: St. Ernan’s N. S. Delvin (1963-2023) 60th Anniversary Celebrations will take place on
Friday December 8th . Mass at 11am in the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. All are welcome to join us at the school
afterwards from 12noon -2pm for refreshments and celebrations. Meet our pupils and staff and past pupils: come along and
take a trip down memory lane.
Reflection on the Gospel of Sunday 12th November.
The door is closed against the bridesmaids who did not keep vigil nor trim their lamps. The concern of the Christian
should be readiness for the call of the Lord, to seek the light of Christ in daily living, and to keep burning brightly
the light received at baptism. It is true wisdom to be always eagerly longing for the Lord
Year A Thirty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th November, 2023.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Marius Carroll. Sun 5th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. . Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am James & Mary Gaffney. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Walter Casserly & Grandaughter Niamh. Sun 12th 11.00am Frank Kelly & parents Sheila & Ernest.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 5th 9.30am Elizabeth, Larry, Tommy & Matt Poynton. Sheila Aughey. Sun 12th 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully & DFM. Nancy & John Barry. Gertrude & Michael Kiernan
- I. P. Gretta Mc Donnell. Collinstown.
Offertory: 935. Euro 1st Nov. 365 Euro. Ren Fund: Weekly 265 Euro Monthly 80 Euro.
Bible Alive: November Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Delvin Altar Society: We thank all who supported our collection last weekend. Total amount was 485 Euro.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on The Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm.
All The Saints of Ireland: Monday, November 6th is the Feast of All The Saints of Ireland
In the communion of saints, many and varied spiritualities have been developed throughouit the history of the Churches…
The different schools of Christian spirituality share in the living tradition of prayer and are essential guides for the faithful.
In their rich diversity they are refractions of the one pure light of the Holy Spirit. Catechism of the Catholic Church (2684).
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It will begin on Fri 24th November ( 7pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions will be available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday until midnight.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st -8th .
List of the Dead: Thanks to all who returned the List of the Dead Envelopes. Mass was offered on Thursday last The Feast
of All Souls and on Friday ( First Friday).
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thurs next, Nov 9th at 8pm.
Delvin Education Group: Meet in the Hall on Tue next, Nov 7th at 10.30am. New members are most welcome.
Annual Service for the Dead: Will take place in Delvin Church on Friday 17th November at 7.30pm. All are welcome,
especially families and relatives of those who died during the past year.
Viatores Christi: Members of Viatores Christi will speak at Masses in this parish during Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses
on 2nd /3rd December.
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding it’s monthly meeting on Wed 8th Nov at 7.15pm in
Mullingar Park Hotel. Event is free and open to all bereaved parents. For more info contact 01-4045378.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance takes place on Sun 12th Nov at 3pm in St. Tereas’s
Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8. All parents, siblings and others affected by the loss of a baby are welcome to attend.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Would like to thank the people of Delvin and surrounding areas for their support and sponsorship
during 2023. Delvin scored 259 marks out of 500. To continue our hard work in 2024 we need a lot more volunteers joining
us to continue to enhance our village.
The meaning of Christian Death
Because of Christ, Christian death has a positive meaning; “for to me to live in Christ, and to die is gain.” ( Phil 1:21)
“The saying is sure if we have died with him, we will also live with him.” ( 2 Tim 2:11). What is essentially new
about Christian death is this: through Baptism the Christian has already “died with Christ” sacramentally, in
order to live a new life, and if we die in Christ’s grace, physical death completes this “dying with Christ” and so
completes our incorporation into him in his redeeming act.
Catechism of the Catholic Church.(1010).
Year A Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29nd October, 2023.
Sat 28th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Margaret & Michael Malone. Sun 29th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick Family. Dermot & Maggie Kenny. Mon 30th Mass. Tue 31st 7.30pm Mass. Wed 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Gretta Mc Donnell. Gerry Murray. John Mc Cormack. . Thurs 2nd ( Feast of All Souls) 7.30pm New List of the Dead. Fri 3rd ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 4th 6.30pm Marius Carroll. Sun 5th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. .
Killulagh Masses: Sun 29th 9.30am Joe Callan. Wed 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 9.30am Tom, May & Sean Fay. Thurs ( Feast of All Souls) 9.30am New List of the Dead. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am New List of the Dead. Sun 5th 9.30am Elizabeth, Larry, Tommy & Matt Poynton. Sheila Aughey.
- I. P. John Mc Cormack. Billistown Community House, Delvin.
Offertory: 1,380. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 220 Euro Monthly 130 Euro. Annual: 500 Euro
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Saturday night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Alive: November Issue on sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Delvin Altar Society: Are having a Collection for Flowers and Cruets for the Altar this Sat/ Sun 28th & 29th October. Boxes
will be left in the Church. We appreciate your support. We will hold a meeting in Fatima on Tuesday 31st October at 8pm.
All new volunteers and existing members are asked to attend.
World Mission Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the collection last weekend for Mission Sunday. The total was
1,740. Euro..
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Midterm Trip: The NET Team will be organising a Day Trip to Our Lady of Knock. The trip will be Thurs 2nd November
8am -6pm. Free of cost. Please RSVP with a NET team member as there are limited spaces. Contact on istagram
@DelvinNETTeam or 083 0271441
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on The Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm.
Ceili Community: Are having 40 Hours Adoration: from Mon 30th Oct to Fri 3rd November. 1pm to 9pm daily.
Themes: Eucharistic healing, Forgiveness, Families, Our Dead and Family Tree. Mass 8pm daily. Enquires 087-2539725
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It will begin on Fri 24th November ( 7pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions will be available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday until midnight.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Thursday 2nd Nov at 9.30am in Killulagh and 7.30pm in Delvin.
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Annual Service for the Dead: Will take place in Delvin Church on Friday 17th November at 7.30pm.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s Intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . ( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
. Indulgences can also be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st –Nov 8th .
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering: Will take place in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ratoath at 7.30pm on Fri 3rd
November. Inspired by the Spirit of World Youth Day 2023 this is an opportunity for young adults (aged 18 years and over)
to join together for prayer, reflection and discussion Contact Fr. Mark English
Viatores Christi: Members of Viatores Christi will speak at Masses in this parish during Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses
on 2nd /3rd December.
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding it’s monthly meeting on Wed 8th Nov at 7.15pm in
Mullingar Park Hotel. Event is free and open to all bereaved parents. For more info contact 01-4045378.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance takes place on Sun 12th Nov at 3pm in St. Tereas’s
Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8. All parents, siblings and others affected by the loss of a baby are welcome to attend.
Year A World Mission Sunday 22nd October, 2023.
Sat 21st 6.30pm Martin Smith & DFM. George & Eva Hamilton Sun 22nd 11.00am Fr. Padraig Leonard MM
Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Margaret & Michael Malone. Sun 29th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick Family. Dermot & Maggie Kenny.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 22nd 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton Sun 29th 9.30am Joe Callan.
- I. P. Josie Geoghegan. Mullingar. formerly Delvin & Ballyowen.
Offertory: 1,205. Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 370 Euro Monthly 535 Euro. Annual: 260 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Delvin Altar Society: Are having a Collection for Flowers and Cruets for the Altar on Sat/ Sun 28th & 29th October. Boxes
will be left in the Church. We appreciate your support. We will hold a meeting in Fatima on Tuesday 31st October at 8pm.
All new volunteers and existing members are asked to attend.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
World Mission Sunday: Takes place this Sunday 22nd October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance to communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Midterm Trip: The NET Team will be organising a Day Trip to Our Lady of Knock. The trip will be Thurs 2nd November
8am -6pm. Free of cost. Please RSVP with a NET team member as there are limited spaces. Contact on istagram
@DelvinNETTeam or 083 0271441
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on The Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm. This Sunday 22nd October the NET Team will be having a Parish Tea in Fatima. Please feel free to stop by
and chat with the team.
Ceili Community: Are having 40 Hours Adoration: from Mon 30th Oct to Fri 3rd November. 1pm to 9pm daily.
Themes: Eucharistic healing, Forgiveness, Families, Our Dead and Family Tree. Mass 8pm daily. Enquires 087-2539725
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It will begin on Fri 24th November ( 7pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions will be available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday until midnight.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd .
Vocations Weekend: The Cistercians at Glencairn Abbey invite you to discern God’s Call to monastic life. For
those aged 19-40 from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Sarah at
St. Benedict’s Priory, Cobh: Vocations Weekend from 28th -29th Oct. Further info contact 021-4811354, or email Poster ion Notice Board.
Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea: Retreat for Young Adults (18-40) yrs from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Una 090-6481666
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering: Will take place in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ratoath at 7.30pm on Fri 3rd
November. Inspired by the Spirit of World Youth Day 2023 this is an opportunity for young adults (aged 18 years and over)
to join together for prayer, reflection and discussion Contact Fr. Mark English
Trocaire 50th Anniversary: Trocaire has always sought to create awareness of the causes of poverty in developing countries
and to mark their 50th anniversary Trocaire has an exhibition on display in the Courtyard of Belvedere House, Gardens and
Park, Mullingar up until 25th October. This consists of a powerful tapestry created by 12 Trocaire volunteers from all over
Ireland. Entrance free to exhibition.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday 26th October starting at 11am..
Delvin St Patrick’s Day Parade: A. G. M. will take place on Mon next, 23rd October at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Next Sunday
Year A Twenty- Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th October, 2023.
Sat 14th 6.30pm James, Joan, Walter, Bernie & Nora Carroll Sun 15th 11.00am James Reilly MM. Janie Reilly.
Mon 16th 9.30am Christopher Kelly. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 19th No Mass. Fri 20th No Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Martin Smith & DFM. George & Eva Hamilton Sun 22nd 11.00am Fr. Padraig Leonard MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 15th 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes, son Paddy & DFM Sun 22nd 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton
Offertory: 880 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 275 Euro Monthly 310 Euro. Annual: 2,100 Euro
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Delvin Altar Society: Are having a Collection for Flowers and Cruets for the Altar on Sat/ Sun 28th & 29th October. Boxes
will be left in the Church. We appreciate your support. We will hold a meeting in Fatima on Tuesday 31st October at 8pm.
All new volunteers and existing members are asked to attend.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new and enjoy Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
World Mission Sunday: Takes place on Sunday 22nd October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance to communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth.
Midterm Trip: The NET Team will be organising a Day Trip to Our Lady of Knock. The trip will be Thurs 2nd November
8am -6pm. Free of cost. Please RSVP with a NET team member as there are limited spaces. Contact on istagram
@DelvinNETTeam or 083 0271441
Young Adult Bible Study: NET will be hosting a Bible Study based on The Chosen every Saturday in Fatima from
11.30am -1pm. Next Sunday 22nd October the NET Team will be having a Parish Tea in Fatima. Please feel free to stop by
and chat with the team.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
40 Hours Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King it has been arranged to have 40 Hours Adoration in the
Cathedral. Mullingar. It will begin on Fri 24th November ( 7pm Mass) and conclude on Sunday 26th November.( Solemn
Vespers and Benediction at 4pm). Confessions will be available in the Cathedral from 12noon on Saturday until midnight.
Viatores Christi: Are offering a five interactive online Venture training programme this autumn. The programme covers
modules such as mission and development, community development and many more. Programme dates are as follows: Oct
7-8th, Nov 4th -5th , and 25th -26th . Cost 300Euro. Contact Sorcha at
Monastic Vocations Weekend: The Cistercians at Glencairn Abbey invite you to discern God’s Call to monastic life. For
those aged 19-40 from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Sarah at
St. Benedict’s Priory, Cobh: Vocations Weekend from 28th -29th Oct. Further info contact 021-4811354, or email Poster ion Notice Board.
Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea: Retreat for Young Adults (18-40) yrs from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Una 090-6481666
Youth Meet & Prayer Gathering: Will take place in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ratoath at 7.30pm on Fri 3rd
November. Inspired by the Spirit of World Youth Day 2023 this is an opportunity for young adults (aged 18 years and over)
to join together for prayer, reflection and discussion Contact Fr. Mark English
Trocaire 50th Anniversary: Trocaire has always sought to create awareness of the causes of poverty in developing countries
and to mark their 50th anniversary Trocaire has an exhibition on display in the Courtyard of Belvedere House, Gardens and
Park, Mullingar up until 25th October. This consists of a powerful tapestry created by 12 Trocaire volunteers from all over
Ireland. Entrance free to exhibition.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Mon next, 16th Oct at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge..
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Westmeath Branch of Epilepsy: Will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection this weekend of 14th and 15th Oct .
Year A Twenty- Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th October, 2023.
Sat 7th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 8th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly. Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm James, Joan, Walter, Bernie & Nora Carroll Sun 15th 11.00am James Reilly MM. Janie Reilly.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 15th 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes, son Paddy & DFM
Offertory: 910 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 195 Euro Monthly 130 Euro. Annual: 1000 Euro
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We are organising a meeting in Fatima in early November.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new and enjoy Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Parish Draw: The raffle took place last Saturday night in Fatima. The following were the lucky winners on the night.
1st Prize of 1500 Euro Michelle Geraghty. 2nd Prize 500 Euro Conor O’ Keeffe. Winners of 100 Euro each Denis
Vaughhan. Ciaran Duignan. Alan Sherwin. Sean Dunne. Jimmy Cruise. We sincerely thank all the ticket Sellers and the
people of the Parish who supported the Draw. The Draw was a wonderful success far beyond our expectations. Our thanks to
everybody who made it such a success. The income from tickets Sales was .23,120 Euro. Expences anmounted to 3,060
Euro. Balance 20,060 Euro. It will now be possible to do additional work on the extension and to carry out the projects
already announced. We will announce details in the coming weeks.
Carlo Acutis: We celebrate Carlo Acutis Feast Day on Thurs next, 12th Oct. He was a Catholic Italian teenager (age 15) who
died in 2006 and was beatified in 2020. Acutis, a gamer and computer programmer who loved soccer and the Eucharist, has
been the subject of interest around the world. Pope Francis referred to Carlo as a model of holiness in a digital age. Carlo’s
life should teach today’s young people how to properly use and enjoy technology, including the internet and social media.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Higher Diploma in Theological Studies. Further information .
contact, or 01-7083391
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth..
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Anam Cara Midlands: Are holding the monthly meeting for bereaved parents on Wed 11th Oct at 7.15pm in Mullingar
Park Hotel. For more information call 01-4045378
Viatores Christi: Are offering a five interactive online Venture training programme this autumn. The programme covers
modules such as mission and development, community development and many more. Programme dates are as follows: Oct
7-8th, Nov 4th -5th , and 25th -26th . Cost 300Euro. Contact Sorcha at
Monastic Vocations Weekend: The Cistercians at Glencairn Abbey invite you to discern God’s Call to monastic life. For
those aged 19-40 from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Sarah at
St. Benedict’s Priory, Cobh: Vocations Weekend from 28th -29th Oct. Further info contact 021-4811354, or email Poster ion Notice Board.
Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea:Retreat for Young Adults (18-40) yrs from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Una 090-6481666
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who supported Our Annual Coffee Morning last Friday. It was a great success.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Westmeath Branch of Epilepsy: Will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection on weekend of 14th and 15th Oct .
Year A Twenty- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st October, 2023.
Sat 30th 6.30pm Pat Anderson MM. Peggy Joyce. Sun 1st 11.00am John & Alice Gillick & DFM Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th No Mass. Sat 7th 6.30pm
Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 8th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 1st 9.30sm Stan Smyth. Fri 6th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am Mass.
Offertory: 730 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 185Euro Monthly 250Euro. Annual: 1,550Euro
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Vocations in the Diocese of Meath: Fr. Tony Gonoude Vocations Director for the Diocese of Meath will celebrate Mass
for Vocations to the Sacred Priesthood in St. Oliver’s Church, Navan on Fri 6th Oct at 7.30pm. Live from facebook page
Diocese OfMeathVocations. Email; Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Higher Diploma in Theological Studies. Further information .
contact, or 01-7083391
NET Ministries: A new Net Ministries team has arrived and began their ministry in the parish last week.. We welcome
them and look forward their presence in the parish. If any family would like to host two or three members of the team in their
home for a few weeks, please contact Fr. Heaney or Laura O’ Neill.
Youth Group: Youth Group will be taking place in Fatima Hall every Thursday and Friday from 7pm-8.30pm. 1st to 6th
years are welcome. The NET Team will be helping run the youth group until spring. Please invite any interested youth..
Meath Diocesan Spirituality for Pioneers: Takes place in Franciscan Abbey, Multyfarnham this Sun 1st Oct. There will be
afternoon of Prayer, reflection & Mass commencing from 2pm-5pm.
Introduction to the Bible: Beginning Mon 2nd Oct Fr. John from Kells will continue his introduction to the Bible. on
Mondays at 12noon. This year he will introduce St. John’s Gospel. You can follow his talks on
Delvin Adult Education Group: Are back in the Hall on Tue next, 3rd Oct at 10.30am. New Members most welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Anam Cara Midlands: Are holding the monthly meeting for bereaved parents on Wed 11th Oct at 7.15pm in Mullingar
Park Hotel. For more information call 01-4045378
Viatores Christi: Are offering a five interactive online Venture training programme this autumn. The programme covers
modules such as mission and development, community development and many more. Programme dates are as follows: Oct
7-8th, Nov 4th -5th , and 25th -26th . Cost 300Euro. Contact Sorcha at
Monastic Vocations Weekend: The Cistercians at Glencairn Abbey invite you to discern God’s Call to monastic life. For
those aged 19-40 from 27th -29th Oct. Contact Sr. Sarah at
Renovation Fund: The new Year will begin this Sunday 1st October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current
year are asked to do so. We thank the collectors who are distributing the new boxes. If you are new to the Parish and would
like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twenty- Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th September, 2023.
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Sean & May Murray Printinstown. William Gilroy. Sun 24th 11.00am Kathleen Bray MM Mon 25th
No Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Pat Anderson MM. Peggy Joyce. Sun 1st 11.00am John & Alice Gillick & DFM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 24th 9.30am Ann Kiernan. Sun 1st 9.30sm Stan Smyth.
- I. P. James Reilly. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory: 810 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 355Euro Monthly 130Euro. Annual: 200Euro
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-8pm.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Parish Draw: Tickets are now available for the Parish Draw. The proceeds of the draw will be used to pay the balance of the
cost of the Cemetery extension. Any surplus will be used to carry out repairs to the wall around Killulagh Cemetery and to offset
the increased cost of electricity and heating during the past year.
Collectors will be calling to houses during the coming weeks to collect tickets that have been sold. We thank everybody for their
co-operation and support.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, February 8th, 2024.
Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees: Today is a Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: We pray for all who are in Lourdes at the moment, especially the sick. .
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Na exploring Parish Cells forvan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Higher Diploma in Theological Studies. Further information .
contact, or 01-7083391
NET Ministries: A new Net Ministries team has arrived and begin their ministry in the parish this week.. We welcome
them and look forward their presence in the parish. If any family would like to host two or three members of the team in their
home for a few weeks, please contact Fr. Heaney or Laura O’ Neill.
Meath Diocesan Spirituality for Pioneers: Takes place in Franciscan Abbey, Multyfarnham on Sun 1st Oct from 2pm-5pm.
Dalgan Park: Day Retreat for Young Adults (18-40yrs) on Sat 30th Sept from 10am -5.30pm in Dalgan Park, Navan. Cost
20Euro. Mass, Confession, Adoration. . Contact Sr. Una 090-6481666 email:
SMA Novena, 2023: In honour of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Patroness of the Missions) from Sat 23rd Sept to Sun 1st
Oct in SMA Chapel, Dromantine.. Daily Mass and Novena Prayers at 10am and 7.30pm. See
Introduction to the Bible: Beginning Mon 2nd Oct Fr. John from Kells will continue his introduction to the Bible. on
Mondays at 12noon. This year he will introduce St. John’s Gospel. You can follow his talks on
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end this Sunday September 24th . The new year will
begin on Sunday 1st October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. We thank the
collectors who are distributing the new boxes. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact
the Parochial House.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are back in the Hall on Thursday next, Sept 28th at 11am. Hope to see ye all back
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning had to be re-scheduled. It will take place on Fri 29th Sept in
Gaffney’s Lounge from 9.30am –1pm. We are also having a Cake Sale and Raffle on the day. We would appreciate if the
Ladies would do some Baking.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twenty- Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th September, 2023.
Sat 16th 6.30pm James & Patricia Dolan. Laurence, Therese, Anita, Brenda & Marie Leavy. Sun 17th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray. Denis & Nora Mc Garry. Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am May, Brendan, Rose Mullen & DFM. Wed 20th 9.30am Michael Reilly. Thurs 21st No Mass. Fri 22nd No Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Sean & May Murray Printinstown. William Gilroy. Sun 24th 11.00am Kathleen Bray MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 17th 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Ann Kiernan.
- I. P. Jack Kenny. Portarlington, Co. Laois. father of Terri Murphy. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 975 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 335Euro Monthly 250Euro.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-8pm.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Parish Draw: Tickets are now available for the Parish Draw. The proceeds of the draw will be used to pay the balance of the
cost of the Cemetery extension. Any surplus will be used to carry out repairs to the wall around Killulagh Cemetery and to offset
the increased cost of electricity and heating during the past year.
Collectors will be calling to houses during the coming weeks to collect tickets that have been sold. We thank everybody for their
co-operation and support.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, February 8th, 2024.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place next week from Thurs 21st to Mon 25th . It is led by Spiritual Director Fr.
Seamus Heaney. We pray for all who are travelling from the parish, especially the sick. .
If anybody would like to send Prayer Requests with the pilgrims to Lourdes, please place the intentions in an envelope and hand
the envelope into the Parochial House or to Alice Reilly not later than Wednesday 20th .
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Na exploring Parish Cells forvan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Higher Diploma in Theological Studies. Further information .
contact, or 01-7083391
Ceili Catholic Community: Will be starting a new residential school of evanglelisation from 1st October. It is targeting
young adults between ages of 18-35 who wish to discern their vocation, take a gap year or career break.
Radio Maria: Are running a 6 week programme on Parish Cells starting on Mon 11th Sept at 7pm. See
NET Ministries: A new Net Ministries team has arrived and begin their ministry in the parish this week.. We welcome
them and look forward their presence in the parish. If any family would like to host two or three members of the team in their
home for a few weeks, please contact Fr. Heaney or Laura O’ Neill.
Meath Samuel Group: For young adults aged 18-39. Do you want to strengthen and develop your daily prayer life? Join
Meath Samuel Group. Meet on Sunday a month, from October to May, at St. Mary’s in Navan. See
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 24th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 1st October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting in Gaffney’s Lounge on Mon 18th Sept at 8pm.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Are holding their Annual Coffee Morning on Fri 22nd Sept in Gaffney’s Lounge from 9.30am –
1pm. We are also having a Cake Sale and Raffle on the day. We would appreciate if the Ladies would do some Baking.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twenty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 10th September, 2023.
Sat 9th 6.30pm John Dargan & Pat Looney. Sun 10th 11.00am Brendan Dunne MM Joseph & Ellen Kane Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th No Mass. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 16th 6.30pm James & Patricia Dolan. Laurence, Therese, Anita, Brenda & Marie Leavy. Sun 17th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray. Denis & Nora Mc Garry.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 10th 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony. Sun 17th 9.30am Mass.
Offertory: 905 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 295Euro Monthly 160Euro.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-8pm.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Parish Draw: Tickets are now available for the Parish Draw. The proceeds of the draw will be used to pay the balance of the
cost of the Cemetery extension. Any surplus will be used to carry out repairs to the wall around Killulagh Cemetery and to offset
the increased cost of electricity and heating during the past year. We hope that the whole parish will support the draw.
Somebody will call to each house during the coming week to distribute books of tickets. We appreciate the co-operation of
the whole parish with this project.
Confirmation: Children of the parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, February 8th, 2024.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Tue next, Sept 12th . We pray for all pilgrims , especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by Bishop Tom Deenihan
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. .
Delvin Choir: Choir practice on next Thurs 14th Sept at 7.30pm in the Church. New Members most welcome.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday 14th at 8pm.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Na exploring Parish Cells forvan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Blended Learning Diploma /Higher Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy.
Applications close on 10th September. Further info contact or 01-7084778
Ceili Catholic Community: Will be starting a new residential school of evanglelisation from 1st October. It is targeting
young adults between ages of 18-35 who wish to discern their vocation, take a gap year or career break.
Radio Maria: Are running a 6 week programme on Parish Cells starting on Mon 11th Sept at 7pm. See
NET Ministries: A new Net Ministries team will be arriving in the parish on Sunday , September 17th . We welcome them
and look forward their presence in the parish. If any family would like to host two or three members of the team in their
home for a few weeks, please contact Fr. Heaney or Laura O’ Neill.
Anam Cara Midlands::The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly meeting on Wed 13th Sept
in Mullingar Park Hotel at 7.15pm. The event is free and open to all bereaved parents. Contact 01-4045378
Meath Samuel Group: For young adults aged 18-39. Do you want to strengthen and develop your daily prayer life? Join
Meath Samuel Group. Meet on Sunday a month, from October to May, at St. Mary’s in Navan. See
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 24th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 1st October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twenty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 3rd September, 2023.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Patricia Byrne. Claire O’ Connor. Sun 3rd 11.00am Family of late James Kiernan (Thanksgiving).
Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm John Dargan & Pat Looney. Sun 10th 11.00am Brendan Dunne MM Joseph & Ellen Kane
Killulagh Masses: Sun 3rd Finbarr O’ Farrell, sister Bridie & parents Thomas & Eileen & DFM.
Frances Comaskey. Sun 10th 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony.
- I. P. Very Rev. Fr. Eamonn O’ Brien. Retired PP Rochfortbridge. Kathleen Bray. Crowenstown, Delvin. Mary Devine. Canada. formerly Martinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 830 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 220Euro Monthly 90Euro.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-8pm.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Parish Draw: Tickets are now available for the Parish Draw. The proceeds of the draw will be used to pay the balance of the
cost of the Cemetery extension. Any surplus will be used to carry out repairs to the wall around Killulagh Cemetery and to offset
the increased cost of electricity and heating during the past year. We hope that the whole parish will support the draw.
Somebody will call to each house during the coming week to distribute books of tickets. We appreciate the co-operation of
the whole parish with this project.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from the 12th -17th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan For further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871..
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Coole: 12 Hour Eucharistic Adoration First Thursday- Friday of the month
beginning in October. Starting at 8pm and finishing at 8.45am. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Na exploring Parish Cells forvan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Blended Learning Diploma /Higher Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy.
Applications close on 10th September. Further info contact or 01-7084778
Ceili Catholic Community: Will be starting a new residential school of evanglelisation from 1st October. It is targeting
young adults between ages of 18-35 who wish to discern their vocation, take a gap year or career break.
Radio Maria: Are running a 6 week programme on Parish Cells starting on Mon 11th Sept at 7pm. See
Anam Cara Midlands::The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly meeting on Wed 13th Sept
in Mullingar Park Hotel at 7.15pm. The event is free and open to all bereaved parents. Contact 01-4045378
Meath Samuel Group: For young adults aged 18-39. Do you want to strengthen and develop your daily prayer life? Join
Meath Samuel Group. Meet on Sunday a month, from October to May, at St. Mary’s in Navan. See
Rehab Group ( Learning NLN): The Ar Agaidh linn rehabilitative training programme is for individuals between age of 18-65 who have had a set back in their lives whether physical or sensory. Further details contact 0867839078
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 24th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 1st October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twenty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th August, 2023.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Michael Doyle MM Sun 27th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM. Mon 28th 9.30am. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 31st No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm List of the Dead. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Patricia Byrne. Claire O’ Connor. Sun 3rd 11.00am Family of late James Kiernan (Thanksgiving).
Killulagh Masses: Sun 27th Tom & Patricia Egginton. Michael Forde. Glaxtown. Dolores Mc Cormack. Martin Smith. Fri 1st ( First Friday) No Mass. Sun 3rd Finbarr O’ Farrell. Parents Thomas & Eileen O’ Farrell & DFM. Frances Comaskey..
- I. P. Fr. Padraig Leonard. Kimmage Manor. late of Ballinvalley, Delvin. Agnes Murray. Mullingar. late of Battstown, Killulagh. Pat Anderson. England. late of Printinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: 15th Aug. €250.. Sunday Offertory: 865 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 295Euro Monthly 345Euro.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-8pm.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Parish Draw: Tickets are now available for the Parish Draw. The proceeds of the draw will be used to pay the balance of the
cost of the Cemetery extension. Any surplus will be used to carry out repairs to the wall around Killulagh Cemetery and to offset
the increased cost of electricity and heating during the past year. We hope that the whole parish will support the draw.
Somebody will call to each house during the coming week to distribute books of tickets. We appreciate the co-operation of
the whole parish with this project.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: (1st September). The World Day of Prayer offers to individual believers and
to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that he has entrusted to our care, involving his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live. The celebration of the Day on the same date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our orthodox brothers. We live in a time where all Christians are faced with identical and important challenges and we must give common replies to these in order to appear more credible and effective. ( Pope Francis).
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from the 12th -17th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan For further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871..
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are currently running a Blended Learning Diploma /Higher Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy.
Applications close on 10th September. Further info contact or 01-7084778
Schools: Will be re-opening this week. St. Tola’s N. S. will re-open on Wednesday 30th Aug at 9am. St. Ernan’s, Delvin on Thursday 31st at 9.10am and St. Patrick’s, Crowenstown at 9.20am. St. Mary’s Special School, Southill will re-open on Wed 30th at 9.20am. We pray for pupils, teachers and parents that God will bless them in the year ahead.
Rehab Group ( Learning NLN): The Ar Agaidh linn rehabilitative training programme is for individuals between age of 18-65 who have had a set back in their lives whether physical or sensory. Further details contact 0867839078
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th August, 2023.
Sat 19th 6.30pm Bridget, Michael, Sean & Thomas Coyne. Mary Toner. Sun 20th 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Shane Dugdale. Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 24th No Mass Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Michael Doyle MM Sun 27th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 20th 9.30am Brigid Murray MM Peggy Newman. Sun 27th Tom & Patricia Egginton. Michael Forde. Glaxtown. Dolores Mc Cormack. Martin Smith.
Offertory: €350.. Delvin Cemetery Collection: 3,000.Euro. Patron Day Offerings: 1465 Euro
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-9pm.From August 28th adoration will end at 8pm.
Delvin Days: Many thanks to all who helped in preparation fpr Cemetery Days in Killulagh, Crowenstown and Delvin
Special thanks to the participants from the Rural Social Scheme and Fas . Many thanks to the huge crowds that attended the
Masses to honour Our Dead in the cemeteries.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year.
Parish Draw: Tickets are now available for the Parish Draw. The proceeds of the draw will be used to pay the balance of the
cost of the Cemetery extension. Any surplus will be used to carry out repairs to the wall around Killulagh Cemetery and to offset
the increased cost of electricity and heating during the past year. We hope that the whole parish will support the draw.
Somebody will call to each house during the coming week to distribute books of tickets. We appreciate the co-operation of
the whole parish with this project.
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings.
Knock Novena: The Novena in honor of Our Lady of Knock began on Monday 14th August and ends on Monday 21st.
There will be two sessions at 3pm and 8pm. There will be a candle light procession after the 8pm session and many well
well known speakers will be attending – Most Rev. Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin, His Excellency Archbishop Luis
Montemayor, Papal Nuncio to Ireland, Most Rev. Alan McGuckian SJ, Bishop of Raphoe. Fr Richard Gibbons, Parish Priest
and Rector Knock Shrine, Fr Tony O’Riordan, Fr John Joe Duffy, CC Cresslough and many others. On Sunday 20th will be
a Family Day. Full details are on the Knock Shrine website.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871..
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a Postgraduate Programme in Theology and Philosophy. Applications Open until 14th August. See, or contact 01 7083391
Schools: Will be re-opening in the next week. We pray for pupils, teachers and parents that God will bless them in the
year ahead.
Rehab Group ( Learning NLN): The Ar Agaidh linn rehabilitative training programme is for individuals between age of 18-65 who have had a set back in their lives whether physical or sensory. Further details contact 0867839078
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Next Sunday’s Readings: Is 22:19-23. Rm 11:33-36. Mt 16:13-20.
Sun20th Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time.. Tue 22nd The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Wed 23rd St.
Rose of Lima. St. Eugene. Thurs 24th St. Bartholomew, Apostle. Fri 25th St. Louis of France.
Year A Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th August, 2023.
Sat 12th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 13th 11.00am Terry Grassick Mon 14th 7.30pm Mass. Tue 15th ( Feast of the Assumption) 11.00am Mass. Wed 16th No Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Patrick & Margaret Farrelly & DFM. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Bridget, Michael, Sean & Thomas Coyne. Mary Toner. Sun 20th 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Shane Dugdale.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 13th 9.30am Colm Newman. Nuala Poynton, daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM. Tue 15th (Feast of the Assumption) 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th 7.30pm Bridie Callan. MM Sun 20th 9.30am Bridget Murray MM
Peggy Newman.
Offertory: €790.. Ren Fund: Weekly €300. Monthly .170 Euro. Killulagh Cemetery Collection: 1,105.Euro
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am-9pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Sat 12th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the
cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year. We hope
to run a draw to meet the balance of the cost. Details will be announced in the coming weeks. .
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and Tuesday is the Patron Day of the
Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Assumption and
its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for ourselves and
our Parish. Mass in Killulagh at 9.30am and 11.00am in Delvin on that day.
Knock Novena: The Novena in honor of Our Lady of Knock begins on Monday 14th August and ends on Monday 21st.
There will be two sessions at 3pm and 8pm. There will be a candle light procession after the 8pm session and many well
well known speakers will be attending – Most Rev. Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin, His Excellency Archbishop Luis
Montemayor, Papal Nuncio to Ireland, Most Rev. Alan McGuckian SJ, Bishop of Raphoe. Fr Richard Gibbons, Parish Priest
and Rector Knock Shrine, Fr Tony O’Riordan, Fr John Joe Duffy, CC Cresslough and many others. On Sunday 20th will be
a Family Day. Full details are on the Knock Shrine website.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871..
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sunday 13th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm.
Preacher Fr. Declan Hurley. ADM, Navan. We will also be accompanied by Meath Diocesan Choir.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a Postgraduate Programme in Theology and Philosophy. Applications Open until 14th August. See, or contact 01 7083391
Priory Institute: Are running a two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John from 14th -28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register go to prioryinstitute,com
Rehab Group ( Learning NLN): The Ar Agaidh linn rehabilitative training programme is for individuals between age of 18-65 who have had a set back in their lives whether physical or sensory. Further details contact 0867839078
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Monday 14th August at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A The Transfiguration of the Lord 6th August, 2023.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Johnny, Betty & Larry Farrelly. Sun 6th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Bridgie Sheerin. Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Babs Moran & DFM. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 12th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 13th 11.00am Terry Grassick
Killulagh Masses: Sun 6th 9.30am Callan Family. Killulagh. 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 13th 9.30am
Colm Newman. Nuala Poynton, daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM.
- I. P. Brendan Dunne. Dublin. formerly Addinstown, Delvin. Frank Power, native of Myleroe. who died in England.
Pat Anderson. England. formerly Printinstown, Delvin. Johnny Joyce. Cork. formerly Southill, Delvin.
Offertory: €980. . Ren Fund: Weekly €435. Monthly .50 Euro.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
World Youth Day 2023: On this Feast of the Transfiguration Pope Francis celebrates the concluding WYD Mass for the
estimated over one million gathered in Lisbon. “Lord.” Peter said. “It is wonderful for us to be here.” Forty-four young
pilgrims from the Diocese of Meath with Bishop Tom, have participated in this past week’s programme of events. At the end
of this WYD Mass Pope Francis will bless the youth for the ongoing Mission which we all share as the witnesses to Christ.
RTE will broadcast the World day Youth Mass on Sun 6th Aug at 8.55am.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm this Sun 6th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Mon 7th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Sat 12th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the
cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will
be provided in the Cemetery.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year. We hope
to run a draw to meet the balance of the cost. Details will be announced in the coming weeks. .
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871. Closing Date is Monday 7th August.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sunday 13th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm.
Preacher Fr. Declan Hurley. ADM, Navan. We will also be accompanied by Meath Diocesan Choir.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro.
Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
Youth 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth Summer Festival. The festival takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs 10th August to Sun 13th August. For further info go to
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a Postgraduate Programme in Theology and Philosophy. Applications Open until 14th August. See, or contact 01 7083391
Priory Institute: Are running a two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John from 14th -28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register go to prioryinstitute,com
Rehab Group ( Learning NLN): The Ar Agaidh linn rehabilitative training programme is for individuals between age of 18-65 who have had a set back in their lives whether physical or sensory. Further details contact 0867839078
Fleadh Cheoil Concerts in the Cathedral: The following two events will be hosted in the Cathedral of Christ the King during the upcoming Fleadh Cheoil. Fuaimlaoi with Emmet Cahill Fri evening 11th August at 7pm. Cor Chuil Aodha with Sean O’ Se on Sat evening 12th August at 8.30pm.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Year A Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 30th July, 2023.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Imelda Keogh MM Sun 30th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. late of Lisclougher. Anne Vaughan. Mattie Murtagh & DFM. Mon 31st 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Fr. Camillus Kane. Sat 5th 6.30pm Johnny, Betty & Larry Farrelly. Sun 6th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Bridgie Sheerin.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 6th 9.30am Callan Family. Killulagh..
- I. P. Michael Doyle. Ballyhealy, Delvin. Betty Mc Grath. Fennor, Collinstown. mother of Mary Smith & Tom Mc Grath
. Gigginstown.
Offertory: €900. . Ren Fund: Weekly €205. Monthly .70 Euro.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. We encourage
people to watch the celebration on TV. They can be viewed on EWTN and other channels. There will be a Prayer Vigil
on Sat 5th at 7pm and Closing Mass (with Pope Francis) on Sun 6th at 8am.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. We are looking for volunteers to do 1 hour
if possible between 10am-9pm.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun 6th August. Mass in the New Cemetery
at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Mon 7th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Sat 12th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the
cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will
be provided in the Cemetery.
Delvin Cemetery Extension: Work on Phase One of the Extension is completed. We will soon be able to announce the cost
of the work that has been done. We acknowledge the generous contribution from the Tractor Run earlier this year. We hope
to run a draw to meet the balance of the cost. Details will be announced in the coming weeks.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871. Closing Date is Monday 7th August.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
Youth 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth Summer Festival. The festival takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs 10th August to Sun 13th August. For further info go to
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a Postgraduate Programme in Theology and Philosophy. Applications Open until 14th August. See, or contact 01 7083391
Rehab Group ( Learning NLN): The Ar Agaidh linn rehabilitative training programme is for individuals between age of 18-65 who have had a set back in their lives whether physical or sensory. Further details contact 0867839078
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Mon next, July 31st at 8pm in Gaffney;s Lounge.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 23rd July, 2023.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Pat Joe Lynch MM Sun 23rd 11.00am Liz Mullen. Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Mon 24th No Mass. Tue 25th No Mass. Wed 26th 10.30am Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Kevin Power. Sat 29th 6.30pm Imelda Keogh MM Sun 30th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. late of Lisclougher. Anne Vaughan. Mattie Murtagh & DFM.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 23rd 9.30am Edward & Ursula King. Sun 30th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Bridie Callan. Austin Friars St, Mullingar. formerly of Williamstown, Delvin. Margaret Shaw. England. formerly
Balrath, Delvin. Burial of Margaret’a Ashes will take place next Wed 26th after 10.30am Mass.
Offertory: €810. . Ren Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly .40 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. . We are looking for volunteers to .do 1 hour if
possible between 10am-9pm.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th Aug at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Mon 7th Aug at 7pm, and Delvin Sat 12th Aug at 7pm.
Plot holders are asked to tidy their plots in preparation for Cemetery Day.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Eldery, 2023 will take place
this Sunday 23rd July at 3pm in Knock Basilica. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop Denis Nulty..
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
Youth 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth Summer Festival. The festival takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs 10th August to Sun 13th August. For further info go to
Delvin Friendship Club: Our Day Outing takes place on Tue next, 25th July. Bus will leave from Gaffney’s Lounge at
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Silence in Worship.
Liturgical silence is not merely an absence of words, a pause, or an interlude. It is a stillness, a quieting of spirits, a making of time and leisure to hear, assimilate, and respond. Any haste that hinders reflectiveness, should be avoided. The dialogue between God and the community of faith taking place through the Holy Spirit requires intervals of silence, suited to the assembly, so that all can take to heart the word of God and respond to it in prayer. At the beginning of the rite of blessing and sprinkling of water, the people pause to ask for God’s blessing on the water as a sign of baptism. In the Penitential Act, they pause to remember their sinfulness and the loving-kindness of God in Christ At the collect they put themselves and their deepest needs and desires before God. After the readings and Homily, they savior God’s word, ponder it in their hearts like Mary and apply it to their lives. Before Communion, they compose themselves to receive the Lord, and afterwards praise and pray to God in their hearts.
Year A Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16th July, 2023.
Sat 15th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby & DFM. Ann Bray.. Sun 16th 11.00am, Patsy & Mary Leonard. John, Molly & Sean Mangan. Mon 17th No Mass.. Tue 18th No Mass.. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th No Mass. Fri 21st No Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Pat Joe Lynch MM Sun 23rd 11.00am Liz Mullen. Willie Walsh & son Ciaran.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 16th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe Sun 23rd 9.30am Edward & Ursula King.
Offertory: €785. . Ren Fund: Weekly €280. Monthly .180 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. . We are looking for volunteers to .do 1 hour if
possible between 10am-9pm.
Novena to St. Camillus: Annual Novena of St.Camillus, Killucan started on Fri 7th July and will finish on Sun 16th July.
.Poster on Notice Board .with details of Mass times and Night Vigil.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th Aug at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Mon 7th Aug at 7pm, and Delvin Sat 12th Aug at 7pm.
Plot holders are asked to tidy their plots in preparation for Cemetery Day.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Eldery, 2023 will take place
next Sunday 23rd July at 3pm in Knock Basilica. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop Denis Nulty. Anointing of the Sick
at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm. Copies of the Prayer for Grandparents are available in both Churches.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
Youth 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth Summer Festival. The festival takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs 10th August to Sun 13th August. For further info go to
Columban Ecological Institute: 6 Day Residential Retreat will take place at An Tairseach, Kilmantin Hill, Wicklow from
Mon 17th July to Sat 22nd July. Booking Essential. See or 0404-61833
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
St. Mary Magdalene ( Feast Day Sat 22nd )
St. Mary Magdalene stood by the Cross of Jesus: with two other women she discovered the empty tomb, she was granted an appearance of the Risen Lord early the same day, from which incident she has been described as ‘apostle to the apostles’. The Gospels give no warrant for identifying her with the ‘the woman who was a sinner’ who anointed Christ’s feet (Lk 7:37) or with Mary the sister of Martha who also anointed him ( Jn 12:3).
Year A Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 9th July, 2023.
Sat 8th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 9th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Martin Carroll. Julia & Michael Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Thomas & Isabel Anderson. Mon 10th No Mass. Tue 11th No Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am John & Ann Devine & DFM. Thurs 13th No Mass. Fri 14th No Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby & DFM. Ann Bray.. Sun 16th 11.00am, Patsy & Mary Leonard. John, Molly & Sean Mangan.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 9th 9.30am Michael Ivory. Sun 16th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe
Offertory: €940. . Ren Fund: Weekly €380. Monthly .80 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. . We are looking for volunteers to .do 1 hour if
possible between 10am-9pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following children to the Parish Community. James Horan. Croia Fitzpatrick. Emily Walsh.
Darragh Daniel Poynton. Luke Christopher Fox.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew this Sunday 9th July at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett. All are Welcome.
Feast of St.Camillus: Next Fri we celebrate the Feast of St.Camillus who is the Patron of Nurses, Hospitals and the Sick.
Novena to St. Camillus: Annual Novena of St.Camillus, Killucan takes place from Fri 7th July to Sun 16th July. Triduum
from Thiurs 13th to Sat 15th .Poster on Notice Board .with details of Mass times and Night Vigil.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th Aug at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Mon 7th Aug at 7pm, and Delvin Sat 12th Aug at 7pm.
Plot holders are asked to tidy their plots in preparation for Cemetery Day.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 23rd July with Mass at 3pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
Youth 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth Summer Festival. The festival takes place at Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs 10th August to Sun 13th August. For further info go to
Columban Ecological Institute: 6 Day Residential Retreat will take place at An Tairseach, Kilmantin Hill, Wicklow from
Mon 17th July to Sat 22nd July. Booking Essential. See or 0404-61833
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Silence in Worship
Silence is an important element in all communication. It is particularly important to allow for silence as a part of the dialogue between God and the community of faith. It allows for the voice of the Holy Spirit to be heard in the hearts of the people of God and to enable them to unite personal prayer more closely with the word of God and the public voice of the Church. Letter on Eucharistic Prayers. During liturgical silence all respond in their own way , recollecting themselves, pondering what has been heard, petitioning and praising God in their inmost spirit
Year A Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 2nd July, 2023.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Nancy Lenihan. Christy & Pauline Coll. Sun 2nd 11.00am Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Tom & Phyllis Murphy & DFM Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Mass. Sat 8th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 9th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Martin Carroll.
Julia & Michael Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Thomas & Isabel Anderson.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 2nd 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Paddy & Bridie Dugdale. Fri 7th 9.30am ( First Friday) List of the Dead. Sun 9th 9.30am Michael Ivory.
- I. P. Imelda Keogh. Clonmorril, Delvin. Bridget Murray. Dardistown, Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory: €935. . Ren Fund: Weekly €240. Monthly .40 Euro.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward you email address to
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. . We are looking for volunteers to .do 1 hour if
possible between 10am-9pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following children to the Parish Community. Ada Toner-O’ Mahony. Shay Edward Callaghan.
Tiffany Angela Mc Enroe. Melanie Josephine Mc Enroe. Stephanie Elizabeth Mc Enroe. Adele Margherita Bertolo.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Thanks to all who contributed to the Peter’s Pence Collection last weekend.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew on Sunday 9th July at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett. All are Welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 23rd July with Mass at 3pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
3 Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: From 3rd -5th July. Further info re bus etc. please contact 044-9374818
Youth 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth Summer Festival. The festival takes place at Clongowes Wood Copllege, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs 10th August to Sun 13th August. For further info go to
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: Presentation of Medals will take place during the First Friday Mass at 7.30pm in Delvin
Church on Fri 7th July.
Columban Ecological Institute: 6 Day Residential Retreat will take place at An Tairseach, Kilmantin Hill, Wicklow from
Mon 17th July to Sat 22nd July. Booking Essential. See or 0404-61833
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Youth Ministry Leadership: The Diocese of Lancaster Youth Service are looking for a Senior Programme Leader to lead
retreats and other programmes in their youth retreat centre, Castlerigg Manor, in the English Lake District. Further info
contact Jack Regan
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 25th June,, 2023.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Tom, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Winnie Walsh. Bill & Criss Kelly. Margaret Rooney. Sun 25th 11.00am Peggy Lenihan. Sandra Gaffney. Mon 26th 9.30am Mass. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass.
Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass. Fri 30th 9.30am Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Nancy Lenihan. Christy & Pauline Coll. Sun 2nd 11.00am Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Tom & Phyllis Murphy & DFM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 25th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. John Kelly & DFM, Caddagh Cross. Sun 2nd 9.30am Oliver Kiernan.
Offertory: €920. Ren Fund: Weekly €195. Monthly .70 Euro.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. . We are looking for volunteers to .do 1 hour if
possible between 10am-9pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following children to the Parish Community. Uesli Gishto. Xhesika Gishto. Maisie Louise Crowley.
Tia Chanelle Eksteen. Ryan Gerard Eksteen Doherty. Demi Rose Ellen Eksteen Doherty. Dylan Thomas Eksteen Doherty .
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place in Dalgan Park, Navan for (18-40yrs) from 30th June-2nd July. Theme: Serve the Lord
with gladness. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666 or email:
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses this weekend.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew on Sunday 9th July at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett. All are Welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date.
Devotion to our Lady: Fr. James Fannan is a priest who teaches at a seminary in Rome. He is on a visit to Ireland and will
visit Delvin on Wednesday next, June 28th . He will speak briefly at morning Mass and after Mass he will give a longer talk
in Fatima. The Topic of his talk will be Devotion to Our Lady. All are welcome.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sun 23rd July with Mass at 3pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Rally for Life: Takes place on Sat 1st July. Join thousands of fellow Catholics & pro-life supporters at the biggest annual
pro-life event, now in its 17th year. Starts at 1pm at Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Activities for both children and adults, a
family friendly event. Further info visit www.the or call 01-8730465
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
3 Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: From 3rd -5th July. Further info re bus etc. please contact 044-9374818
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: Presentation of Medals will take place during the First Friday Mass at 7.30pm in Delvin
Church on Fri 7th July.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Youth Ministry Leadership: The Diocese of Lancaster Youth Service are looking for a Senior Programme Leader to lead
retreats and other programmes in their youth retreat centre, Castlerigg Manor, in the English Lake District. Further info
contact Jack Regan
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual together will be on Thurs 29th June in the Hall starting at 11am.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. 18th June,, 2023.
Sat 17th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Sun 18th 11.00am Nancy Healy. Paddy Gaffney & DFM Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Marcus Daugela. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Tom, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Winnie Walsh. Bill & Criss Kelly. Sun 25th 11.00am Peggy Lenihan.
Sandra Gaffney.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 18th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell. Bertie, Rosemary, Antoinette & Colette Kelleghan.
Sun 25th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. John Kelly & DFM, Caddagh Cross. .
- I. P. Pat- Joe Lynch. Robinstown Great, Delvin.
Offertory: €1,030. Ren Fund: Weekly €380. Monthly .355 Euro . :
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Adoration: Adoration in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. We are looking for volunteers to do 1 hour of
Adoration from 7pm -8pm for the Summer Months.. We also appreciate any other times as well.
Baptisms: We welcome the following children to the Parish Community. Keira Farrell-Castro. Nora Farrell- Castro. Elsa
Farrell- Castro. Alexander Moyles. Leo Joseph Carty. Sandy Mae Gaffney. Senan Michael Farrelly. Darragh Forbes.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place in Dalgan Park, Navan for (18-40yrs) from 30th June-2nd July. Theme: Serve the Lord with
gladness. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666 or email:
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew on Sunday 9th July at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett. All are Welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Bus will leave for Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock next Saturday 24th June at 9.15am.
Pick up Point will be outside Gaffney’s Lounge.
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date..
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: takes place from Nov 24th -2nd Dec. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195 Euro. Booking with Navan Travel or Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314.
3 Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: From 3rd -5th July. Further info re bus etc. please contact 044-9374818
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and
wish to become a Young Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due
Silver and Gold Pins and Fr. Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Youth Ministry Leadership: The Diocese of Lancaster Youth Service are looking for a Senior Programme Leader to lead
retreats and other programmes in their youth retreat centre, Castlerigg Manor, in the English Lake District. Further info
contact Jack Regan
Dermot Kenny Memorial Cup: Will be played in Delvin GAA Park this Sun 18th June at 1.30pm. Proceeds from the game
going to Pieta House.
Delviin Friendship Club: The Committee would like to thank all who supported our Coffee Morning last Friday. It was a
great success. Our next together will be on Thurs 29th June in the Hall.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: The Committee would like to thank John Kane and his committee for his generous Donation
from the Drumcree Bog Festival to the Hospice last Sat night in Fore.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Year A Feast of Corpus Christi 11th June,, 2023.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Maura Carroll. Jenny Kenny & DFM. Joseph Anderson. Sun 11th 11.00am Marion Murtagh MM.
Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 9.30am Tommy Murphy. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Sun 18th 11.00am Nancy Healy. Paddy Gaffney & DFM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 11th 9.30am Michael Egginton. Sun 18th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Fasrrell. Bertie, Rosemary, Antoinette & Colette Kelleghan.
Offertory: €870. Easter Dues: €1,415. . :
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Feast of Corpus Christi: This Sunday is the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. ( Corpus Christi)
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues last weekend.
Adoration: We are looking for volunteers to do 1 hour of Adoration from 7pm -8pm for the Summer Months on a Monday in
Killulagh Church. We also appreciate any other times as well.
Day of Prayer for Priests: Next Friday is a Day of Prayer for Priests. It is also the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus: “Understood in the light of the Scriptures, the term “Sacred Heart of Jesus” denotes the entire
mystery of Christ Son of God, uncreated wisdom, infinite charity, principle of the salvation and santification of mankind.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Meath will preach for the Solemnity of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Laytown, Co. Meath at the 7pm Mass on Fri 16th June. In the
Homily we will reflect on the question. Do you have the heart for Christ? Let his Heart guide you to love the Priesthood. Live
from Facebook Page: DioceseOfMeathVocations. Fr. Tony Gonoude at 0449373923
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place in Dalgan Park, Navan for (18-40yrs) from 30th June-2nd July. Theme: Serve the Lord with
gladness. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666 or email:
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th June. There are two
seats still left on the bus.. To book a seat contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date..
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are organising a Summer School in person and online from June 12th -16th . The Theme is “Unlocking the Bible” . For booking go to . Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and
wish to become a Young Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due
Silver and Gold Pins and Fr. Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its Monthly Meeting on Wed 14th June at 7.15pm
in Mullingar Park Hotel. For further info call 01-4045378
Dermot Kenny Memorial Cup: Will be played in Delvin GAA Park on Sun 18th June at 1.30pm. Proceeds from the game
going to Pieta House.
St. Colmcille’s Church, Kells: Concert will take place on Sat 17th June at 8pm. Various Music Artists will perform. Tickets
30.Euro. In aid of Irish Cancer Society. Contact Martin Gargan at 086-2709185. Poster on Notice Board.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The Witness of the Eucharist
Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful
to Christ and to his Church. The faithful give witness by this to their communion in faith and charity. Together
they testify to God’s holiness and their hope of salvation. They strengthen one another under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2182.
Year A The Most Holy Trinity 4th June,, 2023.
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Michael Malone. Pearse Mc Cormack. Sun 4th 11.00am Mary, James & John Herward. Andy Leonard.
Mon 5th 9.30am Bernie Mc Grath. Tue 6th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan, son Frank & daughter Phyllis Quigley.
Michael & Mary Jane Sheerin. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Maura Carroll. Jenny Kenny & DFM. Joseph Anderson. Sun 11th 11.00am Marion Murtagh MM.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 4th 9.30am Peter & Olive Kelleghan. Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan. Sun 11th 9.30am
Michael Egginton.
Offertory: €805. Ren Fund: Weekly €265. Monthly €80. Annual: 200 Euro
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
The Most Holy Trinity: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Next Sunday is the Most Holy Body and
Blood of Christ. ( Corpus Christi)
Easter Dues: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Adoration: We are looking for volunteers to do 1 hour of Adoration from 7pm -8pm for the Summer Months on a Monday in
Killulagh Church. We also appreciate any other times as well.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs next, June 8th at 8pm.. Our Annual Pilgrimage to
Knock will take place on Saturday 24th June. There are a few seats still left on the bus.. To book a seat contact Kathleen at
087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105, or contact Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm
Delvin Altar Society: We are looking for volunteers to help out with the flowers for the Altar during the year. If you are
interested please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127. We hope to have a collection at a later date..
Vocations to the Priesthood: “ The tongues of fire separated; one of them rested on each one of them”. ( Acts 2;3). Each of the Apostles had been given a new Spirit and a new heart. Tongues of fire burned away all doubts and fears from their hearts to fill them with joy and to give them the gifts of the Lord’s Holy Spirit; “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control”. Like the Apostles, allow God’s Holy Spirit to give you a new heart in your vocation. Become the Lord'’s priest who speaks the language of God for others. Be inflamed with Christ. Become His priest. Vocations Info: Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923, or
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are organising a Summer School in person and online from June 12th -16th . The Theme is “Unlocking the Bible” . For booking go to . Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and
wish to become a Young Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due
Silver and Gold Pins and Fr. Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimage from 3rd -5th July. Further info re bus etc, please contact 044-9374818.
St. Colmcille’s Church, Kells: Concert will take place on Sat 17th June at 8pm. Various Music Artists will perform. Tickets
30.Euro. In aid of Irish Cancer Society. Contact Martin Gargan at 086-2709185. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are having a Cake Sale/ Coffee Morning on Fri 9th June in Gaffney’s Lounge from 9.30am -1pm.
We would appreciate if you would do some baking for the Cake sale. Don’t forget to return your Raffle Cards on the day.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The Trinity.
The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in
himself, It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most
fundamental and essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith”. The whole history of salvation is
identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God , Father, Son and Holy Spirit, reveals
himself to men “and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin”.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 234
Year A Pentecost Sunday 28th May, 2023.
Sat 27th 6.30pm Martin & Julia Kineavy, sons Martin, Christy & Tommy. Sun 28th 11.00am Peter Donohoe. Duffy & Reilly families & DFM. Seamus Higgins. Bryan Orr & Sheila Orr. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM. Wed 31st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Noel Renehen. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Michael Malone. Pearse Mc Cormack. Sun 4th 11.00am Mary, James & John Herward.
Andy Leonard.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 28th 9.30am Bridie Scally (nee Fox) & DFM Fri 2nd ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 4th 9.30am Peter & Olive Kelleghan. Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan.
Offertory: €840. Ren Fund: Weekly €250. Monthly €90. Annual: 1,000.Euro
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit
which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy
Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our confirmation.
The Most Holy Trinity: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Adoration: We are looking for volunteers to do 1 hour of Adoration from 7pm -8pm for the Summer Months on a Monday in
Killulagh Church. We also appreciate any other times as well.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: .Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105, or contact Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm
Vocations to the Priesthood: “ The tongues of fire separated; one of them rested on each one of them”. ( Acts 2;3). Each of the Apostles had been given a new Spirit and a new heart. Tongues of fire burned away all doubts and fears from their hearts to fill them with joy and to give them the gifts of the Lord’s Holy Spirit; “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control”. Like the Apostles, allow God’s Holy Spirit to give you a new heart in your vocation. Become the Lord'’s priest who speaks the language of God for others. Be inflamed with Christ. Become His priest. Vocations Info: Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923, or
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and
wish to become a Young Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due
Silver and Gold Pins and Fr. Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers.
St. Colmcille’s Church, Kells: Concert will take place on Sat 17th June at 8pm. Various Music Artists will perform. Tickets
30.Euro. In aid of Irish Cancer Society. Contact Martin Gargan at 086-2709185. Poster on Notice Board.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Feast of Pentecost
The tongues of fire God sends to light upon the disciples’ heads at Pentecost signify God’s presence in the Holy
Spirit. The appearance of separate flames on each person indicates that he will now be present in a new and deeper
way in each believer instead of just to certain people at certain times. As the events that follow demonstrate, this
“fire” will open their minds to understand God’s Word and will give them the words they need to share the Gospel
and the power and courage they need to be his witnesses.
Year A Feast of the Ascension 21st May, 2023.
Sat 20th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. William & Michael Gilroy. Sun 21st 11.00am Carmel Cannon. Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am James & Mary Moore & DFM. Wed 24th 9.30am Josephine Murtagh. Thurs 25th 9.30am
John Heffernan & Parents & DFM. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Martin & Julia Kineavy, sons Martin, Christy & Tommy. Sun 28th 11.00am Peter Donohoe. Duffy & Reilly families & DFM. Seamus Higgins. Bryan Orr & Sheila Orr.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 21st 9.30am Richard, Danny, John, Larry Monaghan & DFM. Sun 28th 9.30am Bridie Scally (nee Fox) & DFM
Offertory: €1,025. Ren Fund: Weekly €160. Monthly €20.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is also World Communications Day.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit
which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy
Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our confirmation.
Cemetery Days: Dates for Cemetery Days are as follows; Killulagh Sun 6th August at 7pm; Crowenstown Mon 7th Aug at
7pm; Delvin Sat 12th August at 7pm.
NET Team: NET Team invites the whole parish to swing by Fatima Hall from 5pm-7pm on Sun May 21st for a goodbye
party. We have thoroughly enjoyed our tome in Delvin, and we would like to say goodbye before we leave the following
Friday. Snacks will be provided, but please feel free to bring something to share. We hope to see you there.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: .Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105, or contact Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: Delvin Branch of Pioneer and Total Abstinence Association are preparing to get back to
presentations of Pioneer Pins, Medals etc after the Covid. The Branch are hoping for a resumption of activities at the end of
June. The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and wish to become a Young
Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due Silver and Gold Pins and Fr.
Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers.
21st Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov24th -2nd Dec, 2023. Led by Bishop Deenihan. Cost 2,195.
Booking with Navan Travel at 046-9068600 and Kingscourt Parish Office at 042-9667314
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine will
find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Drumcree Bog Festival: Takes place this Sun 21st May from 1pm-6pm.with various music artists. Proceeds from the day going
to Delvin Hospice Homecare and Collinstown Cemetery. We appreciate your support on the day. All are Welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be next Thurs, May 25th in the Hall starting at 11am. All Welcome.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Feast of Pentecost
The tongues of fire God sends to light upon the disciples’ heads at Pentecost signify God’s presence in the Holy
Spirit. The appearance of separate flames on each person indicates that he will now be present in a new and deeper
way in each believer instead of just to certain people at certain times. As the events that follow demonstrate, this
“fire” will open their minds to understand God’s Word and will give them the words they need to share the Gospel
and the power and courage they need to be his witnesses.
Year A Sixth Sunday of Easter. 14th May, 2023.
Sat 13th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 14th 11.00am Tommy & Marie Mc Enerney & Martina Yeoman. Mon 15th 9.30am Michael & Philomena Smith. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Carmel Cannon. . Sat 20th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. William & Michael Gilroy. Sun 21st 11.00am Carmel Cannon.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 14th 9.30am Willie & Nuala Fox. Noel Fox & DFM. Sun 21st 9.30am Richard, Danny, John & Larry Monaghan & DFM
- I. P. Marion Murtagh. Moyleroe, Delvin. John Vincent Kelly. Castlebar, Co. Mayo. late of Delvin. Margaret Shaw
. Sheffield, England formerly Balrath, Delvin. sister of Angela Carroll. Mullingar.
Offertory: €1215. Ren Fund: Weekly €350. Monthly €590.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
First Communion: Congratulations to the children from the schools in the parish who received their First Holy Communion
Yesterday. Thanks to their Teachers, Parents and all who helped them prepare for their big day..
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Cemetery Days: Dates for Cemetery Days are as follows; Killulagh Sun 6th August at 7pm; Crowenstown Mon 7th Aug at
7pm; Delvin Sat 12th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: .Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be very grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat contact
Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105, or contact Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: Delvin Branch of Pioneer and Total Abstinence Association are preparing to get back to
presentations of Pioneer Pins, Medals etc after the Covid. The Branch are hoping for a resumption of activities at the end of
June. The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and wish to become a Young
Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due Silver and Gold Pins and Fr.
Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Laurence Ginnell: The Ambassodor of Argentina will unveiil a plaque to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of the former
MP and TD, Laurence Ginnell at the Courthouser this Sun 14th May at 3pm.The unveiling will be followed by an exhibition and
short presentation on the life and time of Laurence Ginnell in St.Patrick’s Hall which will be attended by memberss of Mr
Ginnell’s descendants. All are Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine will
find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Drumcree Bog Festival: 5K Walk in Fore this Sun part of the festival. Bog Festival on Sun 21st May from 1pm-6pm.
with various music artists. Proceeds from the day going to Delvin Hospice Homecare and Collinstown Cemetery. All Welcome.
St. Scire C. E. Scheme: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
The Ascension of the Lord
The Ascension of Christ means our own salvation as well, where the glorious Head has gone before, the body is called
to follow in hope. Let us therefore exult, beloved, as is fitting, and let us rejoice in devout thanksgiving. For on this
day not only have we been confirmed in our possession of paradise, but we have even entered heaven in the person of
Christ; through his grace, we have regained far more than we had lost through the devil’s hatred. ( St. George the
Year A Fifth Sunday of Easter. 7th May, 2023.
Sat 6th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & BL. Lal Timmons. Tom Flynn & DFM. Mary Forde. Sun 7th 11.00am Christy Darby.
Mon 8th 9.30am No Mass. Tue 9th No Mass. Wed 10th No Mass. Thurs 11th No Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 14th 11.00am Tommy & Marie Mc Enerney & Martina Yeoman.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 7th 9.30am Margaret Bennett. Sun 14th 9.30am Willie & Nuala Fox. Noel Fox & DFM.
Offertory: €1,095. Ren Fund: Weekly €220. Monthly €190.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Cemetery Extension: Work has begun on the cemetery extension. It has been delayed due to bad weather.
Donation: We have received a generous donation from the organisers of the Tractor Run in September towards the cost of
the extension to the cemetery. The amount of the donation is €5,213. We wish to thank the Organisers and participants for
their generosity.
Cemetery Days: Dates for Cemetery Days are as follows; Killulagh Sun 6th August at 7pm; Crowenstown Mon 7th Aug at
7pm; Delvin Sat 12th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Delvin Youth Group: Will be hosting a Bake Sale outside Delvin Church this Sun 7th May after 11 o’ clock Mass. The
money raised will go towards a faith based surf retreat for the youth.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday next, May 11th at 8pm..
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: Delvin Branch of Pioneer and Total Abstinence Association are preparing to get back to
presentations of Pioneer Pins, Medals etc after the Covid. The Branch are hoping for a resumption of activities at the end of
June. The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and wish to become a Young
Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due Silver and Gold Pins and Fr.
Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee: A. G. M. will take place on Mon next, May 8th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Laurence Ginnell: MP (1906-17) and TD (1+918-23) for Westmeath. Unveiling of Plaque in Memory of Laurence on Sun
14th May at 3pm in Delvin Court Yard. Everyone Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers
Mullingar Choral Society: Present Summer Concert this Sun 7th May at 7.30pm in St. Paul’s Church, Mullingar.
Anan Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents are holding its monthly Parent Evening on Wed 10th May at
7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. The event is free and open to all bereaved parents. Further info contact 01 4045378
Sunday’s Readings: Acts 6:1-7. 1 Pt 2:4-9. Jn 14:1-12.
Saints of the Week
Sun 5th Fifth Sunday after Easter. Mon 8th Bl John Sullivan. Wed 10th St. Congall. St. Damian of Molokai.
Fri 12th St. Pancras Sat 13th Our Lady of Fatima.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Easter. ( Vocations Sunday) 30th April, 2023.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. Breege Mc Cormack. Nicholas & Terry Grassick. Sun 30th 11.00am Tommy Gaffney & DFM. Mon 1st 9.30am Mass. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri 5th ( First Friday) 7.30pm. Sat 6th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & BL. Lal Timmons. Tom Flynn & DFM. Mary Forde.
Sun 7th 11.00am Christy Darby.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 30th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith Fri 5th 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 7th 9.30am Mass.
Offertory: €1,015. Ren Fund: Weekly €255. Monthly €110.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place this Sunday, April 30th .
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Cemetery Extension: Work has begun on the cemetery extension. It has been delayed due to bad weather.
Donation: We have received a generous donation from the organisers of the Tractor Run in September towards the cost of
the extension to the cemetery. The amount of the donation is €5,213. We wish to thank the Organisers and participants for
their generosity.
Cemetery Days: Dates for Cemetery Days are as follows; Killulagh Sun 6th August at 7pm; Crowenstown Mon 7th Aug at
7pm; Delvin Sat 12th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Vocations Sunday: This Sunday 30th April is Vocations Sunday. We ask you to say the following prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation, Grant that
Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
There will be Adoration in Killulagh Church this Sunday from 12noon-1pm. The Offertory Collection this Sunday will go
towards the students studying for the Priesthood in the Diocese.
Vocations Sunday: Jesus is still calling priests, he needs you to say yes to his call. Be a priest and find joy, bring people to
God and let Jesus work through you. If you feel called to be a priest, open your heart to Jesus, follow the Lord and do not be
afraid. Priesthood is not an office of the past. Jesus needs priests today more than ever. Further info contact Fr. Tony
Gonoude at 044-9373923,, Email
St. Joseph the Worker: This Mon 1st May is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
Delvin Youth Group: Will be hosting a Bake Sale outside Delvin Church on Sun 7th May after 11 o’ clock Mass. The
money raised will go towards a faith based surf retreat for the youth.
Delvin Branch of P. T A. A.: Delvin Branch of Pioneer and Total Abstinence Association are preparing to get back to
presentations of Pioneer Pins, Medals etc after the Covid. The Branch are hoping for a resumption of activities at the end of
June. The Branch is asking those who would have been confirmed during the time of Covid and wish to become a Young
Pioneer, those who are due to progress to becoming a Permanent Pioneer, along with those due Silver and Gold Pins and Fr.
Cullen Medals to contact Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Laurence Ginnell: MP (1906-17) and TD (1+918-23) for Westmeath. Unveiling of Plaque in Memory of Laurence on Sun
7th May at 3pm in Delvin Court Yard. Everyone Welcome.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers
Mullingar Choral Society: Present Summer Concert on Sun 7th May at 7.30pm in St. Paul’s Church, Mullingar.
Book Festival: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri 28th Apr, Sat 29th & Sun 30th . We appreciate your support.
Anan Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents are holding its monthly Parent Evening on Wed 10th May at
7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. The event is free and open to all bereaved parents. Further info contact 01 4045378
Year A Third Sunday of Easter. 23rd April, 2023.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Jimmy, Jane & Peggy Reilly. Jack Ivory. Kevin & Bridgie Murphy. Sun 23rd 11.00am Michael Moriarty. Michael & Mary Mullally & son Michael & DFM. Mon 24th 9.30am Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass.Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. Breege Mc Cormack. Nicholas &
Terry Grassick. Sun 30th 11.00am Tommy Gaffney.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 23rd 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Sean Newman. Michael & Esther Cooney. Sun 30th 9.30am
Kevin Ledwith
- I. P. Tony Perry. Trim. formerly Addinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €810. Ren Fund: Weekly €340. Monthly €275. Annual €500.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. Amount taken in so far is €4,410. If you still have to
return your box, we would appreciate if you would do so during the coming week. You can hand it in at the Parochial House
between 10am-12.30pm.
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place on Sunday, April 30th .
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Cemetery Extension: Work has begun on the cemetery extension. It has been delayed due to bad weather. We will give
more information in the coming weeks about the progress of the work
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
2023 National Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock: Saturday 22nd Apr from 7pm-10pm. Sun 23rd 10.30am -4.30pm. Poster on
Notice Board with Itinerary for the day and Bus times and contact numbers for anybody interested in travelling on the day.
Vocation Sunday: Next Sunday 30th April is Vocations Sunday. We ask you to say the following prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation, Grant that
Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
There will be Adoration in Killulagh Church next Sunday from 12noon-1pm. The Offertory Collection next Sunday will go
towards the students studying for the Priesthood in the Diocese.
Vocations: A Conference on Evangelisation and Vocations will be held in Maynooth College on Tuesday next, April 25th .
For information or to register go to
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd. Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cornmack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers
St. Camillus Nursing Centre: Monthly Healing Mass will take place on Thurs next, April 27th at 8pm in St. Camillus
Chapel. All are Welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E Scheme: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Thurs next, April 27th starting at 11am.
Drama Group for Adults: Interested? Please come along to St. Patrick’s Hall on Thurs 27th April at 7.30pm. Further
information please contact Rose Donohoe at 087-3038816. or
Book Festival: Takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri 28th Apr, Sat 29th & Sun 30th . We are looking for volunteers for Sat to
help with Books.
Year A Second Sunday of Easter. ( Divine Mercy Sunday) 16th April, 2023.
Sat 15th 6.30pm Michael Mc Gowan. Sun 16th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran & DFM Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Philip Quinn. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Jimmy, Jane & Peggy Reilly. Jack Ivory. Kevin & Bridgie Murphy. Sun 23rd 11.00am Michael Moriarty. Michael & Mary Mullally & son Michael & DFM.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 16th 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Sean Newman. Michael & Esther Cooney.
Offertory: €1,250. Good Friday Collection: €620. Easter Offerings: €3,825.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. Amount taken in so far is €3,865. If you still have to
return your box, we would appreciate if you would do so during the coming week. You can hand it in at the Parochial House
between 10am-12.30pm.
Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Offerings last weekend.
Good Friday Collection: Thanks to all who contributed to the Collection on Good Friday for the Holy Places in Jerusalem.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday points us to
the merciful love of God hat lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery---the whole mystery of the death , burial and resurrection
of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the whole octave of
Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to
man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. Paul)
Oilithreacht na Gaeilge: A pilgrimage to Knock arranged by Cumann na Sagart will take place on Sunday, April 30th .
Ceremonies, including Mass, will take place at 3pm. All the Ceremonies will be in Irish. All are Welcome.
Killulagh Altar Society: Would like to thank all who donated so generously to the collection. Amount was €800.
Cemetery Extension: Work has begun on the cemetery extension. It has been delayed due to bad weather. We will give
more information in the coming weeks about the progress of the work
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
2023 National Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock: Saturday 22nd Apr from 7pm-10pm. Sun 23rd 10.30am -4.30pm. Poster on
Notice Board with Itinerary for the day and Bus times and contact numbers for anybody interested in travelling on the day.
Knock Pilgrimages: Are organising a Weekend from Sun 23rd Apr-Wed 26th April. Poster with Itinerary on Notice Board.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd. Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cornmack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Lough Derg: 3 Day Pilgrimages starting 1st June-15th Aug. 1 Day Retreat from 1st May. See Poster on
Notice Board with details and contact numbers
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Scire C. E Scheme: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Mon next, April 17th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Drama Group for Adults: Interested? Please come along to St. Patrick’s Hall on Thurs 27th April at 7.30pm. Further
information please contact Rose Donohoe at 087-3038816. or
Book Festival: Takes place on Fri 28th Apr, Sat 29th & Sun 30th . We are looking for volunteers for Sat to help with Books.
The Struggle of St. Thomas
The struggle for faith experienced by Thomas leads us to think on the meaning of faith in the risen Christ. We do not
depend on physical experience of Christ but know his presence in keeping God’s commandments, and as a gathered
community, in the hearing of the word and in sacramental signs. So the Christian community is a thankful one,
always blessing God for a surer hope through the resurrection of Christ.
Year A Easter Sunday Of The Resurrection of the Lord 9th April, 2023.
Sat 8th ( Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 9th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass. Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Joseph, Margaret & Patrick Martin. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Harry Daly. Sat 15th 6.30pm Michael Mc Gowan. Sun 16th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran & DFM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 9th 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Mass.
Offertory: €865. Ren. Fund: Weekly €245. Monthly €95.
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. Sincere thanks to all who participated in celebrations
during Lent and Holy Week.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale Cost €2.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunda4ujc y Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. If you still have to return your box, we would appreciate
if you would do so during the coming week. You can hand it in at the Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick on Easter Sunday beginning at 10.45am.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday next.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday points us to
the merciful love of God hat lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery---the whole mystery of the death , burial and resurrection
of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the whole octave of
Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to
man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. Paul)
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Knock Pilgrimages: Are organising a Weekend from Sun 23rd Apr-Wed 26th April. Poster with Itinerary on Notice Board.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to then Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd. Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cornmack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Delvin Camogie Club: Are having a Cake Sale on Easter Sunday Morning between 10am-1pm outside Gaffney’s Pub.
St. Scire C. E Scheme: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact 044-9664931.
Reading during the Easter Season
During the Sunday of Easter the first reading is taken , not from the Old Testament, but from the Acts of the
Apostles. Many of the passages are examples of the earliest apostolic preaching, and we see in them how the apostles
themselves used the Scriptures to announce the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In other passages,
the consequences of Jesus’s resurrection and its effects in the life of the Christian community are recounted. From
these passages, the homilist has in hand some of his strongest and most basic tools. He sees how the apostles used the
Scriptures to announce the death and resurrection of Jesus, and he does the same, not only in the passage at hand
but in this same style throughout the whole of the liturgical year. He also sees the power of the life of the risen Lord
at work in the first communities, and he declares in faith to his own people that the same power is still at work
among us.
Homiletic Directory, 53.
Year A Palm Sunday 2nd April, 2023.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Mattie, Dolores & Andy Gaffney. Micheal Moore. Sun 2nd 11.00am Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM.
G O’ Brien. William & Elizabeth Gilmore. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th No Mass. Thurs 6th
( Holy Thursday) 7.30pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 7th ( Good Friday) 7.30pm Good Friday Liturgy. Sat 8th
( Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 9th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 2nd 9.30am John & Violet Lynch. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 6th ( Holy Thursday) 5.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Sun 9th 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass.
Offertory: €875. Ren. Fund: Weekly €335. Monthly €315.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Palm Sunday: This Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins the celebration of the Great Week- Holy Week-which will reach
its high point in the final three days, the crown of the Church’s liturgical year. Please bring Palm Branches to Mass to be
Chrism Mass: Will take place on Wed next, 5th April at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar. Ministers of
Holy Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all others involved in the ministry of the Church are invited. All are Welcome.
Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: We would appreciate if you would return your Trocaire Box on Holy Thursday, or hand it in at the
Parochial House.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you
Easter Card: You will get an Easter Card with your Easter Offering Envelope outlining the arrangements for Holy Week.
Please follow the card as there are a few changes to times of ceremonies and confessions. Spare Cards in the Churches.
Vocations: Please pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life during Holy Week. Our Holy Thursday Night
Prayer of the Church will be offered for Vocations at the end of Adoration at the Altar of Repose. (10.45pm).
Confessions: Confessions will be available in Delvin after the liturgy on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and at 2pm and
7pm on Holy Saturday. Confessions in Killulagh before Mass on Holy Thursday and at 12noon on Holy Saturday. There will
be confessions in Delvin Church on Monday evening next, at 7.30pm. Visiting priests will attend.
Good Friday Collection: During the Good Friday Liturgy a collection will be taken up for the upkeep of the Holy Places in
Jerusalem and other parts of the Holy Land. The presence of Christians in the Holy Land has been reducing in recent years.
At present only 2% of the population is Christians. During the Covid pandemic pilgrimages could not travel. Many
Christians work in this sector and lost their livelihood.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Knock Pilgrimages: Are organising a Weekend from Sun 23rd Apr-Wed 26th April. Poster with Itinerary on Notice Board.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Will meet on Tue next, Apr 4th in the Hall at 10.30am. New Members are very welcome.
Holy Week
Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery, dying he destroyed
our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Easter Triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is
the culmination of the entire liturgical year. Thus the solemnity of Easter has the same kind of pre-eminence in the
liturgical year that Sunday has in the week. The celebration of the paschal mystery is not simply a recalling of past
events in history. It is a sacramental celebration that renders present and actualises the saving power of Christ’s
death and resurrection to the Church.
Year A Fifth Sunday of Lent 26th March, 2023.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Jim & Breda Smith. Sun 26th 11.00am Carmel & Pat Gaffney. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 31st 9.30am Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm Mattie, Dolores & Andy Gaffney. Micheal Moore. Sun 2nd 11.00am Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. G O’ Brien. William & Elizabeth Gilmore.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 26th 9.30am Thomas Manny. Wed 29th 9.30am Chris & Jenny Downes & DFM. Sun 2nd 9.30am John & Violet Lynch.
Offertory: St. Patrick’s Day €745. Sunday 19th €720. Ren. Fund: Weekly €305. Monthly €90.
Summer Time: The clocks go forward this Sat night. Mass on this Sunday will be at Summer Time.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Palm Sunday: Next Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins the celebration of the Great Week- Holy Week-which will reach
its high point in the final three days, the crown of the Church’s liturgical year. Please bring Palm Branches to Mass to be
Chrism Mass: Will take place on Wed 5th April at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar. Ministers of Holy
Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all others involved in the ministry of the Church are invited. All are Welcome.
Killulagh Altar Society: Are holding a Church Door Collection on Sun 2nd April. All our Altar Linens need to be replaced.
Your support would be much appreciated.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a box there are spare boxes in both Churches.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095/
Website: The Website is now up and running and all the bulletins have been updated. See
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: We are starting back to meetings after the Covid. Our Meeting will be held on
Thursday night next, Mar 30th at 8pm in the Parochial House. We are looking for New members to join and pray for an
increase in Vocations.
Knock Pilgrimages: Are organising a Weekend from Sun 23rd Apr-Wed 26th April. Poster with Itinerary on Notice Board.
Delvin Handball Club: Will Re- Launch on Sat next 1st April from 12noon -3pm. 3 Exhibition Games will be played
starting at 12noon. Everyone is Welcome. We would especially like to see past members who played the game and anyone
who is interested in learning about handball. Refreshments will be served throughout the day.
Holy Week
Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery, dying he destroyed
our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Easter Triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is
the culmination of the entire liturgical year. Thus the solemnity of Easter has the same kind of pre-eminence in the
liturgical year that Sunday has in the week. The celebration of the paschal mystery is not simply a recalling of past
events in history. It is a sacramental celebration that renders present and actualises the saving power of Christ’s
death and resurrection to the Church.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Lent 19th March, 2023.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan. Josephine Carroll. Sun 19th 11.00am Cailin Lynch.
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mas. Fri 24th 9.30am
Eileen & Jack Callinan. Sat 25th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Jim & Breda Smith. Sun 26th 11.00am Carmel Gaffney.
Pat & Kathleen Gaffney.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 19th 9.30am Hugh & Eileen Macken & DFM Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am
Thomas Manny.
- I. P. Bridget Downes. Mullingar. mother of John Downes. Battstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €960. Ren. Fund: Weekly €440. Monthly €150.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Confessions: Will be available on Sat next, Mar 25th before and after Vigil Mass.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a box there are spare boxes in both Churches.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095/
Website: Due to difficulties with our website it has not been possible to upload the bulletin to the website for the past few
months. These difficulties have been resolved and the bulletin will be available on the website from next week.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on next Thursday Mar 23rd . We are starting with Mass
at 11.15am. It is the Birthday Party, so we hope to see you all on the day.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Table Quiz will take place on Fri 24th March in Gaffney’s Lounge starting at 8pm.
We appreciate your support on the night.
Feast of St. Joseph: Mon 20th we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. Please devote your Hour of Adoration in honour of His
Feast on that day in Killulagh. We pray that we can learn to imitate his faithfulness to God and his care of Mary and Jesus.
About St. Joseph: It is frequently said that we know so little about St. Joseph, because not one word he spoke is recorded
in scripture, yet, at the same time, scripture indirectly does tell us a lot. What we do know comes from the New Testament,
in particular from the gospels of Matthew and Luke..
- We know he was a carpenter, a working man for the people of Nazareth ask about Jesus. “Is this not the carpenter’s son.” ( Matthew 3:55)
- He wasn’t rich for when he took Jesus to Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord, his offering was two doves or a pair of pigeons, which was customary for those who could not afford the offering of a lamb. ( Luke 2:24)
Feast of the Annunciation: On Saturday next, March 25th we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. The
following is a short reflection on the significance of this feast. “Given her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother
of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely
to the person and to the work of her Son, she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on
him by God’s grace.” ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 494).
Knock Pilgrimages: Are organising a Weekend from Sun 23rd Apr-Wed 26th April. Poster with Itinerary on Notice Board.
Delvin G. A. A. : Just a reminder about Bingo online on Fri 24th Mar starting at 8pm.
Year A Third Sunday of Lent 12th March, 2023.
Sat 11th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Joseph & Ellen Kane. Michelle Hickey. Sun 12th 11.00am Bernie Drum.
Mon 13th 9.30am Thomas & May Downes & DFM. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. 7.30pm Mass. Fri 17th ( Feast of St. Patrick) 11.00am Owen & Mgt Murtagh & DFM Sat 18th 6.30pm Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan. Josephine Carroll. Sun 19th 11.00am Cailin Lynch.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 12th 9.30am Patrick & Teresa Bannon. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th ( Feast of St. Patrick) 9.30am Mass. Sun 19th 9.30am Hugh & Eileen Macken & DFM
Offertory: €725. Ren. Fund: Weekly €395. Monthly €120. Special Collection: €2,730.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a box there are spare boxes in both Churches.
Special Collection: Thanks to all who gave so generously to the collection last weekend for the devasting earthquake in
Turkey and Syria. The amount collected was €2,730.
Pro-Life: A talk will be given on Tue 14th Mar in Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar at 7.30pm on Family and Life.
Protecting the vulnerable from threat of legalised Euthanasia.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Gaffney’s Lounge on Mon next Mar 13th at 8pm. Please attend.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Thurs 16th Mar at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge to finalise Table Quiz which will take
place on Fri 24th March in Gaffney’s Lounge starting at 8pm. We appreciate your support on the night.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Day Festival: Takes place in Delvin on Fri 17th Mar from 2-6pm. All are Welcome.
Feast of St. Joseph: Mon 20th we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. Please devote your Hour of Adoration in honour of His
Feast on that day in Killulagh.
Knock Pilgrimages: Are organising a Weekend from Sun 23rd Apr-Wed 26th April. Poster with Itinerary on Notice Board.
Feast of St. Patrick.
Next Fri we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. It would be hard to underestimate the influence of St.Patrick on the faith of the
people of Ireland. In recent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by other celebrations associated with
the Feast. This year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the Feast of St. Patrick. We include here an
extract from the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells about his carelessness, about his relationship with
God and about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish people will experience a similar conversion as we celebrate his
The Power of Prayer
After I came to Ireland, every day had to tend sheep and many times a day I prayed. The love of God and his fear
came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened. My spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say
as many as a 100 prayers, and almost as many in the night. Even when I was staying in the woods and on the
mountains, I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, because the spirit
within me was then fervent.
Year A Second Sunday of Lent 5th March, 2023.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Kathleen, Michael & Liam Bray. Sun 5th 11.00am Maggie & Tom Leonard. Annie, Paddy & Tommy Mc Cann. May Toner. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 9.30am Mass. Fri 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Joseph & Ellen Kane. Michelle Hickey. Sun 12th 11.00am Bernie Drum.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am Patrick & Teresa Bannon.
- I. P. Marie Bernadette Halpin. Sheepstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €1,015. Ren. Fund: Weekly €265. Monthly €120. Annual: €750.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Weekday Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri.
Evening Mass on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 9.30am on Wednesday morning.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a box there are spare boxes in both Churches.
Special Collection: The Bishops have asked that a special collection be taken up in all Dioceses in response to the
devasting earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Bishop Tom has suggested that the special collection should be taken up at all
Masses this weekend.
Bishop Michael Smith: We congratulate Bishop Michael Smith who celebrates the 60th Anniversary of his priestly
Ordination on Thursday next, 9th March.
Pro-Life: A talk will be given on Tue 14th Mar in Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar at 7.30pm on Family and Life.
Protecting the vulnerable from threat of legalised Euthanasia.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Priory Institute: Online Lenten Retreat “Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Lent as stepping stones on our Journey to
Easter” See The Online Retreat is free of charge.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Next meeting will be on Tue 7th March in the Hall at 10.30am. New members are most welcome.
Delvin GAA: Are launching On-line Bingo on Fri 10th Mar at 8pm, and every 2 weeks thereafter with all proceeds being
used to improve our park facilities. log into Total prize money is €1,260. All support will be greatly appreciated.
National Learning Network: QQ1 Level 3 Rehabilitative Training for individuals with Physical challenges. Further
information contact 086-7839078
Pope’s Message for Lent
I would like to propose two “paths” to follow in order to ascend the mountain together with Jesus and, with him, to
attain the goal. The first path has to do with the command that God the Father addresses to the disciples on Mount
Tabor as they contemplate Jesus transfigured. The voice from the cloud says. “Listen to him” (Mt 17:5). The first
proposal, then, is very clear; we need to listen to Jesus. Lent is a time of grace to the extent that we listen to him as he
speaks to us. And how does he speak to us? First, in the word of God, which the Church offers us in the liturgy. May
that word not fall on deaf ears; if we cannot always attend Mass, let us study its daily biblical readings, even with the
help of the internet. In addition to the Scriptures, the Lord speaks to us through our brothers and sisters, especially
in the faces and the stories of those who are in need. Pope Francis.
Year A First Sunday of Lent 26th February, 2023.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Sinead Barry. Johnny & Cathy Dunne. Sean Dunne & DFM. Molly Paris. Sun 26th 11.00am Pat, Noeleen & Mary Smith. Mon 27th 9.30am Rose Gibney & DFM. Kathleen Gaffney. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Mass. Sat 4th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Kathleen, Michael & Liam Bray. Sun 5th 11.00am Maggie & Tom Leonard. Annie, Paddy & Tommy Mc Cann. May Toner.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 26th 9.30am Joe Flynn. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Sun 5th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Anthony Mulligan. U. S. A. brother of Matt Mulligan. Castletown, Delvin. Eimear Gilroy. Athboy.
Offertory: €790. Ren. Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €120.
Confirmation: Congratulations to the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all
who helped them prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Weekday Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri.
Evening Mass on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 9.30am on Wednesday morning.
Trocaire: famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Trocaire Boxes are been delivered at the moment. We thank the Collectors who deliver the boxes. If you
did not receive a box there are spare boxes in both Churches.
Special Collection: The Bishops are taking up a special collection in all Dioceses in response to the devasting earthquake in
Turkey and Syria. Bishop Tom has suggested that the special collection should be taken up at all Masses on weekend of 4th –
5th March.
St. Loman’s Special Cemetery: Annual Mass of Remembrance will be held on Tue 26th Feb at 3pm in |St. Paul’s Church
Delvin Road, Mullingar in memory of people buried in St. Loman’s Hospital Cemetery from 1907-1970 and to remember
deceased patients and staff.
The Catechism in a Year: A Study Group is being formed this month to accompany parishioners through the “ Catechism
in a Year” podcasts with Fr. Mike Schmitz. Email before 11th February for a zoom link to an
information meeting. For more information contact the Parochial House.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Priory Institute: Online Lenten Retreat “Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Lent as stepping stones on our Journey to
Easter” See The Online Retreat is free of charge.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Pope’s Message for Lent
Lenten penance is a commitment, sustained by grace, to overcoming our lack of faith and our resistance to following
Jesus on the way of the cross. This is precisely what Peter and the other disciples needed to do. To deepen our
knowledge of the Master, to fully understand and embrace the mystery of his salvation, accomplished in total self-
giving inspired by love, we must allow ourselves to be taken aside by him and to detach ourselves from mediocrity
and vanity. We need to set out on the journey, an uphill path that, like a mountain trek, requires effort, sacrifice and
concentration. Pope Francis.
Year A Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th February, 2023.
Sat 18th 6.30pm T J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll Sun 19th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & Son Pat. Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM Mon 20th 9.30am Paddy Downes. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd ( Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm Matthew & John Reilly. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Sinead Barry. Johnny & Cathy Dunne. Sean Dunne & DFM. Molly Paris. Sun 26th 11.00am Pat, Noeleen & Mary Smith.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 19th 9.30am Martin Kiernan. Wed 22nd ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Joe Flynn.
Offertory: €780. Ren. Fund: Weekly €500. Monthly €320. Annual €1,050.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: This Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance. Mass will be on RTE & Radio at 11am
and will include prayers for all who are in treatment for addiction. The Pioneer website carries information
for parishioners who wish to take the Lenten pledge.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed during 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 7.30pm Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes on repentance and baptism. During this Season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Confirmation: Bishop Deenihan will celebrate Confirmation for the children of the parish next Friday, Feb 24th in Delvin
Church. It is a special day for the children who will be confirmed and their families. It is also an opportunity for the rest of us
to recall the day of our Confirmation and to thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit we received. We pray that God will
renew the grace of confirmation for all our parishioners.
The Catechism in a Year: A Study Group is being formed this month to accompany parishioners through the “ Catechism
in a Year” podcasts with Fr. Mike Schmitz. Email before 11th February for a zoom link to an
information meeting. For more information contact the Parochial House.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 21st -25th Sept. Led by Spiritual Director Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost
€675.pps. Further details and booking contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Priory Institute: Online Lenten Retreat “Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Lent as stepping stones on our Journey to
Easter” See The Online Retreat is free of charge.
21st Meath Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack at
042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2023; Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb, 2023.
Applications for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email St. Ernans 044-
9664539, or email, St. Patrick’s Crowenstown 044-9664585, email
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday 23rd starting at 11am
Delvin Camogie Club: Are holding their Dinner Dance in Greville Arms Hotel on Sat 25th Feb starting at 7pm. Tickets
€45. Contact Linda Kenny 0858008260 for Tickets, or Leavy’s Shop. Everyone in the community is invited to attend..
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Mon next Feb 20th in Gaffney’s Lounge at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E. : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Year A Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th February, 2023.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan. Sun 12th 11.00am James Kiernan MM Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm T J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll
Sun 19th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & Son Pat. Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 12th 9.30am Pat Fox Sun 19th 9.30am Martin Kiernan.
Offertory: €1,045. Candlemas Offerings: €1,290.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offerings last weekend.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
The Catechism in a Year: A Study Group is being formed this month to accompany parishioners through the “ Catechism
in a Year” podcasts with Fr. Mike Schmitz. Email before 11th February for a zoom link to an
information meeting. For more information contact the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Online Lenten Retreat “Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Lent as stepping stones on our Journey to
Easter” See The Online Retreat is free of charge.
21st Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac
Cormack at 042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2023; Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb, 2023.
Applications for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email St. Ernans 044-
9664539, or email, St. Patrick’s Crowenstown 044-9664585, email
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Mon next, Feb 13th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Delvin Camogie Club: Are holding their Dinner Dance in Greville Arms Hotel on Sat 25th Feb starting at 7pm. Tickets
€45. Tickets can be purchased from Linda Kenny 0858008260. Everyone in the community is invited to celebrate with us.
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit empowers God’s people to proclaim the Good News of
Jesus Christ, to live that message, and to continue Jesus’s mission and ministry in the world. Just as the Holy Spirit
descended on Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry and transformed the fearful disciples at Pentecost, the
Spirit equips every Christian for a life of service and witness. Many Catholics have come to realise that expectant
faith is necessary to receive and experience the full power of the Holy Spirit that is available in confirmation.
Indeed, God does not restrict the experience of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power to the actual time of receiving
this sacrament. Acts 10:47 testifies to this, and so does the experience of many confirmed Catholics who have been
“baptised in the Holy Spirit” and have thus come to know the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in a new or
fuller way. Nonetheless, Catholics believe and have witnessed that God desires to send the fullness of his Holy Spirit
through confirmation, and that the manifestation and gifts of the Holy Spirit will be evident when this sacrament is
approached with expectant faith and prayer.
Year A Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th February, 2023.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Pat Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis. Patrick & Ailish Farrelly. Sun 5th 11.00am Carmel Reilly MM
Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass
Sat 11th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan. Sun 12th 11.00am James Kiernan MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 5th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am Pat Fox
- I. P. Very Rev. Michael Sheerin Retired PP Lobinstown. Mary Forde ( nee Monagahan) England. formerly Martinstown,
Delvin. Pat Jennings. Southampton, England. late of Moyleroe. Michael Fitzgerald. Kent, England. late of Clondone, Delvin.
Offertory: €700. Ren Fund: Weekly €220. Monthly €30. Annual: €900.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale Cost €2.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Vocations: Every call to the Sacred Priesthood occurs when the Lord walks into our lives with His words of invitation.
“Follow Me.” He is still inviting young men to cast out the nets of faith today. Be a priest that will bring many to Jesus.
Vocations Director Fr. Tony Gonoude 044-9373923, or
Candlemas Offerings: This Sunday 5th is Candlemas Day. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Next Saturday is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day.
Hear our prayer, Oh God, and heal the many illnesses that afflict us in body, mind and soul. Bring comfort to those who
suffer . Bring consolation to those who despair. Bring strength to those of us who walk with the sick. Bring hope to all for
whom the path to healing is long or may not end. Let us never forget your special care for the sick, that they may also know
they are precious and loved. Amen.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: Next Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
21st Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac
Cormack at 042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2023; Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb, 2023.
Applications for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email St. Ernans 044-
9664539, or email, St. Patrick’s Crowenstown 044-9664585, email
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Table Quiz: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall in aid of the Hall next Fri 10th February starting at 8pm.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Resumes back in the Hall on Tue next, Feb 7th at 10.30am. New members are very welcome.
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit empowers God’s people to proclaim the Good News of
Jesus Christ, to live that message, and to continue Jesus’s mission and ministry in the world. Just as the Holy Spirit
descended on Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry and transformed the fearful disciples at Pentecost, the
Spirit equips every Christian for a life of service and witness. Many Catholics have come to realise that expectant
faith is necessary to receive and experience the full power of the Holy Spirit that is available in confirmation.
Indeed, God does not restrict the experience of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power to the actual time of receiving
this sacrament. Acts 10:47 testifies to this, and so does the experience of many confirmed Catholics who have been
“baptised in the Holy Spirit” and have thus come to know the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in a new or
fuller way. Nonetheless, Catholics believe and have witnessed that God desires to send the fullness of his Holy Spirit
through confirmation, and that the manifestation and gifts of the Holy Spirit will be evident when this sacrament is
approached with expectant faith and prayer.
Year A Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th January, 2023.
Sat 28th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 29th 11.00am Mass. Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 31st 9.30am Mass.
Wed 1st ( Feast of St. Brigid) 9.30am Mass. Thurs 2nd ( Feast of the Presentation) 9.30am Mass. Fri 3rd ( Feast of St. Blaise) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm John & Anna Vaughan & DFM. Sat 4th 6.30pm Pat Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis. Patrick & Ailish Farrelly. Sun 5th 11.00am Carmel Reilly MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 29th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Matt, Bridget, Mary & Larry Whelehan & DFM Sat 4th 10.00am
Willie Dugdale MM Sun 5th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Brendan Molloy. Navan. former School Principal of Killough N. S.
Offertory: €800. Ren Fund: Weekly €305. Monthly €90. Annual: €350. Needs of the Diocese: €1,135.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale Cost €2.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection for the Needs of the Diocese last weekend.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to distribute the
reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Celebration for Religious: Each year, the Church celebrates the contribution of men and women in religious Orders and
congregations to the Church on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd . To celebrate the contribution of religious to the
Diocese of Meath , there will be a celebration of Sung Vespers and blessing of Candles in the Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm
this Sunday, January 29th .The reflection will be given by Sr. Karol O’ Connell of Kylemore Abbey. All are welcome to join
with and support the religious of the Diocese in this celebration.
Vocations: Every call to the Sacred Priesthood occurs when the Lord walks into our lives with His words of invitation. “
Follow Me.” He is still inviting young men to cast out the nets of faith today. Be a priest that will bring many to Jesus.
Vocations Director Fr. Tony Gonoude 044-9373923, or
Feast of St. Brigid: Wednesday is the Feast of St. Brigid. Anybody wishing to have St. Brigid’s Crosses blessed can leave
them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Wednesday. They will be blessed during Mass.
Feast of the Presentation: Thursday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation. Anybody wishing to have Candles blessed
for use in the home can leave them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Thursday. They will be blessed during Mass.
Today is also World Day of Consecrated Life.
Feast of St. Blaise: Friday is the Feast of St. Blaise.
Candlemas Offerings: Sunday 5th is Candlemas Day. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you
21st Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov 24th –Dec 2nd . Enquires to Fr. Gerry Mac
Cormack at 042-9667314, or Navan Travel at 046-9068600. Cost €2,095.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2023; Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb, 2023.
Applications for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email St. Ernans 044-
9664539, or email, St. Patrick’s Crowenstown 044-9664585, email
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Table Quiz: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall in aid of the Hall on Fri 10th February starting at 8pm.
St. Brigid
St. Brigid is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. She was born c.454. When she was young
her father wished to make a very suitable marriage for her but she insisted in consecrating her virginity to God. She
received the veil and spiritual formation probably from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in
Ardagh. Others followed her example and this led her to found a double monastery in Kildare with the assistance of
Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and her cult is widespread not only throughout Ireland but in several European
lands. The St. Brigid’s Cross, in legend used by Brigid to explain the Christian faith, remains a popular sign of God’s
Year A Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd January, 2023.
Sat 21st 6.30pm Tom & Mark Hickey. Sun 22nd 11.00am Joe & Kitty Bray. Joseph & Laetitia Cullen. Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 29th 11.00am Mass.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 22nd 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent. Sun 29th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Matt, Bridget, Mary & Larry Whelehan & DFM
Offertory: €775. Ren Fund: Weekly €310. Monthly €110.
Needs of the Diocese: The Second collection will be taken up this Sunday 22nd January.
Sunday of the Word of God: The purpose of the Sunday of the Word of God is to increase our awareness of the importance
of the Word of God and encourage everybody to read and study the Word of God. We will mark the importance of the Word
of God at Masses this weekend. There is a group in the parish preparing reflections on the readings at Sunday Mass. The
intention is to make these reflections available for parishioners each week. The most convenient way to distribute them is by
email. In the next few weeks we will invite people who would like to receive them to send us their email address.
Christian Unity Week: From Wed 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the many
divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During this week we join with Christians all
over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
St. Francis de Sales: On December 25th the 4th Centenary of the death of St. Francis de Sales took place. St. Francis is an
important figure in the history of spiritual direction in the Church. He made a special effort to encourage lay people to
develop their spiritual life and grow in holiness. We will have more information available at the weekend . We will have a
short meeting after Mass on Tuesday morning to discuss the contribution of St. Francis.
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. You are invited to
come along and meet for an information gathering about World Youth Day at Trim Parish Pastoral Centre at 7pm on Fri 27th
January. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Celebration for Religious: Each year, the Church celebrates the contribution of men and women in religious Orders and
congregations to the Church on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd . To celebrate the contribution of religious to the
Diocese of Meath , there will be a celebration of Sung Vespers and blessing of Candles in the Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm
on Sunday, January 29th .The reflection will be given by Sr. Karol O’ Connell of Kylemore Abbey. All are welcome to join
with and support the religious of the Diocese in this celebration.
Vocations: In the Gospel this Sunday we see Christ walk into the lives of the fishermen. They had been mending nets, the
tools of their work. At His word, they leave everything to follow Him. Every call to the Sacred Priesthood occurs when the
Lord walks into our lives with His words of invitation. “ Follow Me.” He is still inviting young men to cast out the nets of
faith today. Be a priest that will bring many to Jesus. Vocations Director Fr. Tony Gonoude 044-9373923, or
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2023; Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb, 2023.
Applications for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email St. Ernans 044-
9664539, or email, St. Patrick’s Crowenstown 044-9664585, email
Catholic Schools Week: 22nd January-29th January. The theme for each day are as follows:
Mon 23rd Walking Together in Faith. Tues 24th Walking Together in Love. Wed 25th Walking Together to
Celebrate. Thursday 26th Walking Together to Transform our World. Friday 27th Walking Together in Hope.
Sunday of the Word of God
For this reason, the Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates the Lord’s Body. She never ceases
to present to the faithful the bread of life, taken from the one table of God’s Word and Christ’s Body. In Sacred
Scripture, the Church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength, for she welcomes it not as a human word,
but as what it really is, the Word of God. In the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven comes lovingly to meet his
children, and talks with them.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 103 & 104.
Year A The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 15th January, 2023.
Sat 14th 6.30pm Frank Brady. William & Catherine Sherlock. Sun 15th 11.00am Lil & Dick Mullen son Jimmy & baby Patrick. Dolores & Mattie Gaffney. Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Tom & Mark Hickey. Sun 22nd 11.00am Joe & Kitty Bray. Joseph & Laetitia Cullen.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 15th 9.30am Frank Ivory MM & DFM Ivory family. Sun 22nd 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent.
- I. P. Willie Dugdale. Killulagh. Michael Caffrey. Fore. brother of Marcella Caffrey. Addinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €1,115. Funeral Mass. €745. Needs of the Diocese: €1,230. Ren Fund: Weekly €340. Monthly €220.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people in the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church
now invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of
others across the world.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the first collection last weekend for the Needs of the Diocese.
Amount collected was €1,230. The Second collection will be taken up on Sunday 22nd January. The Bishop has asked for a
contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and
support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be
collected by this Parish is €5,500.
Christian Unity Week: From Wed 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the many
divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with Christians all
over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
World Youth Day: (1st -6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis , for young Catholics aged (18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. You are invited to
come along and meet for an information gathering about World Youth Day at Trim Parish Pastoral Centre at 7pm on Fri 27th
January. More details see Cost of Trip €650 approx. To book contact meathyouth@gmail,com.
Alpha: Special Invitation—Come and See. Online on Zoom starting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th January , 2023. Each
session will have a video presentation and time for discussion in small groups. Further information email to
Celebration for Religious: Each year, the Church celebrates the contribution of men and women in religious Orders and
congregations to the Church on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd . To celebrate the contribution of religious to the
Diocese of Meath , there will be a celebration of Sung Vespers and blessing of Candles in the Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm
on Sunday, January 29th .The reflection will be given by Sr. Karol O’ Connell of Kylemore Abbey. All are welcome to join
with and support the religious of the Diocese in this celebration.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment, 2023; Enrolment for Junior Infants will take place from 1st Feb-22nd Feb, 2023.
Applications for admission can be made directly to St. Tola’s at 044-9664457 or email St. Ernans 044-
9664539, or email, St. Patrick’s Crowenstown 044-9664585, email
Catholic Schools Week: 22nd January-29th January. There will be more information on the theme for each day next week.
Table Quiz: Will not take place in St. Patrick’s Hall in aid of the Hall on Fri 27th January. It has been rescheduled for Fri
10th February starting at 8pm.
Sunday of the Word of God.
Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 22nd as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the importance of
the Word of God in our lives and in the liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope Francis
establishing the Sunday of the Word of God. “ it belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognise
themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the sacred text by restricting it to certain
circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it,
move from dispersion and division towards unity. The word of God unites believers and makes them one people. In
this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping everyone
to understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word must feel an urgent need to
make it accessible to their community”.
Year A The Baptism of the Lord 8th January, 2023.
Sat 7th 6.30pm John, Margaret & Babs Moran. Anthony Haran & parents Anthony & Sarah. Sun 8th 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Frank Brady. William & Catherine Sherlock. Sun 15th 11.00am Lil & Dick Mullen son Jimmy & baby Patrick. Dolores & Mattie Gaffney.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 8th 9.30am Marie Farley. Sun 15th 9.30am Frank Ivory MM & DFM Ivory family.
- I. P. Pope Emeritus Benedict XV1. James Kiernan. Lacora Glen, Delvin. Carmel Reilly. Moyleroe, Delvin. Vera Mc
Donnell. Mullingar. sister of Rosaleen Anderson. Billistown.
Offertory: €970. Ren Fund: Weekly €525. Monthly €350. Annual €950.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people in the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church
now invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of
others across the world.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this Sun 8th January and again on
Sunday 22nd January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,500.
Christian Unity Week: From Wed 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the many
divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with Christians all
over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Retreat For Young Adults: Aged (18-40) on Sat 14th January at Dalgan Park, Navan from 10am -5.30pm. Cost €20.
Further information contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666, or email:
Anam Cara Midlands: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening on
Wed 11th January at 7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. For further details call 01-4045378
Alpha: Special Invitation—Come and See. Online on Zoom starting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th January , 2023. Each
session will have a video presentation and time for discussion in small groups. Further information email to
Table Quiz: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall in aid of the Hall on Fri 27th January starting at 8pm.
St. Vincent de Paul: A very big thank you for everyone’s generosity this year at Our Drive Through Church Gate
Collection. Amount Collected was €3,108. Thanks for your support, we managed to provide local families with €4,340 in
food vouchers and €2,680 in fuel support. You can still donate via Parochial House or
The Baptism of Jesus and Ours
Jesus’s baptism is the pattern also of ours. In baptism we go down with Christ into the waters of death, and our sins
are drowned in those waters. And because we have gone down with Christ, we also come up from the waters
together with him and hear---mighty and majestic---the Father’s voice directed to us as well. It pronounces a new
name for each of us, in the depths of each of our hearts “Beloved! In whom I am well pleased”. We hear the name as
ours not because of any good deeds we have done but because Christ in his overflowing love willed to share his
relationship to his Father with us.
Homiletic Directory. No.137.
Important Dates for 2023
22nd February, Ash Wednesday. Cemetery Day, Killulagh 6th August,
9th April, Easter Sunday. Cemetery Day, Crowenstown 7th August.
28th May, Pentecost Sunday. Cemetery Day, Delvin 12th August.
Church Holy Days
The Epiphany of the Lord. Friday 6th January. All Saints, Wednesday 1st November.
St. Patrick’s Day, Friday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Friday 8th December.
Feast of the Assumption, Tuesday 15th August. Christmas Day, Monday 25th December.
Year A Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God 1st January, 2023.
Sat 31st 6.30pm Bridie Walsh MM. Sun 1st 11.00am Pat Smith. Bill Anderson. Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany) 11.00am Peter & Bridget Cooke. Robinstown. Sat 7th 6.30pm John, Margaret & Babs Moran. Anthony Haran & parents Anthony & Sarah.
Sun 8th 11.00am Kyran Smyth.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 1st 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy. Fri 6th (Feast of the Epiphany) 9.30am Mass in St. Tola’s National School. Sun 8th 9.30am Marie Farley.
- I. P. Frank Ivory.Wales. formerly Martinstown, Delvin. Nancy Walsh. Clontarf, Dublin. formerly Delvin. Marie Farley.
New York. sister of Tommy Doyle. Ballyowen. Tracey Wheeler. England. daughter of Marie Wheeler (nee Egginton)
Chrsitmas Eve Offertory: €1230. Christmas Day Offertory €1,535. Christmas Offerings: €7,590.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people in the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church
now invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of
others across the world. A working meeting was held in Dunshaughlin Parish Centre on Sat 10th December from 2pm –
5pm.The meeting considered the working document “ Enlarge the space of your tent”, in conjunction with our diocesan
and national syntheses.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
First Holy Communion: First Communion for the children of the parish will be celebrated on Saturday, May 13th, 2023.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick this Sunday 1st January at 10.30am. The
Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
World Day of Peace: This Sunday January 1st is World Day of Peace. Please pray for peace throughout the world during
the coming year.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God: ( January 1st ).
At the message of an angel , the Virgin Mary received the word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer.
Feast of the Epiphany: Will be celebrated on Friday 6th January. It is a Holy Day.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 8th January and again on
Sunday 22nd January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,500.
Anam Cara Midlands: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening on
Wed 11th January at 7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. For further details call 01-4045378
Alpha: Special Invitation—Come and See. Online on Zoom starting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th January , 2023. Each
session will have a video presentation and time for discussion in small groups. Further information email to
St. Scire C. E. : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
New Year Greetings: We wish all our parishioners every blessing and success for 2023. Thanks to everybody for
their generosity and support in the past year,
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great
feast of the Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men(magi) from the East, together with his
Baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring
pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the
Year A The Nativity Of Our Lord 25th December, 2022.
Sat ( Christmas Eve ) 5.00pm and 7.00pm Mass. Sun 25th (Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass. Mon 26th 10.00am Thomas & Bridget Brennan. Bernie Clune. Tue 27th 10.00am DFM Kearney Family. Wed 28th 10.00am Larry Murtagh. Thurs 29th No Mass. Fri 30th 10.00am Joe & Pauline Tierney. Sat 31st 6.30pm Bridie Walsh MM. Sun 1st 11.00am
Pat Smith. Bill Anderson.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass. Thurs 29th 11.00am Funeral Mass. Sun 1st 9.30am
Fr. Joseph Troy.
- I. P. Frank Ivory. Wales. formerly Martinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €790. Ren Fund: Weekly €230. Monthly €250.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people in the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church
now invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of
others across the world. A working meeting was held in Dunshaughlin Parish Centre on Sat 10th December from 2pm –
5pm.The meeting considered the working document “ Enlarge the space of your tent”, in conjunction with our diocesan
and national syntheses.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Isla Rose Hanrahan. Rian David Vincent Smith. Croia
Annabel Forde. Jacob William Van Soesbergen. Ruby Murtagh- Smith. Sadie Grace Davis. Fergus Diarmuid Kenny. Luke
Monahan. Katie Bridget Sheerin- Ward. Fiadh Ellen O’ Shaughnessy.
First Holy Communion: First Communion for the children of the parish will be celebrated on Saturday, May 13th, 2023.
Christmas Candles: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 1st January at 10.30am. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh on Monday next, 26th December.
World Day of Peace: Next Sunday January 1st is World Day of Peace. Please pray for peace throughout the world during
the coming year.
Anam Cara Midlands: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening on
Wed 11th January at 7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. For further details call 01-4045378
St. Scire C. E. : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Christmas Masses: Masses for Christmas Day will be as follows:
Christmas Eve---5.00pm. 7.00pm.
Christmas Day--- Killulagh 9.30am. Delvin 11.00am
Christmas Greetings
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. We welcome all
who have come home to be with their families. We think of all who cannot travel this Christmas, or who have to
work during the Christmas.
The Crib
Standing before the Christmas Crib, we are reminded of the time when we were children, eagerly waiting to set it up.
These memories make us all the more conscious of the previous gift received from those who passed on the faith to
- At the same time they remind us of our duty to share this same experience with our children and grandchildren.
It does not matter how the nativity scene is arranged; it can always be the same or it can change from year to year .
What matters is that it speaks to our lives. Wherever it is and whatever form it takes, the Christmas crib speaks to
of the love of God, the God who became a child in order to make us know how close he is to every man, woman and
child…May we open our hearts to this simple grace , so that from our wonderment a humble prayer may arise; a
prayer of thanksgiving to God , who wished to share with us his all, and thus never to leave us alone.
Pope Francis.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Advent 18th December, 2022.
Sat 17th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. William & Teresa Mc Cormack. Sun 18th 11.00am Bridie Carolan. Cathy O’ Sullivan. Jim Flynn. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mary Clancy. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat ( Christmas Eve ) 5.00pm and 7.00pm Mass. Sun 25th Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 18th 9.30am Paddy & Anna Cassidy. Sun 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Michael Cheevers Ballinlough, Delvin. Frank Ivory. Wales. late of Martinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €815. Ren Fund: Weekly €305. Monthly €130.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people in the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church
now invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of
others across the world. A working meeting was held in Dunshaughlin Parish Centre on Sat 10th December from 2pm –
5pm.The meeting considered the working document “ Enlarge the space of your tent”, in conjunction with our diocesan
and national syntheses.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Ethan King. Theodore King. Lennon Martin Mc Cann
Regan. Sunny Prince Ryan. Bobby Robert Matthew Sheerin. Liam Holmes. Sophie Mary O’ Farrell.
First Holy Communion: First Communion for the children of the parish will be celebrated on Saturday, May 13th, 2023.
World Youth Day 2023: (1st 6th August) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a massive weeklong event, with Pope
Francis, for young Catholics (aged 18-35) to gather and participate in from every corner of the world. Consider joining with
others from your parish and the Diocese of Meath to share this experience of belonging to Jesus Christ. Perhaps it could be a
great Christmas present for your family to support you as you book your place. Cost €650 approx. All expenses
included. To find out more checkout Meath Diocese WYD.
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Christmas Candles: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 1st January at 10.30am. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh on Monday 26th December.
St. Scire C. E. : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Christmas Confessions: There will be Confessions after 9.30am Morning Mass on Wednesday next, Dec 21st ,Friday 23rd
7pm-7.30pm, also on Sat (Christmas Eve) from 12-12.30pm, and after 5pm Mass.
Christmas Masses: Masses for Christmas Day will be as follows:
Christmas Eve---5.00pm. 7.00pm.
Christmas Day--- Killulagh 9.30am. Delvin 11.00am
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit
That my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I may love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
that I always may be holy.
Amen. St. Augustine.
Year A Third Sunday of Advent 11th December, 2022.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Noel Lynch. Sun 11th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Bernie Kelly.
Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Patrick & Mgt Farrelly & DFM. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. William & Teresa Mc Cormack. Sun 18th 11.00am Bridie Carolan. Cathy O’ Sullivan. Jim Flynn.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 11th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM. Paddy & Betty Kelleghan Sun 18th 9.30am Paddy & Anna Cassidy.
Offertory: €775. Ren Fund: Weekly €330. Monthly €80.
Christmas Confessions: There will be an opportunity to go to Confessions this Sat 10th Dec at 6pm before Vigil Mass.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people ion the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church now
invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of others
across the world. A working meeting will be held in Dunshaughlin Parish Centre on Sat 10th December from 2pm -5pm at
which we will read the working document “ Enlarge the space of your tent”. In conjunction with our diocesan and
national syntheses. All are welcome to participate but please note that this is a working meeting which requires preparatory
work in advance. Anyone interested in participating must register at
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Wyatt Meaney. Hannah Tracey Rothwell. Scott Anthony
Rothwell. Holly Rose Brady. Cillian Lucas. Coilin Og Danell O’ Griofa. Meabh Mary- Emily Byrne. Eabha Jane Guy.
Luke Daniel Bourke. Isla Emma Loughlin. Nella Urszula Deja. Dara Trevor Burson. Tiarnan Mark Clune..
First Holy Communion: First Communion for the children of the parish will be celebrated on Saturday, May 13th, 2023.
World Youth Day: Takes place from 1st -6th August, 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Follow
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and later in Wales. On his return
he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of the
great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the Saints of Ireland. His Feast Day is
Monday 12th December.
Christmas Candles: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Support Group for Ukraine: Are urgently appealing for Blankets, Duvets and Winter Coats for Medical Health facilities
in Ukraine. Unwanted goods can be left at Gaffney’s Snack bar. Contact John at 087-2894647, or Martina at 087-6681583.
NET Team: The women of the NET Team have started a Women’s night on Tuesdays from 7pm- 8.30pm. All young
women over 16 are welcome to join us in Fatima for chats and activities all around supporting each other as women.
Christmas Retreat: Will be held in Dalgan Park, Navan for adults between (18-40) years from 16th -18th December. For
further information contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666, or
Anam Cara; Organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on
Wed 14th Dec at 7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Further information contact 01-4045378
St. Scire C. E. : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
It is not surprising, then, as the spirit of anticipation grows through the weeks of Advent, that the third Sunday
takes its name from the first words of the Entrance Song which have for centuries been sung on the day. St. Paul’s
words to the Philippians; “Gaudete-Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice, Indeed, the Lord is near.”
He has come. He will come again in glory. He comes at Christmas. He comes already now in each Eucharist
celebrated during Advent. “ Indeed the Lord is near.”
Homilitec Directory (95).
Year A Second Sunday of Advent 4th December, 2022.
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Nicholas Murtagh MM. Joe Reilly. Kevin Bray. Billy Moran. Sun 4th 11.00am Frank Carroll MM
Mon 5th 9.30am Mass. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 7.30pm Vigil Mass. Thursday 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 11.00am Anthony & Bridget Mc Cormack & DFM. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Noel Lynch. Sun 11th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Bernie Kelly.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 4th 9.30am Nugent Family. Bracklyn. Thurs 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 9.30am Mass in St. Tola’s National School. Sun 11th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM. Paddy & Betty Kelleghan
- I. P. Bridie Walsh. Mitchelstown, Delvin. Fr. John Fagan SDB Castletroy, Limerick. native of Killallon.
Offertory: €865. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €60.
Christmas Confessions: There will be an opportunity to go to Confessions next Sat 10th Dec at 6pm before Vigil Mass.
Synod 2021-2024: During Lent, many people ion the Diocese of Meath took part in synodal conversations. The Church now
invites us to consider how our voices have been heard, and how our voices resonate and/ or diverge with the voices of others
across the world. A working meeting will be held in Dunshaughlin Parish Centre on Sat 10th December from 2pm -5pm at
which we will read the working document “ Enlarge the space of your tent”. In conjunction with our diocesan and
national syntheses. All are welcome to participate but please note that this is a working meeting which requires preparatory
work in advance. Anyone interested in participating must register at
First Holy Communion: First Communion for the children of the parish will be celebrated on Saturday, May 13th, 2023.
Youth 2000: Christmas Retreat, Dec 9-11th in Newbridge. For further information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
World Youth Day: Takes place from 1st -6th August, 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Follow
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Support Group for Ukraine: Are urgently appealing for Blankets, Duvets and Winter Coats for Medical Health facilities
in Ukraine. Unwanted goods can be left at Gaffney’s Snack bar. Contact John at 087-2894647, or Martina at 087-6681583.
NET Team: The women of the NET Team have started a Women’s night on Tuesdays from 7pm- 8.30pm. All young
women over 16 are welcome to join us in Fatima for chats and activities all around supporting each other as women.
Christmas Retreat: Will be held in Dalgan Park, Navan for adults between (18-40) years from 16th -18th December. For
further information contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666, or
Delvin G. A. A.: A. G. M. will take place on Sat 10th December in Handball Alley Meeting Room at 8pm.
Anam Cara; Organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on
Wed 14th Dec at 7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Further information contact 01-4045378
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Increasing fuel and electric costs caused by the tragic war in Ukraine has increased pressures
on households so please remember to give what you can this Christmas so we can help people in need in our community with
basics like food and fuel.
Your Donation:
- Donating in Person: Helps provide food for a family who are struggling.
- Helps an elderly person to keep warm this winter.
- Helps a young family with education costs like books and uniforms.
Donating in Person:
- You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin.
- Pass on to one of the local members that may be known to you.
- Put your name/ address on the envelope and you will be sent a receipt.
Drive Thru Collection Sat 10th Dec.
We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 10th Dec between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the
Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and masks will be in place with sealed
collection buckets next to the Church doors. If you need Support and Advice please contact 1800677777.
Year A First Sunday of Advent 27th November, 2022.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Dan & Annie Mc Grath & Betty Smith. Sun 27th 11.00am Carmel & Eugene Doherty. Michael & Teresa White & DFM. Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Willie, Bridget & Mary Devine. DFM Hogg Family. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Mass. Fri 2nd 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney & DFM. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Nicholas Murtagh MM. Joe Reilly. Kevin Bray. Billy Moran.
Sun 4th 11.00am Frank Carroll MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 27th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Tom & Kathleen Monaghan & DFM.
Sun 4th 9.30am Nugent Family. Bracklyn.
Offertory: €770. Ren Fund: Weekly €405. Monthly €120.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days his week.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Youth 2000: Christmas Retreat, Dec 9-11th in Newbridge. For further information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion, quoting
the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the salvation
already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby granting us
what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Online Advent Retreat: The Priory Institute is offering an online retreat. Word Becomes Flesh: An Advent Retreat. “ Oh
that you would tear apart the heavens and come down.” ( Isaiah 64:1) Further information see
Support Group for Ukraine: Are urgently appealing for Blankets, Duvets and Winter Coats for Medical Health facilities
in Ukraine. Unwanted goods can be left at Gaffney’s Snack bar. Contact John at 087-2894647, or Martina at 087-6681583.
NET Team: Are having a cup of tea after 11.00am Mass this Sun 27th November in Fatima. Everybody welcome. Starting
on 29th November the women of the NET Team are going to start hosting a Women’s night on Tuesdays from 7pm- 8.30pm.
All young women over 16 are welcome to join us in Fatima for chats and activities all around supporting each other as
women. We can’t wait to meet you!
Delvin G. A. A.: A. G. M. will take place on Sat 10th December in Handball Alley Meeting Room at 8pm.
Delvin Camogie Club: Are hosting Delvin Christmas Markets on Sat 3rd Dec in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin from 12 -3pm.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Increasing fuel and electric costs caused by the tragic war in Ukraine has increased pressures
on households so please remember to give what you can this Christmas so we can help people in need in our community with
basics like food and fuel.
Your Donation:
- Donating in Person: Helps provide food for a family who are struggling.
- Helps an elderly person to keep warm this winter.
- Helps a young family with education costs like books and uniforms.
Donating in Person:
- You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin.
- Pass on to one of the local members that may be known to you.
- Put your name/ address on the envelope and you will be sent a receipt.
Drive Thru Collection Sat 10th Dec.
We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 10th Dec between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the
Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and masks will be in place with sealed
collection buckets next to the Church doors. If you need Support and Advice please contact 1800677777.
Advent Wreath.
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year C Feast of Christ the King 20th November, 2022.
Sat 19th 6.30pm James, Margaret, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. John & Frances Fitzpatrick. Tom, May & Sean Fay. Sun 20th 11.00am Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Tom & Mary Jane Heffernan. Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd No Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Dan & Annie Mc Grath & Betty Smith. Sun 27th 11.00am Carmel & Eugene Doherty. Michael & Teresa White & DFM.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 20th 9.30am Margaret & Jimmy Carey. Sun 27th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Tom & Kathleen Monaghan & DFM.
- I. P. Nicholas Murtagh. Castleview Court, Delvin.
Offertory: €855. Ren Fund: Weekly €340. Monthly €195. Annual €600.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Canonisation: The beatification and canonisation cause for the Servant of God Fr. Willie Doyle will be formally opened at
Vespers in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar this Sunday Nov 20th at 5pm. Willie Doyle was born on Dalkey, Co.
Dublin in 1873, and entered the Jesuits in Rahan, Tullabeg, Co. Offaly in the Diocese of Meath in 1891. He served as
Chaplin in the 16th Irish Division of the British Army. Following today’s announcement he is formally known as the Servant
of God, Fr. Willie Doyle SJ.
Youth 2000: Christmas Retreat, Dec 9-11th in Newbridge. For further information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday Nov 20th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. To mark the Feast in the parish
we will have Adoration in Killulagh Church from 12nnon -1pm.
World Day of Remembrane for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads this Sun 20th at
our Masses.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion, quoting
the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “ Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the salvation
already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby granting us
what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Online Advent Retreat: The Priory Institute is offering an online retreat. Word Becomes Flesh: An Advent Retreat. “ Oh
that you would tear apart the heavens and come down.” ( Isaiah 64:1) Further information see
Support Group for Ukraine: Are urgently appealing for Blankets, Duvets and Winter Coats for Medical Health facilities
in Ukraine. Unwanted goods can be left at Gaffney’s Snack bar. Contact John at 087-2894647, or Martina at 087-6681583.
NET Team: Are having a cup of tea after 11.00am Mass on Sun 27th November in Fatima. Everybody welcome. Starting on
29th November the women of the NET Team are going to start hosting a Women’s night on Tuesdays from 7pm –8.30pm.
All young women over 16 are welcome to join us in Fatima for chats and activities all around supporting each other as
women. We can’t wait to meet you!
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get- together will be in the Hall next Thursday Nov 24th starting at 11am.
Delvin G. A. A.: A. G. M. will take place on Sat 10th December in Handball Alley Meeting Room at 8pm.
Advent Wreath.
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year C Thirty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th November, 2022.
Sat 12th 6.30pm Walter Casserly & Grand daughter Niamh. Sun 13th 11.00am Jane Reilly MM Mon 14th No Mass. Tue 15th No Mass. Wed 16th No Mass. Thurs 17th No Mass. Fri 18th 7.30pm Service for the Dead. Sat 19th 6.30pm James, Margaret, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. John & Frances Fitzpatrick. Tom, May & Sean Fay. Sun 20th 11.00am Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Tom & Mary Jane Heffernan.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 13th 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Sheila Aughey. Christopher Fenlon. Mon 14th 9.30am Mass. Tue 15th 9.30am Brendan Mullen & DFM. Wed 16th 11.00 Funeral Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am James & Mary Gaffney. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sun 20th 9.30am Margaret & Jimmy Carey.
- I. P. Fr. Colm Murtagh. Retired P.P. Kildalkey. Nicholas Murtagh. Castleview Court, Delvin.
Offertory: €830. November Offerings: €2,845.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Morning Mass: Painting work will continue in Delvin Church this week. As a result morning Mass will be in Killulagh
during the week.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Confirmation: Enrolment for Confirmation will take place at Vigil Mass, next Saturday, Nov 19th .
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings last weekend.
Canonisation: The beatification and canonisation cause for the Servant of God Fr. Willie Doyle will be formally opened at
Vespers in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on Nov 20th at 5pm. Willie Doyle was born on Dalkey, Co. Dublin in
1873, and entered the Jesuits in Rahan, Tullabeg, Co. Offaly in the Diocese of Meath in 1891. He served as Chaplin in the
16th Irish Division of the British Army. Following today’s announcement he is formally known as the Servant of God, Fr.
Willie Doyle SJ.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Mass for Vocations on Fri 18th Nov at 7.30pm in Holy Family Church, Drogheda. Celebrated
by Fr. Stephen Donnelly. Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Meath will preach on the example of St.
Peter and Paul for the Priesthood today. If you are still in School or College you are most welcome to attend.
Youth 2000: Leinster Regional Retreat, Nov 11-13th in Drogheda. Christmas Retreat, Dec 9-11th in Newbridge. For further
information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place on Fri 18th Nov at 7.30pm. All are welcome,
especially families and relatives of those who died during the past year.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday Nov 20th we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. To mark the Feast in the parish
we will have Adoration in Killulagh Church from 12nnon -1pm.
World Day of Remembrane for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads next Sun 20th at
our Masses.
Online Advent Retreat: The Priory Institute is offering an online retreat. Word Becomes Flesh: An Advent Retreat. “ Oh
that you would tear apart the heavens and come down.” ( Isaiah 64:1) Further information see
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Support Group for Ukraine: Are urgently appealing for Blankets, Duvets and Winter Coats for Medical Health facilities
in Ukraine. Temperatures will fall to -20, those remaining in Ukraine will need your help. Unwanted goods can be left at
Gaffney’s Snack bar in the coming weeks. Contact John at 087-2894647, or Martina at 087-6681583.
NET Ministries Team: At present the team help to run our Youth Group on Thursday and Friday nights. The group is open
to all young people from 1st Year Post Primary Schools upwards. They also assist with the preparation of 6th class for
confirmation. They are available to support young people and families in anyway. Contact 083-0271441
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Monday next Nov 14th at 8pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Year C Thirty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 6th November, 2022.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Pat Lynch. Sun 6th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 6.30pm Walter Casserly & Grand daughter Niamh. Sun 13th 11.00am Jane Reilly MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 6th 9.30am Gertrude & Michael Kiernan & DFM. Vincent & Mary Cully. Sun 13th 9.30am
Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Sheila Auighey.
- I. P. Frank ( Marius) Carroll. Stonestown, Delvin. Phyllis Finglass. Bermingham, late of Clondone, Delvin.
Offertory: €570. 1st Nov. €260. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €255. Annual €1,050.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €.2.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Confirmation: Sessions for parents will take place via Zoom, beginning on Wed next, at 7.30pm. A link will be sent
through the school. Enrolment for Confirmation will take place at Vigil Mass, next Saturday, Nov 12th .
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Led by Most Rev. Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath will take place from March 6th
-14th, 2023. Cost €2,195. Booking with Navan Travel 046-9068600. Enquires to Kingscourt Parish Office at 042 9667314.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st – 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Pledge for November: Many people offer spiritual support to a relation who is struggling because of alcohol or an addiction
problem. Parishioners who wish to take a short-term Pioneer pledge during the month of the Holy Souls are invited to visit
Canonisation: The beatification and canonisation cause for the Servant of God Fr. Willie Doyle will be formally opened at
Vespers in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on Nov 20th at 5pm. Willie Doyle was born on Dalkey, Co. Dublin in
1873, and entered the Jesuits in Rahan, Tullabeg, Co. Offaly in the Diocese of Meath in 1891. He served as Chaplin in the
16th Irish Division of the British Army. Following today’s announcement he is formally known as the Servant of God, Fr.
Willie Doyle SJ.
Youth 2000: Leinster Regional Retreat, Nov 11-13th in Drogheda. Christmas Retreat, Dec 9-11th in Newbridge. For further
information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place on Fri 18th Nov at 7.30pm. All are welcome,
especially families and relatives of those who died during the past year.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: At present the team help to run our Youth Group on Thursday and Friday nights. The group is open
to all young people from 1st Year Post Primary Schools upwards. They also assist with the preparation of 6th class for
confirmation. They are available to support young people and families in anyway. Contact 083-0271441
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding it’s first monthly Parent Evening on Wed 9th Nov at
7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Event is free and open to all bereaved parents. Further info call 01-4045378.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: 5k Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 13th November commencing at 12noon. The
Walk is organised by Gerry & Philomens Cooke & Family. Proceeds on the day going to Delvin Hospice.
The meaning of Christian Death
Because of Christ, Christian death has a positive meaning: “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”.(Phil 1:21)
“The saying is sure if we have died with him, we will also live with him”.( 2 Tim 2:11) What is essentially new
about Christian death is this: through Baptism, the Christian has already “died with Christ” sacramentally, in order
to live a new life, and if we die in Christ’s grace, physical death completes this “dying with Christ” and so completes
our incorporation into him in his redeeming act.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. (1010).
Year C Thirty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th October, 2022.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Sun 30th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick Family. Mon 31st 7.30pm John Dargan & Pat O’ Looney. Tue 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Gretta Mc Donnell. Gerard Murray. Billistown House. Wed 2nd ( Feast of all Souls) Annabel Loughlin. New List of the Dead Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th ( First Friday) 9.30am New List of the Dead Sat 5th 6.30pm Pat Lynch. Sun 6th 11.00am Dermot Kenny.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 30th 9.30am Elizabeth, Tommy & Matt Poynton. Tue 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd ( Feast of All Souls) 7.30pm New List of the Dead. Sun 6th 9.30am Gertrude & Michael Kiernan & DFM. Vincent & Mary Cully.
Offertory: (Mission Sunday) €1,155. Ren Fund: Weekly €460. Monthly €190.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Saturday night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €.2.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Led by Most Rev. Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath will take place from March 6th
-14th, 2023. Cost €2,195. Booking with Navan Travel 046-9068600. Enquires to Kingscourt Parish Office at 042 9667314.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Offertory Collection last weekend for the Missions.
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: 40 Hours of Adoration from Mon 31st October-Fri 4th Nov starting at 1pm -9pm daily.
Themes: Family Life, Our Dead, Forgiveness, Healing and Family Tree. All Welcome. Enquires 087-2539725
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Wed 2nd November.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s Intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . ( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st – Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Pledge for November: Many people offer spiritual support to a relation who is struggling because of alcohol or an addiction
problem. Parishioners who wish to take a short-term Pioneer pledge during the month of the Holy Souls are invited to visit
Canonisation: The beatification and canonisation cause for the Servant of God Fr. Willie Doyle will be formally opened at
Vespers in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on Nov 20th at 5pm. Willie Doyle was born on Dalkey, Co. Dublin in
1873, and entered the Jesuits in Rahan, Tullabeg, Co. Offaly in the Diocese of Meath in 1891. He served as Chaplin in the
16th Irish Division of the British Army. Following today’s announcement he is formally known as the Servant of God, Fr.
Willie Doyle SJ.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: At present the team help to run our Youth Group on Thursday and Friday nights. The group is open
to all young people from 1st Year Post Primary Schools upwards. The also assist with the preparation of 6th class for
confirmation. They are available to support young people and families in anyway. Contact 083-0271441
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding it’s first monthly Parent Evening on Wed 9th Nov at
7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Event is free and open to all bereaved parents. Further info call 01-4045378.
Meals- on –Wheels: Are looking for volunteers/ drivers who can spare 45 minutes once a week to do Meals on Wheels.
Please contact Tricia Mc Grath on 087-4124857.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: 5k Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 13th November commencing at 12noon. The
Walk is organised by Gerry & Philomens Cooke & Family. Proceeds on the day are going to Delvin Hospice.
Year C World Mission Sunday 23rd October, 2022.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tom, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Ruth Lynch ( Barry). Sun 23rd 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM. George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith. Mon 24th 9.30am DFM Mc Dermott Family. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass.
Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh.
Sun 30th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 23rd 9.30am Joe Callan. Sun 30th 9.30am Elizabeth, Tommy & Matt Poynton.
- I. P. Tilly Finglass. late of Clondone who died in Bermingham, England.
Offertory: €815. Ren Fund: Weekly €175. Monthly €80. Annual €1,260.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Led by Most Rev. Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath will take place from March 6th
-14th, 2023. Cost €2,195. Booking with Navan Travel 046-9068600. Enquires to Kingscourt Parish Office at 042 9667314.
World Mission Sunday: This Sunday is Mission Sunday. The collection this weekend will go to the missions. It is a
crucial lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance to communities for them to build schools, health
centres, parish halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: 40 Hours of Adoration from Mon 31st October-Fri 4th Nov starting at 1pm -9pm daily.
Themes: Family Life, Our Dead, Forgiveness, Healing and Family Tree. All Welcome. Enquires 087-2539725
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Wed 2nd November.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish We have arranged accommodation for
the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know. The team will be working with young
people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Thurs 27th October starting at 11am.
Meals- on –Wheels: Are looking for volunteers/ drivers who can spare 45 minutes once a week to do Meals on Wheels.
Please contact Tricia Mc Grath on 087-4124857.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up for the presentation on Wed last. A cheque of €38,000 was handed
over to Mr. John Shaw. A big thank you to all who fundraised from the Parish and surrounding Parishes. As always we
appreciate the good work that is done throughout the year for the Hospice.
Message for Mission Sunday.
The apostles are the first to tell us this; they remembered even the day and the hour when hey first met him. It was
about the tenth hour (Jn 1:39). Experiencing the Lord’s friendship, watching him cure the sick, dine with sinners,
feed the hungry, draw near to the outcast, touch the unclean, identify with the needy, propose the Beatitudes and
teach in a new and authoritative way, left an indelible mark on them, awakening amazement, expansive joy, and a
profound sense of gratitude. The prophet Jeremiah describes this experience as one of a consuming awareness of the
Lord’s active presence in our heart, impelling us to mission, regardless of the sacrifices and misunderstandings it
may entail (cf 20:7-9). Love is always on the move, and inspires us to share a wonderful and hope-filled message: We
have found the Messiah (Jn 1:41). On World Mission Day, which we celebrate each year on the penultimate Sunday
of October, we recall with gratitude all those men and women who by their testimony of life help us to renew our
baptismal commitment to be generous and joyful apostles of the Gospel. Let us remember especially all those who
resolutely set out, leaving home and family behind, to bring the Gospel to all those places and people athirst for its
saving message. Pope Francis.
Year C Twenty- Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16th October, 2022.
Sat 15th 6.30pm James, Joan, Walter, Bernie & Nora Carroll. Christopher Kelly. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM Sun 16th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am May & Thomas Downes, son Paddy & DFM. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tom, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Ruth Lynch ( Barry). Sun 23rd 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM. George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 16th 9.30am Mark, Roseanne & Peter Kelleghan. Tony Larkin. Willie & Peggy Murtagh.
Sun 23rd 9.30am Joe Callan.
- I. P. Jane Reilly. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory: €720. Ren Fund: Weekly €330. Monthly €80. Annual €500.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Led by Most Rev. Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath will take place from March 6th
-14th, 2023. Cost €2,195. Booking with Navan Travel 046-9068600. Enquires to Kingscourt Parish Office at 042 9667314.
World Mission Sunday: Takes place next Sunday 23rd October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance to communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish We have arranged accommodation for
the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know. The team will be working with young
people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed 19th October in Gaffney’s Lounge at
8.30pm. There will also be an Information Night as well. Please come along and feel free to ask any questions regarding the
Hospice and Pallative Homecare.
Delvin Hall Committee: Are organising a Sit Down Concert in the Hall on Thursday 20th October starting at 8pm. Music
by Matt Leavy and Eddie Quinn. Adm €10. Tickets available at Leavy’s Shop, or contact Michael at 087-2879581
Sat 15th 6.30pm James, Joan, Walter, Bernie & Nora Carroll. Christopher Kelly. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM Sun 16th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am May & Thomas Downes, son Paddy & DFM. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tommy, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Ruth Lynch ( Barry). Sun 23rd 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM. George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 16th 9.30am Mark, Roseanne & Peter Kelleghan. Tony Larkin. Willie & Peggy Murtagh.
Sun 23rd 9.30am Joe Callan.
- I. P. Jane Reilly. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory: €720. Ren Fund: Weekly €330. Monthly €80. Annual €500.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Led by Most Rev. Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath will take place from March 6th
-14th, 2023. Cost €2,195. Booking with Navan Travel 046-9068600. Enquires to Kingscourt Parish Office at 042 9667314.
World Mission Sunday: Takes place next Sunday 23rd October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance to communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish We have arranged accommodation for
the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know. The team will be working with young
people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: 40 Hours Adoration from Monday 31st October –Fri 4th November starting at 1pm -9pm
daily. Themes: Family Life, Our Dead, Forgiveness, Healing & Family Tree, All Welcome. Enquires 087-2539725.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Mon next Oct 17th at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed 19th October in Gaffney’s Lounge at
8.30pm. There will also be an Information Night as well. Please come along and feel free to ask any questions regarding the
Hospice and Palliative Homecare.
Delvin Hall Committee: Are organising a Sit Down Concert in the Hall on Thursday 20th October starting at 8pm. Music
by Matt Leavy and Eddie Quinn. Adm €10. Tickets available at Leavy’s Shop, or contact Michael at 087-2879581
Sunday Gospels from St. Luke
The doctrine proper to the Gospel of Luke is above all the gentleness and forgiveness that were the hallmarks of
Christ’s ministry. From the beginning of his mission until he nears Jerusalem, those who encounter Jesus from Peter
(5th Sun) to Zacchaeus (31st Sun) become aware of their need for forgiveness and for God’s great mercy There are
also warnings for those who do not show mercy: maledictions as well as beatitudes (6th Sunday), the rich fool (18th
Sun), and the rich man and Lazarus (26th Sun). Written for Gentiles, Like’s Gospel underscores how God’s mercy
reaches beyond his chosen people to embrace those who were formerly excluded. This theme appears often on
these Sundays , and is a warning for us as we gather to celebrate the Eucharist: we have received the bountiful mercy
of Christ, and there can be no frontiers to the mercy we share with others.
Homiletic Directory (145).
Year C Twenty- Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. 9th October, 2022.
Sat 8th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 9th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly. Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm James, Joan, Walter, Bernie & Nora Carroll. Christopher Kelly. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM Sun 16th 11.00am Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 9th 9.30am John Monaghan. Sun 16th 9.30am Mark, Roseanne & Peter Kelleghan. Tony Larkin. Willie & Peggy Murtagh.
- I. P. Noel Burke. Wicklow. formerly Delvin. brother of Ollie and Sean Burke. Delvin.
Offertory: €785. Ren Fund: Weekly €300. Monthly €590. Annual €1,600.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Led by Most Rev. Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath will take place from March 6th
-14th, 2023. Cost €2,195. Booking with Navan Travel 046-9068600. Enquires to Kingscourt Parish Office at 042 9667314.
Safeguarding Awareness Day: This Sunday 9th October is Safeguarding Awareness Day. Our safeguarding children team
is made up of Olive Power, Michael Murphy and Fr. Seamus Heaney. We work to ensure a positive experience for children
taking part in parish activities. We have a safeguarding policy which is available from the parish office, and we have various
procedures which some of you may be familiar with. These include codes of behaviours for the children and the adults
involved in parish activities, consent forms which parents sign before children participate in activities, adequate supervision
and good recruitment practices. The parish representatives, together with Fr. Seamus Heaney have been invited to updated
training in this work this autumn. We would like to acknowledge the children and young people who take part in our parish
activities and hope they will continue to be part of our parish life. Thanks also to the volunteers and to the parents. Your
enthusiasm, care and welcoming manner play a huge part in ensuring that children and young people have a positive
experience in our parish.
Carlo Acutis: We celebrate Carlo Acutis Feast Day on Wed next, Oct 12th . He was a Catholic Italian teenager (age 15) who
died in 2006 and was beatified in 2020. Acutis, a gamer and computer programmer who loved soccer and the Eucharist, has
been the subject of interest around the world. Pope Francis referred to Carlo as a model of holiness in a digital age. Carlo’s
life should teach today’s young people how to properly use and enjoy technology, including the internet and social media.
World Mission Sunday: Takes place on Sunday 23rd October. On this day we think of struggling parishes in the growing
church throughout Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania. The collection taken up on World Mission Sunday is a crucial
lifeline in over 1100 young dioceses and provides assistance to communities for them to build schools, health centres, parish
halls and churches. It also supports in the education of future leaders in faith.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish We have arranged accommodation for
the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know. The team will be working with young
people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed 19th October in Gaffney’s Lounge at
8.30pm. There will also be an Information Night as well. Please come along and feel free to ask any questions regarding the
Hospice and Pallative Homecare.
Delvin Hall Committee: Are organising a Sit Down Concert in the Hall on Thursday 20th October starting at 8pm. Music
by Matt Leavy and Eddie Quinn. Adm €10. Tickets available at Leavy’s Shop, or contact Michael at 087-2879581
Athboy Community School: Open Night for Sixth Class Pupils and their parents/guardians will be held on Thursday 13th
October from 6.30pm -9pm. Completed Applications Forms to be returned before Fri 4th November, 2022.
Year C Twenty- Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. 2nd October, 2022.
Sat 1st Oct 6.30pm Thomas Dargan. Sun 2nd 11.00am Dan & Sheila Brennan. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Michael Cooney. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 6th No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 8th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 9th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 2nd Oct 9.30am Stan Smyth. Sun 9th 9.30am John Monaghan.
Offertory: €740. Ren Fund: Weekly €290. Monthly €290. Annual €1,005.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal meetings in each
deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Confirmation: The celebration of Confirmation will take place in Delvin on Friday, February 24th , 2023 at 3pm. Please
pray for the young people who are preparing for Confirmation and for their families.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Day for Life, 2022: ‘Caring for the Older Person’. Day for Life is celebrated annually by the Catholic Church in Ireland,
Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the meaning and value of human life at every
stage and in every condition. This year’s Day for Life will be celebrated in Ireland on this Sunday 2nd October on the theme
‘Caring for the Older Person’. We invite people to think again about the value and worth of older persons in families and in
society, and to make practical choices to build bridges between the generations. We call for people and parishes to devote
quality time, energy and creativity in caring for the older persons in our communities. We invite engagement in political
debate on providing adequately resourced care of older persons so that no-one feels like a burden in our society. Saint
Joachim and Saint Anne---Pray for us! To read the pastoral message for Day for Life in full, visit
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish We have arranged accommodation for
the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know. The team will be working with young
people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
Renovation Fund: The new Year will begin this Sunday 2nd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current
year are asked to do so. New Boxes are been delivered at present. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe
please contact the Parochial House. We sincerely thank the Collectors in the parish for delivering the Boxes and Offering
Envelopes throughout the Year.
Delvin Adult Education Group: Resumes on Tuesday 4th October at 10.30am to 12.30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. All
members please attend and new members most welcome.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who supported Our Annual Coffee Morning last Friday. It was a great success.
Knowing Jesus
It is possible to have an “impersonal” knowledge of the “person” of Christ. A contradiction and a paradox, alas, that
is all too common! Why impersonal? Because this knowledge leaves you neutral as regards the person of Christ,
while the knowledge that Paul had made him consider everything else as loss, as rubbish, and filled his heart with an
irresstible yearning to be with Christ, to divest himself of everything, even of the body, to be with Him. Entering into
a personal relationship with Jesus is not like entering into a relationship with anyone you may run into. To be a
“true” relationship, it has to lead to recognition and acceptance of Jesus for what He is, that is to say, Lord.
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa-Papal Preacher-.
Year C Twenty- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 25th September, 2022.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 25th 11.00am James & Patricia Dolan. Mon 26th No Mass. Tue 27th No Mass. Wed 28th No Mass. Thurs 29th No Mass. Fri 30th No Mass. Sat 1st Oct 6.30pm Mass. Sun 2nd 11.00am
Dan & Sheila Brennan.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 25th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM. Ann Kiernan. Sun 2nd Oct 9.30am
Stan Smyth.
- I. P. Peggy Rooney. Connecticut, U. S. A. sister of Tommy Doyle. Ballyowen, Delvin.
Offertory: €780. Ren Fund: Weekly €365. Monthly €145. Annual €800.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
The Synodal Times: This is a newspaper published by the Irish Catholic. It reflects on the Synodal process to date and the
next stages of the process. There are articles about what is happening in other countries. Copies are available in the porches.
Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees: Today is a Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place next week from Mon 26th –Fri 30th Sept. It is led by Spiritual Director.
Fr. Seamus Heaney. P. P. We pray for all who are traveling from the parish, especially the sick..
Confirmation: The celebration of Confirmation will take place in Delvin on Friday, February 24th , 2023 at 3pm. Please
pray for the young people who are preparing for Confirmation and for their families.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish We have arranged accommodation for
the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know. The team will be working with young
people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end this weekend, September 25th . The new year will
begin on Sunday 2nd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes are
been delivered at present. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are back in the Hall after the Summer break on Thursday next, Sept 29th starting at 11am.
Delvin Adult Education Group: Resumes on Tuesday 4th October at 10.30am to 12.30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. All
members please attend and new members most welcome.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
The Beauty of the Truth of the Christian Celebration.
But we must be careful: for the antidote of the liturgy to be effective, we are required every day to rediscover the
beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration. I refer once again to the theological sense, so beautifully described
by the Vatican Council the liturgy is the priesthood of Christ, revealed to us and given in his Paschal Mystery,
rendered present and active by means of signs addressed to the senses ( water, oil, bread, wine, gestures, words), so
that the Spirit, plunging us into the Paschal Mystery, might transform every dimension of our life, conforming us
more and more to Christ.
Pope Francis -- Apostolic Letter on the Liturgical Formation of the People of God. ( 21).
Year C Twenty- Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 18th September, 2022
Sat 17th 6.30pm Nora & Denis Mc Garry. Sun 18th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 25th 11.00am James & Patricia Dolan.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 18th 9.30am Peggy Newman MM Sun 25th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM. Ann Kiernan.
Offertory: €945. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €170. Annual €150.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
The Synodal Times: This is a newspaper published by the Irish Catholic. It reflects on the Synodal process to date and the
next stages of the process. There are articles about what is happening in other countries. Copies are available in the porches.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept.
Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Confirmation: The celebration of Confirmation will take place in Delvin on Friday, February 24th , 2023 at 3pm. Please
pray for the young people who are preparing for Confirmation and for their families.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has begun work in the Parish They are inviting parishioners to
refreshments in Fatima after 11 o’ clock Mass this Sunday.
We have arranged accommodation for the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know.
The team will be working with young people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 25th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 2nd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Priory Institute provides online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght.
Register before September 13th . Further details go to
Dromantine Retreat: Saturday Workshop on Understanding Suicide will take place on Sat 24th Sept. Cost €45. Further
details contact Jacinta or Louisa at 028 30881704
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Committee Meeting on Mon 19th at 8.30pm in the Hall. Our Annual Coffee Morning will be
on Friday 23rd Sept in the Hall from 9.30am-1pm. We are also having a Cake Sale and Raffle on the day. We would
appreciate if the Ladies would do some Baking. As always we appreciate your support.
Delvin Adult Education Group: Resumes on Tuesday 4th October at 10.30am to 12.30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. All
members please attend and new members most welcome.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Vintage Tractor Run: Thanks to the huge number of Vintage and Modern Tractors who turned up for the Run last
Sunday. It was a great success on the day. The proceeds from the Tractor Run will be going towards the Cemetery Extension
which will be starting soon.
Gospel Reflection
Very often we are blind to the riches and resources that we have at our disposal, the gifts God has given us and
expects us to use . But most of all we can be blind to the presence of God within us. To look within is to see the beauty
of what God has created, and to become aware of his presence. We are called to use what is within us, to be astute
like the dishonest steward—for the glory of God—and in doing so to discover God.
Glenstal Sunday Missial.
Year C Twenty- Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 11th September, 2022
Sat 10th 6.30pm Ellen Kane & DFM. Jimmy Branagan. Sun 11th 11.00am Terry Grassick MM Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm
Nora & Denis Mc Garry. Sun 18th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray.
Killulagh Masses: Sun 11th 9.30am Finbarr O’ Farrell. Sun 18th 9.30am Peggy Newman MM
- I. P. Nancy Higgins. Castlepollard. sister of Therese Smyth. Killough, Delvin. Kathleen Bunny. Mullingar. mother of
Samantha Scally. Rickardstown.
Offertory: €875. Ren Fund: Weekly €305. Monthly €120.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
The Synodal Times: This is a newspaper published by the Irish Catholic. It reflects on the Synodal process to date and the
next stages of the process. There are articles about what is happening in other countries. Copies are available in the porches.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Wednesday next ( September 14th ) is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. It is a day of Prayer for the people of
Ukraine and for peace in their country. A message has been issued by Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski for the occasion.
Copies of the message are available in the porches.
St. Finnian’s Day at Clonard: Saturday 17th Sept, 10.30am -4pm in St. Finnian’s Church, Clonard. Inspirational Talks,
Pilgrim Walk to site of St. Finnian monastery. Speakers: Dr. Padraig O’ Riain, Dr. Holger C. Lonze.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Monday 12th . We pray for
all pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
March for Life: Will take place in Dublin on Sat , Sept 17th at 2.30pm. ( Marching from Newman University Church side of
St. Stephen’s Green to Leinster House). Please take part and help to protect the life of the unborn.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team has arrived and will introduce themselves at Masses at the weekend.
We have arranged accommodation for the next 4/5 weeks. If anybody can provide accommodation later please let us know.
The team will be working with young people in the parish during the coming year. Please support their work by your prayers.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 25th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 2nd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Priory Institute provides online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght.
Register before September 13th . Further details go to
Alpha Course: Following on from the Synod meetings in Kinnegad, an Alpha Course will be held in the Greville Arms
Hotel from 8th Sept for 11 weeks, from 7.30pm -9pm.
Dromantine Retreat: Saturday Workshop on Understanding Suicide will take place on Sat 24th Sept. Cost €45. Further
details contact Jacinta or Louisa at 028 30881704
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Are holding their Annual Coffee Morning on Friday 23rd Sept in the Hall from 9.30am-1pm.
We are also having a Cake Sale and Raffle on the day. We would appreciate if the Ladies would do some Baking.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Vintage Tractor Run: Delvin Vintage Club are organising a Tractor Run this Sunday 11th September. Registration
commences at 10.30am in the Salesyard. Proceeds from the Run will go towards the Cemetery Extension. Works will
commence soon. We hope you all will support the Tractor Run on the day, and as always we appreciate your support.
Year C Twenty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 4th September, 2022
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Anne Vaughan MM. Sun 4th 11.00am Ann Bray MM Mon 5th 9.30am Paddy & Bridie Brennan. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Ellen Kane & DFM. Jimmy Branagan. Sun 11th 11.00am Terry Grassick MM
Killulagh Masses: Sun 4th 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony. Dolores Mc Cormack. Sun 11th 9.30am
Finbarr O’ Farrell.
- I. P. Christine Wall. Urlingford. mother of Eileen Lynch. Ballyhealy Rd, Delvin.
Offertory: €930. Ren Fund: Weekly €310. Monthly €80.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
A meeting to discuss the report from meetings throughout the Diocese during Lent will be held in Fatima on Tuesday next at
8pm. Those who attended meetings in Castlepollard and others who are interested are invited to attend.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -9pm. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Delvin Choir: The Choir resumes this Sunday, Sept 4th at 11 o’ clock Mass. New Members welcome.
St. Finnian’s Day at Clonard: Sunday 18th Sept, 10.30am -4pm in St. Finnian’s Church, Clonard. Inspirational Talks,
Pilgrim Walk to site of St. Finnian monastery. Speakers: Dr. Padraig O’ Riain, Dr. Holger C. Lonze.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes next Monday 12th . We pray for
all pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
March for Life: Will take place in Dublin on Sat , Sept 17th at 2.30pm. ( Marching from Newman University Church side of
St. Stephen’s Green to Leinster House). Please take part and help to protect the life of the unborn.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team will be coming to the parish in September. We have a difficulty
finding accommodation for them. If anybody can provide a room for two or three people for a few weeks please let us know.
Contact Laura O’ Neill (086 3642363) or the Parochial House.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 25th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 2nd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered
soon. If you are new to the Parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Priory Institute provides online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght.
Register before September 13th . Further details go to
Alpha Course: Following on from the Synod meetings in Kinnegad, an Alpha Course will be held in the Greville Arms
Hotel from 8th Sept for 11 weeks, from 7.30pm -9pm.
Dromantine Retreat: Saturday Workshop on Understanding Suicide will take place on Sat 24th Sept. Cost €45. Further
details contact Jacinta or Louisa at 028 30881704
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Mon 5th September at 8.30pm in Gaffney’s Lounge.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Are holding their Annual Coffee Morning on Friday 23rd Sept in the Hall from 9.30am-1pm.
We are also having a Cake Sale and Raffle on the day. We would appreciate if the Ladies would do some Baking.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling,
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Vintage Tractor Run: Delvin Vintage Club are organising a Tractor Run next Sunday 11th September. Registration
commences at 10.30am in the Salesyard. Proceeds from the Run will go towards the Cemetery Extension. Works will
commence soon. We hope you all will support the Tractor Run on the day, and as always we appreciate your support.
Year C Twenty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 28th August, 2022
Sat 27th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 28th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM. John Comaskey. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am Patricia Byrne. Claire O’ Connor. Wed 31st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st Sept 9.30am Mass. Fri 2nd 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Anne Vaughan MM. Sun 4th 11.00am Ann Bray MM
Killulagh: Sun 28th 9.30am Martin Smith. Sun 4th 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony. Dolores Mc Cormack.
- I. P. Noel Kelleghan. Rathwire. brother of Maureen Darby. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €810. Ren Fund: Weekly €650. Monthly €275.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on . Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and to all who completed
questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
We plan to arrange a meeting for all those that attended the meetings in Castlepollard to discuss the Synthesis (summary) of
the discussions in the Diocese.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: (1st September) The World Day of Prayer offers to individual believers
and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation,
raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that he has entrusted to our care, involving his help for the protection of
creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live. The celebration of the Day on the same
date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our orthodox
brothers. We live in a time where all Christians are faced with identical and important challenges and we must give common
replies to these in order to appear more credible and effective. ( Pope Francis).
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -10pm. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Delvin Choir: The Choir resumes on Sept 4th at 11 o’ clock Mass. New Members welcome.
St. Finnian’s Day at Clonard: Sunday 17th Sept, 10.30am -4pm in St. Finnian’s Church, Clonard. Inspirational Talks,
Pilgrim Walk to site of St. Finnian monastery. Speakers: Dr. Padraig O’ Riain, Dr. Holger C. Lonze.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
March for Life: Will take place in Dublin on Sat , Sept 17th at 2.30pm. ( Marching from Newman University Church side of
St. Stephen’s Green to Leinster House). Please take part and help to protect the life of the unborn.
NET Ministries Team: A new NET Ministries Team will be coming to the parish in September. We have a difficulty
finding accommodation for them. If anybody can provide a room for two or three people for a few weeks please let us know.
Contact Laura O’ Neill (086 3642363) or the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Priory Institute provides online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght.
Register before September 13th . Further details go to
Alpha Course: Following on from the Synod meetings in Kinnegad, an Alpha Course will be held in the Greville Arms
Hotel from 8th Sept for 11 weeks, from 7.30pm -9pm.
Dromantine Retreat: Saturday Workshop on Understanding Suicide will take place on Sat 24th Sept. Cost €45.
Schools: Will be re-opening this week. St. Tola’s N. S will re-open on Tue 30th August. St. Ernan’s, Delvin and St.
Patrick’s Crowenstown will re-open on Thursday 1st September. St. Mary’s Special School, Southill on Wednesday 31st
August. We pray for pupils, teachers and parents that God will bless them in the year ahead.
Delvin Vintage Tractor Run: Delvin Vintage Club are organising a Tractor Run on Sunday 11th September. Registration
commences at 10.30am in the Salesyard. Proceeds from the Run will go towards the Cemetery Extension. Works will
commence soon. We hope you all will support the Tractor Run on the day, and as always we appreciate your support.
Year C Twenty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time. 21st August, 2022
Sat 20th 6.30pm Jim Joe Murtagh. John Leonard. Colin Clinton. Sun 21st 11.00am Mattie Murtagh. MM Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan, son Frank, daughter Phyllis Quigley & DFM. Michael & Mary Jane Sheerin. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass Sat 27th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 28th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM. John Comaskey.
Killulagh: Sun 21st 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton. Michael Forde. late of Glaxstown Sun 28th 9.30am Martin Smith.
- I. P. Peggy Newman. Hiskinstown, Delvin.
Sunday Offertory: €400. Delvin Cemetery €3,035. Patron Day Offerings: €1,100. 15th August €205.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Adoration: Takes place in Killulagh Church every Monday from 10am -10pm. New members are very welcome.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Cemetery Days: Many thanks to all who helped in preparation for Cemetery Days in Killulagh, Crowenstown and Delvin.
Special thanks to the participants from the Rural Social Scheme and Fas. Thanks to the huge crowd that attended the Masses
to honour Our Dead buried in the cemeteries.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Knock Novena: Began on Sunday 14th August and will end on Mon 22nd August. There are many well known speakers,
including Bishop Kevin Doran, Archbishop Francis Duffy, Fr. Richard Gibbons P. P., Roseanna Ruane, Dr. Nicola Brady,
and many others. Sunday 20th is a Family Day. Details are on Knock Shrine website.
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings last weekend.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Schools: Will be re-opening in the next two weeks. We pray for pupils, teachers and parents that God will bless them in the
year ahead.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Vintage Tractor Run: Delvin Vintage Club are organising a Tractor Run on Sunday 11th September. Registration
commences at 10.30am in the Salesyard. Proceeds from the Run will go towards the Cemetery Extension. Works will
commence soon. We hope you all will support the Tractor Run on the day, and as always we appreciate your support.
NERDATF Centre, Navan: Are offering Peer- Support group meeting for Family members impacted by a loved one’s
addiction behaviour. Further information at info.fasn@gmail or call 042-9355251 or 0879046405.
National Learning Network: Are having an Open Day next Wed 24th Aug from 11am-1pm. Find out about our range of
supportive, free and certified courses. Contact 086-7839113 or
St. Monica
St. Monica (born382) was a very devout Christian. However, her Son Augustine turned away from the faith and
brought her great sadness. She shed many tears and prayed unceasingly for his conversion. Near the end of her life
her prayers were answered. Her son, Augustine did return to the Church and became a great teacher of the faith.
She is the Patron Saint of mothers.
Year C Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 14th August, 2022
Sat 13th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 14th 11.00am Bridgie Sheerin. Mon 15th 11.00am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Shane Dugdale. Sat 20th 6.30pm Jim Joe Murtagh. John Leonard. Colin Clinton. Sun 21st 11.00am Mattie Murtagh. MM
Killulagh: Sun 14th 9.30am Frances Comaskey. Nuala Poynton, daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM. Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 21st 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton. Michael Forde. late of Glaxtown
- I. P. Terry Grassick. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory: €750. Ren. Fund: Weekly €360. Monthly €280. Killulagh Cemetery; €1,140.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Weekday Masses: The first reading at weekday Masses during the next two weeks will be taken from the Prophet Ezekiel.
This prophet is a visionary who creates a sense of awe and mystery in the presence of God. His style of prophetic writing
prepares for Daniel and eventually the Book of Revelation.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Saturday 13th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to
defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Knock Novena: Wed next is the Feast of Our Lady of Knock. The Novena in honour of Our Lady of Knock begins on
Sunday 14th and ends on Monday 22nd . There will be two sessions each day at 3pm and 8pm. ( There will be a candlelight
procession after the 8pm session). There will be many well known speakers, including Bishop Deenihan (on Sun 14th).
Bishop Kevin Doran, Archbishop Francis Duffy, Fr. Richard Gibbons P. P., Roseanna Ruane, Dr. Nicola Brady, and many
others. Sunday 20th will be a Family Day and Thursday 18th will be a Day of Prayer for Peace in Ukraine. Details are on
Knock Shrine website.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and Monday is the Patron Day
of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the
Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for
ourselves and our Parish. Mass in Killulagh at 9.30am and 11.00am in Delvin on that day.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 15th -26th August.. The course includes eight recorded
presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
NERDATF Centre, Navan: Are offering Peer- Support group meeting for Family members impacted by a loved one’s
addiction behaviour. Further information at info.fasn@gmail or call 042-9355251 or 0879046405.
Year C Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 7th August, 2022
Sat 6th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly. Sun 7th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Patrick & Margaret Farrelly & DFM. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 14th 11.00am Bridgie Sheerin.
Killulagh: Sun 7th 9.30am Callan Family. 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 14th 9.30am Frances Comaskey.
Nuala Poynton, daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM.
- I. P. Noreen Clarke. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory: €740. Ren. Fund: Weekly €305. Monthly €60.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Weekday Masses: The first reading at weekday Masses during the next two weeks will be taken from the Prophet Ezechiel.
This prophet is a visionary who creates a sense of awe and mystery in the presence of God. His style of prophetic writing
prepares for Daniel and eventually the Book of Revelation.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm this Sunday 7th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 8th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Saturday 13th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to
defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A
skip will be provided in the Cemetery.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and Monday week is the Patron Day
of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the
Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for
ourselves and our Parish. Mass in Killulagh at 9.30am and 11.00am in Delvin on that day.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 15th -26th August.. The course includes eight recorded
presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane. Co. Kildare from 11th to 14th August. Book
online. For queries contact the National Office at
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
NERDATF Centre, Navan: Are offering Peer- Support group meeting for Family members impacted by a loved one’s
addiction behaviour. Further information at info.fasn@gmail or call 042-9355251 or 0879046405.
Year C Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 31st July, 2022
Sat 30th 6.30pm Fr. Camillus Kane. John, Molly & Sean Mangan. Sun 31st 11.00am Sandra Gaffney MM Mon 1st 9.30am Mass. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Deceased Members of Delvin GAA Sat 6th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly. Sun 7th 11.00am Patricia Smyth.
Killulagh: Sun 31st 9.30am Colm Newman. Sun 7th 9.30am Callan Family
- I. P. Mattie Murtagh. The Green, Delvin. Anne Vaughan. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory: €740. Ren. Fund: Weekly €215. Monthly €80.
Bible Alive: August Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Cemetery Day Killiulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm next Sunday 7th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 8th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead in the Cemetery on Saturday 13th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to
defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A
skip will be provided in the Cemetery.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 15th -26th August.. The course includes eight recorded
presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane. Co. Kildare from 11th to 14th August. Book
online. For queries contact the National Office at
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Are having a Church Gate Collection this weekend 30th /31st July. We appreciate your support.
Let the grace of our baptism bear fruit in a path of holiness. Let everything be open to God: turn to him in every
situation. Do not be dismayed, for the power of the Holy Spirit enables you to do this, and holiness, in the end, is the
fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life (cf. Gal 5:22-23). When you feel the temptation to dwell on your own weakness,
raise your eyes to Christ crucified and say; ‘Lord, I am a poor sinner, but you can work the miracle of making me a
little bit better’. In the Church, holy yet made up of sinners, you will find everything you need to grow towards
holiness. The Lord has bestowed on the Church the gifts of scripture, the sacraments, holy places, living
communities, the witness of the saints and a multifaceted beauty that proceeds from God’s love, ‘like a bride
bedecked with jewels’ (Is 61:10)
Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate, 15.
Year C Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 24th July, 2022
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Michael, Bridget & Thomas Coyne. Mary Toner. Sun 24th 11.00am Liz Mullen. Michael & Mary Brady.
Mon 25th No Mass. Tue 26th No Mass. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am Kevin Power. Sat 30th 6.30pm Fr. Camillus Kane. John, Molly & Sean Mangan. Sun 31st 11.00am Sandra Gaffney MM
Killulagh: Sun 24th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King. Sun 31st 9.30am Colm Newman.
- I. P. Ann Bray. Dublin. formerly of Mullingar.
Offertory: €655. Ren. Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly €40.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage: Celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2022 will take place
this Sunday 24th July at 3pm in Knock Basilica. The Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop Francis Duffy, Archbishop of
Tuam and Patron of the Catholic Grandparents Association. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm.
Copies of the Prayer for Grandparents are available in both Churches.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sunday 7th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 8th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in
Delvin on Saturday 13th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Closing Date for the Pilgrimage is Friday 22nd July. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 18th -29th August and again on 15th -26th August. The
course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane. Co. Kildare from 11th to 14th August. Book
online. For queries contact the National Office at
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Are having a Church Gate Collection next weekend 30th /31st July. We appreciate your support.
Silence in Worship
Silence is an important element in all communication. It is particularly important to allow for silence as a part of the
dialogue between God and the community of faith. It allows for the voice of the Holy Spirit to be heard in the hearts
of the people of God and to enable them to unite personal prayer more closely with the word of God and the public
voice of the Church ( GILH, 202; Letter on Eucharistic Prayers{EP}, 18). During Liturgical silence all respond in
their own way, recollecting themselves, pondering what has been heard, petitioning and praising God in their inmost
spirit (EP 18). Liturgical silence is not merely an absence of words, a pause, or an interlude. It is a stillness, a
quieting of spirits, a making of time and leisure to hear, assimilate, and respond. Any haste that hinders
reflectiveness should be avoided. The dialogue between God and the community of faith taking place through the
Holy Spirit requires intervals of silence, suited to the assembly, so that all can take to heart the word of God and
respond to it in prayer.
Year C Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 17th July, 2022
Sat 16th 6.30pm Paddy & Gertie Kelly. Sun 17th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Mon 18th No Mass. Tue 19th No Mass. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 21st No Mass. Fri 22nd No Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Michael, Bridget & Thomas Coyne. Mary Toner. Sun 24th 11.00am Liz Mullen. Michael & Mary Brady.
Killulagh: Sun 17th 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King.
Offertory: €800. Ren. Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €110.
Bible Alive: July issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Ordination: Rev. Barry White will be ordained to the Priesthood for the Diocese of Meath this Sunday 17th July at 3pm in
the Cathedral, Mullingar. Rev. Barry is a native of Rathkenny Parish and will celebrate his first Mass in his native parish on
Monday 18th . Everybody is welcome to the Ordination in the Cathedral on Sunday 17th .
National Grandparents Pilgrimage: Celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2022 will take place
next Sunday 24th July at 3pm in Knock Basilica. The Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop Francis Duffy, Archbishop of
Tuam and Patron of the Catholic Grandparents Association. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm.
Copies of the Prayer for Grandparents are available in both Churches.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sunday 7th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 8th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in
Delvin on Saturday 13th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Closing Date for the Pilgrimage is Friday 22nd July. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 18th -29th August and again on 15th -26th August. The
course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Young Adults Retreat: Takes place in St. Mary’s Church, Navan next Saturday 23rd July. Age Group (18-40). A prayerful
informative day, with testimonies from people in various Christian vocations: Married life, Priesthood, Single life, Religious
life, talk on discernment, Adoration, confession. Finishes at 5pm. Contact Sr. Una at 0906481666.
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane. Co. Kildare from 11th to 14th August. Book
online. For queries contact the National Office at
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
St. Mary Magdalene ( Feast Day Fri 22nd )
St. Mary Magdalene stood by the Cross of Jesus; with two other women she discovered the empty tomb, she was
granted an appearance of the Risen Lord early the same day, from which incident she has been described as ‘apostle
to the apostles’ The Gospels give no warrant for identifying her with the ‘the woman who was a sinner’ who
anointed Christ’s feet (Lk 7:37) or with Mary the sister of Martha who also anointed him (Jn 12:3).
Year C Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 10th July, 2022
Sat 9th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby & DFM. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 10th 11.00am Martin Carroll. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Isabel & Toss Anderson. Mon 11th No Mass. Tue 12th No Mass. Wed 13th John & Ann Devine & DFM. Thurs 14th No Mass. Fri 15th No Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Paddy & Gertie Kelly. Sun 17th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll.
Killulagh: Sun 10th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe Sun 17th 9.30am 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Bridget Cassidy. Cavan. mother of Siobhan Conlon. Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory: €755. Ren. Fund: Weekly €205. Monthly €150. Annual: €500.
Bible Alive: July issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Ordination: Rev. Barry White will be ordained to the Priesthood for the Diocese of Meath on Sunday 17th July at 3pm in
the Cathedral, Mullingar. Rev. Barry is a native of Rathkenny Parish and will celebrate his first Mass in his native parish on
Monday 18th . Everybody is welcome to the Ordination in the Cathedral on Sunday 17th .
National Grandparents Pilgrimage: Celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2022 will take place
on Sunday 24th July at 3pm in Knock Basilica. The Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop Francis Duffy, Archbishop of
Tuam and Patron of the Catholic Grandparents Association. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm.
Feast of St. Camillus: Next Thursday 14th July we celebrate the Feast of St. Camillus, who is the Patron of Nurses,
Hospitals and the Sick.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sunday 7th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 8th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in
Delvin on Saturday 13th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Closing Date for the Pilgrimage is Friday 22nd July. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 18th -29th August and again on 15th -26th August. The
course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Young Adults Retreat: Takes place in St. Mary’s Church, Navan on Saturday 23rd July. Age Group (18-40). A prayerful
informative day, with testimonies from people in various Christian vocations: Married life, Priesthood, Single life, Religious
life, talk on discernment, Adoration, confession. Finishes at 5pm. Contact Sr. Una at 0906481666.
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane. Co. Kildare from 11th to 14th August. Book
online. For queries contact the National Office at
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, Mullingar: Volunteers and Accomodation needed from 31st July-7th Aug. Minimum
commitment is 4 hours. Age limit 15 years or over. Further info contact Fleadh Office at 049338954,
Year C Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 3rd July, 2022
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Nancy Lenihan & DFM. Christy Coll & Pauline Coll. Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Sun 3rd 11.00am Seamus Higgins MM Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Wed 6th No Mass. Thurs 7th No Mass. Fri 8th No Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby & DFM. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 10th 11.00am Martin Carroll. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Isabel & Toss Anderson.
Killulagh: Sun 3rd 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Sun 10th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe
- I. P. Sandra Gaffney. Ballyhealy Rd, Delvin.
Offertory: €775. Ren. Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly €130.
Bible Alive: July issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Thanks to all who contributed to the Peter’s Pence Collection last weekend.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery Days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sunday 7th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 8th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in
Delvin on Saturday 13th August at 7pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Closing Date for the Pilgrimage is Friday 22nd July. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, followed by
Concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 18th -29th August and again on 15th -26th August. The
course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Young Adults Retreat: Takes place in St. Mary’s Church, Navan on Saturday 23rd July. Age Group (18-40). A prayerful
informative day, with testimonies from people in various Christian vocations: Married life, Priesthood, Single life, Religious
life, talk on discernment, Adoration, confession. Finishes at 5pm. Contact Sr. Una at 0906481666.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, Mullingar: Volunteers and Accomodation needed from 31st July-7th Aug. Minimum
commitment is 4 hours. Age limit 15 years or over. Further info contact Fleadh Office at 049338954,
How to Celebrate the Eucharist
The Church, therefore, earnestly desires that Christ’s faithful, when present at this mystery of faith, should not be
there as strangers or silent spectators. On the contrary, through a good understanding of the rites and prayers they
should take part in the sacred action, conscious of what they are doing, with devotion and full collaboration. They
should be instructed by God’s word and be nourished at the table of the Lord’s Body. They should give thanks to
God. Offering the immaculate victim, not only through the hands of the priest, but also together with him, they
should learn to offer themselves. Through Christ, the Mediator, they should be drawn day by day into ever more
perfect union with God and with each other, so that finally God may be all in all.
Irish Catholic Catechism for Adults.
Year C Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 26th June, 2022
Sat 25th 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Tom & Phyllis Murphy & DFM Murphy Family. Margaret Rooney. Sun 26th 11.00am Nancy Healy. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday ) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Tom & Maggie Leonard. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Nancy Lenihan & DFM. Christy Coll & Pauline Coll. Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Sun 3rd 11.00am Seamus Higgins MM
Killulagh: Sun 26th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell. DFM Kelly family. Caddagh Cross. Sun 3rd 9.30am Oliver Kiernan.
- I. P. Pat Callaghan. Ballinabrackey, Co. Meath. brother of Teresa Flynn. Killough. Keith Goodwin. Castlepollard.
Offertory: €850. Ren. Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €65. Annual: €150.
Bible Alive: July issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses this weekend.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew this Sun 26th June at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett. All are Welcome.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 18th -29th August and again on 15th -26th August. The
course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get- together will be next Wed 29th June starting at 11am in the Hall.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, Mullingar: Volunteers and Accomodation needed from 31st July-7th Aug. Minimum
commitment is 4 hours. Age limit 15 years or over. Further info contact Fleadh Office at 049338954,
The Gospel of St. Luke
The doctrine proper to the Gospel of Luke is above all the gentleness and forgiveness that were the hallmarks of
Christ’s ministry. From the beginning of his mission until he nears Jerusalem, those who encounter Jesus, from
Peter (5th Sunday) to Zaccaeus (31st Sunday) become aware of their need for forgiveness and for God’s great
mercy. Several stories peculiar to Luke’s Gospel illustrate this theme of divine mercy throughout the course of the
year: the penitent woman (11th Sunday), the Good Samaritan (15th Sunday), the lost sheep and the prodigal son (24th
Sunday), and the good thief ( 34th Sunday). There are also warnings for those who do not show mercy: maledictions
as well as beatitudes (6th Sunday) , the rich fool (18th Sunday), and the rich man and Lazarus (26th Sunday). Written
for Gentiles, Luke’s Gospel underscores how God’s mercy reaches beyond his chosen people to embrace those who
were formerly excluded. This theme appears often on these Sundays , and is a warning for us as we gather to
celebrate the Eucharist: we have received the bountiful mercy of Christ, and there can be no frontiers to the mercy
we share with others.
Year C Feast of Corpus Christi. 19th June, 2022
Sat 18th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Patrick & Eilish Farrelly. Sun 19th 11.00am Paddy Gaffney & DFM.
Peggy Lenihan. Mon 20th 9.30am Paddy Scally. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Marcus Daugela. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Tom & Phyllis Murphy & DFM Murphy
Family. Margaret Rooney. Sun 26th 11.00am Nancy Healy.
Killulagh: Sun 19th 9.30am Paddy & Bridie Dugdale. Willie Loughlin. Sun 26th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell.
DFM Kelly family. Caddagh Cross.
- I. P. Kathleen Scally. Reynella. mother of Leo Scally. Rickardstown. Maureen Bruton. Rathcore, Enfield. sister of Teresa
Flynn. Killough, Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory: €1,020. Ren. Fund: Weekly €430. Monthly €305.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. Let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go, and how we are to pursue it”.
Corpus Christi: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Day of Prayer for Priests: Next Friday is a Day of Prayer for Priests. It is also the Feast of the Most Scared Heart of Jesus.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus: ‘Understood in the light of the Scriptures, the term “ Sacred Heart of Jesus” denotes the entire
mystery of Christ Son of God, uncreated wisdom, infinite charity, principle of the salvation and sanctification of mankind.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew on Sun 26th June at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett. All are Welcome.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place next Saturday 25th June. Bus will
leave from Gaffney’s Bar at 9.15am. Any problems contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Priory Institute: Two week online Summer School will run from 18th -29th August and again on 15th -26th August. The
course includes eight recorded presentations and two online zoom discussions. To register click on
Lough Derg: Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg from 27th -29th June. Further details contact 044-9374818.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: The Committee would like to thank all who supported our Coffee Morning/ Cake Sale last Friday.
It was a great success. Our next get- together will be on Wed 29th June instead of Wed 22nd June as previously arranged.
St. Patrick’s Hall Committee: Have cancelled their Fundraising Auction which was due to be held in the Hall this Sunday.
A further date will be announced in the next few weeks.
NERDATF Centre, Navan: Are having Peer-support group meeting for Family members impacted by a loved one’s
addiction behaviour in the above centre. Contact info.fasn@gmail, or call 042-9355251 for information.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, Mullingar: Volunteers and Accomodation needed from 31st July-7th Aug. Minimum
commitment is 4 hours. Age limit 15 years or over. Further info contact Fleadh Office at 049338954,
Year C The Most Holy Trinity 12th June, 2022
Sat 11th 6.30pm Maura Carroll. Joseph Anderson. Jane Kenny & DFM. Bill & Criss Kelly & DFM
Sun 12th 11.00am Christy Darby MM. Bernie Mc Grath. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Tommy Murphy. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Patrick & Eilish Farrelly. Sun 19th 11.00am Paddy Gaffney & DFM. Peggy Lenihan.
Killulagh: Sun 12th 9.30am Michael Egginton. Sun 19th 9.30am Paddy & Bridie Dugdale. Willie Loughlin.
- I. P. Seamus Higgins. Donegal. late of Killough, Bracklyn. Margaret Cooke. Scurlogstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €940. Easter Dues: €1,465.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. As we approach the Feast of Pentecost, let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go,
and how we are to pursue it”.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues last weekend.
The Most Holy Trinity: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.
Corpus Christi: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.
St. Oliver Plunkett: Mass in Loughcrew on Sun 26th June at 3pm in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Are having a Vocations Holy Hour on Fri 17th June at 7pm in the Church of the Assumption,
Tullamore. We will reflect on the example of the Priesthood after the Heart of Christ, in this month of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus. Speaker will be Mark Cafferty who is a student for the Priesthood for our Diocese.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June. Bus will leave
from Gaffney’s Bar at 9.15am. Any problems contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
St. Patrick’s Hall Committee: Are holding a fundraising Auction on Sun 19th June. The Committee are asking for
donations of quality items for the sale Contact Michael at 087-2879581 or leave small items in Leavy’s Shop.
NERDATF Centre, Navan: Are having Peer-support group meeting for Family members impacted by a loved one’s
addiction behaviour in the above centre. Contact info.fasn@gmail, or call 042-9355251 for information.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, Mullingar: Volunteers and Accomodation needed from 31st July-7th Aug. Minimum
commitment is 4 hours. Age limit 15 years or over. Further info contact Fleadh Office at 049338954,
The Trinity and the Liturgy
In the Church’s liturgy the divine blessing is fully revealed and communicated. The Father is acknowledged and
adored as the source and the end of all the blessings of creation and salvation. In his Word who became incarnate,
died, and rose for us, he fills us with his blessings. Through his Word, he pours into our hearts the Gift that contains
all gifts, the Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 1082.
Year C Pentecost Sunday 5th June, 2022
Sat 4th 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 5th 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Noel Renehan. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass.
Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Sr. Fionnuala Byrne. Thurs 9th 9.30am Pierce Mc Cormack. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Maura Carroll. Joseph Anderson. Jane Kenny & DFM. Bill & Criss Kelly & DFM
Sun 12th 11.00am Christy Darby MM. Bernie Mc Grath.
Killulagh: Sun 5th 9.30am Olive Kelleghan. Sun 12th 9.30am Michael Egginton.
- I. P. Sheila Connell. Clonmellon. mother of Mark, Audrey and Rosie. Delvin.
Offertory: €735. Ren Fund: Weekly €360. Monthly €70.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. As we approach the Feast of Pentecost, let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go,
and how we are to pursue it”.
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
Easter Dues: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
The Most Holy Trinity: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept,
- Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June. Bus will leave
from Gaffney’s Bar at 9.15am. Any problems contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Delvin Friendship Club: Are having a Cake Sale/ Morning Coffee in the Hall next Fri 10th June from 9.30am -1pm. We
would appreciate if you would do some baking for the cake sale. As always we appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed next 8th June in Meeting Room of St. Patrick’s Hall at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
St. Patrick’s Hall Committee: Are holding a fundraising Auction on Sun 19th June. The Committee are asking for
donations of quality items for the Auction. Contact Michael at 087-2879581 or leave small items in Leavy’s Shop.
Pentecost Sunday
The Church was made manifest to the world on the day of Pentecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of
the Spirit ushers in a new era in the dispensation of the mystery----the age of the Church, during which Christ
manifests, makes present and communicates his work of salvation through the liturgy of his Church” until he
comes”. In this age of the Church Christ now lives and acts in and with his Church, in a new way appropriate to this
new age. He acts through the sacraments in what the common Tradition of the East and the West calls “the
sacramental economy”, this is the communication (or “dispensation”) of the fruits of Christ’s Paschal mystery in the
celebration of the Church’s “sacramental” liturgy.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1076.
Year C The Ascension of the Lord 29th May, 2022
Sat 28th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Sun 29th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly Families. Bryan Orr. Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 31st 9.30am Mass. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm James & Peggy Reilly. (Confessions after Mass). Sat 4th 6.30pm
Michael Malone. Sun 5th 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Noel Renehan.
Killulagh: Sun 29th 9.30am Bridie Scally (nee Fox). Sun 5th 9.30am Olive Kelleghan.
- I. P. Feichin Mc Cormack, brother of the late Billy Mc Cormack. Rockview, Delvin who died in Canada.
Offertory: €990. Ren Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly €50.
Universal Synod 2021-2023: Following the engagement by so many people across the Diocese, the diocesan synthesis has
been completed and will now be submitted to the National Steering Committee. The synthesis can be viewed on from Wednesday 1st June. Thanks to all who took part in the synodal conversations during Lent and
to all who completed questionnaires and made submissions. Thanks to all priests and facilitators who organised the synodal
meetings in each deanery. As we approach the Feast of Pentecost, let us ask the Holy Spirit: “Teach us the way we must go,
and how we are to pursue it”.
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is also World Communications Day.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
Preparation for Pentecost: A Prayer Service and Benediction will be held in Delvin Church on Thursday next June 2nd at
7.30pm in preparation for the Feast of Pentecost. Confessions afterwards.
Ceili Catholic Community, Kilbeggan: “Pentecost Preparation” Monday to Saturday this coming week at Ceili
Community Centre, Kilbeggan there are six evenings of preparation for Pentecost. Mass each evening at 7.30pm followed by
Confessions. On Pentecost Sunday there is a special Celebratory Day beginning at 10am. All Welcome.
Youth Group: The Youth Group continues with sessions on Thursday and Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All
young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Outdoor Speaker:The use of the outdoor speaker at Delvin and Killulagh Churches will be discontinued from this weekend.
Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June. We have a bus organised.
There are a few seats left. To book a seat contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Would like to inform everyone that the lights have been turned off for the Summer.
The Ascension of the Lord
The Ascension of Christ means our own salvation as well, where the glorious Head has gone before, the body is
called to follow in hope. Let us therefore exult, beloved, as is fitting, and let us rejoice in devout thanksgiving. For on
this day not only have we been confirmed in our possession of paradise, but we have even entered heaven in the
person of Christ; through his grace, we have regained far more than we had lost through the devil’s hatred. ( St.
George the Great).
Year C Sixth Sunday of Easter 22nd May, 2022
Sat 21st 6.30pm Michael Mc Gowan MM Sun 22nd 11.00am Carmel Cannon. Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am
James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM. Wed 25th 9.30am John Heffernan & Parents & DFM Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass.
Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Sun 29th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly Families. Bryan Orr.
Killulagh: Sun 22nd 9.30am Colette, Antoinette, Rosemary & Bertie Kelleghan. Sun 29th 9.30am Bridie Scally (nee Fox) 1st Anniversary Mass.
- I. P. Pat Cranley. Fennor Cross, Collinstown. Sr. Rose Power. Newbridge. native of Moyleroe. Camillus Mc Dermott.
Mullingar. brother of Dolores Moran. Martinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €845. Ren Fund: Weekly €165. Monthly €135.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, M.ullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) .
First Communion: Congratulations to the children from the three schools in the parish who received their First Holy
Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Teachers, Parents and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Outdoor Speaker: The use of the outdoor speaker at Delvin and Killulagh Churches will be discontinued from the end of
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat contact
Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Priory Institute: Online Theology Course starting soon. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your
own home
Meath Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 14th August.
Pilgrimage to Oberammergau Passion Play: From 7th -11th September. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Marian
Pilgrimages at 01-8788159 or
Delvin GAA & Camogie Club: Would like to welcome back all boys and girls born in the year 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 to
our training on Saturday Mornings in Delvin GAA pitch from 10am-11am. Coaches will introduce the fundamentals of the
games through fun activities. Helmets are available to purchase. Further info contact Assumpta 087-9934114
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931.
The Ascension of the Lord
The Ascension of Christ means our own salvation as well, where the glorious Head has gone before, the body is
called to follow in hope. Let us therefore exult, beloved, as is fitting, and let us rejoice in devout thanksgiving. For on
this day not only have we been confirmed in our possession of paradise, but we have even entered heaven in the
person of Christ; through his grace, we have regained far more than we had lost through the devil’s hatred. ( St.
George the Great).
Year C Fifth Sunday of Easter 15th May, 2022
Sat 14th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 15th 11.00am Martin & Julia Kineavey & sons Martin, Christy and Tommy. Tom & Marie Mc Enerney & Martina Yeoman. Mon 16th No Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass.
Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th No Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Carmel Cannon. Sat 21st 6.30pm Michael Mc Gowan MM
Sun 22nd 11.00am Carmel Cannon.
Killulagh: Sun 15th 9.30am Richard, Danny, Larry & John Monaghan & DFM. Sun 22nd 9.30am Colette, Antoinette, Rosemary & Bertie Kelleghan.
- I. P. Christy Darby. Mitchelstown, Delvin. Jim Gaffney. Clontarf, Dublin. brother of late Pat Gaffney. Main St, Delvin.
Ann Mc Pherson. mother of Ken Mc Pherson, Stoneyford Park, who died in London.
Offertory: €830. Ren Fund: Weekly €260. Monthly €90.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, M.ullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) .
Confirmation: Congratulations to the Children from St. Mary’s School, Southill who were confirmed and made their First
Communion on Wednesday last. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for this day.
Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
First Communion: Children from the three schools in the parish will receive their First Communion on Sat next, May 21st.
The session at 10am will be for St. Tola’s children in Killulagh Church. The session at 12noon will be for St. Ernan’s and
St. Patrick’s, Crowenstown in Delvin Church.
Vocation Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the Offertory Collection last Sunday. The amount collected was €830.
This money will go towards training students for the Priesthood in the Diocese.
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week. Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much
more. Come join the NET Team for the following events. Youth Choir this Sun May 15th .
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat contact
Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from 12th -17th September, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800.
Priory Institute: Online Theology Open Evening on Wed 18th May at 7pm. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght or from
the comfort of your own home.
Delvin GAA & Camogie Club: Would like to welcome back all boys and girls born in the year 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 to
our training on Saturday Mornings in Delvin GAA pitch from 10am-11am. Coaches will introduce the fundamentals of the
games through fun activities. Helmets are available to purchase. Further info contact Assumpta 087-9934114
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931
The Sending of the Holy Spirit
The prophetic texts that directly concern the sending of the Holy Spirit are oracles by which God speaks to the heart
of his people in the language of the promise, with the accents of “love and fidelity”. St. Peter will proclaim their
fulfillment on the morning of Pentecost. According to these promises, at the “end time” the Lord’s Spirit will renew
the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them. He will gather and reconcile the scattered and divided peoples, he
will transform the first creation, and God will dwell there with men in peace.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 715.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Easter 8th May, 2022
Sat 7th 6.30am Tom, Nellie & Br. Lal Timmons. Sun 8th 11.00am Sean Coyne. Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th 9.30am Esther Cooney. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 15th 11.00am Martin & Julia Kineavey & sons Martin, Christy and Tommy. Tom & Marie Mc Enerney & Martina Yeoman.
Killulagh: Sun 8th 9.30am Phil & Martha Reilly & DFM. Margaret Bennett Sun 15th 9.30am Richard, Danny & Larry Monaghan & DFM.
- I. P. Christy Darby. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €775. Ren Fund: Weekly €330. Monthly €200.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, M.ullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) .
Vocations: This Sunday May 8th is Vocations Sunday. We ask you to say the following prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation. Grant that
Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
There will be Adoration in Killulagh Church this Sunday from 12-1pm. The Offertory Collection today will go towards the
students studying for the Priesthood in the Diocese.
Confirmation: Children from St. Mary’s School, Southill will be confirmed in the Church of the Assumption on Wednesday
next at 11 o’ clock. The Ceremony will be led by Bishop Tom Deenihan, Children from the school will also receive First
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week.Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much more.
Come join the NET Team for the following events. Women and Men’s Bible Study from 4pm-6pm this Sun May 8th .
Youth Choir on Sun May 15th .
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place in Ballinderry, Mullingar on Sat 14th May from 9.45am -5pm. Age Group(18-40).
An invitation to come apart and explore God’s call in your life. Poster on Notice Board. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June. We hope to
organise a bus. We would be grateful if those of you thinking about going would contact us soon. To book a seat contact
Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Delvin GAA & Camogie Club: Would like to welcome back all boys and girls born in the year 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 to
our training on Saturday Mornings in Delvin GAA pitch from 10am-11am. Further info contact Assumpta 087-9934114
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931
Vocations Sunday
When we speak of “vocation” , then, it is not just about choosing this or that way of life, devoting one’s life to a
certain ministry or being attracted by the charism of a religious family, movement or ecclesial community. It is about
making God’s dream come true, the great vision of fraternity that Jesus cherished when he prayed to the Father
“that they may all be one” ( Jn 17:21) . Each vocation in the Church, and in a broader sense in society, contributes
to a common objective; to celebrate among men and women that harmony of manifold gifts that can only be
brought about by the Holy Spirit. Priests, consecrated men and women, lay faithful; let us journey and work
together in bearing witness to the truth that one great human family united in love is no utopian vision, but the very
purpose for which God created us. Let us pray, brothers and sisters, that the People of God, amid the dramatic
events of history, may increasingly respond to this call. Let us implore the light of the Holy Spirit, so that all of us
may find our proper place and give the very best of ourselves in this great divine plan!
Message of Pope Francis for Vocations Sunday.
Year C Third Sunday of Easter 1st May, 2022
Sat 30th 6.30pm Michael & Kathleen Bray & son Liam. Mary & Michael Mullally & son Mick. Jack Ivory. Sun 1st 11.00am G. O’ Brien MM. Tommy Gaffney. Mon 2nd 9.30am Michael Gilroy. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead) 7.30pm Oliver & Mary Burke & DFM. Sat 7th 6.30am Tom, Nellie & Bl Lal Timmons. Sun 8th 11.00am Sean Coyne.
Killulagh: Sun 1st 9.30am Kevin Ledwith. Sat 7th 10.00am Willie & Nuala Fox. Sun 8th 9.30am Phil & Martha Reilly & DFM. Margaret Bennett
Offertory: €980. Ren Fund: Weekly €575. Monthly €300. Annual: €800..
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, M.ullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) .
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
St. Joseph the Worker: This Sunday 1st May is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
Vocations: Next Sunday May 8th is Vocations Sunday. We ask you to say the following prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation. Grant that
Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
There will be Adoration in Killulagh Church next Sunday from 12-1pm. The Offertory Collection next Sunday will go
towards the students studying for the Priesthood in the Diocese.
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week.Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much more.
Come join the MET Team for the following events. Tea and Biscuits after 11am Mass this Sunday in Fatima.
Mam/Daughter/ Father/ Son Session from 4-6pm this Sunday in Fatima. Youth Choir on Sun May 15th .
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place in Ballinderry, Mullingar on Sat 14th May from 9.45am -5pm. Age Group(18-40).
An invitation to come apart and explore God’s call in your life. Poster on Notice Board. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Delvin GAA & Camogie Club: Would like to welcome back all boys and girls born in the year 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 to
our training on Saturday Mornings in Delvin GAA pitch from 10am-11am. Further info contact Assumpta 087-9934114
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931
Delvin Book Fair: Delvin Sports and Leisure Centre are holding their Annual Book Fair this Sun 1st May in the Hall.
St. Joseph ---Welcoming the will of God.
At the same time, Joseph is “an accepting Father” because he “accepted Mary unconditionally”___an important
gesture even today, says Pope Francis, “in our world where psychological, verbal and physical violence towards
women is so evident. “But the Bridegroom of Mary is also the one who, trusting in the Lord, accepts in his life even
the events that he does not understand, “ setting aside his own ideas” and reconciling himself with his own history.
Joseph’s spiritual path” is not one that explains , but accepts”____ which does not mean that he is “resigned”
Instead, he is “courageously and firmly proactive,” because with “Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude,” and full of hope, he
is able” to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations and disappointments.” In practice, through St.
Joseph, it is as if God were to repeat to us: “Do not be afraid” because “faith gives meaning to every event, however
happy or sad,” and makes us aware that “God can make flowers spring up from stony ground.” Joseph “did not
look for shortcuts but confronted reality with open eyes and accepted personal responsibility for it.” For this reason,
“he encourages us to accept and welcome others as they are, without exception, and to show special concern for the
Year C Second Sunday of Easter ( Divine Mercy Sunday) 24th April, 2022
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Michele Hickey MM. Sun 24th 11.00am Carmel Gaffney MM. Mon 25th 9.30am Philomena & Michael Smith. Tue 26th 9.30am Joseph & Mgt Martin. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Michael & Kathleen Bray & son Liam. Mary & Michael Mullally & son Mick. Jack Ivory. Sun 1st 11.00am G. O’ Brien MM. Tommy Gaffney.
Killulagh: Sun 24th 9.30am Mass. Sean Newman. Michael Moriarty. Sun 1st 9.30am Kevin Ledwith.
- I. P. Mairead Mc Entee. Ballylongford, Co. Kerry. sister of Pat Healy. Rosmead.
Offertory: €1,000. Easter Offerings: €4,685.
Bible Alive: Copies of the Easter Issue are on Sale. Cost €2.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, Mullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) . They can also be returned by
email to meathsynodalpathway The Questionnaire can also be downloaded from the Synod page on Additional copies of the Questionnaire are available from the Sacristy or the Parish Office.
Trocaire Boxes: We thank you all for returning your Trocaire Boxes, the amount taken in so far is €3,180. You can still
hand in your box at the Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm.
Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Offerings..
Divine Mercy Sunday: This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday points us
to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery---the whole mystery of the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ--- made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the
whole octave of Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness
God has shown to man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. Paul 11).
St. Joseph the Worker: Next Sunday 1st May is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from Sept 12th -17th, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week.Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much more.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place in Ballinderry, Mullingar on Sat 14th May from 9.45am -5pm. Age Group(18-40).
An invitation to come apart and explore God’s call in your life. Poster on Notice Board. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666, or
John at 087-2478519, or email
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: Are hosting a “Sober Living” weekend from Friday April 29th to Sunday May 1st. The
weekend will be open to everyone and will focus on how the 12 Step Program can enhance our appreciation of our Catholic
Faith. If you would like to join, please contact the Ceili Community at
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on next Wed Apr 27th starting at 11am.
Delvin GAA & Camogie Club: Would like to welcome back all boys and girls born in the year 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 to
our training on Saturday Mornings in Delvin GAA pitch from 10am-11am. Further info contact Assumpta 087-9934114
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Betty at 044-9664931
The Struggle of St. Thomas
The struggle for faith experienced by Thomas leads us to think on the meaning of faith in the risen Christ. We do not
depend on physical experience of Christ but know his presence in keeping God’s commandments, and as a gathered
community, in the hearing of the word and in sacramental signs. So the Christian community is a thankful one,
always blessing God for a surer hope through the resurrection of Christ.
Year C Easter Sunday 17th April, 2022
Sat 16th (Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 17th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass. Mon 18th 9.30am Bridgie & Kevin Murphy. Kathleen & Mike Lohan. 11.0am Funeral Mass for Michael Mc Gowan. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Philip Quinn. Fri 22nd 9.30am Michael & Ester Cooney. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Michele Hickey MM. Sun 24th 11.00am Carmel Gaffney MM.
Killulagh: Sun 17th 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Sean Newman. Michael Moriarty.
- I. P. Michael Mc Gowan. Addinstown, Delvin.
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. Sincere thanks to all who participated in celebrations
during Lent and Holy Week.
Offertory: €800. Ren. Fund: Weekly €530. Monthly. €185.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, Mullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) . They can also be returned by
email to meathsynodalpathway The Questionnaire can also be downloaded from the Synod page on Additional copies of the Questionnaire are available from the Sacristy or the Parish Office.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. If you still have to return the box, we appreciate if you
would do so during the coming week. You can hand it in at the Parochial House between 10am-12.30pm.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Easter Sunday Mass: After the 11am Mass on Easter Sunday please join the NET Team for refreshments in Fatima.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick on Easter Sunday at 10.45am.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday points us
to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery---the whole mystery of the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ--- made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the
whole octave of Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness
God has shown to man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. Paul 11).
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from Sept 12th -17th, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Celebrate: A Catholic Family Holiday Conference will be held in Tramore, Co. Waterford during Easter Week Apr 18th –
22nd . There will be social and recreational activities as well as talks, workshops and seminars. Mass will be celebrated each
day. For information contact 086-0540099, or email, or
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week.Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much more.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: A Weekly Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus will commence shortly. Any person
who would like to devote 1 hour to this Devotion, please contact Eamonn at 087-1676749, or Damian 087-9174002
Delvin Camogie: Are holding a Cake Sale outside Gaffney’s Bar and Lounge on Easter Sunday between 10am-12.30pm.
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: Are hosting a “Sober Living” weekend from Friday April 29th to Sunday May 1st. The
weekend will be open to everyone and will focus on how the 12 Step Program can enhance our appreciation of our Catholic
Faith. If you would like to join, please contact the Ceili Community at
Accord: Is recruiting interested people to assist in the provision of Marriage Preparation Programmes. Application forms are
available by contacting Selections will take place in June with training commencing in
September. This year Accord is celebrating 60 years supporting couples and families.
Alone: Are seeking volunteers in the area to provide companionship or make calls to Older Prople once a week. If you are
interested contact https;/ or contact 086-1085965.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Year C Palm Sunday 10th April, 2022.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin. Tom Flynn & DFM. Sun 10th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran & DFM.
Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. ( Confessions after Mass). Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 14th ( Holy Thursday) 7.30pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 15th ( Good Friday) 7.30pm Good Friday Liturgy. Sat 16th (Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 17th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
Killulagh: Sun 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 14th ( Holy Thursday) 5.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass.
Offertory: €685. Ren. Fund: Weekly €245. Monthly. €250.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, Mullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) . They can also be returned by
email to meathsynodalpathway The Questionnaire can also be downloaded from the Synod page on Additional copies of the Questionnaire are available from the Sacristy or the Parish Office.
Palm Sunday: This Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins the celebration of the Great Week-Holy Week- which will reach
its high point in the final three days, the crown of the Church’s liturgical year. Please bring Palm Branches to Mass to be
Chrism Mass; Will take place on Wed 13th next at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar. Ministers of Holy
Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all others involved in the ministry of the Church are invited. All are Welcome.
Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday is a day of Fast and Abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: We would appreciate if you would return your Trocaire Box on Holy Thursday, or hand it in at the
Parochial House.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Easter Card: You will get an Easter Card with your Easter Offering Envelope outlining the arrangements for Holy Week.
Please follow the Card as there are a few changes to times of ceremonies and confessions.
Easter Sunday Mass: After the 11am Mass on Easter Sunday please join the NET Team for refreshments in Fatima.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from Sept 12th -17th, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Celebrate: A Catholic Family Holiday Conference will be held in Tramore, Co. Waterford during Easter Week Apr 18th –
22nd . There will be social and recreational activities as well as talks, workshops and seminars. Mass will be celebrated each
day. For information contact 086-0540099, or email, or
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week.Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much more.
Priory Institute: Meditations on the Easter Triduum with Fra Angelico. “ When I am lifted up from the Earth.” The Priory
Institute is delighted to offer a Free of Charge online retreat from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. Visit or click on this link https:/
SMA Dromantine Retreat Centre: From Wed 13th to Easter Sunday 17th . This will be an opportunity for quiet reflection as
you celebrate the ceremonies of the Easter Triduum. It begins with the Seder Meal on Wednesday and ends with Dawn Mass
and Easter breakfast. Cost inc. accom, and meals is €400. Tel. 048 308231964. or
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: A Weekly Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus will commence shortly. Any person
who would like to devote 1 hour to this Devotion, please contact Eamonn at 087-1676749, or Damian 087-9174002
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Year C Fifth Sunday of Lent. 3rd April, 2022.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Jim & Breda Smith. Micheal Moore. Sun 3rd 11.00am Sinead Barry MM. Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin. Tom Flynn & DFM. Sun 10th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran & DFM.
Killulagh: Sun 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 7th 7.30pm Mass. Sun 10th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Joseph ( G) O’ Brien. Robinstown, Delvin. Martin Doyne. Glenidan. Kathleen Lohan. Dublin. sister of Patsy,
Willie & Kevin Murphy. Mitchelstown.
Offertory €1,000. Ukraine Collection: €1,810. Ren. Fund: Weekly €200. Monthly. €190.
Synod Questionnaire: The final Deanery meeting in preparation for the Synod took place last Wednesday in Castlepollard
Parish Centre. Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, Mullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) . They can also be returned by
email to meathsynodalpathway The Questionnaire can also be downloaded from the Synod page on Additional copies of the Questionnaire are available from the Sacristy or the Parish Office.
Confessions: In preparation for Holy Week and Easter confessions will be available after 9.30am Mass on Wednesday and
on Friday after 9.30am Mass.
Communion Calls: The remainder of the Communion Calls will be done this week.
Palm Sunday: Next Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins the celebration of the Great Week-Holy Week- which will reach
its high point in the final three days, the crown of the Church’s liturgical year. Please bring Palm Branches to Mass to be
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week. Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much more
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from Sept 12th -17th, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Celebrate: A Catholic Family Holiday Conference will be held in Tramore, Co. Waterford during Easter Week Apr 18th –
22nd . There will be social and recreational activities as well as talks, workshops and seminars. Mass will be celebrated each
day. For information contact 086-0540099, or email, or
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are offering a Diploma in Youth Ministry & Spirituality. Find out more online at
Priory Institute: Meditations on the Easter Triduum with Fra Angelico. “ When I am lifted up from the Earth.” The Priory
Institute is delighted to offer a Free of Charge online retreat from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. Visit or click on this link https:/
SMA Dromantine Retreat Centre: From Wed 13th to Easter Sunday 17th . This will be an opportunity for quiet reflection as
you celebrate the ceremonies of the Easter Triduum. It begins with the Seder Meal on Wednesday and ends with Dawn Mass
and Easter breakfast. Cost inc. accom, and meals is €400. Tel. 048 308231964. or
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal. We thank everyone who donated so generously
to the second collection last weekend for Ukraine.
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: A Weekly Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus will commence shortly. Any person
who would like to devote 1 hour to this Devotion, please contact Eamonn at 087-1676749, or Damian 087-9174002
Lough Derg: Pilgrimage Season re-opens on the 1st May, 2022 for One Day Retreats, and on the 1st June for Three Day
Pilgrimage. Poster on Notice Board with contact numbers.
Alone: Are looking for volunteers to provide companionship or make calls to Older People once a week. Full training and
support provided. Further info https:/ or volunteer @alone .ie or 086-1085965.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Lent. 27th March, 2022.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Gus O Shaughnessy. Sun 27th 11.00am Mattie Gaffney. Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 31st 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Mass. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Jim & Breda Smith. Sun 3rd 11.00am Deceased Members of Delvin G. A. A.
Killulagh: Sun 27th 9.30am Thomas Manny. Thurs 31st 7.30pm Mass. Sun 3rd 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Carmel Gaffney. Main St, Delvin.
Offertory ( St. Patrick’s Day) €715. Sunday Offertory €590. Ren. Fund: Weekly €365. Monthly. €90. Annual: €300.
Summer Time: Mass on this Sunday will be at Summer Time.
The Synod: The final Deanery meeting in preparation for the Synod will take place in the Castlepollard Parish Centre on
Wednesday next, Mar 30th at 8pm. Everyone is invited to come and contribute their ideas about the future of the Church. As
in previous weeks specific groups are listed but attendance is not confined to these groups. The groups listed for this week
are those associated with schools and other school staff, Teachers ( Parents, Grandparents, Boards of Management, 3rd Level
Students), members of Sports Clubs, those who missed previous meetings and all parishioners.
Synod Questionnaire: Completed Questionnaries can be returned to the box in both Churches or to the Diocesan Office,
Dublin Road, Mullingar. Co. Westmeath( please mark your envelopes Synod Questionnaire) . They can also be returned by
email to meathsynodalpathway The Questionnaire can also be downloaded from the Synod page on
Confessions: In preparation for Holy Week and Easter confessions will be available after 9.30am Mass on Wednesday and
on Friday from 7pm-7.15pm (before Evening Mass).
Delvin Church Choir: There will be a Choir Practice for Delvin Church on Tue next Mar 29th at 8pm. We would appreciate
if you all would attend as we will be practicing for the Ceremonies of Holy Week and Easter. New members are welcome.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Youth Group: The Youth Group has resumed after a long break due to Covid 19. There will be a session on Thursday and
Friday nights from 7pm-8.30pm in Fatima. All young people from 1st Year Post- Primary School upwards are welcome. The
NET Team will assist in the sessions each week. Young people who attend are assured of fun, games, snacks and much
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from Sept 12th -17th, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Celebrate: A Catholic Family Holiday Conference will be held in Tramore, Co. Waterford during Easter Week Apr 18th –
22nd . There will be social and recreational activities as well as talks, workshops and seminars. Mass will be celebrated each
day. For information contact 086-0540099, or email, or
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal. A box is available in the Church to facilitate
anybody who would like to make a donation to relieve the suffering of refugees from Ukraine. Donations so far €2,480.
We are asked to donate to another collection this weekend for Ukraine. We appreciate your support.
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: A Weekly Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus will commence shortly. Any person
who would like to devote 1 hour to this Devotion, please contact Eamonn at 087-1676749, or Damian 087-9174002
Lough Derg: Pilgrimage Season re-opens on the 1st May, 2022 for One Day Retreats, and on the 1st June for Three Day
Pilgrimage. Poster on Notice Board with contact numbers.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
The Prodigal Son
Sinners and outcasts are at ease with Jesus, and his story of the Prodigal Son tells why. Today’s readings are a source
of hope and consolation for all who have sinned in any way. Our Lord’s eating with sinners is a sign of God
breaking through his own laws in order to save those who are in danger of being lost.
Year C Third Sunday of Lent. 20th March, 2022.
Sat 19th 6.30pm Josephine Carroll. Sun 20th 11.00am Patsy & Mary Leonard. Fintan & Aileen Mc Cormack Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Gus O Shaughnessy. Sun 27th 11.00am Mattie Gaffney.
Killulagh: Sun 20th 9.30am Mass. Sun 27th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Michele Hickey. Castletown Court, Delvin. Aoife Kelly.(nee Lynch), Mullingar. native of Mulliganstown, Delvin.
Josephine Buckley. Mallow, Co. Cork. mother of Mary Bray. Clonyn, Delvin.
Offertory €775. Ren. Fund: Weekly €265. Monthly. €255. Annual: €600.
Synod Preparation: The first meeting in preparation for the synod was held on Wed 9th March in Castlepollard. Two
further meetings will be held on Wed 23rd and 30th .
Everyone is Invited: The Synod has been called by Pope Francis in order to listen to the living voice of the entire People
of God. Everyone has their own experience of following Christ , parents, parents with young families, grandparents, young
people who are working in school or college, those married or single. Specific groups are encouraged to come each night, but
all parishioners are welcome. The groups encouraged to come each night are as follows:
Wednesday 23rd March at 8pm. Those involved in the administration of parish life, parish staff, members of Parish
Pastoral Councils, members of Parish Finance Committees, members of Baptism Teams Safeguarding Representatives,
counters, those involved in prayer and apostolic groups, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Pioneer Association,
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration, Teams of Our Lady, Friendship Club, Meals-on –Wheels.
Wednesday 30th March at 8pm. Those involved in schools, pupils/students, teachers and school, staff, members of parents’
association, members of BOMs, those involved in youth organisations and sports groups, young people and parents of
children and teenagers.
Feast of St. Joseph: This Sat 19th is the Feast of St. Joseph. There will be Adoration in Killulagh Church on Sun 20th from
12-1pm to honour his Feast Day. We pray that we can learn to imitate his faithfulness to God and his care of Mary and Jesus.
Church Bell: Repairs to the bell in Delvin Church have been completed. Thanks to all who made donations for the work.
NET Team: A Net Ministries Team will be working in the parish until the end of May. We welcome the team and pray
Gods blessing on their work in the parish.
The Annunciation of the Lord: On Friday next, March 25th we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. The
following is a short reflection on the significance of this feast. “ Given her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother
of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely
to the person and to the work of her Son, she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on
him by God’s grace”. ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 494).
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place from Sept 12th -17th, 2022. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. For
further information and booking. Contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800
Celebrate: A Catholic Family Holiday Conference will be held in Tramore, Co. Waterford during Easter Week Apr 18th –
22nd . There will be social and recreational activities as well as talks, workshops and seminars. Mass will be celebrated each
day. For information contact 086-0540099, or email, or
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal. A box is available in the Church to facilitate
anybody who would like to make a donation to relieve the suffering of refugees from Ukraine. Donations so far €2,335.
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: A Weekly Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus will commence shortly. Any person
who would like to devote 1 hour to this Devotion, please contact Eamonn at 087-1676749, or Damian 087-9174002
Lough Derg: Pilgrimage Season re-opens on the 1st May, 2022 for One Day Retreats, and on the 1st June for Three Day
Pilgrimage. Poster on Notice Board with contact numbers.
Year C Second Sunday of Lent. 13th March, 2022.
Sat 12th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Sun 13th 11.00am Joseph & Ellen Kane & DFM. Billy & Elizabeth Gilmore.
Mon 14th 9.30am Mass. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 17th 11.00am Owen & Mgt Murtagh & DFM. Fri 18th 10.00am Cailin Lynch. Sat 19th 6.30pm Josephine Carroll. Sun 20th 11.00am Patsy & Mary Leonard. Fintan & Aileen Mc Cormack
Killulagh: Sun 13th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch. Thurs 17th 9.30am DFM Ward Family, Rickardstown. Sun 20th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Esther Cooney. Dundalk. mother of Diane Burns. Battstown. Michael Devaney. Enfield. father of Rachel Mc Grath.
Gigginstown. Ann Molloy. ( nee Devine). Coralstown. formerly Robinstown, Delvin. Edward Daly. Chicago. late of
Clonmaskill, Delvin. His Ashes will be buried on Fri 18th Mar in Delvin Cemetery at 10.45am.
Offertory €880. Ren. Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly. €110.
Synod Preparation: The first meeting in preparation for the synod was held on Wed last in Castlepollard. Two further
meetings will be held on Wed 23rd and 30th .
Everyone is Invited: The Synod has been called by Pope Francis in order to listen to the living voice of the entire People
of God. Everyone has their own experience of following Christ , parents, parents with young families, grandparents, young
people who are working in school or college, those married or single. Specific groups are encouraged to come each night, but
all parishioners are welcome. The groups encouraged to come each night are as follows:
Wednesday 23rd March at 8pm. Those involved in the administration of parish life, parish staff, members of Parish
Pastoral Councils, members of Parish Finance Committees, members of Baptism Teams Safeguarding Representatives,
counters, those involved in prayer and apostolic groups, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Pioneer Association,
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration, Teams of Our Lady, Friendship Club, Meals-on –Wheels.
Wednesday 30th March at 8pm. Those involved in schools, pupils/students, teachers and school, staff, members of parents’
association, members of BOMs, those involved in youth organisations and sports groups, young people and parents of
children and teenagers.
Feast of St. Patrick: Next Thurs we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. It would be hard to overestimate the influence of St.
Patrick on the faith of the people of Ireland. In recent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by other
celebrations associated with the Feast. This year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the Feast of St.
Patrick. We include here an extract from the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells about his carelessness,
about his relationship with God and about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish people will experience a similar
conversion as we celebrate his Feast.
The Power of Prayer
After I came to Ireland, every day I had to tend sheep and many times a day I prayed. The love of God and his fear
came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened. My spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say
as many as 100 prayers, and almost as many in the night. Even when I was staying in the woods and on the
mountains, I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, because the spirit
within me was then fervent.
Feast of St. Joseph: Next Sat 19th is the Feast of St. Joseph. Adoration in Killulagh Church on Sun 20th from 12-1pm.
Delvin Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Will be led by Spiritual Director. Fr. Seamus Heaney from 26th Sept-30th Sept, 2022.
Cost €635 pps. Further information contact Alice Reilly at 087-41478971.
St. Feichins Church Choir Fore: Present an Evening of Song and Music to mark our National Day of Remembrance and
Reflection on Wed 16th Mar at 8pm in St. Feichins Church, Fore.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal. A box is available in the Church to facilitate
anybody who would like to make a donation to relieve the suffering of refugees from Ukraine. Donations so far €1,225.
St. Patrick’s Day 17th March: The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to “Light the Fire” 4pm Vespers on the
Hill of Slane and Procession to the Church. 5pm Mass in St. Patrick’s Church followed by Adoration. All are Welcome.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Day Festival: Takes place in the Salesyard, Delvin on Thurs 17th Mar from All Welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Mon next Mar 14th at 8pm in Carmel Gaffney’s.
Year C First Sunday of Lent. 6th March, 2022.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Marian Davis. Edward Daly MM. Sun 6th 11.00am Mary Toner. Bernie Drum.
Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Sun 13th 11.00am Joseph & Ellen Kane & DFM. Billy & Elizabeth Gilmore.
Killulagh: Sun 6th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Sun 13th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch.
- I. P. Sinead Barry. Southill, Delvin.
Offertory €850. Ren. Fund: Weekly €265. Monthly. €50.
Synod Preparation: As a Deanery we plan to have meetings on three Wednesday nights in March to discuss the topics
recommended for the Synod. The Meetings will be held in Castlepollard Parish Centre on March 9th , 23rd & 30th . The
meetings will begin at 8pm each night. The format of the meetings will be similar each week and each person is invited to
attend one meeting. While groups are encouraged to attend on certain nights the arrangement is flexible. If you cannot attend
on the night assigned to your group, you are welcome to come on another night.
Everyone is Invited: The Synod has been called by Pope Francis in order to listen to the living voice of the entire People
of God. Everyone has their own experience of following Christ , parents, parents with young families, grandparents, young
people who are working in school or college, those married or single. Whether you feel distant or close to what is happening
in your parish, you are invited to join in discussion and prayer to discern where the Spirit is leading the Church. This will be
happening in every parish in the world. People from the 9 parishes in our area will meet in Castlepollard Parish Centre, on
the nights listed. Specific groups are encouraged to come each night, but all parishioners are welcome. The groups
encouraged to come each night are as follows:
Wednesday 9th March at 8pm. Those involved in the liturgical life of the parishes. Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion, choir members, organists, stewards/collectors, sacristans, etc.
Wednesday 23rd March at 8pm. Those involved in the administration of parish life, parish staff, members of Parish
Pastoral Councils, members of Parish Finance Committees, members of Baptism Teams Safeguarding Representatives,
counters, those involved in prayer and apostolic groups, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Pioneer Association,
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration, Teams of Our Lady, Friendship Club, Meals-on –Wheels.
Wednesday 30th March at 8pm. Those involved in schools, pupils/students, teachers and school, staff, members of parents’
association, members of BOMs, those involved in youth organisations and sports groups, young people and parents of
children and teenagers.
Weekday Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs and Fri.
Mass in Killulagh will be at 7.30pm on Thursday.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial, e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare boxes in the Church.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from Ukraine
will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal. A box is available in the Church to facilitate
anybody who would like to make a donation to relieve the suffering of refugees from Ukraine.
Ceili Catholic Community, Kilbeggan: Are running a course entitled What is the Meaning of Life? It is an eight –week
course beginning on Mon 7th Mar from 7pm-8.30pm in Ceili Catholic Community Kilbeggan. For Booking Contact
Rosaleen Denning at 087-6333437.
St. Patrick’s Day 17th March: The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to “Light the Fire” 4pm Vespers on the
Hill of Slane and Procession to the Church. 5pm Mass in St. Patrick’s Church followed by Adoration. All are Welcome.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Meeting on Wed 9th March in Carmel Gaffney’s at 8pm. All Welcome. Please support your Village.
Year C Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. 27th February, 2022.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Pat Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 27th 11.00am Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smith. Rose Gibney.
Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd ( Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass.
Fri 4th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy & Annie Mc Cann & son Tommy. Sat 5th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Marian Davis. Sun 6th 11.00am Mary Toner. Bernie Drum.
Killulagh: Sun 27th 9.30am Joe Flynn. Wed 2nd ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Sun 6th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde.
Offertory €655. Ren. Fund: Weekly €220. Monthly. €55.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Synod Preparation: As a Deanery we plan to have meetings on three Wednesday nights in March to discuss the topics
recommended for the Synod. The Meetings will be held in Castlepollard Community Centre on March 9th , 23rd & 30th . The
meetings will begin at 8pm each night. The format of the meetings will be similar each week and each person is invited to
attend one meeting.
Everyone is Invited: The Synod has been called by Pope Francis in order to listen to the living voice of the entire People
of God. Everyone has their own experience of following Christ , parents, parents with young families, grandparents, young
people who are working in school or college, those married or single. Whether you feel distant or close to what is happening
in your parish, you are invited to join in discussion and prayer to discern where the Spirit is leading the Church. This will be
happening in every parish in the world. People from the 9 parishes in our area will meet in Castlepollard Parish Centre, on
the nights listed. You are welcome to come on a night which suits you.
To learn more about synodality see or
Extract from Lenten Message of Bishop Deenihan: Our Lenten pilgrimage this year will have the added element of the
Synodal Pathway. I echo the invitation of Pope Francis to each member of the Christian community in the Diocese of Meath
to join in this moment of listening as we prayerfully discern together what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church in this
diocese at this time. To those of you who at best feel that you are on the margins of the Church, or at worst feel excluded
from the Church, I say, “the Church needs to hear your voice!” I ask for your honesty. Do not be afraid to share your pain or
to articulate that which you seek in the Church but do not find. You are part of the Church by your Baptism and in this
synodal process the voice of every baptised person is equal. Ask the Holy Spirit who dwells in your heart to give you the
words that your Church needs to hear. Full Message available in the Porch.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed during 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 7.30pm Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial, e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Ceili Catholic Community, Kilbeggan: Are running a course entitled What is the Meaning of Life? It is an eight –week
course beginning on Mon 7th Mar from 7pm-8.30pm in Ceili Catholic Community Kilbeggan. For Booking Contact
Rosaleen Denning at 087-6333437.
Delvin Church Choir: There will be a practice for Delvin Church Choir on Mon next, 28th Feb at 7.30pm. New members
are very welcome
Holy Land Pilgrimage: From 1st June for 8 nights. Spiritual Director; Fr. Sean Henry. Cost €1,895. Contact 046-9068600.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Applications are now open for Postgraduate Programmes in Theology. Further
information contact Admissions Team at 01-7084772.
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting in Carmel Gaffney’s on Mon 28th Feb at 8pm.
Year C Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. 20th February, 2022.
Sat 19th 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. T J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Sun 20th 11.00am John & Kathleen Dunne & son Sean & DFM Molly Paris. Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Noel Fox & DFM. Sat 26th 11.00am Bernadette Nugent Hinter. 6.30pm Pat Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 27th 11.00am Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smith. Rose Gibney.
Killulagh: Sun 20th 9.30am Martin Kiernan. Sun 27th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Edward Price. Rathconnell, Mullingar. father of Marie Bray. Ballyhealy.
Offertory €775. Ren. Fund: Weekly €475. Monthly. €310.
Synod Preparation: As a Deanery we plan to have meetings on three Wednesday nights in March to discuss the topics
recommended for the Synod. The Meetings will be held in Castlepollard Community Centre on March 9th , 23rd & 30th . The
meetings will begin at 8pm each night. The format of the meetings will be similar each week and each person is invited to
attend one meeting.
Everyone is Invited: The Synod has been called by Pope Francis in order to listen to the living voice of the entire People
of God. Everyone has their own experience of following Christ , parents, parents with young families, grandparents, young
people who are working in school or college, those married or single. Whether you feel distant or close to what is happening
in your parish, you are invited to join in discussion and prayer to discern where the Spirit is leading the Church. This will be
happening in every parish in the world. People from the 9 parishes in our area will meet in Castlepollard Parish Centre, on
the nights listed. You are welcome to come on a night which suits you.
To learn more about synodality see or
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Jesus steps into the lives of the disciples to make them agents of God’s presence in the world.
(cf.Lk 5:1-11)Peter is dejected because the fishermen’s work produced no catch. At the word of Christ, their nets fill to
breaking point. Peter had put his faith in this “Master” that spoke with authority. He says, “ At your word, I will let down the
nets.” (Lk 5:5) After the miracle, he calls him” Lord”. This calling of the disciples tells us that the Lord asks every vocation
to the Priesthood to fill the nets of the Church with souls who know him. He asks us to put out into the deep and place our
faith in him. Like Peter we do not have to be perfect but place our trust in his will. If you would like more information about
studying for the Priesthood. Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923, or
Holy Water: Following the relaxation of Covid restrictions, it will be possible to use holy water in the Churches again. It
will be available in the holy water fonts this weekend. Holy Water for use at home can be collected from the containers in
both Churches.
Ceili Catholic Community, Kilbeggan: Are running a course entitled What is the Meaning of Life? It is an eight –week
course beginning on Mon 7th Mar from 7pm-8.30pm in Ceili Catholic Community Kilbeggan. For Booking Contact
Rosaleen Denning at 087-6333437.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Applications are now open for Postgraduate Programmes in Theology. Further
information contact Admissions Team at 01-7084772
Holy Land Pilgrimage: From 1st June for 8 nights. Spiritual Director; Fr. Sean Henry. Cost €1,895. Contact 046-9068600.
Lough Derg: Applications are invited for an Operations Manager which is a key leadership role in delivering the Mission
and Vision of Lough Derg, responsible for the smooth running of all day to day operational activities at the pilgrimage
centre. Further information contact Mary at 353719861518, or
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment for September, 2022: Takes place from 1st February-22nd February, 2022.
Application for admission can be made to the following schools;
St. Tolas- office St. Ernans St. Patrick’s
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications for QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 & 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359.
Delvin Hall Committee: Are organising a Fun Bingo in the Hall on Sun 27th February at 3pm. The committee would like
donations, unused vouchers or any other items you consider suitable as prizes. You can leave them in at Leavy’s Shop and
Post Office or contact Michael at 087-2879581 to arrange collection.
Year C Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 13th February, 2022.
Sat 12th 6.30pm Ray Muilligan. Sun 13th 11.00am Pat & Kathleen Gaffney. Mon 14th 9.30am Mass. Tue 15th 9.30am Larry Allen & DFM. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm
James & Peg Robinson. T J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Sun 20th 11.00am John & Kathleen Dunne & son Sean & DFM Molly Paris.
Killulagh: Sun 13th 9.30am Mass. Sun 20th 9.30am Martin Kiernan.
- I. P. Leah Carolan. Killallon. George Kelly. Trim. husband of Kathleen Comaskey. (formerly Ballinn). Mairead O’
Colmain. Galway. sister of Fr. Sean Gartland. P. P. Clonmellon.
Offertory €750. Candlemas Offerings: €1,385.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all
who helped them prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offerings last weekend..
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: This Sunday is Day of Prayer for Temperance.
Synod: The Synodal Pathway in the Diocese of Meath is for a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation, Mission
All the baptised in the Diocese of Meath are invited to participate in the synodal process during Lent, 2022.
Opportunities to engage in the process locally will be announced in February. Enlightened by the Word of God and united in
prayer, we will be able to discern the processes to seek God’s will and pursue the pathways to which God calls us- towards
deeper communion, fuller participation, and greater openness to fulfilling our mission in the world. ( Vademecum2.2)
To learn more about synodality see or
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Jesus steps into the lives of the disciples to make them agents of God’s presence in the world.
(cf.Lk 5:1-11)Peter is dejected because the fishermen’s work produced no catch. At the word of Christ, their nets fill to
breaking point. Peter had put his faith in this “Master” that spoke with authority. He says, “ At your word, I will let down the
nets.” (Lk 5:5) After the miracle, he calls him” Lord”. This calling of the disciples tells us that the Lord asks every vocation
to the Priesthood to fill the nets of the Church with souls who know him. He asks us to put out into the deep and place our
faith in him. Like Peter we do not have to be perfect but place our trust in his will. If you would like more information about
studying for the Priesthood. Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923, or
Holy Water: Following the relaxation of Covid restrictions, it will be possible to use holy water in the Churches again. It
will be available in the holy water fonts this weekend. Holy Water for use at home can be collected from the containers in
both Churches.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: From 1st June for 8 nights. Spiritual Director; Fr. Sean Henry. Cost €1,895. Contact 046-9068600.
Lough Derg: Applications are invited for an Operations Manager which is a key leadership role in delivering the Mission
and Vision of Lough Derg, responsible for the smooth running of all day to day operational activities at the pilgrimage
centre. Further information contact Mary at 353719861518, or
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment for September, 2022: Takes place from 1st February-22nd February, 2022.
Application for admission can be made to the following schools;
St. Tolas- office St. Ernans St. Patrick’s
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications for QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 & 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359.
Delvin Hall Committee: Are organising a Fun Bingo in the Hall on Sun 27th February at 3pm. The committee would like
donations, unused vouchers or any other items you consider suitable as prizes. You can leave them in at Leavy’s Shop and
Post Office or contact Michael at 087-2879581 to arrange collection.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Monday next 14th Feb in Carmel Gaffney’s at 8pm.
Year C Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 6th February, 2022.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Frances Fitzpatrick MM Sun 6th 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny. Patrick Martin. Mon 7th 9.30am Patrick & Alice Donlon & son Pat. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. 11.00am The Sacrament of Confirmation. Sat 12th 6.30pm Ray Muilligan. Sun 13th 11.00am
Pat & Kathleen Gaffney
Killulagh: Sun 6th 9.30am Pat Fox Sun 13th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Paddy Driscoll. Cooraclare. Co. Clare. late of Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory €860. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €215. Monthly €77.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Candlemas Offerings: This Sunday is Candlemas Day. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the month of February and March in Killulagh if you would like to book
a Mass. Please contact the Parochial House.
Confirmation: Bishop Deenihan will celebrate Confirmation for the children of the parish next Friday, February 11th in
Delvin Church. It is a special day for the children who will be confirmed and their families. It is also an opportunity for the
rest of us to recall the day of our Confirmation and to thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit we received. We pray that God
will renew the grace of confirmation for all our parishioners.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Next Friday is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: Next Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am
Mass in Killulagh and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite
them to renew their marriage vows an give them a special blessing during Mass.
Synod: The Synodal Pathway in the Diocese of Meath is for a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation, Mission
All the baptised in the Diocese of Meath are invited to participate in the synodal process during Lent, 2022.
Opportunities to engage in the process locally will be announced in February. Enlightened by the Word of God and united in
prayer, we will be able to discern the processes to seek God’s will and pursue the pathways to which God calls us- towards
deeper communion, fuller participation, and greater openness to fulfilling our mission in the world. ( Vademecum2.2)
To learn more about synodality see or
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Jesus steps into the lives of the disciples to make them agents of God’s presence in the world.
(cf.Lk 5:1-11)Peter is dejected because the fishermen’s work produced no catch. At the word of Christ, their nets fill to
breaking point. Peter had put his faith in this “Master” that spoke with authority. He says, “ At your word, I will let down the
nets.” (Lk 5:5) After the miracle, he calls him” Lord”. This calling of the disciples tells us that the Lord asks every vocation
to the Priesthood to fill the nets of the Church with souls who know him. He asks us to put out into the deep and place our
faith in him. Like Peter we do not have to be perfect but place our trust in his will. If you would like more information about
studying for the Priesthood. Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923, or
Holy Land Pilgrimage: From 1st June for 8 nights. Spiritual Director; Fr. Sean Henry. Cost €1,895. Contact 046-9068600.
Lough Derg: Applications are invited for an Operations Manager which is a key leadership role in delivering the Mission
and Vision of Lough Derg, responsible for the smooth running of all day to day operational activities at the pilgrimage
centre. Further information contact Mary at 353719861518, or
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment for September, 2022: Takes place from 1st February-22nd February, 2022.
Application for admission can be made to the following schools;
St. Tolas- office St. Ernans St. Patrick’s
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications for QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 & 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359.
Year C Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 30th January, 2022.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 30th 11.00am Jim Flynn MM. Jackie, Madeline Mary & John Branagan.
Mon 31st 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm John & Anna Vaughan. Sat 5th 6.30pm Frances Fitzpatrick MM Sun 6th 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny. Patrick Martin.
Killulagh: Sun 30th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent. Sun 6th 9.30am Pat Fox
- I. P. Josie Downes (nee Moore) Sheffield, England. formerly Stonestown, Delvin. Bernadette Nugent Hinter, late of
Clonmorril. who died in Majorca. Fergus Hughes, Dromore, Co. Tyrone. father of Maria Douglas. Church View, Delvin.
Offertory €790. Needs of the Diocese: €1,110. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €305. Monthly €160. Annual: €900.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the second collection. Amount collected was €1,110
Church Bell: We sincerely thank all the people who gave in donations for repairs to be carried out to the Church bell. The
bell is operating at the moment, but further repairs are required. Total amount donated was €2,395.
Feast of St. Brigid: Tuesday is the Feast of St. Brigid. Anybody wishing to have St. Brigid’s Crosses blessed can leave
them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Tuesday. They will be blessed during Mass. Please collect your crosses again
after Mass.
Feast of the Presentation: Wednesday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation. Anybody wishing to have candles blessed
for use in the home can leave them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Thursday. They will be blessed during Mass.
Please collect your candles after Mass. Today is also World Day for Consecrated Life.
Feast of St. Blaise: Due to the pandemic it will not be possible to have the blessing of throats for individuals. A general
blessing of throats will be given for all who attend Mass on Thursday morning.
Candlemas Offerings: Sunday 6th is Candlemas Day. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the month of February and March if you would like to book a Mass.
Please contact the Parochial House.
Confirmation: Bishop Deenihan will celebrate Confirmation for the children of the parish on Friday, February 11th in
Delvin Church. It is a special day for the children who will be confirmed and their families. It is also an opportunity for the
rest of us to recall the day of our Confirmation and to thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit we received. We pray that God
will renew the grace of confirmation for all our parishioners.
Synod: The Synodal Pathway in the Diocese of Meath is for a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation, Mission
All the baptised in the Diocese of Meath are invited to participate in the synodal process during Lent, 2022.
Opportunities to engage in the process locally will be announced in February. Enlightened by the Word of God and united in
prayer, we will be able to discern the processes to seek God’s will and pursue the pathways to which God calls us- towards
deeper communion, fuller participation, and greater openness to fulfilling our mission in the world. ( Vademecum2.2)
To learn more about synodality see or
Holy Land Pilgrimage: From 1st June for 8 nights. Spiritual Director; Fr. Sean Henry. Cost €1,895. Contact 046-9068600.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment for September, 2022: Takes place from 1st February-22nd February, 2022.
Application for admission can be made to the following schools;
St. Tolas- office St. Ernans St. Patrick’s
St. Brigid
St. Brigid is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. She was born c.454. When she was young
her father wished to make a very suitable marriage for her but she insisted in consecrating her virginity to God. She
received the veil and spiritual formation probably from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in
Ardagh. Others followed her example and this led her to found a double monastery in Kildare with the assistance of
Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and her cult is widespread not only throughout Ireland but in several European
lands. The St. Brigid’s Cross, in legend used by St. Brigid to explain the Christian faith, remains a popular sign of
God’s protection.
Year C Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 23rd January, 2022.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tom & Mark Hickey. Anthony Haran & parents Anthony & Sarah. Sun 23rd 11.00am Joe & Laetitia Cullen. Bernie Maguire. Mon 24th No Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 30th 11.00am Jim Flynn MM. Jackie, Madeline Mary & John Branagan.
Killulagh: Sun 23rd 9.30am Larry & Bridget Whelehan & DFM Sun 30th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent.
Offertory €725. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €206. Monthly €75.
Needs of the Diocese: The Second collection will be taken up this weekend. The amount to be collected by this Parish is
Church Bell: Some repairs have been carried out to the Church bell and it is operating again. Further repairs will be needed
in the next few months. The total cost of repairs will be €2,000 (approx). Thanks to those who have made a donation.
(€1,830) has been donated so far). Any further donations will be welcome.
Christian Unity Week: From Tue 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Week of Prayer: The theme for
the week is as follows: We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him. ( Matthew 2:2)
Prayer: Gracious God, when we only know one way and we think we must return to it, and when we think that all roads are
blocked, and we fall into despair, we always find you there. You are the God of renewed promises. We find you creating a
new path before us, one that we did not expect. We thank you because you exceed our expectations. We thank you for your
wisdom that surpasses our understanding. We thank you because your creative paths open up unforeseen possibilities. If we
search our maps and find no route, nonetheless we always find you, who lead us by a yet more excellent way. We pray
through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, that you always lead us back to you. Amen.
Catholic School’s Week: 23rd January-30th January. The theme for each day are as follows:
Monday 24th Catholic Schools; Living Life to the Full with God.
Tuesday 25th Catholic Schools; Living Life to the Full Together.
Wednesday 26th Catholic Schools; Celebrating Being Together Again.
Thursday 27th Catholic Schools; Living Life in Wonder and Awe.
Friday 28th Catholic Schools; Living Life and Facing the Future.
Bishop Deenihan will celebrate Mass at 11am in the Cathedral on this Sunday to mark the beginning of Catholic Schools’
week. Mass will be livestreamed from the Cathedral website.
First Communion: Will be celebrated in the parish on Saturday, May 21st, 2022.
Synod: The Synodal Pathway in the Diocese of Meath is for a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation, Mission
All the baptised in the Diocese of Meath are invited to participate in the synodal process during Lent, 2022.
Opportunities to engage in the process locally will be announced in February. Enlightened by the Word of God and united in
prayer, we will be able to discern the processes to seek God’s will and pursue the pathways to which God calls us- towards
deeper communion, fuller participation, and greater openness to fulfilling our mission in the world. ( Vademecum2.2)
To learn more about synodality see or
Holy Land Pilgrimage: From 1st June for 8 nights. Spiritual Director; Fr. Sean Henry. Cost €1,895. Contact 046-9068600.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment for September, 2022: Takes place from 1st February-22nd February, 2022.
Application for admission can be made to the following schools;
St. Tolas- office St. Ernans St. Patrick’s
Sunday of the Word of God is a means to help people to reawaken an awareness of the importance of Sacred
Scripture in our lives as believers, beginning with its resonance in the liturgy which places us in living and permanent
dialogue with God.
The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures: The Holy Spirit was at work in the whole process of the formation of the Scriptures.
This is why, even though many people across different times and places contributed to the writing, we believe that the
Scriptures are divinely inspired. But the Holy Spirit’s work does not come to an end with the writing of the text. The Holy
Spirit, who dwells in us by virtue of our baptism, is also at work in us as w listen to the text. Therefore, through the Spirit’s
inspiration, the words of Scripture can become a living Word of the Lord to us here and now.
Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16th January, 2022.
Sat 15th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Joe & Kitty Bray. Sun 16th 11.00am Pat Smith. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tom & Mark Hickey. Anthony Haran & parents Anthony & Sarah. Sun 23rd 11.00am Joe & Laetitia Cullen. Bernie Maguire.
Killulagh: Sun 16th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Sun 23rd 9.30am Larry & Bridget Whelehan & DFM
Offertory €635. Needs of the Diocese: €850. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €365. Monthly €155.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the first collection last weekend for the Needs of the Diocese.
Amount collected was €850. The Second collection will be on Sunday 23rd January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution
from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for
the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this
Parish is €5,400.
Church Bell: Some repairs have been carried out to the Church bell and it is operating again. Further repairs will be needed
in the next few months. The total cost of repairs will be €2,000 (approx). Thanks to those who have made a donation.
(€1,350) has been donated so far). Any further donations will be welcome.
Christian Unity Week: From Tue 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Week of Prayer: The theme for
the week is as follows: We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him. ( Matthew 2:2)
Prayer: Gracious God, when we only know one way and we think we must return to it, and when we think that all roads are
blocked, and we fall into despair, we always find you there. You are the God of renewed promises. We find you creating a
new path before us, one that we did not expect. We thank you because you exceed our expectations. We thank you for your
wisdom that surpasses our understanding. We thank you because your creative paths open up unforeseen possibilities. If we
search our maps and find no route, nonetheless we always find you, who lead us by a yet more excellent way. We pray
through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, that you always lead us back to you. Amen.
Catholic School’s Week: 23rd January-30th January. The theme for each day are as follows:
Monday 24th Catholic Schools; Living Life to the Full with God.
Tuesday 25th Catholic Schools; Living Life to the Full Together.
Wednesday 26th Catholic Schools; Celebrating Being Together Again.
Thursday 27th Catholic Schools; Living Life in Wonder and Awe.
Friday 28th Catholic Schools; Living Life and Facing the Future.
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications , QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 and 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359
Westmeath Sports Partnership: Are running a six week programme entitled Activator Poles in Delvin Sports & Leisure
Centre starting on Tuesday 18th January from 11am-12noon. Cost €15 for the six weeks. Register through Eventbrite link or
contact Martina O’ Brien @ to receive a link.
Sunday of the Word of God
Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 23rd as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the importance of
the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope Francis
establishing the Sunday of the Word of God “it belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognise
themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the sacred text by restricting it to certain
circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it,
move from dispersion and division towards unity. The word of God unites believers and makes them one people. In
this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping everyone to
understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word must feel an urgent need to make
it accessible to their community.”
Year C The Baptism of the Lord 9th January, 2022.
Sat 8th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran & DFM. Dolores Gaffney. Sun 9th 11.00am Richard & Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & baby Patrick. Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Joe & Kitty Bray. Sun 16th 11.00am Pat Smith.
Killulagh: Sun 9th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory, son Loman & Ellen Devery. Sun 16th 9.30am Chris Callaghan.
- I. P. Tommy Mc Gowan. Clonmellon. brother of Michael Mc Gowan, Addinstown. and Margaret Smith. Clonmaskill,
Mary Leonard. London sister- in-law of Marion Murtagh. Moyleroe. Monica Brecknell. Navan. sister of John & Des
Kiernan. Johnstown.
Offertory €615. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €1,210. Monthly €640.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this Sun 9th January and again on
Sunday 23rd January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Catholic School’s Week: 23rd January-30th January. There will be more information on the theme for each day in the
bulletin next week.
Church Bell: Some repairs have been carried out to the Church bell and it is operating again. Further repairs will be needed
in the next few months. The total cost of repairs will be €2,000 (approx). Thanks to those who have made a donation.
(€1,050 has been donated so far). Any further donations will be welcome.
Christian Unity Week: From Tue 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the many
divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with Christians
all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications , QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 and 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359
Westmeath Sports Partnership: Are running a six week programme entitled Activator Poles in Delvin Sports & Leisure
Centre starting on Tuesday 18th January from 11am-12noon. Cost €15 for the six weeks. Register through Eventbrite link or
contact Martina O’ Brien @ to receive a link.
The Baptism of Jesus and Ours
Jesus’s baptism is the pattern also of ours. In baptism we go down with Christ into the waters of death, and our sins
are drowned in those waters. And because we have gone down with Christ, we also come up from the waters
together with him and hear—mighty and majestic—the Father’s voice directed to us as well. It pronounces a new
name for each of us, in the depths of each of our hearts “Beloved! In whom I am well pleased”. We hear the name as
ours not because of any good deeds we have done but because Christ in his overflowing love willed to share his
relationship to his Father with us.
Homiletic Directory. no. 137.
Year C The Second Sunday after Christmas 2nd January, 2022.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney Sun 2nd 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany) 11.00am Mass. Fri 7th (First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Bridget & Peter Cooke. Robinstown. Sat 8th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran & DFM. Dolores Gaffney. Sun 9th 11.00am Richard & Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & baby Patrick.
Killulagh: Sun 2nd 9.30am Willie Dunne & DFM. Thurs 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany) 9.30am Mass. Sun 9th 9.30am
John & Ellen Ivory, son Loman & Ellen Devery.
- I. P. Jim Flynn. Killough, Bracklyn. Annie Mc Cormack. Mullingar. mother of Martin Mc Cormack. Dunganstown,
Delvin. Frances Fitzpatrick. Addinstown, Delvin.
Christmas Offertory: €1,630. Sunday Offertory: €535. Christmas Offerings: €5,135.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks again to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Feast of the Epiphany: Will be celebrated on Thursday 6th January. Vigil Mass in Delvin on Wed 5th at 7.30pm. There will
9.30am Mass in Killulagh on Thurs 6th and 11.00am Mass in Delvin. It is a Holy Day.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 9th January and again on
Sunday 23rd January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Church Bell: Some repairs have been carried out to the Church bell and it is operating again. Further repairs will be needed
in the next few months. The total cost of repairs will be €2,000 (approx). Thanks to those who have made a donation. (€800
has been donated so far). Any further donations will be welcome.
Christian Unity Week: From Tue 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the many
divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with Christians
all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications , QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 and 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359
Alone: Manage a national support line for older people who have concerns or facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. If
you need support this Christmas please call National Support Line on 0818222024 from 8am-8pm.
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great
feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men(magi) from the East, together with his Baptism
in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan
religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of Salvation through the
Important Dates for 2022.
2nd March, Ash Wednesday 7th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh
17th April, Easter Sunday. 8th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown.
5th June, Pentecost Sunday. 13th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
Church Holydays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Thursday 6th January All Saints, Tuesday 1st November.
St. Patrick’s Day, Thursday 17th March Immaculate Conception, Thursday 8th December.
Feast of the Assumption, Monday 15th August. Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December.
Year C The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 26th December, 2021.
Sun 26th 11.00am Bill Anderson. Mon 27th 10.00am Tom & Bridgie Brennan. Tue 28th 10.00am Larry Murtagh.
Wed 29th 10.00am DFM Kearrney Family. Thurs 30th 10.00am Mass. Fri 31st 10.00am Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney Sun 2nd 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune.
Killulagh: Sun 26th 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy. Sun 2nd 9.30am Willie Dunne & DFM.
- I. P. Maisie Carolan. Geehanstown, Delvin. mother of Pat Carolan. Ballinvalley, Delvin. Liam Ward. The Downs,
Mullingar. brother of Francey Reilly. Mullingar. Nancy Farrelly. Clonmellon. mother of Nuala Gillick. Rosmead, Delvin.
Offertory: €800. Christmas Offerings: €2,410.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
World Day of Peace: Jan 1st is World Day of Peace. Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming year.
Feast of the Epiphany: Will be celebrated on Thursday 6th January. It is a Holy Day.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday next, December 27th.
Church Bell: The bell in Delvin Church is not working at present. The company that service the bell have examined it and
have told us that a number of parts need to be replaced. The total cost of repairs would be €2,000(approx). If anybody would
like to make a donation towards the cost of repairs, it would be most welcome.
St. Scire Community Employment: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21,
interested in upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications , QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 and 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359
Alone: Manage a national support line for older people who have concerns or facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. If
you need support this Christmas please call National Support Line on 0818222024 from 8am-8pm.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God. ( January 1st ).
At the message of an angel, the Virgin Mary received the word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the
New Year Greetings: We wish all our parishioners every blessing and success for 2022. Thanks to everybody for
their generosity and support in the past year.
Important Dates for 2022.
2nd March, Ash Wednesday 7th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh
17th April, Easter Sunday. 8th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown.
5th June, Pentecost Sunday. 13th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
Church Holydays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Thursday 6th January All Saints, Tuesday 1st November.
St. Patrick’s Day, Thursday 17th March Immaculate Conception,Thursday 8th December.
Feast of the Assumption, Monday 15th August. Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December.
The Sacrament of Marriage.
Just as of old God encountered his people with a covenant of love and fidelity, so our Savior, the spouse of the
Church, now encounters Christian spouses through the sacrament of Matrimony. Christ dwells with them, gives
them the strength to take up their crosses and so follow him, to rise again after they have fallen , to forgive one
another, to bear one another’s burdens, to ‘be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ, and to love one
another with supernatural, tender, and fruitful love. In the joys of their love and family life he gives them here on
earth a foretaste of the wedding feast of the Lamb’.
(Catechism of the Catholic Church) 1032.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Advent 19th December, 2021.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Bridie Carolan & Cathy Sullivan. Margaret & Michael Malone. Sun 19th 11.00am Nancy Neville. Bernadette Kelly. Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( Christmas Eve) 5.00pm and 7.00pm Mass. Saturday 25th ( Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass. Sun 26th 11.00am Bill Anderson.
Killulagh: Sun 19th 9.30am Paddy & Anna Cassidy. Sat 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am
Fr. Joseph Troy.
Offertory: €695. Ren. Fund: Weekly € 155. Monthly €190.
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets , especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Digital Advent Calender: A popular resource for prayer and reflection during Advent is the interactive digital calendar
which is now available on . This year’s calendar theme focuses on the theme of “Hope”. Each day
during Advent a virtual door can be opened on the calendar containing faith content, including an audio/video reflection.
Now in its eight year, this digital calendar is a well-received resource for families, schools and parishes as it offers
suggestions for prayer, charity and penance during this special liturgical season.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Adoration: There will be no Adoration in Killulagh Church on Monday next, December 27th.
Church Bell: The bell in Delvin Church is not working at present. The company that service the bell have examined it and
have told us that a number of parts need to be replaced. The total cost of repairs would be €2,000(approx). If anybody
would like to make a donation towards the cost of repairs, it would be most welcome.
Priory Institute: Are offering a Free of Charge online Retreat on Lectio Divina reflections on the Advent and Christmas
Gospels. Visit the website
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications , QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 and 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359
St. Vincent de Paul: A very big thank you to everyone for the wonderful response to the St. Vincent de Paul annual
appeal. The amount collected was over €3,400 which is being distributed to local people to help alleviate the financial
pressures associated with this time of the year. We also thank our local shops and businesses making collection boxes
available to their customers, also thank you to the Men’s Shed for helping marshal the Drive Through.
Delvin SVP team wish you all a very Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.
Alone: Manage a national support line for older people who have concerns or facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. If
you need support this Christmas please call National Support Line on 0818222024 from 8am-8pm.
Christmas Confessions: There will be Confessions after 9.30am Morning Mass on Wed next, Dec, 22nd , also on Friday
(Christmas Eve) from 12-12.30pm.
Christmas Masses: Masses for Christmas Day will be as follows:
Christmas Eve--- 5.00pm, 7.00pm.
Christmas Day---- Killulagh 9.30am, Delvin 11.00am.
Masses from Delvin will be streamed live and outside speaker will be used for 5pm and 7pm Mass on Christmas
Eve and 11am Mass on Christmas Day.
Christmas Greetings
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. We welcome all
who have come home to be with their families. We think of all who cannot travel this Christmas, or who have to
work during the Christmas.
Year C Third Sunday of Advent 12th December, 2021.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Teresa Mc Cormack. William & Catherine Sherlock. David Anderson. Sun 12th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Tom & Mary Heffernan. Mon 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mgt & Patrick Farrelly, sons and daughters. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Bridie Carolan & Cathy Sullivan. Margaret & Michael Malone. Sun 19th 11.00am Nancy Neville. Bernadette Kelly.
Killulagh: Sun 12th 9.30am Pala Sheerin. Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM. Sun 19th 9.30am Paddy & Anna Cassidy.
Offertory: €760. Ren. Fund: Weekly € 485. Monthly €255.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale: Cost €2.
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets , especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Digital Advent Calender: A popular resource for prayer and reflection during Advent is the interactive digital calendar
which is now available on . This year’s calendar theme focuses on the theme of “Hope”. Each day
during Advent a virtual door can be opened on the calendar containing faith content, including an audio/video reflection.
Now in its eight year, this digital calendar is a well-received resource for families, schools and parishes as it offers
suggestions for prayer, charity and penance during this special liturgical season.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and later in Wales. On his
return he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of
the great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the Saints of Ireland. His Feast
Day is this Sunday 12th December.
Priory Institute: Are offering a Free of Charge online Retreat on Lectio Divina reflections on the Advent and Christmas
Gospels. Visit the website
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Youthreach: Are accepting applications , QQI Major Awards at Levels 3 and 4. Laptops provided. Allowances
paid. Contact or 087-9445359
Christmas Masses: Masses for Christmas Day will be as follows:
Christmas Eve--- 5.00pm, 7.00pm.
Christmas Day---- Killulagh 9.30am, Delvin 11.00am.
Masses from Delvin will be streamed live and outside speaker will be used for 11am Mass.
Thy Kingdom Come
This petition makes more explicit the meaning of ‘Hallowed be thy name’. God’s name will be perfectly hallowed
when God’s kingdom comes. God’ kingdom will come when the Lord Jesus returns in glory and hands everything
over to the Father. The Catechism says; ‘In the Lord’s Prayer, ‘thy kingdom come’ refers primarily to the final
coming of the reign of God through Christs’ return (CCC 2818). It is the Holy Spirit who prepares the way for the
coming of the Lord. It is only through the Spirit that we can cry ‘Abba, Father’. ‘Jesus is Lord’ and ‘Come, Lord
Jesus’. ‘Thy kingdom come’ does not mean abandoning this world and hoping for a deliverance totally from outside.
It means praying for an increase in Jesus’ invisible rule now, through an intensification of his presence in the
Church, in Christians and in the world, all as preparation and build-up for his return and his visible rule. ‘Since
Pentecost, the coming of that reign is the work of the Spirit of the Lord who ‘complete(s) his work on earth and
brings us the fullness of grace” (CCC 2818).
Year C Second Sunday of Advent 5th December, 2021.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Joe Reilly. Sun 5th 11.00am Noel Lynch. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 7.30pm Vigil Mass. Wed 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 11.00am George Sweetnan.
Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Teresa Mc Cormack. William & Catherine Sherlock. David Anderson. Sun 12th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Tom & Mary Heffernan.
Killulagh: Sun 5th 9.30am Paddy & Betty Kelleghan. Wed 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 9.30am Mass.
Sun 12th 9.30am Pala Sheerin. Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM.
Offertory: €720. Ren. Fund: Weekly € 370. Monthly €365.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale: Cost €2.
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets , especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Digital Advent Calender: A popular resource for prayer and reflection during Advent is the interactive digital calendar
which is now available on . This year’s calendar theme focuses on the theme of “Hope”. Each day
during Advent a virtual door can be opened on the calendar containing faith content, including an audio/video reflection.
Now in its eight year, this digital calendar is a well-received resource for families, schools and parishes as it offers
suggestions for prayer, charity and penance during this special liturgical season.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The pandemic has increased pressures on households and reduced donation collection
opportunities that we usually put in place for December so please remember to give what you can and help people in need
in your community with basics like food, fuel and school.
Your Donation:
- Helps to provide food for a family who is struggling.
- Helps an elderly person keep warm this winter
- Helps a young family with education costs like books and uniform.
Donating in Person.
- You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin.
- Pass on to one of the local members that may be known to you.
- Put your name/address on the envelope and you will be sent a receipt.
Drive thru Collection Sat 11th December
We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 11th December between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and masks will be in place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church doors. You can donate online make sure you select North East area so your money goes to our region. If you need Support and Advice contact 1800677777.
Priory Institute: Are offering a Free of Charge online Retreat on Lectio Divina reflections on the Advent and Christmas
Gospels. Visit the website
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist is the Lord’s immediate precursor or forerunner, sent to prepare his way.” Prophet of the Most
High.” John surpasses all the prophets, of whom he is the last. He inaugurates the Gospel, already from his mother’s
womb welcomes the coming of Christ, and rejoices in being “the friend of the bridegroom” whom he points out as
“the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” Going before Jesus “in the spirit and power of Elijah.”
John hears witness to Christ in his preaching by his Baptism of conversion, and through his martyrdom. When the
Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by
sharing in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming , the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second
coming. By celebrating the precursor’s birth and martyrdom, the Church unites herself to his desire. “He must
increase, but I must decrease.” ( Catechism of the Catholic Church, 523-526).
Year C First Sunday of Advent 28th November, 2021.
Sat 27th 6.30pm Tom, May & Sean Fay. Pat Lynch. Billy Moran & DFM. Sun 28th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Eugene & Carmel Doherty. Mon 29th No Mass. Tue 30th No Mass. Wed 1st No Mass. Thurs 2nd No Mass. Fri ( First Friday 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney & DFM. Service for the Dead. Sat 4th 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Joe Reilly. Sun 5th 11.00am Noel Lynch.
Killulagh: Sun 28th 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Nancy & John Barry. Sun 5th 9.30am Paddy & Betty Kelleghan.
- I. P. Nellie Doherty. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory: €645. Ren. Fund: Weekly € 230. Monthly €105.
Bible Alive: Due to the change in trading arrangements between this country and England we are experiencing difficulty
in getting deliveries of Bible Alive. The November issue has not arrived and there are indications that there will be large
import duties on future deliveries.
Advent Issue on Sale: Cost €2.
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets , especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Annual Mass/ Service for the Dead: We will celebrate Mass for all who died during the past year. On Friday December,
3rd at 7.30pm. During Mass candles will be lighted for each one who died during the year. All are welcome, especially
families and relatives of those who have died. The usual precautions including the wearing of masks will be in operation.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The pandemic has increased pressures on households and reduced donation collection
opportunities that we usually put in place for December so please remember to give what you can and help people in need
in your community with basics like food, fuel and school.
Your Donation:
- Helps to provide food for a family who is struggling.
- Helps an elderly person keep warm this winter
- Helps a young family with education costs like books and uniform.
Donating in Person.
- You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin.
- Pass on to one of the local members that may be known to you.
- Put your name/address on the envelope and you will be sent a receipt.
Drive thru Collection Sat 11th December
We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 11th December between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and masks will be place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church doors. You can donate online make sure you select North East area so your money goes to our region. If you need Support and Advice contact 1800677777.
Priory Institute: Are offering a Free of Charge online Retreat on Lectio Divina reflections on the Advent and Christmas
Gospels. Visit the website
Viatores Christi: You are invited to attend Free Online Conference of the VIVID;T EU AVI Funded Project on
Disability –Inclusive Development on Wed 1st Dec starting at 10am. See
Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles,
Sunday after Sunday, until the Solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light gradually illuminating the long night prior to the rising
of the Sun of justice .
Year B Feast of Christ the King 21st November, 2021.
Sat 20th 6.30pm James, Margaret, 88.ujn Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Michael & Teresa White & DFM. Sun 21st 11.00am Dan & Annie Mc Grath, & sister Betty. Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Christy Fenlon. Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. 7pm Mass. Deceased Residents & Staff of Muiriosa Foundation. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Tom, May & Sean Fay. Pat Lynch. Billy Moran & DFM. Sun 28th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Eugene & Carmel Doherty.
Killulagh: Sun 21st 9.30am Nugent Family, Bracklyn. Sun 28th 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton.
Nancy & John Barry.
Offertory: €780. Ren. Fund: Weekly € 380. Monthly €275. Annual €800.
Bible Alive: Due to the change in trading arrangements between this country and England we are experiencing difficulty
in getting deliveries of Bible Alive. The November issue has not arrived and there are indications that there will be large
import duties on future deliveries.
Lectio Divina: Takes place online every Tuesday night for one hour at 8pm. We discuss and reflect on the readings of the
following Sunday. New members are welcome. To join send your email address to the Parochial House.
Feast of Christ the King: There will be a solemn celebration of Vespers ( Evening Prayer) in the Cathedral, Mullingar
this Sun Nov 21st the Feast of Christ the King, at 5pm. While current restrictions may impinge on the celebration, Priests
and Parishioners are welcome to attend. Parish Choirs and Musicians are most welcome. The Cathedral choir will be
joined by Ronan Mc Donagh’s Fuamlaoi and John O’ Keeffe’s seminarian choir from Maynooth and the University’s
Schola Gregoriana.
Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King in the parish we will have Adoration in Killulagh Church this Sun 21st
November from 12noon-1pm.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads this Sun 21st at
our Masses.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets , especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Annual Mass/ Service for the Dead: We will celebrate Mass for all who died during the past year. On Friday December,
3rd at 7.30pm. During Mass candles will be lighted for each one who died during the year. All are welcome, especially
families and relatives of those who have died. The usual precautions including the wearing of masks will be in operation.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: We had our A. G. M. last week and it was decided at the meeting that we would not return
to the Hall in November as previously planned. The reason is that the number of Covid 19 Virus Cases is very high.
We hope that 2022 will be a better Year for us and we will be able to return.
The God who comes is a loving Father; we are work of his hands. Our hope in Christ will strengthen us to await
steady and without blame the day of his coming. We are warned against complacency taking God’s gift for granted.
Our God is watching over us, he is the careful potter, the loving father, the good shepherd, the faithful one.
Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles,
Sunday after Sunday, until the Solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light gradually illuminating the long night prior to the rising
of the Sun of justice .
Year B Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 14th November, 2021.
Sat 13th 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 14th 11.00am Walter Casserly & grand daughter Niamh. Michael & Mary Brady. Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am James & Mary Gaffney. Wed 17th 9.30am Kathleen & Tom Monaghan. Martinstown. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm James, Margaret, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Michael & Teresa White & DFM. Sun 21st 11.00am Dan & Annie Mc Grath, & sister Betty. Sean Connolly & son Gerard.
Killulagh: Sun 14th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley. Sun 21st 9.30am Nugent Family, Bracklyn.
- I. P. Frank Clarke. Dublin. formerly Delvin. brother of Gerry & Evelyn Clarke. Delvin.
Offertory: €630. Nov. Offerings: €2,100.
Bible Alive: Due to the change in trading arrangements between this country and England we are experiencing difficulty
in getting deliveries of Bible Alive. The November issue has not arrived and there are indications that there will be large
import duties on future deliveries.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings.
Confirmation 2022: Bishop Deenihan announced details for Confirmation in 2022. Children from this parish will be
confirmed on Friday, February 11th .
Lectio Divina: Takes place online every Tuesday night for one hour at 8pm. We discuss and reflect on the readings of the
following Sunday. New members are welcome. To join send your email address to the Parochial House.
Mass for the Deceased Clergy: Bishop Deenihan will celebrate Mass for six priests from the Diocese who died during
the Pandemic. The Mass will take place in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Wednesday next,17th November at 7.30pm.
Feast of Christ the King: There will be a solemn celebration of Vespers ( Evening Prayer) in the Cathedral, Mullingar on
Sun Nov 21st the Feast of Christ the King, at 5pm. While current restrictions may impinge on the celebration, Priests and
Parishioners are welcome to attend. Parish Choirs and Musicians are most welcome. The Cathedral choir will be joined by
Ronan Mc Donagh’s Fuamlaoi and John O’ Keeffe’s seminarian choir from Maynooth and the University’s Schola
Adoration: To mark the Feast of Christ the King in the parish we will have Adoration in Killulagh Church next Sun 21st
November from 12noon-1pm.
Bishops’ Pilgrimage: To pastorally support everyone who has suffered the pain of bereavement during the pandemic and
in the context of the month of November as the traditional time when we remember our dead, on this Sunday 14th
November at 3pm, the Bishops of Ireland will undertake a pilgrimage to the International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine in
Knock. The bishops will concelebrate Mass for all those who have died in our country during the pandemic, and for their
families. At the Mass the bishops will also offer prayers of thanksgiving for all those who so selflessly sacrificed so much
during the pandemic. This Mass will be live-streamed on and broadcast on the RTE News Now
digital television channel and online. The Bishops invite everyone to join with them in prayer on this solemn occasion.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads next Sun 21st at
our Masses.
Trocaire Emergency Appeal: We thank you for your donations towards the Trocaire Emergency Appeal last weekend.
The amount collected was €1,475.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
Delvin Friendship Club: We had our A. G. M. last week and it was decided at the meeting that we would not return
to the Hall in November as previously planned. The reason is that the number of Covid 19 Virus Cases is very high.
We hope that 2022 will be a better Year for us and we will be able to return.
Modern & Vintage Furniture, Household Sale & Christmas Fare : Will take place at Muriel & Bill Casey Home.
The Derries, Drumcree on Sat 20th Nov from 11am -3pm. Cake Sale ,Tea and Coffee. We would appreciate if you would
do some baking for the Cake Sale. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Year B Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 7th November, 2021.
Sat 6th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 7th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. Mon 8th 9.30am Dominic Murray. Tue 9th 9.30am
Brendan Mullen & DFM. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 14th 11.00am Walter Casserly & grand daughter Niamh. Michael & Mary Brady.
Killulagh: Sun 7th 9.30am Sheila Aughey. Vincent & Mary Cully. Sun 14th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley.
Offertory: €575. 1st Nov. Offertory €90. Ren. Fund: Weekly €360. Monthly €155.
Bible Alive: Due to the change in trading arrangements between this country and England we are experiencing difficulty
in getting deliveries of Bible Alive. The November issue has not arrived and there are indications that there will be large
import duties on future deliveries.
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Indulgences for the Dead: Indulgences can also be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day
from Nov 1st – Nov 8th .
Confirmation 2022: Bishop Deenihan announced details for Confirmation in 2022. Children from this parish will be
confirmed on Friday, February 11th .
Lectio Divina: Takes place online every Tuesday night for one hour at 8pm. We discuss and reflect on the readings of the
following Sunday. New members are welcome. To join send your email address to the Parochial House.
Trocaire Emergency Appeal: Over 30 million people across East Africa are struggling to survive a devastating hunger
crisis. An emergency collection is being taken up this weekend to relieve their suffering. Boxes will be placed at the front
of the Church to receive donations. The boxes will be marked Trocaire Emergency Appeal. Envelopes marked Trocaire
Emergency Appeal can also be handed in at the Parochial House.
Mullingar Deanery: Annual Pioneer Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph’s Church, Rathwire on Friday 12th November
at 7.30pm.
St. Scire C. E: Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931.
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’.
Jesus himself warns us that the path he proposes goes against the flow, even making us challenge society by the way
we live and, as a result, becoming a nuisance. He reminds us how many people have been, and still are, persecuted
simply because they struggle for justice, because they take seriously their commitment to God and to others. Unless
we wish to sink into an obscure mediocrity, let us not long for an easy life, for ‘whoever would save his life will lose
it’ ( Mt 16:25).
In living the Gospel, we cannot expect that everything will be easy, for the thirst for power and worldly interests
often stands in our way. Saint John Paul 11 noted that ‘a society is alienated if its forms of social organisations,
production and consumption make it more difficult to offer this gift of self and to establish this solidarity between
people’. In such a society politics, mass communications and economic, cultural and even religious institutions
become so entangled as to become an obstacle to authentic human and social development. As a result, the Beatitudes
are not easy to live out; any attempt to do so will be viewed negatively, regarded with suspicion, and met with
Here we are speaking about inevitable persecution, not the kind of persecution we might bring upon ourselves by
our mistreatment of others. The saints are not odd and aloof, because of their vanity, negativity and bitterness. The
Apostles of Christ were not like that. The Book of Acts states repeatedly that they enjoyed favour ‘with all the
people’(:47; cf 4:21-33; 5:13), even as some authorities harassed and persecuted them (cf4:1-3,5:17-18).
Persecutions are not a reality of the past, for today too we experience them, whether by the shedding of blood, as is
the case with so many contemporary martyrs, or by more subtle means, by slander and lies. Jesus calls us blessed
when people ‘utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account’ ( Mt 5;11). At other times, persecution can
take the form of gibes that try to caricature our faith and make us seem ridiculous.
Accepting daily the path of the Gospel, even though it may cause us problems; that is holiness. Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad.(90-94).
Year B Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time. 31st October, 2021.
Sat 30th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Andrew Geoghegan & DFM Perrick Family. Sun 31st11.00am
Annabel Loughlin. Mon 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Mass. Tue 2nd ( Feast of All Souls) 9.30am Mass for the New List of the Dead. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am William & Michael Gilroy. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm James & Patricia Dolan. Sat 6th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 7th 11.00am Dermot Kenny.
Killulagh: Sun 31st 9.30am Elizabeth, Larry, Tommy & Matt Poynton. Mon 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 9.30am Mass.
Sun 7th 9.30am Sheila Aughey.
Offertory: €1,090. Ren. Fund: Weekly €310. Monthly €120.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Sat night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Alive: Due to the change in trading arrangements between this country and England we are experiencing difficulty
in getting deliveries of Bible Alive. The November issue has not arrived and there are indications that there will be large
import duties on future deliveries.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Offertory Collection last weekend for the Missions.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the
Dead will be celebrated on Tue 2nd Nov at 9.30am.
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church ad praying for the Pope’s Intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . ( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy communion).
Indulgences can also be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st – Nov 8th .
Trocaire Emergency Appeal: Over 30 million people across East Africa are struggling to survive a devastating hunger
crisis. An emergency collection is being taken up next weekend to relieve their suffering. Boxes will be placed at the front
of the Church to receive donations. The boxes will be marked Trocaire Emergency Appeal. Envelopes marked Trocaire
Emergency Appeal can also be handed in at the Parochial House.
Ceili Catholic Mission Community, Kilbeggan: Are having 40 Hours of Adoration from 1st Nov -5th Nov. It will be
from 2pm -10pm each day, with Mass at 8pm followed by healing prayers and ending with Benediction at 10pm.
theme of the week will be Family Healing. Further information call 057-9333100. Poster on Notice Board.
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’
This Beatitude makes us think of the many endless situations of war in our world. Yet we ourselves are often a
cause of conflict or at least of misunderstanding. For example, I may hear something about someone and I go off
and repeat it. I may even embellish it the second time around and keep speaking it… And the more harm it does,
the more satisfaction I seem to derive from it. The world of gossip, inhabited by negative and destructive people,
does not bring peace. Such people are really the enemies of peace; in no way are they ‘blessed’. Peacemakers
truly ‘make’ peace; they build peace and friendship in society. To those who sow peace Jesus makes this
magnificent promise; “They will be called children of God” ( Mt 5:9). He told his disciples that, wherever they
went, they were to say; ‘Peace to this house’ ( Lk 10:5). The word of God exhorts every believer to work for
peace, ‘ along with all who call upon the Lord with a pure heart’ ( cf, 2 Tim 2:22) for ‘the harvest of
righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace’ ( Jas 3:18). And if there are times in our community
when we question what ought to be done. ‘ Let us pursue what makes for peace’ ( Rom 14:19). for unity is
preferable to conflict. It is not easy to ‘make’ this evangelical peace, which excludes no one but embraces even
those who are a bit odd, troublesome or difficult, demanding, different, beaten down by life or simply
uninterested. It is hard work; it calls for great openness of mind and heart, since it is not about creating ‘a
consensus on paper or a transient peace for a contented minority’, or a project ‘by a few for the few’. Nor can it
attempt to ignore or disregard conflict; instead, it must ‘face conflict head on, resolve it and make it a link in
the chain of a new process’. We need to be artisans of peace for building peace is a craft that demands serenity,
creativity, sensitivity and skill. Sowing peace all around us; that is holiness.
Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad.(87-89).
Year B Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mission Sunday 24th October, 2021.
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Jim, Joan, Bernie, Walter & Nora Carroll. Maggie & Dermot Kenny. Sun 24th 11.00am Tommy, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Michael, Mary & Sheila Mullally & son Michael. Mon 25th 9.30am Seamus Gaffney & DFM Gaffney Family, Bracklyn. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am
Dan & Sheila Brennan. Sat 30th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Andrew Geoghegan & DFM Perrick Family. Sun 31st 11.00am Annabel Loughlin.
Killulagh: Sun 24th 9.30am Joe Callan. Sun 31st 9.30am Elizabeth, Larry, Tommy & Matt Poynton.
- I. P. John Monaghan. Mayo. formerly Johnstown, Killulagh. Tony Larkin. Dublin.
Offertory: €635. Ren. Fund: Weekly €235. Monthly €185. Annual: €560.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Universal Synod: Last Sunday, Pope Francis called the Church across the world to embark on a synodal process.
“Synodal” comes from a Greek word meaning “walking together” . over the next two years , all Catholics across the world
are invited to walk together in a process of “encounter, listening, and discernment” Today, Bishop Deenihan invites all of
us in the Diocese of Meath to embark on this journey together and to participate actively in this process so that we can
discern together what it is that God is asking of the Church at this time. See to learn more
about the synodal pathway for the Church of Ireland. See to learn more about the worldwide synod.
Mission Sunday: Like the Apostles and the first Christians, we too can say with complete conviction: “We cannot but
speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). Everything we have received from the Lord is meant to be put to
good use and freely shared with others. Just as the Apostles saw, heard and touched the saving power of Jesus (cf, 1 Jn
1:1- 4), we too can daily touch the sorrowful and glorious flesh of Christ. There we can find the courage to share with
everyone we meet a destiny of hope, the sure knowledge that the Lord is ever at our side. As Christians, we cannot keep
the Lord to ourselves; the Church’s evangelizing mission finds outward fulfilment in the transformation of our world and
in the care of creation. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For World Mission Day, 2021.
The Offertory Collection this weekend will be for the support of the Church’s missionary work.
Ceili Catholic Mission Community, Kilbeggan: Are having 40 Hours of Adoration from 1st Nov -5th Nov. It will be
from 2pm -10pm each day, with Mass at 8pm followed by healing prayers and ending with Benediction at 10pm. The
theme of the week will be Family Healing. Further information call 057-9333100.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931,
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God’
This Beatitude speaks of those whose hearts are simple, pure and undefiled, for a heart capable of love admits
nothing that might harm, weaken or endanger that love. The Bible uses the heart to describe our real intentions,
the things we truly seek and desire, apart from all appearances. ‘ Man sees the appearance, but the Lord looks
into the heart’ ( 1 Sam 16:7). God wants to speak to our hearts (cf, Hos 2:16); there he desires to write his Law
(cf Jet 31:33). In a word, he wants to give us a new heart (cf Ezek 36:26). Certainly there can be no love without
works of love, but this Beatitude reminds us that the Lord expects a commitment to our brothers and sisters that
comes from the heart. For ‘if I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have no love, I
gain nothing’ ( 1 Cor 13:5). In Matthew’s Gospel too, we see that what proceeds from the heart is what defiles a
person (cf 15:18), for from the heart come murder, theft, false witness, and other evil deeds (cf 15:19). From the
heart’s intentions come the desires and the deepest decisions that determine our actions. A heart that loves God
and neighbour (cf Mt 22:36-40), genuinely and not merely in words, is a pure heart; it can see God. In his hymn
to charity, Saint Paul says that ‘now we sees in a mirror, dimly’ ( 1 Cor 13:12), but to the extent that truth and
love prevail, we will then be able to see ‘face to face’. Jesus promises that those who are pure in heart ‘will see
Keeping a heart free of all that tarnishes love; that is holiness. Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad.(83-86).
Year B Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th October, 2021.
Sat 16th 6.30pm Mossie Gilmore. James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Sun 17th 11.00am George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith. Christopher Kelly. Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am May & Thomas Downes, son Paddy & DFM. Fri 22nd 9.30am Patrick & Mgt Farrelly, sons & daughters. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Jim, Joan, Bernie, Walter & Nora Carroll. Maggie & Dermot Kenny. Sun 24th 11.00am Tommy, Cora & Caroline Timmons. Michael & Mary Mullally & son Michael.
Killulagh: Sun 17th 9.30am Patrick & Mary Fox & DFM. Sun 24th 9.30am Joe Callan.
Offertory: €670. Ren. Fund: Weekly €160. Monthly €295. Annual: €950.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all
who helped them prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Universal Synod: Last Sunday, Pope Francis called the Church across the world to embark on a synodal process.
“Synodal” comes from a Greek word meaning “walking together” . over the next two years , all Catholics across the world
are invited to walk together in a process of “encounter, listening, and discernment” Today, Bishop Deenihan invites all of
us in the Diocese of Meath to embark on this journey together and to participate actively in this process so that we can
discern together what it is that God is asking of the Church at this time. See to learn more
about the synodal pathway for the Church of Ireland. See to learn more about the worldwide synod.
Mission Sunday: Next Sunday is Mission Sunday, and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide. The
Offertory Collection next weekend will be for the support of the Church’s missionary work.
Ceili Catholic Mission Community, Kilbeggan: Are having a weekend on Healing The Legacy Of Abuse from Sat
23rd Oct starting at 9am to Mon 25th Oct, finishing at 3pm. Further information call 087-6333437.
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in
upskilling or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931,
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy’
Mercy has two aspects. It involves giving, helping and serving others, but it also includes forgiveness and
understanding. Matthew sums it up in one golden rule. ‘In everything, do to others as you would have them do to
you’ ( 7:12). The Catechism reminds us that this law is to be applied ‘in every case’, especially when we are
‘confronted by situations that make moral judgments less assured and decision difficult’. Giving and forgiving
means reproducing in our lives some small measure of God’s perfection, which gives and forgives superabundantly.
For this reason, in the Gospel of Luke we do not hear the words. ’Be perfect’ (Mt 5:48) but rather, ‘Be merciful,
even as your Father is merciful, Judge not, as you will not be judged; condemn not, as you will not be condemned;
forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you’ (6:36-38). Luke then adds something not to be
overlooked; ‘The measure you give will be the measure you get back’ (6:38). The yardstick we use for understanding
and forgiving others will measure the forgiveness we receive. The yardstick we use for giving will measure what we
receive. We should never forget this. Jesus does not say, ‘Blessed are those who plot revenge’. He calls ‘blessed’ those
who forgive and do so ‘seventy times seven’( Mt 18:22). We need to think of ourselves as an army of the forgiven. All
of us have been looked upon with divine compassion. If we approach the Lord with sincerity and listen carefully,
there may well be times when we hear his reproach; ‘Should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I
had mercy on you.’( Mt 18:33).
Seeing and acting with mercy; that is holiness.
Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad. (80-82).
Year B Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 10th October, 2021.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 10th 11.00am Jimmy Branagan MM. Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th No Mass. Wed 13th No Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Mossie Gilmore. James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Sun 17th 11.00am
George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith. Christopher Kelly.
Killulagh: Sun 10th 9.30am Mark, Roseanne & Peter Kelleghan. William & Margaret Murtagh. Sun 17th 9.30am Patrick & Mary Fox & DFM.
- I. P. Anne Dunne. Clonlost, Killucan. sister of Peter Dunne. Ellenstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €700. Ren. Fund: Weekly €505. Monthly €255. Annual: €1,000.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for this Friday, October
15th at 6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Pioneers of Meath Diocese: Afternoon of Prayer and Reflection in Ciaran’s Parish Church, Carnaross, Co. Meath on
Sunday 10th October from 3pm -5pm.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
New Blessed: Carlo Acutis, a Catholic Italian teenager (age 15) who died in 2006 was beatified last year. Acutis, a gamer
and computer programmer who loved soccer and the Eucharist, has been the subject of interest around the world. Pope
Francis referred to Carlo as a model of holiness in a digital age. Carlo’s life should teach today’s young people how to
properly use and enjoy technology, including the internet and social media. His Feast Day will be October 12th .
LWETB: Are offering free computer classes for farmers. Further details contact 087-1255541, or
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931, or Eileen
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled’
Hunger and thirst are intense experiences, since they involve basic needs and our instinct for survival. There are
those who desire justice and yearn for righteousness with similar intensity. Jesus says that they will be satisfied, for
sooner or later justice will come. We can cooperate to make that possible, even if we may not always see the fruit of
our efforts. Jesus offers a justice other than that of the world, so often marred by petty interests and manipulated in
various ways. Experience shows how easy it is to become mired in corruption, ensnared in the daily politics of quid
pro quo, where everything becomes business. How many people suffer injustice, standing by powerlessly while
others divvy up the good things of this life. Some give up fighting for real justice and opt to follow in the train of the
winners. This has nothing to do with the hunger and thirst for justice that Jesus praises.
True justice comes about in people’s lives when they themselves are just in their decisions; it is expressed in their
pursuit of justice for the poor and the weak. While it is true that the word ‘justice’ can be a synonym for faithfulness
to God’s will in every aspect of our life, if we give the word too general a meaning, we forget that it is shown
especially in justice towards those who are most vulnerable. ‘Seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless,
plead for the widow’ (Is 1:17)
Hungering and thirsting for righteousness; that is holiness.
Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad. (77-79).
Year B Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 3rd October, 2021.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Lawrence & Therese Leavy. Anita, Marie & Brenda. Sun 3rd 11.00am Nora & Denis Mc Garry.
Mon 4th 9.30am Michael Cooney. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 10th 11.00am Jimmy Branagan MM. Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly.
Killulagh: Sun 3rd Oct 9.30am Finbarr O’ Farrell MM Sun 10th 9.30am Mark, Roseanne & Peter Kelleghan.
Offertory: €640. Ren. Fund: Weekly €730. Monthly €140. Annual: €950.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Day for Life: This Sunday October 3rd we celebrate “Day for Life”.
“Jesus gave us the image of the good Samaritan as the model for our compassion and our solidarity with those who find
themselves vulnerable and who fear being abandoned in their final illness. The Good Samaritan is one who “crosses over”,
who “binds up wounds” and who, most important of all “stays with” the person for as long as is required. There is much that
we can do to foster a culture of life. We can begin by overcoming our fear of talking honestly about death and dying. Dying
is as natural and universal as living and breathing yet our society can make it difficult for people to talk about it. As
Christians, of course, our faith in the Resurrection of Jesus will stand to us. For some, if not for all, the support of prayer, and
the opportunity to share faith can be of great help”.
( Message of the Irish Catholic Bishops).
Renovation Fund: The New Year will begin this Sunday 3rd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current
year are asked to do so. New Boxes are being delivered. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please
contact the Parochial House. We thank the Collectors for delivering the Boxes and Offering Envelopes during the year.
Pioneers of Meath Diocese: Afternoon of Prayer and Reflection in Ciaran’s Parish Church, Carnaross, Co. Meath on
Sunday 10th October from 3pm -5pm.
Athboy Community School: As it is not possible to hold an Open Night in Athboy Community School this year, a virtual
Tour and Presentation for Sixth Class pupils and parents will be available on the school website on 6th
October. Online Application Forms can be submitted from 6th October to 29th October.
LWETB: Are offering free computer classes for farmers. Further details contact 087-1255541, or
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931, or Eileen
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted’
The world tells exactly the opposite; entertainment, pleasure, diversion and escape make for the good life. The
worldly person ignores problems of sickness or sorrow in the family or all around him; he averts his gaze. The world
has no desire to mourn; it would rather disregard painful situations, cover them up or hide them. Much energy is
expended on fleeing from situations of suffering in the belief that reality can be concealed. But the cross can never be
absent. A person who sees things as they truly are and sympathises with pain and sorrow is capable of touching life’s
depths and finding authentic happiness. He or she is consoled, not by the world but by Jesus. Such persons are
unafraid to share in the suffering of others; they do not flee from painful situations. They discover the meaning of
life by coming to the aid of those who suffer, understanding their anguish and bringing relief. They sense that the
other is flesh of our flesh, and are not afraid to draw near; even to touch their wounds. They feel compassion for
others in such a way that all distance vanishes. In this way they can embrace St. Paul’s exhortation; ‘Weep with
those who weep’ ( Rom 12:15).
Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad. (75-76).
Year B Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th September, 2021.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Margaret Hickey MM. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 26th 11.00am Paddy & Bridie Brennan.
Alan Geoghegan. Ellen, Joseph & Fr. Camillus Kane. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Stan Smyth.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Lawrence & Therese Leavy. Anita, Marie & Brenda. Sun 3rd 11.00am Nora & Denis Mc Garry.
Killulagh: Sun 26th 9.30am Martin Smith MM. Ann Kiernan. Sun 3rd Oct 9.30am Finbarr O’ Farrell MM
- I. P. Ignatius O’ Neill. Mullingar. father of Caroline Bray. Mullacroy, Delvin.
Offertory: €555. Ren. Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly €110. Annual: €200.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Communion Calls: Will be done on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Day for Life: Next Sunday October 3rd we celebrate “Day for Life”. While all of this was going on ( the Pandemic) the
Oireachtas was being asked to discuss legislation to provide for assisted suicide. That particular piece of legislation, thank
God, has been rejected by the Oireachtas Committee for Justice on the grounds that it was deeply flawed. The surprising and
disappointing thing is that the Oireachtas Committee did not reject the principle of Assisted Suicide and has proposed that
Assisted Suicide be discussed further by a special committee, which would report within a specified timeframe. Compassion
is often presented as a justification for assisted suicide, but having compassion means “suffering with” someone. Assisted
suicide reflects a failure of compassion on the part of society. It is a failure to respond to the challenge of caring for people
who are terminally ill, or who have disabilities or dementia, as they approach the end of their lives.
( Message of the Irish Catholic Bishops).
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on Sunday September 26th . The New Year will
begin on Sunday 3rd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes are
being delivered. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: CAO Places available in Theological Studies will soon close. Contact 01-7083964.
LWETB: Are offering free computer classes for farmers. Further details contact 087-1255541, or
St. Scire C. E : Have vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen at 044-9664931, or Eileen
The Beatitudes
‘Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth’
These are strong words in a world that from the beginning has been a place of conflict, disputes and enmity on all
sides, where we constantly pigeonhole others on the basis of their ideas, their customs and even their way of speaking
or dressing. Ultimately, it is the reign of pride and vanity, where each person thinks he or she has the right to
dominate others. Nonetheless, impossible as it may seem, Jesus proposes a different way of doing things the way of
meekness. This is what we see him doing with his disciples. It is what we contemplate on his entrance to
Jerusalem. ’Behold your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey’. (Mt 21:5 ,Zech9:9). Christ says;
‘Learn from me; for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls’ ( Mt 11:29). If we are
constantly upset and impatient with others, we will end up drained and weary. But if we regard the faults and
limitations of others with tenderness and meekness, without an air of superiority, we can actually help them and stop
wasting our energy on useless complaining. St. Therese of Lisieux tells us that ‘perfect charity consists in putting up
with others’ mistakes, and not being scandalised by their faults’. Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad. (71-72).
Year B Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th September, 2021.
Sat 18th 6.30pm William & Nicholas Bray. Peggy Joyce. Sun 19th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Margaret Hickey MM. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 26th 11.00am Paddy & Bridie Brennan.
Alan Geoghegan. Ellen, Joseph & Fr. Camillus Kane.
Killulagh: Sun 19th 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton Michael Forde. late of Glaxtown. Sun 26th 9.30am Martin Smith MM. Ann Kiernan.
- I. P. Dolores Connole. Castleview, Delvin.
Offertory: €670. Ren. Fund: Weekly €175. Monthly €70.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
First Communion: Congratulations to the children from the three schools who received their First Holy Communion
yesterday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Covid Regulations: Following the recent announcement the numbers that can attend Mass and other ceremonies are
increased. We welcome the change in regulations and look forward to a greater attendance at weekend Masses.
. 50% of the capacity of the Church will be allowed. All seats will be in use and half the capacity of each seat will be
allowed. Please follow directions on notices and the advice of stewards.
. The new arrangement will also apply for funerals. The limit of 100 will still apply for weddings.
. Hand sanitising and wearing of masks will still be necessary.
. We will continue to use the Loudspeaker at 11 o, clock Mass in Delvin. If it is no longer necessary we will announce the
change in advance. Mass in Killulagh will continue in the carpark for a while longer.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on Sunday September 26th . The New Year will
begin on Sunday 3rd October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes are
being delivered. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: CAO Places available in Theological Studies will soon close. Contact 01-7083964.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for the Hospice will take place on Friday 23rd
September in St. Patrick’s Hall from 9.30am -1pm. Our Cake Sale will take place outside Carmel Gaffney’s . As always we
appreciate your support on the day.
St. Luke’s Hospital Cancer Fund: A 24k Walk is being organised for St. Luke’s on Saturday 25th September. If you
would like to take part please contact 087-2720692, or 0873182914 for further details.
The Beatitudes
The Gospel invites us to peer into the depths of our heart, to see where we find our security in life. Usually the rich
feel secure in their wealth, and think that, if that wealth is threatened, the whole meaning of their earthly life can
collapse. Jesus himself tells us this in the parable of the rich fool; he speaks of a man who was sure of himself, yet
foolish, for it did not dawn on him that he might die that very day. (cf; Lk 12:16-21). Wealth ensures nothing.
Indeed, once we think we are rich, we can become so self-satisfied that we leave no room for God’s word, for the
love of our brothers and sisters, or for the enjoyment of the most important things in life. In this way, we miss out
on the greatest treasure of all. That is why Jesus calls blessed those who are poor in spirit, those who have a poor
heart, for there the Lord can enter with his perennial newness. This spiritual poverty is closely linked to what St.
Ignatius of Loyola calls ‘holy indifference’, which brings us to a radiant interior freedom. ‘We need to train
ourselves to be indifferent in our attitude to all created things, in all that is permitted to our free will and not
forbidden; so that on our part, we do not set our hearts on good health rather than bad, riches rather than poverty,
honour rather than dishonour, a long life rather than a short one, and so in all the rest.’
Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad. (67-69).
Year B Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th September, 2021.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Shane Dugdale. Sun 12th 11.00am Carmel Cannon. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm William & Nicholas Bray. Peggy Joyce. Sun 19th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM
Killulagh: Sun 12th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM. Sun 19th 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton Michael Forde. late of Glaxtown.
- I. P. Jimmy Branagan. Coxtown, Delvin. Finbarr O’ Farrell. Rickardstown, Collinstown. Ellen Kane. Trim. formerly
Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory: €480. Ren. Fund: Weekly €255. Monthly €270.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
First Communion: Will take place on September 18th . The session at 10am will be for the children of St. Ernans and St.
Patrick’s, Crowenstown. The session at 12noon will be for the children of St. Tolas.
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Dromantine Retreat & Conference Centre: The following retreat and workshops will be offered by Fr. Hugh Lagan SMA
in October and November. The first retreat will take place from Sun 3rd Oct to Fri 8th October. Cost €490. The theme is
“Called By A New Name”. Further information contact 028 30821964 Email:admin@dromantineconference,com.
Covid Regulations: Following the recent announcement the numbers that can attend Mass and other ceremonies are
increased. We welcome the change in regulations and look forward to a greater attendance at weekend Masses.
. 50% of the capacity of the Church will be allowed. All seats will be in use and half the capacity of each seat will be
allowed. Please follow directions on notices and the advice of stewards.
. The new arrangement will also apply for funerals. The limit of 100 will still apply for weddings.
. Hand sanitising and wearing of masks will still be necessary.
. We will continue to use the Loudspeaker at 11 o, clock Mass in Delvin. If it is no longer necessary we will announce the
change in advance. Mass in Killulagh will continue in the carpark for a while longer.
Culture Night: Culture Night takes place on Friday Sept 17th .We plan to organise guided tours of the Church for that night.
We intend to have two sessions-at 4pm, and 7.30pm. There will be a slide show highlighting spiritual/architectural
aspects of the Church. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to walk around and view aspects that have been highlighted.
Numbers will be limited and booking in advance will be necessary. People can book by email to Please
write culture in the subject line and indicate which session you would like to attend. A selection of Parish Records will be on
display. People may request information from the records, but it will not be possible to view them due to covid restrictions.
Anam Cara Bereavement Support: Are holding an online Bereavement Information Evening on 16th Sept at 7pm.
The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes are like a Christian’s identity card. So if anyone asks; “What must one do to be a good Christian?” ,
the answer is clear. We have to do each in our own way, what Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount. In the
Beatitudes, we find a portrait of the Master, which we are called to reflect in our daily lives. The word ‘happy’or
‘blessed’ thus becomes a synonym for ‘holy’. It expresses the fact that those faithful to God and his word, by their
self-giving, gain true happiness. Although Jesus’ words make strike us a poetic; they clearly run counter to the way
things are usually done in our world. Even if we find Jesus’ message attractive, the world pushes us towards another
way of living. The Beatitudes are in no way trite or undemanding , quite the opposite. We can only practice them if
the Holy Spirit fills us with his power and frees us from our weakness , our selfishness, our complacency and our
pride. Let us listen once more to Jesus , with all the love and respect that the Master deserves. Let us allow his words
to unsettle us, to challenge us and to demand a real change in the way we live. Otherwise, holiness will remain no
more than an empty word. We turn now to the individual Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew.(cf. Mt 5:3-12).
Pope Francis. Rejoice and be Glad. (63-66).
Year B Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th September, 2021.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Michael, Bridget & Thomas Coyne. Sun 5th 11.00am Patricia Josephine Byrne. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm
Shane Dugdale. Sun 12th 11.00am Carmel Cannon.
Killulagh: Sun 5th 9.30am Tom, Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony & DFM Sun 12th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM.
- I. P. Rose Shaw. Clonmellon. sister of Christine Flynn. Castleview, Delvin.
Offertory: €615. Ren. Fund: Weekly €215. Monthly €50.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
First Communion: Will take place on September 18th . The session at 10am will be for the children of St. Ernans and St.
Patrick’s, Crowenstown. The session at 12noon will be for the children of St. Tolas.
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Our Ladys’ Birthday: ( Sept 8th ). A group in Mullingar are organising the recitation of the Rosary at 6pm on the birthday
before an image or at a shrine of Our Lady. If anyone would like to do the same locally please give details to the Parochial
Priory Institute: Are providing online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght, or from your
own home. Register now for Autumn, 2021. www.prioryinstitute. com
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a part-time Course in Theological Studies. If you are interested. Find out
more at
Dromantine Retreat & Conference Centre: The following retreat and workshops will be offered by Fr. Hugh Lagan SMA
in October and November. The first retreat will take place from Sun 3rd Oct to Fri 8th October. Cost €490. The theme is
“Called By A New Name”. Further information contact 028 30821964 Email:admin@dromantineconference,com.
Covid Regulations: Following the recent announcement the numbers that can attend Mass and other ceremonies are
increased. We welcome the change in regulations and look forward to a greater attendance at weekend Masses.
. 50% of the capacity of the Church will be allowed. All seats will be in use and half the capacity of each seat will be
allowed. Please follow directions on notices and the advice of stewards.
. The new arrangement will also apply for funerals. The limit of 100 will still apply for weddings.
. Hand sanitising and wearing of masks will still be necessary.
. We will continue to use the Loudspeaker at 11 o, clock Mass in Delvin. If it is no longer necessary we will announce the
change in advance. Mass in Killulagh will continue in the carpark for a while longer.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Culture Night: Culture Night takes place on Friday Sept 17th .We plan to organise guided tours of the Church for that night.
We intend to have three sessions-at 4pm, 7pm and 8.30pm. There will be a slide show highlighting spiritual/architectural
aspects of the Church. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to walk around and view aspects that have been highlighted.
Numbers will be limited and booking in advance will be necessary. People can book by email to Please
write culture in the subject line and indicate which session you would like to attend. A selection of Parish Records will be on
display. People may request information from the records, but it will not be possible to view them due to covid restrictions.
Roof Repairs: Repairs to the roof of the Church have been completed. Our thanks to the contractors, the architect and
everybody involved with the work.
Anam Cara Bereavement Support: Are holding an online Bereavement Information Evening on 16th Sept at 7pm. To
register contact or 085-2888888.
Year B Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th August, 2021.
Sat 28th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 29th 11.00am Michael & Bridget Garry. Mon 30th 9.30am Harry & Noreen Barry. Tue 31st 9.30am Mass. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 3rd ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 4th 6.30pm Michael, Bridget & Thomas Coyne. Sun 5th 11.00am Patricia Josephine Byrne.
Killulagh: Sun 29th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala, Margaret & Matt Poynton Parents Matthew and Margaret & DFM. Sun 5th 9.30am Tom, Ann Marie Nugent & son Tony & DFM
- I. P. Margaret Hickey. Lisclougher, Delvin. Martin Smith. Graftonstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €510. Patron Day Offerings: €895. Ren. Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly €260.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: ( 1st September). The World Day of Prayer offers to individual
believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of
creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that he has entrusted to our care, involving his help for the
protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live. The celebration of the Day on
the same date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our
orthodox brothers. We live in a time where all Christians are faced with identical and important challenges and we must give
common replies to these in order to appear more credible and effective. ( Pope Francis).
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Priory Institute: Are providing online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght, or from your
own home. Register now for Autumn, 2021. www.prioryinstitute. com
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a part-time Course in Theological Studies. If you are interested. Find out
more at
Dromantine Retreat & Conference Centre: The following retreat and workshops will be offered by Fr. Hugh Lagan SMA
in October and November. The first retreat will take place from Sun 3rd Oct to Fri 8th October. Cost €490. The theme is
“Called By A New Name”. Further information contact 028 30821964 Email:admin@dromantineconference,com.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3,4,5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Culture Night: Culture Night takes place on Friday Sept 17th .We plan to organise guided tours of the Church for that night.
We intend to have three sessions-at 4pm, 7pm and 8.30pm. There will be a slide show highlighting spiritual/architectural
aspects of the Church. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to walk around and view aspects that have been highlighted.
Numbers will be limited and booking in advance will be necessary. People can book by email to Please
write culture in the subject line and indicate which session you would like to attend. A selection of Parish Records will be on
display. People may request information from the records, but it will not be possible to view them due to covid restrictions.
Schools Re-Opening: The three schools in the parish will reopen during next week. We wish the teachers and pupils every
blessing in the year ahead. We pray for protection against Covid 19 and that it will soon be possible to end current
Year B Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd August, 2021.
Sat 21st 6.30pm Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Jim Joe Murtagh & John Leonard. Sun 22nd 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 29th 11.00am Michael & Bridget Garry.
Killulagh: Sun 22nd 9.30am Bertie, Rosemary, Colette & Antionette Kelleghan Christy Doyle. Sun 29th 9.30am
Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala, Margaret & Matt Poynton Parents Matthew and Margaret & DFM.
Offertory: €510. Patron Day Offerings: €1,530.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings last weekend.
Pope Francis and the Family: Raising children calls for an orderly process of handing on the faith. This is made difficult
by current lifestyles, work schedules and the complexity of today’s world, where many people keep up a frenetic pace just to
survive. Even so, the home must continue to be the place where we learn to appreciate the meaning and beauty of the faith, to
pray and to serve our neighbour. This begins with Baptism, in which , as Saint Augustine said, mothers who bring their
children cooperate in the sacred birthing. Thus begins the journey of growth in that new life. Faith is God’s gift, received in
Baptism, and not our own work, yet parents are the means that God uses for it to grow and develop. Hence ‘it is beautiful
when mothers teach their little children to blow a kiss to Jesus or to Our Lady. How much love there is in that! At that
moment the child’s heart becomes a place of prayer.’ ( The Joy of Love 287.)
Confirmation: The celebration of confirmation for the children of the parish has been re-arranged for Friday, October 15th at
6pm in the Cathedral in Mullingar. Attendance will be limited to the children, their parents and sponsor. Other family
members can view the celebration on the Cathedral webcam which can be accessed through the Cathedral website.
Priory Institute: Are providing online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght, or from your
own home. Register now for Autumn, 2021. www.prioryinstitute. com
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a part-time Course in Theological Studies. If you are interested. Find out
more at
St. Tola’s N. S. : Require Part- Time Cleaner. 10hrs a week, if interested please email CV to office@st.tola’ by
Monday 23rd August.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3,4,5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Culture Night: Culture Night takes place on Friday Sept 17th .We plan to organise guided tours of the Church for that night.
We intend to have three sessions-at 4pm, 7pm and 8.30pm. There will be a slide show highlighting spiritual/architectural
aspects of the Church. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to walk around and view aspects that have been highlighted.
Numbers will be limited and booking in advance will be necessary. People can book by email to Please
write culture in the subject line and indicate which session you would like to attend. A selection of Parish Records will be on
display. People may request information from the records, but it will not be possible to view them due to covid restrictions.
Sunday Reading
The first announcement of the Eucharist divided the disciples, just as the announcement of the Passion scandalised
them. “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it”. The Eucharist and the Cross are stumbling blocks. It is the same
mystery and it never ceases to be an occasion of division. “Will you also go away”. The Lord’s question echoes
through the ages, as a loving invitation to discover that only he has “the words of eternal life” and that to receive in
faith the gift of his Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself. Catechism of the Catholic Church. (1336).
Year B The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 15th August, 2021.
Sat 14th 6.30pm Mass for the Dead buried in Delvin Cemetery. Sun 15th 11.00am Bridget Sheerin. Mon 16th 9.30am
Babs Moran & DFM. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Jim Joe Murtagh & John Leonard. Sun 22nd 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Killulagh: Sun 15th 9.30am Michael Ivory. Frances Comaskey. Sun 22nd 9.30am Bertie, Rosemary, Colette & Antionette Kelleghan.
Offertory: €500. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €255. Monthly €100.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and this Sunday is the Patron Day of
the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Assumption
and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for ourselves
and our Parish.
Cemetery Days: Many thanks to all who helped in preparation and cleaning their graves for Cemetery Days. Special thanks
to the participants from Rural Social Scheme and Fas who do maintenance work in the cemetery.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Pope Francis and the Family: Raising children calls for an orderly process of handing on the faith. This is made difficult
by current lifestyles, work schedules and the complexity of today’s world, where many people keep up a frenetic pace just to
survive. Even so, the home must continue to be the place where we learn to appreciate the meaning and beauty of the faith, to
pray and to serve our neighbour. This begins with Baptism, in which , as Saint Augustine said, mothers who bring their
children cooperate in the sacred birthing. Thus begins the journey of growth in that new life. Faith is God’s gift, received in
Baptism, and not our own work, yet parents are the means that God uses for it to grow and develop. Hence ‘it is beautiful
when mothers teach their little children to blow a kiss to Jesus or to Our Lady. How much love there is in that! At that
moment the child’s heart becomes a place of prayer.’ ( The Joy of Love 287.)
Priory Institute: Are offering week-long Online Summer School, 2021 in Theology of the Arts. Does the Church need Art?
From 22nd -27th Aug. Costs €50. Find out more and register on
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a part-time Course in Theological Studies. If you are interested. Find out
more at
St. Tola’s N. S. : Require Part- Time Cleaner. 10hrs a week, if interested please email CV to office@st.tola’ by
Monday 23rd August.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3,4,5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
“ All generations will call be blessed.” “The Church’s devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worhip”.
The Church rightly honors ‘the Blessed Virgin with special devotion. From the most ancient times the Blessed Virgin
has been honoured with the title of ‘Mother of God’, to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and
needs….This very special devotion….differs essentially from the adoration which is given to the incarnate Word
and equally to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and greatly fosters this adoration. The liturgical feasts dedicated to the
Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, an “epitome of the whole Gospel”, express this devotion to the
Virgin Mary. Catechism of the Catholic Church. (971).
Year B Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th August, 2021.
Sat 7th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly. Sun 8th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Peggy O’ Neill (nee Varley) Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Mass for the Dead buried in Delvin Cemetery. Sun 15th 11.00am Bridget Sheerin.
Killulagh: Sun 8th 9.30am Oliver & Martin Kiernan. Colm Newman. Sun 15th 9.30am Michael Ivory.
Frances Comaskey.
- I. P. Mary Charters. (nee Cullen) Maynooth. sister of Christine Flynn. Castleview, Delvin.
Offertory: €545. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €280. Monthly €80. Annual: €1,000.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and next Sunday is the Patron Day of
the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Assumption
and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for ourselves
and our Parish.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Pope Francis and the Family: The educational process that occurs between parents and children can be helped or hindered
by the increasing sophistication of the communications and entertainment media. When well used, these media can be
helpful for connecting family members who live apart from one another. Frequent contacts help to overcome difficulties.
Still, it is clear that these media cannot replace the need for more personal and direct dialogue, which requires physical
presence or at least hearing the voice of the other person. We know that sometimes they can keep people apart rather than
together, as when at dinnertime everyone is surfing on a mobile phone, or when one spouse falls asleep waiting for the other
who spends hours playing with an electronic device. This is also something that families have to discuss and resolve in ways
which encourage interaction without imposing unrealistic prohibitions. ( The Joy of Love 278.)
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sunday 8th August and will be accessible online through the Knock
Shrine Website. There will be Rosary at 2.30om followed by Mass at 3pm. The main Celebrant will be Bishop Tom
Deenihan. Link is
Cemetery Days: It will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. In
Delvin the Vigil Mass (6.30pm) on Aug 14th will be offered for those buried in the cemetery. The limit of 50 people in the
Church will be in operation. The loudspeaker outside will be in use for those who would like to follow the Mass from their
cars. In Killulagh and Delvin the graves will be blessed privately in advance of the Mass for the Dead.
Priory Institute: Are offering week-long Online Summer School, 2021 in Theology of the Arts. Does the Church need Art?
From 8th -13th Aug and 22nd -27th Aug. Costs €50. Find out more and register on
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Are running a part-time Course in Theological Studies. If you are interested. Find out
more at
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3,4,5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Feast of the Assumption
Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was
finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that
she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death. The
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son’s Resurrection and an anticipation of the
resurrection of other Christians: Catechism of the Catholic Church. (966)
Year B Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st August, 2021.
Sat 31st 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Sun 1st 11.00am Peter Donohue & DFM Reilly & Duffy Families. John Comaskey. Mon 2nd 9.30am Pat Looney & John Dargan. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 7th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly. Sun 8th 11.00am
Patricia Smyth.
Killulagh: Sun 1st 9.30am Callan Family. For all the Dead who are buried in Old and New Cemeteries. Sun 8th 9.30am Oliver & Martin Kiernan. Colm Newman.
- I. P. Pauline Nugent. Clonmorrill, Delvin.
Offertory: €565. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €245. Monthly €75.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
The Irish Catholic: We encourage parishioners to read the Irish Catholic newspaper each week. It can be purchased in the
local newsagent ( Leavys, Main St.).
Pope Francis and the Family: The educational process that occurs between parents and children can be helped or hindered
by the increasing sophistication of the communications and entertainment media. When well used, these media can be
helpful for connecting family members who live apart from one another. Frequent contacts help to overcome difficulties.
Still, it is clear that these media cannot replace the need for more personal and direct dialogue, which requires physical
presence or at least hearing the voice of the other person. We know that sometimes they can keep people apart rather than
together, as when at dinnertime everyone is surfing on a mobile phone, or when one spouse falls asleep waiting for the other
who spends hours playing with an electronic device. This is also something that families have to discuss and resolve in ways
which encourage interaction without imposing unrealistic prohibitions. ( The Joy of Love 278.)
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 8th August and will be accessible online through the Knock
Shrine Website. There will be Rosary at 2.30om followed by Mass at 3pm. The main Celebrant will be Bishop Tom
Deenihan. Link is
Cemetery Days: It will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. In
Killulagh the 9.30am Mass will be offered for those buried in the New and Old Cemeteries. It will not be possible for
families to gather in the cemetery for this Mass. They should remain in the cars in the carpark. In Delvin the Vigil Mass
(6.30pm) on Aug 14th will be offered for those buried in the cemetery. The limit of 50 people in the Church will be in
operation. The loudspeaker outside will be in use for those who would like to follow the Mass from their cars. In Killulagh
and Delvin the graves will be blessed privately in advance of the Mass for the Dead.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
(DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3,4,5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Year B Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th July, 2021.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Patsy & Mary Leonard. Sun 25th 11.00am Margaret Rooney MM Liz Mullen. Mon 26th 9.30am Mass. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass. Fri 30th 9.30am
Kevin Power. Sat 31st 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & son Joseph. Sun 1st 11.00am Peter Donohue & DFM Reilly & Duffy Families. John Comaskey.
Killulagh: Sun 25th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King. Sun 1st 9.30am Callan Family.
- I. P. James Skerry. Collinstown Rd, Delvin.
Offertory: €675. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €225. Monthly €30.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
The Irish Catholic: We encourage parishioners to read the Irish Catholic newspaper each week. It can be purchased in the
local newsagent ( Leavys, Main St.).
Pope Francis and the Family: The family is the primary setting for socialisation, since it is where we first learn to relate to
others, to listen and share, to be patient and show respect, to help one another and live as one. The task of education is to
make us sense that the world and society are also our home; it trains us how to live together in this greater home. In the
family, we learn closeness, care and respect for others. We break out of our fatal self-absorption, and come to realise that we
are living with and alongside others who are worthy of our concern, our kindness and our affection. There is no social bond
without this primary, everyday, almost microscopic, aspect of living side by side, crossing paths at different times of the day,
being concerned about everything that affects us, helping one another with ordinary little things. Every day the family has to
come up with new ways of appreciating and acknowledging its members. (The Joy of Love, 276.).
Cemetery Days: It will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. In
Killulagh the 9.30am Mass will be offered for those buried in the New and Old Cemeteries. It will not be possible for
families to gather in the cemetery for this Mass. They should remain in the cars in the carpark. In Delvin the Vigil Mass
(6.30pm) on Aug 14th will be offered for those buried in the cemetery. The limit of 50 people in the Church will be in
operation. The loudspeaker outside will be in use for those who would like to follow the Mass from their cars. In Killulagh
and Delvin the graves will be blessed privately in advance of the Mass for the Dead.
Priory Institute: Are offering week-long Online Summer School, 2021 in Theology of the Arts. Does the Church Need Art?
from 18th -13th August and 22nd -27th August. The course includes six recorded presentations and is very flexible as it is
delivered entirely online. Cost €50. Find out more and register on
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath.
Vocations Holy Hour on Friday 30th July at 7pm. With reflections on the Vestments of the Priest, Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament and Benediction. Live from St. Mary’s Church Drogheda. Broadcast onFacebookPage;DioceseOfMeathVocations
and on the St. Mary’s Church, Drogheda Webcam. Anybody who would like to learn more about becoming a priest can
contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new
website It also has a facebook page ( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account
Roof Repairs: Following damage to the roof in a storm last autumn it has taken some time to have repairs carried out to the
railings damaged in the storm. The new railings are now ready and are being painted in preparation for replacing them on
the roof. Work will begin during the coming week on putting the railings back in position. It is expected the work will be
completed in a few weeks.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Year B Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th July, 2021.
Sat 17th 6.30pm Imelda Jordan MM. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 18th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Flavio Homsy & Luiz Baima. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Claire O’ Connor. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Patsy & Mary Leonard. Sun 25th 11.00am Margaret Rooney MM Liz Mullen.
Killulagh: Sun 18th 9.30am Michael Egginton MM Sun 25th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King.
- I. P. Sheila O’ Donovan. (nee Gill) late of Rickardstown, who died in Dublin.
Offertory: €650. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €320. Monthly €260.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
The Irish Catholic: We encourage parishioners to read the Irish Catholic newspaper each week. It can be purchased in the
local newsagent ( Leavys, Main St.).
Pope Francis and the Family: The family is the primary setting for socialisation, since it is where we first learn to relate to
others, to listen and share, to be patient and show respect, to help one another and live as one. The task of education is to
make us sense that the world and society are also our home; it trains us how to live together in this greater home. In the
family, we learn closeness, care and respect for others. We break out of our fatal self-absorption, and come to realise that we
are living with and alongside others who are worthy of our concern, our kindness and our affection. There is no social bond
without this primary, everyday, almost microscopic, aspect of living side by side, crossing paths at different times of the day,
being concerned about everything that affects us, helping one another with ordinary little things. Every day the family has to
come up with new ways of appreciating and acknowledging its members. (The Joy of Love, 276.).
Priory Institute: Are offering week-long Online Summer School, 2021 in Theology of the Arts. Does the Church Need Art?
from 18th -13th August and 22nd -27th August. The course includes six recorded presentations and is very flexible as it is
delivered entirely online. Cost €50. Find out more and register on
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Roof Repairs: Following damage to the roof in a storm last autumn it has taken some time to have repairs carried out to the
railings damaged in the storm. The new railings are now ready and are being painted in preparation for replacing them on
the roof. Work will begin during the coming week on putting the railings back in position. It is expected the work will be
completed in a few weeks.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3, 4, 5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
St. Mary Magdalene ( Feast Day Thurs 22nd )
St. Mary Magdalene stood by the Cross of Jesus; with two other women she discovered the empty tomb, she was
granted an appearance of the Risen Lord early the same day, from which incident she has been described as ‘the
apostle to the apostles’ The Gospels give no warrant for identifying her with the ‘the woman who was a sinner’ who
anointed Christ’s feet ( Lk7:37) or with Mary the sister of Martha who also anointed him (Jn 12:3).
Year B Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th July, 2021.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Tom, Phyllis & Mary Murphy & DFM. Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. daughters Rose Darby & May Rogers. Sun 11th 11.00am Martin Carroll. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 9.30am John & Ann Devine & DFM Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm Imelda Jordan MM. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 18th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Flavio Homsy & Luiz Baima.
Killulagh: Sun 11th 9.30am Bridie Scally MM. Sun 18th 9.30am Michael Egginton MM
Offertory: €620. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €300. Monthly €160. Annual: €300.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
The Irish Catholic: We encourage parishioners to read the Irish Catholic newspaper each week. It can be purchased in the
local newsagent ( Leavys, Main St.).
Pope Francis and the Family: In our own day, dominated by stress and rapid technological advances, one of the most
important tasks of families is to provide an education in hope. This does not mean preventing children from playing with
electronic devices, but rather finding ways to help them develop their critical abilities and not to think that digital speed can
apply to everything in life. Postponing desires does not mean denying them but simply deferring their fulfilment. When
children or adolescents are not helped to realise that some things have to be waited for, they can become obsessed with
satisfying their immediate needs and develop the vice of ‘wanting it all now’. This is a grand illusion which does not favour
freedom but weakens it. On the other hand, when we are taught to postpone some things until the right moment, we learn
self-mastery and detachment from our impulses. When children realise that they have to be responsible for themselves, their
self-esteem is enriched. (The Joy of Love, 275.).
Feast of St. Camillus: Takes place on Wed next 14th July.
Priory Institute: Are offering week-long Online Summer School, 2021 in Theology of the Arts. Does the Church Need Art?
from 18th -13th August and 22nd -27th August. The course includes six recorded presentations and is very flexible as it is
delivered entirely online. Cost €50. Find out more and register on
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Roof Repairs: Following damage to the roof in a storm last autumn it has taken some time to have repairs carried out to the
railings damaged in the storm. The new railings are now ready and are being painted in preparation for replacing them on
the roof. Work will begin during the coming week on putting the railings back in position. It is expected the work will be
completed in a few weeks.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3, 4, 5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Sunday Reading
‘He chose us in Christ to be holy and spotless’. (2nd Reading) God’s choice is free. His power is shown more clearly
when those chosen have little to offer. Having nothing, they are able to live to praise the glory of his name. Jesus asks
for detachment from all things in his disciples.
Year B Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4th July, 2021.
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Nancy Lenihan & DFM. Christy Coll & Pauline Coll. Sun 4th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Tom & Isabel Anderson. Mon 5th 9.30am Denis O’ Connor. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Tom, Phyllis & Mary Murphy & DFM. Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. daughters Rose Darby & May Rogers. Sun 11th 11.00am Martin Carroll. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James.
Killulagh: Sun 4th 9.30am Olive Kelleghan MM. Sun 11th 9.30am Bridie Scally MM.
- I. P. Margaret Rooney. Dunganstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €695. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €365. Monthly €75.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Thanks to all who contributed to the Peter’s Pence Collection last weekend.
Confirmation: Following a Government announcement on Tuesday it is necessary to cancel the Confirmation Ceremony
arranged for Friday 9th July . We include here an extract from the Letter of Bishop Deenihan about this decision.
Bishop Deenihan ‘As you will be aware, Government has, once again, decreed that the celebration of the Sacraments of
Confirmation and First Holy Communion should not proceed at this time. The decision was, according to the Tanaiste, based
on the recommendation of NPHET. However, today’s newspapers report that Dr. Tony Houlihan informed members of Dail
Eireann yesterday that he never requested that Confirmation and First Holy Communion be postponed. That has added to the
sense of confusion and anger amongst callers to the Diocesan Office. This decision by Government is a source of much
disappointments to the young people who have been preparing for and looking forward to the various ceremonies. It is a
source of disappointment to their parents, teachers and clergy too who have been involved in preparing them for an important
moment in their faith. The proximity of the cancellation to the actual ceremony, which was based on previous Government
advice, means that parents have days off planned and other expenses have been incurred.’
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
The Irish Catholic: We encourage parishioners to read the Irish Catholic newspaper each week. It can be purchased in the
local newsagent ( Leavys, Main St.).
Pope Francis and the Family: In our own day, dominated by stress and rapid technological advances, one of the most
important tasks of families is to provide an education in hope. This does not mean preventing children from playing with
electronic devices, but rather finding ways to help them develop their critical abilities and not to think that digital speed can
apply to everything in life. Postponing desires does not mean denying them but simply deferring their fulfilment. When
children or adolescents are not helped to realise that some things have to be waited for, they can become obsessed with
satisfying their immediate needs and develop the vice of ‘wanting it all now’. This is a grand illusion which does not favour
freedom but weakens it. On the other hand, when we are taught to postpone some things until the right moment, we learn
self-mastery and detachment from our impulses. When children realise that they have to be responsible for themselves, their
self-esteem is enriched. (The Joy of Love, 275.).
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3, 4, 5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Year B Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th June, 2021.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Martin & Julia Kineavy, sons Martin, Christy and Tommy. Winnie Walsh. Sun 27th 11.00am Nancy Healy. Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Fri 2nd ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan. Nancy Lenihan & DFM. Christy Coll. Pauline Coll. Sun 4th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Tom & Isabel Anderson.
Killulagh: Sun 27th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe Sun 4th 9.30am Olive Kelleghan MM.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh.
- I. P. Denis O’ Connor. Stradbally, Laois. brother of Sr. Kathleen O’ Connor. Southill, Delvin.
Offertory: €640. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €540. Monthly €100. Annual: €500.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses this weekend.
Confirmation: The celebration of Confirmation for the children of this parish will take place on Friday 9th July in the
Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm. It will be possible for the children, their parents and sponsor to attend. It will not be possible to
other family members to attend, but the ceremony will be streamed live on the Cathedral website. Further information will
be forwarded to parents next week.
Adoration: We have started Adoration on a Monday in Killulagh Church. It commences at 10am and finishes at 10pm. If
you would like to consider doing an Hour of Adoration, please contact Marcella at 087-6850334, or Mary at 087-2774616
St. Oliver Plunkett: Next Thursday 1st July we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Oliver Plunkett.
The Irish Catholic: We encourage parishioners to read the Irish Catholic newspaper each week. It can be purchased in the
local newsagent ( Leavys, Main St.).
Pope Francis and the Family: Parents always influence the moral development of their children, for better or for worse. It
follows that they should take up this essential role and carry it out consciously, enthusiastically, reasonably and
appropriately. Since the educational role of families is so important, and increasingly complex. I would like to discuss it in
detail. Families cannot help but be places of support, guidance and direction, however much they may have to rethink their
methods and discover new resources. Parents need to consider what they want their children to be exposed to, and this
necessarily means being concerned about who is providing their entertainment, who is entering their rooms through
television and electronic devices, and with whom they are spending their free time. Only if we devote time to our children,
speaking of important things with simplicity and concern, and finding healthy ways for them to spend their time, will we be
able to shield them from harm. Vigilance is always necessary and neglect is never beneficial. Parents have to help children to
prepare and adolescents to confront the risk, for example, of aggression, abuse or drug addiction. (The Joy of Love,259,260).
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Annual Pilgrimage to Knock: Unfortunately, due to Covid -19 Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will be a virtual
Pilgrimage this year and will be streamed live on the Knock Shrine Website this Sun 27th June,
beginning with Rosary at 2.30pm and the celebration of Mass at 3pm, followed by Benediction.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Delvin FET Youthreach: Are now accepting applications for September, 2021. QQI Major Awards at levels 3, 4, 5. For
further information visit website at or contact Frank at 087-9445359.
Year B Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th June, 2021.
Sat 19th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Maura Carroll. Sun 20th 11.00am Paddy Gaffney & DFM. Peggy Lenihan.
Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Marcus Daugela. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Martin & Julia Kineavy, sons Martin, Christy and Tommy. Winnie Walsh. Sun 27th 11.00am Nancy Healy.
Killulagh: Sun 20th 9.30am DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh. Sun 27th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe
No Masses during the week in Killulagh.
- I. P. Imelda ( Millie) Jordan. Clondone, Delvin. Michael Egginton. Glaxtown, Collinstown.
Offertory: €560. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €550. Monthly €485.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Confirmation: The celebration of Confirmation for the children of this parish will take place on Friday 9th July in the
Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm. It will be possible for the children, their parents and sponsor to attend. It will not be possible to
other family members to attend, but the ceremony will be streamed live on the Cathedral website. Further information will
be forwarded to parents next week.
Pope Francis and the Family: Parents always influence the moral development of their children, for better or for worse. It
follows that they should take up this essential role and carry it out consciously, enthusiastically, reasonably and
appropriately. Since the educational role of families is so important, and increasingly complex. I would like to discuss it in
detail. Where are Our Children? Families cannot help but be places of support, guidance and direction, however much they
may have to rethink their methods and discover new resources. Parents need to consider what they want their children to be
exposed to, and this necessarily means being concerned about who is providing their entertainment, who is entering their
rooms through television and electronic devices, and with whom they are spending their free time. Only if we devote time to
our children, speaking of important things with simplicity and concern, and finding healthy ways for them to spend their
time, will we be able to shield them from harm. Vigilance is always necessary and neglect is never beneficial. Parents have to
help children to prepare and adolescents to confront the risk, for example, of aggression, abuse or drug addiction.
( The Joy of Love, 259, 260).
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Annual Pilgrimage to Knock: Unfortunately, due to Covid -19 Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will be a virtual
Pilgrimage this year and will be streamed live on the Knock Shrine Website on Sun 27th June,
beginning with Rosary at 2.30pm and the celebration of Mass at 3pm, followed by Benediction.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
“ Our” Father
“Our” Father, refers to God. The adjective, as used by us, does not express possession, but an entirely new
relationship with God.
When we say “our” Father, we recognise first that all his promises of love announced by the prophets are fulfilled in
the new and eternal covenant in his Christ; we have become “his” people and he is henceforth “our” God. This new
relationship is the purely gratuitous gift of belonging to each other: we are to respond to “grace and truth” given us
in Jesus Christ with love and faithfulness.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2786, 2787.
Year B Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th June, 2021.
Sat 12th 6.30pm Sean Coyne MM. Sun 13th 11.00am Bernie Mc. Grath. Mon 14th 9.30am Tommy Murphy. Tue 15th 9.30am Andy Leonard & DFM. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Maura Carroll. Sun 20th 11.00am Paddy Gaffney & DFM. Peggy Lenihan.
Killulagh: Sun 13th 9.30am Patricia Doyle MM Colm & Lila O’ Farrell. Sun 20th 9.30am DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh.
- I. P. Olive Kelleghan. Hiskinstown, Delvin. Bridie Scally. Kinnegad. Michael Healy. Balbriggan. Brother of Pat Healy.
Rosmead. May Rogers. Cabra, Dublin (formerly Moyleroe, Delvin). Sister of Sr. Kitty, Sr. Philomena, Charlie & Christy
Darby. Delvin. Kathleen Glennon. Who died in Bermingham, England. (formerly Mooretown, Delvin).
Offertory: €485. Easter Dues: €1,675.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Homily of Pope Francis: The Sunday of the Word of God: Yet the word of God also has particular power; that is, it can
touch each person directly. The disciples would never forget the words they heard that day on the shore of the lake, by their
boats, in the company of their family members and fellow workers: words that marked their lives forever. Jesus said to them:
“Follow me, I will make you become fishers of men” (v.17). He did not appeal to them using lofty words and ideas, but
spoke to their lives. He told fishermen that they were to be fishers of men. As he did with those fishermen , he waits for us on
the shore of our life. With his word, he wants to change us, to invite us to liver fuller lives and to put out into the deep
together with him.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues Offerings last weekend.
Confirmation: The celebration of Confirmation for the children of this parish will take place on Friday 9th July in the
Cathedral, Mullingar at 4pm. It will be possible for the children, their parents and sponsor to attend. It will not be possible to
other family members to attend, but the ceremony will be streamed live on the Cathedral website. Further information will
be forwarded to parents next week.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Annual Pilgrimage to Knock: Unfortunately, due to Covid -19 Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will be a virtual
Pilgrimage this year and will be streamed live on the Knock Shrine Website on Sun 27th June,
beginning with Rosary at 2.30pm and the celebration of Mass at 3pm, followed by Benediction.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Jesus’ use of Parables
Jesus’ invitation to enter his kingdom comes in the form of parables, a characteristic feature of his teaching.
Through his parables he invites people to the feast of the kingdom, but he also asks for a radical choice: to gain the
kingdom, one must give everything. Words are not enough, deeds are required. The parables are like mirrors for
man: will he be hard soil or good earth for the word? What use has he made of the talents he has received? Jesus and
the presence of the kingdom in this world are secretly at the heart of the parables. One must enter the kingdom, that
is, become a disciple of Christ, in order to “know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven”. For those who stay
“outside”, everything remains enigmatic.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 546.
Year B Feast of Corpus Christi 6th June, 2021.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Michael Malone. Maura & Michael Carberry, & parents John & Mary Walsh. Sun 6th 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Jenny Kenny & DFM. Mon 7th 9.30am Christopher Noel Monahan. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Joseph Anderson. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 6.30pm Sean Coyne MM. Sun 13th 11.00am Bernie Mc. Grath.
Killulagh: Sun 6th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. Sun 13th 9.30am Patricia Doyle MM Colm & Lila O’ Farrell.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh.
- I. P. Very Rev. Fr. Patrick Casey. Retired P. P. Carnaross. Bernadette Shanley. Dublin. Rose Darby. Mulhuddart,
Dublin. sister of Christy, Charlie, Sr. Kitty and Sr. Philomena Darby. Delvin.
Offertory: €560. Ren Fund: Weekly €355. Monthly €60.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Corpus Christi: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Day of Prayer for Priests: Next Friday is a Day of Prayer for Priests. It is also the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Eucharist by Pope Francis: Jesus is present in the sacrament of the Eucharist to be our nourishment, to be assimilated
and to become in us that renewing force that gives once again the energy and gives once more the desire to set out again after
every pause or after every fall. But this requires our consent, our willingness to let ourselves, our way of thinking and acting,
be transformed. Otherwise the Eucharistic celebrations in which we participate are reduced to empty and formal rituals.
Often some go to Mass because they have to go, as if it were a social event, respectful but social. However, the mystery is
something else. It is Jesus who is present and comes to nourish us.
Weekend Masses: We will continue to use tickets for Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. This is to ensure
that our numbers are within the limit laid down by the government. Tickets can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday
evening between 7and 8pm. If you cannot get to Fatima at this time phone or call to the Parochial House on Friday morning
between 10am and 12noon.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen
on 044-9664931, or email
St. Columba
Also known as Colum Cille, was born in Gartan, Co. Donegal in 521 and was of royal lineage. He studied under St.
Finnian of Moville and Sty. Finnian of Clonard. He founded monasteries in Derry, Durrow, |Iona and possibly
Kells. He left Ireland, either for penance or to be a pilgrim for Christ, but Iona became his principal foundation.
From it missionaries undertook the conversion of Northumbria. Columba is noted for his great love for people and
for all living creatures. He died 9th June 597.
Year B The Most Holy Trinity 30th May, 2021.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 30th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & son Pat. Bryan Orr. Mon 31st 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Noel Renehan. Sat 5th 6.30pm Michael Malone. Maura & Michael Carberry, & parents John & Mary Walsh.
Sun 6th 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Jenny Kenny & DFM.
Killulagh: Sun 30th 9.30am Mass. Sun 6th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. No Masses during the week in Killulagh Church
Offertory: €615. Ren Fund: Weekly €495. Monthly €200. Annual: €400.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Corpus Christi: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude; Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Reflection on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity by Pope Francis: Dear brothers and sisters, today’s Feast Day invites us
to let ourselves once again be fascinated by the beauty of God: beauty, goodness and inexhaustible truth. But also beauty,
goodness, and humble and close truth, which became flesh in order to enter our life, our history, my history, the history of
each one of us, so that every man and woman may encounter it and have eternal life. And this is faith: to welcome this God-
Love who gives himself in Christ, who moves us in the Holy Spirit: to let ourselves be encountered by him and to trust in
him. This is Christian life. To love, to encounter God, to seek God: and He seeks us first: He encounters us first. May the
Virgin Mary, dwelling-place of the Trinity, help us to welcome with an open heart the love of God, which fills us with joy
and gives meaning to our journey in this world, always guiding us towards our destination, which is Heaven.
The Eucharist by Pope Francis: Jesus is present in the sacrament of the Eucharist to be our nourishment, to be assimilated
and to become in us that renewing force that gives once again the energy and gives once more the desire to set out again after
every pause or after every fall. But this requires our consent, our willingness to let ourselves, our way of thinking and acting,
be transformed. Otherwise the Eucharistic celebrations in which we participate are reduced to empty and formal rituals.
Often some go to Mass because they have to go, as if it were a social event, respectful but social. However, the mystery is
something else. It is Jesus who is present and comes to nourish us.
Weekend Masses: We will continue to use tickets for Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. This is to ensure
that our numbers are within the limit laid down by the government. Tickets can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday
evening between 7and 8pm. If you cannot get to Fatima at this time phone or call to the Parochial House on Friday morning
between 10am and 12noon.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
The Trinity and the Liturgy
In the Church’s liturgy the divine blessing is fully revealed and communicated. The Father is acknowledged and
adored as the source and the end of all the blessings of creation and salvation. In his Word who became incarnate,
died, and rose for us, he fills us with his blessings. Through his Word, he pours into our hearts the Gift that contains
all gifts, the Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1082.
Year B Pentecost Sunday 23rd May, 2021.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Paddy & Gertie Kelly. Sun 23rd 11.00am Josephine Murtagh & DFM. Mon 24th 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM. Tue 25th 9.30am John, Mary Jane & Tom Heffernan. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 30th 11.00am Patrick & Alice Donlon & son Pat.
Bryan Orr.
Killulagh: Sun 23rd 9.30am Richie, Larry, Danny & Marian Monaghan. Parents Richard & Mary Monaghan. Sun 30th 9.30am Mass. No Masses during the week in Killulagh Church
- I. P. Carmel Cannon. Addinstown, Delvin.
Offertory: €960. Ren Fund: Weekly €965. Monthly €445.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
(DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
Resumption of Masses: Public Masses have resumed. The regulations that were in force in December will still be in force.
Attendance will be limited to 50 and masks must be worn. Hands should be sanitised on entering the Church . You are asked
to follow the instructions of the stewards at all times. Loudspeaker will be in use outside Delvin Church. Tickets will again
be in use for Vigil and Sunday morning Masses. Tickets can be collected in Fatima between 7pm-8pm on Wednesday.
Mass in Killulagh will again be held in the Car Park and you are asked to follow the instructions of the stewards.
Viatores Christi: VC runs an online volunteer preparation course covering Community Development, Health,
Global Awareness, Mission. This is open to all!. Course will commence in September, 2021. If you want to know more, visit or email
Priory Institute: Provides online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght or from the
comfort of your own home. Online Open Day is on 12th June.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
National Learning Network: Have a variety of free courses suitable for individuals who are looking for a stepping stone to
further education, training, or work, or who may have challenges or disabilities and need to improve the quality of their lives.
We have psychological and resource support and may have a course that will suit your needs.. Please contact Hilary at 086-
7839078 for further details.
Pentecost Sunday
The Church was made manifest to the world on the day of Pentecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of
the Spirit ushers in a new era in the dispensation of the mystery--- the age of the Church, during which Christ
manifests, makes present and communicates his work of salvation through the liturgy of his Church “until he
comes.” In this age of the Church Christ now lives and acts in and with his Church, in a new way appropriate to this
new age. He acts through the sacraments in what the common Tradition of the East and the West calls “ the
sacramental economy”; this is the communication (or “dispensation”)of the fruits of Christ ‘s Paschal mystery in the
celebration of the Church’s “sacramental” liturgy.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1076.
Year B The Ascension of the Lord 16th May, 2021.
Sat 15th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 16th 11.00am Thomas, Marie & Martina Mc Enerney Mon 17th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan, son Frank, daughter Phyllis. Michael & Mary Jane Sheerin & DFM. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Paddy & Gertie Kelly. Sun 23rd 11.00am Josephine Murtagh & DFM.
Killulagh: Sun 16th 9.30am Willie & Nuala Fox. Sun 23rd 9.30am Richie, Larry, Danny & Marian Monaghan.
Parents Richard & Mary Monaghan. No Masses during the week in Killulagh Church
- I. P. Patricia Doyle. Lucan, Dublin. formerly Bracklyn, Delvin. Sean Coyne. Crowenstown, Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
(DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Preparing for Pentecost: The seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost are an opportunity to prepare for the coming of
the Holy Spirit. To help us to prepare we are running a weekly programme via Zoom. At each meeting we will show a
video which aims to teach about an aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. The videos will be 25 mins long and will be
followed by discussion. The meeting takes place every Tuesday night at 8pm. ( this programme will take the place of Lectio
Divina for the next six weeks). To join please send your email address to the Parochial House and we will send you a link for
the meeting. Everybody is welcome to join.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
Resumption of Masses: Public Masses resumed on Monday last, May 10th . The regulations that were in force in December
will still be in force. Attendance will be limited to 50 and masks must be worn. Hands should be sanitised on entering the
Church . You are asked to follow the instructions of the stewards at all times. Loudspeaker will be in use outside Delvin
Church. Tickets will again be in use for Vigil and Sunday morning Masses. Tickets can be collected in Fatima between
7pm-8pm on Wednesday and Thursday.
Mass in Killulagh will again be held in the Car Park and you are asked to follow the instructions of the stewards.
Viatores Christi: VC runs an online volunteer preparation course covering Community Development, Health,
Global Awareness, Mission. This is open to all!. Course will commence in September, 2021. If you want to know more, visit or email
Priory Institute: Provides online Theology Courses to degree level. Attend Saturday Lectures in Tallaght or from the
comfort of your own home. Online Open Day is on 12th June.
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
National Learning Network: Have a variety of free courses suitable for individuals who are looking for a stepping stone to
further education, training, or work, or who may have challenges or disabilities and need to improve the quality of their lives.
We have psychological and resource support and may have a course that will suit your needs.. Please contact Hilary at 086-
7839078 for further details.
Year B Sixth Sunday of Easter 9th May, 2021.
Sat 8th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & Br. Lal Timmons. Sun 9th 11.00am Billy & Kathleen Mahon. son –in-law Ronald Innes
Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 16th 11.00am Thomas, Marie & Martina Mc Enerney
Killulagh: Sun 16th 9.30am Willie & Nuala Fox. No Masses during the week in Killulagh Church
- I. P. May Fallon. Athlone. mother of Padraig Fallon. Balrath, Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses from Delvin Church will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
(DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Preparing for Pentecost: The seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost are an opportunity to prepare for the coming of
the Holy Spirit. To help us to prepare we are running a weekly programme via Zoom. At each meeting we will show a
video which aims to teach about an aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. The videos will be 25 mins long and will be
followed by discussion. The meeting takes place every Tuesday night at 8pm. ( this programme will take the place of Lectio
Divina for the next six weeks). To join please send your email address to the Parochial House and we will send you a link for
the meeting. Everybody is welcome to join.
Resumption of Masses: Public Masses resume on Monday next, May 10th . The regulations that were in force in December
will still be in force. Attendance will be limited to 50 and masks must be worn. Hands should be sanitised on entering the
Church . You are asked to follow the instructions of the stewards at all times. Loudspeaker will be in use outside Delvin
Church. Tickets will again be in use for Vigil and Sunday morning Masses. Tickets can be collected in Fatima between
7pm-8pm on Wednesday and Thursday.
Mass in Killulagh will again be held in the Car Park and you are asked to follow the instructions of the stewards.
Viatores Christi: VC runs an online volunteer preparation course covering Community Development, Health,
Global Awareness, Mission. This is open to all!. Course will commence in September, 2021. If you want to know more, visit or email
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
Facing Temptations in Prayer
The most common yet most hidden temptation is our lack of faith. It expresses itself less by declared
incredulity than by our actual preferences. When we begin to pray, a thousand labors or cares thought to
be urgent vie for priority, once again, it is the moment of truth for the heart; what is its real love?
Sometimes we turn to the Lord as a last resort, but do we really believe he is ? Sometimes we enlist the
Lord as an ally; but our heart remains presumptuous.
In each case, our lack of faith reveals that we do not yet share in the disposition of a humble heart.
“ Apart from me, you can do nothing.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church .2732.
Year B Fifth Sunday of Easter 2nd May, 2021.
Sat 1st 6.30pm James & Margaret Mc Govern & daughter Mary. Sun 2nd 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 8th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & Bl. Lal Timmons.
Sun 9th 11.00am Billy & Kathleen Mahon. Willie & Nuala Fox.
Killulagh: No Masses in Killulagh Church.
Ren Fund: €240. Monthly €185. Annual: €250.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Diocese of Meath Vocations: We are asked to pray for vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an
opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like
to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page
(DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account (dioceseofmeathvocations).
Preparing for Pentecost: The seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost are an opportunity to prepare for the coming of
the Holy Spirit. To help us to prepare we are running a weekly programme via Zoom. At each meeting we will show a
video which aims to teach about an aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. The videos will be 25 mins long and will be
followed by discussion. The meeting takes place every Tuesday night at 8pm. ( this programme will take the place of Lectio
Divina for the next six weeks). To join please send your email address to the Parochial House and we will send you a link for
the meeting. Everybody is welcome to join.
Resumption of Masses: According to the announcement on Thursday weekday Mass can resume on Mon 10th and weekend
Masses on Sat 15th and Sun 16th. It is not clear yet when First Communion, Confirmation or Baptisms can take place. We
expect to have these issues clarified in the next few days.
Viatores Christi: VC runs an online volunteer preparation course covering Community Development, Health,
Global Awareness, Mission. This is open to all!. Course will commence in September, 2021. If you want to know more, visit or email
St. Scire C. E. Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: We are asking you to say a Novena Prayer for St. Joseph the Worker whose Feast Day
we celebrate on Saturday 1st May.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, patron and model of all who labour, obtain for me the grace:
- To work in a spirit of penance for the expiation of my sins and the sins of mankind;
- To work conscientiously, putting the demands of my work before my ever changing feelings;
- To work with gratitude and joy, considering it an honour to develop, by means of my work, the gifts God has given me;
- To work in an orderly manner, with patience and perseverance, without too easily giving in to weariness or difficulties;
- To work above all, with purity of intention and with detachment from self, keeping death in mind and the account I will have to give God of time lost, talents and material wasted, of good omitted, of complacency in success—all so fatal to the work of God.
“ All for Jesus, all through Mary, all after your example” blessed Joseph, such shall be my daily work, in life and in death. Amen.
Year B Fourth Sunday of Easter 25th April, 2021.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 25th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly. Michael Moriarty. Kevin Ledwith. Mon 26th 9.30am Mass. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass.
Fri 30th 9.30am Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm James & Margaret Mc Govern & daughter Mary. Sun 2nd 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM.
Killulagh: No Masses in Killulagh Church.
- I. P. Martin Brennan. brother of John & Thomas Brennan. Bolandstown, who died in London.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Vocations Sunday: As we celebrate Vocation Sunday today we are reminded of the need to pray for vocations to the
priesthood for the Diocese of Meath; It is also an opportunity to support three young men who are preparing for priesthood in
the Diocese of Meath. Anybody who would like to learn more about becoming a priest can contact Fr. Tony Gonoude,
Vocations Director at 044-9373923, or The Diocese has a new website It also has a facebook page ( DioceseOfMeathVocations) and an Instagram account
Prayer for Vocations: Lord, help me to respond to your call, with the aid of wise and generous guides, and realise a proper
plan for my life to achieve true happiness. To dream great dreams and always have a concern for the good of others. To stand
with you at the foot of the cross and receive the gift of your mother. To witness to your Resurrection and the hope that it
brings. To be aware that you are at my side as I joyously proclaim you as Lord. Amen.
Preparing for Pentecost: The seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost are an opportunity to prepare for the coming of
the Holy Spirit. To help us to prepare we will be running a weekly programme via Zoom. At each meeting we will show a
video which aims to teach about an aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. The videos will be 25 mins long and will be
followed by discussion. The meeting takes place every Tuesday night at 8pm. ( this programme will take the place of Lectio
Divina for the next six weeks). To join please send your email address to the Parochial House and we will send you a link for
the meeting. Everybody is welcome to join.
Viatores Christi: Is a faith-based development organisation has specialised in the recruitment, training and deployment of
overseas volunteers since 1960. VC runs an online volunteer preparation course covering Community Development, Health,
Global Awareness, Mission. This is open to all!. Once completed , participants can be considered for volunteer roles. Course
will commence in September, 2021. If you want to know more, visit or email
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or Career change and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. Please contact Eileen on 044-9664931, or email
St. Joseph----- Welcoming the will of God.
At the same time, Joseph is “an accepting Father,” because he “accepted Mary unconditionally”___an important
gesture even today, says Pope Francis, “in our world where psychological, verbal and physical violence towards
women is so evident.” But the Bridegroom of Mary is also the one who, trusting in the Lord, accepts in his life even
the events that he does not understand, “setting aside his own ideas” and reconciling himself with his own history.
Joseph’s spiritual path “is not one that explains, but accepts”____which does not mean that he is “resigned”.
Instead, he is “courageously and firmly proactive,” because with “Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude,” and full of hope, he
is able “ to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations and disappointments.” In practice, through St.
Joseph, it is as if God were to repeat to us; “Do not be afraid!” because “ faith gives meaning to every event, however
happy or sad,” and makes us aware that “ God can make flowers spring up from stony ground.” Joseph “did not
look for shortcuts but confronted reality with open eyes and accepted personal responsibility for it.” For this
reason, “he encourages us to accept and welcome others as they are, without exception, and to show special concern
for the weak.”
Year B Third Sunday of Easter 18th April, 2021.
Sat 17th Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin. Tommy Gaffney & DFM. Jack Ivory. Sun 18th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran. Sean Newman. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Vincent Doyle. Wed 21st 9.30am Ellen & Thomas Downes & DFM Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Jenny & Chris Downes & DFM. Sat 24th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy.
Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 25th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly. Michael Moriarrty. Kevin Ledwith.
Killulagh: No Masses in Killulagh Church.
Easter Offerings: €1,990. Renovation Fund: Weekly €145. Monthly €145. Annual €600.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Vocations: Next Sunday April 25th is Vocations Sunday. We ask you to say the following Prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic
Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation. Grant that
Christian families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
Preparing for Pentecost: The seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost are an opportunity to prepare for the coming of
the Holy Spirit. To help us to prepare we will be running a weekly programme via Zoom. At each meeting we will show a
video which aims to teach about an aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. The videos will be 25 mins long and will be
followed by discussion. The first session will take place next Tuesday night, April 13th at 8pm. ( this programme will take
the place of Lectio Divina for the next six weeks). To join please send your email address to the Parochial House and we
will send you a link for the meeting. Everybody is welcome to join.
Viatores Christi: Is a faith-based development organisation has specialised in the recruitment, training and deployment of
overseas volunteers since 1960. VC runs an online volunteer preparation course covering Community Development, Health,
Global Awareness, Mission. This is open to all!. Once completed , participants can be considered for volunteer roles. Course
will commence in September, 2021. If you want to know more, visit or email
Holy Water: Holy Water blessed at the Easter Vigil (for use at home) is available in the holy water containers in both
Churches. Holy Water is intended to remind us of our baptism and about how baptism links us with the Death and
Resurrection of Jesus.
Trocaire Boxes: We thank you all for returning your Trocaire Boxes. You can still hand in your box to the Parochial House
between 10am-12.30pm during the week.
St. Joseph-A beloved tender, obedient father.
Saint Joseph, in fact, “concretely expressed his fatherhood” by making an offering of himself in love “a love placed
in the service of the Messiah who are growing to maturity in his home,” writes Pope Francis, quoting his predecessor
St. Paul V1.
And because of his role at “the crossroads between the Old and New Testament,” St. Joseph “has always been
venerated as a father by the Christian people”. In him, “Jesus saw the tender love of God,” the one that helps us
accept our weakness, because “it is through” and despite ”our fears, our frailities, and our weakness” that most
divine designs are realised. “Only tender love will save us from the snares of the accuser,” emphasises the Pontiff,
and it is by encountering God’s mercy especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation that we “experience His truth
and tenderness,” –because “we know that God’s truth does not condemn us, but instead welcomes, embraces,
sustains and forgives us”.
Joseph is also a father in obedience to God; with his ‘fiat’ he protects Mary and Jesus and teaches his Son to “do the
will of the Father.” Called by God to serve the mission of Jesus, he “cooperated…in the great mystery of
Redemption,” as St. John Paul 11 said “and is truly a minister of salvation.”
Year B Second Sunday of Easter ( Divine Mercy Sunday) 11th April, 2021.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. Tommy Gaffney. ( Clonarney) Sun 11th 11.00am William Mc Cormack Tom Flynn & DFM. Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Eileen & Jade Callinan & DFM. Wed 14th 9.30am Philomena & Michael Smith. Thurs 15th 9.30am Harry Daly. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin. Tommy Gaffney. Jack Ivory. Sun 18th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran. Sean Newman.
Killulagh: No Masses in Killulagh Church.
Easter Offerings: €2,435. Renovation Fund: Weekly €850. Monthly €425. Annual €350.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Preparing for Pentecost: The seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost are an opportunity to prepare for the coming of
the Holy Spirit. To help us to prepare we will be running a weekly programme via Zoom. At each meeting we will show a
video which aims to teach about an aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit. The videos will be 25 mins long and will be
followed by discussion. The first session will take place next Tuesday night, April 13th at 8pm. ( this programme will take
the place of Lectio Divina for the next six weeks). To join please send your email address to the Parochial House and we
will send you a link for the meeting. Everybody is welcome to join.
Holy Water: Holy Water blessed at the Easter Vigil (for use at home) is available in the holy water containers in both
Churches. Holy Water is intended to remind us of our baptism and about how baptism links us with the Death and
Resurrection of Jesus.
Trocaire Boxes: We thank you all for returning your Trocaire Boxes. The amount taken in so far is €3,020. You can still
hand in your box to the Parochial House between 10am -12.30pm during the week.
Easter Offerings: We thank you all again for returning your Easter Offerings, also the Renovation Fund Envelopes. It is
greatly appreciated..
Divine Mercy Sunday: This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, points us
to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery—the whole mystery of the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the whole
octave of Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has
shown to man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. Paul 11)
Irish Hospice Foundation: Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77 Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Irish Hospice
Foundation are running #We Reflect campaign to highlight the service and are hoping to reach those who need care in grief
the most right now. The line is for anyone grieving in these exceptional times; they may be grieving a Covid-19 death, a
death from other causes or maybe a previous loss is feeling particularly difficult right now, We are here to listen and support
those struggling with loss.
The Struggle of St. Thomas
The struggle for faith experienced by Thomas leads us to think on the meaning of faith in the risen Christ. We do not
depend on physical experience of Christ but know his presence in keeping God’s commandments, and as a gathered
community, in the hearing of the word and in sacramental signs. So the Christian community is a thankful one,
always blessing God for a sure hope through the resurrection of Christ.
The Resurrection and the Liturgy
“Accordingly , just as Christ was sent by the Father so also he sent the Apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit. This he
did so that they might preach the Gospel to every creature and proclaim that the Son of God by his death and
resurrection had freed us from the power of Satan and from death and brought us into the Kingdom of his Father.
But he also willed that the work of salvation which they preached should be set in train through the sacrifice and
sacraments, around which the entire Liturgical life resolves.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 1086.
Year B Easter Sunday 4th April, 2021
Sat 3rd (Holy Saturday) 8.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 4th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass. Mon 5th 9.30am Mass. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 10th 6.30pm Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. Tommy Gaffney. ( Clonarney) Sun 11th 11.00am William Mc Cormack
Tom Flynn & DFM.
Killulagh: No Masses in Killulagh.
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. We hope you were able to join in the Ceremonies for
Holy Week via Streamed Live , or through facebook.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Trocaire Boxes: We would be very grateful if you could hand in your Trocaire Boxes to the Parochial House during the
coming week between 10am-12.30pm.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you. You may drop the
envelopes in at the Parochial House, or in the box in the Church.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, points us
to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery—the whole mystery of the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “the whole
octave of Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be a day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has
shown to man in the whole Easter mystery.” ( St. Paul 11)
Irish Hospice Foundation: Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77 Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Irish Hospice
Foundation are running #We Reflect campaign to highlight the service and are hoping to reach those who need care in grief
the most right now. The line is for anyone grieving in these exceptional times; they may be grieving a Covid-19 death, a
death from other causes or maybe a previous loss is feeling particularly difficult right now, We are here to listen and support
those struggling with loss.
Baptismal Promises
The proclamation of the Word in the Sunday Eucharist celebration takes on the solemn tone found in the Old
Testament at moments when the covenant was renewed, when the law was proclaimed and the community of Israel
was called---like the people in the desert at the foot of Mount Sinai---to repeat its “yes” , renewing its decision to be
faithful to God and to obey his commandments. In speaking his word, God awaits our response, a response which
Christ has already made for us his “Amen” and which echoes in us through the Holy Spirit so that what we hear
may involve us at the deepest level.
St. John Paul 11 –Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy.
The Power of the Resurrection
Pope Francis tells us” Christ’s resurrection is not an event of the past; it contains a vital power which has permeated
the world. Where all seems to be dead, signs of resurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irresistible force. Often it
seems that God does not exist; all around us we see persistent injustice, evil, indifference and cruelty. But it is also
true that in the midst of darkness something new always springs to life and sooner or later produces fruit. However
dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads. Each day in our world beauty is born anew, it rises
transformed through the storms of history”. ( The Joy of the Gospel, 276).
Year B Palm Sunday 28th March, 2021
Sat 27th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy Patrick Martin MM. & parents Joseph & Margaret Martin. Sun 28th 11.00am Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. Mattie Gaffney. May Toner. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am Mass. Wed 31st 9.30am Mass. Thursday 1st ( Holy Thursday) 7.30pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 2nd ( Good Friday) 7.30pm Good Friday Liturgy. Sat 3rd (Holy Saturday) 8.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 4th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
Offertory: €405. Renovation Fund: Weekly €865. Monthly €410. Annual: €300.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed live via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Summer Time: Mass on this Sunday will be at Summer Time. ( Streamed Live).
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: We would be very grateful if you could hand in your Trocaire Boxes to the Parochial House during the
coming week between 10am-12.30pm.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you. You may drop the
envelopes in at the Parochial House, or in the box in the Church.
Irish Hospice Foundation: Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77 Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Irish Hospice
Foundation are running #We Reflect campaign to highlight the service and are hoping to reach those who need care in grief
the most right now. The line is for anyone grieving in these exceptional times; they may be grieving a Covid-19 death, a
death from other causes or maybe a previous loss is feeling particularly difficult right now, We are here to listen and support
those struggling with loss.
Arrangements for Holy Week
Due to Covid 19 restrictions it will not be possible for congregations to attend the ceremonies of Holy Week. The
following ceremonies will be streamed live via ( Google, find the photograph of
Delvin Church and click on it) and via facebook( Delvin Parish).
Palm Sunday ( March 28th ): 11am Blessing of Palms and Mass of Palm Sunday.
Monday, Tuesday: Wednesday ( March 29th , 30th, 31st ): Mass at 9.30am
Holy Thursday: 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
10-11pm, Adoration will be streamed live from Delvin Church; during Adoration you are invited
to join in the readings, prayers & hymns.
Good Friday: 3pm Stations of the Cross
7.30pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord.
Holy Saturday: 8pm The Paschal Vigil ( including Renewal of Baptismal Promises & Mass).
Note: We have some copies of the booklet containing the texts and prayers of the ceremonies. They will be available
in Delvin Church at the beginning of Holy Week. Due to the pandemic processions and some other parts of
the ceremonies will be omitted this year.
Easter Sunday: 11am Mass.
Year B Fifth Sunday of Lent 21st March, 2021
Sat 20th 6.30pm Jim & Breda Smith. John & Catherine Clune. Sun 21st 11.00am John, Cathy & Sean Dunne.& DFM. Molly Paris. John & Teresa Lynch. Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass.
Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy Patrick Martin MM. & parents Joseph & Margaret Martin. Sun 28th 11.00am Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. Mattie Gaffney.
- I. P. Fr. Michael Daly. Retired P.P. Navan. May Fitzsimons. Main St, Delvin. sister of Aggie O’ Doherty. Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The sixth talk will be given on Saturday 27th March at 2pm.
The speaker will be Columba Mc Cann OSB. The topic will be “Benedictine Prayer” ( Mark 11:1-10)
Online Talks/Discussions from Knock: Each Thursday during Lent Knock Shrine will stream live a series of
talks/discussion on the Theme of ‘Living the Christian Faith’. On Thursday 25th Mar topic will be ‘Studying Christian
Faith.” It will begin at 8.30pm and can be viewed at
The Annunciation of the Lord: On Thursday next, March 25th we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. The
following is a short reflection on the significance of this feast. “Given her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother
of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely
to the person and to the work of her Son; she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on
him by God’ grace”. ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 494).
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering.
Arrangements for Holy Week
Due to Covid 19 restrictions it will not be possible for congregations to attend the ceremonies of Holy Week. The
following ceremonies will be streamed live via ( Google, find the photograph of
Delvin Church and click on it) and via facebook( Delvin Parish).
Palm Sunday ( March 28th ): 11am Blessing of Palms and Mass of Palm Sunday.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ( March 29th , 30th, 31st ): Mass at 9.30am
Holy Thursday: 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
10-11pm, Adoration will be streamed live from Delvin Church; during Adoration you are invited
to join in the readings, prayers & hymns.
Good Friday: 3pm Stations of the Cross
7.30pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord.
Holy Saturday: 8pm The Paschal Vigil ( including Renewal of Baptismal Promises & Mass).
Note: We have some copies of the booklet containing the texts and prayers of the ceremonies. They will be available
in Delvin Church at the beginning of Holy Week. Due to the pandemic processions and some other parts of
the ceremonies will be omitted this year.
Year B Fourth Sunday of Lent 14th March, 2021
Sat 13th 6.30pm Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy, Annie & Tommy Mc Cann. Sun 14th 11.00am Josephine Carroll.
Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 7.30pm Cailin Lynch. Wed 17th ( Feast of St. Patrick) 11.00am Mgt & Owen Murtagh & DFM. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th ( Feast of St. Joseph) 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm Jim & Breda Smith.
John & Catherine Clune. Sun 21st 11.00am John, Cathy & Sean Dunne.& DFM. Molly Paris. John & Teresa Lynch.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The fourth talk will be given on Saturday 20th March at 2pm.
The speaker will be Mark Patrick Hederman OSB. The topic will be “Benedict and the Paschal Mystery” ( John 12:20-33)
Online Talks/Discussions from Knock: Each Thursday during Lent Knock Shrine will stream live a series of
talks/discussion on the Theme of ‘Living the Christian Faith’. On Thursday 18th Mar topic will be ‘Proclaiming Christian
Faith as a Priest or Religious today” It will begin at 8.30pm and can be viewed at
Day of Prayer for Emigrants: This Wed ( St. Patrick’s Day) is a special Day of Prayer for Emigrants.
Feast of St. Patrick: Next Wednesday we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. It would be hard to overestimate the influence
of St. Patrick on the faith of the people of Ireland. In recent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by
other celebrations associated with the Feast. This year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the Feast
of St. Patrick. We include here an extract from the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells about his
carelessness about his relationship with God and about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish people will experience a
similar conversion as we celebrate his Feast.
The Power of Prayer:
After I came to Ireland, every day I had to tend sheep and many times a day I prayed. The love of God and his fear
came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened. My spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say
as many as 100 prayers, and almost as many in the night. Even when I was staying in the woods and on the
mountains, I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, because the spirit
within me was then fervent.
Prophetic Vision:
A few years later I was with my parents in Britian. They welcomed me as their son. There I saw in the night the
vision of a man, whose name was Victoricus, coming as it were from Ireland, with countless letters. He gave me one
of them, and I read the opening words, which were, “The voice of the Irish”. ‘We ask thee, boy, come and walk
among us once more. ‘Thanks be to God; after many years the Lord gave to them according to their cry. (The Inspiring Testimony of St. Patrick).
St. Joseph: The Feast of St. Joseph occurs on Mar 19th . The Pope asks us to honour St. Joseph in a special way this year.
Over the two weeks we will include short items about some of the qualities of St. Joseph. We pray that we can learn to
imitate his faithfulness to God and his care of Mary and Jesus.
About St. Joseph:
- Despite his humble work and means, Joseph came from a royal lineage. Luke and Matthew both mark his descent from King David, the greatest King of Israel( Matthew1:1-16 )and (Luke 3:23-30.)
- We know Joseph was a compassionate and caring man.
- We know Joseph was a man of faith. ( Matthew 2:13-23)
- We know Joseph loved Jesus. ( Luke 2:48)
- We also know that Joseph treated Jesus as his own son for the people of Nazareth said of Jesus. “Is this not the son of Joseph”. (Luke 4;22)
- We know Joseph respected God. ( Luke 2:23)
- We know that he was a religious man. We are told that he took his family to Jerusalem every year for Passover.
Year B Third Sunday of Lent 7th March, 2021
Sat 6th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Sun 7th 11.00am Bernie Drum. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass.
Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mary & Thomas Downes Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm
Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy, Annie & Tommy Mc Cann. Sun 14th 11.00am Josephine Carroll.
- I. P. Mattie Reilly. Ballivor. Eithne Finglass. late of Clondone, Delvin who died in England.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The third talk will be given on Saturday 13th March at 2pm.
The speaker will be Colman O’ Clabhaigh O. S. B. The topic will be “ Baptism through the Ages”.
Online Talks/Discussions from Knock: Each Thursday during Lent Knock Shrine will stream live a series of
talks/discussion on the Theme of ‘Living the Christian Faith’. On Thursday 11th Mar topic will be ‘Living Christian Faith in
Public Life.’ It will begin at 8.30pm and can be viewed at
Feast of St. Patrick: It would be hard to overestimate the influence of St. Patrick on the faith of the people of Ireland. In
recent years the message of St. Patrick tended to be overshadowed by other celebrations associated with the Feast. This
year is a good opportunity to focus on the spiritual significance of the Feast of St. Patrick. We include here an extract from
the story of his life, as told by himself. In this extract he tells about his carelessness about his relationship with God and
about his conversion. We can pray that many Irish people will experience a similar conversion as we celebrate his Feast.
Did Not Know God:
I was then about sixteen years of age. At that time, I did not know the true God. I was taken into
captivity in Ireland, along with thousands of others. We deserved this, because we had gone away from God, and did
not keep his commandments. We would not listen to our priests, who advised us about how we could be saved.
The Lord brought his strong anger upon us, and scattered us among many nations even to the ends of the earth.
His Conversion:
It was there that the Lord opened up my awareness of my lack of faith. Even though it came about
late, I recognised my failings. So I turned with all my heart to the Lord my God, and he looked down on my
lowliness and had mercy on my youthful ignorance. He protected me and consoled me as a father does for his
son. That is why I cannot be silent about such great blessings and such a gift that the Lord so kindly bestowed in the
land of my captivity. (The Inspiring Testimony of St. Patrick).
St. Joseph: The Feast of St. Joseph occurs on Mar 19th . The Pope asks us to honour St. Joseph in a special way this year.
Over the two weeks we will include short items about some of the qualities of St. Joseph. We pray that we can learn to
imitate his faithfulness to God and his care of Mary and Jesus.
About St. Joseph: It is frequently said that we know so little about St. Joseph, because not one word he spoke is recorded in
scripture: yet, at the same time, scripture indirectly does tell us a lot. What we do know comes from the New Testament, in
particular from the gospels of Matthew and Luke.
- We know he was a carpenter, a working man for the people of Nazareth ask about Jesus. ”Is this not the carpenter’s son”. ( Matthew 13:55)
- He wasn’t rich for when he took Jesus to Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord, his offering was two doves or a pair of pigeons. which was customary for those who could not afford the offering of a lamb. ( Luke 2:24).
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a Trocaire box there are spare boxes in the Church.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st February-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email:
St. Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Year B Second Sunday of Lent 28th February, 2021
Sat 27th 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. Bill & Criss Kelly. Sun 28th 11.00am Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smith.
Mon 1st 9.30am Mass. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Pat & Kathleen Gaffney. Sat 6th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson.
Sun 7th 11.00am Bernie Drum.
Killulagh Masses: No Masses during the week. Sun 28th No Mass.
- I. P. Sheila Wade. (nee Kelly) sister of Angela Murtagh. Clondone. who died in England.
Candlemas Offerings: €710. Ren Fund: Weekly €180. Monthly €210. Annual €1,100.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The third talk will be given on Saturday 6th March at 2pm. The
speaker will be Fr. Henry O’ Shea O. S. B. The theme will be “Life in Community”.
Online Talks/Discussions from Knock: Each Thursday during Lent Knock Shrine will stream live a series of
talks/discussion on the Theme of ‘Living the Christian Faith’. On Thursday 4th Mar topic will be ‘Living Christian Faith in
the Classroom as Young Teachers.’. It will begin at 8.30pm and can be viewed at
Diocese of Meath Vocations: Jesus said, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”(Jn
12:32). Is the Lord drawing you to Him in a call to the Sacred Priesthood? Please join us for an hour of Adoration and
reflection on the call of Jesus who wants to lift you to Himself on Thursday 4th March at 7pm by Livestream on the ‘Diocese
of Meath Vocations’ Facebook Page.
Tarsus Scripture School-for Lent and Easter: 9pre-recorded lectures; 1 webinar; 1 meditation (€30). For registration
and further details, please go to
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. If you did not receive a Trocaire box there are spare boxes in the Church.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st Febraary-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email:
St. Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Lenten Fasting by Pope Francis
Fast from hurting words and say kind words
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
Fast from anger and be filled with patience
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
Fast from worries and have trust in God
Fast from complaints; contemplate simplicity Fast from pressures and be prayerful
Fast from bitterness; fill your hearts with joy
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate
Fast from grudges and be reconciled
Fast from words; be silent and listen
Year B First Sunday of Lent 21st February, 2021
Sat 20th 6.30pm Joe Flynn. Sun 21st 11.00am T J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am
Joe Lynch. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. Bill & Criss Kelly. Sun 28th 11.00am Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smith.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 21st NoMass.
- I. P. Patrick Martin. Dublin late of Robinstown, Delvin. Tommy Mc Donnell. Julianstown. brother of Phil Leavy.
Rockview, Delvin.
Candlemas Offerings: €1,550. Ren Fund: Weekly €835. Monthly €450.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offerings, also the Church Renovation Fund.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The second talk will be given on Saturday 27th at 2pm. The
speaker will be Fr. Columba Mc Cann O. S. B. The theme will be “This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to Him.”.
Online Talks/Discussions from Knock: Each Thursday during Lent Knock Shrine will stream live a series of
talks/discussion on the Theme of ‘Living the Christian Faith’. On Thursday 25th topic will be ‘Living Christian Faith as
Young Adults’. It will begin at 8.30pm and can be viewed at
Radio Maria: Radio Maria is a Catholic Radio Station with headquarters in Dublin. For more information go to You can listen to this station through the website or by downloading a Mobile App ‘Radio Maria
Ireland’. You can also listen on Saorview TV Channel 210 or through facebook.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are very grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare boxes in Church.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st Febraary-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email:
St. Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Lenten Fasting by Pope Francis
Fast from hurting words and say kind words
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
Fast from anger and be filled with patience
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
Fast from worries and have trust in God
Fast from complaints; contemplate simplicity Fast from pressures and be prayerful
Fast from bitterness; fill your hearts with joy
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate
Fast from grudges and be reconciled
Fast from words; be silent and listen
Year B Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th February, 2021
Sat 13th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan. Sun 14th 11.00am Pat Smith MM Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Paddy Downes Sat 20th 6.30pm Joe Flynn. Sun 21st 11.00am T J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 14th NoMass.
- I. P. Pat Glynn. Cloughan. father of Kate Clune. Castletown, Delvin. Paddy Melligan. Scurlogstown Delvin.
Teresa Dowdall. Canada. sister of Phyllis O’ Reilly. late of Clondone, Delvin.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Day of Prayer for Temperance: This Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine.
Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkerness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or
in the air. (CCC 2290)
Pioneer Association: Are encouraging parishioners to take Pioneer short-term Pledge for Lent.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed at
the 9.30am Mass and left in envelopes in the Church on Wednesday.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The first talk will be given on Saturday 20th at 2pm. The speaker
will be Fr. Luke Mc Namara O. S. B. The theme will be “ Conversion and New Life”.
Online Talks/Discussions from Knock: Each Thursday during Lent Knock Shrine will stream live a series of
talks/discussion on the Theme of ‘Living the Christian Faith’. On Thursday 18th topic will be ‘Living Christian Faith in the
Family’. It will begin at 8.30pm and can be viewed at
Trocaire: Trocaire Boxes will be delivered during next week.
First Communion and Confirmation: Due to the present restrictions it is not possible to arrange dates for First
Communion or Confirmation at present. When restrictions are relaxed we will discuss suitable dates for these celebrations.
St. Valentines’ Day: This feast is an opportunity for married couples to renew their commitment to each other and to their
children. We will pray a blessing for married couples during Mass today.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st Febraary-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email:
St. Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Alone: Manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties
relating to Covid-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The
support line is open seven days a week . 8am-8pm by calling 0818 222024.
Year B Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7th February, 2021
Sat 6th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Alice Donlon. Sun 7th 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny. Pat Fox.
Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan. Sun 14th 11.00am Pat Smith MM
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 7th NoMass.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you. You can drop
the envelopes in at the Parochial House, or in the box in the Church.
Killulagh Masses: Mass Intentions that were booked for Killulagh can be changed to Delvin. You can book them in for a
weekday or weekend. Please contact the Parochial House and we will do our best to accommodate you. 044-9664127.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Next Thursday 11th is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine.
Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkerness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or
in the air. (CCC 2290)
Pioneer Association: Are encouraging parishioners to take Pioneer short-term Pledge for Lent.
Lenten Talks: The monks of Glenstal Abbey are giving a series of talks during Lent on the gospel of each Sunday. The
talks will be Streamed Live on the Glenstal Abbey website. The first talk will be given on Saturday 20th at 2pm. The speaker
will be Fr. Luke Mc Namara O. S. B. The theme will be “ Conversion and New Life”.
Trocaire: We hope to have Trocaire Boxes for distributing shortly.
First Communion and Confirmation: Due to the present restrictions it is not possible to arrange dates for First
Communion or Confirmation at present. When restrictions are relaxed we will discuss suitable dates for these celebrations.
Report of the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes: Bishop Deenihan has issued a statement on the publication of
the report. Copies of the statement are available in the Churches. It is also available on the website of the Diocese.
Anybody seeking help in relation to Mother and Baby Homes can contact Tusla or Barnados.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st Febraary-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email:
St. Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
Loneliness during Restrictions: We encourager parishioners to look out for those who may be experiencing loneliness or
are needy during the present restrictions (especially those who are elderly or living alone). If you are aware of anybody in
need please speak to the Gardai or the Postman or contact the Parochial House. There are many agencies willing to help
those who are in need.
Alone: Manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties
relating to Covid-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The
support line is open seven days a week . 8am-8pm by calling 0818 222024.
Year B Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 31st January, 2021
Sat 30th 6.30pm William Clancy. Sun 31st 11.00am Patrick & Elizabeth Farrelly. Bridget & Larry Whelehan & DFM
Mon 1st ( Feast of St. Brigid) 9.30am Mass. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd ( St. Blaise) 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am List of the Dead. Fri 5th ( First Friday) 9.30am John & Anna Vaughan. 7.30pm Hubert Flanagan. Sat 6th 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Alice Donlon. Sun 7th 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny. Pat Fox.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 31st NoMass.
- I. P. Bernie Maguire. Castleview, Delvin. Joan Claffey. Moate. mother of Pat Claffey. Main St, Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Feast of St. Brigid: Monday is the Feast of St. Brigid. Anybody wishing to have St. Brigid’s Crosses blessed can leave
them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Monday. They will be blessed during Mass. Please collect your Crosses again
after Mass.
Feast of the Presentation: Tuesday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation. Anybody wishing to have Candles blessed
for use in the home can leave them in the Church before 9.30am Mass on Tuesday. They will be blessed during Mass.
Please collect your candles after 9.30am Mass. Today is also World Day For Consecrated Life.
Feast of St. Blaise: Wednesday is the Feast of St. Blaise. We are unable to have Blessing of the Throats on that day.
Candlemas Offerings: Sunday 7th is Candlemas Day. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you. You can drop
the envelopes in at the Parochial House, or in the box in the Church.
Killulagh Masses: Mass Intentions that were booked for Killulagh can be changed to Delvin. You can book them in for a
weekday or weekend. Please contact the Parochial House and we will do our best to accommodate you. 044-9664127.
Report of the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes: Bishop Deenihan has issued a statement on the publication of
the report. Copies of the statement are available in the Churches. It is also available on the website of the Diocese.
Anybody seeking help in relation to Mother and Baby Homes can contact Tusla or Barnados.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st Febraary-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email: St.
Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
Loneliness during Restrictions: We encourager parishioners to look out for those who may be experiencing loneliness or
are needy during the present restrictions (especially those who are elderly or living alone). If you are aware of anybody in
need please speak to the Gardai or the Postman or contact the Parochial House. There are many agencies willing to help
those who are in need.
St. Brigid
St. Brigid is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. She was born c. 454. When she was young
her father wished to make a very suitable marriage for her but she insisted in consecrating her virginity to God. She
received the veil and spiritual formation probably from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in
Ardagh. Others followed her example and this led her to found a double monastery in Kildare with the assistance of
Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and her cult is widespread not only throughout Ireland but in several European
lands. The St. Brigid’s Cross, in legend used by Brigid to explain the Christian faith, remains a popular sign of
God’s protection.
Year B Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th January, 2021
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Pat Carroll. Sun 24th 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey. Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th 9.30am Anthony & Brigid Mc Cormack & DFM. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm William Clancy. Sun 31st 11.00am Patrick & Elizabeth Farrelly.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 24th NoMass.
- I. P. Pat Smith. Loughanstown, Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Christian Unity Week: From Mon 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Week of Prayer: The theme
for the week is based on the story of the Vine and the Branches (John’s Gospel 15:5-9). Abide in my love and you shall bear
much fruit.
Prayer: Thrice- holy God, we thank you for having created and loved us. We thank you for your presence in us, and in
creation. May we learn to look upon the world as you look upon it, with love. In the hope of this vision, may we be able to
work for a world where justice and peace flourish, for the glory of your name.
Catholic Schools Week: January 24th -31st. The themes for each day are as follows;
Monday 25th Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith.
Tuesday 26th Catholic Schools: Communities of Learning.
Wednesday 27th Catholic Schools: Communities of Love.
Thursday 28th Catholic Schools: Communities of Resilience.
Friday 29th Catholic Schools: Communities of Hope.
Report of the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes: Bishop Deenihan has issued a statement on the publication of
the report. Copies of the statement are available in the Churches. It is also available on the website of the Diocese.
Anybody seeking help in relation to Mother and Baby Homes can contact Tusla or Barnados.
Delvin Parish Schools Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2021 will take place from 1st Febraary-16th
March, 2021. Applications for Admission can be made directly to one of the 3 schools in the parish. St. Tola’s N. S. Phone:
044-9664457, or Email: St. Patrick’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664585. Email: St.
Ernan’s N. S. Phone: 044-9664539. Email:
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
Sunday of the Word of God
Is a means to help people to reawaken an awareness of the importance of Sacred Scripture in our lives as believers,
beginning with its resonance in the liturgy which places us in living and permanent dialogue with God.
The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures: The Holy Spirit was at work in the whole process of the formation of the Scriptures.
This is why, even though many people across different times and places contributed to the writing, we believe that the
Scriptures are divinely inspired. But the Holy Spirit’s work does not come to an end with the writing of the text. The Holy
Spirit, who dwells in us by virtue of our baptism, is also at work in us as we listen to the text. Therefore, through the Spirit’s
inspiration, the words of Scripture can become a living Word of the Lord to us here and now.
Year B Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th January, 2021
Sat 16th 6.30pm Frank Brady. John & Mgt Moran & DFM. Sun 17th 11.00am Laetitia & Joseph Cullen. Joe & Kitty Bray.
Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Pat Carroll. Sun 24th 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 17th NoMass.
- I. P. Harriet Farrelly. Collinstown. mother of Maeve Murphy. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Christian Unity Week: From Mon 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. “ Concern for restoring unity”.
wrote the fathers of the Second Vatican Council, “pertains to the whole Church, faithful and clergy alike. It extends to
everyone according to the ability of each, whether it be exercised in daily living or in theological and historical studies”. The
insistence of the Council that the ecumenical endeavour demands the engagement of all the faithful, and not only of
theologians and church leaders meeting in international dialogues, has been repeatedly emphasised in subsequent Church
documents. The real, though incomplete, communion that already exists between Catholics and other baptised Christians
can and must be deepened at a number of levels simultaneously. Pope Francis has captured this in the phrase, “walking
together, praying together and working together.” By sharing our Christian lives with other Christians, by praying with and
for them, and by giving common witness to our Christian faith through action, we grow into the unity which is the Lord’s
desire for his Church. (from a recent Vatican Document giving guidance for Bishops).
Catholic Schools Week: January 24th -31st. The themes for each day are as follows:
Monday 24th Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith.
Tuesday 25th Catholic Schools: Communities of Learning.
Wednesday 26th Catholic Schools: Communities of Love.
Thursday 27th Catholic Schools: Communities of Resilience.
Friday 28th Catholic Schools: Communities of Hope.
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
Sunday of the Word of God
Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 24th as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the importance of
the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope Francis
establishing the Sunday of the Word of God. “it belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognise
themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the sacred text by restricting it to certain
circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it,
move from dispersion and division towards unity. The word of God unites believers and makes them one people. In
this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping everyone to
understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word must feel an urgent need to make
it accessible to their community”.
Year B The Baptism of the Lord 10th January, 2021
Sat 9th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Sun 10th 11.00am Richard & Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & baby Patrick Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Frank Brady. John & Mgt Moran & DFM. Sun 17th 11.00am Laetitia & Joseph Cullen. Joe & Kitty Bray.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 10th NoMass.
- I. P. Kieran Carroll. The Downs, Mullingar. ( formerly Crowenstown) brother of Frank, Michael & Rose. Delvin.
Hubert Flanagan. Longford. brother of Carmel Gaffney. Delvin.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Bible Alive : January Issue on Sale.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Christian Unity Week: From Mon 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. “ Concern for restoring unity”.
wrote the fathers of the Second Vatican Council, “pertains to the whole Church, faithful and clergy alike. It extends to
everyone according to the ability of each, whether it be exercised in daily living or in theological and historical studies”. The
insistence of the Council that the ecumenical endeavour demands the engagement of all the faithful, and not only of
theologians and church leaders meeting in international dialogues, has been repeatedly emphasised in subsequent Church
documents. The real, though incomplete, communion that already exists between Catholics and other baptised Christians
can and must be deepened at a number of levels simultaneously. Pope Francis has captured this in the phrase, “walking
together, praying together and working together.” By sharing our Christian lives with other Christians, by praying with and
for them, and by giving common witness to our Christian faith through action, we grow into the unity which is the Lord’s
desire for his Church. (from a recent Vatican Document giving guidance for Bishops).
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
The Baptism of Jesus and Ours
Jesus’s baptism is the pattern also of ours. In baptism we go down with Christ into the waters of death, and our sins
are drowned in those waters. And because we have gone down with Christ, we also come up from the waters together
with him and hear---mighty and majestic---the Father’s voice directed to us as well. It pronounces a new name for
each of us, in the depths of each of our hearts. “Beloved! In whom I am well pleased”. We hear this name as ours not
because of any good deeds we have done but because Christ in his overflowing love willed to share his relationship to
his Father with us.
Homiletic Directory, no 137.
Sunday of the Word of God
Pope Francis has chosen Sunday 24th as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the importance of
the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope Francis
establishing the Sunday of the Word of God. “it belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognise
themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the sacred text by restricting it to certain
circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it,
move from dispersion and division towards unity. The word of God unites believers and makes them one people. In
this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping everyone to
understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word must feel an urgent need to make
it accessible to their community”.
Year B Second Sunday after Christmas 3rd January, 2021
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Patrick, Jenny & Mary Alice Carroll. Sun 3rd 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune. Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 7.30pm Cailin Lynch. William & Kathleen Lynch. Wed 6th 11.00am John & Ellen Ivory, son Loman & Ellen Devery. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Sun 10th 11.00am Richard & Lil Mullen, son Jimmy & baby Patrick
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 3rd NoMass.
Offertory €1500. Christmas Offerings: €5,525.
Webcam: All Masses will be streamed via the webcam. To access the webcam google On the
homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down until you find a photograph of the Church of the
Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Bible Alive : January Issue on Sale.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Christmas Offerings: Thanks again to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Feast of the Epiphany: The Feast of the Epiphany will be celebrated on Wednesday 6th January. It is a Holyday.
Christian Unity Week: From Mon 18th -25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the many
divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with Christians all
over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great
feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men(magi) from the East, together with his Baptism
in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan
religions, the Gospel sees the first -fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the
Sunday of the Word of God
Pope Francis has chosen Sunday January 24th as the Sunday of the Word of God. He invites us to reflect on the
importance of the Word of God in our lives and in the Liturgy. The following is an extract from the Letter of Pope
Francis establishing the Sunday of the Word of God. “It belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to
recognise themselves in its words. At times, there can be a tendency to monopolise the sacred text by restricting it to
certain circles or to select groups. It cannot be that way. The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening
to it, move from dispersion and division towards unity. The word of God unites believers and makes them one
people. In this unity born of listening, pastors are primarily responsible for explaining sacred Scripture and helping
everyone to understand it. Since it is the people’s book, those called to be ministers of the word must feel an urgent
need to make it accessible to their community”.
Important Dates for 2021.
17th February, Ash Wednesday 1st August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh.
4th April, Easter Sunday 2nd August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown.
Sun 23rd May, Pentecost Sunday. 14th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
Church Holydays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Wed 6th January All Saints, Monday 1st November
St. Patrick’s Day, Wednesday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Wed 8th December
Feast of the Assumption, Sunday 15th August. Christmas Day, Saturday 25th December.
Year B The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 27th December, 2020.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Sun 27th 11.00am Bill Anderson. Parents, brothers and sisters. Mon 28th 10.00am DFM Kearney family. Tue 29th 10.00am Thomas & Bridget Brennan. Wed 30th 10.00am Larry Murtagh & DFM Thurs 31st 10.00am Cathy Sullivan & Bridie Carolan. Fri 1st Jan 12noon Mass ( World Day of Peace) Sat 2nd 6.30pm Patrick, Jenny & Mary Alice Carroll. Sun 3rd 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune.
All Masses will be Stream Live.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 27th NoMass.
Offertory €600. Christmas Offerings: €2,400.
Webcam: The Webcam was installed during the week. To access Mass via the Webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down to the bottom row(29th) and you will find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Bible Alive : January Issue on Sale.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. James Patrick Monahan. Hollie Bernadette O’ Farrell.
Christmas Message: Bishop Deenihan has written a Christmas message to the people of the Diocese. Copies of his message
are available in both Churches.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
World Day of Peace: Jan 1st is World Day of Peace. Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming year.
Feast of the Epiphany: The Feast of the Epiphany will be celebrated on Wednesday 6th January. It is a Holyday.
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
New Year Greetings: We wish all our Parishioners every blessing and success for 2021. Thanks to everybody for
their generosity and support in the past year.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God. ( January 1st )
At the message of an angel, the Virgin Mary received the Word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer.
Christmas Message—Pope Francis.
I would like to bring to everyone the message that the Church proclaims on this feast with the words of the prophet
Isaiah: “ To us a child is born, to us a son is given” ( Is 9:6) A child is born. A birth is always a source of hope; it is
life that blossoms, a promise of the future. Moreover, this Child, Jesus, was born “to us”; an “us” without any
borders, privileges or exclusions. The Child born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem was born for everyone; he is the
“son” that God has given to the entire human family. Thanks to this Child, all of us can speak to God and call him
“Father”. Jesus is the only-begotten Son; no one but he knows the Father. Yet he came into the world for this very
reason; to show us the face of the Father. Thanks to this Child, we can all call one another brothers and sisters, for
so we truly are. We come from every continent, from every language and culture, with our own identities and
differences, yet we are all brothers and sisters.
Important Dates for 2021.
17th February, Ash Wednesday 1st August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh.
4th April, Easter Sunday 2nd August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown.
Sun 23rd May, Pentecost Sunday. 14th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
Church Holydays
The Epiphany of the Lord, Wed 6th January All Saints, Monday 1st November
St. Patrick’s Day, Wednesday 17th March. Immaculate Conception, Wed 8th December
Feast of the Assumption, Sunday 15th August. Christmas Day, Saturday 25th December.
Year B Fourth Sunday of Advent 20th December, 2020.
Sat 19th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. Sun 20th 11.00am Joe Gaffney. Tom & Mary Jane Heffernan. Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mary Bernadette Clancy. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Thursday ( Christmas Eve). 4pm. & 6.30pm Fri
( Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Sun 27th 11.00am Bill Anderson. Parents, brothers and sisters.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 20th 9.30am Anna & Paddy Cassidy. Fri ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass.
Sun 27th 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy.
Offertory €410. Ren Fund: Weekly €445. Monthly €405.
Webcam: The Webcam was installed during the week. To access Mass via the Webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down to the bottom row(29th) and you will find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to
Conversion, quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Christmas Message: Bishop Deenihan has written a Christmas message to the people of the Diocese. Copies of his message
are available in both Churches.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Confessions: Will be available in Delvin on Sunday next, Dec 20th from 7-8pm. A perspex screen will be used and the area
will be sanitised after each confession. Those coming to confession must wear a mask. A visiting priest will assist with
confessions. Confessions will be available in Clonmellon on Mon Dec 21st from 7-8pm. Similar arrangements will be place.
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
St. Vincent de Paul: A very big thank you to everyone for the wonderful response to the St. Vincent de Paul Annual appeal,
the drive through collection amounted to €2,200 which is being distributed to local people to help alleviate the financial
pressures associated with this time of year. We extend our thanks to the local shops and businesses for their help. We wish
you all a very Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.
Christmas Masses:
Delvin : Christmas Eve—4pm and 6.30pm.
Christmas Day---11am.
Tickets for Masses: Tickets will be available for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Sat 26th, Sun 27th in Fatima on Mon next
21st from 7pm-8pm. Remaining tickets will be available at the Parochial House on Wed from 10am-12noon. If tickets are
not available it is possible to follow Masses online. Loudspeaker will be in use for 4pm Mass on Christmas Eve and 11am
on Christmas Day. It is also permissable to fulfill the obligation to attend Mass by attending on one of the weekdays leading
up to Christmas.
Killulagh: Christmas Day at 9.30am. You are asked to remain in your car in the carpark and follow Mass on the
Christmas Greetings
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. We welcome all
who have come home to be with their families. We think of all who cannot travel this Christmas, or who have to
work during the Christmas.
Year B Third Sunday of Advent 13th December, 2020.
Sat 12th 6.30pm Bernadette Kelly. Sun 13th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Tetresa Mc Cormack. Mon 14th 9.30am William & Michael Gilroy. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 9.30am Anthony Haran Sat 19th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. Sun 20th 11.00am Joe Gaffney. Tom & Mary Jane Heffernan.
Mass will be Live Streamed.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 13th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM. Sun 20th 9.30am Anna & Paddy Cassidy
Offertory €685. 8th December €120. Ren Fund: Weekly €910. Monthly €590. Annual €350.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Webcam: The Webcam was installed during the week. To access Mass via the Webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down to the bottom row(29th) and you will find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to
Conversion, quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
St. Elizabeth Convent Belarus: Sisters from the Convent are unable to participate in annual Christmas markets due to travel
restrictions, instead they are launching the very first Online Christmas market this year. Through purchasing beautiful
Christmas gifts each one of us will be able to serve the poor, sick, homeless and lonely people. The Online Christmas
Market offers a range of unique handmade items that will make memorable Christmas gifts, including traditional hand
painted Christmas ornaments, wooden toys and souvenirs, Nativity scenes and sets, Christmas themed ceramics and glass
products and much more. Further info at https:.//
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
Christmas Masses: Masses for Christmas Day will be as follows:
Christmas Eve—4pm and 6.30pm.
Christmas Day---Killulagh 9.30am. Delvin 11am
Masses from Delvin will be streamed live and outside speaker will be used for 11am Mass.
Prayer of Petition---Pope Francis
If one feels bad because he has done bad things-he is a sinner-when he prays the “Our Father” he is already
approaching the Lord. At times we can believe we do not need anything, that we are enough for ourselves, and we
live in total self-sufficiency. This happens at times! But sooner or later this illusion vanishes. The human being is an
invocation, that at times becomes a cry, often withheld. The soul resembles a dry, parched land, as the Psalm says
(see Psalm 63:2). We all experience, at some time or another in our existence, the time of melancholy, of solitude. The
Bible is not ashamed of showing our human condition, marked by disease, injustice, the betrayals of friends, or the
threat of enemies. At times it seems that everything collapses, that the life lived so far has been in vain. And in these
situations, when it seems that everything is falling apart, there is only one way out: the cry, the prayer “Lord, help
me”. Prayer can open up a sliver of light in the densest darkness. “Lord , help me”. This opens: it opens up the road,
it opens up the path.
Year B Second Sunday of Advent 6th December, 2020.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Joe Reilly. Sun 6th 11.00am Noel Lynch. Mon 7th 9.30am Billy Moran. Tue 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 11.00am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass.. Thurs 10th 9.30am Noel Flanagan. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 6.30pm Bernadette Kelly. Sun 13th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Pearse Mc Cormack.
Mass will be Live Streamed.
Killulagh Masses:
No Masses during the Week. Sun 6th 9.30am Paddy & Betty Kelleghan. Sun 13th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Webcam: The Webcam was installed during the week. To access Mass via the Webcam google On
the homepage there are rows of photographs of Churches. Scroll down to the bottom row(29th) and you will find a
photograph of the Church of the Assumption, Delvin. Click on it and you’re in. You can also access it through facebook.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Max Poynton. Mason Francis Quinn. Charlie Enda Moran.
Oisin Patrick Farrelly. Donnacha Thomas Groome. Michael Padraic Burns.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to
Conversion, quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and later in Wales. On his
return he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of
the great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the saints of Ireland. His Feast Day
is next Saturday 12th December.
St. Elizabeth Convent Belarus: Sisters from the Convent are unable to participate in annual Christmas markets due to travel
restrictions, instead they are launching the very first Online Christmas market this year. Through purchasing beautiful
Christmas gifts each one of us will be able to serve the poor, sick, homeless and lonely people. The Online Christmas
Market offers a range of unique handmade items that will make memorable Christmas gifts, including traditional hand
painted Christmas ornaments, wooden toys and souvenirs, Nativity scenes and sets, Christmas themed ceramics and glass
products and much more. Further info at https:.//
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The pandemic has increased pressures on households and reduced donation collection
opportunities that we usually put in place for December so please remember to give what you can and help people in need in
your community with basics like food, fuel and school. Your Donation: (1) Helps provide food for a family who are
struggling. (2) Helps an elderly person keep warm this winter. (3) Helps a young family with education costs like books and
uniforms. Donating in Person: (1) You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin. (2) Pass on to one of the
local members that may be known to you. (3) You will be sent a receipt.
Drive Thru Collection Sat 12th Dec: We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 12th December
between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and
masks will be in place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church doors.
Donating Online. Alternatively you can donate on line Make a one off or monthly donation and be sure to
select North East area so your money goes to our Region. If you need Support and Advice please contact 1800677777.
Year B First Sunday of Advent 29th November, 2020.
Sat 28th 6.30pm Tom, May & Sean Fay. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 29th 11.00am Eugene & Carmel Doherty. Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am David Anderson. Fri 4th ( First Friday)
9.30am List of the Dead. 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney & DFM. Sat 5th 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Joe Reilly. Sun 6th 11.00am Noel Lynch.
Mass will be Live Streamed.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 29th No 9.30am Mass.
Renovation Fund: Weekly €505. Monthly €215. Annual €350.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on sale. Cist €2.
Webcam: We have reached out target to purchase a new webcam, and we have placed an order for one. We hope it will be
installed during the coming week. Our sincere thanks to everybody who has made a donation for the webcam. We hope it
will be easier to link into Mass when the webcam is installed. It is planned that there will be a link on the Parish website. By
checking on the link it will be possible to connect to Mass directly.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
St. Elizabeth Convent Belarus: Sisters from the Convent are unable to participate in annual Christmas markets due to travel
restrictions, instead they are launching the very first Online Christmas market this year. Through purchasing beautiful
Christmas gifts each one of us will be able to serve the poor, sick, homeless and lonely people. The Online Christmas
Market offers a range of unique handmade items that will make memorable Christmas gifts, including traditional hand
painted Christmas ornaments, wooden toys and souvenirs, Nativity scenes and sets, Christmas themed ceramics and glass
products and much more. Further info at https:.//
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The pandemic has increased pressures on households and reduced donation collection
opportunities that we usually put in place for December so please remember to give what you can and help people in need in
your community with basics like food, fuel and school. Your Donation: (1) Helps provide food for a family who are
struggling. (2) Helps an elderly person keep warm this winter. (3) Helps a young family with education costs like books and
uniforms. Donating in Person: (1) You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin. (2) Pass on to one of the
local members that may be known to you. (3) You will be sent a receipt.
Drive Thru Collection Sat 12th Dec: We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 12th December
between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and
masks will be in place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church doors.
Donating Online. Alternatively you can donate on line Make a one off or monthly donation and be sure to
select North East area so your money goes to our Region. If you need Support and Advice please contact 1800677777.
The Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fonds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressing lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the Solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light illuminating the long night prior to the rising of the Sun
of justice.
Year A Feast of Christ the King 22nd November, 2020.
Sat 21st 6.30pm James, Mgt , Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Sun 22nd 11.00am Karl Quinn. Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass.
Tue 24th 9.30am Chris & Jenny Downes & DFM. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th 7.30pm Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Tom, May & Sean Fay. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 29th 11.00am Eugene & Carmel Doherty.
Mass will be Live Streamed. See details below.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 22nd No 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. John Mc Dermott. Mullingar. brother of Dolores Moran. Martinstown, Delvin. Pat Clyne. Clonmellon. father of
Patricia Smyth. Ballyowen, Delvin.
Webcam: We have reached out target to purchase a new webcam, and we have placed an order for one. We hope it will be
installed during the coming week. Our sincere thanks to everybody who has made a donation for the webcam. We hope it
will be easier to link into Mass when the webcam is installed. It is planned that there will be a link on the Parish website. By
checking on the link it will be possible to connect to Mass directly.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Indulgences for the Dead: Indulgences can be gained by those who visit the Church and pray the “Our Father” and the
“Creed” or who visit a Cemetery and pray for the Dead once a day for the Month of November.
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Christ did not seek earthly domination in
his kingship but the liberation of the weak and the oppressed. The Cathedral in Mullingar is dedicated to Christ the King.
To mark the Feast we will have Reflections and Benediction at 4pm. It will be Live Sreamed.
Service for the Dead: This year it will not be possible to have the usual Service for the Dead. Instead we will offer Mass
on Friday evening at 7.30pm for all who have died. After the gospel we will read out the names of all who have died during
the year and light a candle in their memory. Mass will be streamed Live so that everybody can join in.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
St. Elizabeth Convent Belarus: Sisters from the Convent are unable to participate in annual Christmas markets due to travel
restrictions, instead they are launching the very first Online Christmas market this year. Through purchasing beautiful
Christmas gifts each one of us will be able to serve the poor, sick, homeless and lonely people. The Online Christmas
Market offers a range of unique handmade items that will make memorable Christmas gifts, including traditional hand
painted Christmas ornaments, wooden toys and souvenirs, Nativity scenes and sets, Christmas themed ceramics and glass
products and much more. Further info at https:.//
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The pandemic has increased pressures on households and reduced donation collection
opportunities that we usually put in place for December so please remember to give what you can and help people in need in
your community with basics like food, fuel and school. Your Donation: (1) Helps provide food for a family who are
struggling. (2) Helps an elderly person keep warm this winter. (3) Helps a young family with education costs like books and
uniforms. Donating in Person: (1) You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin. (2) Pass on to one of the
local members that may be known to you. (3) You will be sent a receipt.
Drive Thru Collection Sat 12th Dec: We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 12th December
between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and
masks will be in place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church doors.
Donating Online. Alternatively you can donate on line Make a one off or monthly donation and be sure to
select North East area so your money goes to our Region. If you need Support and Advice please contact 1800677777.
Year A Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 15th November, 2020.
Sat 14th 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 15th 11.00am John & Alice Gillick & DFM. Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley.
Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Joseph Gray. Annie Kate & Joe Gray. Sat 21st 6.30pm James, Mgt , Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Sun 22nd11.00am
Karl Quinn.
Mass will be Live Streamed. See details below.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 15th No 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Kitty Moore. (nee Bray) Clondalkin. late of Delvin. aunt of Marcella Kelly. Eamonn & Jim Bray.
November Offerings: €955. Ren Fund: Weekly €110. Monthly €175. Annual €1,100.
Streaming of Masses: Thanks for the comments from those who been able to receive Masses from the Church via
Facebook. We apologise for occasional problems with the technology. We realise that the quality of the picture and
sound could be improved. We could install more professional cameras and sound equipment but it would be expensive. A
new system would cost €2,500 (approx). Due to the drop in income for the parish it would not be possible to purchase the
equipment from parish funds. If anybody would be willing to make a donation towards sponsoring new equipment we
would be very grateful. The new system would also make it easier for those who don’t have a Facebook account to receive
Mass. If you would like to make a donation towards the project please contact the Parochial House. In the meantime we will
continue to stream Masses using the present system.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Indulgences for the Dead: Indulgences can be gained by those who visit the Church and pray the “Our Father” and the
“Creed” or who visit a Cemetery and pray for the Dead once a day for the Month of November.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on our roads this Sunday at
our Masses.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Christ did not seek earthly domination in
his kingship but the liberation of the weak and the oppressed. The Cathedral in Mullingar is dedicated to Christ the King.
To mark the Feast we will have Reflections and Benediction at 4pm. It will be Live Sreamed.
Vocations Notice: We have a new Facebook Page; DioceseOfMeathVocations and a new Istagram Account;
dioceseofmeathvocations. Email; Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923.
Loneliness during Restrictions: We encourage parishioners to look out for those who may be experiencing loneliness or
are needy during the present restrictions(especially those who are elderly or living alone). If you are aware of anybody in
need please speak to the Gardai or the Postman or contact the Parochial House. There are many agencies willing to help
those who are in need.
Community Employment Vacancy: We have a vacancy for Groundsperson in Delvin Church. If you are unemployed for 1
Year or more and are interested in a career change and receiving Certified Training Skills, please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or Email:
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The pandemic has increased pressures on households and reduced donation collection
opportunities that we usually put in place for December so please remember to give what you can and help people in need in
your community with basics like food, fuel and school. Your Donation: (1) Helps provide food for a family who are
struggling. (2) Helps an elderly person keep warm this winter. (3) Helps a young family with education costs like books and
uniforms. Donating in Person: (1) You can leave a donation at the Parochial House in Delvin. (2) Pass on to one of the
local members that may be known to you. (3) You will be sent a receipt.
Drive Thru Collection Sat 12th Dec: We will also be setting up a Drive Through Gate Collection on Sat 12th December
between 11am-3pm. Enter Church via the Mart entrance and Exit opposite Blue Hackle. SVP collectors with gloves and
masks will be in place with sealed collection buckets next to the Church doors.
Donating Online. Alternatively you can donate on line Make a one off or monthly donation and be sure to
select North East area so your money goes to our Region. If you need Support and Advice please contact 1800677777.
Year A Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8th November, 2020.
Church of the ASSUMPTION
Sat 7th 6.30pm Aidan Farrelly. Sun 8th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. Mon 9th 9.30am Gretta Mc Donnell. Gerard Murray. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th 9.30am Sheila Aughey. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 14th 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 15th 11.00am John & Alice Gillick & DFM.
Mass will be Live Streamed. See details below.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 8th No 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Dominic Murray, a native of Mooretown, Delvin. who died in Drumcar, Co. Louth.
November Offerings: €2,745. Ren Fund: Weekly €1,095. Monthly €340. Annual €3,560.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. Contact Laura O’ Neill. at 086-3642363.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Max Poynton. Charlie Enda Moran. Oisin Patrick Farrelly.
Donnacha Thomas Groome.
Booking of Masses: Masses that have been booked for deceased family members will be celebrated while restrictions are in
force. We hope to be able to stream these Masses Live.
Streaming of Masses: Thanks for the comments from those who been able to receive Masses from the Church via
Facebook. We apologise for occasional problems with the technology. We realise that the quality of the picture and
sound could be improved. We could install more professional cameras and sound equipment but it would be expensive. A
new system would cost €2,500 (approx). Due to the drop in income for the parish it would not be possible to purchase the
equipment from parish funds. If anybody would be willing to make a donation towards sponsoring new equipment we
would be very grateful. The new system would also make it easier for those who don’t have a Facebook account to receive
Mass. If you would like to make a donation towards the project please contact the Parochial House. In the meantime we will
continue to stream Masses using the present system.
List of the Dead: Thanks to all who returned the List of the Dead Envelopes. Mass was offered on Monday last and also on
Friday which was the First Friday.
November Offerings: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the November Offerings, and the Church Renovation Fund.
Gospel Discussion: Our weekly sessions that began in April continue via Zoom every Tuesday night. (8-9pm). The sessions
are very enjoyable and of course we learn something new every week. New members are very welcome. Why not give it a
try? Just send your email address to the Parochial House ( and we will invite you to join
Indulgences for the Dead: Indulgences can be gained by those who visit the Church and pray the “Our Father” and the
“Creed” or who visit a Cemetery and pray for the Dead once a day for the Month of November.
Vocations Notice: We have a new Facebook Page; DioceseOfMeathVocations and a new Istagram Account;
dioceseofmeathvocations. Email; Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923.
Congratulations: Congratulations to Mrs Farrington, Main St, who celebrated her 100th birthday during the week. We wish
her many blessings.
Loneliness during Restrictions: We encourage parishioners to look out for those who may be experiencing loneliness or
are needy during the present restrictions(especially those who are elderly or living alone). If you are aware of anybody in
need please speak to the Gardai or the Postman or contact the Parochial House. There are many agencies willing to help
those who are in need.
The National Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration: Invites you to join them on the 4 Fridays in November for Adoration,
Prayer and Fasting. See EWTN or for streamed Adoration..
- Renewal of the Catholic Faith in Ireland
- Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
- The Suppression/ending of the Pandemic and for all who are affected by it.
- The Holy Souls
Preparation for Advent and for the Birth of Jesus
Year A
Year A Feast of All Saints 1st November, 2020.
Sat 31st 6.30pm Jim, Joan, Bernie, Walter & Nora Carroll. Sun 1st (Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Annabel Loughlin.
Seamus Gaffney & DFM. Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass for the New List of the Dead. Tue 3rd 9.30am Eileen & Jack Callinan. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat 7th 6.30pm Kevin & Bridgie Murphy. Sun 8th 11.00am Dermot Kenny.
Mass will be Live Streamed. See details below.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 1st No 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Phil Cully. (nee Branagan) Kildalkey. formerly Ballinvalley, Delvin. Matt Poynton. Tyrrellspass. brother of
Anthony Poynton. Bracklyn, Delvin.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. Contact Laura O’ Neill. at 086-3642363.
Booking of Masses: Masses that have been booked for deceased family members will be celebrated while restrictions are in
force. We hope to be able to stream these Masses Live.
Streaming of Masses: Thanks for the comments from those who been able to receive Masses from the Church via
Facebook. We apologise for occasional problems with the technology. We realise that the quality of the picture and
sound could be improved. We could install more professional cameras and sound equipment but it would be expensive. A
new system would cost €2,500 (approx). Due to the drop in income for the parish it would not be possible to purchase the
equipment from parish funds. If anybody would be willing to make a donation towards sponsoring new equipment we
would be very grateful. The new system would also make it easier for those who don’t have a Facebook account to receive
Mass. If you would like to make a donation towards the project please contact the Parochial House. In the meantime we will
continue to stream Masses using the present system.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Mon 2nd November at 9.30am in Delvin Church.
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd .( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
Vocations Notice: We have a new Facebook Page; DioceseOfMeathVocations and a new Istagram Account;
dioceseofmeathvocations. Email; Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923.
The National Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration: Invites you to join them on the 4 Fridays in November for Adoration,
Prayer and Fasting. See EWTN or for streamed Adoration..
- Renewal of the Catholic Faith in Ireland
- Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
- The Suppression/ending of the Pandemic and for all who are affected by it.
- The Holy Souls
- Preparation for Advent and for the Birth of Jesus
Online Donations: There is now a live online donation facility via the Diocese of Meath website (
which will allow individuals to donate either directly to the Parish of their choice or to one of the central Diocesan Funds.
There are two easy to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’ on the front page of the website. The first button is called ‘Parish
Collections’. This button allows you to donate to any of our 69 Parishes towards the Weekly Collection or the Clergy
Collection. This money is credited to the central Diocesan bank account and at the end of each month any monies collected
will be directly transferred to the relevant local parish bank account by the Diocesan finance staff. The second button is
called ‘Diocesan Collections’. This allows a donor to donate directly to the central Diocesan fund, the fund for Sick and
Retired Priests or the fund for the Education of Students for Priesthood.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th October, 2020.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Andrew Geoghegan & DFM Perrick family . Sun 25th 11.00am Maggie & Dermot Kenny. Mon 26th 9.30am Paddy, Ned & Tom Kelly. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass. Fri 30th 9.30am Mass. Sat 31st 6.30pm Jim, Joan, Bernie, Walter & Nora Carroll. Sun 1st (Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Annabel Loughlin.
Masses will be Live Streamed. See details below.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 25th No 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Joe Daly. Mulliganstown, Delvin.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Sat night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. Contact Laura O’ Neill. at 086-3642363.
Booking of Masses: Masses that have been booked for deceased family members will be celebrated while restrictions are in
force. We hope to be able to stream these Masses Live.
Streaming of Masses: We can now stream Masses live from Delvin Church. We hope to stream the following Masses until
further notice. Saturday (6.30pm) Sunday (11.00am) Monday – Friday (9.30am ). How to Get Connected. Open
facebook on your computer. Type in Delvin Parish Live, press enter and wait until transmission begins. If you would like to
get the information by email please send your email address to the Parochial House.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the Month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Mon 2nd November.
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you. You may drop
them in at the Parochial House.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd .( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
Vocations Notice: We have a new Facebook Page; DioceseOfMeathVocations and a new Istagram Account;
dioceseofmeathvocations. Email; Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923.
Online Donations: There is now a live online donation facility via the Diocese of Meath website (
which will allow individuals to donate either directly to the Parish of their choice or to one of the central Diocesan Funds.
There are two easy to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’ on the front page of the website. The first button is called ‘Parish
Collections’. This button allows you to donate to any of our 69 Parishes towards the Weekly Collection or the Clergy
Collection. This money is credited to the central Diocesan bank account and at the end of each month any monies collected
will be directly transferred to the relevant local parish bank account by the Diocesan finance staff. The second button is
called ‘Diocesan Collections’. This allows a donor to donate directly to the central Diocesan fund, the fund for Sick and
Retired Priests or the fund for the Education of Students for Priesthood.
Pope Francis’s General Audience. 21/10/2020
In the Psalms, personal and communal prayer merge, and praise of God is joined to concern for others, especially
the poor and those in need. Even the Psalms that seem most personal and private were prayed in the liturgy of the
Temple and in the synagogues, and then in the assemblies of the earliest Christian community. They remind us that
prayer must embrace every aspect of our lives in this world. Sometimes, prayer begins in our churches but then leads
us to serve others in the streets of our cities. At other times prayer originates in the midst of our daily work, and then
finds its completion in the Church’s liturgy. May we learn to pray the Psalms more consciously, letting their voice
become our own, as we seek to grow in love for God, trust in the fulfilment of its saving plan, and charity towards
all our brothers and sisters.
Year A Mission Sunday 18th October, 2020.
Sat 17th 6.30pm Mossie, James, Eliz, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Michael & Mary Mullally & son Michael. Sun 18th 11.00am.Ruth Lynch Barry & Cailin Lynch Mon 19th 9.30am Mass . Tue 20th 9.30am Lawrence, Therese, Maria & Anita Leavy & DFM Wed 21st 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes & son Paddy Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mass . Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Andrew Geoghegan & DFM Perrick family . Sun 25th 11.00am Maggie & Dermot Kenny.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 18th No 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Pauline Hyland. Killallon. mother of Margaret Renehan. Balrath, Delvin. Patricia Sheridan. Clonmellon. sister of
John Sheridan. Lisclougher, Delvin. Mollie Kelly (nee Goff) native of Clonarney, who died in England.
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. Contact Laura O’ Neill. at 086-3642363.
Booking of Masses: Masses that have been booked for deceased family members will be celebrated while restrictions are in
force. We hope to be able to stream these Masses Live.
Streaming of Masses: The system we had planned to use for streaming Masses has not been successful. We are
investigating an alternative system. As soon as the new system is working successfully we will put a notice on the Parish
website, with information about how to connect. If you would like to get the information by email please send your email
address to the Parochial House.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the Month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Vocations Notice: We have a new Facebook Page; DioceseOfMeathVocations and a new Istagram Account;
dioceseofmeathvocations. Email; Contact Fr. Tony Gonoude at 044-9373923.
Online Donations: There is now a live online donation facility via the Diocese of Meath website (
which will allow individuals to donate either directly to the Parish of their choice or to one of the central Diocesan Funds.
There are two easy to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’ on the front page of the website. The first button is called ‘Parish
Collections’. This button allows you to donate to any of our 69 Parishes towards the Weekly Collection or the Clergy
Collection. This money is credited to the central Diocesan bank account and at the end of each month any monies collected
will be directly transferred to the relevant local parish bank account by the Diocesan finance staff. The second button is
called ‘Diocesan Collections’. This allows a donor to donate directly to the central Diocesan fund, the fund for Sick and
Retired Priests or the fund for the Education of Students for Priesthood.
Covid-19 Support Line for Older People: ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people
who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of Covid -19. Professional staff are available to answer
queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week. 0818 222 024
Zoom Event:” Our Lived Experience of Mission” World Missions Ireland -45minute zoom event on Tue 20th Oct at 8pm
via Zoom video to listen to returned religious and lay missionaries as they share their lived experience of mission. To register
email to get your zoom link for this event which has been organized by the Meath Diocesan Mission Team. Mission Sunday
Mission is a free and conscious response to God’s call. Yet we discern this call only when we have a personal
relationship of love with Jesus present in his Church. Let us ask ourselves; are we prepared to welcome the presence
of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to listen to the call to mission, whether in our life as married couples or as consecrated
persons or those called to the ordained ministry, and in all the everyday events of life? Are we willing to be sent forth
at any time or place to witness to our faith in God the merciful Father, to proclaim the Gospel of salvation in Jesus
Christ, to share the divine life of the Holy Spirit by building up the Church? Are we, like Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
ready to be completely at the service of God’s will (cf,Lk 1:38). This interior openness is essential if we are to say to
God; “Here am I, Lord, send me” (cf, Is 6:8). And this, not in the abstract, but in this chapter of the life of the
Church and of history.
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For World Mission Day, 2020.
Year A Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th October, 2020.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Mass ( Live Stream). . Sun 11th 11.00am Mass ( Live Stream). Mon 12th 9.30am Mass ( Live Stream). Tue 13th 9.30am Mass ( Live Stream). Wed 14th 9.30am Mass ( Live Stream). Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. ( Live Stream). Fri 16th 9.30am Mass ( Live Stream). Sat 17th 6.30pm Mass ( Live Stream). Sun 18th 11.00am Mass ( Live Stream).
No Masses during the Week. Sun 11th No 9.30am Mass.
Offertory Collection:€500. Ren Fund: Weekly €245. Monthly €135. Annual €800.
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. We hope the return to school has gone well. Contact Laura O’ 086-3642363.
Booking of Masses: Masses that have been booked for deceased family members will be celebrated while restrictions are in
force. These Masses will be streamed live.
Streaming of Masses: We now have the facility to stream Masses online from Delvin Parish. The equipment we are using
is very basic but can be improved when funds become available. We hope to stream the following Masses Saturday Vigil
(6.30pm) Sunday (11am). Mon – Fri (9.30am) and other ceremonies from time to time. The following is the link to access
the service (or google Delvin Parish Live Stream). It may be easier to
use the link if you receive it by email. If you would like to receive the link by email please send your email address to the
Parochial House . We would be grateful for feedback about the quality of the reception of the service.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the Month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Vocations Notice: God sends his Son, Jesus, into the fields of this world. Jesus wants sons to go forward now as priests into
the fields today. In hospitals, schools, colleges and parishes, Christ the Priest needs new priests to act in his name. Do you
feel called to be with Him and to bring Him to others? If you do please contact Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director
Online Donations: There is now a live online donation facility via the Diocese of Meath website (
which will allow individuals to donate either directly to the Parish of their choice or to one of the central Diocesan Funds.
There are two easy to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’ on the front page of the website. The first button is called ‘Parish
Collections’. This button allows you to donate to any of our 69 Parishes towards the Weekly Collection or the Clergy
Collection. This money is credited to the central Diocesan bank account and at the end of each month any monies collected
will be directly transferred to the relevant local parish bank account by the Diocesan finance staff. The second button is
called ‘Diocesan Collections’. This allows a donor to donate directly to the central Diocesan fund, the fund for Sick and
Retired Priests or the fund for the Education of Students for Priesthood.
Covid-19 Support Line for Older People: ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people
who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of Covid -19. Professional staff are available to answer
queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week. 8am-8pm, by calling
0818 222 024 Mission Sunday
In this year marked by the suffering and challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the missionary journey of the whole Church continues in light of the words found in the account of the calling of the prophet Isaiah: “Here am I, send me” (6:8). This is the ever new response to the Lord’s question: “Whom shall I send”?(ibid). This invitation from God’s merciful heart challenges both the Church and humanity as a whole in the current world crisis. “Like the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm. We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other. On this boat…are all of us. Just like those disciples, who spoke anxiously with one voice, saying ‘We are perishing’(v.38), so we too have realized that we cannot go on thinking of ourselves, but only together can we do this”
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For World Mission Day, 2020.
Year A Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 4th October, 2020.
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Mass. Sun 4th 11.00am O’ Connor & Murphy Family. Mon 5th 9.30am Paddy & Bridie Brennan. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Willie, Bridgie & Mary Devine. DFM Hogg Family. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 7.30pm Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 11th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly.
George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith & DFM. Josephine Murtagh.
No Masses during the Week. Sun 4th 9.30am Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM. Sun 11th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Elizabeth Murray. Robinstown, Mullingar. formerly Crowenstown. sister of Chrissie Flynn. Castleview, Delvin.
Offertory Collection:€535. Ren Fund: Weekly €250. Monthly €195. Annual €540.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. We hope the return to school has gone well. Contact Laura O’ 086-3642363.
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the months of October, November and December. If you would like to
book a Mass. Please contact the Parochial House.
Day for Life: This Sunday October 4th we celebrate “Day for Life”. There were 6,666 abortions in the Republic of Ireland in
2019 and over two hundred thousand in Great Britian, including significant numbers from the island of Ireland. We, the
Catholic Church, have a message of hope and a story of love: together, we can promote a culture of life. We grieve the loss
of life due to abortion. We seek a change of minds and hearts about the innate dignity of the child in the womb and the care
of pregnant women. Pope Francis writes, The gift of a new child, entrusted by the Lord to a father and a mother, begins with
acceptance, continues with lifelong protection and has as its final goal the joy of eternal life…For God allows parents to
choose the name by which He himself will call their child for all eternity ( Amoris Laetita—The Joy of Love, 166). (For
more resources see the website of the Irish Catholics Bishops’ Conference).
Streaming of Masses: We now have the facility to stream Masses online from Delvin Parish. The equipment we are using
is very basic but can be improved when funds become available. At present we hope to stream 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays,
and other ceremonies from time to time. The following is the link to access the service (or google Delvin Parish Live Stream). It may be easier to use the link
if you receive it by email. If you would like to receive the link by email please send your email address to the Parochial
House . We would be grateful for feedback about the quality of the reception of the service.
Apostolic Letter: Pope Francis has written a new Apostolic Letter to mark the 1,600th anniversary of the death of St.
Jerome. The letter highlights St. Jerome’s love of Scripture and the lessons we can learn from him. You can read a summary
of the Letter and a link to the complete Letter on the website of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the Month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Vocations Notice: This Sunday we hear about the son being sent to the vineyard and being rejected but we also know God
sends his Son, Jesus, into the fields of this world. Jesus wants sons to go forward now as priests into the fields today. In
hospitals, schools, colleges and parishes, Christ the Priest needs new priests to act in his name. Do you feel called to be with
Him and to bring Him to others? If you do please contact Fr. Tony Gonoude, Vocations Director 044-9373923.
Renovation Fund: The New Year begins this Sunday 4th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current
year are asked to do so. New Boxes have being delivered. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please
contact the Parochial House. We thank the Collectors for delivering the Boxes and also the Offering Envelopes.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm) and Sunday (11am) Masses. Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8pm) each week. Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
You are encouraged to wear face coverings during Mass.
A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th September, 2020.
Sat 26th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Ezra Mainwaring. Alan Geoghegan. Sun 27th 11.00am Thomas (Tosh) Anderson.
Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th 9.30am Stan Smyth. Thurs 1st Sept 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Mass. Sun 4th 11.00am O’ Connor & Murphy Family.
No Masses during the week. Sun 27th 9.30am Ann Kiernan. Sun 4th 9.30am Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM
- I. P. Marcella Robinson. (nee Mc Grath) daughter of John & Kathleen Mc Grath. Rickardstown. Betty Joyce. Fethard, Tipperary. sister of Olive Kelleghan. Graftonstown, Delvin. Kathleen Bowe. Trim. sister of Jim Poynton. Ballyhealy.
Offertory Collection:€500. Ren Fund: Weekly €255. Monthly €365. Annual €1,000.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
1st Communion: Congratulations to the children from St. Tola’s N. S. who received their First Holy Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Youth Group: The parish youth group has continued meeting virtually over the lockdown period, with two youth groups
and separate boys and girls fellowship groups weekly. They regularly kept up with games, discussions, bible studies, prayer
and even held a bake off!. We hope the return to school has gone well. Contact Laura O’ 086-3642363.
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the month of October if you would like to book a Mass. Please contact
the Parochial House.
Day for Life: Next Sunday October 4th we celebrate “Day for Life”.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the Month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 27th. The New Year will begin next
Sunday 4th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes are being
delivered. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Pope Francis’s General Audience
Hope is audacious, and so, let’s encourage ourselves to dream big. Brothers and sisters, let’s learn to dream big!
Let’s not be afraid to dream big, seeking the ideas of justice and social love that are born of hope. Let’s not try to
reconstruct the past, the past is the past, let’s look forward to new things. The Lord’s promise is; “I will make all
things news”. Let’s encourage ourselves to dream big, seeking those ideals, not trying to reconstruct the past, above
all the past that was unjust and already ill…Let’s construct a future where the local and global dimensions mutually
enrich each other—everyone can contribute, everyone must contribute their share, from their culture, from their
philosophy, from their way of thinking—where the beauty and the wealth of smaller groups, even the groups that
are cast aside, might flourish—because beauty is there too---and where those who have more dedicate themselves to
service and give more to those who have less.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm) and Sunday (11am) Masses. Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8pm) each week. Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
You are encouraged to wear face coverings during Mass.
A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th September, 2020.
Sat 19th 6.30pm Jimmy & Patsy Dolan. Sun 20th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray. Mon 21st 9.30am Sheila & Dan Brennan. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd 9.30am Nora & Denis Mc Garry. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7.30pm Michael & Teresa White & DFM. Sat 26th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Ezra Mainwaring. Alan Geoghegan. Sun 27th 11.00am Thomas (Tosh) Anderson.
No Masses during the week. Sun 20th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell. Sun 27th 9.30am Ann Kiernan.
- I. P. Fr. Edward Dunne. Retired P.P. Dunboyne. Dolores Hall. Hiskinstown, Delvin. formerly Maryland, Dublin.
Offertory Collection:€575. Ren Fund: Weekly €290. Monthly €130. Annual €1,200.
1st Communion: Congratulations to the children from St. Ernan’s N. S. who received their First Holy Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
The celebration for St. Tola’s children will be on Saturday, September 26th at 11am in Delvin Church.
Ordination: Rev. Deacon Norman Allred will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath this Sunday 20th
September, and will celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday 22nd September.
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the month of October if you would like to book a Mass. Please contact
the Parochial House.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 27th. The New Year will begin on
Sunday 4th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be
delivered soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Insolvency Service: The Insolvency Service is the independent government body with four debt solutions to help people
with all levels of problem debt-from credit cards to mortgages. It regulates debt advisors called Personal Insolvency
Practitioners. Further information visit, or freetext GETHELP to 50015.
Pope Francis’s General Audience
Dear Brothers and Sisters, in our continuing reflections on the current pandemic in the light of the Church’s social
doctrine, we have seen the vital role played by the many people who generously care for others, especially the sick,
elderly and most vulnerable. We have also recognised our responsibility to care for the natural world, whose beauty
is all too often ignored and its resources squandered. In order to regain a proper sense of our place within God’s
creation, and of our call to respect and care for the earth and one another, we need to learn anew the art of
contemplation. For when we enter into silence and contemplate our interconnected world, we come to appreciate the
true meaning and value of all creatures, for each in its own way reflects something of God’s infinite wisdom,
goodness and beauty. Contemplation teaches us how integral we all are to the whole of creation, our calling to be
faithful stewards of its riches, and our need to preserve it for future generations.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm) and Sunday (11am) Masses. Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week. Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
You are encouraged to wear face coverings during Mass.
A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th September, 2020.
Sat 12th 6.30pm Tommy Gaffney & DFM . Sun 13th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM. Mon 14th 9.30am Mass. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 7.30pm Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Jimmy & Patsy Dolan. Sun 20th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray.
No Masses during the week. Sun 13th 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton. Sun 20th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell.
- I. P. Bridie Cosgrove. Clondalever, Collinstown. mother of Elizabeth Cosgrove. Battstown, Killulagh.
Offertory Collection:€665. Ren Fund: Weekly €740. Monthly €70. Annual €200.
1st Communion: The celebration for St. Ernan’s children will take place next Saturday, September 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tola’s children will be on Saturday, September 26th at 11am. Both Ceremonies will be in Delvin Church.
Ordination: Rev. Deacon Norman Allred will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath on Sunday 20th
September, and will celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday 22nd September.
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Booking of Masses: We have a few spaces left for the month of October if you would like to book a Mass. Please contact
the Parochial House.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 27th. The New Year will begin on
Sunday 4th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be
delivered soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Insolvency Service: The Insolvency Service is the independent government body with four debt solutions to help people
with all levels of problem debt-from credit cards to mortgages. It regulates debt advisors called Personal Insolvency
Practitioners. Further information visit, or freetext GETHELP to 50015.
Pope Francis’s General Audience. (9th /9/ 2020.)
Dear Brothers and Sisters, in our reflections on the current pandemic in the light of the Church’s social
doctrine, we have seen that the common good must be the goal of our individual and collective efforts to
heal our wounded world. Our Christian commitment in this regard is inspired by God’s unconditional
love, which calls us to set no limits on our love for others and our concern for their welfare. As members
of the one human family, our wellbeing is a public not simply a private good. By placing every human
person and the common good at the centre of our cultural, economic and political activity, we will create a
genuinely healthy, just and peaceful world, and so contribute to the building of a true “civilization of
love”. The coronavirus heeds no cultural or political barrier or distinction-nor must we impose any barrier
or distinction on our love as we work for the common good in responding to the grave problems brought to
the fore by the pandemic, in fidelity to our Christian vocation.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm) and Sunday (11am) Masses. Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week. Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
You are encouraged to wear face coverings during Mass.
A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 6th September, 2020.
Sat 5th 6.30pm Jenny Kenny. Parents Kit & Kathleen, brothers Christy & Watty Casserly & grand-daughter Niamh. Sun 6th 11.00am Mass. For all the people buried in Delvin Cemetery. Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 7.30pm May Toner. Sat 12th 6.30pm Tommy Gaffney. Sun 13th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM.
No Masses during the week. Sun 6th 9.30am Ann Marie & Tom Nugent. Sun 13th 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton.
- I. P. Fr. Gerry Rice, retired P. P. of Kilcloon. Tess Champion. (nee Carley) London. late of Killulagh. Breda O’ Rourke. Clontarf, Dublin sister of Lorcan Sherwin. Main St, Delvin.
Offertory Collection:€530. Ren Fund: Weekly €265. Monthly €170. Annual €750.
Ordination: Rev. Deacon Norman Allred will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Meath on Sunday 20th
September, and will celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday 22nd September.
Congratulations: We extend our warm wishes and congratulations to Bishop Tom as he celebrated the anniversary of his
ordination as Bishop of Meath this week. May the Lord continue to support him with the gifts of the Holy Spirit so he can
preach the Gospel with zeal and lead our Diocese with wisdom and strength and courage.
Cemetery: 11 o, clock Mass this Sunday will be offered for all who are buried in Delvin cemetery. The graves will be
blessed privately during the week. Thanks to all who cleaned and decorated the graves before August 15th . Thanks
especially for the beautiful display of flowers on the graves.
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Insolvency Service: The Insolvency Service is the independent government body with four debt solutions to help people
with all levels of problem debt-from credit cards to mortgages. It regulates debt advisors called Personal Insolvency
Practitioners. Further information visit, or freetext GETHELP to 50015.
Pope Francis’ General Audience.
Members of the public were able to attend Pope Francis’ general audience this week after an almost six-month
absence due to the coronavirus pandemic. The audience was held in the San Damaso Courtyard of the Apostolic
Palace following advice from authorities seeking to restrict the spread of the coronavirus.
General audiences are usually held in either St. Peter’s Square or the Paul V1 Audience Hall. When the pandemic
struck Italy in March. Pope Francis transferred his general audience to the library of the Apostolic Palace, where
they took place without public access. The first livestreamed general audience from the library took place on the 11th
After expressing his joy for the possibility to meet the faithful face-to-face instead of screen-to-screen, the Holy
Father noted how the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted our interpendence-“for better or worse.”
Solidarity, therefore, is the key to emerging from the crisis better than before.
All humanity, said the Pope, has its common origin in God. We dwell together in our common home, “a garden –
planet where God has placed us”, and we have a common destination in Christ.
“But when we forget all this, our interdependence becomes dependence of some on others,” he said “increasing
inequality and marginalization, it weakens the social fabric and the environment deteriorates.”
Pope Francis admitted that the word “solidarity” may seem a little worn and poorly understood.
It is more than “a few sporadic acts of generosity”. Rather, he said, solidarity involves creating a mindset which
thinks “in terms of community and the priority of life of all over appropriation of goods by a few.”
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pduring and Sunday (11am) Masses. Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week. Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass. You are encouraged to wear face coverings
during Mass.
A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th August, 2020.
Sat 29th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Claire O’ Connor MM Patricia Byrne. Sun 30th 11.00am Jim Joe Murtagh. John Leonard. Mon 31st 9.30am Noreen Barry. Tue 1st 9.30am Mass. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass.. Fri (First Friday) 7.30pm Babs Moran. Sat 5th 6.30pm Jenny Kenny. Parents Kit & Kathleen, brother Christy, Watty & grand-daughter Niamh. Sun 6th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 30th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala Poynton. daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM Sun 6th 9.30am Ann Marie & Tom Nugent.
- I. P. Paul Cruise. nephew of Peggy Mainwaring. Addinstown .& Cruise family, Martinstown. who died in England.
Offertory Collection:€530. Patron Day Offerings: €930. Ren Fund: Weekly €570. Monthly €365. Annual €300.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Aaron Kazimierz Deja. Leanne Briody. Shea Peter Conneely. Liam Daniel Clune. Jayden John Jones. Ben Cogan. Natalia Maria Owczarska. Billy Paul Douglas.
Ellie Maria Behan. Rian Patrick Guy.
1st Communion: 1st Communion is being re-arranged for the end of September. The celebration for St. Ernan’s children
will be on Saturday, Sept 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tolas children will be on Saturday, Sept 26th at 11am in
Delvin Church. First Confession for both schools will be during the week of Sept 7th . Details will be arranged later.
Cemetery Days: Due to Covid-19 restrictions it will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format. Instead
graves will be blessed in each cemetery at a suitable time, but there will not be Mass in the Cemeteries.
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Parish Magazine: It will not be possible to publish the Parish Magazine this year. Each year we carry reports and
photographs of parish activities during the year. Many of the activities have not taken place this year due to the Corona
Virus. If you have material or photographs for the magazine please keep them safe for next year. We hope we can produce a
bigger and better edition next year.
Schools Re- Opening: We ask our parishioners to pray for all the school communities in our parish. Great credit and thanks
are due to the Principals, Staff and Boards of Management for the work they did in preparing for the re-opening.
First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians
Beginning on Thursday last, we are reading extracts from St. Pauls First Letter to the Corinthians at weekday
Masses. The letter deals with many of the struggles of a young Apostolic Church. It gives a clear picture of the wide
range of pressures that the earliest Christians had to face. ( not very different from the pressures Christians today
Some of the issues St. Paul deals with are Marriage the Eucharist, food offered to idols, the Resurrection, and
Spiritual Gifts. There are some very well known passages in this letter. These include Chapter 11:17-34( The
Eucharist); Chapter 12( Spiritual Gifts); Chapter 13 ( Christian Love); Chapter 15 ( The Resurrection of Jesus and
our Resurrection).
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm) and Sunday (11am) Masses. Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week. Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd August, 2020.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Jack Ivory. Sun 23rd 11.00am Colin Clinton. Mon 24th 9.30am Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th 9.30am Harry Barry. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 7.30pm Paddy & Bridie Dugdale. Sat 29th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Claire O’ Connor MM Patricia Byrne. Sun 30th 11.00am Jim Joe Murtagh. John Leonard.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 23rd 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe. Sun 30th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala Poynton. daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM
Offertory Collection: 15th August €160. Offertory Sunday 16th €585. Patron Day Offerings: €1,330.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
1st Communion: 1st Communion is being re-arranged for the end of September. The celebration for St. Ernan’s children
will be on Saturday, Sept 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tolas children will be on Saturday, Sept 26th at 11am in
Delvin Church. First Confession for both schools will be during the week of Sept 7th . Details will be arranged later.
Cemetery Days: Due to Covid-19 restrictions it will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format. Instead
graves will be blessed in each cemetery at a suitable time, but there will not be Mass in the Cemeteries. It will be possible
for a small number from the local areas to attend the blessing of graves but family members living elsewhere will not be able
to attend.
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings.
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Parish Magazine: It will not be possible to publish the Parish Magazine this year. Each year we carry reports and
photographs of parish activities during the year. Many of the activities have not taken place this year due to the Corona
Virus. If you have material or photographs for the magazine please keep them safe for next year. We hope we can produce a
bigger and better edition next year.
First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians
Beginning on Thursday next, we will be reading extracts from St. Pauls First Letter to the Corinthians at weekday
Masses. Corinth had a strong business community, but there were many excesses and idolatry was widespread.
When Paul preached the Gospel in Corinth a small group believed the message and began living life as Christians.
They faced many difficulties because of the Pagan environment in which they lived. St. Paul deals with many of the
issues that arose in his letter to these new Christians. His letter tries to bring back balance to the community, and it is
written with the patient love of a father. It begins in the accepted way of greeting and thanksgiving.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass. Tickets are not necessary for Friday evening Mass. A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th August, 2020.
Sat 15th 6.30om Isabel Anderson MM. Patk & Mgt Farrelly & Family. Sun 16th 11.00am Shane Dugdale. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 7.30pm Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Jack Ivory. Sun 23rd 11.00am Colin Clinton.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 16th 9.30am Frances Comaskey. Sun 23rd 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe.
- I. P. Terry Moore. Mullingar. formerly Delvin. father of Siobhan Doherty. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €640. Ren Fund: Weekly €405. Monthly €70.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
1st Communion: 1st Communion is being re-arranged for the end of September. The celebration for St. Ernan’s children
will be on Saturday, Sept 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tolas children will be on Saturday, Sept 26th at 11am in
Delvin Church. First Confession for both schools will be during the week of Sept 7th . Details will be arranged later.
Cemetery Days: Due to Covid-19 restrictions it will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format. Instead
graves will be blessed in each cemetery at a suitable time, but there will not be Mass in the Cemeteries. It will be possible
for a small number from the local areas to attend the blessing of graves but family members living elsewhere will not be able
to attend.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and this Saturday is the Patron Day
of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the
Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need
for ourselves and our Parish.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Youth 2000 Festival: Summer E. Festival from 14th -16th August. Youth 2000’s primary objective is to provide young
people with a real retreat, not just an educational conference. We strive to lead each young soul to a genuine encounter with
the living God even within these restrictive circumstances. Further information visit or 01-6758690
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Parish Magazine: It will not be possible to publish the Parish Magazine this year. Each year we carry reports and
photographs of parish activities during the year. Many of the activities have not taken place this year due to the Corona
Virus. If you have material or photographs for the magazine please keep them safe for next year. We hope we can produce a
bigger and better edition next year.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass. Tickets are not necessary for Friday evening Mass. A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th August, 2020.
Sat 8th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly. Sun 9th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. DFM Smyth & Herward Families. Bridgie Sheerin.
Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass, Fri 14th 7.30pm Bridie Garry MM Sat 15th 6.30om Isabel Anderson MM. Patk & Mgt Farrelly & Family. Sun 16th 11.00am
Shane Dugdale.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 9th 9.30am Colm & Sean Newman. Sun 16th 9.30am Frances Comaskey.
Offertory Collection: €690. Ren Fund: Weekly €565. Monthly €90.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
1st Communion: 1st Communion is being re-arranged for the end of September. The celebration for St. Ernan’s children
will be on Saturday, Sept 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tolas children will be on Saturday, Sept 26th at 11am in
Delvin Church. First Confession for both schools will be during the week of Sept 7th . Details will be arranged later.
Cemetery Days: Due to Covid-19 restrictions it will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format. Instead
graves will be blessed in each cemetery at a suitable time, but there will not be Mass in the Cemeteries. It will be possible
for a small number from the local areas to attend the blessing of graves but family members living elsewhere will not be able
to attend.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and next Saturday is the Patron Day
of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the
Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need
for ourselves and our Parish.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: The Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock this year will be a virtual pilgrimage.
Two priests from the Diocese will attend the Shrine in Knock for the Rosary at 2.30pm and Mass at 3pm this Sun 9th
August. These events can be followed online
Youth 2000 Festival: Summer E. Festival from 14th -16th August. Youth 2000’s primary objective is to provide young
people with a real retreat, not just an educational conference. We strive to lead each young soul to a genuine encounter with
the living God even within these restrictive circumstances. Further information visit or 01-6758690
Gospel Discussion: Over the past few months we have been holding a Gospel Discussion Group ( Lectio Divina) using
Zoom. Each Tuesday night (8-9) we share thoughts and reflections on the gospel of the following Sunday. These sessions
will continue during the coming months. New members are welcome. If you would like to join please send your email
address to the Parochial House and we will let you know how to join.
Parish Magazine: It will not be possible to publish the Parish Magazine this year. Each year we carry reports and
photographs of parish activities during the year. Many of the activities have not taken place this year due to the Corona
Virus. If you have material or photographs for the magazine please keep them safe for next year. We hope we can produce a
bigger and better edition next year.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Are holding an Outdoor Book Sale at the school this Sun 9th August from 11.30am-2pm. Books for
children of all ages. Contact for further information. All are Welcome.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass. Tickets are not necessary for Friday evening Mass. A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Mass on Sundays.
Year A Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd August, 2020.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Fr. Camillus Kane. Sun 2nd 11.00am Martin & Julia Kineavy. sons Martin, Christy and Tommy. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan. son Frank & daughter Phyllis.
Mick & Mary Jane Sheerin & DFM. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Michael, Bridget & Thomas Coyne. Sat 8th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly. Sun 9th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. DFM Smyth & Herward Families.
Bridgie Sheerin
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 2nd 9.30am Joe Callan & DFM Sun 9th 9.30am Colm & Sean Newman.
Offertory Collection: €685. Ren Fund: Weekly €505. Monthly €270.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: It will not be possible to hold the Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year. It has been postponed
until 2021.
1st Communion: 1st Communion is being re-arranged for the end of September. The celebration for St. Ernan’s children
will be on Saturday, Sept 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tolas children will be on Saturday, Sept 26th at 11am in
Delvin Church. First Confession for both schools will be during the week of Sept 7th . Details will be arranged later.
Cemetery Days: Due to Covid-19 restrictions it will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format. Instead
graves will be blessed in each cemetery at a suitable time, but there will not be Mass in the Cemeteries. It will be possible
for a small number from the local areas to attend the blessing of graves but family members living elsewhere will not be able
to attend.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: The Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock this year will be a virtual pilgrimage.
Two priests from the Diocese will attend the Shrine in Knock for the Rosary at 2.30pm and Mass at 3pm on Sun 9th August.
These events can be followed online
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
Youth 2000 Festival: Summer E. Festival from 14th -16th August. Youth 2000’s primary objective is to provide young
people with a real retreat, not just an educational conference. We strive to lead each young soul to a genuine encounter with
the living God even within these restrictive circumstances. Further information visit or 01-6758690.
St. James’s Oncology Unit: Quiz has gone online this year. If you would like to make a donation search on Google for St.
James’s Oncology Unit fundraiser Go Fund Me. There are 2 Hampers for raffle. Thanks to everyone for continued support.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Are holding an Outdoor Book Sale at the school on Sun 9th August from 11.30am-2pm. Books for
children of all ages. Contact for further information. All are Welcome.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass. Tickets are not necessary for Friday evening Mass. A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Masses on Sundays.
All tickets for 11 o, clock Mass next Sunday 9th August are already distributed.
Year A Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th July, 2020.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Willie Walsh. Sun 26th 11.00am Nancy Healy MM. Bernard & Annie Carroll. late of Lisclougher. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass.. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 31st 7.30pm Kevin Power. Sat 1st 6.30pm Fr. Camillus Kane. Sun 2nd 11.00am Martin & Julia Kineavy. sons Martin, Christy and Tommy.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 26th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell Sun 2nd 9.30am Joe Callan & DFM
- I. P. Claire O’ Connor. Castleview, Delvin. Eileen Mc Nally. Clondalever, Collinstown. sister of Patricia Mc Grath. Mulliganstown, Delvin. Rose Maguire. Kildalkey. mother of Ann Anderson. Lisclougher, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €725. Ren Fund: Weekly €265. Monthly €210. Annual: €250.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: It will not be possible to hold the Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year. It has been postponed
until 2021.
1st Communion: 1st Communion is being re-arranged for the end of September. The celebration for St. Ernan’s children
will be on Saturday, Sept 19th at 11am. The celebration for St. Tolas children will be on Saturday, Sept 26th at 11am in
Delvin Church. First Confession for both schools will be during the week of Sept 7th . Details will be arranged later.
Cemetery Days: Due to Covid-19 restrictions it will not be possible to have Cemetery days in the usual format. Instead
graves will be blessed in each cemetery at a suitable time, but there will not be Mass in the Cemeteries. It will be possible
for a small number from the local areas to attend the blessing of graves but family members living elsewhere will not be able
to attend.
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Part-time Higher Diploma in Theological Studies via Blended Learning starts in
September. Further information contact or 01-7084772.
Youth 2000 Festival: Summer E. Festival from 14th -16th August. Youth 2000’s primary objective is to provide young
people with a real retreat, not just an educational conference. We strive to lead each young soul to a genuine encounter with
the living God even within these restrictive circumstances. Further information visit or 01-6758690.
Mass Leaflet: Will be available from this weekend with the Sunday Readings.
St. James’s Oncology Unit: Quiz has gone online this year. If you would like to make a donation search on Google for St.
James’s Oncology Unit fundraiser Go Fund Me. There are 2 Hampers for raffle. Thanks to everyone for continued support.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Are holding an Outdoor Book Sale at the school on Sun 9th August from 11.30am-2pm. Books for
children of all ages. Contact for further information. All are Welcome.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass. From this week tickets will not be necessary for Friday evening Mass. A Loudspeaker will be used outside the Church for 11 o’ clock Masses on Sundays.
Year A Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th July, 2020.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Peter Donohoe. Reilly & Duffy Families & DFM. Sun 19th 11.00am Liz Mullen. Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass.. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 7.30pm Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Willie Walsh. Sun 26th 11.00am Nancy Healy MM. Bernard & Annie Carroll. late of Lisclougher.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 19th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King. Sun 26th 9.30am
Colm & Lila O’ Farrell
Offertory Collection: €660. Ren Fund: Weekly €1,035. Monthly €160. Easter Dues: €225.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Part-time Higher Diploma In Theological Studies via Blended Learning starts in
September. Further information contact or 01-7084772.
Youth 2000 Festival: Summer E. Festival from 14th -16th August. Youth 2000’s primary objective is to provide young
people with a real retreat, not just an educational conference. We strive to lead each young soul to a genuine encounter with
the living God even within these restrictive circumstances. We usually have over 1,000 attendees at the Summer Festival, so
the possibly of even reaching more online is immense, but only if it is well executed. Further information visit or 01-6758690.
Mass Leaflet: Will be available from next weekend with the Sunday Readings.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Are holding an Outdoor Book Sale at the school on Sun 9th August from 11.30am-2pm. Books for
children of all ages. Contact for further information. All are Welcome.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend on Friday (7.30pm), Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
+ Year A Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th July, 2020.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Sun 12th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th John & Ann Devine. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass.. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 7.30pm Harry Daly.MM Sat 18th 6.30pm Peter Donohoe. Reilly & Duffy Families & DFM. Sun 19th 11.00am Liz Mullen.
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 12th 9.30am Michael Ivory. Sun 19th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King
- I. P. Bridget Garry. Ballinvalley, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €920. Ren Fund: Weekly €710. Monthly €605. Easter Dues: €1,225.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Parish Website: ( Due to technical problems it was not possible to update the parish website for a
number of weeks. These problems have now been overcome and the website will be updated every week.
Resumption of Public Masses
- There will be Masses on Friday at 7.30pm, Saturday at 6.30pm and Sunday at 11am. Killulagh 9.30am ( Mass in the Carpark) Weekday Masses in Delvin on Monday – Thursday at 9.30am. Parishioners are encouraged to attend Mass once a week. As restrictions ease it will be possible to attend more than once a week.
- You are asked to follow the signs in the Church and follow the instructions of the Stewards.
- Collections will not be taken up in the usual way. Boxes will be provided in the porches where envelopes and Offertory contributions can be placed.
- A one-way system will be in operation at Communion time. Please observe physical distance when going to receive Communion.
- Hand sanitizers are provided in the porches. Please sanitise your hands when entering the Church.
- Please do not leave bulletins on seats at the end of Mass. You may take them home or leave them in a box in the porch as you leave.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend on Friday (7.30pm), Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
11 o’ clock Mass will be relayed through a speaker to anybody outside the Church.
Year A Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th July, 2020.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan. Nancy Lenihan. Christy Coll. Pauline Coll. Sun 5th 11.00am Martin Carroll. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 7.30pm Joseph Anderson MM . Sat 11th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Sun 12th 11.00am Hugh & Sheila Moran
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 5th 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Sun 12th 9.30am Michael Ivory
- I. P. Isabel Anderson. Dardistown, Bracklyn. Delvin.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Parish Website: ( Due to technical problems it was not possible to update the parish website for a
number of weeks. These problems have now been overcome and the website will be updated every week.
Resumption of Public Masses
- There will be Masses on Friday at 7.30pm, Saturday at 6.30pm and Sunday at 11am. Killulagh 9.30am ( Mass in the Carpark) Weekday Masses in Delvin on Monday – Thursday at 9.30am. Parishioners are encouraged to attend Mass once a week. As restrictions ease it will be possible to attend more than once a week.
- You are asked to follow the signs in the Church and follow the instructions of the Stewards.
- Collections will not be taken up in the usual way. Boxes will be provided in the porches where envelopes and Offertory contributions can be placed.
- A one-way system will be in operation at Communion time. Please observe physical distance when going to receive Communion.
- Hand sanitizers are provided in the porches. Please sanitise your hands when entering the Church.
- Please do not leave bulletins on seats at the end of Mass. You may take them home or leave them in a box in the porch as you leave.
The number that can attend Mass is limited to 50 at present (in accordance with government regulations). We will provide tickets in advance for those wishing to attend on Friday (7.30pm), Saturday(6.30pm), Sunday (11am). Tickets for the following weekend can be collected in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday (7-8.30pm) each week.
Stewards in the porch will collect tickets before each Mass.
Year A Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th June, 2020.
Sat 27th No Public Mass. Sun 28th No Public Mass. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. ( Feast of Peter & Paul). Tue 30th 9.30am Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. ( Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett). Thurs 2nd 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Bernie Mc Grath. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Tom & Maggie Leonard. Sat 4th 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan. Nancy Lenihan. Christy Coll. Pauline Coll. Sun 5th 11.00am Martin Carroll. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James
No Masses during the week in Killulagh. Sun 5th 9.30am Oliver Kiernan.
- I. P. Nancy Healy. Rosmead, Delvin.
Renovation Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly €140. Annual: €350. Easter Dues: €825.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Parish Website: ( Due to technical problems it was not possible to update the parish website for a
number of weeks. These problems have now been overcome and the website will be updated every week.
Resumption of Public Masses
- Numbers attending Masses will be limited in accordance with government regulations. Tickets will be used to
ensure that regulations are observed. Tickets can be collected on the following weekend in Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday 7-8.30pm.
- There will be Masses on Friday at 7.30pm, Saturday at 6.30pm and Sunday at 11am. Killulagh 9.30am ( Mass in the Carpark) Weekday Masses in Delvin on Monday – Thursday at 9.30am. Parishioners are encouraged to attend Mass once a week. As restrictions ease it will be possible to attend more than once a week.
- You are asked to follow the signs in the Church and follow the instructions of the Stewards.
- Collections will not be taken up in the usual way. Boxes will be provided in the porches where envelopes and Offertory contributions can be placed.
- A one-way system will be in operation at Communion time. Please observe physical distance when going to receive Communion.
- Hand sanitizers are provided in the porches. Please sanitise your hands when entering the Church.
- Please do not leave bulletins on seats at the end of Mass. You may take them home or leave them in a box in the porch as you leave.
Year A Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st June, 2020.
No Public Masses this Week due to Corona Virus.
Mass will be offered for the people of the parish on Sunday morning by Fr. Seamus Heaney.
No Public Masses this Week due to Corona Virus.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Resumption of Public Masses: Masses are set to resume on Monday week 29th June at 9.30am. A letter is been distributed at the moment to every household outlining the conditions that will have to be put in place before Mass will resume.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock was to take place on Sat 27th June. It is now cancelled due to the Corona Virus.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Parish Website: ( Due to technical problems it was not possible to update the parish website for a
number of weeks. These problems have now been overcome and the website will be updated every week.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Resumption of Public Masses
As Public Masses resume there will be conditions of distancing, sanitizing and cleaning to be met. It will not be
possible to accommodate everybody in the Church due to the two meter rule. We hope to provide extra Masses,
especially on weekdays so that as many as possible may attend at least once a week. To comply with all the
requirements we will need volunteer stewards and cleaners. Anybody who is willing to help is asked to
contact the Parochial House during the coming week (044-9664127), any morning, 9.30am-
12.30pm, or text 0872626738)
Your help would be much appreciated.
We will publish details of arrangements for resumption of Masses, as well as information
about additional Masses in the parish Bulletin on Sunday, June 28th . We will make copies
of the bulletin available in local shops and it can be viewed on the parish website You may also collect a copy of the bulletin from the Parochial House.
Year A Corpus Christi: The Body and Blood of Christ 14th June, 2020.
No Public Masses this Week due to Corona Virus.
Mass will be offered for the people of the parish on Sunday morning by Fr. Seamus Heaney.
No Public Masses this Week due to Corona Virus.
- I. P. Joseph Anderson. Scurlogstown, Delvin.
Ren Fund: Weekly €730. Monthly €360.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Alan Ledwith. Ballyowen, Delvin. Emma Ledwith. Ballyowen, Delvin. Harry Forde. Baallinacor, Delvin. Eabha Garry. Stonestown, Delvin. Alice Ledwith. Ballinacor. Delvin. Erin Rose O’ Brien. Ballyhealy, Delvin. Seoidin Bridget O’ Shaughnessy. Mitchelstown, Delvin. Elle Mc Govern.
New York.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues last weekend. Amount was €1,185.
Trocaire: We would like to thank all who handed in their boxes to the Parochial House and to the Post Office. Amount taken in was €2,200. If you still have your box, we would appreciate if you could hand it in at the Parochial House during the next week.
Corpus Christi: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Bishop Michael Smith: Bishop Michael celebrated his 80th birthday last week. We congratulate him and wish him many years of happiness.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock was to take place on Sat 27th June. It is now cancelled due to the Corona Virus.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Knowing our Faith: Surveys in recent times have indicated that many Catholics do not have good knowledge of their Faith.
There is now an opportunity to learn more about our faith through attractive programmes on modern media. From time to
time we will give information about resources that can help those interested in deepening their faith. This week we draw
attention to a website that is geared mainly for young adults but can be of interest to people of every age. It contains
attractive videos, written articles and other resources. Maybe you would like to try it out. The address of the website is the resources are also available on Facebook and Istagram (@CTMcatholic).
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Parish Website: ( Due to technical problems it was not possible to update the parish website for a
number of weeks. These problems have now been overcome and the website will be updated every week.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Year A The Most Holy Trinity 7th June, 2020.
No Public Masses this Week due to Corona Virus.
Mass will be offered for the people of the parish on Sunday morning by Fr. Seamus Heaney.
No Public Masses this Week due to Corona Virus.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2. Copies are available in both Churches.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Easter Dues: Easter Dues will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you. You can hand them in at the Parochial House.
Corpus Christi: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock was to take place on Sat 27th June. It is now cancelled due to the Corona Virus.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Parish Website: ( Due to technical problems it was not possible to update the parish website for a
number of weeks. These problems have now been overcome and the website will be updated every week.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
The Trinity and the Liturgy
In the Church’s liturgy the divine blessing is fully revealed and communicated. The Father is acknowledged and
adored as the source and the end of all the blessings of creation and salvation. In his Word who became incarnate,
died, and rose for us, he fills us with his blessings. Through his Word, he pours into our hearts the Gift that contains
all gifts, the Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1082.
Year A Pentecost Sunday 31st May, 2020.
No Public Masses for the Week due to Corona Virus.
Mass will be offered for the people of the parish on Sunday morning by Fr. Seamus Heaney.
No Public Masses for the Week due to Corona Virus.
- I. P. Joe Mc Kenna. Kells. father of Margaret Farrelly. Susan Murtagh & Joe Mc Kenna. Delvin.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will not be held.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus.
Baptism Preparation Course: Will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. We pray for a renewal of the grace of our Confirmation.
Easter Dues: Easter Dues will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you. You can hand them in at the Parochial House.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock was to take place on Sat 27th June. It is now cancelled due to the Corona Virus.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Annual Parish Magazine: At this time of the year we would have started preparation of the magazine, but due to the
lockdown we are unable to source material. It is put on hold for the moment.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Pentecost Sunday
The Church was made manifest to the world on the day of Pentecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of
the Spirit ushers in a new era in the dispensation of the mystery---the age of the Church, during which Christ
manifests, makes present and communicates his work of salvation through the liturgy of his Church “until he
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1076.
Year A Fifth Sunday of Lent 29th March, 2020
No Public Masses for the Week due to Corona Virus.
No Public Masses for the Week due to Corona Virus.
- I. P. Mattie Gaffney. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection Ren Fund: Weekly €0. Monthly €0. Annual €0.
Summer Time: Begins this Sunday.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will not be done this week due to Corona Virus.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus..
Baptism Preparation Course: baptism Course cancellled until further notice.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting will not take place this Thursday 2nd Apri due to Corona Virus..
Parish Youth Group: Parish Youth Group cancelled until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Masses during Lent: No Public Masses until further notice.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b).Scripture
Reading. (c ) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Palm Sunday: Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, which begins the celebration of Holy Week.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. There are spare boxes in the Church.
Delvin Friendship Club: The Variety Show due to be held in the Hall on Sat 4th April is also cancelled, and Our 4 Day Trip
Away to Kerry is cancelled. The cancellations are due to the Corona Virus. If you have any queries please contact Patricia
at 087-4124897.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Next Sunday’s Readings Is 50:4-7. Ph 2:6-11. Mt 26:-14-27,66.
Saints of the Week
Sun 29th Fifth Sunday of Lent. Wed 1st St. Ceallach.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Lent 22nd March, 2020
No Public Masses for the Week due to Corona Virus.
No Public Masses for the Week due to Corona Virus.
- I. P. Cailin Lynch. Robinstown Great, Delvin. Breda Smith. Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory Collection Ren Fund: Weekly €0. Monthly €0. Annual €0.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration will not be held due to Corona Virus..
Baptism Preparation Course: The baptism Course will not be held until further notice.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will not be held until further notice.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Masses during Lent: No Public Masses until further notice.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b).Scripture
Reading. (c ) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. There are spare boxes in the Church.
24 Hours for the Lord: The Annual 24 hours Adoration will was due to be held on Sat 21st and Sun 22nd March. has been
cancelled.. We encourage people to come privately to the Church and do their own Hour. Church is opened every day.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our Birthday Party which was due to take place on Wed 25th March has been cancelled. The
Variety Show due to be held in the Hall on Sat 4th April is also cancelled, and Our 4 Day Trip Away to Kerry is cancelled.
The cancellations are due to the Corona Virus. If you have any queries please contact Patricia at 087-4124897.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Next Sunday’s Readings 1 Sm 6-10. Eph 5:8-14. Jn 9:1-41.
Saints of the Week
Sun 22nd Fourth Sunday of Lent. Tue 24th St. Oscar Romero. St. Macartan. Wed 25th Annunciation of the Lord.
Year A Third Sunday of Lent 15th March, 2020
DELVIN MASSES All Masses cancelled until 29th March.
Sat 14th 6.30pm Josephine Carroll Sun 15th 11.00am Marian Davis MM. Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smyth. Mon 16th 7.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Tue ( St. Patrick’s Day) 11.00am Mgt, Owen & Larry Murtagh. & DFM. Wed 18th 7.30pm Pat & Kathleen Gaffney & Jim Burke. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Josephine Carroll. Sun 22nd 11.00am Mass.
Confessions: Saturday 12noon-12.30 and before Evening Mass.
Sun 15th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch. Tue 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 9.30am John Joe Reilly, Paddy Reilly & DFM
Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 19th 7.30pm Mass. Sun 22nd 11.00am Seamus Mc Grath.
Offertory Collection: €1,025. Ren Fund: Weekly €720. Monthly €105. Annual €350.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri. Mass on Wed at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be at 9.30am on Wed and 7.30pm on Thurs.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b).Scripture
Reading. (c ) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. There are spare boxes in the Church.
24 Hours for the Lord: The Annual 24 hours Adoration will be held on Sat 21st and Sun 22nd March. There will be an
opporunity to sign up this weekend.
St. Patrick’s Day: We encourage everybody to prepare prayerfully for the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day by reflecting on
the message of St. Patrick for today.
Day of Prayer for Emigrants: This Tue ( St. Patrick’s Day) is a special Day of Prayer for Emigrants.
Feast of St. Joseph: Next Thurs 19th Mar we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our Birthday Party which was due to take place on Wed 25th March has been cancelled. The
Variety Show due to be held in the Hall on Sat 4th April is also cancelled, and Our 4 Day Trip Away to Kerry is cancelled.
The cancellations are due to the Corona Virus. If you have any queries please contact Patricia at 087-4124897.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Prayer of St. Patrick
What return can I make to him for all his goodness to me? What can I say or what can I promise to my Lord since
any ability I have comes from him? Suffice it for him to look into my heart and mind; for I am ready and indeed
greatly desire it that he should give me his cup to drink, as he gave it to others who loved him. My only prayer to
God is that it may never happen that I should leave his people which he won for himself at the end of the earth. I ask
God for perseverance to grant that I remain a faithful witness to him for his own sake until my passing from this life.
Confession of St. Patrick.
Year A Second Sunday of Lent 8th March, 2020.
Sat 7th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan MM. Sun 8th 11.00am Bernie Drum. Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7.30pm Joseph Kane. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass., Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Josephine Carroll Sun 15th 11.00am Marian Davis MM. Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smyth.
Confessions: Saturday 12noon-12.30 and before Evening Mass.
Sun 8th 9.30am Madeline Kelleghan & DFM Kelleghan Family. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 12th No Mass.
Sun 15th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch
- I. P. Very Rev. Jack Kiernan. P.E. Rathkenny. Anne Moore. Sheepstown, Delvin. Joe Casey. Cork. brother of Bill Casey. Drumcree. John Kilmartin. Kilcormac. husband of Mary Coyne. formerly Crowenstown. May Toner. Caddagh Cross.
Offertory Collection: €895. Ren Fund: Weekly €435. Monthly €90.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th March, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fric. Mass on Wed at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be at 9.30am on Wed and 7.30pm on Thurs.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b).Scripture
Reading. (c ) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. There are spare boxes in the Church.
Mullingar Choral Society: Will present their Annual Spring Concert Handel’s “Messiah” in Cathedral, Mullingar this Sun
8th March commencing at 8pm. Tickets cost €20.
24 Hours for the Lord: The Annual 24 hours Adoration will be held on Sat 21st and Sun 22nd March. There will be an
opporunity to sign up next weekend.
St. Patrick’s Day: We encourage everybody to prepare prayerfully for the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day by reflecting on
the message of St. Patrick for today.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Mon 9th at 8pm in the Hall.
Corona Virus: The following advice has been issued to parishes by the Irish Bishops’ Conference. (1.) The handshake will
not be used at the sign of peace or while sympathising at funerals. (2.) Holy Water Fonts will be empty while precautions are
in force. (3.) Those receiving Holy Communion should do so on the hand only. Please do not ask for Holy Communion on
the tongue.(4.) Priests and Eucharistic Ministers will clean their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Meath Pioneer: Novena: to venerate Matt Talbot will take place in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on Fri 13th
March at 7.30pm.
Bord na Mona: Community Information Sessions takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Thurs 12th Mar from 5-9pm.
Rare Diseases Ireland: Supporting patients with rare diseases and their families. For information and support contact
Delvin St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Takes place next Sun 15th March at 3pm. Those entering Floats are asked to assemble at
the Salesyard, Delvin at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm.
Year A First Sunday of Lent 1st March, 2020.
Sat 29th 6.30pm John & Cathy Dunne & Molly Paris. Ann Dunne.(nee Kenny). Sun 1st 11.00am Sean Mangan. Johnny & Molly Mangan. Elizabeth & William Gilmore. Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy, Annie & Tommy Mc Cann.
Sat 7th 6.30pm Ray Mulligan MM. Sun 8th 11.00am Bernie Drum.
Confessions: 6.00pm Saturday 12noon-12.30 and before Evening Mass.
Sun 1st 9.30am Bertie, Rosemary & Antoinette Kelleghan. Colette Kelleghan (1st Anniversary). Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 5th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 6th ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am Madeline Kelleghan & DFM Kelleghan Family.
- I. P. Elizabeth Flynn. Sheepstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €945. Ren Fund: Weekly €335. Monthly €115.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th March, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. If you book before 5tth March there is €50 of the booking deposit.
Contact Alice 087-4147871
Shrines of Italy Pilgrimage: From 12th Oct-19th Oct. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Mary Briody 087-6336513.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs 5th Mar at 8pm.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be 9.30am Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri. Mass on Wed at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be at 9.30am on Wed and 7.30pm on Thurs.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b).Scripture
Reading. (c ) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare boxes in the Church.
Knock: Faith Renewal Events Spring/ Summer, 2020 taking place in Knock. Poster on Notice Board.
Arise: Young Adult Catholic Conference takes place at Knock Shrine on Mar 7th . There will be inspirational speakers,
music and much more. Registration from 10am and the day will finish at 4.30pm. 18yrs onwards.
Mullingar Choral Society: Will present their Annual Spring Concert Handel’s “Messiah” in Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun
8th March commencing at 8pm. Tickets cost €20.
Corona Virus: We have received guidance from the Bishops’ Conference about safeguards to be taken to prevent the spread
of the Corona Virus. We will give details of the advice during the coming week.
Bord na Mona: Community Information Sessions takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Thurs 12th Mar from 5-9pm.
Irish Blood Transfusion Service: Will be in attendance at Darnley Lodge Hotel, Athboy, Wed 4th Mar from 4.30pm-8pm.
- S. L. C.: Last 3 weeks of Maurice Lobby Fitness in DSLC on Thursday nights from 7-8pm.
Rare Diseases Ireland: Supporting patients with rare diseases and their families. For information and support contact
Year A Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd February, 2020.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. Sun 23rd 11.00am Joe Lynch. Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM. Mon 24th 9.30am Mass.. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass.. Wed 26th ( Ash Wednesday) 7.30pmMass. Thurs 27th 9.30am James & Mary Moore & DFM. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm John & Cathy Dunne & Molly Paris. Ann Dunne.(nee Kenny). Sun 1st 11.00am Sean Mangan. Johnny & Molly Mangan. Elizabeth & William Gilmore.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 23rd 9.30am Martin Kiernan. Tom & Mary Forde. Joe Flynn. Wed 25th ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Sun 1st 9.30am Bertie, Rosemary & Antoinette Kelleghan. Colette Kelleghan (1st Anniversary).
- I. P. Peter Hearne. Castletown, Delvin. Peggy O’ Connor. Trim. sister of Maura Gilroy. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €815. Ren Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €85.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th March, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. If you book before 5tth March there is €50 of the booking deposit.
Contact Alice 087-4147871
Shrines of Italy Pilgrimage: From 12th Oct-19th Oct. Led by Fr. Michael Kilmartin. Contact Mary Briody 087-6336513.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd Oct, 2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost €1,850./
Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734
Day of Prayer for Temperance: This Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
“ The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine.
Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkerness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or
in the air.” ( CCC 2290).
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed at Morning Mass in Killulagh and Evening Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b).Scripture
Reading. (c ) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Knock: Faith Renewal Events Spring/ Summer, 2020 taking place in Knock. Poster on Notice Board.
Irish National Pilgrimage to the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress: Takes place in Budapest from 12-21st
September, 2020. Be part of this unique event. Cost from €1,050 per person sharing. Further information, or to book
Anam Cara: The Organistaion that supports bereaved parents are holding an Information Evening on Tue 25th Feb at
7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Please RSVP to before Mon 24th Feb, or 085-2888888.
Arise: Young Adult Catholic Conference takes place at Knock Shrine on Mar 7th . There will be inspirational speakers,
music and much more. Registration from 10am and the day will finish at 4.30pm. 18yrs onwards.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Wed 26th Feb starting at 11am. We would like to
remind you of Our Trip Away in May, and we would be grateful if you could bring in the Deposit on the 26th Feb.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Annual Table Quiz will be on Fri 28th Feb starting at 9.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. .
Mullingar Branch, Diabetes: Meeting in Newbury Hotel, Mullingar on Mon next Feb 25th at 8pm. All are Welcome.
Year A Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th February, 2020.
Sat 15th 6.30pm David Dunne. Sun 16th 11.00am TJ & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Joe & Kitty Bray. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Pat & Marcella Devine. Wed 19th No Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. Sun 23rd 11.00am Joe Lynch. Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 16th 9.30am Michael,& Gertrude Kiernan & DFM. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am Martin Kiernan.
Tom & Mary Forde. Joe Flynn.
- I. P. Ray Mulligan. Castletown, Delvin. Marion Davis. Stonestown, Delvin..Michael Power. Knockdrin.late of Myleroe.
Offertory Collection: €945. Ren Fund: Weekly €525. Monthly €450.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th March, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Bible Study sessions continues every Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. The sessions will continue until Easter.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €160. Booking Deposit of €100. If you book before 5tth March there is €50 of the booking deposit.
Contact Alice 087-4147871
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: April – Oct. Poster with details on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd Oct, 2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost €1,850./
Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am and
11am Masses. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows
and give them a special blessing during Mass. Refreshmemts will be provided in Fatima after Mass.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
Irish National Pilgrimage to the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress: Takes place in Budapest from 12-21st
September, 2020. Be part of this unique event. Cost from €1,050 per person sharing. Further information, or to book
Anam Cara: The Organistaion that supports bereaved parents are holding an Information Evening on Tue 25th Feb at
7.15pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Please RSVP to before Mon 24th Feb, or 085-2888888.
Arise: Young Adult Catholic Conference takes place at Knock Shrine on Mar 7th . There will be inspirational speakers,
music and much more. Registration from 10am and the day will finish at 4.30pm. 18yrs onwards.
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration: Invites you to Adoremus, 2020 Knock Shrine in June. Poster on Notice Board.
Fun Bingo: Hall Committee are holding a Fun Bingo this Sun 16th Feb at 3pm. Committee are looking for donations as
prizes. Please leave them with Michael Leonard. Proceeds going to further advancements of the Hall facilities.
Cash for Clobber: St. Tola’s N. S are looking for Clothes, Handbags, Belts, Shoes. No Bedlinen. Drop them at the school
before 19th February.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Wed 26th Feb starting at 11am. We would like to
remind you of Our Trip Away in May, and we would be grateful if you could bring in the Deposit on the 26th Feb.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: A. G. M. will take place in Dolores Gaffney’s on Wed 19th Feb at 8pm. Annual Table Quiz will
be on Fri 28th Feb starting at 9.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. As always we appreciate your support..
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann: Takes place in Mullingar from 2nd -9th August. It is estimated that 1,200 volunteers will be
needed. For more information or to sign up to volunteer contact
Mullingar Alzheimer’s Day Care Centre: Would like to thank Michael Leonard and the Hall Committee and everyone
who supported the recent fundraising. “Take off your Cornflakes” in the Hall last weekend.
Year A Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th February, 2020.
Sat 8th 6.30pm Derek Apps MM. Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 9th 11.00am Alice Donlon. Patrick & Eilish Farrelly
Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th No Mass. Thurs 9.30am Mass Fri 14th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 15th 6.30pm David Dunne. Sun 16th 11.00am TJ & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Joe & Kitty Bray.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 9th 9.30am Pat Fox. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Michael & Gertrude Kiernan & DFM
- I. P. John O’ Leary. Baileborough. late of Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €980. Candlemas Offerings: €1,315.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them to prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th February, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offerings last week.
Bible Study: Bible Study sessions continues every Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. The sessions will continue until Easter.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From Mon 28th Sept-2nd Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. Cost €619 per person sharing.
Single Supplement €100. Booking Deposit of €100. before 5tth March. Contact Alice 087-4147871
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: April – Oct. Poster with details on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd Oct, 2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost €1,850./
Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: This Tuesday is World Day of the Sick. We pray for all who are sick on that day.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: Next Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am and
11am Masses. We also invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows
and give them a special blessing during Mass. Refreshmemts will be provided in Fatima after Mass.
Vocations Information Day: The Diocese will hold a vocations information day on Palm Sunday, 5th April in St. Mary’s
Church, Navan If you have been considering the priesthood this is an opportunity for you to find out more about what
priesthood entails, and a chance to explore God’s call to priesthood in a deeper way. The event begins at 1pm with Mass for
Palm Sunday. Further info contact Fr. Shane Crombie
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2020 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 10th Feb-14th Feb between 2-3pm. Call to the School and complete application form.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Open Evening will be held on Thurs 13th Feb in the school from 6.30pm-8.30pm. All Welcome.
Fun Bingo: Hall Committee are holding a Fun Bingo on Sun 16th Feb at 3pm. Committee are looking for donations as
prizes. Please leave them with Michael Leonard. Proceeds going to further advancements of the Hall facilities.
Cash for Clobber: St. Tola’s N. S are looking for Clothes, Handbags, Belts, Shoes. No Bedlinen. Drop them at the school
before 19th February.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Monday next Feb 10th at 8pm in the Hall. Just to remind you of Our
Annual Trip Away from Mon 11th May-Fri 15th to Ballygarry House, Tralee. Contact Patricia 087-4124897.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: A. G. M. will take place in Dolores Gaffney’s on Wed 19th Feb at 8pm. Annual Table Quiz will
be on Fri 28th Feb starting at 9.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann: Takes place in Mullingar from 2nd -9th August. It is estimated that 1,200 volunteers will be
needed. For more information or to sign up to volunteer contact
Year A The Presentation of the Lord 2nd February, 2020.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Anthony Haran MM. Sun 2nd 11.00am Pat Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Mon 3rd (Feast of St. Blaise.) 7.30pm Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th No Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am List of the Dead. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm John & Anna Vaughan. Sat 8th 6.30pm Derek Apps MM. Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 9th 11.00am Alice Donlon. Patrick & Eilish Farrelly
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 2nd 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri No Mass. Sun 9th 9.30am Pat Fox.
Offertory Collection: €895. Needs of the Diocese: €1,115. Ren Fund: Weekly €375. Monthly €95.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th February, at 8pm.
Confirmation: Will be in Delvin Church next Friday 7th February at 11am. Each child will have one Sponsor. Places will be reserved at the Ceremony for the children and their sponsor in the middle aisle.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection last weekend. Amount was €1,115.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of the Presentation: Candles for use in the home will be blessed after 9.30am Mass in Killulagh this Sunday and
11am Mass in Delvin.
Feast of St. Blaise: Blessing of Throats at 9.30am Mass on Monday in Killulagh and 7.30pm Mass in Delvin.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday 6th Feb at 8pm.
Bible Study: Bible Study sessions continues every Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. The sessions will continue until Easter.
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: April – Oct. Poster with details on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd Oct, 2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost €1,850./
Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Resume back next Tue 4th Feb from 10.30am -12.30pm in the Hall. New members very welcome.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2020 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 10th Feb-14th Feb between 2-3pm. Call to the School and complete application form.
Crowenstown N. S. : Open Day this Sun 2nd February from 12noon-2pm in the school. All Welcome.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Open Evening will be held on Thurs 13th Feb in the school from 6.30pm-8.30pm. All Welcome.
St. Patrick’s Hall Committee: Are presenting a Play entitled “Take off Your Cornflakes” on Sat 8th Feb at 8pm. Tickets
cost €15. Contact 044-9664484. Proceeds going to Mullingar Alzheimer’s Day Care Centre.
Fun Bingo: Hall Committee are holding a Fun Bingo on Sun 16th Feb at 3pm. Committee are looking for donations as
prizes. Please leave them with Michael Leonard. Proceeds going to further advancements of the Hall facilities.
Cash for Clobber: St. Tola’s N. S are looking for Clothes, Handbags, Belts, Shoes. No Bedlinen. Drop them at the school
before 19th February.
The Gospels are Special
The fourfold Gospel holds a unique place in the Church, as is evident both in the veneration which the liturgy
accords it and in the surpassing attraction it has exercised on the saints at all times.
But above all it’s the Gospels that occupy my mind when I’m at prayer , my poor soul has so many needs,
and yet this is the one thing needful. I’m always finding fresh lights there, hidden and enthralling meanings.
(St. Therese of Lisieux).
Year A Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th January, 2020.
Sat 25th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran & daughter Babs. Tom & Mark Hickey. Sun 26th 11.00am Bernadette Kelly MM
Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th No Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 31st 9.30am Mass.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Anthony Haran MM. Sun 2nd 11.00am Pat Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 26th 9.30am Larry & Bridget Whelehan. Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Sun 2nd 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent.
- I. P. Fr. Sean Mc Gearty P. E. Ballivor.
Offertory Collection: €1,130. Ren Fund: Weekly €260. Monthly €440. Annual: €1,100.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th February, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up after Communion at Masses this
weekend. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Sunday of the Word of God: January 26th has been designated by Pope Francis as the Sunday of the Word of God. The
purpose of this day is to deepen our awareness of the gift of the Word of God and to encourage us to read and study it more
often. At Masses this Sunday we will mark this day with special ceremonies and we will reflect on the importance of the
Word of God. We will also distribute a copy of the Gospel of St. Luke to each family attending Mass.
Service for Christian Unity: There will be a Prayer Service for Christian Unity in Castlepollard Church this Sunday
January, 26th at 6pm. Members of all the Churches in the area are invited to attend. All are welcome.
Catholic Schools Week: Takes place from Sun 26th -2nd Feb. The Theme is “Living in Harmony with God’s Creation.”
Mass to mark Catholic Schools Week in St. Tola’s School on Thurs Jan 30th at 12.30pm. Mass for St. Ernan’s and
Crowenstown Schools in Delvin Church on Friday Jan 31st at 9.30am.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Feast of St. Brigid: Next Sat is the Feast of St. Brigid. St. Brigid Crosses will be blessed at 6.30pm Mass in Delvin.
Feast of the Presentation: Candles for use in the home will be blessed after 9.30am Mass in Killulagh next Sunday and
11am Mass in Delvin.
Bible Study: Bible Study sessions continues every Tuesday night at 8pm in Fatima. The sessions will continue until Easter.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2020 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 10th Feb-14th Feb between 2-3pm. Call to the School and complete application form.
St. Patrick’s Hall Committee: Are presenting a Play entitled “Take off Your Cornflakes” on Sat 8th Feb at 8pm. Tickets
cost €15. Contact 044-9664484. Proceeds going to Mullingar Alzheimer’s Day Care Centre.
Fun Bingo: Hall Committee are holding a Fun Bingo on Sun 16th Feb at 3pm. Committee are looking for donations as
prizes. Please leave them with Michael Leonard. Proceeds going to further advancements of the Hall facilities.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed next Jan, 29th at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Public Meeting: A public meeting will be held in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Sat, Feb 1st at 7.30pm to discuss ways of
revitalising rural towns and villages, especially Delvin. General Election Candidates for the constituency have been invited
to attend. All are Welcome.
Sunday of the Word of God.
Christianity is the religion of the “Word” of God, a word which is “not a written and mute word, but the Word
which is incarnate and living”. If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the
living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, “open our minds to understand the Scriptures”.
Catechism of the Catholic Church,108.
Year A Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th January, 2020.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Eugene Doherty. Sun 19th 11.00am Teresa Mc Cormack MM Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd No Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran & daughter Babs. Sun 26th 11.00am Bernadette Kelly MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 19th 9.30am Anna Cassidy MM Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Larry & Bridget Whelehan
Offertory Collection: €880. Needs of the Diocese €1,125 Ren Fund: Weekly €350. Monthly €105. Annual: €1,000.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th February, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Saoirse Kate Poynton. Alan Ledwith. Emma Ledwith. Harry Forde. Eabha Garry. Alice Ledwith. Erin Rose O’ Brien. Seoidin Bridget O’ Shaughnessy. Elle Mc Govern.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up after Communion at Masses on
Sun 26th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Bible Study: Bible Study sessions resumed last Tue in Fatima. We welcome back all our participants. New members are
welcome. The coming sessions will continue until Easter. It will be a great preparation for the Celebration of Holy Week and
Christian Unity Week: From Sat 18th January to 25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of
the many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and restored.
Service for Christian Unity: There will be a Prayer Service for Christian Unity in Castlepollard Church on Sunday
January, 26th at 6pm. Members of all the Churches in the area are invited to attend. All are welcome.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees: This Sunday 19th January is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Catholic Schools Week: Takes place from Sun 26th -2nd Feb. The Theme is “Living in Harmony with God’s Creation”.
Sunday of the Word of God: January 26th has been designated by Pope Francis as the Sunday of the Word of God. The
purpose of this day is to deepen our awareness of the gift of the Word of God and to encourage us to read and study it more
often. At Masses next Sunday we will mark this day with special ceremonies and we will reflect on the importance of the
Word of God. We will also distribute a copy of the Gospel of St. Luke to each family attending Mass.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Are seeking to fill a partime Secretary’s Position and a partime Caretaker’s Position. Further details please
email or
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall this Sun 19th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Proceeds
going to Northwestmeath Hospice and the Irish Cancer Society. Your support as always will be greatly appreciated.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2020 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 10th Feb-14th Feb between 2-3pm. Call to the School and complete application form.
The Church Exhorts us to read Scripture.
The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful…to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus
Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. ‘Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ’.
Catechism of the Catholic Church,133.
Year A The Baptism of the Lord 12th January, 2020.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Sun 12th 11.00am Dick, Lil & Jimmy Mullen & baby Patrick. Joe & Laetitia Cullen.
Mon 13th 9.30am Bridie Carolan. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th No Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Cathy O’ Sullivan. Fri 17th 9.30am Larry Allen. Sat 18th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Eugene Doherty. Sun 19th 11.00am Teresa Mc Cormack MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 12th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 19th 9.30am Anna Cassidy MM
Offertory Collection: €830. 6TH January €270. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €200.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th January, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on this Sun 12th January and Sun
26th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Bible Study: Bible Study sessions resume in Fatima on Tuesday next, January 14th at 8pm. We welcome back all our
participants. New members are welcome. The coming sessions will continue until Easter. It will be a great preparation for
the Celebration of Holy Week and Easter.
Christian Unity Week: From Sat 18th January to 25th January is a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of
the many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Next Sunday 19th January is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Are seeking to fill a partime Secretary’s Position and a partime Caretaker’s Position. Further details please
email or
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 19th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Proceeds
going to Northwestmeath Hospice and the Irish Cancer Society. Your support as always will be greatly appreciated.
Delvin Branch of St. Vincent de Paul: Would like to thank all the parishioners for their generous contribution to Annual
Church Gate Collection. Amount collected was €1,165:.also to Peter Pan Pre- School for their kind donations.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2020 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 10th Feb-14th Feb between 2-3pm. Call to the School and complete application form.
CAO Information Morning: Dundalk Institute of Technology will hold a CAO information morning on Sat 18th January
between 10am-2pm. Welcome talks will be held at 10am, 11am and 12noon. Further info at
Social Dancing: Line Dancing Classes starting at 8.45pm on Fri 17th Jan in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin.
The Baptism of Jesus and Ours
Jesus’s baptism is the pattern also of ours. In baptism we go down with Christ into the waters of death, and our sins
are drowned in those waters. And because we have gone down with Christ , we also come up from the waters
together with him and hear—mighty and majestic—the Father’s voice directed to us as well. It pronounces a new
name for each of us, in the depths of each of our hearts. “Beloved! In whom I am well pleased”. We hear this name
as ours not because of any good deeds we have done but because Christ in his overflowing love willed to share his
relationship to his Father with us.
Homiletic Directory, no 137.
Year A Second Sunday of Christmas 5th January, 2020.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Patrick, Jenny, Mary Alice Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 5th 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune.
Mon 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany) 11.00am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th No Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Sun 12th 11.00am Dick, Lil & Jimmy Mullen & baby Patrick. Joe & Laetitia Cullen.
Sun 5th 9.30am Margaret Manny. John & Ellen Ivory & son Loman & Ellen Devery. Mon 6th ( Feast of the Epiphany) 9.30am Mass. will be in St. Tola’s N. S. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am Chris Callaghan.
- I. P. Derek Apps. Ballinacor, Delvin. William Lynch. Killucan. brother of Pat Joe Lynch. Robinstown, Delvin.
Eamonn Mangan. who died in England, formerly Crowenstown, Delvin.
Bible Alive: January Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Offertory Collection: €790. Christmas Offerings: €8,380. Ren Fund: Weekly €600. Monthly €140. Annual €670.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th January, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Feast of the Epiphany: The Feast of the Epiphany will be celebrated on Monday, Jan 6th . It is a Holyday.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 12th January and Sun 26th
January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Are seeking to fill a partime Secretary’s Position and a partime Caretaker’s Position. Further details
please email or https/ or see Poster on Notice Board in both Churches.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 19th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
Social Dancing: Fri 10th Jan in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin at 9.30pm. Line Dancing Classes on Fri 17th Jan at 8.45pm.
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the Manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great
feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men(magi) from the East, together with his Baptism
in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan
religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 528.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Advent 22nd December, 2019
Sat 21st 6.30pm Nancy Lenihan. Sun 22nd 11.00am Frank Kelly MM. Mon 23rd No Mass. Tue 24th ( Christmas Eve) 6.30pm. Wed 25th ( Christmas Day) 11.00am. Thurs 10.00am Mass. Fri 27th 10.00am DFM Kearney Family. Sat 28th 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Larry Murtagh & DFM. Sun 29th 11.00am Bill Anderson. Joe Greville.
Sun 22nd 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy. Mon 23rd 11.00am Funeral Mass. Wed 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass. Sun 29th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Teresa Mc Cormack. Ballinacor, Rockview, Delvin. Bernadette Kelly. Printinstown, Delvin. Anthony Haran. Addinstown, Delvin. Anna Cassidy. Fennor, Collinstown. Bridie Carolan. Virginia. sister of Thomas & John Brennan. Bolandstown, Delvin. Alice Mc Mahon. Trim. mother of Ed Mc Mahon. Caman. Inn, Delvin. Magraret Mc Kenna. Kells. mother of Margaret Farrelly, Susan Murtagh and Joe Mc Kenna. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €920. Ren. Fund: Weekly €300. Monthly €100.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th January, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to
Conversion, quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 29th at 10.30am. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Delvin Parish Annual: There are still copies of the Parish Annual on sale in Michael Leonard’s and Daybreak.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. Thank you all for the Fundraising during the year.
Delvin Friendship Club: Wish all our Members and Friends a very happy Christmas. Thanks for all your help and support.
Delvin GAA: Are hosting Parish League St. Stephen’s Day in the Park from 10.30am -2.30pm. Adm €5. Proceeds going to
Pieta House and Irish Kidney Association.
Tuesday 24th December
Killulagh Church at 12noon. Delvin Church from 2-2.30pm, and after 6.30pm Mass.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve at 6.30pm in Delvin Church.
Christmas Day: 9.30am in Killulagh. 11.00am in Delvin.
Christmas Greetings
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. We welcome all
who have come home to be with their families. We remember those who did not get home, or who have to work
during the Christmas.
Year A Third Sunday of Advent 15th December, 2019
Sat 14th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. James, Mgt & Mary Mc Govern. James, Ellen & John Curran & DFM. Sun 15th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Margaret & Michael Malone. Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Patrick & Margaret Farrelly & DFM. Fri 20th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 21st 6.30pm Nancy Lenihan. Sun 22nd 11.00am Frank Kelly MM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 15th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Sun 22nd 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy
- I. P. Ann Dunne. England. sister of Josephine Murphy. Balrath, Delvin. Josie Greville. Monilea, Mullingar. sister of Daly Family. Clondone, Delvin. Oliver Finglas. Bermingham, England. late of Clondone, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €850. Ren. Fund: Weekly €300. Monthly €100.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th January, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Important Dates for 2020: Confirmation on Friday, Feb 7th at 11am. First Communion on Saturday, May 9th .
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to
Conversion, quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Online Advent Retreat: Run by the Priory Retreat , Tallaght. There will be a talk each day from Dec 16th to Christmas. To
Register or 01-4048124. or 01-8085201.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Delvin Parish Annual: There are still copies of the Parish Annual on sale in Michael Leonard’s and Daybreak.
Confessions: There will be Prayer Service and Confessions for Christmas in Delvin Church on Wed next, Dec 18th at
8.00pm. In Athboy on Tue at 7.30pm, and Clonmellon on Wed at 7.15pm.
There will also be Confessions on Friday 20th after 9.30am Mass in Delvin Church , and on Sat 21st after Vigil Mass.
Tuesday 24th December
Killulagh Church at 12noon. Delvin Church from 2-2.30pm, and after 6.30pm Mass.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve at 6.30pm in Delvin Church.
Christmas Day: 9.30am in Killulagh. 11.00am in Delvin.
When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the
Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Saviour’s first coming , the faithful renew their ardent desire
for his second coming. Catechism of the Catholic Church. 524.
Year A Second Sunday of Advent 8th December, 2019
Sat 7th 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 8th 11.00am Joe Reilly. David Anderson. Mon 9th 9.30am William & Michael Gilroy. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th No Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. James, Mgt & Mary Mc Govern. James, Ellen & John Curran & DFM. Sun 15th 11.00am Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Joseph Gaffney. Printinstown. Margaret & Michael Malone.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 8th 9.30am Nancy & John Barry. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Sun 15th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM
- I. P. Noel Lynch. Cluain Lorcain, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €760. Ren. Fund: Weekly €335. Monthly €140.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Important Dates for 2020: Confirmation on Friday, Feb 7th at 11am. First Communion on Saturday, May 9th .
Advent Preparation: We will have a meeting in Fatima on Thurs, Dec 12th at 8pm. The purpose of the meeting is to
reflect on the readings and prayers of the Advent and Christmas seasons. It will be led by Fr. Heaney . Eucharistic Ministers,
Readers and members of Bible Study Group are invited. Everybody is welcome.
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are
waiting of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his
final glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to
Conversion, quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope:
That the salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness,
thereby granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Confessions: There will be Prayer Service and Confessions for Christmas in Delvin Church on the week beginning 16th Dec.
Further details will be announced next week.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Online Advent Retreat: Run by the Priory Retreat , Tallaght. There will be a talk each day from Dec 16th to Christmas. To
Register or 01-4048124. or 01-8085201.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and later in Wales. On his
return he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of
the great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the saints of Ireland. His Feast
Day is on Thurs 12th December.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
St. Vincent de Paul: Annual Church Gate Christmas Collection will take place this weekend 7th /8th Dec in both Churches.
Ballinlough Drama Society: Are presenting a comedy “Widows Paradise” by Sam Cree in Ballinlough Community Centre
on 6th/7th /8th Dec at 8pm. Tickets cost €15. Contact Stephen at 087-2950785.
Christmas Lights: Oliver & Olive Moran will light up their home this Sun 8th Dec at 6pm. Proceeds from Raffle and
Donations going to MRI Scanner and Stroke Unit General Hospital, Mullingar.
Year A First Sunday of Advent 1st December, 2019
Sat 30th 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Sean Fay. Billy Moran & DFM. Pat Lynch. Sun 1st 11.00am Sean & Gerard Connolly. Dan & Annie Mc Grath & sister Betty Smith. Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th No Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney & DFM Sat 7th 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 8th 11.00am Joe Reilly. David Anderson.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 1st 9.30am Patrick Mc Hale. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am
Nancy & John Barry.
Offertory Collection: €815. Ren. Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €70.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, o r Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Important Dates for 2020: Confirmation on Friday, Feb 7th at 11am. First Communion on Saturday, May 9th .
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs 5th December at 8pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From 13th -22nd October,2020. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Cost
€1,850. Contact Map Travel at 01-8434734.
Online Advent Rereat: Run by the Priory Retreat , Tallaght. There will be a talk each day from Dec 16th to Christmas. To
Register or 01-4048124. or 01-8085201.
Mullingar Choral Society: Are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with their Annual Christmas Concert this Sun 1st
December at 7pm in Cathedral, Mullingar. Tickets €10. Family €20.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up for the Presentation night on Wed. The amount of money handed
over to Mr. John Shaw was €21,500. A big thank you to all the people from Delvin and surrounding areas who organised
fundraising events during the past year. We appreciate what you do for the Hospice Homecare.
Athboy Inclusion Team: Are running Stars of Christmas variety show this Sun 1st Dec at 2.30pm. Contact 087-6940272.
Delvin Community Alert: A. G. M. will take place next Tue 3rd Dec at 8pm in Fatima.
St. Vincent de Paul: Annual Church Gate Christmas Collection will take place on 7th /8th Dec in both Churches.
Ballinlough Drama Society: Are presenting a comedy “Widows Paradise” by Sam Cree in Ballinlough Community Centre
on 6th/7th /8th Dec at 8pm. Tickets cost €15. Contact Stephen at 087-2950785.
The Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fonds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the Solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light gradually illuminating the long night prior to the rising
of the Sun of justice.
Year C Feast of Christ the King 24th November, 2019
Sat 23rd 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Al & Kathleen Sherwin. son Ger & daughter Maria. Sun 24th 11.00am Carmel Doherty. Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th No Mass. Thurs 28th No Mass. Fri 29th No Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Tom, Mary & Sean Fay. Billy Moran & DFM. Pat Lynch. Sun 1st 11.00am Sean & Gerard Connolly. Dan & Annie Mc Grath & sister Betty Smith.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 24th 9.30am James & Mary Nugent & son Sean. Hugh & Eileen Macken. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Sun 1st 9.30am Patrick Mc Hale.
- I. P. Christopher (Kit) Mc Cart. Londion, native of Dardistown, Bracklyn. Evelyn Ballesty (nee Halpin) native of Sheepstown, Delvin. who died in England.
Offertory Collection: €960. Ren. Fund: Weekly €345. Monthly €135. Annual: €225.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, o r Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Important Dates for 2020: Confirmation on Friday, Feb 7th at 11am. First Communion on Saturday, May 9th .
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in Delvin
Church from 4pm-5pm. The Cathedral in Mullingar is dedicated to Christ the King. To mark the Feast there will be Evening
Prayer and Benediction in the Cathedral at 5pm on Sunday. Everyone is welcome.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Online Advent Rereat: Run by the Priory Retreat , Tallaght. There will be a talk each day from Dec 16th to Christmas. To
Register or 01-4048124.
Mullingar Choral Society: Are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with their Annual Christmas Concert on Sun 1st
December at 7pm in Cathedral, Mullingar. Tickets €10. Family €20.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy will take place this Sunday 24th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle.
We would appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for
the coming year.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Wed next, Nov 27th starting at 11am.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed next, Nov 27th at 8pm in Dolores
Gaffney’s. Everyone is very welcome to attend on the night.
Collinstown Market: Christmas Market will take place this Sun 24th Nov starting at 11.30am in Collinstown Hall.
Delvin Community Alert: A. G. M. will take place on Tue 3rd Dec at 8pm in Fatima.
Ballinlough Drama Society: Are presenting a comedy “Widows Paradise” by Sam Cree in Ballinlough Community Centre
on 6th/7th /8th Dec at 8pm. Tickets cost €15. Contact Stephen at 087-2950785.
Year C Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 17th November, 2019
Sat 16th 6.30pm Karl Quinn. William & Catherine Sherlock. Sun 17th 11.00am Christopher Kelly MM Walter Casserly & Grand daughter Niamh. Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th No Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Al & Kathleen Sherwin. son Ger & daughter Maria. Sun 24th 11.00am Carmel Doherty.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley. Kathleen & Tom Monaghan. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am James & Mary Nugent & son Sean. Hugh & Eileen Macken.
- I. P. Frank Kelly. Lisclogher, Delvin. Mary Rowan. Moyvore. mother of Rose Barry. Main St, Delvin.
Michael Weymes. Duleek. brother of Joe Weymes. Addinstown.
Offertory Collection: €960. Ren. Fund: Weekly €720. Monthly €195. Annual: €540.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, o r Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Important Dates for 2020: Confirmation on Friday, Feb 7th at 11am. First Communion on Saturday, May 9th .
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 22nd November at 7.30pm.
Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on the roads this Sunday at
our Masses. A Memorial Service for Road Traffic Victims will be held in Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar this Sun at 2pm.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in Delvin
Church from 4pm-5pm. The Cathedral in Mullingar is dedicated to Christ the King. To mark the Feast there will be Evening
Prayer and Benediction in the Cathedral at 5pm next Sunday. Everyone is welcome.
Online Advent Rereat: Run by the Priory Retreat , Tallaght. There will be a talk each day from Dec 16th to Christmas. To
Register or 01-4048124.
Visitor: Sr. Anna and a companion from St. Elizabeth Convent, Minsk, Belarus will visit the parish on Wed, Nov 20th .They
will attend 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and will set up a small display of craft items made at the Convent. They would
appreciate if a home in the parish would provide accommodation for them the previous night. If you can provide
accommodation please contact the Parochial House. (9664127).
Mullingar Choral Society: Are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with their Annual Christmas Concert on Sun 1st
December at 7pm in Cathedral, Mullingar. Tickets €10. Family €20.
Blood Transfusion Service: Will be in attendance at Darnley Lodge Hotel, Athboy on Tue 19th Nov from 4.30pm-8pm.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy will take place on Sunday 24th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle.
We would appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for
the coming year.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Are presenting Brian Kennedy in Concert on Thurs 21st Nov in the Hall at 8.30pm.
Collinstown Market: Christmas Market will take place on Sun 24th Nov starting at 11.30am in Collinstown Hall.
Indoor Market: Transition Students are organising an Indoor Christmas Market in Athboy Community School on Sun 24th
Nov from 12.30pm-3.30pm. All Welcome.
Year C Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 10th November, 2019
Sat 9th 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 10th 11.00am Dermot Kenny. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am James & Mary Gaffney. Wed 13th No Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Karl Quinn.
William & Catherine Sherlock. Sun 17th 11.00am Christopher Kelly MM Walter Casserly & Grand daughter Niamh.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 10th 9.30am Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan & DFM. Sheila Aughey. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley. Kathleen & Tom Monaghan.
- I. P. Maureen Tunney. Kilskyre. sister of Noreen Clarke. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,085. 1st November €385. November Offerings: €2,390.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Continues on Tue night at 8pm in Fatima.
Vocations to the Priesthood: ‘Jesus, master:; take pity on us! is the cry of the ten lepers. They see in Jesus the chance of
healing, reconciliation and a new life. The beauty of Christ is irresistible when people meet it face to face. The function and
duty of the priest is to make this possible by the preached word and sacraments. If you have considered your life in service
of God and his people as a priest in the Diocese of Meath. Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in
Mullingar or your local clergy.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 22nd November at 7.30pm.
Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on the roads next Sunday 17th
November at our Masses.
Online Advent Rereat: Run by the Priory Retreat , Tallaght. There will be a talk each day from Dec 16th to Christmas. To
Register or 01-4048124.
Visitor: Sr. Anna and a companion from St. Elizabeth Convent, Minsk, Belarus will visit the parish on Wed, Nov 20th .They
will attend 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and will set up a small display of craft items made at the Convent. They would
appreciate if a home in the parish would provide accommodation for them the previous night. If you can provide
accommodation please contact the Parochial House. (9664127).
.Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Mon 11th Nov in the Hall at 8pm.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed 13th November at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Modern & Vintage Furniture & Household Sale: Will take place at Muriel & Bill Casey Home, The Derries, Drumcree.
Sat 16th Nov from 11am -5pm. Cake Sale, Tea and Coffee. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy will take place on Sunday 24th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We
would appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the
coming year.
Line Dancing Classes: Will commence on Fri 15th Nov at 8.45pm in the Hall. Contact 087-7707105
Indoor Market: Transition Students are organising an Indoor Christmas Market in Athboy Community School on Sun 24th
Nov from 12.30pm-3.30pm. All Welcome.
Year C Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time. 3rd November, 2019
Sat ( Feast of All Souls) 6.30pm Kevin Murphy. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM. Sun 3rd 11.00am Annabel Loughlin.
Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th No Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 7.30pm Mass. New List of the Dead. Sat 9th 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 10th 11.00am Dermot Kenny.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 3rd 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully. Lily, Tommy & Larry Poynton Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am New List of the Dead. Sun 10th 9.30am Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan & DFM. Sile Aughey.
- I. P. Mary Holley. Knock, Co. Mayo. sister of Dolores Moran. Martinstown, Delvin. Eileen Healy. Drumcree. sister of Pamela Comaskey. Graftonstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €870. Ren Fund: Weekly €335. Monthly €115. Annual: €1,200.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th November, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Liam James Gilsenan. Jason Conway. Teagan Rose Clune. Maisey Colette Maguire. Odhran Mc Kendry. Tadhg Carolan. Noah Honhoff. Lily Sophia Cummins.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Continues on Tue night at 8pm in Fatima.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Vocations to the Priesthood: ‘Jesus, master:; take pity on us! is the cry of the ten lepers. They see in Jesus the chance of
healing, reconciliation and a new life. The beauty of Christ is irresistible when people meet it face to face. The function and
duty of the priest is to make this possible by the preached word and sacraments. If you have considered your life in service
of God and his people as a priest in the Diocese of Meath. Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in
Mullingar or your local clergy for confidential and non -committed information.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday Nov 7th at 8pm.
List of the Dead: Mass for the New List of the Dead will be celebrated on Friday 8th November. 9.30am in Killulagh and
7.30pm in Delvin.
Indulgences for the Dead: Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from
Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up this Sun 3rd Nov. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 22nd November at 7.30pm.
Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Mullingar Pioneer Region: Novena to Matt Talbot on Tue 5th Nov at 7.30pm in Rathwire Church. All Welcome.
Church Music Scholarships: Available at the Schola Cantorum, Mullingar Applications are invited from boys and girls
aged 12-18 for music scholarships. Info at
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
Dundalk Institute of Technology: Open Days take place on Fri 8th & Sat 9th Nov. Info at
Furniture & Household Sale: Will take place at Muriel & Bill Casey Home, The Derries, Drumcree. Sat 16th Nov from
11am -5pm. Cake Sale, Tea and Coffee. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Christmas Lights: A. G.M. for Christmas Lights takes place on Thurs 7th Nov at 9pm in Carmel Gaffney’s. We are looking
for new members to help form a committee, and bring new ideas. We appreciate your help and support.
Year C Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 27th October, 2019
Sat 26th 6.30pm Jim, Joan, Bernie, Walter & Nora Carroll. Peter & Mary Walsh. Sun 27th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Barry.
Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th No Mass. Thurs 31st 7.30pm Mass. Fri ( Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Gretta Mc Donnell, Gerard Murray, Beverly Wikes. Billistown. Seamus Gaffney & DFM. Sat ( Feast of All Souls) 6.30pm Kevin Murphy. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM. Sun 3rd 11.00am Annabel Loughlin.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 27th 9.30am Joe Callan. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( Feast of All Saints) 9.30am Mass. Sun 3rd 9.30am
Vincent & Mary Cully. Lily, Tommy & Larry Poynton
- I. P. Ann O’ Hare. Dundalk. sister of Dolores Moran. Martinstown, Delvin. Peggy Clinton. Kilnaleck, Co Cavan. sister of Geraldine Reilly. Clonleam, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,085. Ren Fund: Weekly €285. Monthly €95. Annual: €350.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Sat night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th November, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Alfie Oliver Moran. Emily Heffernan. Sarah Durkin.
Adam Patrick Mc Enroe. Billy Patrick Walsh. Eoin John Vaughan. Saoirse Emma Clune. Jay Vincent O’ Neill.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Continues on Tue night at 8pm in Fatima.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the Offertory Collection last weekend
Vocations to the Priesthood: ‘Jesus, master:; take pity on us! is the cry of the ten lepers. They see in Jesus the chance of
healing, reconciliation and a new life. The beauty of Christ is irresistible when people meet it face to face. The function and
duty of the priest is to make this possible by the preached word and sacraments. If you have considered your life in service
of God and his people as a priest in the Diocese of Meath. Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in
Mullingar or your local clergy for confidential and non -committed information.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed . They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Friday 8th November.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . ( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up next Sun 3rd Nov. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Contemplative Retreat: For Young Adults (18-40) at Roscrea from 1st -3rd November. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Will hold its Annual Service of Remembrance on Sun 10th Nov at 3pm in St. Teresa’s
Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8. Anyone who has suffered the loss of a baby are invited to attend.
Church Music Scholarships: Available at the Schola Cantorum, Mullingar Applications are invited from boys and girls
aged 12-18 for music scholarships. Info at
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
Fancy Dress: Fancy Dress 25k Fun Cycle on Mon 28th Oct. Registration from 11.30am. Leaving DSLC at 12.30pm. Entry
Fee €5. We would appreciate if you can help on the day. Proceeds going towards Delvin Christmas Lights.
Year C Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 20th October, 2019
Sat 19th 6.30pm Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick Family. Michael Mullally. Sun 20th 11.00am Maggie & Dermot Kenny & DFM. Mon 321st 9.30am William & Mary Clancy. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd No Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm Jim & Joan Carroll. Peter & Mary Walsh. Sun 27th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Barry.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 20th 9.30am Paddy Cassidy. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sun 27th 9.30am Joe Callan.
- I. P. Brian Heaney. Sillogue, Kilberry, Navan. brother of Fr. Seamus Heaney. P.P. Delvin. Michael Cooney. Dundalk. father of Diane Burns. Battstown, Collinstown. Lucy Dugdale. Clonarney, Delvin. Christopher Kelly. Addinstown, Delvin.
Albert Kelly. Kildalkey. brother of Angela Murtagh. Clondone, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €890. Ren Fund: Weekly €345. Monthly €70. Annual: €900.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Continues on Tue night at 8pm in Fatima.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Month of Mission: This month of October has been designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. The
theme for the Month is “Together we are Mission”. This Sunday is Mission Sunday and we unite on this special day with
all Churches worldwide. Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our Baptismal call to bring Christ to
others, which is a privilege in itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the
Gospel and our Irish Missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland,
the working title of the four Pontifical mission societies, organizes the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches
worldwide. We are invited to pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the month.
Vocations to the Priesthood: ‘Jesus, master:; take pity on us! is the cry of the ten lepers. They see in Jesus the chance of
healing, reconciliation and a new life. The beauty of Christ is irresistible when people meet it face to face. The function and
duty of the priest is to make this possible by the preached word and sacraments. If you have considered your life in service
of God and his people as a priest in the Diocese of Meath. Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in
Mullingar or your local clergy for confidential and non -committed information.
Pro Life Film: “Unplanned” which is showing in all Omniplex cinemas and some IMC cinemas around the country at the
moment is getting very positive reviews. We are encouraging people to go and see it at your local cinema.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Wed next Oct 23rd starting at 11am.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
Fancy Dress: Fancy Dress 25k Fun Cycle on Mon 28th Oct. Registration from 11.30am. Leaving DSLC at 12.30pm. Entry
Fee €5. We would appreciate if you can help on the day. Proceeds going towards Delvin Christmas Lights.
Mission Sunday
In this Extraordinary Mission Month let us really live our vocation as missionary disciples wherever we are. Paul or
Therese, Tom or Maggie –we respond to the Spirit in our heart and draw others to a personal encounter with Jesus
Christ. The seeds we sow may be tiny, we may never see them grow but we can trust our Father, who loves us
unconditionally, to bring them to fruition.
Pope Francis.
Year C Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. 13th October, 2019
Sat 12th 6.30pm Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Sun 13th 11.00am George Hamilton & mother Eva. Martin Smith. Mon 14th 9.30am Mass. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th No Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick Family. Michael Mullally. Sun 20th 11.00am
Maggie & Dermot Kenny & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 13th 9.30am Peter, Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Sun 20th 9.30am Paddy Cassidy
Offertory Collection: €890. Ren Fund: Weekly €355. Monthly €200.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Parish Youth Group will be hosting a Coffee morning/Cake Sale after 11am Mass this Sun 13th Oct in Fatima. The money raised will help our young people to attend a Retreat in Donegal at the end of this month. We appreciate your support.
Bible Study: Continues on Tue night at 8pm in Fatima.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Month of Mission: This month of October has been designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. The
theme for the Month is “Together we are Mission”. Next Sunday is Mission Sunday and we unite on this special day with
all Churches worldwide. Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our Baptismal call to bring Christ to
others, which is a privilege in itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the
Gospel and our Irish Missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland,
the working title of the four Pontifical mission societies, organizes the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches
worldwide. We are invited to pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the month.
Vocations to the Priesthood: ‘Jesus, master:; take pity on us! is the cry of the ten lepers. They see in Jesus the chance of
healing, reconciliation and a new life. The beauty of Christ is irresistible when people meet it face to face. The function and
duty of the priest is to make this possible by the preached word and sacraments. If you have considered your life in service
of God and his people as a priest in the Diocese of Meath. Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in
Mullingar or your local clergy for confidential and non -committed information.
Pro Life Film: “Unplanned” which is showing in all Omniplex cinemas and some IMC cinemas around the country at the
moment is getting very positive reviews. We are encouraging people to go and see it at your local cinema.
Meath Diocesan Pioneers: Afternoon of Prayer and Reflection for Pioneers this Sun 13th Oct from 2pm -6pm in Church of
the Nativity of Our Lady, Kilcormac. All are Welcome.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Winter Dinner Dance: St. Ernan’s are holding their Winter Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Sat 30th Nov in Bloomfield House
Hotel. Tickets €50.each. The event is open to parents, past parents and wider community. Tickets available from the school.
Fancy Dress: Fancy Dress 25k Fun Cycle on Mon 28th Oct. Registration from 11.30am. Leaving DSLC at 12.30pm. Entry
Fee €5. We would appreciate if you can help on the day. Proceeds going towards Delvin Christmas Lights.
Year C Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. 6th October, 2019
Sat 5th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 6th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly. Mon 7th No Mass. Tue 8th No Mass. Wed 9th No Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am John Leonard. Sat 12th 6.30pm Mossie, James, Elizabeth, Mattie & Bridgie Gilmore. Sun 13th 11.00am George Hamilton & mother Eva. Martin Smith.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 6th 9.30am Stan Smyth. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Sun 13th 9.30am Peter, Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan.
- I. P. Angela Skerry. The Green, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €895. Ren Fund: Weekly €360. Monthly €85. Annual: €800.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Parish Youth Group will be hosting a Coffee morning/Cake Sale after 11am Mass on Sun 13th Oct in Fatima. The money raised will help our young people to attend a Retreat in Donegal at the end of this month. We appreciate your support.
Bible Study: The next Session will be on Tue Oct 8th in Fatima. All are Welcome.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Day for Life: This Sunday October 6th we celebrate “Day for Life”. The Catholic Bishops of Ireland, England, Wales and
Scotland have chosen to focus on domestic abuse as the theme for Day for Life, 2019. We wish to raise awareness of the
prevalence of this issue across our countries. Leaflets are available in the Churches for Day for Life.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Month of Mission: This month of October has been designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. The
theme for the Month is “Together we are Mission”. Next Fri 11th will be Children’s Day of Mission Prayer.
Vocations to the Priesthood: In the Gospel Jesus gives us the image of the Good Shepherd. Christ is the Good Shepherd
who gave everything on the Cross. His mission is carried on in the Church and in the life and work of the priest. If you have
ever considered giving your life to Jesus as a priest Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in Mullingar or your local clergy.
NET Ministries: We welcome a new Team from NET Ministries to the parish. They will be working with young people and
their families during the coming year. They will work here in the parish two days a week.
Renovation Fund: The New Year begins This Sunday Oct 6th . New Boxes have been delivered. If you are new to the
parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House on 044-9664127.
Adult Ed. Group: Will be starting their Winter Programme on Tue 8th Oct at 10.30am. All members and new are welcome.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have currently two vacancies for Groundpersons in the Delvin Area. To apply
please phone 044-9664931, or call to office at rear of Parochial House.
Athboy Community School: Open Night will be held on Wed night next Oct 9th . This is to allow members of the general
public to view the new facilities and for the benefit of pupils who wish to enroll in First Year 2020/2021/
St. Patrick’s Hall: Dolmen Productions present “Weighing In” on Sat 12th Oct at 8pm in the Hall. Booking at 044-9664484.
Delvin Tidy Towns: We received 252 points in this years Tidy Towns Competition-an increase of 12 points from last year.
The Committee would like to thank all who helped in anyway, but especially the Community Employment Workers who
ensure that the village looks impeccable at all times. Concluding Remarks from the Judges: Delvin is a handsome village
with visually striking features and good interpretation on its history and architecture. The Committee needs to attract new
members and look to their performance in the areas of Sustainability and Nature and Biodiversity.
Year C Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 29th September, 2019
Sat 28th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. James & Patricia Dolan. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 29th 11.00am Paddy & Bridie Duffy.
Mon 30th No Mass. Tue 1st Oct No Mass. Wed 2nd No Mass. Thurs 3rd No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Brendan Mullen. Sat 5th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 6th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 29th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell Wed 1st Oct No Mass. Fri (First Friday) No Mass. Sun 6th 9.30am Stan Smyth.
Offertory Collection: €870. Ren Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €320. Annual: €120.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th October, at 8pm.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of St. Matthew’s gospel in this session. Anybody who missed the previous two sessions are welcome to join the group on Tue night.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 27th Sept -4th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. We pray for all who are traveling to
Rome from the parish, especially the sick this weekend.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday 3rd October at 8pm.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called The Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Day for Life: Next Sunday October 6th we celebrate “Day for Life”. The Catholic Bishops of Ireland, England, Wales and
Scotland have chosen to focus on domestic abuse as the theme for Day for Life, 2019. We wish to raise awareness of the
prevalence of this issue across our countries.
Pilgrimage to Knock: A day in Honour of Our Lady “Calling all Families” to Our Lady on Sat 5th Oct in Knock Shrine at
3pm. Pilgrimage Mass, followed by Holy Hour to pray for Priests, Bishops and their Dioceses. Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Month of Mission: This month of October has been designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. The
theme for the Month is “Together we are Mission”.
Vocations to the Priesthood: In the Gospel Jesus gives us the image of the Good Shepherd. Christ is the Good Shepherd
who gave everything on the Cross. His mission is carried on in the Church and in the life and work of the priest. If you have
ever considered giving your life to Jesus as a priest Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in Mullingar or your local clergy.
NET Ministries: A new Team from NET Ministries has started working in the parish. They will introduce themselves at
Masses this week-end.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end this weekend.. The new year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. New Boxes are been delivered. We thank the collectors for delivering the boxes.
Adult Ed. Group: Will be starting their Winter Programme on Tue 8th Oct at 10.30am. All members and new are welcome.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who supported Coffee Morning last Friday. It was a great success. Meeting next
Wed Oct 2nd at 8pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Bring and Buy Sale: Will take place at Teresa Mc Cann and Martin Lynch home at Dardistown, Bracklyn next Sat 5th Oct
from 11am -3pm to raise funds for Delvin Hospice. All donations of clothes, bags, shoes are welcome.
Year C Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 22nd September, 2019
Sat 21st 6.30pm Michael Reilly. Sun 22nd 11.00am Thomas (Tosh) Anderson. Willie & Nicholas Bray. Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 25th No Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Alan Geoghegan. Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. James & Patricia Dolan. Ezra Mainwaring. Sun 29th 11.00am Paddy & Bridie Duffy.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 22nd 9.30am Ann Kiernan. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass.. Sun 29th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell
Offertory Collection: €890. Ren Fund: Weekly €300. Monthly €120. Annual: €1,000.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: A new 10 week session of Bible Study began last Tuesday, September 17th. Meetings will be held in Fatima at 8pm each week. We plan to follow St. Matthew’s gospel in this session.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 29th Sept -8th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Vocations to the Priesthood: In the Gospel Jesus gives us the image of the Good Shepherd. Christ is the Good Shepherd
who gave everything on the Cross. His mission is carried on in the Church and in the life and work of the priest. If you have
ever considered giving your life to Jesus as a priest Contact Fr. Shane in Navan or Fr. Joe in Mullingar or your local clergy.
Marriage Encounter: The Joy of Love in Marriage –A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in
a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) weekends. will be held at the
at the Lake Hotel, Killarney from 15th -17th Nov. For info and to book visit or 087-7840408.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be
delivered soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Mullingar Region Pioneer: Novena to Matt Talbot will take place on Wed 25th Sept at 7.30pm in Rochfortbridge Church.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are back in the Hall on Wednesday 25th September at 11am. Please note that we have changed
the day to Wednesday. Hope to see you all back after Summer Break.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting in Dolores Gaffney’s on Wed 25th September at 8pm.
St. Patrick’s Hall: Committee present “Percy French at Kilkee” performed by the Percy French Troubadours. It will take
place on Sat 28th Sept at 8pm. Adm €15. Booking available from Michael Leonard, or contacting 044-9664484.
Music Workshop: For Choirs, Singers, Musicians and all who are interested in Church choir will take place in St. Paul’s
Church, Mullingar on Sat 28th Sept at 2.15pm. Dr. John O’ Keeffe, Director of Sacred Music at St. Patrick’s College,
Maynooth will be directing the Workshop which will last until about 5pm.
Charity Dance: Will take place in the Hall on Fri 27th Sept from 9.30pm. Proceeds from the night will go to Pieta House.
Irish Cancer Society: Are looking for volunteers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in all public
hospitals nationwide. Contact Laura on 01-2310594, or email
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Tue 1st
Oct at 7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Please book before Mon 30th Sept on 085-2888888.
Year C Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 15th September, 2019
Sat 14th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly MM. Sun 15th 11.00am Shane Dugdale MM Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th No Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Michael Reilly. Sun 22nd 11.00am Thomas ( Tosh) Anderson. Willie & Nicholas Bray.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 15th 9.30am Mary & Patrick Fox & DFM Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 7.30pm Paddy Dugdale MM Sun 22nd 9.30am Ann Kiernan.
Offertory Collection: €760. Ren Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly €225.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: A new 10 week session of Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, September 17th. Meetings will be held in Fatima at 8pm each week. We plan to follow St. Matthew’s gospel in this session.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Marriage Encounter: The Joy of Love in Marriage –A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in
a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) weekends. will be held at the
at the Lake Hotel, Killarney from 15th -17th Nov. For info and to book visit or 087-7840408.
Killulagh Apostolic Society: Would like to thank all who supported and donated to the Coffee Morning held recently for
the Missions. It was a great success.
The Holy Face of Jesus: A Talk on the Holy Face of Jesus will be held at La Verna Centre, Ballinderry, Mullingar on
Thurs 19th September at 7.30pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Contemplative Retreat: Takes place from 20th -22nd September for Young Adults (18-40) in Dalgan Park, Navan. Contact, or Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be
delivered soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Pedal Tractor Run, Cake Sale/ Coffee Morning will take place in the school this Sunday 15th September
from 11.30am -1.30pm. All are Welcome.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 20th Sept
from 9.30am -1pm. As always we appreciate your support.
St. Patrick’s Hall: Committee present “Percy French at Kilkee” performed by the Percy French Troubadours. It will take
place on Sat 28th Sept at 8pm. Adm €15. Booking available from Michael Leonard, or contacting 044-9664484.
Delvin Men’s Shed: Are having a Clothes Collection next Saturday 21st Sept from 10am -1pm in the GAA Park.
Music Workshop: For Choirs, Singers, Musicians and all who are interested in Church choir will take place in St. Paul’s
Church, Mullingar on Sat 28th Sept at 2.15pm. Dr. John O’ Keeffe, Director of Sacred Music at St. Patrick’s College,
Maynooth will be directing the Workshop which will last until about 5pm.
- S. L. C. : The Committee would like to inform all who use the D. S. L. C that the lights have been turned on in the
evening and will go out at 10.30pm.
Irish Cancer Society: Are looking for volunteers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in all public
hospitals nationwide. Contact Laura on 01-2310594, or email
Year C Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8th September, 2019
Sat 7th Sept, 6.30pm Jim Joe Murtagh & John Leonard, Sun 8th Sept 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM
Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th No Mass. Wed 11th No Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Larry Farrelly MM. Sun 15th 11.00am Shane Dugdale MM
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 8th Sept, 9.30am Kathleen & Thomas Clinton. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Sun 15th 9.30am Mary & Patrick Fox & DFM
Offertory Collection: €930. Ren Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly €90.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: A new 10 week session of Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, September 17th. Meetings will be held in Fatima at 8pm each week. We plan to follow St. Matthew’s gospel in this session.
Delvin Church Choir: Back singing this Sunday 8th Sept for 11am Mass. New members most welcome.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
The closing date for booking is September 7th. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Monday . We pray for all
pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by Bishop Tom Deenihan..
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Marriage Encounter: The Joy of Love in Marriage –A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in
a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) weekends. Fri 8pm to Sun 4.30pm
will be held at the Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry from 13-15th Sept, and at the Lake Hotel, Killarney from 15th -17th
Nov. For info and to book visit or 087-7840408.
Grandparents Pilgrimage: Annual National Grandparents Pilgrimage takes place this Sun 8th September at Knock Shrine at
2.30pm. This annual pilgrimage is a special day for grandparents and families, and a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge
the great contribution that grandparents make to Church, to family and to society in teaching and passing on the faith.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund will end on September 29th . The new year will begin on
Sunday 6th October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be
delivered soon. If you are new to the parish and would like to subscribe please contact the Parochial House.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Monday 9th September at 8pm in the Hall.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 20th Sept
from 9.30am -1pm. As always we appreciate your support.
St. Patrick’s Hall: Committee present “Percy French at Kilkee” performed by the Percy French Troubadours. It will take
place on Sat 28th Sept at 8pm. Adm €15. Booking available from Michael Leonard, or contacting 044-9664484.
- S. L. C. : The Committee would like to inform all who use the D. S. L. C that the lights have been turned on in the
evening and will go out at 10.30pm.
Social Dancing: Will resume back in the Hall on Fri 13th September. Live Music on the night.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
Holy Spirit, by your light
you guide this world towards the Father’s love
and accompany creation as it groans in travail.
You also dwell in our hearts
and you inspire us to do what is good. Praise be to you!
Year C Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 1st September, 2019
Sat 31st 6.30pm William Gilroy, Patricia Byrne. Sun 1st 11.00am Bill & Kitty Donlon & Danny Gilmartin.
Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass, Tues 3rd 9.30am Mass, Wed 4th No Mass, Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass, Fri 6th (First Friday) 7.30pm Thomas & Mgt Flanagan & DFM, Sat 7th Sept, 6.30pm Jim Joe Murtagh & John Leonard, Sun 8th Sept 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 1st 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent, Wed 4th Sept 9.30am Mass, Fri (First Friday) 9.30am Mass (List of the Dead), Sat 7th Sept, 9.30am Tony & Mary Moran, Sun 8th Sept, 9.30am Kathleen & Michael Clinton
- I. P. Paddy Dugdale. Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €890. Ren Fund: Weekly €345. Monthly €105.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meets every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thurs 5th September at 8pm.
Bible Study: A new 10 week session of Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, September 17th. Meetings will be held in Fatima at 8pm each week. We plan to follow St. Matthew’s gospel in this session.
Delvin Church Choir: Back singing on Sunday 8th Sept for 11am Mass. New members most welcome.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
The closing date for booking is September 7th. Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Takes place on Sat 7th Sept from 9.30am -4pm at Columban Ecological Institute, Dalgan.
Discovering God’s Plan: Explore how the Lord is be calling You-married life, priesthood, single life, or religious life? An
Invitation to Young Adults (18-40) on Sat Sept 7th from 9.45am -5pm in La Verna, Franciscan Sisters, Ballinderry,
Mullingar. A prayerful informative day, Mass,Talk on discernment, Adoration, confession, walk and chat. Contact, or Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Marriage Encounter: The Joy of Love in Marriage –A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in
a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) weekends. Fri 8pm to Sun 4.30pm
will be held at the Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry from 13-15th Sept, and at the Lake Hotel, Killarney from 15th -17th
Nov. For info and to book visit or 087-7840408.
The Messenger: Are offering a free Book for New Subscribers in the parishes of Meath Diocese. Poster on Notice Board.
School Re- Opening: St. Ernan’s N. S will re-open on Mon 2nd Sept.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are having a Coffee Morning and Cake Sale in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 6th September from
9.30am -1pm. We would appreciate if you would do some baking. Hamper in Michael Leonard’s. Lines cost €5.
Prayer of Pope Francis
Son of God, Jesus, through you all things were made. You were formed in the womb of Mary our Mother,
you became part of this earth, and you gazed upon this world with human eyes.
Today you are alive in every creature in your risen glory. Praise be to you!
Year C Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time. 25th August, 2019
Sat 24th 6.30pm John Comaskey. Sun 25th 11.00am Johnny & Molly Mangan. Addinstown. Lawrence, Therese, Anita Leavy & DFM. Mon 26th 9.30am Mass. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th No Mass. Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass. Fri 30th 9.30am Mass. 7pm Mass and burial of Ashes of Babs Moran. Sat 31st 6.30pm William Gilroy. Patricia Byrne. Sun 1st 11.00am Bill & Kitty Donlon & Danny Gilmartin.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 25th 9.30am Colm Newman. Frances Comaskey. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Sun 1st 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent
Offertory Collection: 15th August. €220. Offertory Collection: €860. Ren Fund: Weekly €555. Monthly €300. Annual €1,000.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat, Aug 31st . The cost of the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive at 087-9868125 after 2pm. Deposit of €20 when booking.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
The closing date for booking is September 7th . Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Takes place on Sat 7th Sept from 9.30am -4pm at Columban Ecological Institute, Dalgan.
Discovering God’s Plan: Explore how the Lord is be calling You-married life, priesthood, single life, or religious life? An
Invitation to Young Adults(18-40) on Sat Sept 7th from 9.45am -5pm in La Verna, Franciscan Sisters, Ballinderry,
Mullingar. A prayerful informative day, Mass, Talk on discernment, Adoration, confession, walk and chat. Contact, or Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Marriage Encounter: The Joy of Love in Marriage –A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in
a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) weekends. Fri 8pm to Sun 4.30pm
will be held at the Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry from 13-15th Sept, and at the Lake Hotel, Killarney from 15th -17th
Nov. For info and to book visit or 087-7840408.
The Messenger: Are running a free Book for New Suscribers in the parishes of Meath Diocese. Poster on Notice Board.
School Re- Opening: St. Tola’s N. S will reopen on Thurs 29th Aug. St. Patrick’s ,Crowenstown will also reopen on Thurs
29th Aug. St. Ernan’s N. S on Mon 2nd Sept.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed Aug 28th at 9pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are having a Coffee Morning and Cake Sale in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 6th September from
9.30am -1pm. We would appreciate if you would do some baking for the cake sale. We will have the Draw for the Hamper
that is on display in Michael Leonard’s on the day. Lines cost €5.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
September 1st is designated as a Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Below we include part of the Prayer of Pope
Francis, taken from his encyclical Laudato Si ( 2015)
Father we praise you with all your creatures. They came forth from your all-powerful hand; they are yours, filled
with your presence and your tender love. Praise be to you!
Year C Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 18th August, 2019
Sat 17th 6.30pm Austin Nugent. Sun 18th 11.00am Colin Clinton. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st No Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm John Comaskey. Sun 25th 11.00am Johnny & Molly Mangan. Addinstown. Lawrence, Therese, Anita Leavy & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 18th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala Poynton, daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass.
Sun 25th 9.30am Colm Newman. Frances Comaskey.
- I. P. Shane Dugdale. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €440. Delvin Cemetery: €2,025. Funeral Mass Collection: €330. Patron Day Offerings: €1,135.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Days: Many thanks to all who helped in preparation for Cemetery Days in Killulagh, Crowenstown and Delvin. Special thanks to the participants from Rural Social Scheme and Fas. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t kind to us. Thanks to the huge crowd that came to the Church.
Cemetery Extension: We hope to apply for planning permission for an extension to the Cemetery in a few weeks. A drawing of the proposed extension is on display in the Church, and is also on display in the cemetery. Work will begin as soon as finances is available. Donations towards the work would be welcome.
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings last weekend.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat, Aug 31st . The cost of the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive at 087-9868125 after 2pm. Deposit of €20 when booking.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Priory Institute: Study Theology by distance learning. Now enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on
Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Takes place on Sat 7th Sept from 9.30am -4pm at Columban Ecological Institute, Dalgan.
Discovering God’s Plan:Explore how the Lord is be calling You-married life, priesthood, single life, or religious life? An
Invitation to Young Adults(18-40) on Sat Sept 7th from 9.45am -5pm in La Verna, Franciscan Sisters, Ballinderry,
Mullingar. A prayerful informative day, Mass, Talk on discernment, Adoration, confession, walk and chat. Contact, or Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Delvin Parish Annual: Thanks to all who contributed to the 33rd Edition of the Parish Annual. Congratulations to the
Editorial Committee. Apologies for any errors or omissions in this issue. Any errors brought to our notice will be corrected
in a future issue. Thanks to the Ladies who helped with the sale of the parish Annual in the Church. Copies are on sale in
Michael Leonard’s, or daybreak. Cost €8.
Year C Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 11th August, 2019
Sat 10th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 11th 11.00am Bridgie Sheerin. Funeral Mass at 12.30pm. Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 15th 11.00am Peter & Margraet Farrelly & DFM Fri 16th 9.30am Kevin Power & DFM Sat 17th 6.30pm Austin Nugent. Sun 18th 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 11th 9.30am Michael Ivory MM Wed 14th No Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 18th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala Poynton, daughter Margaret, son Matt & DFM.
- I. P. Larry Farrelly. Ballyhealy, Delvin. John Power. Ballinagall, late of Myleroe. Babs( Bridget) Moran, who died in Birmingham, England sister of Moran Family. Martinstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €680. Killulagh Cemetery: €785. Ren Fund: Weekly €410. Monthly €85.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th August, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Extension: We hope to apply for planning permission for an extension to the Cemetery in a few weeks. A drawing of the proposed extension is on display in the Church, and will also be on display in the cemetery this week-end. Work will begin as soon as finances is available. Donations towards the work would be welcome.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sunday 11th August. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and this Thursday is the Patron Day of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for ourselves and our Parish.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat, Aug 31st . The cost of the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive at 087-9868125 after 2pm. Deposit of €20 when booking.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection: Thanks to everyone who gave so generously to the Church Gate Collection last
weekend. Amount collected was €568.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Priory Institute: Study Theology by distance learning. Now enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on
Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Delvin Parish Annual: The 33rd Edition will be on sale this weekend after Cemetery Devotions. Cost €8. There will also
be copies available in the local shops.
Year C Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 4th August, 2019
Sat 6.30pm Teresa Greville. Sun 4th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Mon 5th 9.30am Mass. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th No Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 11th 11.00am
Bridgie Sheerin.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 4th 9.30am Callan Family. 7.00pm in Cemetery. Wed 7th 9.330am Mass. Sun 11th 9.30am Michael Ivory MM
Offertory Collection: €750. Ren Fund: Weekly €270. Monthly €110.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th August, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm this Sun August 4th . Mass in the New Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 5th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 10th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided in the Cemetery.
Cemetery Extension: We hope to apply for planning permission for an extension to the Cemetery in a few weeks. A drawing of the proposed extension will be on display in the Church this week-end and in the cemetery next week-end and work will begin as soon as finances is available. Donations towards the work would be welcome.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 11th August. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm. There will be a Bus stopping outside Delvin Church on Sunday Morning 11th August at 8.15am. Anyone who wishes to go please contact Michael Leonard at 044-9664484 as soon as possible to book a seat. Cost €15.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place this
weekend of 3/4th August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Nov4th -12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Priory Institute: Study Theology by distance learning. Now enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on
Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Today’s Readings
The economy of law and grace turns men’s hearts away from avarice and envy. It initiates them into desire for the
Sovereign Good, it instructs them in the desires of the Holy Spirit who satisfies man’s heart. The God of the
promises always warned man against seduction by what from the beginning has seemed “good for food---a delight
to the eyes--- to be desired to make one wise”. ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 2541).
Year C Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 28th July, 2019
Sat 27th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Sun 28th 11.00am Tom, Phyllis & Mary Murphy & DFM. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass.
Tue 30th 9.30am Mass. Wed 31st No Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Michael, Bridget, & Thomas Coyne. Sat 6.30pm Teresa Greville. Sun 4th 11.00am Patricia Smyth.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 28th 9.30am Martin & Elizabeth Tansey. Wed 31st 9.30am Mass. Fri 2nd ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 4th 9.30am Callan Family.
- I. P. John Leonard. London. brother of Marian Murtagh. Moyleroe, Delvin
Offertory Collection: €795. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €135.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th August, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun next August 4th . Mass in the New Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 5th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 10th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided in the Cemetery.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 11th August. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm. There will be a Bus stopping outside Delvin Church on Sunday Morning 11th August at 8.15am. Anyone who wishes to go please contact Michael Leonard at 044-9664484 as soon as possible to book a seat. Cost €15.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place next
weekend of 3/4th August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Priory Institute: Study Theology by distance learning. Now enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on
Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Table Quiz: Malone and Clune family would like to thank all who turned up and supported the Table Quiz last Friday
night. It was a great success. Proceeds go to the Oncology Unit at St. James’ Hospital, Dublin.
Delvin Tractor Run: Takes place this Sun 28th July from Delvin Cattle Mart. Registration from 10.30am.
Today’s Readings
We are creatures, who are not our own beginning or last end. Christ is glorified by what we ask the Father in his
name. Because of God’s love for us we can ask for anything.
Year C Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 21st July, 2019
Sat 20th 6.30pm Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Sun 21st 11.00am Liz Mullen. Mon 22nd No Mass. Tue 23rd No Mass. Wed 24th No Mass. Thurs 25th No Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Sun 28th 11.00am Tom, Phyllis & Mary Murphy & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 21st 9.30am Edward & Ursula King Wed 24th 9.30amMass. Sun 28th 9.30am Martin & Elizabeth Tansey.
- I. P. Fr. Seamus Hertherton. England brother of Michael Hertherton and late Pauline Tierney. Main St, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,245. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €135.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th August, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Alfie Oliver Moran. Emily Heffernan. Sarah Durkin. Adam Patrick Mc Enroe. Billy Patrick Walsh. Eoin John Vaughan.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take place on Sunday 4th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 5th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in Delvin on Saturday 10th August. At 7pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 11th August. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm. There will be a Bus stopping outside Dolores Gaffney’s on Sunday Morning 11th August at 8.15am. Anyone who wishes to go please contact Fr. Martin Halpin at 046-9739015 as soon as possible to book a seat. Cost €15.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on
weekend of 2/3 August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are going on a Day Trip on Thursday next July 25th to Dublin. Bus will leave from Carmel
Gaffney’s at 9.15am sharp.
Priory Institute: Online Summer School 2 week course begins on 15th July. Study Theology by distance learning. Now
enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Young Adult Retreat: Will take place in St. Columban’s Dalgan Park, Navan from 26th -28th July. Theme: ‘I am the Way,
the Truth and the Life.’ Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Killulagh Apostolic Society: Coffee Morning and Cake Sale on Fri 26th July from 10am -1pm in Carmel Gaffney’s.
Proceeds going to the Missions. We appreciate your support.
Today’s Readings
Hospitality has a special place in the life of God’s people. He always rewards kindness done to him. The welcome we
give to him should be characterised by listening in faith. ‘For some have entertained angels unaware’. There is a
need to make space in our lives for listening to the Word, a time in each day for Scripture reading.
Year C Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 14th July, 2019
Sat 13th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Bill & Criss Kelly & DFM. Sun 14th 11.00am Funeral Mass. ( We remember Sean Mc Morrow, grandson James, Michael & Julia Carroll, sons Martin & Michael whose Anniversariy occurs today ) Mon 15th No Mass. Tue 16th No Mass. Wed 17th No Mass. Thurs No Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 10.00am Funeral Mass. Vigil 6.30pm Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Sun 21st 11.00am Liz Mullen.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 14th 9.30am Pat Leonard. Wed 17th 9.30am Anne Farrelly. Sun 21st 9.30am Edward & Ursula King
- I. P. Brian Canton. Clonyn, Delvin. Michael Ivory. Castletown Court, Delvin. Michael Keogh. Monilea, Mullingar. brother of Ned Keogh. Clonmorrill, Delvin. John Mullen. Edmonton, Canada. late of Balrath North, Delvin. Funeral Mass on Sat 20th July at 10am in Delvin Church.
Offertory Collection: €945. Ren Fund: Weekly €340. Monthly €35.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th August, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Kate Rita O’ Callaghan. Rian Murtagh. Donnacha Barry. Amelia Lily Hall. Jake Redmond Meaney. Gearoid Peter Collins.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take place on Sunday 4th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 5th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in Delvin on Saturday 10th August. At 7pm.
Novena to St.Camillus: Takes place from 12th -14th July in Killucan.. Mass at 7pm. See Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 11th August. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm. There will be a Bus stopping outside Dolores Gaffney’s on Sunday Morning 11th August at 8.15am. Anyone who wishes to go please contact Fr. Martin Halpin at 046-9739015 as soon as possible to book a seat. Cost €15.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on
weekend of 2/3 August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Priory Institute: Online Summer School 2 week course begins on 15th July. Study Theology by distance learning. Now
enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Young Adult Retreat: Will take place in St. Columban’s Dalgan Park, Navan from 26th -28th July. Theme: ‘I am the Way,
the Truth and the Life.’ Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666.
Killulagh Apostolic Society: Coffee Morning and Cake Sale on Fri 26th July from 10am -1pm in Carmel Gaffney’s.
Proceeds going to the Missions. We appreciate your support.
St. Tola’s Summer Camp: Starts Mon 15th July to Fri 19th July from 10am -2pm. All children from 3yrs -12yrs are very
welcome. Cost is €60 per child. Contact 085-2764363 for application form.
Table Quiz: Annual Table Quiz in aid of Oncology Unit at St. James’ Hospital, Dublin will take place on Fri 19th July in
Dolores Gaffney’s at 9pm. It is the 10th Anniversary and we appreciate all those who have supported us in the last 10 years.
Year C Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 7th July, 2019
Sat 6th 6.30pm Jenny Kenny MM. Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Sun 7th 11.00am Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM.
Mon 8th 10.00am Funeral Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th No Mass. Thurs 11th No Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Bill & Criss Kelly & DFM. Sun 14th 11.00am Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Michael & Julia Carroll, sons Martin & Michael.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 7th 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Sun 14th 9.30am Pat Leonard.
- I. P. Patrick Gavagan. Stoneyford Park, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €770. Ren Fund: Weekly €390. Monthly €45. Annual: €260.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th July, at 8pm.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses this weekend.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take place on Sunday 4th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 5th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in Delvin on Saturday 10th August. At 7pm.
Novena to St.Camillus: Takes place from 12th -14th July in Killucan.. Mass at 7pm. See Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 11th August. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th September. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on
weekend of 2/3 August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Priory Institute: Online Summer School 2 week course begins on 15th July. Study Theology by distance learning. Now
enrolling for Autumn, 2019. Contact 01-4048124. Poster on Notice Board.
Formation Programme: For Young Adults starting August 2019, ending June 2020. This programme is run by Ceili
Catholic Community. Poster on Notice Board with further details. Contact 057-9333100.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are having an Open Meeting in Fatima on Thursday 11th July at 8.30pm. The Club has been in
existence for 23 years. We need new people to join the Committee and help the Club to continue its good work.
Friendship are going on a Day Outing on Thurs 25th July. Please contact Alice by Mon 8th if you intend going.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public this Sun
7th July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Leinster Fleadh: Takes place in Athboy/ Rath Chairn from 8th -14th July. Application on line
Inclusive Workshops for people with additional needs at this year’s event in Athboy from Mon July 8th to Fri 12th .
St. Tola’s Summer Camp: Starts Mon 15th July to Fri 19th July from 10am -2pm. All children from 3yrs -12yrs are very
welcome. Cost is €60 per child. Contact 085-2764363 for application form.
Free CPR Training: If you are interested in doing this Course. Contact or Orla at 01-6685001.
Year C Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 23rd June, 2019
Sat 29th 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Christy Sheerin. Sun 30th 11.00am Peggy Lenihan. Mon 1st 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd No Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Tom & Maggie Leonard. Sat 6th 6.30pm Jenny Kenny MM. Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Sun 7th 11.00am Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 30th 9.30am Kitty & Michael Halpin. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 7th 9.30am Oliver Kiernan.
Offertory Collection: €915. Ren Fund: Weekly €330. Monthly €210.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Delvin Church due to Summer Camp taking place. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th July, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on
weekend of 2/3 August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Silver Jubilee: Congratulations to Fr. Oliver Devine who is Celebrating his Silver Jubilee of his Ordination. We wish him
every blessing.
Loughcrew: Annual Mass in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett will take place this Sun 30th June at 3pm. All are Welcome.
Rally for Life: Takes place in Dublin City Centre on Sat 6th July at 2pm. Contact 01-8730465.for information.
Annual Parish Summer Camp: Will take place from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July in Fatima Hall from 10am -1pm
each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4-6th Class. The cost is €10 per child and €15 per family. It promises to be
a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are having an Open Meeting in Fatima on Thursday 11th July at 8.30pm. The purpose of the
meeting is to get new people to come and form a committee to keep the Club which is 23 years in existence going.
Friendship Club are going on a Day Outing on Thurs 25th July. Please contact Alice by Mon 8th if you intend going.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun
7th July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Leinster Fleadh: Takes place in Athboy/ Rath Chairn from 8th -14th July. Application on line
Inclusive Workshops for people with additional needs at this year’s event in Athboy from Mon July 8th to Fri 12th .
Mid Summer Choral Evening: Takes place in Kilskyre Church on Thurs 4th July at 8pm. Cost €10. Fr. Ray Kelly, Deirdre
Gilsenan, Dom Baker and other local artists will be performing. All proceeds going to Local Community Groups.
Memory Technology Resource Room: Official Public Launch at 2pm on Mon 1st July at Mullingar Primary Care Centre,
1st Floor. This is a new Service for people over 18 with any Memory Impairment/ Dememtia. Poster on Notice Board.
St. Tola’s Summer Camp: Starts Mon 15th July to Fri 19th July from 10am -2pm. All children from 3yrs -12yrs are very
welcome. Cost is €60 per child. Contact 085-2764363 for application form.
Free CPR Training: If you are interested in doing this Course. Contact or Orla at 01-6685001.
Year C Feast of Corpus Christi 23rd June, 2019
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tommy & Cora Timmons. Michael Mullally MM. Sun 23rd 11.00am Paddy Gaffney. Elizabeth & James Mullen. Mon 24th 9.30am Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Patrick Donlon & son Pat. John Heffernan. Wed No Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Christy Sheerin. Sun 30th 11.00am
Peggy Lenihan.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 23rd 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell Marcus Daugela. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Sun 30th 9.30am Kitty & Michael Halpin.
- I. P. Ann Brennan. Raharney. mother of John Brennan. Graftonstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,070 Ren Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €100.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th July, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Life in the Spirit Seminars: Will finish next Tue night. at 8pm in Fatima. Please pray for those taking part.
Dermot Kenny Memorial Cup: Will be played in Delvin GAA Park on Thurs next 27th June at 7pm. Delvin/ St/ Pauls v Western Australia.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on
weekend of 2/3 August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Loughcrew: Annual Mass in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett will take place on Sun 30th June at 3pm. All are Welcome.
Annual Parish Magazine: We are near completion of the Annual Parish Magazine. Deadline is Wed 26th June.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have Caretaker, Cleaner Vacancies in Delvin, Clonmellon, Collinstown and
Fore. If you are over 21 and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment for 12 months or more and are looking to upskill, change
career and would like to gain valuable work experience and Certified Quality Training. Please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or call to Office at rear of Parochial House, Delvin for further information.
Annual Parish Summer Camp: Will take place from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July in Fatima Hall from 10am -1pm
each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4-6th Class. The cost is €10 per child and €15 per family. It promises to be
a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship. We would ask that you book places by Wednesday 26th June.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday June 27th starting at 11am.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun
7th July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Leinster Fleadh: Takes place in Athboy/ Rath Chairn from 8th -14th July. Application on line
Inclusive Workshops for people with additional needs at this year’s event in Athboy from Mon July 8th to Fri 12th .
Mid Summer Choral Evening: Takes place in Kilskyre Church on Thurs 4th July at 8pm. Cost €10. Fr. Ray Kelly, Deirdre
Gilsenan, Dom Baker and other local artists will be performing. All proceeds going to Local Community Groups.
Memory Technology Resource Room: Official Public Launch at 2pm on Mon 1st July at Mullingar Primary Care Centre,
1st Floor. This is a new Service for people over 18 with any Memory Impairment/ Dememtia. Poster on Notice Board.
St. Tola’s Summer Camp: Starts Mon 15th July to Fri 19th July from 10am -2pm. All children from 3yrs -12yrs are very
welcome. Cost is €60 per child. Contact 085-2764363 for application form.
Free CPR Training: If you are interested in doing this Course. Contact or Orla at 01-6685001.
Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann 2020: Information night on Thurs 27th June in Greville Arms, Mullingar at 8pm.
Year C The Most Holy Trinity 16th June, 2019
Sat 15th 6.30pm Patsy & Mary Leonard. Tommy Murphy. Sun 16th 11.00am Camillus Daly & Parents . Andy Leonard.
Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am John & Ann Devine & DFM. Wed 19th No Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Tommy & Cora Timmons. Sun 23rd 11.00am Paddy Gaffney. Elizabeth & James Mullen.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 16th 9.30am Larry Monaghan. Tom & Patricia Egginton. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am Colm &
Lila O’ Farrell
Offertory Collection: €1,080 Ren Fund: Weekly €430. Monthly €195. Annual € 700.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th July, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Life in the Spirit Seminars: Continues for the next two Tue evenings at 8pm in Fatima. Please pray for those taking part.
Killulagh Altar Society: We are looking for new members to help with the Altar once a month. Further information contact Mary Macken at 087-2774616.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place next Sat 22nd June. Bus will leave at 9am
from Carmel Gaffney’s.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on
weekend of 2/3 August. We appreciate whatever support you can give.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. If you have any baptism, wedding
or old photos you would like to submit, we appeal to you to have them in by Fri June 21st. It is our deadline.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have Caretaker, Cleaner Vacancies in Delvin, Clonmellon, Collinstown and
Fore. If you are over 21 and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment for 12 months or more and are looking to upskill, change
career and would like to gain valuable work experience and Certified Quality Training. Please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or call to Office at rear of Parochial House, Delvin for further information.
Annual Parish Summer Camp: Will take place from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July in Fatima Hall from 10am -1pm
each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4-6th Class. The cost is €10 per child and €15 per family. It promises to be
a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship. We would ask that you book places by Wednesday 26th June.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun
7th July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Leinster Fleadh: Takes place in Athboy/ Rath Chairn from 8th -14th July. Application on line
Inclusive Workshops for people with additional needs at this year’s event in Athboy from Mon July 8th to Fri 12th .
Delvin Men’s Shed: Would like to thank all who supported the Table Quiz last Friday night. It was a great success.
Memory Technology Resource Room: Official Public Launch at 2pm on Mon 1st July at Mullingar Primary Care Centre,
1st Floor. This is a new Service for people over 18 with any Memory Impairment/ Dememtia. Poster on Notice Board.
The Trinity and the Liturgy
In the Church’s liturgy the divine blessing is fully revealed and communicated. The Father is acknowledged and
adored as the source and the end of all the blessings of creation and salvation. In his Word who became incarnate,
died, and rose for us, he fills us with his blessings. Through his Word, he pours into our hearts the Gift that contains
all gifts, the Holy Spirit. ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 1082).
Year C Pentecost Sunday 9th June, 2019
Sat 8th 6.30pm Pauline Coll. Maura Carroll. Pearse Mc Cormack. Sun 9th 11.00am Bernie Mc Grath. Mon 10th 11.00am Funeral Mass. Tue 11th No Mass.. Wed 12th No Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Patsy & Mary Leonard. Tommy Murphy. Sun 16th 11.00am Camillus Daly & Parents . Andy Leonard.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 9th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Larry Monaghan. Tom & Patricia Egginton.
- I. P. Jenny Kenny. Killough, Bracklyn. Ambrose Galvin. Moate. husband of Mary Galvin.(nee Clune) formerly Bolandstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €820. Easter Dues: €1,650.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues last weekend.
Life in the Spirit Seminars: Continues for the next three Tue evenings at 8pm in Fatima. Please pray for those taking part.
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our Confirmation.
Killulagh Altar Society: We are looking for new members to help with the Altar once a month. Further information contact Mary Macken at 087-2774616.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Annual Pilgrimage to Knock on Sat 22nd June. Bus will leave at 9am..
National Charismatic Renewal Conference: Takes place in .the Concert Hall RDS, Dublin on Sat 22nd June from 10am –
8pm. Tickets €20. Notice on Notice Board.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from 4th Nov-12th . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Apostolate of Adoration: Invites Parishioners to the Adoremus National Eucharistic & Marian Pilgrimage to Knock on Fri
evening 14th June and Sat 15th June. There will be Workshops, Adoration, Anointing & Mass. Contact 087-2478519
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. If you have any baptism, wedding
or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so as soon as possible.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have Caretaker, Cleaner Vacancies in Delvin, Clonmellon, Collinstown and
Fore. If you are over 21 and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment for 12 months or more and are looking to upskill, change
career and would like to gain valuable work experience and Certified Quality Training. Please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or call to Office at rear of Parochial House, Delvin for further information.
Annual Parish Summer Camp: Will take place from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July in Fatima Hall from 10am -1pm
each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4-6th Class. The cost is €10 per child and €15 per family. It promises to be
a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship. We would ask that you book places by Wednesday 26th June.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima at 8.30pm on Thurs 13th June.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun
7th July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Leinster Fleadh: Takes place in Athboy/ Rath Chairn from 8th -14th July. Application on line
Inclusive Workshops for people with additional needs at this year’s event in Athboy. Information Evening on Wed 12th June
from 6pm -8pm in Athboy Community Centre.( Kildalkey Rd).
Year C The Ascension of the Lord 2nd June, 2019
Sat 1st June 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 2nd 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Michael & Maura Carberry & DFM. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th No Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Noel Renehan. Sat 8th 6.30pm Pauline Coll. Maura Carroll. Pearse Mc Cormack. Sun 9th 11.00am
Bernie Mc Grath.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 2nd 9.30am DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 9th 9.30am Willie Loughlin.
- I. P. Fr. Bernard Maxwell. Emper, Ballynacargy. Seamus Brennan. Raharney, father of John Brennan. Graftonstown,
Offertory Collection: €800. Ren Fund: Weekly €280. Monthly €40.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Easter Dues: Envelopes will be taken up this weekend.. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our Confirmation.
Killulagh Altar Society: We are looking for new members to help with the Altar once a month. Further information contact Mary Macken at 087-2774616.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 6th at 8pm on the Parochial House. Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock
takes place on Sat 22nd June. To book a seat please contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Mullingar Deanery: Annual Pioneer Mass will be on Fri 7th June in Cathedral, Mullingar at 7.30pm. Celebrant Bishop
Tom Deenihan.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place from 21st -23rd June at St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. If you have any baptism, wedding
or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so as soon as possible.
Delvin Men’s Shed: Are holding a Table Quiz in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 7th June at 9pm. Table of 4 €40. Raffle on the
night. We appreciate your support.
Community Employment Vacancies: We have Caretaker, Cleaner Vacancies in Delvin, Clonmellon, Collinstown and
Fore. If you are over 21 and in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment for 12 months or more and are looking to upskill, change
career and would like to gain valuable work experience and Certified Quality Training. Please contact Eileen at 044-
9664931, or call to Office at rear of Parochial House, Delvin for further information.
St. Tola’s N. S. : 50th Anniversary on Fri 7th June. Mass at 11am, followed by refreshments. All Welcome.
Annual Parish Summer Camp: Will take place from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July in Fatima Hall from 10am -1pm
each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4-6th Class. The cost is €10 per child and €15 per family. It promises to be
a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship. We would ask that you book places by Wednesday 26th June. We are also
looking for adult volunteers , if you are interested please let us know by Sunday 2nd June.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima at 8.30pm on Thurs 13th June.
Delvin Community Action Group: Will host a “Community Expo” in the Hall on Thurs 6th June from 7pm -9pm.
Year C Sixth Sunday of Easter 26th May, 2019
Sat 25th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & Son Joseph. Josephine Murtagh. Sun 26th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM. Duffy & Reilly Families. Mon 27th No Mass. Tue 28th No Mass. Wed 29th No Mass. Thurs 30th No Mass. Fri 31st 9.30am Mass. Sat 1st June 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 2nd 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Michael & Maura Carberry & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 26th 9.30am Danny & Richard Monaghan & DFM. Wed 29th No Mass. Sun 2nd 9.30amDFM Kelly Family, Caddagh.
- I. P. John Mc Donnell. Collinstown. brother of Phil Leavy, Rockview, Delvin. Michael Mullally. England. formerly Ballyhealy, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €900. Ren Fund: Weekly €340. Monthly €120.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Life in the Spirit Seminars: Continues for the next five Tue nights at 8pm in Fatima. Please pray for those taking part.
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Easter Dues: Envelopes will be taken up next weekend.. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 night in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 22nd June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 11th August . Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan with Meath
Diocesan Choir. Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm, Pilgrimage Mass at 3pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes lace from 4th Nov-Tue 12th Nov. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place from 21st -23rd June at St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. If you have any baptism, wedding
or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so as soon as possible.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Meeting in Carmel Gaffney’s on Thurs 30th May at 8pm.
Delvin Men’s Shed: Are holding a Table Quiz in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 7th June at 9pm. Table of 4 €40. Raffle on the
night. We appreciate your support.
Annual Parish Summer Camp: Will take place from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July in Fatima Hall from 10am -1pm
each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4-6th Class. The cost is €10 per child and €15 per family. It promises to be
a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendship. We would ask that you book places by Wednesday 26th June. We are also
looking for adult volunteers , if you are interested please let us know by Sunday 2nd June, as we will need to begin the
vetting process.
Midlands Radio 103: Are presenting their Afternoon Show live from 12noon-3pn with Carl James in Blue Hackle Inn on
Fri 31st May. You will hear some well known voices from the community and some live music as well. Please come along.
The Church was made manifest to the world on the day of Pentecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of
the Spirit ushers in a new era in the dispensation of the mystery-the age of the Church, during which Christ
manifests, makes present and communicates his work of salvation through the liturgy of his Church “until he
comes”. (CCC, 1076)
Year C Fifth Sunday of Easter 19th May, 2019
Sat 18th 6.30pm Michael, Eileen & Johnny Devine. Mary Lynch. Sun 19th 11am Bridgie Murphy MM. Gertie Kelly.
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd No Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray & Son Joseph. Josephine Murtagh. Sun 26th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM. Duffy & Reilly Families.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 19th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Danny & Richard Monaghan.
- I. P. Noel Kelly. Main St, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: ( Vocations Sunday) €825. Ren Fund: Weekly €275. Monthly €40. Annual: €500.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
We would like to thank all who supported our recent fundraiser. Amount raised was €255. This subsidised the Retreat Week-end in Rassnowlagh. It was a wonderful success—lots of fun and a good faith experience.
Vocations Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to Offertory Collection last Sunday for Vocations Sunday, and to those who attended the Hour of Adoration for Vocations.
Life in the Spirit Seminars: Continues for the next six Tue nights at 8pm in Fatima. Please pray for all those taking part
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 night in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 22nd June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. If you have any baptism, wedding
or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so as soon as possible.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday 23rd May starting at 11am..
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Sunday 19th May. Guided walking tour of Ballivor. Meet at Church at 3pm.
Delvin Hall : Delvin’s Mary Mc Evoy will bring the one Woman Show by Alice Barry “Fruitcake” to St. Patrick’s Hall,
Delvin on Sat 25th May starting at 8pm. Adm €15. Contact 044-9664484.
Delvin Men’s Shed: Are holding a Table Quiz in Carmel Gaffney’s on Fri 7th June at 9pm. Table of 4 €40. Raffle on the
night. We appreciate your support.
Missionary Disciples
In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples. (cf Mt 28:19).All
the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of
evangelization, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelization to be carried out by professionals
while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients. The new evangelization calls for personal
involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged
in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy
training to go out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has
encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus; we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather
that we are always “missionary disciples”. If we are not convinced , let us look at those first disciples, who,
immediately after encountering the gaze of Jesus, went forth to proclaim him joyfully: “We have found the
Messiah”. (Jn 1:41). Pope Francis--- The Joy of the Gospel.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Easter ( Vocations Sunday) 12th May, 2019
Sat 11th 6.30am Christopher, Kathleen Casserly & son Christy. Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 12th 11.00am John & Alice Gillick & DFM. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Mass. Wed 15th No Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm Michael, Eileen & Johnny Devine. Mary Lynch. Sun 19th 11am Bridgie Murphy MM. Gertie Kelly.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 12th 9.30am Bridie Dugdale. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 19th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe.
Offertory Collection: €900. Ren Fund: Weekly €275. Monthly €75. Annual: €1,000.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Delvin Church. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to all the children who received their First Holy Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Vocations: This Sunday is Vocations Sunday. Offertory Collection will go to the Bishop for training students for the priesthood of this Diocese. There will be a Holy Hour for Vocations to the Priesthood in Delvin Church after 11am Mass on Sun from 12noon -1pm. We ask you to say the following Prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation. Grant that Christian Families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 night in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 22nd June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. If you have any baptism, wedding
or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so as soon as possible.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Thursday 16th May at 9pm in Fatima.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up last Sunday and done the 5k Walk in Archerstown. Thanks to
Gerry & Philomena Cooke for organizing the walk. Thanks to all who went to the Bog Festival last weekend in Drumcree.
Larcc Cancer Support: Fundraiser in Coffee Boutique, Delvin this Sun 12th from 12noon -4pm. Music by Local Artists.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Sunday 19th May. Guided walking tour of Ballivor. Meet at Church at 3pm.
Life in the Spirit Seminars
Every Catholic feels the need of renewal of their faith from time to time. This renewal involves a deepening of their
relationship with Jesus Christ—a relationship that begins at baptism and grows stronger in Confirmation and
regular participation in Mass and other sacraments. Renewal often happens through a Parish Mission, a Retreat or
Pilgrimage. Many Catholics have also found their faith come alive through taking part in a Life in the Spirit
Seminar. We intend to offer this opportunity for renewal here in the parish in the coming weeks. This involves seven
weekly meetings from 8pm to 9.30pm. Each meeting will consist of a talk followed by relaxed discussion in
small groups and refreshments. Meetings will be held in Fatima on the following dates: Mon May 13th, Tue May 21st
& 28th , Tue June 4th , 11, 18th & 25th . You can register during the coming week by handing in your name at the
Parochial House, or at Masses this weekend. You can also register by phoning 044-9664127, or 087-9868125.
Places are limited so you are invited to register as soon as possible. If you cannot attend please pray for everybody
taking part
Year C Third Sunday of Easter 5th May, 2019
Sat 4th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & BL. Lal Timmons. William Mc Cormack. Sun 5th 11.00am Tommy & Marie Mc Enerney. Marks Duncan MM & DFM Duncan Family, Crowenstown. Mon 6th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan, son Frank, daughter Phyllis. Michael & Mary Jane Sheerin. Tue 7th 9.30am Helen & Betty Corcoran & DFM. Wed 8th No Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Michael Smith. Fri 10th 9.30am Oliver & Mary Burke & DFM. Sat 11th 6.30am Christopher, Kathleen Casserly & son Christy. Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 12th 11.00am John & Alice Gillick & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 5th 9.30am Margaret Bennett. Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am Bridie Dugdale.
Offertory Collection: €930. Ren Fund: Weekly €615. Monthly €370. Annual: €500.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
First Holy Communion: First Holy Communion takes place next Saturday May 11th at 10am for St. Tola’s and 12.30pm. for St. Ernan’s and St. Patrick’s. . Both Ceremonies will be in Delvin Church.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Parish Youth Group will hold a coffee hour in Fatima Hall after 11am Mass on Sun 5th May to raise funds for their upcoming Retreat weekend in Rassnowlagh, Co. Donegal. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Vocations: Next Sunday May 12th is Vocations Sunday. Offertory Collection will go to the Bishop for training students for the priesthood of this Diocese. There will be a Holy Hour for Vocations to the Priesthood in Delvin Church on Sun May 12th from 12noon -1pm. We ask you to say the following Prayer for Vocations.
Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles, Saintly Priests, Heroic Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a Vocation. Grant that Christian Families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th Sept, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 night in Rome, 2 in Assisi. Cost €995.
Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. Please return the form to the Parochial House as soon as possible.
Book Fair: Delvin Sports and Leisure Centre are holding their Annual Book Fair this Sunday 5th May from 12noon -6pm, in
the Salesyard, Delvin. We are appealing for help on the day, and also we appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Forthcoming Events: 5k Walk in Archerstown this Sun 5th May at 12.30pm.. Drumcree Bog
Festival this weekend starting Sat 4th at 9pm. & Sun 5th May from 1pm-7pm.
Life in the Spirit Seminars
Every Catholic feels the need of renewal of their faith from time to time. This renewal involves a deepening of their
relationship with Jesus Christ—a relationship that begins at baptism and grows stronger in Confirmation and
regular participation in Mass and other sacraments. Renewal often happens through a Parish Mission, a Retreat or
Pilgrimage. Many Catholics have also found their faith come alive through taking part in a Life in the Spirit
Seminar. We intend to offer this opportunity for renewal here in the parish in the coming weeks. This involves seven
weekly meetings from 8pm to 9.30pm. Each meeting will consist of a talk followed by relaxed discussion in
small groups and refreshments. Meetings will be held in Fatima on the following dates: Mon May 13th, Tue May 21st
& 28th , Tue June4th , 11, 18th & 25th . You can register during the coming week by handing in your name at the
Parochial House, or at Masses next weekend. You can also register by phoning 044-9664127, or 087-9868125.
Places are limited so you are invited to register as soon as possible. If you cannot attend please pray for everybody
taking part.
Year C Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) 28th April, 2019
Sat 27th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. P. J & Mona Cusack. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 28th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly.
Nicholas Grassick. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am, Mass. Wed 1st No Mass. Thurs 2nd No Mass. Fri( First Friday) 7.30pm Frank & Ellen Clarke & DFM. Sinead Smith. Sat 4th 6.30pm Tom, Nellie & BL. Lal Timmons. William Mc Cormack. Sun 5th 11.00am Tommy & Marie Mc Enerney. Marks Duncan MM & DFM Duncan Family, Crowenstown.
Confessions: 6pm.
Sun 28th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith. Willie Fox. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 5th 9.30am Margaret Bennett.
R.I P.Gerard Murray. Billistown House, Delvin. Ethna Carroll. The Downs, Mullingar, wife of Kieran Carroll, formerly Crowenstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,165. Easter Offerings: €3,765.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Parish Youth Group will hold a coffee hour in Fatima Hall after 11am Mass on Sun 5th May to raise funds for their upcoming Retreat weekend in Rassnowlagh, Co. Donegal. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. Anyone who still has to return their Trocaire Box , we would appreciate if you would do so during the coming week. Amount collected so far is €4,320.
Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Offerings.
Divine Mercy Sunday: This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, points us to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery---the whole mystery of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “ The whole octave of Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be the day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to man in the whole Easter mystery”. (St. Paul11).
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th Sept, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300
Knock Shrine: Pilgrimage Season Apr 28th –Oct 13th . Poster on Notice Board.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Book Fair: Delvin Sports and Leisure Centre are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sunday 5th May from 12noon -6pm, in
the Salesyard, Delvin. We are appealing for help on the day, and also we appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Forthcoming Events: 5k Walk in Archerstown next Sun 5th May at 12.30pm.. Drumcree Bog
Festival on Sat 4th starting at 9pm. & Sun 5th May from 1pm-6pm.
Concert: An Easter Fundraising Concert in aid of St. Camillus’ Client Comfort Fund and North Westmeath Hospice will
take place this Sun Apr 28th at 7pm. in St. Camillus’ Church, Killucan . Poster on Notice Board.
The Struggle of St. Thomas
The struggle for faith experienced by Thomas leads us to think on the meaning of faith in the risen Christ. We do
not depend on physical experience of Christ but know his presence in keeping God’s commandments, and as
a gathered community, in the hearing of the word and in sacramental signs. So the Christian community is a
thankful one, always blessing God for a sure hope through the resurrection of Christ.
Year C Easter Sunday 21st April, 2019
Sat 20th ( Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 21st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass. Mon 22nd 9.30am
Mary Mullally. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th No Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. P. J & Mona Cusack. Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 28th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly.
Nicholas Grassick.
Sun 21st 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass. Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Sun 28th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith. Willie Fox.
- I. P. Bridgie Murphy. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,240. Ren Fund: Weekly €405. Monthly €55.
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. Sincere thanks to all who participated in celebrations during Lent and Holy Week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick on Easter Sunday at 10.30am.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, points us to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery---the whole mystery of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ---made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “ The whole octave of Easter is like a single day” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be the day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to man in the whole Easter mystery”. (St. Paul11).
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th Sept, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Lough Derg: One Day Retreats beginning 4th May. 3 Day Retreats Beginning 31st May. See Poster on Notice Board.
Knock Shrine: Pilgrimage Season Apr 28th –Oct 13th . Poster on Notice Board.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Book Fair: Delvin Sports and Leisure Centre are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sunday 5th May from 12noon -6pm, in
the Salesyard, Delvin. We are appealing for help on the day, and also we appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Forthcoming Events: 5k Walk in Archerstown on Sun 5th May at 12noon. Drumcrtee Bog
Festival on Sat 4th & Sun 5th May.
Concert: An Easter Fundraising Concert in aid of St. Camillus’ Client Comfort Fund and North Westmeath Hospice will
take place on Sun Apr 28th at 7pm. in St. Camillus’ Church, Killucan . Poster on Notice Board.
Baptismal Promises
The proclamation of the Word in the Sunday Eucharist celebration takes on the solemn tone found in the Old
Testament at moments when the covenant was renewed, when the law was proclaimed and the community of Israel
was called—like the people in the desert at the foot of Mount Sinai--- to repeat its “yes”, renewing its decision to be
faithful to God and to obey his commandments. In speaking his word, God awaits our response , a response which
Christ has already made for us with his “Amen” and which echoes in us through the Holy Spirit so that what we
hear may involve us at the deepest level.
St. John Paul 11 –Keeping the Lords’ Day Holy.
Year C Palm Sunday 14th April, 2019
Sat 13th 6.30pm Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin & daughter Sally Willoughby.
Jack Ivory. Tommy Gaffney. Sun 14th 11.00am Josephine Carroll MM Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th No Mass. Thurs ( Holy Thursday) 8.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 19th ( Good Friday) 8.00pm Good Friday Liturgy. Sat 20th ( Holy Saturday) 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 21st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 14th 9.30am Sean Newman. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 18th ( Holy Thursday) 5.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 19th ( Good Friday) 5.00pm Good Friday Liturgy. Sun 21st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
- I. P. Andy Gaffney. Birmingham, England brother of Mattie Gaffney. Castletown, Delvin. Maureen Rooney. Ballymore. mother of Sheila Cox. Delvin. John Merchant. Killucan. brother of Elizabeth Fitzsimons. Killough, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €910. Ren Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €75.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Palm Sunday: This Sunday is Palm Sunday, which begins the celebration of Holy Week. Please bring Palm Branches to be blessed at Mass. We invite all our parishioners to attend the celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
Prayer Service and Confessions: To prepare for Holy Week and Easter there will be Confessions here in Delvin Church on
Monday 15th April at 7.15pm, In Clonmellon at 8pm, and in Athboy on Tuesday 16th at 7.30pm. Visiting Priests will attend.
Confession is an important part of our preparation for the great events of Holy Week. It is an unique opportunity to
experience God’s mercy and healing.
Chrism Mass: Will take place on Wed 17th April at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, and immediate family members
of priests who are residing in the parish are invited to attend. Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all
others involved in the ministry of the Church are also invited. All are Welcome.
Holy Thursday: Adoration will conclude with Evening Prayer of the Church at 10.50pm.(offered for Vocations).
Stations of the Cross: On Good Friday at 12noon. It will be held outdoor, weather permitting.
Fast and Abstinence: Goof Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: Will be collected on Holy Thursday. If you cannot attend Mass please send in your box, or drop it into the
Parochial House. The Offertory Collection on Thursday will also go to Trocaire.
Easter Vigil: Candles for the Easter Vigil Celebration will be on sale beforehand. Cost 20c.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you. We also ask you to
use the Easter Card that is also distributed for times of Confessions and Ceremonies for Holy Week and Easter.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick in the Delvin area on Holy Thurs and Good Friday at 2.30pm, and
to those in the Killulagh area at 5.45pm. Easter Sunday Communion will be brought at 10.30am.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th Sept, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300
Lough Derg: One Day Retreats beginning 4th May. 3 Day Retreats Beginning 31st May. See Poster on Notice Board.
Book Fair: Delvin Sports and Leisure Centre are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sunday 5th May from 12noon -6pm, in
the Salesyard, Delvin. We are appealing for help on the day, and also we appreciate your support.
Irish Blood Transfusion Service: Will be in attendance at Darnley Lodge Hotel, Athboy Mon 15th Apr from 4.30pm- 8pm
Concert: An Easter Fundraising Concert in aid of St. Camillus’ Client Confort Fund and North Westmeath Hospice will
take place on Sun Apr 28th at 7pm. in St. Camillus’ Church, Killucan . Poster on Notice Board.
Year C Fifth Sunday of Lent 7th April, 2019
Sat 6th 6.30pm Hugh & Sheila Moran. Sun 7th 11.00am Micheal Moore. Ailish & Fintan Mc Cormack. Bridie & James Branagan. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9.30am Mass. Thurs 11th 7.30pm Billy & Kathleen Mahon. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Jackie & Madeline Branagan & DFM. Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin & daughter Sally Willoughby. Jack Ivory. Tommy Gaffney. Sun 14th 11.00am Josephine Carroll MM
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 7th 9.30am Michael & Lily Hynes. Tom Flynn. Wed 10th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Sun 14th 9.30am Sean Newman.
- I. P. Sr. Assumpta Power, Rathangan, formerly Myleroe. Marks Duncan. Gloucestershire, England. formerly Crowenstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €760.. Ren Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €40.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh during Lent on Wednesday from 6.30pm-7.30pm.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Palm Sunday: Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, which begins the celebration of Holy Week. Please bring Palm Branches to be blessed at Mass. We invite all our parishioners to attend the celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare boxes in the Church.
Chrism Mass: Will take place on Wed 17th April at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, and immediate family members
of priests who are residing in the parish are invited to attend. Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all
others involved in the ministry of the Church are also invited. All are Welcome.
Prayer Service and Confessions: To prepare for Holy Week and Easter there will be Confessions here in Delvin Church on
Monday 15th April at 7.15pm, In Clonmellon at 8pm, and in Athboy on Tuesday 16th at 7.30pm.
Meath Diocese Vocations: Retreat for men (aged 18-40 years) takes place in Tullamore Parish Centre on Sat 13th April from
12noon –to after 6.30pm evening Mass of Palm Sunday. The theme of the Retreat is “The Men of the Passion.” Contact Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov- Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 9th -14th Sept, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom Deenihan. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad at 01-6359300
Lough Derg: One Day Retreats beginning 4th May. 3 Day Retreats Beginning 31st May. See Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society:”The Boyne in Medieval Myth & Literature in Navan Library at 7.45pm on
Tue 16th April. Contact 01-8259438 for further enquires.
Holy Week
Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery: dying he destroyed
our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Easter Triduum of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ is
the culmination of the entire liturgical year. Thus the solemnity of Easter has the same kind of pre-eminence in the
liturgical year that Sunday has in the week. The celebration of the paschal mystery is not simply a recalling of past
events in history. It is a sacramental celebration that renders present and actualizes the saving power of Christ’s
death and Resurrection to the Church.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Lent 31st March, 2019
Sat 30th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 31st 11.00am Michael & Teresa White Mon1st 9.30am Mass. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Thurs 4th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 5th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Mass. Sat 6th 6.30pm
Hugh & Sheila Moran. Sun 7th 11.00am Micheal Moore. Ailish & Fintan Mc Cormack. Bridie & James Branagan.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 31st 9.30am Thomas Manny. Wed 3rd 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 7th 9.30am Michael & Lily Hynes. Tom Flynn.
- I. P. Raphael Kelleghan. Mullingar. brother of Maureen Darby. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €935. Ren Fund: Weekly €305. Monthly €260. Annual: €1,050.
Summer Time: Masses on this Sunday will be at Summer Time. From Sat 6th Apr Vigil Mass will continue at 6.30pm.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh during Lent on Wednesday from 6.30pm-7.30pm.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th April, at 8pm.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday 4th April at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare boxes in the Church.
A Spring Day in Dalgan: The Story of Farming in Ireland will take place at Columban Ecological Institute , Dalgan Park,
Navan on Sat 6th April from 9.30am -3.30pm. See Poster on Notice Board.
Chrism Mass: Will take place on Wed 17th April at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, and immediate family members
of priests who are residing in the parish are invited to attend. Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Sacristans and all
others involved in the ministry of the Church are also invited. All are Welcome.
Meath Diocese Vocations: Retreat for men (aged 18-40 years) takes place in Tullamore Parish Centre on Sat 13th April from
12noon –to after 6.30pm evening Mass of Palm Sunday. The theme of the Retreat is “The Men of the Passion.”
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th -13th Oct. Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome, 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov- Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Meath Partnership: Free 5 week course in IPhone, IPad, Smartphone commencing soon in the Hall. Contact 046-9280790.
Modern & Vintage Furniture & Household Sale: Will take place at Muriel & Bill Casey Home, The Derries, Drumcree
on Sat 6th Apr from 11am -5pm. Cake Sale, Tea and Coffee. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
The Prodigal Son
Sinners and outcasts are at ease with Jesus, and his story of the Prodigal Son tells why. Today’s readings are a source
of hope and consolation for all who have sinned in any way. Our Lord’s eating with sinners is a sign of God breaking
through his own laws in order to save those who are in danger of being lost.
Year C Third Sunday of Lent 24th March, 2019
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Christy Coll. Sun 24th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Martin & Julia Kineavy. sons Martin, Christy & Tommy. Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 31st 11.00am Michael & Teresa White
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 24th 9.30am Seamus Mc Grath. Michael Fox Wed 27th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Sun 31st 9.30am Thomas Manny.
Offertory Collection: €1,015. Ren Fund: Weekly €500. Monthly €55.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm and Thurs at 9.30am.
24 Hours for the Lord: 24 Hours Adoration will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 29th and Sat 30th Mar. Sign up sheets
will be available during the weeks. Everybody is invited to sign up for an hours adoration.
Confessions during Adoration: Fri 9.30pm-10, Saturday 5.30-6pm, 8.30-9.00pm.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare boxes in the Church.
A Spring Day in Dalgan: The Story of Farming in Ireland will take place at Columban Ecological Institute , Dalgan Park,
Navan on Sat 6th April from 9.30am -3.30pm. See Poster on Notice Board.
Athboy Parish Concert: An Evening of Music on Fri 29th Mar in St. James’ Church at 8pm with Fr. Ray Kelly, Matt Leavy
and other artists.. Proceeds going to Parish Funds. Tickets cost €15.
Cookery Demonstration: With celebrity chef Adrian Martin in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Thurs Mar 28th at 8pm. Tickets
€10 are on sale in Michael Leonard’s, Lenihans Butchers and Coffee Boutique. Proceeds going to St. Ernan’s N. S.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thurs Mar 28th . We are starting with Mass at
11.15am It is the Birthday party, so we hope to see you all on the day.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Annual Table Quiz will take place on Fri 29th March at 9pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. Table of 4
€40. We appreciate your support.
Success at the Special Olympics: Congratulations to Mary Daly on her success at Special Olympics. A presentation will be
made to Mary on behalf of the parish community in St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri Mar 29th at 7pm. A meeting to make
arrangements for the event will be held in St. Patrick’s Hall (Supper Room) on Tuesday Mar 26th at 9pm. Anybody who
can help is invited to come along.
Meath Partnership: Free 5 week course in IPhone, IPad, Smartphone commencing soon in the Hall. Contact 046-9280790.
Modern & Vintage Furniture & Household Sale: Will take place at Muriel & Bill Casey Home, The Derries, Drumcree
on Sat 6th Apr from 11am -5pm. Cake Sale, Tea and Coffee. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Year C Second Sunday of Lent ( Feast of St. Patrick) 17th March, 2019
Sat 16th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Pat Cullen. Sun 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 11.00am Alice Donlon MM
Mon 18th 9.30am Margaret, Owen & Larry Murtagh & DFM Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9.30am Mass. Thurs 21st 7.30pm Joe Lynch. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Christy Coll. Sun 24th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Martin & Julia Kineavy. sons Martin, Christy & Tommy.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 9.30am John Joe Reilly & DFM Colette O’ Shaughnessy MM, father Bertie, Rosemary & Antoinette Kelleghan. Wed 20th 7.30pm Michael Forde. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Seamus Mc Grath. Michael Fox
- I. P. Josephine Carroll. Crowenstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,070. Ren Fund: Weekly €280. Monthly €125.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm and Thurs at 9.30am.
Day of Prayer for Emigrants: This Sunday ( St. Patrick’s Day) is a special Day of Prayer for Emigrants.
24 Hours for the Lord: 24 Hours Adoration will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 29th and Sat 30th Mar. Sign up sheets
will be available during the weeks. Everybody is invited to sign up for an hours adoration.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare boxes in the Church.
Cookery Demonstration: With celebrity chef Adrian Martin in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Thurs Mar 28th at 8pm. Tickets
€10 are on sale in Michael Leonard’s, Lenihans Butchers and Coffee Boutique. Proceeds going to St. Ernan’s N. S.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place this Mon 18th March at 3pm. Those entering Floats are asked to assemble at
the Salesyard, Delvin at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture in Trim Castle Hotel on Wed next Mar 20th at 8pm. Entitled “The
Geography of the Mechanisation of Agriculture in Ireland in the 20th Century”. All Welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Thurs 21st Mar at 9pm in Fatima.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Annual Table Quiz will take place on Fri 29th March at 9pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. Table of 4
€40. We appreciate your support.
Meath Partnership: Free 5 week course in IPhone, IPad, Smartphone commencing soon in the Hall. Contact 046-9280790.
Prayer of St. Patrick
What return can I make to him for all his goodness to me? What can I say or what can I promise to my Lord since
any ability I have comes from him? Suffice it for him to look into my heart and mind: for I am ready and indeed
greatly desire it that he should give me his cup to drink, as he gave it to others who loved him. My only prayer to
God is that it may never happen that I should leave his people which he won for himself at the end of the earth. I
ask God for perseverance, to grant that I remain a faithful witness to him for his own sake until my passing from this
life. Confession of St. Patrick.
Year C First Sunday of Lent 10th March, 2019
Sat 9th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Joseph Kane & Fr. Camillus Kane. Paddy Grey. Sun 10th 11.00am Bernie Drum.
Mon 11th 9.30am Philomena Smith. Tue 12th 9.30am Tom & Margaret Flanagan & DFM Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 14th 7.30pm. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Pat Cullen. Sun 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 11.00am Alice Donlon MM
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 10th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch. Paddy & Teresa Bannon. Wed 13th 7.30pm. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass.
Sun 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 9.30am John Joe Reilly & DFM
- I. P. Very Rev. Fr. Eamonn Butler. Mullingar retired P P Drumconrath
Offertory Collection: €885. Ren Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly €240. Annual: €900.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th March, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Lenten Journey with Scripture: An eight week programme which will run through Lent continues on Tuesday nights in
Fatima at 8pm.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm and Thurs at 9.30am.
Day of Prayer for Emigrants: Next Sunday ( St. Patrick’s Day) is a special Day of Prayer for Emigrants.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. . We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare boxes in the Church.
Cookery Demonstration: With celebrity chef Adrian Martin in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Thurs Mar 28th at 8pm. Tickets
€10 are on sale in Michael Leonard’s, Lenihans Butchers and Coffee Boutique. Proceeds going to St. Ernan’s N. S.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place next Mon week 18th March at 3pm. Those entering Floats are asked to assemble at
the Salesyard, Delvin at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm.
Message for Lent
Fasting, that is, learning to change our attitude towards others and all of creation, turning away from the temptation
to”devour” everything to satisfy our voracity and being ready to suffer for love, which can fill the emptiness of our
hearts. Prayer, which teaches us to abandon idolatry and the self-sufficiency of our ego, and to acknowledge our need of
the Lord and his mercy. Almsgiving, whereby we escape from the insanity of hoarding everything for ourselves in the
illusory belief that we can secure a future that does not belong to us. May our Lent this year be a journey along that same
path, bringing the hope of Christ also to creation, so that it may be “set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the
glorious liberty of the children of God”. ( Rom 8:21). Let us not allow this season of grace to pass in vain! Let us ask
God to help us set out on a path of true conversion. Let us leave behind our selfishness and self-absorption, and turn to
Jesus’ Pasch. Let us stand beside our brothers and sisters in need, sharing our spiritual and material goods with them. In
this way, by concretely welcoming Christ’s victory over sin and death into our lives, we will also radiate its transforming
power to all of creation.
Message of Pope Francis.
Year C Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 3rd March, 2019
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Pat Carroll MM Sun 3rd 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Pat & Kathleen Gaffney & DFM
Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th ( Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass.
Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Joseph Kane & Fr. Camillus Kane. Paddy Grey. Sun 10th 11.00am Bernie Drum.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 3rd 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory & son Loman & Ellen Devery. Wed 6th (Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Sun 10th 9.30am Violet & John Lynch. Paddy & Teresa Bannon.
Offertory Collection: €900. Ren Fund: Weekly €355. Monthly €210.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th March, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Lenten Journey with Scripture: An eight week programme which will run through Lent continues on Tuesday nights in
Fatima at 8pm. It involves reading and reflecting on the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. Each session will consist of a
talk on DVD (by a popular international speaker) discussion and refreshments. It would be an excellent way to celebrate
Lent. For more information contact the Parochial House..
Day of Prayer for Temperance: This Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
“The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine.
Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkerness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or
in the air”. ( CCC 2290)
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs 7th March at 8pm.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed at Morning Mass in Killulagh and Evening Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th Oct-13th Oct. Led By Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome. 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: Takes place on Apr 25th for 7 nights. Cost €689. Contact Ann Buchanan 085-8021382
Mullingar Choral Society: Are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with their Annual Spring Concert entitled
“Gloria” in Cathedral, Mullingar this Sun 3rd March at 8pm. Tickets cost €20.
Irish School of Evangelisation: Will host Unbound: Freedom in Christ in Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry on Sat 9th &
Sun 10th March from 9am-6pm. Holy Mass will be celebrated each day. Registration Fee is €50.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Monday 4th March at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Cookery Demonstration: With celebrity chef Adrian Martin in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Thurs Mar 28th at 8pm. Tickets
€10 are on sale in Michael Leonard’s, Lenihans Butchers and Coffee Boutique. Proceeds going to St. Ernan’s N. S.
Year C Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th February, 2019
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Peg & James Robinson. Sun 24th 11.00am T. J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. William & Elizabeth Gilmore.
Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th No Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st ( First Friday) 7.30pm Maggie & Tom Leonard. Paddy & Annie Mc Cann & son Tommy. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Pat Carroll MM Sun 3rd 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Pat & Kathleen Gaffney & DFM
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 24th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Joe Flynn. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 3rd 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory & son Loman & Ellen Devery.
Offertory Collection: €760. Ren Fund: Weekly €500. Monthly €70.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th March, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Lenten Journey with Scripture: An eight week programme which will run through Lent began on Tuesday last. in Fatima
at 8pm. It will involve reading and reflecting on the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. Each session will consist of a talk on
DVD (by a popular international speaker) discussion and refreshments. It would be an excellent way to celebrate Lent. For
more information contact the Parochial House..
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th Oct-13th Oct. Led By Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome. 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Divine Mercy: Conference in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. on Mar 2nd from 11am -5.30pm. Contact 085-8021382
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: Takes place on Apr 25th for 7 nights. Cost €689. Contact Ann Buchanan 085-8021382
Mullingar Choral Society: Are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with their Annual Spring Concert entitled
“Gloria” in Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun 3rd March at 8pm. Tickets cost €20.
Irish School of Evangelisation: Will host Unbound: Freedom in Christ in Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry on Sat 9th &
Sun 10th March from 9am-6pm. Holy Mass will be celebrated each day. Registration Fee is €50.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
Delvin Friendship Club: Will be back in the Hall on Thursday next Feb 28th starting at 11am. Hope to see ye all back.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Monday 4th March at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
“Our Father”
There is a striking absence in the text of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’. Were I to ask you what the striking absence in the text
of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ is, it would not be easy to answer. A word is missing. Everyone think: what is missing from the
Lord’s Prayer? Think, what is missing? One word. What is the missing word in the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ that we pray
every day? To save time, I will tell you: the word “I” is never said. Jesus teaches us to pray with ‘You’ on our lips,
because Christian prayer is a dialogue: ‘blessed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done’. Not my
name, my kingdom, my will. Not I, it is no good. And then it moves on to ‘we’. The entire second part of the ‘Our
Father’ uses the first person plural: ‘give us our daily bread, forgive us our sins, lead us not into temptation, deliver
us from evil’ Even the most basic of man’s requests—such as that of having food to satisfy hunger---are all in the
plural. In Christian prayer, no one asks for bread for themselves: give me bread today---no, give us, it is asked for
all, for all the world’s poor. We must not forget this. The word “I” is missing. We pray by using ‘you’ and ‘we’. It is
a good lesson from Jesus. Do not forget this.
Pope Frances.
Year C Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th February, 2019
Sat 16th 6.30pm Michael Garry. Sun 17th 11.00am Pat & Mary Smith & daughter Noeleen Smith. Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th No Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Peg & James Robinson. Sun 24th 11.00am T. J & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. William & Elizabeth Gilmore.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 17th 9.30am Martin Kiernan. Wed 20th 9.30am Sun 24th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Joe Flynn.
- I. P. Colette O’ Shaughnessy. Mullingar (nee Kelleghan) formerly Graftonstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €815 Ren Fund: Weekly €460. Monthly €155. Annual €520.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them to prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper
and guide.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th March, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Lenten Journey with Scripture: An eight week programme which will run through Lent begins on Tuesday,
February 19th in Fatima at 8pm. It will involve reading and reflecting on the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. Each
session will consist of a talk on DVD (by a popular international speaker) discussion and refreshments. It would be an
excellent way to celebrate Lent. For more information contact the Parochial House..
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th Oct-13th Oct. Led By Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome. 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am and
11am Masses. We invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows and
give them a special blessing during Mass. Refreshments will be provided in Fatima after Mass.
Divine Mercy: Conference in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. on Mar 2nd from 11am -5.30pm. Contact 085-8021382
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: Takes place on Apr 25th for 7 nights. Cost €689. Contact Ann Buchanan 085-8021382
Mullingar Choral Society: Are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with their Annual Spring Concert entitled
“Gloria” in Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun 3rd March at 8pm. Tickets cost €20.
Family Life: Presents a conversation with Carol Nolan TD on Thurs Feb 28th at 7.30pm in Greville Arms, Mullingar.
Irish School of Evangelisation: Will host Unbound: Freedom in Christ in Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry on Sat 9th &
Sun 10th March from 9am-6pm. Holy Mass will be celebrated each day. Registration Fee is €50.
Renovation Fund: Copies of the Annual Report are available at the back of the Church. A copy of the report on the account
for the day to- day running of the Parish is on the Notice Board.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting in Dolores Gaffney’s on Wed next Feb 20th at 8.30pm to set a date for Our Annual
Table Quiz, and other forthcoming events. Please attend.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting in Fatima on Thursday 21st February at 9pm.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Launch of Society’s Journal Riocht na Midhe 2019 followed by lecture “The
Great Flu Epidemic” 1918-1919 on Wed 20th Feb at 7.30pm in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan All Welcome.
Year C Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10th February, 2019
Sat 9th 6.30am Johnny & Kathleen Dunne & son Sean. Molly Paris. Sun 10th 11.00am Sean Mangan. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th No Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 17th 11.00am Pat & Mary Smith & daughter Noeleen Smith.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 10th 9.30am Pat Fox. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Martin Kiernan.
- R.I. P. Pat Carroll. Stonestown, Delvin. Alice Donlon. Bolandstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €890 Candlemas Offerings: €1,050.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Lenten Journey with Scripture: An eight week programme which will run through Lent begins on Tuesday,
February 19th in Fatima at 8pm. It will involve reading and reflecting on the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. Each
session will consist of a talk on DVD (by a popular international speaker) discussion and refreshments. It would be an
excellent way to celebrate Lent. For more information contact the Parochial House..
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: This Monday is World Day of the Sick. Please pray for all who are sick on that day.
Confirmation: Will be in Delvin Church next Friday 15th February at 3pm. Each child will have one Sponsor. Places will be
reserved at the Ceremony for the children and their sponsor in the centre aisle.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th Oct-13th Oct. Led By Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome. 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to Candlemas Offerings last weekend.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: Next Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am and
11am Masses. We invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows and
give them a special blessing during Mass. Refreshments will be provided in Fatima after Mass.
Divine Mercy: Conference in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. on Mar 2nd from 11am -5.30pm. Contact 085-8021382
Medjugorje Pilgrimage: Takes place on Apr 25th for 7 nights. Cost €689. Contact Ann Buchanan 085-8021382
Renovation Fund: Copies of the Annual Report are available at the back of the Church. A copy of the report on the account
for the day to- day running of the Parish is on the Notice Board.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting in Fatima on Thursday 21st February at 9pm.
A Live Longer & Prosper Programme: Starts in the Hall on Mon next Feb 11th from 10am -3pm. The Programme is for 4
Weeks. Those of you who gave your name to Mgt last week, hopefully you can attend.
World Day of the Sick
On the XXVII World Day of the Sick, to be solemnly celebrated on 11th February, 2019 in Calcutta, India, the
Church-as a Mother to all her children, especially the infirm-reminds us that gestures like that of the Good
Samaritan are the most credible means of evangelization. Caring for the sick requires professionalism, tenderness,
straightforward and simple gestures freely given, like a caress that makes others feel loved. In light of the solemn
celebration in India, I would like to recall, with joy and admiration, the figure of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta- a
model of charity who made visible God’s love for the poor and sick. As I noted at her canonization, “Mother Teresa,
in all aspects of her life, was a generous diapenser of divine mercy, making herself available for everyone through
her welcome and defence of human life, of those unborn and those abandoned and discarded.
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis.
Year C Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3rd February, 2019
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 3rd 11.00am Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Dermot Kenny & DFM.
Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th No Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Johnny & Kathleen Dunne & son Sean. Molly Paris. Sun 10th 11.00am Sean Mangan.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 3rd 9.30am Betty Kelleghan MM Wed 6th 9.30am Joseph & Bridget Dunican. Sun 10th 9.30am Pat Fox.
- I. P. Fr. Leo Clarke. St. Columbans, Dalgan Park, Navan. brother of Gerry & Evelyn Clarke. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,030.. Needs of the Diocese Collection: €1,200. Ren Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly €70. Annual: €200.
Bible Alive: February issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 at 8pm.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thurs 7th February at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection last weekend. Amount was €1,200.
Bible Study: A new Bible Study Session will begin on Tuesday, February 19th. It will continue each Tuesday night for eight
weeks and will run until the end of Lent. Please give careful consideration to taking part.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Rome: From 7th Oct-13th Oct. Led By Fr. Seamus Heaney. 4 nights in Rome. 2 nights in Assisi. Cost
€995. Contact Alice at 087-4147871.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Feast of the Presentation: Candles for use in the home will be blessed after 6.30pm Mass on Saturday evening in Delvin.
Feast of St. Blaise: Blessing of Throats after 9.30am Mass in Killulagh on Sunday morning and after 11am Mass in Delvin.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Annual Mass of Remembrance: Takes place on Wed 6th Feb at 2.30pm in St. Loman’s Hospital Chapel, Delvin Rd,
Mullingar, in memory of deceased patients and people buried in St. Loman’s Cemetery between 1907-1970.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place at Dalgan Park, Navan from 8th -10th Feb. Contact Sr. Una at 090-64181666
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet in the Hall next Tue 5th Feb, and every second Tuesday.. All New Members Welcome.
A Live Longer & Prosper Programme: Commences in the Hall on Mar 11th for 4 weeks from 10am-3pm. Members from Delvin Friendship Club and any other senior citizens are invited to attend. Contact Mgt 087-9905869 before Wed 6th Feb.
The Role of the Parents
This also means that parents are the principal teachers who prepare their children to receive the sacraments, and this requires parents to know and love the faith. If we do not understand our Catholic faith, how can we ever expect our children to understand it? If we are not living our Catholic faith, how can we ever expect it of our children? Each of us must examine our homes and ask ourselves, “Is my home truly a domestic Church?”
Archbishop of Denver.
Year C Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th January, 2019
Sat 26th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran. Sun 27th 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey. Martina Yeoman. Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th No Mass. Thurs 31st 9.30am Mass. ( Catholic Schools Week). Fri 1st ( First Friday) 7.30pm John & Anna Vaughan. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 3rd 11.00am Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Dermot Kenny & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 27th 9.30am Larry & Bridget Whelehan & DFM Wed 30th 9.30am Mass in St. Tola’a N. S. ( Catholic Schools Week). Fri 1st ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 3rd 9.30am Betty Kelleghan MM
Offertory Collection: €810. Ren Fund: Weekly €405. Monthly €130.
Bible Alive: February issue on sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up this weekend January 27th . The
Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese. These include
Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools,The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Bible Study Group: Meet on Tue night in Fatima.. New members are welcome.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Catholic Schools Week: Will take place from Jan 27th –Feb 3rd . The theme for Catholic Schools Week this year is Catholic
Schools: Celebrating the work of Our Local Catholic Schools. Activities will be arranged in each school during the week.
Feast of St. Brigid: St. Brigid’s Crosses will be blessed after 9.30am Mass in Killulagh next Friday and after7.30pm Mass
in Delvin.
Feast of the Presentation: Candles for use in the home will be blessed after 6.30pm Mass on Saturday evening in Delvin.
Feast of St. Blaise: Blessing of Throats after 9.30am Mass in Killulagh on Sunday morning and after 11am Mass in Delvin.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Young Adult Retreat: Takes place at Dalgan Park, Navan from 8th -10th Feb. Contact Sr. Una at 090-64181666
Crowenstown N. S: Open Day this Sunday 27th January from 12noon -2pm. All Welcome. We look forward to seen you.
St. Tola’s N. S: Open Evening will take place in the school on Wed 30th January from 6pm -7pm. All are Welcome.
St. Ernan’s N. S: Open Evening will be held on Thurs Jan 31st from 6.30pm-8.30pm. If your child is due to start school in
Sept, 2019 , or in the coming years you are invited to come along to see what our school has to offer on the Open Evening.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2019 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 28th –Fri 1st Feb between 2pm -3pm. Call to the school and complete application form.
The Effects of Confirmation
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1303) tells us that Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace:
- It roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry.”Abba Father” :
- It unites us more firmly to Christ:
- It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us:
- It renders our bond with the Church more perfect: (and)
- It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross.
Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th January, 2019
Sat 19th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Sun 20th 11.00am Edward & Stasia Curran. Dick, Lil & Jimmy Mullen & baby Patrick.
Mon 21st 9.30am Larry Allen & DFM. Tue 22nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 23rd No Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran. Sun 27th 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey. Martina Yeoman.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 20th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sun 27th 9.30am Larry & Bridget Whelehan & DFM
- I. P. Pat Cullen, who died in England, brother of Christine Flynn. Castleview, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €860. Needs of the Diocese €1,135. Ren Fund: Weekly €375. Monthly €150. Annual : €1,800.
Bible Alive: January issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up next weekend January 27th . The
Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese. These include
Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to the Bishop’s National
Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400. Thanks to all who contributed to last week’s collection.
Bible Study Group: Meet on Tue night in Fatima.. New members are welcome.
Christian Unity Week: From Fri 18th January to 25th January is a week of prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of
the many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
The theme for the week this year is “justice and only justice you shall pursue”.(Deuteronomy 16:18-20) There is also a verse
of scripture suggested for reflection each day. The following are the verses for the next six days Sun 20th The Lord is
gracious and merciful to all. Psalm 145:8 Mon 21st Be content with what you have. Hebrews 13:5. Tue 22nd To bring good
news to the poor. Luke 4:18. Wed 23rd The Lord of hosts is his name. Jeremiah 10:16. Thurs 24th Woman, great is your
faith. Matthew 15:28. Fri 25th The Lord is my light and my salvation. Psalm 27:1.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees: This Sunday 20th January is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Confirmation Preparation: A meeting for Parents will be held in St. Ernans School on Mon 21st at 8pm.
A Retreat for the children preparing for Confirmation will take place on Friday, Jan 25th .
Catholic Schools Week: Will take place from Jan 27th –Feb 3rd . The theme for Catholic Schools Week this year is Catholic
Schools: Celebrating the work of Our Local Catholic Schools. Activities will be arranged in each school during the week.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall this Sun 20th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your
support as always will be greatly appreciated. Proceeds going to Northwestmeath Hospice and Irish Cancer Society.
Crowenstown N. S: Open Day on Sunday 27th January from 12noon -2pm. All Welcome. We look forward to seen you.
St. Tola’s N. S: Open Evening will take place in the school on Wed 30th January from 6pm -7pm. All are Welcome.
St. Ernan’s N. S: Open Evening will be held on Thurs Jan 31st from 6.30pm-8.30pm. If your child is due to start school in
Sept, 2019 , or in the coming years you are invited to come along to see what our school has to offer on the Open Evening.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2019 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 28th –Fri 1st Feb between 2pm -3pm. Call to the school and complete application form.
Year C The Baptism of the Lord 13th January, 2019
Sat 12th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. David Dunne. Sun 13th 11.00am Joseph & Laetitia Cullen & DFM Joe & Kitty Bray. Mon 14th 9.30am Cathy Sullivan. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th No Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Frank Brady. Sun 20th 11.00am Edward & Stasia Curran.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 13th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Sun 20th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent
- I. P. Betty Kelleghan. Graftonstown, Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €775. Ren Fund: Weekly €310. Monthly €80. Annual : €750.
Bible Alive: January issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima from 7.30pm -9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 13th January and again on
Sun 27th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Bible Study Group: Resumes on Tuesday next Jan 15th at 8pm in Fatima. New members are welcome.
Christian Unity Week: From Fri 18th January to 25th January is a week of prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of
the many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join with
Christians all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
The theme for the week this year is “justice and only justice you shall pursue”.(Deuteronomy 16:18-20) There is also a verse
of scripture suggested for reflection each day. The following are the verses for the first three days Fri 18th Let justice roll
down like waters. Amos 5:24. Sat 19th Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’. Matthew 5:37. Sun 20th The Lord is
gracious and merciful to all. Psalm 145:8
World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Next Sunday 20th January is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Takes place from Mon 4th Nov – Tue 12th Nov, 2019. Led by Bishop Tom
Deenihan, Bishop of Meath. Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Confirmation: Enrolment for Confirmation takes place this weekend. Please pray for the young people preparing for
Confirmation and for their parents and families.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 20th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
Crowenstown N. S: Open Day on Sunday 27th January from 12noon -2pm. All Welcome. We look forward to seen you.
St. Tola’s N. S: Open Evening will take place in the school on Wed 30th January from 6pm -7pm. All are Welcome.
St. Ernan’s N. S: Open Evening will be held on Thurs Jan 31st from 6.30pm-8.30pm. If your child is due to start school in
Sept, 2019, or in the coming years you are invited to come along to see what our school has to offer on the Open Evening.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2019 will take place in St. Ernan’s, St. Tola’s and St. Patrick’s
Crowenstown, N. S. from Mon 28th –Fri 1st Feb between 2pm -3pm. Call to the school and complete application form.
Delvin Branch of St. Vincent De Paul: Would like to thank all the parishioners for their generous contribution to Annual
Christmas Appeal. All the donations have been distributed to people in need in local area. A big thank you to David Smyth
Catering for supplying and cooking Christmas Dinners that were distributed on Christmas Day in Delvin Area.
Year C The Epiphany of the Lord 6th January, 2019[
Sat 5th 6.30 pm Patrick, Jenny & Mary Alice Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 6th 11.00am Kyran Smyth, Bernie Clune Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th No Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 12th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Sun 13th 11.00am Joseph & Laetitia Cullen & DFM Joe & Kitty Bray.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 6th 9.30am Margaret Manny. Paddy & Christy Gill & DFM. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Sun 13th 9.30am
Chris Callaghan.
Offertory Collection: €930. Ren Fund: Weekly €845. Monthly €300. Annual : €2,350.
Bible Alive: January issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th January,2019 at 8pm.
Feast of the Epiphany: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 13th January and again on
Sun 27th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Meath Diocesan Vocations Committee: Invitation to a Young Adult Retreat for people between the ages 18-40 in
Franciscan Retreat Centre, Ballinderry, Mullingar on Sat 12th Jan from 9.45am-5pm. Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666 or Fr.
Shane at 057-9321587. Poster on Notice Board.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 20th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
The Epiphany
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great
feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men (magi) from the East, together with his Baptism
in the Jordan and the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan
religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Year C Feast of the Holy Family 30th December, 2018
Sat 29th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. Sun 30th 11.00am Carmel Doherty MM Mon 31st 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 12noon (World Day of Peace) Bill Anderson. Wed 2nd No Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Peter & Bridget Cooke, Robinstown. Sat 5th 6.30 pm Patrick, Jenny & Mary Alice Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 6th 11.00am Kyran Smyth, Bernie Clune.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 30th 9.30am Loman Ivory. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 6th 9.30am Margaret Manny. Paddy & Christy Gill & DFM.
Offertory Collection: €755. Christmas Offerings: €7,390. Christmas Offertory: €2,550.
Bible Alive: January issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: There will be Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm. in Delvin. No Adoration from 6pm -10pm. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.00am-11.00am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th January,2019 at 8pm.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick this Sunday 30th at 10.30am. The Priest
will not visit the sick the first week in January.
Feast of the Epiphany: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.
World Day of Peace: Jan 1st is World Day of Peace. Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming year.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 13th January and again on
Sun 27th January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the
Diocese. These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools, as well as a contribution to
the Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by the Parish is €5,400.
Delvin G. A. A: Are hosting Lipsync in Knightsbrook, Hotel Trim Sat Jan 5th at 8pm. There is a Children’s Movie evening
on Thurs Jan 3rd at 5pm in the Hall.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 20th January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
New Year Greetings: We wish all our Parishioners every blessing and success for 2019. Thanks to everybody for their
generosity and support in the past year.
The Grace of Marriage
Christ is the source of this grace. “Just as of old God encountered his people with a covenant of love and fidelity, so
our Saviour, the spouse of the Church, now encounters Christian spouses through the sacrament of Matrimony”.
Christ dwells with them, gives them the strength to take up their crosses and so follow him, to rise again after they
have fallen, to forgive one another, to bear one another’s burdens, to ”be subject to one another out of reverence for
Christ,” and to love one another with supernatural, tender, and fruitful love. In the joys of their love and family life
he gives them here on earth a foretaste of the wedding feast of the Lamb:
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1642.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God.
At the message of an angel, the Virgin Mary received the Word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer.
Important Dates for 2019.
15th February, Confirmation. 4th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh.
6th March, Ash Wednesday 5th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown
21st April, Easter Sunday. 10th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
11th May, First Holy Communion.
9th June, Pentecost Sunday.
Year C Fourth Sunday of Advent 23rd December, 2018
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Joe Greville. Sun 23rd 11.00am Joe Gaffney. Mon 24th ( Christmas Eve) 6.30pm Mass. Sun 25th ( Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass. Wed 26th No Mass. Thurs 27th 10.00am Larry Murtagh. Fri 28th 10.00am DFM Kearney family. Sat 29th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. Sun 30th 11.00am Carmel Doherty MM
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 23rd 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes & DFM Tue 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Wed 26th 10.00am Mass.
Sun 30th 9.30am Loman Ivory.
- I. P. Joe O’ Reilly. Castletown House, Delvin. Kathleen Kennedy. Collinstown, sister of Noreen Clarke. Delvin. Offertory Collection: €1,135. Ren Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €150.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: There will be no Adoration on Monday in Delvin. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10.30am-11.30am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th January,2019 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sunday 30th at 10.30am. The Priest will not visit the sick the first week in January.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: April – Oct, 2019. 7 nights from €279. Contact 01-4434510 for further information.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. We thank you for all the fundraising and support we
get every year. We appreciate it.
Delvin Friendship Club: Wish all our Members and Friends a very Happy Christmas. Thanks for all your help and support.
Delvin G. A. A: Are hosting Lipsync in Knightsbrook, Hotel Trim Sat Jan 5th at 8pm. The Club is having a mini league
hurling at 10.30am, St. Stephen’s Day and there is a Children’s Movie evening on Thurs Jan 3rd at 5pm in the Hall.
Christmas Message
Let us celebrate Christmas this year!! Christmas is, above all, a religious feast when we commemorate the love of
God for us, manifested by the sending of his only Son to a stable in Bethlehem. While there are worthwhile and
beneficial social as well as economic consequences, a Christmas celebration without reference to Christ is both
meaningless and empty. Christmas cannot be reduced to a ‘Happy Holiday’ or a celebration devoid of Christ. It is
unfortunate that the essentials of Christmas, the infant Jesus, the Crib and Christmas worship are often set aside.
The feast of Christmas is the most inclusive of all feasts, God made Man to lead us to God! This year, let us try to
keep Christ at the centre of our Christmas and let us try to imitate, as best we can, the generosity of the God who
became man for us.
Christmas Message from Bishop Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath.
Year C Third Sunday of Advent 16th December, 2018
Sat 15th 6.30pm Nancy Lenihan. Sun 16th 11.00am Dermot Kenny MM. Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Mattie, Bridgie, James & Elizabeth Gilmore. Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th No Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Joe & Pauline Tierney. Joe Greville. Sun 23rd 11.00am Joe Gaffney.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 16th 9.30am Sheila Aughey MM. Pala Sheerin & DFM Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am Thomas & Mary Downes & DFM
Offertory Collection: 8th Dec €705. Sunday €985. Ren Fund: Weekly €335. Monthly €145.
Bible Alice: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th January,2019 at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Sadie Ann Tuite. Maggie Roisin Leonard. Alexander Murray. Lucy Rose Scally. Michael Seamus Clune. Caitlyn Patricia Flynn. Donnacha O’ Grady. Everly Hope Doyle. Alfie John Gough. Jamie Lee Jones. Carley Megan Kilmurray.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Advent: This is the Third Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: April – Oct, 2019. 7 nights from €279. Contact 01-4434510 for further information.
Tusla: Are running a recruitment campaign to look for foster carers for children between ages of birth and 18yrs throughout
the Midlands. See poster on Notice Board for further information.
Confessions: There will be Prayer Service and Confessions for Christmas in Delvin Church on Wed 19th Dec at 7.30pm. In
Athboy on Thursday 20th Dec at 7.30pm, and Clonmellon on Friday 21st Dec at 7.30pm.
Monday 24TH December
Killulagh Church at 12noon Delvin Church from 2-2.30pm, and after 6.30pm Mass.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve 6.30pm in Delvin Chutch
Christmas Day: 9.30am In Killulagh 11.00am in Delvin.
524 When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the
Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Saviour’s first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire
for his second coming, By celebrating the precursor’s birth and martyrdom, the Church unites herself to his
desire: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Year C Second Sunday of Advent 9th December, 2018
Sat 8th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Dan & Elizabeth Gray. Sun 9th 11.00am Annabel Loughlin MM
Mon 10th 9.30am Mass. Tue 11th 9.30am Mass. Wed 12th No Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Nancy Lenihan. Sun 16th 11.00am Dermot Kenny MM. Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. Mattie, Bridgie, James & Elizabeth Gilmore.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 9th 9.30am Gertrude & Michael Kiernan & DFM Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Sheila Aughey MM.
Pala Sheerin & DFM
- I. P. Noel Flanagan. England, brother of Carmel Gaffney. Main St, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €880. Ren Fund: Weekly €415. Monthly €145.
Bible Alice: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th December, at 8pm.
Christmas Preparation: We will hold an evening of Prayerful Preparation for Christmas in Fatima on Tuesday next, December 11th , beginning at 8pm. The evening will be led by Fr. Seamus Heaney and will include reflection on the readings, prayers and liturgy of the Advent and Christmas Seasons. Everybody is welcome. Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and members of Parish Groups are asked to attend.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Advent: This is the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and later in Wales. On his return
he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of
the great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the saints of Ireland. His Feast
Day is on Wed next, 12th December.
Confessions: There will be Prayer Service and Confessions for Christmas in Delvin Church on Wed 19th Dec at 7.30pm. In
Athboy on Thursday 20th Dec at 7.30pm, and Clonmellon on Friday 21st Dec at 7.30pm.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: April – Oct, 2019. 7 nights from €279. Contact 01-4434510 for further information.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place in the Hall next Thurs 13th Dec at 5pm.
St. Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place this weekend 8th /9th Dec. Your support will be appreciated.
St. Ernan’s N. S : Christmas Craft Sale and Coffee Morning will take place in the school on next Friday 14th December
from 10am -12noon. All are Welcome.
1095 For this season the Church, especially during Advent and Lent and above all at the Easter Vigil, re-reads and
re-lives the great events of salvation history in the “today” of her liturgy. But this also demands that catechesis help
the faithful to open themselves to this spiritual understanding of the economy of salvation as the Church’s liturgy
reveals it and enables us to live it.
Catechism of Catholic Church.
Year B First Sunday of Advent 2nd December, 2018
Sat 1st 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Tom, May & Sean Fay. Billy Moran. Sun 2nd 11.00am Joe Reilly. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am David Anderson. Wed 5th No Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) Owen & Bridget Gaffney. Sat 8th ( Feast of Immaculate Conception) 11.00am Margaret & Michael Malone. Vigil Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Dan & Elizabeth Gray. Sun 9th 11.00am Annabel Loughlin MM
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 2nd 9.30am Patrick Mc Hale. Nancy & Jack Barry. Wed 5th 9.30am |Mass. Sat 8th ( Feast of Immaculate Conception) 9.30am Mass. Sun 9th 9.30am Gertrude & Michael Kiernan & DFM
- I. P. Carmel Doherty, Ballinvalley, Delvin. Gordon Cook, England father-in-law of Andrew Mainwaring, formerly Addinstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €890. Ren Fund: Weekly €520. Monthly €70.
Bible Alice: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs 6th December at 8pm.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 7th December at 7.30pm,
during Mass. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend. ( Please note change of date).
Advent: Advent begins this Sunday, December 2nd . It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting
in memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final
glorious coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion,
quoting the prophets, especially John the Baptist. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” Joyful Hope: That the
salvation already accomplished by Christ and the reality of grace in the world will mature and reach their fullness, thereby
granting us what is promised by faith, and we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is.
Mullingar Choral Society: “A Christmas Festival” with Mullingar Choral Society, Mullingar Town band will be held in
Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun 2nd Dec at 7pm. Tickets available from Cathedral Shop or door on the night. Cost €10.
Youth 2000: The Annual Youth 2000 Christmas Retreat takes place from 7th -9th Dec in Newbridge College, Co. Kildare
Further information email or call 01-6753690
Medjugorje Pilgromages: April – Oct, 2019. 7 nights from €279. Contact 01-4434510 for further information.
Delvin GAA Camogie/ St. Ernans: Are having a Sale of Work in Delvin Hall this Sun 2nd December to raise funds for
their upcoming LipSync. Anyone wishing to enter a stall or donate items please contact Irene 085-1265198
Table Quiz: Table Quiz in Blue Hackle Inn on Fri 7th Dec. It is a mini fundraiser for LipSync. Starts at 9pm.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up for the Presentation night on Wed. The amount of money
handed over to Mr. John Shaw was €30,000. A big thank you to all the people from Delvin and surrounding areas who
organized fundraising events during the past year. We appreciate what you all do for the Hospice Homecare.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place in the Hall on Thurs 13th Dec at 5pm.
St. Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place next weekend 8th /9th Dec. Your support will be appreciated.
The Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath , with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the Solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light gradually illuminating the long night prior to the rising
of the Sun of justice.
Year B Feast of Christ the King 25th November, 2018
Sat 24th 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 25th 11.00am Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Danny & Annie Mc Grath & sister Betty. Mon 26th 9.30am William & Michael Gilroy. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th No Mass. Thurs 29th No Mass. Fri 30th No Mass. Sat 1st 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Tom, May & Sean Fay. Billy Moran. Sun 2nd 11.00am Joe Reilly.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 25th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Sun 2nd 9.30am Patrick Mc Hale. Nancy &
Jack Barry.
- I. P. Maureen Byrne. Kells. sister of Alice Donlon, Bolandstown, and Teresa Gaffney, Printinstown.
John Christopher Ryan, Trim. father of Julie O’ Brien, Martinstown.
Offertory Collection: €875. Ren Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €175.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm -5pm. The Cathedral in Mullingar is dedicated to Christ the King. To mark the Feast there will be Evening Prayer and Benediction in the Cathedral at 5pm this Sunday. Everyone is welcome.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 7th December at 7.30pm,
during Mass. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend. ( Please note change of date).
Advent: Advent begins on Sunday, December 2nd . It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. Waiting: We are waiting in
memory of the first humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final glorious
coming as Lord of History and Universal Judge. Conversion: The Liturgy at this time often refers to Conversion, quoting
the prophets, especially John the Baptst. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”
World Meeting of Families Reunion: A gathering of WMOF2018 participants, volunteers and choirs will be held in
Navan on Fri 30th Nov at 7.30pm. Bishop Deenihan will lead Evening Prayer. It will be followed by a Social gathering in
St.Mary’s Community Centre. Certificates are being prepared for families and participants at the RDS, Croke Park and
Phoenix Park. Please register not later than Wed 28th Nov
Mission Awareness: If you are interested in being part of a Mission Team in Meath Diocese to promote and foster mission
awareness at home and overseas, please come along and join us for a meeting on Tue 27th Nov at 7.30pm at Columbans in
Dalgan Park, Navan. All are Welcome.
Matt Talbot: Mass, followed by Novena to Venerable Matt Talbot for all those affected by addiction, will be held in
Rochfortbridge Parish Church on Wed 28th Nov at 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
Mullingar Choral Society: “A Christmas Festival” with Mullingar Chjoral Society, Mullingar Town band will be held in
Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun 2nd Dec at 7pm. Tickets available from Cathedral Shop or door on the night. Cost €10.
Dalgan: Concert of traditional music will be held at Dalgan this Sun 25th Nov at 3pm.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed 28th Nov at 8.30pm in Dolores
Gaffney’s. Everyone is very welcome to attend on the night.
Delvin GAA Camogie/ St. Ernans: Are having a Sale of Work in Delvin Hall on Sun 2nd December to raise funds for
their upcoming LipSync. Anyone wishing to enter a stall or donate items please contact Irene 085-1265198
Table Quiz: Table Quiz in Blue Hackle Inn on Fri 7th Dec. It is a mini fundraiser for LipSync. Starts at 9pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place on Thursday 13th December in the Hall. Any member who was not
at the Club on Thursday last and would like to go please contact Alice at 087-4147871 before Fri 30th Novenber It is
important that you contact us as we have to have a number for the Caterer that will be attending by Monday 3rd December
Year B Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th November, 2018
Sat 17th 6.30pm William & Catherine Sherlock. Pat Lynch. Sun 18th 11.00am Karl Quinn. Ger & Maria Sherwin.
Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st No Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 25th 11.00am Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Danny & Annie Mc Grath & sister Betty.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 18th 9.30am Mary,& James Nugent & son Sean. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Sun 25th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley.
- I. P. Sheila Aughey. Bracklyn, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €780. Ren Fund: Weekly €725. Monthly €115. Annual €1,850.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th December, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm -5pm. The Cathedral in Mullingar is dedicated to Christ the King. To mark the Feast there will be Evening Prayer and Benediction in the Cathedral at 5pm on Sunday. Everyone is welcome.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 30th November at 7.30pm.
Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
World Meeting of Families: We thank everyone who was so generous to the collection last weekend. This will help to
defray the cost of hosting the World Meeting of Families event which was held earlier this year. The amount was €1,300.
Persecuted Christians: This Sunday we set aside to pray for Christians who are being persecuted in many parts of the
world. It is estimated that 200 million Christians are being persecuted in 60 countries. For detailed information about the
plight of persecuted Christian email
Columban Centenary: The Society of St. Columban is celebrating the centenary of its foundation this year.
We honour priests from the parish who served with the Society. The Feast of St. Columban will be celebrated on Nov 23rd .
Advent: Advent begins on Sunday, December 2nd . It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. We are in memory of the
first humble coming of the Lord in our mental flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final glorious coming as Lord
of History and Universal Judge.
St. Tola’s N. S. Bring and Buy takes place this Sun 18th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We would
appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy on Sunday.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on the roads this Sunday 18th
November at our Masses. A Memorial Service for Road Traffic Victims will be held in Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar at 2pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thurs 22nd starting at 11am.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: A. G. M. of the Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade Committee will be held on Thurs 22nd in St.
Patrick’s Hall at 9.15pm. Without an adequate attendance at this meeting and a new organising committee being elected the
2019 parade will not go ahead. If you are interested in the future of your local parade please attend.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed 28th Nov at 8.30pm in Dolores
Gaffney’s. Everyone is very welcome to attend on the night.
Delvin GAA Camogie/ St. Ernans: Are having a Sale of Work in Delvin Hall on Sun 2nd December to raise funds for
their upcoming LipSync. Anyone wishing to enter a stall or donate items please contact Irene 085-1265198
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture “The Columban Odyssey from Dalgan to Far East-Centenary of
Columban Fathers” by Fr. Neil Collins in St. Columban College this Sunday 18th Nov at 3pm. All Welcome.
Year B Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th November, 2018
Sat 10th 6.30am John Fitzpatrick, Kevin Murphy. Sun 11th 11am Watt Casserly & granddaughter Niamh. Christy Fenlon. Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th No Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm William & Catherine Sherlock. Pat Lynch. Sun 18th 11.00am Karl Quinn. Ger & Maria Sherwin.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 11th Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan & DFM. Wed 14th 9.30am Mass. Sun 18th 9.30am Mary,& James Nugent & son Sean.
- I. P. Annabel Loughlin. Bracklyn, Delvin. Maureen Mc Cormack. Navan. sister of Kathleen Bray. Crowenstown, Delvin.
Dermot Kenny, son of Michael & Claire Kenny, Ballyhealy Rd, who died in New York.
Offertory Collection: Nov 1st €290. Sunday Offertory €855. November Offerings: €2,145.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 30th November at 7.30pm.
Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
World Meeting of Families: The World Meeting of Families has brought many blessings to the Irish people and to visitors
from abroad. The cost of hosting this great event was considerable. A large part of the cost has been raised by previous
National Collections and private donations. To defray the balance a National Collection will be held this weekend Nov 10th –
11th . This special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this weekend. Please be generous.
Vocations Retreat: Exploring Priesthood Retreat 23-24 Nov in Mount St. Anne’s, Portarlington. Poster on Notice Board.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance Sun 11th Nov at 3pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Columban Centenary: The Society of St. Columban is celebrating the centenary of its foundation this year. Priests and
Sisters from the Society have served with great generosity in mission areas throughout the world for the past 100 years.
Among them were priests who were natives of this parish. We recognize their great work they have done in spreading the
gospel. We salute their families who supported them. The feast of St. Columban will be celebrated on Nov 23rd .
Advent: Advent begins on Sunday, December 2nd . It is a time of waiting, conversion and hope. We are in memory of the
first humble coming of the Lord in our mental flesh. We are also waiting in supplication for his final glorious coming as Lord
of History and Universal Judge.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Thursday 15th November at 8.30pm in Fatima.
St. Tola’s N. S. Bring and Buy takes place on Sun 18th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We would
appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the
coming year.
St. Columban
St. Columban was born around 543. He became a monk of Bangor and later principal teacher there. In 591, desiring
to go on pilgrimage for Christ, he set out with twelve companions and came to Burguidy. He established
monasteries at Amegray, Luveuil, and Fontaine according to the severe Irish rule. Later he founded Bregenz, in
Austria and his greatest foundation at Bobbia, near Genoa, where he died in 615. He is remembered as one of the
greatest of the Irish missionary monks.
Year B Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 4th November, 2018
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Brendan Mullen MM Sun 4th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Barry. Mon 5th 9.30am Mass. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th No Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Daniel & Eliz Davis. Sean, Bernard, Gerry, Tommy, Martin, Frank & DFM Davis & Kenny Families. Sat 10th 6.30am John Fitzpatrick, Kevin Murphy. Sun 11th 11am
Watt Casserly & granddaughter Niamh. Christy Fenlon.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 4th 9.30am Lily, Tommy, Larry Poynton & DFM. Vincent & Mary Cully. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Sun 11th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Frank Davis, Canada, formerly Robinstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €880. Ren Fund: Weekly: €325. Monthly: €120. Annual: €300.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Fri night in Fatima from 7.30pm-9.30pm. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . (to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 8th November at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 23rd November at 7.30pm.
Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
World Meeting of Families: The World Meeting of Families has brought many blessings to the Irish people and to visitors
from abroad. The cost of hosting this great event was considerable. A large part of the cost has been raised by previous
National Collections and private donations. To defray the balance a National Collection will be held on Nov 10th -11th . This
special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses next weekend. Please be generous.
NET Ministries Team: NET Ministries Team will be working with young people and families in Delvin during the
coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days each week.
Retreat: Retreat will take place in St. Columban’s Navan for young Adults aged 18-40 from 9th -11th Nov .
Vocations Retreat: Exploring Priesthood Retreat 23-24 Nov in Mount St. Anne’s, Portarlington. Poster on Notice Board.
Prayer in Preparation for Death
Lord God,
whose days are without end
and whose mercies beyond counting,
keep us mindful
that life is short and the hour of death unknown.
Let your Spirit guide our ways on earth
In the ways of holiness and justice,
that we may serve you
In union with the whole Church,
sure in faith, strong in hope, perfect in love.
And when our earthly journey is ended,
lead us rejoicing into the kingdom,
where you live for ever and ever.
Year B Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th October, 2018
Sat 27th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Seamus, Ann & Andy Gaffney Sun 28th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan, Perrick Family. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am Mass. Wed 31st 7.30pm Mary Keane. Thurs 1st Feast of All Saints 11.00am James, Ellen John Curran & DFM Fri 2nd ( First Friday) Feast of All Souls 7.30pm New List of the Dead. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Brendan Mullen MM Sun 4th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Barry.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 28th 9.30am Paddy Cassidy Wed No Mass. Thurs 1st Feast of All Saints 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday)Feast of All Souls 9.30am New List of the Dead. Sun 4th 9.30am Lily, Tommy, Larry Poynton & DFM. Vincent & Mary Cully.
- I. P. Peter Halpin. Sheepstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: Mission Sunday: €960. Ren Fund: Weekly: €630. Monthly: €190.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Sat night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. (Winter Time).
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: On Friday next, Nov 2nd The Parish Youth Group will have a Halloween Party.A fun evening is promised. All young people (1st year upwards) are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: We currently have over 20 people interested in participating from
Mullingar parish and surrounding parishes /Fore Deanery. Study Group meetings will be held in St. Mary’s Collinstown on
Tuesday evenings at 8pm commencing October 30th . Contact Paul on 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the collection last weekend.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed at the moment. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New
List of the Dead will be celebrated on Fri 2nd Nov at 9.30am in Killulagh and 7.30pm in Delvin.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . (to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
World Meeting of Families: The World Meeting of Families has brought many blessings to the Irish people and to visitors
from abroad. The cost of hosting this great event was considerable. A large part of the cost has been raised by previous
National Collections and private donations. To defray the balance a National Collection will be held on Nov 10th -11th . This
special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses next weekend. Please be generous.
Youth Retreat: An Afternoon Retreat will take place in Fatima on Fri 2nd Nov from 2pm-5pm for young people who
received Confirmation in February last. It will be led by the Net Ministry Team. Contact Laura O’ Neill, or the Parochial
NET Ministries Team: NET Ministries Team will be working with young people and families in Delvin during the
coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days each week.
Retreat: Retreat will take place in St. Columban’s Navan for young Adults aged 18-40 from 9th -11th Nov .
Vocations Retreat: Exploring Priesthood Retreat 23-24 Nov in Mount St. Anne’s, Portarlington. Poster on Notice Board.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance Sun 11th Nov at 3pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Will take place on Sat Nov 10th with Dr. John Feehan.
Meath Archaeological Society: Lecture by Paul Hughes “Dissent and Reaction- Laurence Ginnell, World War 1 and the
Irish Question” in Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar Sun 28th Oct at 3pm. All Welcome.
Delvin Community Alert: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima on Thurs 1st Nov at 8pm. All are Welcome.
Social Dancing: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Fri 2nd Nov from 9.30pm-11.30pm. Music by Matt Leavy.
Year B Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st October, 2018
Sat 20th 6.30pm Jim & Joan Carrolll & DFM. Paddy & Bridie Duffy. Laura Finucane. Amy Sheridan. Sun 21st 11.00am Margaret & Dermot Kenny & DFM. James, & Mgt Mc Govern & daughter Mary Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th No Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh. Seamus, Ann & Andy Gaffney Sun 28th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan, Perrick Family.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 21st 9.30am Joe Callan Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Sun 28th 9.30am Paddy Cassidy
- I. P. Fr. Andy Farrell, retired P. P. Trim, Co. Meath
Offertory Collection: €915. Ren Fund: Weekly: €220. Monthly: €555. Annual: €850.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: We currently have over 20 people interested in participating from
Mullingar parish and surrounding parishes /Fore Deanery. Study Group meetings will be held in St. Mary’s Collinstown on
Tuesday evenings at 8pm commencing October 30th . Contact Paul on 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October.
Mission Sunday: This Sunday is Mission Sunday, and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide. Mission
Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a privilege in itself, The
gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the Gospel and our Irish Missionaries
continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland, the working title of the four
Pontifical mission societies, organises the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches worldwide. The Offertory Collection
this weekend will be for the support of the Church’s missionary work.
Synod of Bishops: The Synod of Bishops is meeting in Rome at present and will continue until Oct 28th . The theme of the
Synod is “Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment”. Please pray that the discussions at the Synod will be fruitful.
NET Ministries Team: NET Ministries Team will be working with young people and families in Delvin during the
coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days each week.
Retreat: Retreat will take place in St. Columban’s Navan for young Adults aged 18-40 from 9th -11th Nov . Contact Sr. Una
090 6481666.
Vocations Retreat: Exploring Priesthood Retreat 23-24 Nov in Mount St. Anne’s, Portarlington. Poster on Notice Board.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance Sun 11th Nov at 3pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Will take place on Sat Nov 10th with Dr. John Feehan.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: A. G. M. will take place on Wed next Oct 24th at 9pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. Please attend.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thurs Oct 25th starting at 11am.
Meath Archaeological Society: Lecture by Paul Hughes “Dissent and Reaction- Laurence Ginnell, World War 1 and the
Irish Question” in Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar Sun 28th Oct at 3pm. All Welcome.
Delvin Community Alert: Meeting in Fatima on Thurs 1st Nov at 8pm. All are Welcome.
Year B Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th October, 2018
Sat 13th 6.30pm Mossie Gilmore. Sun 14th 11.00am George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith. Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th No Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm Jim & Joan Carrolll & DFM. Paddy & Bridie Duffy. Laura Finucane. Amy Sheridan. Sun 21st 11.00am Margaret & Dermot Kenny & DFM. James, & Mgt Mc Govern & daughter Mary
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 14th 9.30am Peter, Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Sun 21st 9.30am Joe Callan
Offertory Collection: €700. Ren Fund: Weekly: €605. Monthly: €75.
Bible Alive: October Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th November, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: We are holding an information evening in St. Mary’s pastoral centre,
Collinstown on October 16th from 8pm-9pm. We currently have over 20 people interested in participating from Mullingar
parish and surrounding parishes /Fore Deanery. If you have already made contact or would like to learn more about the
group, please come along. The pastoral centre is adjoining St. Mary’s Church in Collinstown. Study Group meetings will be
held in St. Mary’s Collinstown on Tuesday evenings at 8pm commencing October 30th . Contact Paul on 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October.
Mission Sunday: Mission Sunday will be next Sunday 21st October and we unite on this special day with all Churches
worldwide. Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a
privilege in itself, The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the Gospel and our
Irish Missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland, the working title
of the four Pontifical mission societies, organises the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches worldwide. We are invited
to pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the month.
Canonisations of Blessed Pope Paul V1 and Blessed Oscar Romero: Pope Francis will canonise Blessed Pope Paul V1
and Blessed Oscar Romero, the martyred Archbishop of San Salvador, as saints on Sun 14th October next at Mass in St.
Peter’s Square, Rome. The Irish Bishops have asked the faithful to pray, throughout the intercession of the new saints, asking
for a renewed dedication to the universal call to holiness, and for a commitment to building a culture of life at all stages
Synod of Bishops: The Synod of Bishops is meeting in Rome at present and will continue until Oct 28th . The theme of the
Synod is “Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment”. Please pray that the discussions at the Synod will be fruitful.
NET Ministries Team: We are preparing to welcome a NET Ministries Team to the parish to work with young people and
families during the coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days
each week. They will speak at Masses this weekend..
Music in Dalgan: Music Series in Dalgan with Billy O’ Brien this Sun 14th Oct at 3pm. Cost €15. Tickets at reception.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Will take place on Sat Nov 10th with Dr. John Feehan.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: A. G. M. will take place on Tue 16th Oct at 8pm in Delvin Hall. All are Welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Thurs 18th Oct in Fatima at 8.30pm.
Year B Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7th October, 2018
Sat 6th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 7th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th No Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm
Mossie Gilmore. Sun 14th 11.00am George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 7th 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 9.30am Tony Moran MM. Sun 14th 9.30am Peter, Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan.
- I. P. Sean Crahan, Wilkinstown, Navan brother in law of Fr. Seamus Heaney.P. P.
Offertory Collection: €885. Funeral Collection: €495. Ren Fund: Weekly: €475. Monthly: €310.
Bible Alive: October Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith? In deepening your
faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism? Group commencing
soon. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October.
Day for Life: This Sunday we celebrate “Day for Life”. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning
and value of human life and every stage and in every condition.
Mission Sunday: Mission Sunday will be on Sunday 21st October and we unite on this special day with all Churches
worldwide. Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a
privilege in itself, The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the Gospel and our
Irish Missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland, the working title
of the four Pontifical mission societies, organises the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches worldwide. We are invited
to pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the month.
NET Ministries Team: We are preparing to welcome a NET Ministries Team to the parish to work with young people and
families during the coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days
each week. They will begin work on the week of Sept 30th .
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Diocesan Meeting will take place here on Thursday 11th Oct. Mass at 8pm in
the Church , followed by meeting in Fatima at 8.30pm. All are Welcome.
Thanks: Fr.Pat Raleigh, Regional Director of Columban Missionaries has written to express thanks for the reception given
to Fr. Bernard Steed on his recent visit to the parish. “Thank you all for your generosity in allowing us visit your parish and
share our story. Please extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who made our visit to your parish a success”.
Meath Pioneer: Spirituality Afternoon will be held in St. Patrick’s Church, Trim on Sun 14th October from 2pm.
Renovation Fund: The New Year begins this Sunday 7th October. New Boxes have been delivered. If you are new to the
parish and would like a box, please contact Parochial House at 044-9664127.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Wed 10th October from 6.30pm-9pm. Information Sessions for Pupils and
Parents at 6.30pm. Contact Secretary at 046-9487894 for application forms.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture “ Captivity during the First World War” in Oldcastle Library on Sun
7th October at 3pm. All are Welcome.
Crowenstown N. S. :Table Quiz next Friday Oct 12th in Crowenstown Inn starting at 8.30pm. We appreciate your support.
Year B Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th September, 2018
Sat 29th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Michael Reilly. Sun 30th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM. Bride, Eugene & Patsy Garry . Frank & Mgt Mulvey & DFM. Mon 1st 8.30am Mass. Tue 2nd No Mass. Wed 3rd No Mass. Thurs 54th No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) No Mass. Sat 6th 6.30pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 7th 11.00am Mary Kate & Frank Murphy & Peter Farrelly.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 30th 9.30am Stan Smyth. Wed 3rd No Mass. Fri 5th ( First Friday) No Mass. Sun 7th 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton
- I. P. Brendan Mullen. Main St, Delvin. Alan Geoghegan. Lacora Glen, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €735. Ren Fund: Weekly: €285. Monthly: €85. Annual: €1,800.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Ordination: Please pray for Rev. Fergal Cummins who will be ordained Priest for the Diocese of Meath in Ashbourne this Sunday.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Takes place next week from Mon 1st –Fri 5th Oct. It is led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. P. P. Bus will leave from Church carpark at 9am. We pray for all who are travelling from the parish, especially the sick.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith? In deepening your
faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism? Group commencing this
September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The new
Mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Day for Life: Next Sunday Oct 7th we celebrate “Day for Life”. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning
and value of human life and every stage and in every condition.
Confirmation: Confirmation for the children of the parish will take place in Delvin Church on Friday, February 15th at 3pm.
NET Ministries Team: We are preparing to welcome a NET Ministries Team to the parish to work with young people and
families during the coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days
each week. They will begin work on the week of Sept 30th .
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends this Sun Sept 30th . The New Year begins on Sunday 7th
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon.
Bring and Buy Sale: Will take place at Teresa Mc Cann & Martin Lynch home at Dardistown, Bracklyn on Sat 6th Oct
from 11am -3pm to raise funds for Delvin Hospice. All donations of clothes, bags, shoes are welcome.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Wed 10th October from 6.30pm-9pm. Information Sessions for Pupils and
Parents at 6.30pm. Contact Secretary at 046-9487894 for application forms.
Eureka Secondary School, Kells: Open Evening on Thurs 4th Oct from 5pm-7pm with Principal’s Address at 6.30pm.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture “ Captivity during the First World War” in Oldcastle Library on Sun
7th October at 3pm. All are Welcome.
Meningitis Foundation: Mick and Claire Kenny would like to thank all the people for their clothes donations for Meningitis
Foundation. Amount raised was €807.
Year B Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd September, 2018
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Ezra Mainwaring. Jean Flynn. Sun 23rd 11.00am Thomas (Tosh) Anderson. Teenie Greville MM
Mon 24th 9.30am Mass Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th No Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Michael Reilly. Sun 30th 11.00am Patrick & Annie Fitzsimons & DFM. Bride, Eugene & Patsy Garry . Frank & Mgt Mulvey & DFM.
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 23rd 9.30am Ann Kiernan. Willie Dunne & DFM. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Sun 30th 9.30am Stan Smyth
- R .I. P. Tommy Mc Guinness, Clonmellon. Michael Varley, Clonbur, Co. Galway. brother of late Mary Herward, Balrath, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €805. Ren Fund: Weekly: €335. Monthly: €135. Annual: €650.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith? In deepening your
faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism? Group commencing this
September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Meet on Tue night in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
Confirmation: Confirmation for the children of the parish will take place in Delvin Church on Friday, February 15th at 3pm.
NET Ministries Team: We are preparing to welcome a NET Ministries Team to the parish to work with young people and
families during the coming year. The team will be shared with two other parishes and will work in this parish for two days
each week. They will begin work on the week of Sept 30th .
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun Sept 30th . The New Year begins on Sunday 7th
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon. If
you are new to the parish and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Hall Centenary: This year we celebrate the centenary of St. Patrick’s Hall. The evening of entertainment that was planned
for the centenary has now been postponed..
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Recommences back in St. Patrick’s Hall on Tue 25th Sept at 10.30am. All new members are
welcome. The members will meet every 2 weeks after 25th Sept.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are back in the Hall on Thurs next Sept 27th starting at 11am. Hope to see ye all back.
Drumcree Bog Festival: The Festival that was to take place this Sunday has been cancelled due to weather conditions.
The Call to Holiness
Pope Francis states very clearly; ‘We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing
witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves’ . In every decision, we can discern how to reflect Jesus in
an authentic way, but it will be for us as it is with the saints.
Not everything a saint says is completely faithful to the Gospel; not everything he or she does is authentic or perfect.
What we need to contemplate is the totality of their life, their entire journey of growth in holiness, the reflection of
Jesus Christ that emerges when we grasp their overall meaning as a person… This is a powerful summons to all of
- You too need to see the entirety of your life as a mission…Allow the Spirit to forge in you the personal mystery
that can reflect Jesus Christ in today’s world…May you come to realize what that word is, the message of Jesus that
God wants to speak to the world by your life.
Message of Pope Francis in Croke Park.
Year B Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th September, 2018
Sat 15th 6.30pm Bridget Sheerin MM Sun 16th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray Mon 17th 9.30am Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th No Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Mass. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Ezra Mainwaring. Jean Flynn. Sun 23rd 11.00am Thomas (Tosh) Anderson. Teenie Greville MM
Confessions: 6pm
Sun 16th 9.30am Tom & Kathleen Monaghan. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am Ann Kiernan.
Willie Dunne & DFM
- I. P. Tony Moran. Hiskinstown, Delvin. Billy Mc Govern. Athboy. father of Brendan Mc Govern, Mooretown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €760. Ren Fund: Weekly: €390. Monthly: €70.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th October, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith? In deepening your
faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism? Group commencing this
September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Resumed on Tue last in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
Confirmation: Confirmation for the children of the parish will take place in Delvin Church on Friday, February 15th at 3pm.
Poor Clares: Cloister Day on Sat 22nd September from 10am-5pm. Contact
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Recommences on Tue 25th Sept at 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Hall. All new members are welcome.
The members will meet every 2 weeks after 25th Sept.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun Sept 30th . The New Year begins on Sunday 7th
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon. If
you are new to the parish and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Hall Centenary: This year we celebrate the centenary of St. Patrick’s Hall. The Hall was built as a Parish Church in 1832.
This is inscribed on a stone built into the internal wall at the back of the Hall. When the present Church was opened in 1880
the old Church was no longer used and fell into disrepair. The roof was taken off and it became derelict. In 1918 it was
decided to renovate the old Church to serve as a Parish Hall. It has been in continuous use since then, serving the Social and
recreational needs of the Community.
To mark the centenary an evening of entertainment will be held in the Hall on Saturday, October 7th . Details will be
announced later.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for the Hospice will take place on Fri 21st
September in Carmel Gaffney’s from 9.30am -1pm. As always we appreciate your support.
Mullingar Community College: Evening Course enrolment will take place on Mon 17th Sept from 7pm –8.30pm. Contact
086-6068810, or 086-0270991 for further information.
Drumcree Bog Festival: Demonstration of Slain Turf Cutting will take place on Sun 23rd September starting at 2pm.
Proceeds from the day going to Simon Community, Delvin Hospice and Fore Church Restoration Fund. All are Welcome
Feast of St. Matthew
Friday 21st September is the Feast of St. Matthew, he was a tax collector, may also be identified with Levi, son of
Alphaeus, in Mark 2;13. He is said to have been a missionary in Persia and Ethiopia. Patron of accountants, book-
keepers, tax-collectors, customs officers and security guards.
Year B Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th September, 2018
Sat 8th 6.3pam James & Patricia Dolan. Sun 9th 11.00am Harry & Noreen Barry. Mon 10th 9.30am Mass.
Tue 11th No Mass. Wed 12th No Mass. Thurs 13th 9.30am Mass. Fri 14th 9.30am Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Bridget Sheerin MM Sun 16th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray
Sun 9th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM. Wed 12th 9.30am Mary & Patrick Fox & DFM Sun 16th 9.30am Tom & Kathleen Monaghan
Offertory Collection: €795. Ren Fund: Weekly: €440. Monthly: €130.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith? In deepening your
faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism? Group commencing this
September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Will resume on Tue Sept 11th in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Wednesday next. We pray for
all pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by former Bishop Michael Smith.
Confirmation: Confirmation for the children of the parish will take place in Delvin Church on Friday, February 15th at 3pm.
New Bishop: We welcome our new Bishop, Most Rev Tom Deenihan, who was ordained Bishop last Sunday. We pray that
God will give him health and wisdom to carry out his new role.
Visit of Pope Francis: We thank God for the visit of Pope Francis. We pray that the Church in Ireland will continue to
enjoy the blessings of his visit. A leaflet containing extracts from his talks is available in both Churches.
Grandparents Pilgrimage: Annual National Grandparents Pilgrimage takes place this Sun Sept 9th at Knock Shrine at
2.30pm. This annual pilgrimage is a special day for grandparents and families, and a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge
the great contribution that grandparents make to Church, to family and to society in teaching and passing on the faith
Poor Clares: Cloister Day on Sat 22nd September from 10am-5pm. Contact
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun Sept 30th . The New Year begins on Sunday 7th
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon. If
you are new to the parish and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Meath Partnership: Free basic I Phone, I Pod Smart Phone, Laptop Course commencing in Delvin Hall on Mon September
10th . Course is 5 weeks. Time: 10am -12pm. Call Angela at 046-9280790
Meningitis Research Foundation: Mick and Claire Kenny are holding a clothes collection on 14th Sept in G. A. A. Park.
All clothes greatly appreciated for this worthy cause. Contact Mick at 087-1465545 if you need clothes collected.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for the Hospice will take place on Fri 21st
September in Carmel Gaffney’s from 9.30am -1pm. As always we appreciate your support.
Mullingar Community College: Evening Course enrolment will take place on Wed 12th Sept and Mon 17th Sept from 7pm
–8.30pm. Contact 086-6068810, or 086-0270991 for further information.
Year B Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd September, 2018
Sat 1st 6.30pm Patricia Byrne. Sun 2nd 11.00am Pat Mullen. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Cathy Sullivan Wed 5th No Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Mass. Sat 8th 6.30am
James & Patricia Dolan.
Sun 9th 11.00am Mass.
Sun 2nd 9.30am Tom & Ann Marie Nugent. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 9th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen & Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM.
Offertory Collection: €615. Ren Fund: Weekly: €240. Monthly: €30.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Ordination of the New Bishop: Canon Thomas Deenihan will be ordained Bishop of the Diocese this Sunday, September 2nd The ceremony will take place in the Cathedral, Mullingar at 3pm. We welcome Bishop Deenihan and pray that his ministry in the Diocese of Meath will be blessed. All are welcome to attend the ordination.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs 6th Sept at 8pm.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith? In deepening your
faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism? Group commencing this
September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Will resume on Tue Sept 11th in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September .Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad. 01-6359300.
Grandparents Pilgrimage: Annual National Grandparents Pilgrimage takes place on Sun Sept 9th at Knock Shrine at
2.30pm. This annual pilgrimage is a special day for grandparents and families, and a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge
the great contribution that grandparents make to Church, to family and to society in teaching and passing on the faith
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 8th September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €65. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Franciscan Sisters Centre, Ballinderry: Retreat on Sat 8th Sept from 9.45-5pm for young adults aged 18-40yrs. Contact or Sr. Una Kearney at 090-6471666
School Re- Opening: St. Ernan’s N. S will reopen on Mon 3rd September.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are having a Coffee Morning on Fri 7th Sept in Carmel Gaffney’s from 10am -1pm. We would
appreciate if you would do some baking as we are having a cake sale. Please bring in your Fundraiser Cards on the day.
Meath Partnership: Free basic I Phone, I Pod Smart Phone, Laptop Course commencing in Delvin Hall on Mon September
10th . Course is 5 weeks. Time: 10am -12pm. Call Angela at 046-9280790
Meningitis Research Foundation: Mick and Claire Kenny are holding a clothes collection on 14th Sept in G. A. A. Park.
All clothes greatly appreciated for this worthy cause. Contact Mick at 087-1465545 if you need clothes collected.
World Meeting of Families----the Hopes of Pope Francis
I hope that this festival will be a source of renewed encouragement to families everywhere, especially those families
that will be present in Dublin. May it remind us all of the essential place of the family in the life of society and in the
building of a better future for today’s young people. Young people are the future ! It is very important to prepare
them for the future, preparing them today, in the present but also rooted in the past: young people and
Year B Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th August, 2018
Sat 25th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 26th 10.30am Lawrence, Therese & Anita Leavy & DFM. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Mass. Wed 29th No Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri 31st 9.30am Cathy Sullivan Sat 1st 6.30pm
Patricia Byrne. Sun 2nd 11.00am Pat Mullen
Sun 26th 9.30am Nuala, Peggy & Matt Poynton & DFM Wed 29th 9.30am Mass. Sun 2nd 9.30am
Tom & Ann Marie Nugent
- I. P. Paddy Feery. Mountmellick, Laois. brother of Maurice Feery, Castletown, Delvin. Jackie O’ Brien, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €785. Ren Fund: Weekly: €545. Monthly: €115.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Ordination of the New Bishop: Canon Thomas Deenihan will be ordained Bishop of the Diocese on Sunday, September 2nd The ceremony will take place in the Cathedral, Mullingar at 3pm. All are welcome to attend.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith/?
In deepening your faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism?
Group commencing this September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Bible Study: Will resume on Tue Sept 11th in Fatima. We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles. Anybody who
missed the sessions before summer are welcome to join the group for autumn sessions.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September .Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad. 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: Will take place this weekend 18th/19th August. We appreciate
whatever support can be given to this worthy cause.
Catholic Grandparents Association: Annual National Grandparents Pilgrimage takes place on Sun Sept 9th at Knock
Shrine at 2.30pm.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 8th September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Franciscan Sisters Centre, Ballinderry: Retreat on Sat 8th Sept from 9.45-5pm for young adults aged 18-40yrs. Contact or Sr. Una Kearney at 090-6471666
VMM International Celebrates 50 Years of Lay Mission: Takes place in Dublin on Sept 1st . VMM was founded back in
- Further details
School Re- Opening: St. Tola’s N. S will reopen on Wed next Aug 29th . Crowenstown N. S on Wed 29th Aug. St. Ernan’s
- S on Mon 3rd September.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Thurs next 30th August in Fatima at 8.30pm. We are having a Coffee
Morning on Fri 7th Sept in Carmel Gaffney’s from 10am -1pm. We would appreciate if you would do some baking as we
are having a cake sale. Please bring in your Fundraiser Cards on the day.
Meath Partnership: Free basic I Phone, I Pod Smart Phone, Laptop Course commencing shortly in Delvin. Call Angela at
Year B Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th August, 2018
Sat 18th 6.30pm Jim Joe Murtagh. Sun 19th 11.00am Colin Clinton. Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Tom & Mary Allen Wed 22nd No Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Tom & Mgt Flanagan & DFM
Sat 25th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Sun 26th 11.00am Lawrence, Therese & Anita Leavy & DFM.
Sun 19th 9.30am Frances Comaskey, Dolores Mc Cormack Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Nuala, Peggy & Matt Poynton & DFM
Sunday Offertory Collection: €325. Delvin Cemetery: €2,060. Funeral Collection: €530. Patron Day Offerings: €1,140. 15th August €255.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings.
Cemetery Days: Many thanks to all who helped in preparation for Cemetery Days in Killulagh, Crowenstown and Delvin. Special thanks to the participants from the Rural Social Scheme and Fas. Thanks to the huge crowds that attended.
World Meeting of Families: Mass to mark the opening of the World Meeting of Families will be celebrated by Bishop
Michael Smith in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Tue 21st August at 7pm. Parishioners, especially Readers, Eucharistic
Ministers and members of Parish Committees, are invited to attend.
Tickets booked for events during World Meeting of Families will be available early next week. Buses will leave Delvin at the
following times: Wed 22nd 7.45am, Sat 25th 2pm, Sun 26th 11am.
Papal Flags and Bunting: You are encouraged to hang Papal Flags and Bunting from your homes during the coming week.
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith/?
In deepening your faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism?
Group commencing this September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September .Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad. 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: Will take place this weekend 18th/19th August. We appreciate
whatever support can be given to this worthy cause.
Catholic Grandparents Association: Annual National Grandparents Pilgrimage takes place on Sun Sept 9th at Knock
Shrine at 2.30pm.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 8th September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Franciscan Sisters Centre, Ballinderry: Retreat on Sat 8th Sept from 9.45-5pm for young adults aged128-40yrs. Contact or Sr. Una Kearney at 090-6471666
VMM International Celebrates 50 Years of Lay Mission: Takes place in Dublin on Sept 1st . VMM was founded back in
- Further details
Delvin Parish Annual: Thanks to all who contributed to the 32nd Edition of the Annual. Congratulations to the Editorial
Committee. Thanks to the Ladies who helped with the sale of the Parish Annual in the Cemetery. Copies are on sale in
Michael Leonard’s and Daybreak. Cost €7.
Coffee Morning: Thanks to all who supported and donated to the Coffee Morning in aid of the Missions on July 20th .
Amount €806.
Year B Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th August, 2018
Sat 11th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 12th 11.00am Johnny & Molly Mangan. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 7.30pm Mass. Wed 15th 11.00am Patrick & Margaret Farrelly & DFM Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Jim Joe Murtagh. Sun 19th 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Sun 12th 9.30am Colm Newman. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 19th 9.30am Frances Comaskey, Dolores Mc Cormack
- RI. P. Teresa (Teenie) Greville. Clondone, Delvin Bridgie Sheerin. Collinstown Rd, Delvin. Joe Fox, brother of late Pat Fox, Printinstown, who died in America.
Offertory Collection: €660. Killulagh Cemetery: €1,255. Ren. Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €80.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm. There will be no Baptism Course in August.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and this Wednesday is the Patron Day of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for ourselves and our Parish.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the
10,000pilgrims will be soon arriving in Ireland for the World Meeting of Families and families will be hosted in parishes
around our diocese. Tickets for the WMOF 2018 Closing Mass in the Pheonix Park on Sun 26th Aug will be issued on
August 10th as a print at home ticket.
The parish has 6 tickets (free ) available for the Festival of Families in Croke Park on Sat 25th . If anybody would like to
receive one please apply to the Parochial House before 7.30pm on Tue 14th .
Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Are you interested in learning more about your faith/?
In deepening your faith and is sharing it on the journey of life? In discovering the ‘Deposit of Faith’ in the catechism?
Group commencing this September. If interested please contact Parish Priest or Paul at 087-3430003.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place this Sunday 12th August. Led by Bishop Michael Smith. Mass at 3pm,
Preceeded by Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September .Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad. 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: Will take place on weekend of 18th/19th August. We appreciate
whatever support can be given to this worthy cause.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 8th September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Delvin Parish Annual: The 32nd Edition will be on sale this weekend after Cemetery Devotions. Cost €7. There will also
be copies available in the local shops.
Social Dancing: Will take place in Delvin Hall on Fri 17th August. Proceeds going to the Irish Red Cross. Please support.
Year B Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th August, 2018
Sat 4th 6.30pm Sean Mc Morrow & Grandson James. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior . Sun 5th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th No Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Sun 12th 11.00am Johnny & Molly Mangan
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 5th 9.30am Callan Family. 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery. Pat Leonard MM Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am
Colm Newman.
- I. P. Mike Curran, Edmonton, Canada. late of Southill, Delvin, brother of Breda Kiernan, Johnstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €805. Ren. Fund: Weekly €275. Monthly €55. Annual: €1,200.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm. There will be no Baptism Course in August.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday 12th August. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the
10,000pilgrims will be soon arriving in Ireland for the World Meeting of Families and families will be hosted in parishes
around our diocese. Tickets for the WMOF 2018 Closing Mass in the Pheonix Park on Sun 26th Aug will be issued on
August 10th as a print at home ticket.
For the Festival of Families in Croke Park on Sat 26th each parish will be allocated ten tickets for the event(in addition to
those already booked). Anybody who would like to receive one of these tickets should contact Parochial House before 6pm
on Monday 6th . If more than 10 apply, names will be drawn from a hat. Families who would like to represent the parish in
Croke Park should also contact Parochial House., If more than one family applies names will also be drawn from a hat.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 12th August. Led by Bishop Michael Smith. Mass at 3pm,
Preceeded by Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September ..Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad. 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection: Will take place on weekend of 18th/19th August. We appreciate whatever support
can be given to this worthy cause.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm this Sun 5th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 6th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 11th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the
upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided
in the Cemetery.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 8th September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Found: Black Purse was found in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Please contact Parochial House.
Year B Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th July, 2018
Sat 28th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Sun 29th 11.00am John Comaskey. Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 31st 9.30am Mass. Wed 1st No Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am Kevin Power. Fri( First Friday) 7.30pm Michael, Bridget & Thomas Coyne. Sat 4th 6.30pm Sean Mc Morrow & Grandson James. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior . Sun 5th 11.00am Patricia Smyth.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 29th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King. Wed 1st 9.30am Mass. Fri( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 5th 9.30am Callan Family.
- I. P. Alan Crowe, Rockview, Delvin. Pat Tansey, Turin. Rose Larkin, Raharney. formerly Rosmead, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €905. Ren. Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €105.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm. There will be no Baptism Course in August.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. Anybody wishing to register for the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park can do so online Those who have
registered as part of the Parish Group will receive their tickets before end of July.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. There are only 5 seats left, if
you are thinking of going please contact Alice 087-4147871. Closing Date is 30th July.
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: The Summer Festival that was to take place in Cistercian College, Roscrea the weekend of
Thurs 16th Aug – Sunday 18th . Please note it is now cancelled.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun next 5th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 6th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 11th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the
upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided
in the Cemetery.
Irish Cancer Society: Needs an extra 50 drivers for our Volunteer Driver Service in Meath to drive patients to and from
their chemotherapy appointments in the following hospitals, The Mater, St. James’s, St. Vincents and Tallaght. If you would
like to volunteer please contact Laura at 01-2310594, email
Found: Black Purse was found in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Please contact Parochial House.
Call to Holiness
Our individual missions on earth as Christians are our particular and distinctive paths to holiness. They come to
have their fullest expression in Christ and can only be understood through him, with our holiness entailing
experiencing with Christ the mysteries of his life. This means dying and rising anew with him, but can also mean
reproducing, for example, his hidden life, his life in community, his poverty, or his closeness to outcasts.
Contemplating these mysteries can lead us to reflect them in our own choices and attitudes, and we grow in holiness,
as we model our lives on that of Jesus. Pope Francis.
Year B Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd July, 2018
Sat 21st 6.30pm Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Sun 22nd 11.00am Liz Mullen. Mon 23rd No Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th No Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th No Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Sun 29th 11.00am
John Comaskey
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 22nd 9.30am Larry Monaghan MM Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Sun 29th 9.30am Edward & Ursula King.
Offertory Collection: €710. Ren. Fund: Weekly €370. Monthly € 40.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Masses during the Week: There will be Mass on Tuesday and Thursday in Delvin at 9.30am. Mass on Wednesday in Killulagh at 9.30am.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm. There will be no Baptism Course in August.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. Anybody wishing to register for the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park can do so online Those who have
registered as part of the Parish Group will receive their tickets before end of July.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. There are only 5 seats left, if
you are thinking of going please contact Alice 087-4147871. Closing Date is 30th July.
St. Columban’s Dalgan Park: Young Adults aged 18-45 are invited to weekend of Prayer & Reflection from 20-22nd July
Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Will take place in Cistercian College, Roscrea the weekend of Thurs 16th Aug – Sunday
18th . It is for young people aged 16-35yrs. Please book online at Poster on Notice Board.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun 5th August. Mass in the New Cemetery
at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 6th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 11th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the
upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their graves in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided
in the Cemetery.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are going on a Day Trip to Kildare on Thursday next July 26th . Bus will leave from Carmel
Gaffney’s at 9.30am sharp.
Irish Cancer Society: Needs an extra 50 drivers for our Volunteer Driver Service in Meath to drive patients to and from
their chemotherapy appointments in the following hospitals, The Mater, St. James’s, St. Vincents and Tallaght. If you would
like to volunteer please contact Laura at 01-2310594, email
Call to Holiness
Holiness grows through small gestures. Refusing to engage in gossip, listening patiently to the cares of others, turning
to Mary and praying the Rosary at a time of anxiety, and speaking kindly with a poor person in the street are all
the kind of small steps that help make us holy. Holiness can be achieved through living in the moment, and trying to
make ordinary moments occasions of extraordinary love. Pope Francis.
Year B Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th July, 2018
Sat 14th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Sun 15th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard. Mon 16th No Mass.
Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th No Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Willie Walsh & son Ciaran. Sun 22nd 11.00am Liz Mullen.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 15th 9.30am Johnny Kelly & DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Sun 22nd 9.30am
Larry Monaghan MM
- I. P. Noel Farrelly, Kilpatrick, Collinstown.
Offertory Collection: €940. Ren. Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly € 30.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Masses during the Week: There will be Mass on Tuesday and Thursday in Delvin at 9.30am. Mass on Wednesday in Killulagh at 9.30am.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th September, at 8pm. There will be no Baptism Course in August.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday night in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. Anybody wishing to register for the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park can do so online Those who have
registered as part of the Parish Group will receive their tickets before end of July.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Mullingar Deanery Pioneers: Bus to Knock for Matt Talbot Pilgrimage this Sun 15th July. Contact 087-7944690.
St. Columban’s Dalgan Park: Young Adults aged 18-45 are invited to weekend of Prayer & Reflection from 20-22nd July
Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Will take place in Cistercian College, Roscrea the weekend of Thurs 16th Aug – Sunday
18th . It is for young people aged 16-35yrs. Please book online at Poster on Notice Board.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sunday 5th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 6th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in
Delvin on Saturday 11th 7pm.
Killulagh Apostolic Society: Coffee Morning and Cake Sale will take place on Fri 20th July from 10am -1pm in Carmel
Gaffney’s Proceeds going to the Missions. We appreciate your support.
Irish Cancer Society: Needs an extra 50 drivers for our Volunteer Driver Service in Meath to drive patients to and from
their chemotherapy appointments in the following hospitals, The Mater, St. James’s, St. Vincents and Tallaght. If you would
like to volunteer please contact Laura at 01-2310594, email
Call to Holiness
We are called to holiness in our own distinct and special ways, women as much as men, and ordinary people as
much as clergy and religious. People called to the consecrated life can be holy by living their commitments joyfully,
married people by loving and caring for their spouses, workers by labouring honestly and skillfully in the service of
others, parents and grandparents by patiently teaching children to follow Jesus, and people in authority by working
for the common good and renouncing personal gain.
Pope Francis.
Year B Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th July, 2018
Sat 7th 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Sun 8th 11.00am Bernie Mc Grath MM Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th No Mass. Thurs 12th No Mass. Fri 13th No Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Sun 15th 11.00am Tom & Maggie Leonard.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 8th 9.30am Martin Carroll Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Sun 15th 9.30am Johnny Kelly & DFM Kelly Family, Caddagh.
- I. P. Colette Graham, (nee Timmons). Dublin. formerly Ellenstown, Delvin. Pat Leonard. Crookedwood, formerly Ballinvalley, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €825. Ren. Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly € 115.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in the Church due to Summer Camp taking Place in Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th July, at 8pm.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. Anybody wishing to register for the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park can do so online Those who have
registered as part of the Parish Group will receive their tickets before end of July. You will be contacted soon about
arranging Bus Transport to events during WMOF.
Mullingar Deanery Pioneers: Bus to Knock for Matt Talbot Pilgrimage on Sun 15th July. Contact 087-7944690.
St. Columban’s Dalgan Park:Young Adults aged 18-45 are invited to weekend of Prayer & Reflection from 20-22nd July
Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Will take place in Cistercian College, Roscrea the weekend of Thurs 16th Aug – Sunday
18th . It is for young people aged 16-35yrs. Please book online at Poster on Notice Board.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates: Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sunday 5th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 6th August at 7pm, and Cemetery Day in
Delvin on Saturday 11th 7pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are going on a Day Trip on 26th July to Japanese Gardens and Newbridge Cutlery, Kildare.
If you would like to go please contact Mary at 087-7723245 or Kathleen at 087-9768703 by Monday 9th July.
Ceili: For Delvin Friendship Club Members who are attending the Ceili in Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar on Tue next 10th
July. Bus will be leaving from Carmel Gaffney’s at 1pm sharp.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Book – Keeper. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931 for further
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Delvin Hospice Homecare Committee would like to thank Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National
Award Winning Garden for their Open Day last Sunday and giving the proceeds to Delvin Hospice. It was a great success.
Thanks to all the people from far and near who visited the Garden on the day.
Delvin Country Music Festival: Takes place in Delvin this weekend. Starting Fri 6th July to Sun 8th . Tractor Run will take
place on Sun 8th and it is part of the festival. We hope you will come and support this event. Proceeds going to Hospice.
Whist: Whist will be in the Hall as usual on Sunday night.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: “Sport in Ireland during the Great Famine” in Trim Library 8th July at 3pm.
Table Quiz: The 9th Annual Table Quiz in aid of Oncology Unit at St. James’ Hospital, Dublin will take place on Friday 13th
July in Dolores Gaffney’s at 9pm. As always we appreciate your support on the night.
Year B Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st July, 2018
Sat 30th 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 1st 11.00am Peggy Lenihan. Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM. Mon 2nd 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th No Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Joseph Gray, Joe & Annie Kate Gray. Sat 7th 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Sun 8th 11.00am Bernie Mc Grath MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 1st 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am
Martin Carroll
Offertory Collection: €815. Special Collection: €1,005. Ren. Fund: Weekly €290. Monthly € 125.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in the Church due to Summer Camp taking Place in Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th July, at 8pm.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
World Meeting of Families: Thanks to all who contributed to the special collection last weekend for World Meeting of
Families. Information about the programme is available on the website Anybody
wishing to register for the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park can do so online The Icon of the Holy Family will be in the
Cathedral, Mullingar from Fri June 29th until Monday July 2nd. Parishioners are invited to visit the Cathedral and pray for
family life and for the World Meeting of Families.
Those who have registered as part of the Parish Group will receive their tickets before end of July. You will be contacted
soon about arranging Bus Transport to events during WMOF.
Family Day Celebrations: The 29th June marks the centenary of the Missionary Society of St. Columban. A Family and
Mission Day will be celebrated on 1st July at our home in Dalgan Park. Mass to mark the Centenary will be celebrated at
12.30pm by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, President of the World Meeting of Families. This will be followed by many
different activities including a multicultural concert celebrating Columban Mission. Please join us in Dalgan Park on July 1st
Mullingar Deanery Pioneers: Bus to Knock for Matt Talbot pilgrimage on Sun 15th July. Anyone wishes to travel should
contact 087-7944690.
St. Columban’s Dalgan Park:Young Adults aged 18-45 are invited to weekend of Prayer & Reflection from 20-22nd July
Contact Sr. Una at 090-6481666
Summer Camp: The Annual Parish Summer Camp will take place on Mon 2nd July to Fri 6th July in Fatima Hall from 10am
-1pm each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4th to 6th class. The cost is €10. per person and €15 per family. It
promises to be a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendships. Further information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Registration forms can be handed in at the Parochial House before Monday.
Annual Parish Magazine: We are nearly finished editing the Annual Parish Magazine. Deadline is Fri 6th July.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are going on a Day Trip on 26th July to Japanese Gardens and Newbridge Cutlery, Kildare.
If you would like to go please contact Mary at 087-7723245 by Friday 6th July.
St. Tola’s Summer Camp: Starts 2nd July-5th July from 10am-2pm. Organised by Fully Qualified Teachers. All children
from the parish are very welcome, age group from 4-10yrs. Cost €55.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Book – Keeper. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931 for further
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the public this
Sun 1st July from 12noon to 6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Delvin Country Music Festival: Takes place in Delvin next weekend. Starting Fri 6th July to Sun 8th . Tractor Run will take
place on Sun 8th and it is part of the festival. We hope you will come and support this event. Proceeds going to Hospice.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: “Sport in Ireland during the Great Famine” in Trim Library 8th July at 3pm.
Year B The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 24th June, 2018
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Cora & Tommy Timmons. Tom & Phyllis Murphy & Murphy Family. Sun 24th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly Families. Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass.. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass. Fri 29th 9.30am Mass. Sat 30th 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 1st 11.00am Peggy Lenihan. Angela & Matt Monaghan & DFM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 24th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Sun 1st 9.30am Oliver Kiernan.
- I. P. Deborah Confrey. The Courtyard, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €900. Ren. Fund: Weekly €400. Monthly € 170.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm an d 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th July, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
New Bishop: We welcome the newly appointed Bishop of the Diocese. Mgr Thomas Dennihan, a native of Cork. Information about his background can be found on the Diocesan website and in the local papers. He will be ordained Bishop in the Cathedral, Mullingar on Sunday, September 2nd . We pray that God will bless him in his new role as leader of the Diocese. We thank God for the service given by Bishop Smith as a priest and Bishop of the Diocese.
Loughcrew: Annual Mass in homour of St. Oliver Plunkett takes place in Loughcrew, Oldcastle on Sun 1st July at 3pm.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. Online registration for ticket for the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park will open on Monday 25th June.
A special collection to defray the expenses of the World Meeting of Families will be taken up this weekend. The Icon of the
Holy Family will be in the Cathedral, Mullingar from Fri June 29th until Monday July 2nd. Parishioners are invited to visit
the Cathedral and to pray for family life and for the World Meeting of Families.
Family Day Celebrations: The 29th June marks the centenary of the Missionary Society of St. Columban. A Family and
Mission Day will be celebrated on 1st July at our home in Dalgan Park. Mass to mark the Centenary will be celebrated at
12.30pm by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, President of the World Meeting of Families. This will be followed by many
different activities including a multicultural concert celebrating Columban Mission. Please join us in Dalgan Park on July 1st
for a day of celebration and thanksgiving.
Mullingar Deanery Pioneers: Bus to Knock for Matt Talbot pilgrimage on Sun 15th July. Anyone wishes to travel should
contact 087-7944690.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thurs 28th June starting at 11am.
Summer Camp: The Annual Parish Summer Camp will take place on Mon 2nd July to Fri 6th July in Fatima Hall from 10am
-1pm each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4th to 6th class. The cost is €10. per person and €15 per family. It
promises to be a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendships. Further information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 32nd Edition. If you
have any baptism, wedding or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so by Friday 22nd June.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Book – Keeper. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931 for further
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the public on Sun
1st July from 12noon to 6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
Westmeath Co. Council: Will be closing the road from Church Gates to Clonagapple on Monday next, June 25th .
Year B Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th June, 2018
Sat 16th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Sun 17th 11.00am Gertie Kelly MM. Paddy Gaffney. Tommy Murphy. Mon 18th 9.30am Jimmy Mullen. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th No Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am
Baby Marcus Daugella. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Cora & Tommy Timmons. Tom & Phyllis Murphy & Murphy Family. Sun 24th 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly Families.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 17th 9.30am Antionette & Mark Faulkner. Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell
- RI. P. Bernie Mc Grath. Cartenstown, Delvin. Larry Monaghan, England, brother of late Richard and Danny Monaghan, who was buried in Killulagh..
Offertory Collection: €820. Funeral Collection: €920. Ren. Fund: Weekly €535. Monthly € 180. Annual: €250.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th July, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Shea Thomas Mc Quaid. Casey Rose Farrelly. Erin Stenson. Bill Anthony Fox. Sean Luke Newman. Joe Boyle. Logan Thomas Powell. Ned Connell Monaghan.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Loughcrew: Annual mass in homour of St. Oliver Plunkett takes place in Loughcrew, Oldcastle on Sun 1st July at 3pm.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. It is still possible to book for somedays of the Congress in the RDS on Aug 22nd , 23rd & 24th . Information about
Tickets for the Festival of Families in Croke Park on Aug 25th and the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park will be available in
the coming weeks.
A special collection to defray the expenses of the World Meeting of Families will be taken up next weekend. The Icon of the
Holy Family will be in the Cathedral, Mullingar from Fri June 29th until Monday July 2nd. Parishioners are invited to visit
the Cathedral and to pray for family life and for the World Meeting of families. We hope to arrange a visit for a group from
the parish also. Details later.
St. Patrick’s N. S Crowenstown: Are having a 50th Anniversary Celebration this weekend, June 17th . Past Pupils and
Families are invited to the school from 2pm -6pm for a Walk down Memory Lane. Any photos from past events to display
on the day would be very welcome. They will be returned.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima on Thursday next 21st June at 9pm. Please attend.
Summer Camp: The Annual Parish Summer Camp will take place on Mon 2nd July to Fri 6th July in Fatima Hall from 10am
-1pm each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4th to 6th class. The cost is €10. per person and €15 per family. It
promises to be a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendships. Further information contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-3642363.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 32nd Edition. If you
have any baptism, wedding or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so by Friday 22nd June.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers, General Operatives and Book – Keeper. Please contact
- E. Office at 044-9664931 for further information.
Conquer Cancer Collection: Thanks to all who contributed to the collection. Amount was €150.
Alzheimer’s Tea Day: A big thanks to all who supported our Annual Alzheimer’s Tea Day in Fore. Amount was €1,044
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the public on Sun
1st July from 12noon to 6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare.
YEAR B Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10th June, 2018
Sat 9th 6.30pm Mary Lynch MM. Pauline Coll. Maura Carroll. Sun 10th 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Andy Leonard. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th No Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & Parents. Sun 17th 11.00am Gertie Kelly MM. Paddy Gaffney.
Tommy Murphy.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 10th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. Wed 14th 9.30am Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Antionette & Mark Faulkner
- RI. P. Thomas Keary. late of Clonkeen, Streete, who died in Canada. brother of Bridie Walsh. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Larry Monaghan, brother of late Richard and Danny Monaghan, who died in England.
Offertory Collection: €830. Easter Dues: €1,160.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th June, at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Shay Joseph Smyth. Isabella Mc Cormack. T. J. Clune. Blake Davis Tenanty. Lucy Ella Ledwith. Shauna Annie Ivory. Ava Jane Ivory. Alex Murtagh. Aaron Patrick Cogan. Tadhg Patrick Clune. Robyn Mc Quaid. Beibhinn O’ Shaughnessy. Mason Monaghan. William Joseph Whyte.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues Collection last weekend.
St. Joseph’s young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 23rd June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105 as soon as possible.
National Charismatic Renewal Conference: Will take place in The Concert Hall, RDS Dublin on Sat 16th June .
Poster on Notice Board.
World Meeting of Families: Information about the programme is available on the website
/wmof2018. It is still possible to book for somedays of the Congress in the RDS on Aug 22nd , 23rd & 24th . Information about
Tickets for the Festival of Families in Croke Park on Aug 25th and the Papal Mass in the Pheonix Park will be available in
the coming weeks.
Study the Catechism: Groups are being organised for adults to read and discuss the content of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church. An information evening about this initiative will be held in the Parish Centre, Navan on Friday next, June
15th at 8pm. All are Welcome. If anybody is interested but can’t attend the meeting on Friday night please contact the
Parochial House.
Golden Jubilee: A celebration to mark the Golden Jubilee of the Ordination of Fr. Patrick Moore P. P. Castlepollard will be
held in Castlepollard Church on Fri 15th at 7pm. All are Welcome.
St. Patrick’s N. S Crowenstown: Are having a 50th Anniversary Celebration on June 17th . Past Pupils and Families are
invited to the school from 2pm -6pm for a Walk down Memory Lane. Any photos from past events to display on the
day would be very welcome. They will be returned.
Tidy Towns: There will be an Open Tidy Towns Meeting in Carmel Gaffney’s on Tue next June 12th at 8pm.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 32nd Edition. If you
have any baptism, wedding or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so by Friday 22nd June.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers, General Operatives and Book – Keeper. Please contact
- E. Office at 044-9664931 for further information.
Coffee Boutique: Are performing a Sunday Busking this Sun 10th June from 12noon. Proceeds going to Larcc,
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting Wed 13th at 9pm in Dolores Gaffney’s Sherwin’s Open Garden Day on 1st July.
YEAR B Corpus Christi: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 3rd June, 2018
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Michael Malone. Pearse Mc Cormack. Sun 3rd 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward. Mon 4th
9.30am John & Ann Devine & DFM. Tue 5th 9.30am Patrick Donlon & son Pat, John Heffernan. Wed 6th No Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm Mary Lynch MM. Pauline Coll. Maura Carroll. Sun 10th 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Andy Leonard.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 3rd 9.30am Martin & Julia Kineavey, sons Tommy, Christy, & Martin Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Sun 10th 9.30am
Willie Loughlin.
- RI. P. Sally Willoughby. (nee Philbin) Thurles, Tipperary, formerly Ballinlough, Delvin. Philomena Dennison. (nee Daly) who died in England, native of Clondone, Delvin. Ettie Mc Donagh, Newcastle West, Limerick.(nee Gaynor), late of Lisclougher, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €765. Ren Fund: Weekly €445. Monthly €50.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
St. Joseph’s young Priests Society: Meeting on Thursday 7th June at 8pm in the Parochial House. Our Annual Pilgrimage
to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105
as soon as possible.
National Charismatic Renewal Conference: Will take place in The Concert Hall, RDS Dublin on Sat 16th June .
Poster on Notice Board.
World Meeting of Families: Those who wish to participate in the World Meeting of Families are invited to register through
the parish. The main events will be a Congress in the R. D. S. on Wednesday, August 22nd , A Festival of Families in Croke
Park on Saturday 25th August and the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park on Sunday August 26th . If parishioners register as a
group they will be seated together in the R. D. S. , Croke Park and the Phoenix Park. A free ticket for the Festival of
Families and the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park is guaranteed to anybody who registers for the Congress in the R.D.S on
Wednesday 22nd . The ticket for the R.D.S costs €38. A form for those who wish to register as a Parish Group for
Wednesday 22nd in the R.D.S is available at the back of the Church. Please complete it and return it to the Parochial House.
If there is enough people travelling we will arrange a bus.
St. Patrick’s N. S Crowenstown: Are having a 50th Anniversary Celebration on June 17th . Past Pupils and Families are
invited to the school from 2pm -6pm for a Walk down Memory Lane. Any photos from past events to display on the
day would be very welcome. They will be returned.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Women’s Mini Marathon will take place this Sun 3rd June in Dublin.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima on Thursday next June 7th at 9 pm. Please attend.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 32nd Edition. If you
have any baptism, wedding or old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so by Friday 22nd June.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers, General Operatives and Book – Keeper. Please contact
- E. Office at 044-9664931 for further information.
YEAR B The Most Holy Trinity 27th May, 2018
Sat 26th 6.30 pm Josephine Murtagh & grandchild Dillon. Sun 27th 11.00am Tom & Marie Mc Enerney. Mon 28th No Mass. Tue 29th No Mass. Wed 30th No Mass Thurs 31st No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Noel Renehan. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Michael Malone. Pearse Mc Cormack. Sun 3rd 11.00am James, Mary & John Herward.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 27th 9.30am Richard & Danny Monaghan Wed 30th No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 3rd 9.30am Martin & Julia Kineavey, sons Tommy, Christy, & Martin
- I. P. Lucy Mc Givney, Coolarty, Longford. sister of Teresa Feery. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €730. Ren Fund: Weekly €390. Monthly €185.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
St. Joseph’s young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105 as soon as possible.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Events for the Pilgrimage Season May 24th – October 14th .See Poster on Notice Board.
National Charismatic Renewal Conference: Will take place in The Concert Hall, RDS Dublin on Sat 16th June .
Poster on Notice Board.
Gathering for Returned Volunteers & Lay/ Religious Missionaries: Have you ever worked overseas as a volunteer or
missionary in Africa, Asia or South America?. Would you like to meet up with like-minded people in an informal network.
Meeting takes place at Dalgan Park, Navan at 7.30pm on Tue 29th May. All are Welcome. Contact 083-8422468.
World Meeting of Families: Those who wish to participate in the World Meeting of Families are invited to register through
the parish. The main events will be a Congress in the R. D. S. on Wednesday, August 22nd , A Festival of Families in Croke
Park on Saturday 25th August and the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park on Sunday August 26th . If parishioners register as a
group they will be seated together in the R. D. S. , Croke Park and the Phoenix Park. A free ticket for the Festival of
Families and the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park is guaranteed to anybody who registers for the Congress in the R.D.S on
Wednesday 22nd . The ticket for the R.D.S costs €38. A form for those who wish to register as a Parish Group for
Wednesday 22nd in the R.D.S is available at the back of the Church. Please complete it and return it to the Parochial House.
If there is enough people travelling we will arrange a bus.
St. Patrick’s N. S Crowenstown: Are having a 50th Anniversary Celebration on June 17th . Past Pupils and Families are
invited to the school from 2pm -6pm for a Walk down Memory Lane. Any photos from past events to display on the
day would be very welcome. They will be returned.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Women’s Mini Marathon will take place on Sun 3rd June in Dublin.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 32nd Edition. If you
have any old photos you would like to submit or articles please do so by Friday 22nd June.
YEAR B Pentecost Sunday 20th May, 2018
Sat 19th 6.30pm Mary Mullally MM, Michael Mullally. Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 20th 11.00am Dick, Lily, Jimmy & baby Patrick Mullen. Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM. Wed 23rd No Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30 pm Josephine Murtagh & grandchild Dillon.
Sun 27th 11.00am Tom & Marie Mc Enerney.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 20th 9.30am Bridie Dugdale Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sun 27th 9.30am Richard & Danny Monaghan
- RI. P. Gertie Kelly. Mitchelstown, Delvin. Martha Comaskey. Graftonstown, Delvin. Bernie Allan. Raharney, (nee Mc Carthy) formerly Dardistown, Bracklyn..
Offertory Collection: €795. Funeral Collection: €305. Ren Fund: Weekly €425. Monthly €90. Annual: €500.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our Confirmation.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
24 Hours Adoration: There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 10pm this Sunday, May 20th until 10pm on Monday
May 21st. People who come to Adoration ate invited to pray for the protection of human life at all stages and that the
protection of the unborn may continue to be enshrined in the Constitution. A sign up sheet will be available in the Church
during the week. Those who normally come for Adoration on Mondays can come at the same time.
St. Joseph’s young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105 as soon as possible.
St. Patrick’s N. S Crowenstown: Are having a 50th Anniversary Celebration on June 17th . Past Pupils and Families are
invited to the school from 2pm -6pm for a Walk down Memory Lane. Any photos from past events to display on the
day would be very welcome. They will be returned.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get- together will be in the Hall on Thursday next May 24th starting at 11am.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Drumcree Bog Festival is now cancelled until further notice. Women’s Mini Marathon will
take place on Sun 3rd June.
Vote for Life
With less than a week to go to the referendum, there remains a lot of confusion among the electorate about what the
proposal entails. We are not voting on a solution to the complex cases that have touched the hearts and minds of
many people. We are voting on whether to take away the only legal protection in the Constitution for all unborn
children-healthy babies in the womb as well as babies who may have a life-limiting disability. Our faith requires us
to be compassionate but let me be clear-there is no semblance of compassion involved in ending the life of any child
in the womb. I urge you to cast your vote for a society that cherishes the equal right to life of every person. You can
do this by voting NO on Friday.
Comment by Bishop Michael Smith.
YEAR B The Ascension of the Lord 13th May, 2018
Sat 12th 6.30am Tom, Nellie & Bl. Lal Timmons. Sun 13th 11.00am Christopher & Kathleen Casserly & son Christy. Pat & Marcella Devine & DFM. Mon 14th 9.30am Helen & Betty Corcoran & DFM. Tue 15th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan, son Frank and daughter Phyllis. Mick & Mary Sheerin & DFM. Wed 16th No Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Mass. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Mary Mullally MM, Michael Mullally. Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 20th 11.00am Dick, Lily, Jimmy & baby Patrick Mullen.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 13th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe. Wed 16th 7.30pm Nellie Nelson. Seamus Mc Grath & DFM. Sun 20th 9.30am Bridie Dugdale
- RI. P. Mary Lynch, late of Ballinn, Delvin. sister of Pat Lynch. Reynella. Kitty Heffernan, Turin.
Offertory Collection: €1,010. Ren Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €135.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to all the children who received First Holy Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Parents , Teachers and all who helped them prepare for their big day.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th June, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is also World Communications Day.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our Confirmation.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
24 Hours Adoration: There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 10pm on Sunday, May 20th until 10pm on Monday
May 21st. People who come to Adoration ate invited to pray for the protection of human life at all stages and that the
protection of the unborn may continue to be enshrined in the Constitution. A sign up sheet will be available in the Church
during the week. Those who normally come for Adoration on Mondays can come at the same time.
St. Joseph’s young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen at 087-9768703, or Margaret at 087-7688105 as soon as possible.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up last Sunday and done 5k Walk in Archerstown. Thanks to Gerry
and Philomena Cooke for organising it. Drumcree Bog Festival is now cancelled until further notice. Women’s Mini
Marathon will take place on Sun 3rd June.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on next Thursday May 17th in Fatima at 9pm
Protection of the Unborn.
“It is necessary to reaffirm our solid opposition to any direct offense against life, especially
when innocent and defenseless, and the unborn child in its mother’s womb is the
quintessence of innocence.” Pope Francis.
Year B Sixth Sunday of Easter 6th May, 2018
Sat 5th 6.30pm Jackie Branagan MM. John, Anthony, Thomas & Mary Branagan. Sun 6th 11.00am Michael & Mary Brady.
Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass. Wed 9th No Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Oliver & Mary Burke & DFM
Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 6.30am Tom, Nellie & Bl. Lal Timmons. Sun 13th 11.00am Christopher & Kathleen Casserly & son Christy. Pat & Marcella Devine & DFM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 6th 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton. Margaret Bennett. Wed 9th 9.30am Mass. Sun 13th 9.30am Micheal & Betty O’ Keeffe.
R I. P. Patrick Vincent Lennon. Kilbeggan. father of Geraldine Fallon. Balrath, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €795. Ren Fund: Weekly €370. Monthly €120. Annual: €655.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
First Holy Communion: Takes place on Sat 12th May at 10.30am in Delvin and 12.30pm in Killulagh.
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Bible Group: The group continues for the next four weeks. Even if you missed the first or second session you can still join
us on Tuesday next in Fatima at 8pm.
Bishop’s Statement: Bishop Smith has issued a statement about the Referendum on the Repeal of the 8th Amendment. The
Bishop’s statement is being read at Masses this weekend. Copies of the statement are available in the Church. You are
invited to take a copy home.
24 Hours Adoration: There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 10pm on Sunday, May 20th until 10pm on Monday
May 21st. People who come to Adoration ate invited to pray for the protection of human life at all stages and that the
protection of the unborn may continue to be enshrined in the Constitution. A sign up sheet will be available in the Church
during the week. Those who normally come for Adoration on Mondays can come at the same time.
St. Patrick’s Hall: This year we celebrate the centenary of St. Patrick’s Hall. It is a wonderful resource for the parish. We
are grateful to all who have cared for the hall over the years and those who continue to do so. The Hall Committee are
planning a celebration to mark the occasion in the autumn. It is hoped to have an exhibition of photographs as part of the
celebration. If you have old photographs from activities in the Hall the Committee would be grateful to receive them on
loan. Please contact Paddy Geoghegan or Michael Leonard if you have photographs.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Forthcoming Events: 5k Walk will take place in Archerstown this Sun 6th May at 12noon.
Drumcree Bog Festival takes place on Sun 20th May. Women’s Mini Marathon will take place on Sun 3rd June.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair this Sun 6th May from 12noon -6pm, in the
Salesyard, Delvin. We kindly appreciate your support.
Family Carers Ireland: Are you caring for a family member at home? Then you are a Family Carer, become a member of
Family Carers Ireland and benefit from a local and national network that helps family carers who need advice For further
information contact 057-9822920 or
Men’s Shed: Are organising a Play entitled From Under The Bed on Thursday 10th May in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin.
Tickets €15. Starts at 8pm. We appreciate your support.
Year B Fifth Sunday of Easter 29th April, 2018
Sat 28th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. James & Angela Doyle. Moyleroe Sun 29th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly.
Mon 30th 9.30am Mass. Tue 1st 9.30am Owen Moore. Wed 2nd No Mass. Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Frank & Ellen Clarke & DFM. Bill & Kitty Donlon & Danny Gilmartin. Sat 5th 6.30pm Jackie Branagan MM. John, Anthony, Thomas & Mary Branagan. Sun 6th 11.00am Michael & Mary Brady.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 29th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri 4th 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 6th 9.30am
Tom & Patricia Egginton. Margaret Bennett.
R.I. P. Mary Mullally. Ballyhealy, Delvin. John Mullen. late of Balrath, who died in Canada. Owen Moore, late of Stonestown, who died in Canada.
Offertory Collection: ( Vocations Sunday ) €1,120. Ren Fund: Weekly €700. Monthly €350.
Bible Alive: May Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Vocations Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the Offertory Collection last weekend for Vocations.
St. Josephs Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday 3rd May at 8pm.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Bible Group: The group began on Tuesday last and continues for the next five weeks. Even if you missed the first session
you can still join us on Tuesday next in Fatima at 8pm.
St. Patrick’s Hall: This year we celebrate the centenary of St. Patrick’s Hall. It is a wonderful resource for the parish. We
are grateful to all who have cared for the hall over the years and those who continue to do so. The Hall Committee are
planning a celebration to mark the occasion in the autumn. It is hoped to have an exhibition of photographs as part of the
celebration. If you have old photographs from activities in the Hall the Committee would be grateful to receive them on
loan. Please contact Paddy Geoghegan or Michael Leonard if you have photographs.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Forthcoming Events: 5k Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 6th May at 12noon.
Drumcree Bog Festival takes place on Sun 20th May. Women’s Mini Marathon will take place on Sun 3rd June.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sun 6th May from 12noon -6pm, in the Salesyard,
Delvin. We kindly appreciate your support.
Family Carers Ireland: Are you caring for a family member at home? Then you are a Family Carer, become a member of
Family Carers Ireland and benefit from a local and national network that helps family carers who need advice For further
information contact 057-9822920 or
Annual Alzheimer’s Tea Day: Will take place on Thurs 3rd May from 11am – 5pm in Fore Abbey, Coffee Shop.
Protection of the Unborn
“ Our defence of the innocent unborn…needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a
human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of
development.” Pope Francis. .
Year B Fourth Sunday of Easter 22nd April, 2018
Sat 21st 6.30pm Monica & Edward Cusack. Jack Ivory. Sun 22nd 11.00am Nicholas Grassick. Mary Mc Cann. Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass Tue 24th 9.30am Joseph & Margaret Martin. Wed 25th No Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Mass. Fri 27th 9.30am Mass. Sat 28th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. James & Angela Doyle. Moyleroe Sun 29th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 22nd 9.30am Sean Newman. Wed 25th 9.30am Tom Dullard. Sun 29th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith.
Offertory Collection: €1,070. Ren Fund: Weekly €350. Monthly €55.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Vocations: This Sunday is Vocations Sunday. Offertory Collection will go to the Bishop for training students for the
priesthood of this Diocese. Today the Church throughout the world prays for vocations.
New Invitation to Parishioners: Pope Francis has written a new letter to the Church reminding us that we are all called to
holiness. In his letter the Pope has noted the many gifts God has given to the Church so that it members can grow in
holiness.”The lord has bestowed on the Church the gifts of scripture, the sacraments, holy places, living communities, the
witness of the saints and a multifaceted beauty that proceeds from God’s love….”.Here in the Parish we are providing
opportunities for everybody to come to a fresh understanding of scripture. in accordance with the wishes of the Pope. The
next programme begins on Tuesday April 24th and continues for six nights. We will reflect on the growth of the early
Church after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. There will be an opportunity to register at masses next weekend.
St. Patrick’s Hall: This year we celebrate the centenary of St. Patrick’s Hall. It is a wonderful resource for the parish. We
are grateful to all who have cared for the hall over the years and those who continue to do so. The Hall Committee are
planning a celebration to mark the occasion in the autumn. It is hoped to have an exhibition of photographs as part of the
celebration. If you have old photographs from activities in the Hall the Committee would be grateful to receive them on
loan. Please contact Paddy Geoghegan or Michael Leonard if you have photographs.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
St. Tola’s N. S.: Are holding an Information Evening on Tue next Apr 24th at 7.30pm in the School on Internet Safety. All
parents of children attending school are welcome, and also local areas.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Forthcoming Events: 5k Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 6th May at 12noon.
Drumcree Bog Festival takes place on Sun 22nd May. Women’s Mini Marathon will take place on Sun 3rd June.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sun 6th May from 12noon -6pm, in the Salesyard,
Delvin. \We kindly appreciate your support.
Family Carers Ireland: Are you caring for a family member at home? Then you are a Family Carer, become a member of
Family Carers Ireland and benefit from a local and national network that helps family carers who need advice For further
information contact 057-9822920 or
Pope’s Letter for 2018 World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Pope Francis in his letter for today, points out that when Jesus returned after his time of prayer and struggle in the
dessert, he did three things before he began his mission. He listened to the word, he discerned the content of the
mission entrusted to him by the Father and proclaimed that He came to accomplish it today. ( Lk 4; 16-21). This
model- listen, discern, live- can be followed by all of us as we try to live out our vocation.
Year B Third Sunday of Easter 15th April, 2018
Sat 14th 6.30pm Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin, William Mc Cormack, Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 15th 11.00am Tommy Gaffney, Billy & Kathleen Mahon. Mon 16th No Mass. Tue 17th No Mass. Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th No Mass. Fri 19th No Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Monica & Edward Cusack. Jack Ivory. Sun 22nd 11.00am Nicholas Grassick.
Mary Mc Cann.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 15th 9.30am Willie Fox. Wed 18th No Mass. Sun 22nd 9.30am Sean Newman.
- RI. P. Johnny Nugent, Caucestown, Athboy. formerly Clonmorrill, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,070. Ren Fund: Weekly €615. Monthly €260. Annual €1,500.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th May, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Eucharistic Adoration: 40 Hours Eucharistic Adoration will be held in St. Pauls’ Church, Mullingar from Fri 13th
Apr(6pm) to Sunday 15th (10.30am) to pray for the protection of all human life and the retention of the 8th Amendment. A
sign up sheet is available at the back of the Church for those who would like to take part.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Vocations: April 22nd will be Vocation Sunday. Offertory Collection will go to the Bishop for training students for the
priesthood of this Diocese. Prayer for Vocations: O, Jesus send labourers into your fields, which are awaiting Holy Apostles,
Saintly Priests, Heroic Missionaries, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a
Vocation. Grant that Christian Families may desire to give to your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. Amen.
New Invitation to Parishioners: Pope Francis has written a new letter to the Church reminding us that we are all called to
holiness. In his letter the Pope has noted the many gifts God has given to the Church so that it members can grow in
holiness.”The lord has bestowed on the Church the gifts of scripture, the sacraments, holy places, living communities, the
witness of the saints and a multifaceted beauty that proceeds from God’s love….”.Here in the Parish we are providing
opportunities for everybody to come to a fresh understanding of scripture. in accordance with the wishes of the Pope. The
next programme begins on Tuesday April 24th and continues for six nights. We will reflect on the growth of the early
Church after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. There will be an opportunity to register at masses next weekend.
Poor Clares, Galway: Cloister Day on Sat 21st Apr from 10am-5pm. The day is designed to help young women between the
ages of 21and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life See Poster to book a place.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Table Quiz has been rescheduled to take place on Fri 20th April at 9pm. Table of 4 €40. We
appreciate your support. 5k Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 6th May at 12noon Women’s Mini Marathon will
take place on Sun 3rd June.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sun 6th May from 12noon -6pm, in the Salesyard,
Delvin. \We kindly appreciate your support.
Family Carers Ireland: Are you caring for a family member at home? Then you are a Family Carer, become a member of
Family Carers Ireland and benefit from a local and national network that helps family carers who need advice For further
information contact 057-9822920 or
Year B Second Sunday of Easter ( Divine Mercy Sunday) 8th April, 2018
Sat 7th 6.30pm Hugh & Sheila Moran. John & Alice Gillick & DFM, Rosmead, Micheal Moore. Sun 8th 11.00am Bernard Drum MM Mon 9th 9.30am Philomena & Michael Smith. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass. Wed 11th No Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Pat, Sean & Annie Philbin, William Mc Cormack,
Breege Mc Cormack. Sun 15th 11.00am Tommy Gaffney, Billy & Kathleen Mahon.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 8th 9.30am Michael & Elizabeth Hynes, Tom Flynn & DFM. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Sun 15th 9.30am Willie Fox.
- RI. P. Jackie Branagan, Coxstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,120. Easter Offerings: €3,660.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Divine Mercy Sunday: This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, points us to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery—the whole mystery of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ—made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “ The whole octave of Easter is like a single day,” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be the day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to man in the whole Easter mystery”. ( St. John Paul 11).
Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Offerings.
Eucharistic Adoration: 40 Hours Eucharistic Adoration will be held in St. Pauls’ Church, Mullingar from Fri 13th
Apr(6pm) to Sunday 15th (10.30am) to pray for the protection of all human life and the retention of the 8th Amendment. A
sign up sheet is available at the back of the Church for those who would like to take part.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Poor Clares, Galway: Cloister Day on Sat 21st Apr from 10am-5pm. The day is designed to help young women between the
ages of 21and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life See Poster to book a place.
Youth 2000 Leinster Retreat: Will take place in Ashbourne Community School between 13th -15th April. Book on line Go
to Youth 2000 website.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Mass in Mullingar Cathedral in celebration of the centenary of the founding
of the Society at 11.00am this Sunday 8th April. Celebrant: Most Rev Dr Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath. All Welcome.
Easter Time
The celebration of Easter is prolonged throughout the Easter season. The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost
Sunday are celebrated as one feast day, ‘the great Sunday’. This sacred period of fifty days concludes with Pentecost
Sunday, when the gift of the Holy Spirit to the apostles, the beginnings of the Church, and the start of its mission to
all tongues and peoples and nations are commemorated‘It is proper to the paschal festivity that the whole Church
rejoices at the forgiveness of sins, which is not only for those who are reborn in Holy Baptism, but also for those who
have long been numbered among the adopted children’(St. leo the Great) By means of a more intensive pastoral
care and a deeper spiritual effort, all who celebrate the Easter feasts will, by the Lord’s grace, experience their effect
in their daily lives.
Congregation for Divine Worship.
Year B Easter Sunday 1st April, 2018.
Sat 31st Holy Saturday 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 1st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd No Mass. Wed 4th No Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Paddy Mc Quaid, James, Mgt & Harry Mc Quaid & DFM Sat 7th 6.30pm Hugh & Sheila Moran. John & Alice Gillick & DFM, Rosmead,
Micheal Moore. Sun 8th 11.00am Bernard Drum MM
Sun 1st 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass. Wed 4th No Mass. Fri( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am Michael & Elizabeth Hynes, Tom Flynn & DFM.
Offertory Collection: €780. Ren. Fund: Weekly €335. Monthly €185.
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. Sincere thanks to all who participated in celebrations during Lent and Holy Week.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave Day of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, points us to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery—the whole mystery of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ—made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it also sums up the whole Easter Octave. “ The whole octave of Easter is like a single day,” and the Octave Sunday is meant to be the day of “thanksgiving for the goodness God has shown to man in the whole Easter mystery”. ( St. John Paul 11).
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned their Trocaire Boxes. Amount collected so far is €3,712.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick on Easter Sunday at 10.30am.
Eucharistic Adoration: 40 Hours Eucharistic Adoration will be held in St. Pauls’ Church, Mullingar from Fri 13th
Apr(6pm) to Sunday 15th (10.30am) to pray for the protection of all human life and the retention of the 8th Amendment. A
sign up sheet will be available this weekend for those who would like to take part.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Poor Clares, Galway: Cloister day on sat 21st Apr from 10am-5pm. The day is designed to help young women between the
ages of 21and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life See Poster to book a place.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Delvin G.A. A. & Camogie: Are having a Cake Sale on Sun 1st Apr from 10am -1pm outside Carmel Gaffney’s. We
appreciate your support.
Statement by the Bishops of Ireland, March 6th, 2018.
As pastors we are aware that the conversation about unborn life is sensitive, delicate and, indeed, painful for many.
We offer our reflections with the greatest of respect for everyone while wishing to make some points clearly and
Fundamental right: Every one of us has a right to our life. It is not given to us by the Constitution of Ireland or by
any law. We have it ‘as of right’, whether we are wealthy or poor, healthy or sick. All human beings have it. For us a
society to now declare that any category of human being should have that right taken from them would be a
shocking step. It effectively says that unborn children do not exist or, if they do, they do not count. That is a manifest
Year B Palm Sunday 25th March, 2018.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Christy Coll. Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 25th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll. Michael & TeresaWhite.
Mon 26th 9.30am Mass. Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th No Mass. Thurs 29th ( Holy Thursday) 8.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 30th ( Good Friday) 8.00pm Good Friday Ceremonies. Sat 31st Holy Saturday 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 1st 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 25th 9.30am Thomas Manny. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass.. Thurs 29th ( Holy Thursday) 5.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 30th ( Good Friday) 5.00pm Good Friday Ceremonies. Sun 1st 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass.
- RI. P. Mary Donnelly ( nee Daly) Manchester, England. sister of Daly family, Clondone, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: St. Patrick’s Day €850. Sunday Collection; €285. Ren. Fund: Weekly €145. Monthly €60.
Summer Time: Masses on this Sunday will be at Summer Time. From Sat 7th Apr Vigil Mass will continue at 6.30pm.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Evening from 6.30pm-7.30pm. 9
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Palm Sunday: This Sunday is Palm Sunday, which begins the celebration of Holy Week, Please bring Palm Branches to be blessed at Mass. We invite all our parishioners to attend the celebrations on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday..
Preparation for Holy Week and Easter: A meeting will be held in Fatima on Tuesday night at 8.30pm. to prepare for the
celebration of Holy Week and Easter. It will be a time of prayerful reflection on the readings and liturgy of the ceremonies.
Readers and Eucharistic ministers are invited to attend. Everyone is welcome.
Confessions for Easter: There will be Prayer Service and Confessions in Delvin on Tuesday 27th at 7.30pm.Visiting Priests
will attend. Confession is an important part of our preparation for the great events of Holy Week. It is an unique opportunity
to experience God’s mercy and healing. Confessions in Athboy on Monday 26th at 7.30pm.
Chrism Mass: Chrism Mass is a special moment in the life of the Church. During the Mass, the priests publicly renew their
publication to Christ in the Priesthood and the Holy Oils that will be used in administering of the Sacraments for the coming
year are blessed. Mass of Chrism will take place in Cathedral, Mullingar on Wed 28th March at 7pm. All are Welcome.
Holy Thursday: Adoration will conclude with Evening Prayer of the Church at 10.50pm. (offered for Vocations.)
Stations of the Cross: On Good Friday at 12noon. It will be held outdoor, weather permitting.
Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: Will be collected on Holy Thursday. If you cannot attend Mass please send in your box ,or drop it into the
Parochial House. The Offertory Collection on Thursday will also go to Trocaire.
Easter Vigil: Candles for the Easter Vigil Celebration will be on sale beforehand. Cost 20c.
Easter Offerings: Will be take up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick in the Delvin area on Holy Thurs and Good Friday at 2pm, and to
those in the Killulagh area at 5.45pm. Easter Sunday Communion will be brought at 10.30am.
Eucharistic Adoration: 40 Hours Eucharistic Adoration will be held in St. Pauls’ Church, Mullingar from Fri 13th
Apr(6pm) to Sunday 15th (10.30am) to pray for the protection of all human life and the retention of the 8th Amendment. A
sign up sheet will be available next weekend for those who would like to take part.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Delvin G.A. A. & Camogie: Are having Clothes Collection in aid of Feile on Fri 30th & Sat 31st Mar in Delvin G.A. A
Pitch from 10am-1pm. Also a Cake Sale on Fri 30th Mar and Sun 1st Apr from 10am -1pm outside Carmel Gaffney’s.
Year B Fifth Sunday of Lent 18th March, 2018.
Sat 17th No Vigil Mass. Sun 18th 11.00am Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Tommy Mc Cann MM. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd 7.30pm. Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Christy Coll. Gus O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 25th 11.00am Bernard & Annie Carroll.
Michael & Teresa White.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 18th 9.30am Seamus Mc Grath. Wed 21st 7.30pm Michael Forde. Sun 25th 9.30am Thomas Manny.
Offertory Collection: €825. Ren. Fund: Weekly €500. Monthly €60. Annual: €350.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Evening from 6.30pm-7.30pm. 9
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th April, at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Feast of St. Joseph: Monday 19th March we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph.
Palm Sunday: Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Please bring Palm Branches to Mass to be blessed.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare Boxes in the Church.
Bible Study: The programme continues every Tuesday night. The name of the programme is “A Biblical Walk through the
Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in groups and refreshments.
Confessions for Easter: There will be Prayer Service and Confessions in Delvin on Tuesday 27th at 7.30pm.Visiting Priests
will attend. Confession is an important part of our preparation for the great events of Holy Week. It is an unique opportunity
to experience God’s mercy and healing. Confessions in Athboy on Monday 26th at 7.30pm. Details of Confession for the
rest of Holy Week next weekend.
Chrism Mass: Chrism Mass is a special moment in the life of the Church. During the Mass, the priests publicly renew their
publication to Christ in the Priesthood and the Holy Oils that will be used in administering of the Sacraments for the coming
year are blessed. Mass of Chrism will take place in Cathedral, Mullingar on Wed 28th March at 7pm. All are Welcome.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Benedictine Monks, Rostrevor: Easter Triduum Retreat for Men (18-40) from Holy Thursday 29th Mar to Easter Sunday.
Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Loreto Sisters: If you would like to learn more about religious life, you are welcome to meet with Loreto Sisters in a relaxed
environment at Loreto House, Beaufort, Rathfarnham on Sat Apr 14th from 11am -3pm. Contact 086-3194597 before 7th Apr.
Liturgy Courses: Full time and part time Courses available at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth from September next.
Contact 01-7083478. See Poster.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Table Quiz which was to take place next Friday Mar 23rd has been cancelled.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be on Thursday next March 22nd We are starting with Mass at
11.15am. it is the Birthday Party, so we hope to see you all there. The Club is going away in April for a 4 day Trip Away,
there are a few places left, if you would like to go please contact Mary at 087-7723245 or Kathleen at 087-9768703
Tusla: Are seeking Foster Families to care for children of all ages. Contact details on the Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place this Sunday 18th March at 3pm. Those entering Floats are asked to assemble at
the Salesyard, Delvin at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm.
Delvin G.A. A. & Camogie: Are having Clothes Collection in aid of Feile on Fri 30th & Sat 31st Mar in Delvin G.A. A
Pitch from 10am-1pm. Also a Cake Sale on Fri 30th Mar and Sun 1st Apr from 10am -1pm outside Carmel Gaffney’s.
Mullingar Lions Club: Are having Table Quiz on Thurs 22nd Mar at 8.30pm in Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar.
Year B Fourth Sunday of Lent 11th March, 2018.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Patsy & Mary Leonard. Paddy Gray. Maggie & Tom Leonard. Sun 11th 11.00am John & Catherine Clune. Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th 9.30am Mass. Tburs 15th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 16th 7.30pm Michael Garry. Sat 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day) 11.00am Martina Yeoman MM . Owen & Mgt Murtagh & DFM.
Sun 18th 11.00am Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 11th 9.30am Paddy & Teresa Bannon. John & Ellen Ivory & Ellen Devery. Wed 14th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat ( St. Patrick’s Day) 9.30am John Joe Reilly & DFM. Sun 18th 9.30am Seamus Mc Grath.
- RI. P. Bernie Drum. Clonmaskill, Delvin. Vincent Nugent. Kildalkey. brother of late Austin Nugent. Clonmorril, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €535. Ren. Fund: Weekly €100. Monthly €75.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Evening from 6.30pm-7.30pm.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th March, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm, Thurs at 9.30am
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare Boxes in the Church.
Bible Study: The programme continues every Tuesday night. The name of the programme is “A Biblical Walk through the
Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in groups and refreshments.
24 Hours for the Lord: Will take place this weekend of the 10th & 11th March. It will begin at 11am on Sat Mar 10th and
end before 11am Mass on Sun 11th .
St. Patrick’s Day: St. Patrick’s Day will be on a Saturday this year. Mass arrangements will be as follows: Friday 16th Vigil
Mass in Delvin at 7.30pm. Saturday 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day). Killulagh 9.30am. Delvin 11am. There will be no Vigil Mass
on Saturday 17th . Sunday Masses as normal.
Day of Prayer for Emigrants: Next Saturday ( St. Patrick’s Day) is also a Special Day of Prayer for Emigrants.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Benedictine Monks, Rostrevor: Easter Triduum Retreat for Men (18-40) from Holy Thursday 29th Mar to Easter Sunday.
Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Loreto Sisters: If you would like to learn more about religious life, you are welcome to meet with Loreto Sisters in a relaxed
environment at Loreto House, Beaufort, Rathfarnham on Sat Apr 14th from 11am -3pm. Contact 086-3194597 before 7th Apr.
Liturgy Courses: Full time and part time Courses available at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth from September next.
Contact 01-7083478. See Poster.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Table Quiz takes place on Fri 23rd March. Table of 4 €40. We appreciate your support.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are going away on a 4 Day Trip to Clare from Mon 23rd April – Fri 27th April. Anyone who
would like to go please contact Mary at 087-7723245 or Kathleen at 087-9768703 as soon as possible.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Are having a Coffee Morning on Tue next 13th March from 9am-11am, in aid of Animal Rescue.
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wed 14th
March at 7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Contact 085 2888 888 to confirm booking before Tue 13th March.
Tusla: Are seeking Foster Families to care for children of all ages. Contact details on the Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place next Sunday 18th March at 3pm. Those entering Floats are asked to assemble at
the Salesyard, Delvin at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm.
Year B Third Sunday of Lent 4th March, 2018.
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson Sun 4th 11.00am Billy & Lily Gilmore Mon 5th 9.30am William & Michael Gilroy. Tue 6th 9.30am Mass. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass List of the Dead. Thurs 8th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Patsy & Mary Leonard. Paddy Gray. Sun 11th 11.00am John & Catherine Clune.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 4th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory & Ellen Devery. Wed 7th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 11th 9.30am Mass.
- I. P. Teresa Briody, Archerstown, Delvin mother of Mary Anderson, Southill. Anthony Finnegan, Dublin. father of Audrey Mc Pherson, Stoneyford Park, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €765. Ren. Fund: Weekly €395. Monthly €90.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Evening from 6.30pm-7.30pm.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th March, 2018 at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Shay Joseph Smyth. Isabella Mc Cormack. T.J. Clune.
Blake Davis Tenanty. Lucy Ella Ledwith. Shauna Annie Ivory. Ava Jane Ivory. Alex Murtagh. Aaron Patrick Cogan.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm, Thurs at 9.30am
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. Spare Boxes in the Church.
World Meeting of Families 2018: Thanks to all who contributed to the special collection at Masses last weekend. Amount
was €1,065.
Bible Study: The programme continues every Tuesday night. The name of the programme is “A Biblical Walk through the
Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in groups and refreshments.
24 Hours for the Lord: Will take place on the weekend of the 10th & 11th March. It will begin at 11am on Mar 10th and
end before 11am Mass on Sun 11th . A sign up sheet is available in both Churches for the next two weeks. Please
put your name down for a time that will suit you.
St. Patrick’s Day: St. Patrick’s Day will be on a Saturday this year. Mass arrangements will be as follows: Friday 16th Vigil
Mass in Delvin at 7.30pm. Saturday 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day). Killulagh 9.30am. Delvin 11am. There will be no Vigil Mass
on Saturday 17th . Sunday Masses as normal.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Benedictine Monks, Rostrevor: Easter Triduum Retreat for Men (18-40) from Holy Thursday 29th Mar to Easter Sunday.
Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Loreto Sisters: If you would like to learn more about religious life, you are welcome to meet with Loreto Sisters in a relaxed
environment at Loreto House, Beaufort, Rathfarnham on Sat Apr 14th from 11am -3pm. Contact 086-3194597 before 7th Apr.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed 7th at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. Table Quiz on Fri 23rd March.
Delvin Friendship Club: Meeting on Thursday 8th in Fatima at 8.30pm. We are going away on a 4 Day Trip to Clare from
Mon 23rd April – Fri 27th April. Anyone who would like to go please contact Mary at 087-7723245 or Kathleen at 087-
9768703 as soon as possible.
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wed 14th
March at 7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Contact 085 2888 888 to confirm booking before Tue 13th March.
Year B Second Sunday of Lent 25th February, 2018.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Peg & James Robinson. Joe Lynch. Sun 25th 11.00am Pat & Kathleen Gaffney & DFM. Mon 26th 9.30am Kathy O’ Sullivan MM Tue 27th 9.30am Mass. Wed 28th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 1st 7.30pm Mass Fri 2nd ( First Friday) 7.30pm Maggie & Tom Leonard Sat 3rd 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson Sun 4th 11.00am Billy & Lily Gilmore
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 25th 9.30am Joe Flynn. Wed 28th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Mass Fri 2nd ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 4th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory & Ellen Devery
- RI. P. Martina Yeoman, England. ( nee Mc Enerney) late of Billistown. Niall O’ Keeffe. Corbetstown, Killucan.
Offertory Collection: €965. Ren. Fund: Weekly €345. Monthly €115.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Evening from 6.30pm-7.30pm.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th March, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all
who helped them to prepare for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper
and guide.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thurs 1st at 8pm.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm, Thurs at 9.30am
Trocaire: famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in the Church.
World Meeting of Families 2018: A special collection will be held at Masses this weekend for the World Meeting of
Families, Aug 20th -26th next.
Bible Study: The programme began on Tue last and will continue for five weeks. The name of the programme is “A
Biblical Walk through the Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in
groups and refreshments. Names will be taken after Mass today and on the next three Sundays.
24 Hours for the Lord:Will take place on the weekend of the 10th & 11th March. It will begin at 11am on Mar 10th and
end before 11am Mass on Sun 11th . A sign up sheet will be available in both Churches during the next two weeks. Please
put your name down for a time that will suit you.
Protecting Human Life: “Brothers and Sisters I encourage you to be missionaries for the cause of life. Remember
those words of Pope Francis: ‘To serve human life is to serve God’. Speak to your families, your children and
grandchildren, friends and colleagues about cherishing the precious gift of life at all tomes from conception to
natural death. Speak the truth about life, and speak it with love”. Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Benedictine Monks, Rostrevor: Easter Triduum Retreat for Men (18-40) from Holy Thursday 29th Mar to Easter Sunday.
Poster on Notice Board with further details.
Loreto Sisters: If you would like to learn more about religious life, you are welcome to meet with Loreto Sisters in a relaxed
environment at Loreto House, Beaufort, Rathfarnham on Sat Apr 14th from 11am -3pm. Contact 086-3194597 before 7th Apr.
Delvin Country Music Festival: Launch Night takes place on Thurs 1st March in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin . Various Music
Artists will provide music on the night.. Adm €10. We hope you will support this launch night.
Year B First Sunday of Lent 18th February, 2018.
Sat 17th 6.30pm John & Kathleen Dunne & son Sean, Molly Paris & DFM. Sun 18th 11.00am Kathleen & TJ O’ Driscoll, Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smith. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st No Mass. Thurs 22nd 7.30pm Mass. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Peg & James Robinson. Joe Lynch. Sun 25th 11.00am
Pat & Kathleen Gaffney & DFM.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 18th 93.30am Tom & Mary Forde. Martin Kiernan. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Peggy Dodds.
Sun 25th 9.30am Joe Flynn.
Offertory Collection: €985. Ren. Fund: Weekly €620. Monthly €125. Annual €300.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th March, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am Mass in Killulagh and 11am Mass in Delvin. We invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass. Refreshments will be provided in Fatima after Mass.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be in Delvin Church next Friday 23rd February at 11am. Each child will have one Sponsor.
Places will be reserved at the Ceremony for the children and their sponsor in the centre aisle.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Masses in Killulagh will be on Wed at 7.30pm, Thurs at 9.30am They will commence from this week.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending \Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment.(f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Trocaire: famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in the Church.
World Meeting of Families 2018: A special collection will be held at Masses next weekend for the World Meeting of
Families, Aug 20th -26th next.
Bible Study: The programme will begin on Tue Feb 20th and continue for five weeks. The name of the programme is “A
Biblical Walk through the Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in
groups and refreshments. Names will be taken after Mass today and on the next three Sundays.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Dalgan Park, Navan: Lenten Retreat for Young Adults (18-40) on Sat 24th Feb from 9.30am -5pm.Poster on Notice Board.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: 7 nights B&B and Airport Shuttle Service from €279 per person. Tel 01-4434510.
Loreto Sisters: If you would like to learn more about religious life, you are welcome to meet with Loreto Sisters in a relaxed
environment at Loreto House, Beaufort, Rathfarnham on Sat Apr 14th from 11am -3pm. Contact 086-3194597 before 7th Apr.
Renovation Fund: Copies of the annual report are available at the back of the Church. A copy of the report on the account
for the day to-day running of the parish is on the Notice Board.
Delvin Ed. Group: Meet every second Tue at 10.30am in the Hall, Next Meeting is Feb 20th . All New Members welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are back in the Hall on Thurs next Feb 22nd at 11am. We will be taking names for our Trip
Away in April. Hope to see you all back on the day.
Delvin Country Music Festival: Launch Night takes place on Thurs 1st March in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin . Various Music
Artists will provide music on the night.. Adm €10. We hope you will support this launch night.
Year B Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th February, 2018.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Mgt & Jack Moran & DFM Sun 11th 11.00am Patrick & Ailish Farrelly Mon 12th 9.30am Mass. Tue 13th 9.30am Mass. Wed 14th ( Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm Mass.. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm Mass. Sun 18th 11.00am Kathleen & TJ O’ Driscoll, Patrick, Mary & Noeleen Smith.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 11th 9.30am Pat Fox. Wed 14th ( Ash Wednesday) 9.30am Mass. Sun 18th 93.30am Tom & Mary Forde
- I. P. Tommy Mc Cann. Robinstown, Delvin.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Offertory Collection: €925. Candlemas Offerings: €1,390.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in 8Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th February, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be in Delvin Church on Friday 23rd February at 11am.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offerings last weekend.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: This Sunday is World Day of the Sick. The Church’s mission is a response to Jesus’
gift, for she knows that she must bring to the sick the Lord’s own gaze, full of tenderness and compassion. Health
care ministry will always be a necessary and fundamental task, to be carried out with renewed enthusiasm by all,
from parish communities to the largest healthcare institutions. We cannot forget the tender love and perseverance of
many families in caring for their chronically sick or severely disabled children, parents and relatives. The care given
within families is an extraordinary witness of love for the human person, it needs to be fittingly acknowledged and
supported by suitable policies. ( Message from Pope Francis.)
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed at Morning Mass in Killulagh and Evening Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending \Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. e.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment.(f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Bible Study: The programme will begin on Tue Feb 20th and continue for five weeks. The name of the programme is “A
Biblical Walk through the Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in
groups and refreshments. Names will be taken after Mass today and on the next three Sundays.
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Fr. Seamus Heaney from 1st Oct-5th Oct. Cost is €649. Contact Alice 087-4147871.
Dalgan Park, Navan: Lenten Retreat for Young Adults (18-40) on Sat 24th Feb from 9.30am -5pm.Poster on Notice Board.
Lenten Talk in Coole: Beginning on Feb 20th a series of talks on St. Joseph will be given on the six Tuesday nights of
Lent. The titles of the talks and names of the speakers are available on a poster on the Notice Board.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: 7 nights B&B and Airport Shuttle Service from €279 per person. Tel 01-4434510.
Delvin G. A. A. Underage and Camogie :Registration from 4-u18 takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sat 17th Feb from
6pm-8pm. All new players are very welcome.
Delvin Ed. Group: Meet every second Tue at 10.30am in the Hall, Next Meeting is Feb 20th . All New Members welcome.
Blood Transfusion Service: Will be in attendance at Darnley Lodge Hotel, Athboy on Thurs 15th Feb from 4.30pm-8pm
Year B Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4th February, 2018.
Sat 3rd ( Feast of St. Blaise) 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan Sun 4th 11.00am Sean Mangan Mon 5th 9.30am Mass.
Tue 6th 9.30am Dermot Kenny & DFM . Wed 7th No Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Mass. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Mgt & Jack Moran & DFM Sun 11th 11.00am Patrick & Ailish Farrelly
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 4th 9.30am Loman Ivory MM Wed 7th 9.30am, Joseph & Bridget Dunican Sun 11th 9.30am Pat Fox.
- I. P. Peggy Dodds who died in England sister of Carmel Gaffney, Main St, Delvin. Martina Yeoman. sister of Tommy Mc Enerney , who died in England. Funeral arrangements later.
Offertory Collection: €735. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €450. Monthly €140. Needs of the Diocese: €1,100.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in 8Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th February, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection last weekend. Amount was €1,100.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: 7 nights B&B and Airport Shuttle Service from €279 per person. Tel 01-4434510.
Confirmation Meetings: For parents of children for Confirmation will take place in St. Ernan’s School on Monday Feb, 5th
Meetings will begin at 8pm and all parents are asked to attend.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday 4th Feb. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Next Sunday is World Day of the Sick. Please pray for all who are sick that day.
Bible Study: The programme will begin on Tue Feb 20th and continue for five weeks. The name of the programme is “A
Biblical Walk through the Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in
groups and refreshments. Names will be taken after Mass today and on the next three Sundays.
Family Mass: We plan to have a monthly Family Mass in the parish We would like to have a separate Music Group to lead
the singing at this Mass. If you would be willing to join this Music Group, please contact the Parochial House.
Dalgan Park, Navan: Lenten Retreat for Young Adults (18-40) on Sat 24th Feb from 9.30am -5pm.Poster on Notice Board.
Lenten Talk in Coole: Beginning on Feb 20th a series of talks on St. Joseph will be given on the six Tuesday nights of
Lent. The titles of the talks and names of the speakers are available on a poster on the Notice Board.
Delvin Ed. Group: Meet on Tue 6th Feb at 10.30am in the Hall, and every second Tuesday. All New Members welcome.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting will take place on Wed Feb 7th at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting will take place in Fatima on Thursday 8th Feb at 8.30pm.
Men’s Shed: Meeting on Tue next 6th Feb in Fatima at 8pm.
National Learning Network: Are offering free courses for people with additional support needs. Contact 044-9345117.
Irish Cancer Society: Operates a free transport service for patients attending hospital for chemotherapy treatment.. Patients
wishing to avail of this free service should contact their healthcare professional, or Irish Cancer Society. 01-2310522.
World Day of Prayer for Temperance Sunday February 11th .
The life story of Venerable Matt Talbot from Co. Dublin is a truly inspiring one. Matt was born in Dublin in 1856.
He was one of a family of 12 and received little education. His first job was with a bottling Company. Inevitably he
began to experiment with alcohol. Very soon he became addicted to alcohol. For twelve years he tried to cope with
effects of heavy drinking. He got the grace to change his life and stay away from alcohol. To get the strength to avoid
alcohol he began to attend Daily Mass and to develop his prayer life. He died suddenly on his way to Mass in
Dominick St. After his death his reputation for holiness spread and many who were addicted to alcohol prayed to
him and were inspired by his example.
Year B Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th January, 2018.
Sat 27th 6.30pm Madeline Branagan. Sun 28th 11.00am Joe Bray. Mon 29th 9.30am Mass. Tue 30th 9.30am
Tom Flanagan & DFM Wed 31st No Mass. Thurs 1st 9.30am Mass. ( Feast of St. Brigid) Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm John & Anna Vaughan Sat 3rd ( Feast of St. Blaise) 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan Sun 4th 11.00am Sean Mangan
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 28th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent. Wed 31st 9.30am Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 4th 9.30am Loman Ivory MM
- I. P. Kathleen Farrelly, a native of Rosmead, who died in Ballyclare, Co. Antrim. Sandra Poynton. Archerstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €905. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €235. Monthly €70. Annual: €350.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in 8Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th February, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up this weekend 28th January.
The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: 7 nights B&B and Airport Shuttle Service from €279 per person. Tel 01-4434510.
Confirmation Meetings: For parents of children for Confirmation will take place in St. Ernan’s School on Monday 29th and
Feb, 5th . Meetings will begin at 8pm and all parents are asked to attend.
Catholic Schools Week: Jan 29th –Feb 2nd . Mass in St. Tola’s N. S. on Thurs 1st at 12.30pm. Blessing of St. Brigids’
Crosses during Mass. All are welcome to attend. Mass in Delvin Church on Fri 2nd at 2pm. (for St. Ernans and
Crowenstown Schools). All are welcome.
Feast of St. Brigid: St. Brigid’s Crosses will be blessed after 9.30am Mass on Thursday morning in Delvin.
Feast of the Presentation: Candles for use in the home will be blessed after 9.30am Mass in Killulagh on Friday morning
and 7.30pm Mass in Delvin. Friday is also World Day for Consecrated Life.
Feast of St. Blaise: Blessing of Throats in Killulagh Church on Sat 3rd Feb at 3pm. Blessing of Throats in Delvin Church
after the Vigil Mass.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday 4th Feb. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thursday 1st Feb at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Bible Study: The programme will begin on Tue Feb 20th and continue for five weeks. The name of the programme is “A
Biblical Walk through the Mass.” The format is the same as the Old Testament programme -a talk on DVD, discussion in
groups and refreshments. Names will be taken after Mass today and on the next four Sundays.
Family Mass: We plan to have a monthly Family Mass in the parish We would like to have a separate Music Group to lead
the singing at this Mass. If you would be willing to join this Music Group, please contact the Parochial House.
Meath For Life: A Life Canvass training meeting will be held in St. Anne’s Pastoral Centre, Navan on Fri 2nd Feb at 8pm.
Crowenstown N. S. : Open Day on Sunday 28th January from 12noon-2pm in the School. All are Welcome.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2018 will take place in Crowenstown N. S. from Mon 29th –Fri
2nd Feb between 2pm-3pm. Call to the school and complete enrolment form.
Bagatelle: Liam Reilly will perform in St. Patrick’s Hall next Fri 2nd Feb at 8.30pm. Tickets €18. Contact 04496664484.
National Learning Network: Are offering free courses for people with additional support needs. Contact 044-9345117.
Irish Cancer Society: Operates a free transport service for patients attending hospital for chemotherapy treatment.. Patients
wishing to avail of this free service should contact their healthcare professional, or Irish Cancer Society. 01-2310522.
Year B Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st January, 2018.
Sat 20th 6.30pm David Dunne. Larry Allen. Sun 21st 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey. Mon 22nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 23rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 24th No Mass. Thurs 25th 9.30am Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am Mass. Sat 27th 6.30pm Madeline Branagan. Sun 28th 11.00am Joe Bray.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 21st 9.30am Bridget & Larry Whelehan & DFM Wed 24th 9.30am Mass. Sun 28th 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent.
- I. P. Mary Moore. Castleview, Delvin. Sr. Carmella former Matron and Sister in charge of St. Mary’s, Southill.
Offertory Collection: €810. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €340. Monthly €45. Annual: €1,600. Needs of the Diocese; €1,015.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in 8Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th February, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up next weekend 28th January.
The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Christian Unity Week: From Thursday 18th -25th January is a week of prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of God that they may be one. During that week we join Christians all
over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Poor Clares: Cloister Day Sat, 27th Jan from 10am -5pm. Contact Sr. Faustina
Medjugorje Pilgrimages: 7 nights B&B and Airport Shuttle Service from €279 per person. Tel 01-4434510.
Confirmation Meetings: For parents of children for Confirmation will take place in St. Ernan’s School on Monday Jan 22nd,
29th and Feb, 5th . Meetings will begin at 8pm and all parents are asked to attend.
Retreat: An afternoon Retreat (2-5pm) for the 2017 Confirmation Class will take place in Fatima on Sat, Jan 27th . The
Retreat will be led by a team from NET Ministries. Individual invitations will be sent out and they should be returned to the
Parochial House by Friday next.
Bible Study: Bible Study Group will resume at the beginning of Lent. Further details will be given later.
Family Mass: We plan to have a monthly Family Mass in the parish We would like to have a separate Music Group to lead
the singing at this Mass. If you would be willing to join this Music Group, please contact the Parochial House.
Parish Website: We invite you to visit the Parish Website. It contains much useful information about the parish. The Parish
Bulletin is available on the website every week. Please visit
Kells the Remembering: A celebration of International and local musicians and Artists from Kells promoting the town and
its hinterland in the Headfort Arms Hotel on Sat 27th Jan at 8pm.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall this Sun 21st January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your
support as always will be greatly appreciated.
St. Ernan’s N. S. : Open Evening will be held next Tue Jan 23rd from 7pm-8.30pm. All are Welcome.
St. Tola’s N. S.: Open Evening will take place in the school on Wed next Jan 24th from 6pm-7pm. All are Welcome.
Crowenstown N. S. : Open Day on Sunday 28th January from 12noon-2pm in the School. All are Welcome.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2018 will take place in St. Ernan’s and St. Tola’s N. S. from
Mon Jan 22nd –Thurs Jan 25th between 2pm-3pm. Enrolment in Crowenstown N. S will take place from Mon 29th -2nd Feb
between 2pm -3pm every day. Call to the schools and complete enrolment form
Year B Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th January, 2018.
Sat 13th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Frank Brady. Sun 14th 11.00am Joe & Laetitia Cullen. Mon 15th 9.30am Mass.
Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th No Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm
David Dunne. Larry Allen. Sun 21st 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 14th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Wed 17th 9.30am Mass. Sun 21st 9.30am Bridget & Larry Whelehan & DFM
- I. P. Joe Scally. Reynella. Peter Carley. Castlepollard. brother of Paddy & Tommy Carley. Rockview, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: 6th January. €280. Sunday €780. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €350. Monthly €200. Annual: €700.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th February, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group are back every Friday night We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this Sun 14th January and Sun 28th
January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Migrants: This Sunday 14th January is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Christian Unity Week: From Thursday 18th -25th January is a week of prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of God that they may be one. During that week we join Christians all
over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Poor Clares: Cloister Day Sat, 27th Jan from 10am -5pm. Contact Sr. Faustina
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 21st January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
St. Vincent de Paul: A Big Thank You to all who contributed to the Church Gate Collection. Total was €1,330. Also for
Food given and Hampers donated by St. Ernan’s N. S. also Peter Pan for their donation and local Business People who
display our charity boxes throughout the year. We appreciate your good support to the appeal every year.
Video: A Video of the evening with Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh in the Hall is available in Michael Leonards. Cost €10.
Bagatelle: Liam Reilly will perform in Concert in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Fri 2nd Feb at 8.30pm. Tickets cost €18.
Booking Details contact 044-9664484
Men’s Shed: Meeting on Thursday Jan 18th in Fatima at 8pm.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ, who identifies with the
welcomed and rejected strangers of every age(cf, Mt 25:35-43). The Lord entrusts to the Church’s motherly love
every person forced to leave their homeland in search of a better future. This solidarity must be concretely
expressed at every stage of the migratory experience –from departure through journey to arrival and return. This is
a great responsibility, which the Church intends to share with all believers and men and women of good will, who
are called to respond to the many challenges of contemporary migration with generosity, promptness, wisdom and
foresight, each according to their own abilities.
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Year B The Baptism of the Lord 7th January, 2018.
Sat ( Feast of the Epiphany) 6.30pm (Vigil Mass). Pat, Jenny Mary Alice Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis.
Sun 7th 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th No Mass.
Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Frank Brady. Sun 14th 11.00am
Joe & Laetitia Cullen.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 7th 9.30am Margaret Manny. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Sun 14th 9.30am Chris Callaghan.
- I. P. Loman Ivory. Martinstown, Delvin. Paddy O’ Neill. Ardee. husband of late Lily O’ Neill ( nee Lenihan).
Offertory Collection: €880. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €850. Monthly €220. Annual: €1,550.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th January, 2018 at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group will resume next Friday 12th January. We will meet in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Young People from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 0286-3642363.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 14th January and Sun 28th
January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 21st January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
Video: A Video of the evening with Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh in the Hall is available in Michael Leonards. Cost €10.
Reflections on Baptism.
- “Is Baptism, for me, a fact of the past, relegated to a date… or is it a living reality, that pertains to my present, to every moment?”
- “Do you feel strong with the strength that Christ gave you by his death and his Resurrection? Or do you feel low, without strength.”
- “Baptism gives strength and it gives light. Do you feel enlightened, with that light that comes from Christ? Are you a man or woman of light? Or are you a dark person, without the light of Jesus?”
Pope Francis, November, 2013.
Important Dates for 2018.
14th February, Ash Wednesday. 5th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh.
23rd February, Confirmation 6th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown
1st April, Easter Sunday. 11th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
12th May, First Holy Communion
20th May, Pentecost Sunday
Church Holy Days
St. Patrick Saturday, 17th March. All Saints Thursday 1st November.
Assumption Wednesday 15th August. Immaculate Conception, Saturday, 8th December
Christmas Day, Tuesday, 25th December.
Year B Feast of the Holy Family 31st December, 2017.
Sat 30th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. Sun 31st 11.00am Bill Anderson. Mon 1st 12noon Dick, Lil & Jimmy Mullen & DFM. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd No Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Peter & Bridget Cooke. Robinstown. Sat ( Feast of the Epiphany) 6.30pm Vigil Mass. Pat, Jenny Mary Alice Carroll & Baby Nicholas Lewis.
Sun 7th 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 31st 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy. Ursula King. Wed 3rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 5th 9.30am List of the Dead. Sat ( Feast of the Epiphany) 11.00am Mass. Sun 7th 9.30am Margaret Manny.
Sunday 23rd Offertory Collection: €755. Christmas Offertory Collection: €2,675. Christmas Offerings: €7,620.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: There will be no Adoration on Mon next Jan 1st in Delvin. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th January, 2018 at 8pm.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick this Sun 31st December. The Priest will
not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Feast of the Epiphany: Next Saturday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. Mass will be celebrated in Killulagh Church
at 11am
World Day of Peace: This Monday is World Day of Peace. Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 14th January and Sun 28th
January. The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 21st January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
Men’s Shed: Meeting will take place in Fatima on Thurs next Jan 4th at 8pm.
Video: A Video of the evening with Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh in the Hall is available in Michael Leonards. Cost €10.
Bagatelle: Liam Reilly will perform in Concert on Fri 2nd Feb, 2018 in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin starting at 8.30pm. Cost
€18. Booking details Contact Michael Leonard at 044-9664484.
New Year Greetings: We wish all our parishioners every blessing and success for 2018. Thanks to everybody for their
generosity and support in the past year.
Feast of Mary, Mother of God.
At the message of the angel, the Virgin Mary received the Word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave life to
the world. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer.
Important Dates for 2018.
14th February, Ash Wednesday. 5th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh.
23rd February, Confirmation 6th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown
1st April, Easter Sunday. 11th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
12th May, First Holy Communion
20th May, Pentecost Sunday
Year B Fourth Sunday of Advent 24th December, 2017.
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Pauline & Joe Tierney. Joe Greville. Sun 24th 11.00am Mass. ( Christmas Eve) 6.30pm Christmas Vigil Mass. Mon 25th ( Christmas Day) 11.00am Mass.. Tue 26th 10.00am Mass. Wed 27th No Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am DFM Kearney family. Fri 29th 9.30am Larry Murtagh. Sat 30th 6.30pm Nancy Neville. Sun 31st 11.00am
Bill Anderson.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 24th 9.30am Mass. Mon 25th ( Christmas Day) 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th 10.00am Mass. Sun 31st 9.30am
Fr. Joseph Troy. Ursula King.
Offertory Collection: €970. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €430. Monthly € 125.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: There will be no Adoration on Mon next Dec 25th in Delvin. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th January, 2018 at 8pm.
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. This Advent be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness..
World Meeting of Families: An icon of the Holy Family has been produced by the organising Committee for the World
Meeting of Families. An explanation of the Icon can be downloaded from Copies of the
Icon will be distributed at Christmas. Families are encouraged to place the Icon in a prominent place at their Christmas
dinner and pray the prayer for the World Meeting at that time.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sun 31st December. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. We thank you all for the fundraising and support we
get every year. We appreciate it.
Delvin Friendship Club: Wish all our Members and Friends a very Happy Christmas. Thanks for all your help and support.
Video: A Video of the evening with Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh in the Hall is available in Michael Leonards. Cost €10.
Bagatelle: Liam Reilly will perform in Concert on Fri 2nd Feb, 2018 in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin starting at 8.30pm. Cost
€18. Booking details Contact Michael Leonard at 044-9664484.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve 6.30pm in Delvin Church.
Christmas Day: 9.30am In Killulagh. 11.00am In Delvin.
Christmas Greetings.
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a very happy and peaceful Christmas. We welcome all who
have come home to be with their families. We remember those who did not get home, or who have to work during
the Christmas.
‘Peace’ in its full biblical meaning denotes all the messianic promises expected for the eschatological era,
particulary the forgiveness of sins and the gift of God’s spirit. The term is quite close to that of ‘grace’ often
associated with it in greetings (cf. Rm 1:7). It signifies much more than the absence or abolition of wars and human
contrasts. It denotes a re-established, pacific and filial relationship with God, that is, in a word, salvation. Since we
are justified by faith, the Apostle says, ‘we have peace with God’. (Rm 5:1).On these lines, peace is identified with the
very person of Christ: ‘For he is our peace’ ( Ep 2:14). In Christmas there is already the essence of Easter because we
are dealing with the beginning and end of the same mystery. Christmas represents salvation in its nascent state.
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa.
Year B Third Sunday of Advent 17th December, 2017.
Sat 16th 6.30pm Tom & Kathleen Monaghan & DFM. Sun 17th 11.00am Nancy Lenihan Mon 18th 9.30am Mass. Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th No Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm Pauline & Joe Tierney. Joe Greville. Sun ( Christmas Eve) 6.30pm Christmas Vigil Mass.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 17th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Sun ( Christmas Eve) No Mass in Killulagh.
Offertory Collection: €700. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €335. Monthly € 70.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from Please Note: There will be no Adoration in Delvin on Monday week ( Christmas Day)
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th January, 2018 at 8pm.
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. This Advent be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness..
World Meeting of Families: An icon of the Holy Family has been produced by the organising Committee for the World
Meeting of Families. An explanation of the Icon can be downloaded from Copies of the
Icon will be distributed at Christmas. Families are encouraged to place the Icon in a prominent place at their Christmas
dinner and pray the prayer for the World Meeting at that time.
Promotion of Vocations: The Lord’s instruction on vocations promotion is clear; ask the Lord of the harvest to send
labourers. This year the Diocese asks parishes to support a campaign of prayer for vocations to the priesthood in the Diocese
of Meath. A lighted candle is a symbol of faith and prayer. We have prepared a candle and a prayer card for families to use
at home over the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Vocations candle is also a sign that Christ is welcome and a
vocation to the priesthood is welcome. They are available from parishes—2 Candles for €5.. Please support this campaign
and ask the Lord to send labourers to the harvest of our diocese.
Choir Practice: Takes place on Monday next December 18th from 7.30pm-8.30pm for both Delvin and Killulagh Choir
members in Delvin Church.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sun 31st December. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Video: A Video of the evening with Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh in the Hall is available in Michael Leonards. Cost €10.
Bagatelle: Liam Reilly will perform in Concert on Fri 2nd Feb, 2018 in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin starting at 8.30pm. Cost
€18. Booking details Contact Michael Leonard at 044-9664484.
Christmas Confessions: Prayer Service and Confessions in Athboy Church on Monday 18th December at 7.30pm. In
Delvin Church on Tuesday 19th December at 7.30pm. Visiting Priests will attend.
Saturday 23rd December:
Killulagh Church at 12noon. Delvin Church from 2-2.30pm, and after 6.30pm Mass.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve 6.30pm in Delvin Church.
Christmas Day: 9.30am In Killulagh. 11.00am In Delvin.
Year B Second Sunday of Advent 10th December, 2017.
Sat 9th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Sun 10th 11.00am Kitty Bray. Joe Gaffney. Printinstown. Mary Keane MM Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am Mass. Wed 13th No Mass.
Thurs 14th No Mass. Fri 15th No Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Tom & Kathleen Monaghan & DFM. Sun 17th 11.00am Nancy Lenihan
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 10th 9.30am Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan & DFM Wed 13th No Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Pala Sheerin & DFM
Offertory Collection: €780. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €365. Monthly € 55.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th December at 8pm.
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. This Advent be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness..
World Meeting of Families: An icon of the Holy Family has been produced by the organising Committee for the World
Meeting of Families. An explanation of the Icon can be downloaded from Copies of the
Icon will be distributed at Christmas. Families are encouraged to place the Icon in a prominent place at their Christmas
dinner and pray the prayer for the World Meeting at that time.
Columban Missionaries: The Society celebrates the centenary of its foundation in 2018. We pray for all the members of
the Society past and present, especially those from the Parish
Promotion of Vocations: The Lord’s instruction on vocations promotion is clear; ask the Lord of the harvest to send
labourers. This year the Diocese asks parishes to support a campaign of prayer for vocations to the priesthood in the Diocese
of Meath. A lighted candle is a symbol of faith and prayer. We have prepared a candle and a prayer card for families to use
at home over the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Vocations candle is also a sign that Christ is welcome and a
vocation to the priesthood is welcome. They are available from parishes—2 Candles for €5.. Please support this campaign
and ask the Lord to send labourers to the harvest of our diocese.
St. Finnian: Is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co. Carlow and later in Wales. On his return
he settled in Clonard, Co. Meath around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of the
great monastic expansion in Ireland. He died in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the saints of Ireland. His Feast Day is
on Tuesday next, 12th December.
St. Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place this weekend 9th /10th Dec. We will also be collecting dried
goods. Boxes will be available in back Porch of the Church. Your support will be very much appreciated.
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Further information www.
1095 For this reason the Church, especially during Advent and Lent and above all at the Easter Vigil, re-reads and
re-lives the great events of salvation history in the “today” of her liturgy. But this also demands that catechesis help
the faithful to open themselves to this spiritual understanding of the economy of salvation as the Church’s liturgy
reveals it and enables us to live it.
Catechism of Catholic Church.
Year A First Sunday of Advent 3rd December, 2017.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 3rd 11.00am Joe Reilly. Mon 4th 9.30am David Anderson. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th No Mass. Thurs 7th 7.30pm Ernie & Peggy Lenihan.. Fri 8th ( Feast of the Immaculate Conception) 11.00am Bridgie & Mattie Gilmore. Jim & Eliz Gilmore. Sat 9th 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Sun 10th 11.00am Kitty Bray. Joe Gaffney. Printinstown. Mary Keane MM
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 3rd 9.30am James & Mary Nugent & son Sean. Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th ( Feast of Immaculate Conception) 9.30am Mass. Sun 10th 9.30am Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan & DFM
- RI. P. Thomas Barry. Dunboyne. brother of late Harry Barry, a native of Delvin. Martin Davis. who died in Australia, formerly Robinstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €860. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €405. Monthly € 240.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th December at 8pm.
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. This Advent be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness..
Youth 2000: Christmas Retreat in Newbridge College, Co. Kildare from 8th -10th Dec next. Information from 01-6753690,
World Meeting of Families: An icon of the Holy Family has been produced by the organising Committee for the World
Meeting of Families. An explanation of the Icon can be downloaded from Copies of the
Icon will be distributed at Christmas. Families are encouraged to place the Icon in a prominent place at their Christmas
dinner and pray the prayer for the World Meeting at that time.
Columban Missionaries: The Society celebrates the centenary of its foundation in 2018. We pray for all the members of
the Society past and present, especially those from the Parish
Promotion of Vocations: The Lord’s instruction on vocations promotion is clear; ask the Lord of the harvest to send
labourers. This year the Diocese asks parishes to support a campaign of prayer for vocations to the priesthood in the Diocese
of Meath. A lighted candle is a symbol of faith and prayer. We have prepared a candle and a prayer card for families to use
at home over the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Vocations candle is also a sign that Christ is welcome and a
vocation to the priesthood is welcome. They are available from parishes—2 Candles for €5.. Please support this campaign
and ask the Lord to send labourers to the harvest of our diocese.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place on Thursday next 7th December in the Hall starting at 5pm.
St. Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place next weekend 9th /10th Dec. We will also be collecting dried
goods. Boxes will be available in back Porch of the Church. Your support will be very much appreciated.
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Further information www.
The Advent Wreath
Placing four candles on green fronds has become a symbol of Advent in many Christian homes, especially in
Germanic countries and in North America. The Advent Wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles.
Sunday after Sunday, until the Solemnity of Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history
prior to Christ’s coming and a symbol of the prophetic light gradually illuminating the long night prior to the rising
of the Sun of justice.
Year A Feast of Christ the King 26th November, 2017.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Tom, May & Sean Fay. Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Danny & Annie Mc Grath & Betty Smith.
Remembrance Baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 26th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Barry MM. Mon 27th 9.30am Mass. Tue 28th 9.30am Michael & Margaret Malone. Wed 29th No Mass. Thurs 30th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney. Billy Moran & DFM Sat 2nd 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 3rd 11.00am Joe Reilly.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 26th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley. Charlie , Michael & Bridget Doyle. Wed 28th No Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 3rd 9.30am James & Mary Nugent & son Sean.
- I. P. Marie Lawlor. Athlone. sister of Ann O’ Shaughnessy. Gigginstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €885. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €390. Monthly € 75.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th December at 8pm.
Feast of Christ the King: This Sun we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm-5pm.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 30th Nov at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Advent: Advent has a twofold character, for it is a time of preparation for the Solemnites of Christmas, in which the First Coming of the Son of God to humanity is remembered, and like wise a time when, by remembrance of this, minds and hearts are led to look forward to Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time. For these two reasons, Advent is a period of devout and expectant delight..
Youth 2000: Christmas Retreat in Newbridge College, Co. Kildare from 8th -10th Dec next. Information from 01-6753690,
Young Adult Retreat: In Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat Dec 2nd from 9.30am-5pm. Contact 086-6036506, or 087-2478519.
Columban Missionaries: The Society celebrates the centenary of its foundation in 2018. We pray for all the members of
the Society past and present, especially those from the Parish
Promotion of Vocations: The Lord’s instruction on vocations promotion is clear; ask the Lord of the harvest to send
labourers. This year the Diocese asks parishes to support a campaign of prayer for vocations to the priesthood in the Diocese
of Meath. A lighted candle is a symbol of faith and prayer. We have prepared a candle and a prayer card for families to use
at home over the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Vocations candle is also a sign that Christ is welcome and a
vocation to the priesthood is welcome. They are available from parishes—2 candles for €5.. Please support this campaign
and ask the Lord to send labourers to the harvest of our diocese.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place on Thursday 7th December in the Hall. Any member who was not
at the Club on Thursday last and who would like to go please contact Jenny at 087-2362884, or Kathleen at 087-9768703 by
Friday 1st Dec. It is important that you contact us as we have to give the Caterer a number that will be attending by Monday.
St. Vincent de Paul: Church gate Collection will take place on weekend of 9th /10th Dec. We will also be collecting dried
goods. Boxes will be available in back Porch of the Church. Your support will be very much appreciated.
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Further information www.
Alzheimers Society: Dementia Awareness Evening on Wed 29th Nov from 7-9pm in Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar
Ardee- Collon Parish: Presents Marty Duff Christmas Concert and Guests in Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Ardee on
Thurs 21st Dec at 8pm. Tickets on sale from Parish Office. Contact 041-6850920.
Year A Thirty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th November, 2017.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Mossie Gilmore MM Pat Lynch. Sun 19th 11.00am Mass Karl Quinn. William & Catherine Sherlock.
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 22nd No Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 9.30am Mass.
Sat 25th 6.30pm Tom, May & Sean Fay. Sean Connolly & son Gerard. Danny & Annie Mc Grath & Betty Smith.
Sun 26th 11.00am Ruth Lynch Barry MM.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 19th 9.30am Patrick Mc Hale John & Nancy Barry. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Thomas, Mgt & Bridget Carley. Charlie , Michael & Bridget Doyle.
Offertory Collection: €765. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €775. Monthly € 255. Annual €1,200.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th December at 8pm.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church next Fri 24th November at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sun we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm-5pm.
Youth 2000: Christmas Retreat in Newbridge College, Co. Kildare from 8th -10th Dec next. Information from 01-6753690,
Young Adult Retreat: In Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat Dec 2nd from 9.30am-5pm. Contact 086-6036506, or 087-2478519.
Columban Missionaries: The Society celebrates the centenary of its foundation in 2018. We pray for all the members of
the Society past and present, especially those from the Parish
Red Wednesday: We are being invited to remember Christians who have suffered and died for the faith throughout the
world on Wed 22nd , especially by praying the Angelus at 12noon and 6pm. A report on Christians who being oppressed for
their faith can be found at
Delvin Tidy Towns: A. G. M. will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s Mon 20th Nov at 8pm. Everybody interested in becoming
part of the Tidy Towns are invited to attend. A new Committee will be formed on the night.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are in the Hall on next Thursday 23rd Nov at 11.00am.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to all who turned up for the Presentation Night on Wed. The amount of money handed
over to Mr. John Shaw was €31,000. A big thank you to all the people from Delvin and surrounding areas who organised
fundraising events during the past year. We appreciate what you do for the Hospice Homecare.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy takes place this Sunday 19th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We
would appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the
coming year.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on the roads this Sunday 19th
November at our Masses. A Memorial Service for Road Traffic Victims will be held in Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar at 2pm
on this Sunday.
Cluain Lir: Annual Ecumenical Service in Remembrance of all deceased will take place on Wed 22nd Nov at 7pm in St.
Mary’s Church, Mullingar.
Men’s Shed: Meeting on Thursday 23rd Nov at 8pm in Fatima.
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Further information www.
Alzheimers Society: Dementia Awareness Evening on Wed 29th Nov from 7-9pm in Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar
Ardee- Collon Parish: Presents Marty Duff Christmas Concert and Guests in Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Ardee on
Thurs 21st Dec at 8pm. Tickets on sale from Parish Office. Contact 041-6850920.
Year A Thirty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th November, 2017.
Sat 11th 6.30pm Bride Garry MM. John Fitzpatrick. Sun 12th 11.00am Walter Casserly & granddaughter Niamh. Christopher Fenlon. Mon 13th 9.30am Mass. Tue 14th 9.30am Jack, May & Paddy Mullen & Rose Murphy.
Wed 15th No Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am Mass. Fri 17th 9.30am Mass. Sat 18th 6.30pm Mossie Gilmore MM Pat Lynch. Sun 19th 11.00am Mass Karl Quinn. William & Catherine Sherlock.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 12th 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully. Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 19th 9.30am Patrick Mc Hale John & Nancy Barry.
- I. P. Jimmy Mc Neice. Scurloughstown, Delvin. Paddy Rourke. England native of Lisclougher, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €805. November Offerings: €1,745.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th November at 8pm.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 24th November at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Tidy Towns: A. G. M. will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s on 20th Nov at 8pm. Everybody interested in becoming part
of the Tidy Towns are invited to attend. A new Committee will be formed on the night.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Thursday 16th Nov at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation Night to Mr. John Shaw will take place in Dolores Gaffney’s on Wed next Nov
15th at 8.30pm. Everybody is very welcome to attend
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy takes place on Sunday 19th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We
would appreciate if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the
coming year.
Cluain Lir: Annual Ecumenical Service in Remembrance of all deceased will take place on Wed 22nd Nov at 7pm in St.
Mary’s Church, Mullingar.
Meath Archaeological Society: Talk on Excavations at Bective Abbey by Geraldine Stout at Trim Library on Thurs 16th
Nov at 8pm. All Welcome. Further info 01-8259438.
Arthritis Ireland: Infoirmation Evening will take place on Mon 20th Nov at 7pm in Hilton Hotel, Charlemont Place Dublin
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Because the choice is so huge and, at times, bewildering, we
provide a brief description of every site we have visited We have pages devoted to a range of resources, including daily
prayer, Divine Office, online retreats, inspirational reflections, religious broadcasts, and many others.
Delvin Country Music Festival: Takes place from 6th -8th July, 2018. Tickets are on Sale until 13th Nov in Old Video
Shop, Main St, Delvin. from 7-9pm every evening for local people. They will be on general sale after that .
Gospel Reflection.
The door is closed against the bridemaids who did not keep vigil nor trim their lamps. The concern of the Christian
should be readiness for the call of the Lord, to seek the light of Christ in daily living, and to keep burning brightly
the light received at baptism. It is true wisdom to be always eagerly longing for the Lord.
Year A Thirty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th November, 2017.
Sat 4th 6.30pm Kevin Murphy. Sun 5th 11.00am Ger & Maria Sherwin. Mon 6th 9.30am Mass. Tue 7th 9.30am Mass. Wed 8th No Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Fri 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 11th 6.30pm Bride Garry MM. John Fitzpatrick. Sun 12th 11.00am Walter Casserly & granddaughter Niamh.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 5th 9.30am Lily, Tommy & Larry Poynton Wed 8th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully.
- I. P. Mary Shaw. Rosmead, Delvin. mother of Mary Moore. Stonestown, Delvin & Mick Shaw. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €890. 1st Nov. €370. Ren. Fund: Weekly €465. Monthly €145.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th November at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Simon Anthony Conway. Joshua Lutz Quinn. Evan Denis O’ Callaghan. Rebecca Mc Hale. Erikas Lavrikaitis. Elijus Lavrikaitis. Lucas Timothy Gheorghe. Grace Emily Lynch. Evan Smith. Abbie Bethany Farrington. Emily Katie Murtagh. Chloe Rose Geoghegan. Lauren Angela Gaffney.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 24th November at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . ( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th.
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the Envelope that was distributed to you.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Tidy Towns: A. G. M. will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s on 20th Nov at 8pm. Everybody interested in becoming part
of the Tidy Towns are invited to attend. A new Committee will be formed on the night.
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Because the choice is so huge and, at times, bewildering, we
provide a brief description of every site we have visited We have pages devoted to a range of resources, including daily
prayer, Divine Office, online retreats, inspirational reflections, religious broadcasts, and many others.
Delvin Country Music Festival: Takes place from 6th -8th July, 2018. Tickets are on Sale from 3rd -13th Nov in Old Video
Shop, Delvin. from 7-9pm every evening for local people. They will be on general sale after that .
Dundalk Institute of Technology:Open Days Fri 10th & Sat 11th Nov at 10am, 11am and 12noon. Poster on Notice Board.
Prayer in Preparation for Death.
Lord God,
whose days are without end
and whose mercies beyond counting,
keep us mindful
that life is short and the hour of death unknown.
Let your Spirit guide our days on earth
In the ways of holiness and justice,
That we may serve you
In union with the whole Church
sure in faith, strong in hope, perfect in love,
And when our earthly journey is ended, lead us rejoicing into your kingdom,
where you live forever and ever,
Year A Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th October, 2017.
Sat 28th 6.30pm Andrew Geoghegan. Perrick Family. Peter & Mary Walsh. Sun 29th 11.00am Seamus, Ann & Andy Gaffney & DFM Mon 30th 9.30am Maggie & Dermot Kenny & DFM Tue 31st 7.30pm Henry, Molly, Rosaleen & Paul Barry. Wed 1st Feast of All Saints 11.00am Mass. Thurs 2nd Feast of All Souls. 9.30am New List of the Dead.
Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm DFM Burke Family. Sat 4th 6.30pm Kevin Murphy. Sun 5th 11.00am Ger & Maria Sherwin.
Sat 4th 2pm Mass for Sr. Concepta Murtagh followed by burial in the local cemetery.
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 29th 9.30am Paddy Cassidy.Wed 1st ( Feast of All Saints ) 9.30am Mass. Fri First Friday 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 5th 9.30am Lily, Tommy & Larry Poynton
- I. P. Ruth Lynch Barry. Dublin. daughter of Pat-Joe and Cailin Lynch. Robinstown, Delvin. Frank Walsh. Dublin. formerly Delvin. Nancy Flood. Oldcastle, sister of Tommy Reilly, Killulagh.
Offertory Collection: Mission Sunday: €1,340. Ren. Fund: Weekly €365. Monthly €50.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Sat night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th November at 8pm.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the collection last weekend.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed at the moment. They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New
List of the Dead will be celebrated on Thursday Nov 2nd at 9.30am in Delvin.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . ( to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 2nd Nov at 8pm in Parochial House.
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the Envelope that will be distributed to you.
Holy Land: From 16th Apr-24th , 2018 led by Fr. Dwayne Gavin. Sr. Consilio and Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack. Cost €1,535.
Contact Map Travel 01-8783111.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Pro Life Meeting: A meeting will be held in the Greville Arms, Mullingar ( Dr. Courcy Suite) on Thurs 2nd Nov at 7.30pm.
to present the case for the retention of the 8th Amendment. Speakers will give advice on Winning the Pro Life Argument.
All are Welcome.
Men’s Shed: Meeting will be held in Fatima on Thursday 2nd Nov at 8pm. to discuss setting up Men’s Shed in Delvin.
Anybody interested please attend meeting.
Delvin Tidy Towns: A. G. M. will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s on 20th Nov at 8pm. Everybody interested in becoming part
of the Tidy Towns are invited to attend. A new Committee will be formed on the night.
Comedy: Entitled “The Man in the Woman’s Shoes” takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Sat 4th Nov at 8pm.
Booking Details contact 044-9664484.
Farewell to Eureka House: Mass will be celebrated at 12.15pm on Sun 29th in St. Colmcille’s Church, Kells, followed by
tours of the school, entertainment and light refreshments in school canteen.
New Website: New Pilgrim Path is aimed at helping fellow Christian travellers of all denominations to mine the rich
resources of the Web in the search for meaning and belonging. Because the choice is so huge and, at times, bewildering, we
provide a brief description of every site we have visited We have pages devoted to a range of resources, including daily
prayer, Divine Office, online retreats, inspirational reflections, religious broadcasts, and many others.
Year A Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time ( Mission Sunday) 22nd October, 2017.
Sat 21st 6.30pm Tommy Timmons. Michael Mullally. Sun 22nd 11.00am George Hamilton. Martin Smith. Mon 23rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 24th 9.30am Mass. Wed 25th No Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am Gretta Mc Donnell Fri 27th 9.30am Mass.
Sat 28th 6.30pm Andrew Geoghegan. Perrick Family. Sun 29th 11.00am Seamus, Ann & Andy Gaffney & DFM
Confessions: 6 .00pm
Sun 22nd 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Wed 25th 9.30am Mass. Sun 29th 9.30am Paddy Cassidy.
- I. P. Mary Keane. Bolandstown, Delvin. Jimmy Dugdale. Clonarney, Delvin. brother of Willie, Paddy & Sean Dugdale. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €855. Ren. Fund: Weekly €510. Monthly €500. Annual: €500.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th November at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Mission Sunday: This Sunday is Mission Sunday, and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide.
Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a privilege in
itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the World is the joy of the Gospel and our Irish
missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland, the working title of
the four Pontifical mission societies, organises the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches worldwide. The Offertory
Collection this weekend will be for the Support of the Church’s missionary work.
Holy Land: From 16th Apr-24th , 2018 led by Fr. Dwayne Gavin. Sr. Consilio and Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack. Cost €1,535.
Contact Map Travel 01-8783111.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet in the Hall on Tue 24th Oct at 10.30. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be next Thurs 26th October starting at 11am.
Men’s Shed: Anyone interested in starting up a Men’s Shed in Delvin, please contact Mike Kenny at 087-1465545.
Comedy: Entitled “The Man in the Woman’s Shoes” takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Sat 4th Nov at 8pm.
Booking Details contact 044-9664484.
Farewell to Eureka House: As Eureka Secondary School, Kells prepares to move to its’ new School in Jan 2018, past and
present pupils and friends are invited to join and celebrate “Farewell to Eureka House” over the October Bank Hioliday
Weekend. Further details please see or
Tickets for Fri and Sat night can be purchased through school office on 046-9240132 or online on school website.
Meath Archaeological Society: A talk on Alice Stopford Green, her visit to St. Helena, the Boer War and Irish Nationalism
given by Angus Mitchell on Sun 22nd Oct in Church of Ireland, Kells at 3pm.
Mission Sunday
Through the mission of the Church, Jesus Christ himself continues to evangelize and act: her mission thus makes
present in history the kairos, the favourable time of salvation. Through the proclamation of the Gospel, the risen
Jesus becomes our contemporary, so that those who welcome him with faith and love can experience the
transforming power of his Spirit, who makes humanity and creation fruitful, even as the rain does with the earth.
“His resurrection is not an event of the past; it contains a vital power which has permeated this world. Where all
seems to be dead, signs of the reeurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irrestible force” ( Evangelii Gaudium, 276).
Message of Pope Francis.
Year A Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th October, 2017.
Sat 6.30pm Jim & Joan Carroll & DFM. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM. Sun 15th 11.00am Joe Lenihan. Mon 16th 9.30am Mass. Tue 17th 9.30am Mass. Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Mass. Fri 20th 9.30am Mass. Sat 21st 6.30pm Tommy Timmons. Michael Mullally. Sun 22nd 11.00am George Hamilton. Martin Smith.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 15th 9.30am Peter, Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan. Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Sun 22nd 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton.
- I. P. Thomas Gilmore. Addinstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €795. Ren. Fund: Weekly €360. Monthly €110. Annual: €300.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th November at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: Next Sunday 22nd is Mission Sunday, and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide.
Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a privilege in
itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the World is the joy of the Gospel and our Irish
missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland, the working title of
the four Pontifical mission societies, organises the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches worldwide. The Offertory
Collection next weekend will be for the Support of the Church’s missionary work.
Holy Land: From 16th Apr-24th , 2018 led by Fr. Dwayne Gavin. Sr. Consilio and Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack. Cost €1,535.
Contact Map Travel 01-8783111.
St. James’ Athboy: To celebrate the 700th of the founding of the Carmelite Monastery in Athboy, there will be a
concelebrated Mass in St. James’ Church, Athboy on Tue 17th Oct at 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet in the Hall on Tue 17th Oct at 10.30. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Hall Committee: Are organising An Evening with Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh on Fri 20th Oct at 8.30pm in St.
Patrick’s Hall, Delvin. Adm. €10 per person.
Men’s Shed: Anyone interested in starting up a Men’s Shed in Delvin, please contact Mike Kenny at 087-1465545.
Comedy: Entitled “The Man in the Woman’s Shoes” takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Sat 4th Nov at 8pm.
Booking Details contact 044-9664484.
Farewell to Eureka House: As Eureka Secondary School, Kells prepares to move to its’ new School in Jan 2018, past and
present pupils and friends are invited to join and celebrate “Farewell to Eureka House” over the October Bank Hioliday
Weekend. Further details please see or
Tickets for Fri and Sat night can be purchased through school office on 046-9240132 or online on school website.
Anam Cara: Are holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wed 18th October at 7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel.
Westmeath Branch of Diabetes Association: Information Afternoon in Annesbrook Hotel, Mullingar this Sun 15th Oct at
2pm. All are Welcome. Admission free.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Thurs 19th Oct from 6.30pm -9pm. Contact 046-94878994.
Meath Archaeological Society: A talk on Alice Stopford Green, her visit to St. Helena, the Boer War and Irish Nationalism
given by Angus Mitchell on Sun 22nd Oct in Church of Ireland, Kells at 3pm.
Year A Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th October, 2017.
Sat 7th 6.30 pm Jack & Bridie Mangan. Sun 8th 11.00am Frank & Mary Kate Murphy & DFM Farrelly Family. Mon 9th 9.30am Mass. Tue 10th 9.30am Jean Flynn. Wed 11th No Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30am Mass. Fri 13th 7.30pm Mass ( Rosary before Mass at 7.15pm.) Sat 6.30pm Jim & Joan Carroll & DFM. Dan & Elizabeth Gray & DFM. Sun 15th 11.00am
Joe Lenihan.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 8th 9.30am Joe Callan. Wed 11th 9.30am Mass. Sun 15th 9.30am Peter, Mark & Roseanne Kelleghan.
Offertory Collection: € 910. Ren. Fund: Weekly €300. Monthly €150. Annual: €300.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th October at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: Mission Sunday will be on Sunday 22nd and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide.
Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a privilege in
itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the World is the joy of the Gospel and our Irish
missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. World Mission Ireland, the working title of
the four Pontifical mission societies, organises the Mission Sunday collection in all Churches worldwide. We are invited to
pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the month.
Choir: To honour Jean Flynn R. I. P. all singers and especially ex-members of Delvin Musical Society who can, are invited
to join with the choir to sing from the Gallery at Mass on Tuesday 10th Oct at 9.30am.
Fatima Centenary: The apparitions to the three children of Fatima took place in the summer of 1917, beginning on 13th
May when the ‘Lady’ asked them to pray for sinners and an end to the World War. In the final apparition on 13th October,
the ‘Lady’ identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary and called for prayer and conversion.
Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee: Invites all weekly Adorers to a Eucharistic Assembly on Sat 14th Oct from
9.30am-4.30pm in the Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar. Booking Forms in Adoration Room. Cost is by donation.
Holy Land: From 16th Apr-24th , 2018 led by Fr. Dwayne Gavin. Sr. Consilio and Fr. Gerry Mac Cormack. Cost €1,535.
Contact Map Travel 01-8783111.
St. James’ Athboy: To celebrate the 700th of the founding of the Carmelite Monastery in Athboy, there will be a
concelebrated Mass in St. James’ Church, Athboy on Tue 17th Oct at 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet in the Hall on Tue 10th Oct at 10.30. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting in Fatima on Thurs next 12th October at 8.30pm.
Men’s Shed: Anyone interested in starting up a Men’s Shed in Delvin, please contact Mike Kenny at 087-1465545.
Comedy: Entitled “The Man in the Woman’s Shoes” takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Sat 4th Nov at 8pm.
Booking Details contact 044-9664484.
Benefit Night: In aid of Rehab Patients Fund, Mullingar takes place in Carmel Gaffney’s on Sat 14th October. Tickets €5.
Anam Cara: The organisation that supports bereaved parents will be holding a Bereavement Information Evening on
Wednesday 18th October at 7.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers before Tue 17th
October. Contact Information Line on 085-28888888.
Larcc Cancer Support Centre, Multyfarnham: Wish to thank all who contributed to the collection. Amount was €410.
Year A Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st October, 2017.
Sat 30th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Sun 1st Oct 11.00am Harry Barry MM. Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass.
Wed 4th No Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Mass. Sat 7th 6.30 pm Jack & Bridie Mangan.
Sun 8th 11.00am Frank & Mary Kate Murphy & DFM Farrelly Family
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 1st Oct 9.30am Stan Smyth. Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am Joe Callan.
- I. P. Jean Flynn. England. formerly The Green, Delvin. Sr. Concepta Murtagh. Loreto Convent, Navan. sister of Carmel Doherty. Ballinvalley, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: € 825. Ren. Fund: Weekly €635. Monthly €245. Annual: €2,050.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th October at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Renovation Fund: The New Year begins this weekend. If you would like to contribute to the Renovation Fund and you did
not receive a box of envelopes. Please contact Parochial House. 044-9664127.
Day for Life: This Sunday we celebrate “Day for Life”. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and
value of human life and every stage and in every condition.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday 5th Oct at 8pm.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: Tuesday marks the first day of the Mission Month of October. Mission Sunday will be on Sunday 22nd .
We are invited to pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the month.
Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee: Invites all weekly Adorers to a Eucharistic Assembly on Sat 14th Oct from
9.30am-4.30pm in the Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar. Booking Forms in Adoration Room. Cost is by donation. Please contact
Sr. Pearl if you intend going before Sept 30th .
Diocesan Pioneers: Spirituality afternoon will be held on Sunday 1st October at 2pm in Holy Family Church,
Ballsgrove, Drogheda.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Takes place from 4TH June, 2018. Spiritual Director Fr. Mark English. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Are back in the Hall on Tue 3rd Oct at 10.30. New members are very welcome.
- S. L. C.: Lights were turned on during the week for the Winter Months and go out at 10pm every night.
Comedy: Entitled “The Man in the Woman’s Shoes” takes place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin on Sat 4th Nov at 8pm.
Booking Details contact 044-9664484.
Benefit Night: In aid of Rehab Patients Fund, Mullingar takes place in Carmel Gaffney’s on Sat 14th October. Tickets €5.
The Call to Joy by Pope Francis.
‘The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.’ So begins Pope Francis apostolic
exhortation Evangelii Gaudium on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world. The Pope is encouraging every
Christian to embark on a new chapter of evangelization that is marked by joy. He is suggesting this as an antidote to
the desolation and anguish born of complacency, the pursuit of pleasure and a blunted conscience.
Year A Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th September, 2017.
Sat 23rd 6.30pm Ezra Mainwaring. Edward & Stasia Curran. Michael Reilly. Sun 24th 11.00am Patrick & Eileen Fitzsimons & DFM. Mon 25th 9.30am Mass. Tue 26th 9.30am Mass. Wed 27th No Mass. Thurs 28th 9.30am Mass.
Fri 29th 9.30am Noreen Barry. Sat 30th 6.30pm Peggy Joyce. Sun 1st Oct 11.00am Harry Barry MM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 24th 9.30am Ann Kiernan. Wed 27th 9.30am Mass. Sun 1st Oct 9.30am Stan Smyth.
Offertory Collection: € 715. Ren. Fund: Weekly €365. Monthly €220.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th October at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill at 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
- Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun 24th September. The New Year begins on Sun 1st
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes are been distributed at the
moment. If you are new to the area and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Day for Life: Next Sunday we celebrate “Day for Life”. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and
value of human life and every stage and in every condition.
Vocation Retreat Day: “Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening” A Retreat Day for young adults (18-40) will take place in
Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat 30th September from9.30am-5pm. Contact Fr. Joe Campbell 086-6036506, Sr. Una Kearney at
Study the Old Testament: We are offering a series of eight meetings in which the story of the Old Testament will be
explained. Meetings will be held in Fatima starting on Sept 26th . Each session will begin at 8pm and end at 9.30pm. This is
an opportunity not to be missed.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Sat 30th September from 9.30am-4pm. Cost is €20. Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee: Invites all weekly Adorers to a Eucharistic Assembly on Sat 14th Oct from
9.30am-4.30pm in the Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar. Booking Forms in Adoration Room. Cost is by donation. Please contact
Sr. Pearl if you intend going before Sept 30th .
Diocesan Meeting: As part of our diocesan preparation for WMOF 2018, all clergy and religious along with their parish
liturgy teams are invited to attend a training evening in Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim on Mon 25th Sept at 7.30pm. Information
will be given about a programme of catechius to be provided in parishes in preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
Meath Diocesan Pioneers: Spirituality afternoon will be held on Sunday 1st October at 2pm in Holy Family Church,
Ballsgrove, Drogheda.
Pro- Life Speakers: Two pro-life world renowned experts, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi and Professor Priscilla Coleman from
USA will speak on the link between abortion and breast cancer and abortion’s harmful effects on women’s mental health on
Sat 30th Sept, in Aishling Hotel, Dublin 8 from 9.30am -4pm. Entry Fee €20. Further info 094-9375993.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Restart back in the Hall on Tue 26th Sept at 10.30. New members are very welcome.
Delvin Friendship Club: Are back in the Hall next Thurs 28th Sept at 11am. Hope to see you all back after Summer Break.
Crowenstown N. S.: Table Quiz next Fri 29th Sept in Crowenstown Inn starting at 8.30pm. We appreciate your support.
- S. L. C.: Lights were turned on during the week for the Winter Months and go out at 10pm every night.
Year A Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 17th September, 2017.
Sat 16th 6.30pm Eugene Doherty. Ger Murtagh. Sun 17th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray. Mon 18th 9.30am Mass.
Tue 19th 9.30am Mass. Wed 20th No Mass. Thurs 21st 9.30am Mass. Fri 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sat 23rd 6.30pm
Ezra Mainwaring. Edward & Stasia Curran. Michael Reilly. Sun 24th 11.00am Patrick & Eileen Fitzsimons & DFM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen, Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM Wed 20th 9.30am Mass. Sun 24th 9.30am Ann Kiernan.
- I. P. Bride Garry. Ballyhealy, Delvin. Ellie Dunne. Dublin (formerly Ellenstown, Delvin). aunt of Tommy Mc Cann.
Offertory Collection: € 695. Ren. Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €195. Annual: €100.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th October at 8pm.
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
- Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun 24th September. The New Year begins on Sun 1st
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon. If
you are new to the area and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Redemptoristine Nuns: Monastic Vocations Weekend 22nd Sept-24th Sept Contact 01-8306235. Poster on Notice Board.
Vocation Retreat Day: “Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening” A Retreat Day for young adults (18-40) will take place in
Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat 30th September from9.30am-5pm. Contact Fr. Joe Campbell 086-6036506, Sr. Una Kearney at
Study the Old Testament: We are offering a series of eight meetings in which the story of the Old Testament will be
explained. Meetings will be held in Fatima starting on Sept 26th . Each session will begin at 8pm and end at 9.30pm. This is
an opportunity not to be missed.
Autumn Day in Dalgan: Sat 30th September from 9.30am-4pm. Cost is €20. Poster on Notice Board.
Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee: Invites all weekly Adorers to a Eucharistic Assembly on Sat 14th Oct from
9.30am-4.30pm in the Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar. Booking Forms in Adoration Room. Cost is by donation. Please contact
Sr. Pearl if you intend going before Sept 30th .
Diocesan Meeting: As part of our diocesan preparation for WMOF 2018, all clergy and religious along with their parish
liturgy teams are invited to attend a training evening in Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim on Mon 25th Sept at 7.30pm. Information
will be given about a programme of catechius to be provided in parishes in preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
Pro- Life Speakers: Two pro-life world renowned experts, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi and Professor Priscilla Coleman from
USA will speak on the link between abortion and breast cancer and abortion’s harmful effects on women’s mental health on
Sat 30th Sept, in Aishling Hotel, Dublin 8 from 9.30am -4pm. Entry Fee €20. Further info 094-9375993.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Restart back in the Hall on Tue 26th Sept at 10.30. New members are very welcome
Priory Institute: On Line Theology Course starting September, 2017. Application deadline 26th Sept. Poster on Board.
Loyola Institute: Short Course in Theology starting 25th Sept, 2017. 5 Modules offered. See Poster on Notice Board.
St. Mary’s Church, Drogheda: Padro Pio Triduum Thurs 21st, Fri 22nd Sept at 7.30pm and 10am Saturday 23rd .
- S. L. C. : Will hold their A. G. M. in St. Patrick’s Hall on Wed 20th Sept at 8pm. Everyone Welcome.
Emmett Cahill: Will perform in Cathedral, Mullingar Fri 22nd Sept at 8pm. Proceeds going to Northwestmeath Hospice.
Tickets cost €20.
Triumph Classic Owners Club: Arriving into Fore Village on Sat 23rd Sept at 1pm. All Welcome.
Year A Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 10th September, 2017.
Sat 9th 6.30pm James & Patricia Dolan. Sun 10th 11.00am Mass. Mon 11th 9.30am Mass. Tue 12th 9.30am No Mass.
Wed 13th No Mass. Thurs 14th 9.30am Mass. Fri 15th 9.30am Mass. Sat 16th 6.30pm Eugene Doherty. Ger Murtagh.
Sun 17th 11.00am Willie & Nicholas Bray.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 10th 9.30am Gertrude & Michael Kiernan & DFM. Wed 13th 9.30am Mass. Sun 17th 9.30am Thomas, Eileen, Bridie O’ Farrell & DFM
Offertory Collection: € 800. Ren. Fund: Weekly €245. Monthly €50. Annual: €490.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th September at 8pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Tuesday next . We pray for
all pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. The Pilgrimage is led by Bishop Michael Smith.
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
- Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Grandparents National Annual Pilgrimage: This Sunday September 10th at Knock Shrine at 2.30pm. Everybody
welcome to honour and thank Grandparents alive and dead for all they have done for us down through the years. Chief
Celebrant Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun 24th September. The New Year begins on Sun 1st
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon. If
you are new to the area and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Poor Clares: Cloister Day Sat Sept, 16th from 10am-5pm. Ages 21-40. Poster on Notice Board.
Redemptoristine Nuns: Monastic Vocations Weekend 22nd Sept-24th Sept Contact 01-8306235. Poster on Notice Board.
Vocation Retreat Day: “Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening” A Retreat Day for young adults (18-40) will take place in
Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat 30th September from9.30am-5pm. Contact Fr. Joe Campbell 086-6036506, Sr. Una Kearney at
Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee: Invites all weekly Adorers to a Eucharistic Assembly on Sat 14th Oct from
9.30am-4.30pm in the Bloomfield Hotel, Mullingar. Booking Forms in Adoration Room. Cost is by donation.
Lough Derg: Ecumenical Day of Prayer on Wed 13th Sept starting at 10.30am -3pm. Tel. 071 9861518
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Our Annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for the Hospice will take place on Fri 15th
September in Carmel Gaffney’s from 9.30am – 1pm. As always we appreciate your support.
Priory Institute: On Line Theology Course starting September, 2017. Application deadline 26th Sept. Poster on Board.
Loyola Institute: Short Course in Theology starting 25th Sept, 2017. 5 Modules offered. See Poster on Notice Board.
Irish Tarahumara Society: Church Gate Collection will take place on Sat/ Sun 9th & 10th Sept. We appreciate your support.
Delvin Handball Club: Are having a Clothes Collection as part of a fundraiser next Fri 15th Sept. from 9.30am -12.30pm.
Drop your bags at the Handball Centre, or Contact 087-9905869 for collection.
- S. L. C. : Will hold their A. G. M. in St. Patrick’s Hall on Wed 20th Sept at 8pm. Everyone Welcome.
Emmett Cahill: Will perform in Cathedral, Mullingar Fri 22nd Sept at 8pm. Proceeds going to Northwestmeath Hospice.
Year A Twenty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 3rd September, 2017.
Sat 2nd 6.30pm Michael, Bridget &Thomas Coyne. Sun 3rd 11.00am Colin Clinton. Tommy Anderson. Mon 4th 9.30am Mass. Tue 5th 9.30am Mass. Wed 6th No Mass. Thurs 7th 9.30am Mass. Fri 8th 9.30am Mass. Sat 9th 6.30pm
James & Patricia Dolan. Sun 10th 11.00am Mass.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 3rd 9.30am Ann Marie & Tom Nugent Wed 6th 9.30am Mass. Sun 10th 9.30am Gertrude & Michael Kiernan & DFM.
Offertory Collection: € 800. Ren. Fund: Weekly €405. Monthly €135.
Bible Alive: September Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th September at 8pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
- Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Grandparents National Annual Pilgrimage: September 10th at Knock Shrine at 2.30pm. Everybody welcome to honour
and thank Grandparents alive and dead for all they have done for us down through the years. Chief Celebrant Archbishop
Eamon Martin.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday 7th September at 8pm.
Renovation Fund: The present Year of the Renovation Fund ends on Sun 24th September. The New Year begins on Sun 1st
October. Those who have not yet contributed for the current year are asked to do so. New Boxes will be delivered soon. If
you are new to the area and would like to contribute please contact the Parochial House.
Update. (Renovation Fund) Since our last update contributions have increased and an old parish investment has matured. As
a result we have been able to repay one of the bank loans ahead of schedule. Our outstanding loans amount to €420,000 and
your continued generous support will be necessary.
Vocation Retreat Day: “Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening” A Retreat Day for young adults (18-40) will take place in
Dalgan Park, Navan on Sat 30th September from9.30am-5pm. Contact Fr. Joe Campbell 086-6036506, Sr. Una Kearney at
Larcc Cancer Support Centre: Announce the start of their next Bereavement Support Group, ten week programme with no
fee open to people who have been bereaved regardless of the nature of the bereavement. Information Evening will be held in
Larcc Centre, Coole Road, Multyfarnham on Tue 5th Sept at 7.30pm. All are Welcome. Call Larcc on 044-9371971.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: A. G. M. will take place next Wed 6th Sept at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. Please attend.
Our Annual Coffee Morning for the Hospice will take place on Fri 15th September in Carmel Gaffney’s from 9.30am – 1pm.
As always we appreciate your support.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Thursday next 7th Sept at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Priory Institute: On Line Theology Course starting September, 2017. Application deadline 26th Sept. Poster on Board.
Loyola Institute: Short Course in Theology starting 25th Sept, 2017. 5 Modules offered. See Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Handball Club: Are having a Clothes Collection as part of a fundraiser on Fri 15th Sept. from 9.30am -12.30pm.
Drop your bags at the Handball Centre, or Contact 087-9905869 for collection.
Social Dancing: Is back in the Hall every Fri night from 8pm-11.30pm. Contact Joe at 086-4001456.
Irish Tarahumara Society: Church Gate Collection will take place on Sat/ Sun 9th & 10th Sept. We appreciate your support.
Year A Twenty- First Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th August, 2017.
Sat 26th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Lawrence, Therese, Anita, Marie & Brenda Leavy. Sun 27th 11.00am Jim Joe Murtagh.
Mon 28th 9.30am Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass.Wed 30th No Mass.Thurs 31st 9.30am Mass. Fri 1st 7.30pm
Patricia Byrne. Sat 2nd 6.30pm Michael, Bridget &Thomas Coyne. Sun 3rd 11.00am Colin Clinton.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 27th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala Poynton, son Matt & daughter Margaret. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass.Fri 1st (First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 3rd 9.30am Ann Marie & Tom Nugent
R. I. P. Harry Barry. Dublin. formerly Delvin. Claire Gilsenan. Dromone, Oldcastle. sister of Francey Reilly. Killulagh.
Vera Farrell.( nee Moore). Mullingar. formerly Stonestown, Delvin. Paddy Loughlin. Trim. brother of late Willie Loughlin. Killulagh.
Offertory Collection: € 780. 15th August €230. Ren. Fund: Weekly €325. Monthly €305.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th September at 8pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place this
weekend of 26th/27th August. We appreciate your support.
Pioneer Mass: Will take place on First Friday 1st September in Delvin Church at 7.30pm. Anyone who is due to get a
Silver, Gold or Fr. Cullen (60 Years) Pin. Contact Michael Leonard 044-9664484, or Nuala Fox. Enrolment of Young
Pioneers will also take place that evening
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
2018. Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Special Collection Thanks to all who contributed so generously to the special collection last weekend in aid of 25 million
people facing hunger in East Africa, (Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethopia). Amount was €1,250.
School Re- Opening: St. Tola’s N. S. will re-open on Wed next Aug 30th . St. Patrick’s Crowenstown will reopen on Wed
30th and St. Ernan’s N. S will reopen on Thurs 31st August.
Grandparents National Annual Pilgrimage: September 10th at Knock Shrine at 2.30pm. Everybody welcome to honour
and thank Grandparents alive and dead for all they have done for us down through the years. Chief Celebrant Archbishop
Eamon Martin.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are having a Coffee Morning on Fri 1st Sept in Carmel Gaffney’s from 10am -1pm. We would
appreciate if you would do some baking as we are having a Cake Sale. Please bring your Fundraiser Cards on the day.
Priory Institute: On Line Theology Course starting September, 2017. Application deadline 26th Sept. Poster on Board.
Loyola Institute: Short Course in Theology starting 25th Sept, 2017. 5 Modules offered. See Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Handball Club: Are having a Clothes Collection as part of a fundraiser on Fri 15th Sept. from 9.30am -12.30pm.
Drop your bags at the Handball Centre, or Contact 087-9905869 for collection.
Social Dancing: Will resume back in the Hall on Friday 1st September, from 8pm-11.30pm. Contact Joe at 086-4001456.
Year A Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th August, 2017.
Sat 19th 6.30pm Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sun 20th 11.00am Martin Carroll MM Mon 21st 9.30am Mass. Tue 22nd 9.30am Tom & Mary Allen & DFM. Wed 23rd No Mass. Thurs 24th 9.30am Mass. Fri 25th 9.30am Mass. Sat 26th 6.30pm William Gilroy. Lawrence, Therese, Anita, Marie & Brenda Leavy.
Sun 27th 11.00am Jim Joe Murtagh.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 20th 9.30am Callan Family. Wed 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sun 27th 9.30am Dolores Mc Cormack. Nuala Poynton, son Matt & daughter Margaret.
Sunday Offertory Collection: € 360. Cemetery Collection: €2,200. Patron Day Offerings: €1,325.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th September at 8pm.
Patron Day Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Patron Day Offerings.
Cemetery Days: Many thanks to all who helped in the preparation for Cemetery Days in Killulagh, Crowenstown and Delvin. Special thanks to the participants from the Rural Social Scheme and Fas. Thanks to the huge crowds that attended
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on the
weekend of 26th/27th August. We appreciate your support.
Knock Shrine: Novena continues until Tue 22nd August. During the Novena on Mon 21st the launch of a one year
programme of preparation for the World Meeting of families2018 will take place. A special icon for the World Meeting 2018
will be presented at Mass in the Basilica at 3pm. It will then begin a journey around the Dioceses of Ireland. Families and
individuals are invited to Knock for the event
Delvin Parish Annual: Thanks to all who contributed to the 31st Edition of the Annual. Congratulations to the Editorial
Committee. Thanks to the Ladies who sold the Parish Annual in the Cemetery. Copies are on sale in Michael Leonard’s and
Daybreak. Cost €7.
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparation for the World Meeting of Families in
2018. Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Pioneer Mass: Will take place on First Friday 1st September in Delvin Church at 7.30pm. Anyone who is due to get a
Silver, Gold or Fr. Cullen (60 Years) Pin. Contact Nuala Fox or Michael Leonard at 044-9664484. Enrolment of Young
Pioneers will also take place that evening.
Dalgan Park: Young AdultsRetreat at Dalgan Park, Navan 25th -27th August. Theme: “I have come that you may have
life and have it to the full” Contact Sr. Una 090-6481666 Email: youthretreats @gmail. com
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Special Collection in aid of 25 million people facing hunger in East Africa, (Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethopia)
will be taken up on the weekend of 19th /20th August. One of the most severely affected areas of Kenya is Kitui- the Diocese
where Bishop William Dunne from Delvin was first Bishop.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are having a Coffee Morning on Fri 1st Sept in Carmel Gaffney’s from 10am -1pm. We would
appreciate if you would do some baking as we are having a Cake Sale. Please bring your Fundraiser Cards on the day.
Priory Institute: On Line Theology Course starting September, 2017. Application deadline 26th Sept. Poster on Board.
Delvin Handball Club: Are having a Clothes Collection as part of a fundraiser on Fri 15th Sept. from 9.30am -12.30pm.
Drop your bags at the Handball Centre, or Contact 087-9905869 for collection.
Year A Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th August, 201
Sat 12th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery Sun 13th 11.00am John Comaskey. Keith Dredge MM Mon 14th 7.30pm Mass. Tue 15th 11.00am Pat & Kathleen Gaffney & DFM. Wed 16th No Mass. Thurs 17th 9.30am Tom & Margaret Flanagan & DFM. Fri 18th 9.30am Mass. Sat 19th 6.30pm Sean Mc Morrow & grandson James. Michael & Julia Carroll & Michael Junior. Sun 20th 11.00am Martin Carroll MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 13th 9.30am Frances Comaskey. Tue 15th 9.30am Mass. Wed 16th 9.30am Mass. Sun 20th 9.30am Callan Family.
Offertory Collection: € 760. Ren Fund: Weekly. €365. Monthly. €245. Killulagh Cemetery: €950.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 12th September at 8pm.
Feast of the Assumption: Delvin Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady and this Tuesday is the Patron Day of the Church. It is a day of special grace for the whole parish and an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Assumption and its significance for us. Through the intercession of Mary we can pray for the grace and blessings we need for ourselves and our Parish.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Church Gate Collection: The Annual Lourdes Sick Fund Collection will take place on the
weekend of 26th/27th August. We appreciate your support.
Knock Shrine: Novena will begin from 14th -22nd August. Details of events for each day are on Poster on Notice Board.
Killulagh Apostolic Society: Thanks to all who supported the Coffee Morning. Amount collected on the day was €560.
Delvin Parish Annual: The 31st Edition will be on sale this weekend after Cemetery Devotions. Cost €7. There will also be
copies available in the local shops.
Maryvale Institute: Invites applications for a new programme of study on Marriage and Family Life. It is a 6 month
programme by distance learning consisting of 2 modules. The first Study Day will be held in the Pastoral Centre,
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath on Sat 30th Sept, 2017. This would be an ideal preparatoion for the World Meeting of Families in
2018. Further info contact 087-9868125 or go to Maryvale website
Pioneer Mass: Will take place on First Friday 1st September in Delvin Church at 7.30pm. Anyone who is due to get a
Silver, Gold or Fr. Cullen (60 Years) Pin. Contact Nuala Fox or Michael Leonard at 044-9664484. Enrolment of Young
Pioneers will also take place that evening.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Special Collection in aid of 25 million people facing hunger in East Africa, (Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethopia)
will be taken up on the weekend of 19th /20th August. One of the most severely affected areas of Kenya is Kitui- the Diocese
where Bishop William Dunne from Delvin was first Bishop.
Lay Catholic Groups: A meeting of Lay Catholic Groups in the Diocese will take place in Headfort Arms Hotel, Kells on
Tuesday 15th August at 8pm. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss how to protect the life of the unborn and to
retain the 8th Amendment to the Constitution. Those who take part in Adoration and other parish organisations are invited to
attend. All are welcome.
Loyola Institute: Short Course in Theology starting 25th September, 2017. 5 Modules offered. See Poster on Notice Board.
Priory Institute: On Line Theology Course starting September, 2017. Application deadline 26th Sept. Poster on Board.
Year A The Transfiguration of the Lord. 6th August, 2017.
Sat 5th 6.30am Joseph Gray MM. Sun 6th 11.00am Patricia Smyth. Mon 7th 9.30am Mass. Tue 8th 9.30am Mass.
Wed 9th No Mass. Thurs 10th 9.30am Mass. Fri 11th 9.30am Mass. Sat 12th 7.00pm Mass in Cemetery Sun 13th 11.00am John Comaskey. Keith Dredge MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 6th 9.30am Colm Newman Wed 9th 9.30am Msss. Sun 13th 9.30am Frances Comaskey
Offertory Collection: € 675. Ren Fund: Weekly. €365. Monthly. €140.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th August at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm this Sun 6th August. Mass in the New
Cemetery at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 7th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 12th August in the Cemetery at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to
defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their plots in preparation for Cemetery Day. A
skip will be provided in the Cemetery. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the upkeep of the cemetery.
Patron Day Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Led by Bishop Michael Smith. Mass at 3pm.
Preceeded by Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Pioneer Mass: Will take place on First Friday 1st September in Delvin Church at 7.30pm. Anyone who is due to get a
Silver, Gold or Fr. Cullen (60 Years) Pin. Contact Nuala Fox or Michael Leonard at 044-9664484. Enrolment of Young
Pioneers will also take place that evening.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Special Collection: In aid of 25 million people facing hunger in East Africa, (Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethopia)
Will be taken up on the weekend of 19th /20th August. One of the most severely affected areas of Kenya is Kitui- the Diocese
where Bishop William Dunne from Delvin was first Bishop.
Lay Catholic Groups: A meeting of Lay Catholic Groups in the Diocese will take place in Headfort Arms Hotel, Kells on
Tuesday 15th August at 8pm. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss how to protect the life of the unborn and to
retain the 8th Amendment to the Constitution. Those who take part in Adoration and other parish organizations are invited to
attend. All are welcome.
Castlepollard Mens’ Shed: Are seeking new members. They can be of any age, employed, unemployed or retired. Tuesdays
2-5 are the normal opening times, but there will be something happening there almost every day. If you are interested in
joining please contact 044-9661126 and leave your name and contact number.
Year A Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th July, 2017.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Dominic Reid. Sun 30th 11.00am John & Mary Mangan. Mon 31st 9.30am Mass.Tue 1st 9.30am Mass.Wed 2nd No Mass.Thurs 3rd 9.30am Mass.Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Pat Mullen. Sat 5th 6.30am Joseph Gray MM. Sun 6th 11.00am Patricia Smyth.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 30th 9.30am Antoinette Faulkner MM. Wed 2nd 9.30am Mass. Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 6th 9.30am Colm Newman
R. I. P. Seamus Mc Keogh. native of Raharney who died in America. brother of Rose Anderson. Billistown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: € 890. Ren Fund: Weekly. €455. Monthly. €145.
Bible Alive: August Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th August at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Khemanit Kim Geraghty. Charlie Killian Murphy- Mac Donnell. Eibhlinn Mary Reihill. Alison Helen Shorthall. Michael Gerard Collins. Fiadh Mauree Cox. Willow Mary Hopkins. Lucy Patricia Gilsenan. Lucie Jayne Bray. Caitlin Mae Lynch. Finn James Conneely. Tadhg William Powell. Lily Kiera Meaney. Rebekah Cathlin Vaughan. Naomi Rose Agaci. Elias Michael Agaci. Ben Poynton. Aaron Poynton. Naoise Viki Ddoorga- Finn.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun 6th August. Mass in the New Cemetery
at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 7th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 12th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the
upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their plots in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided in
the Cemetery.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Takes place on Sunday 13th August. Led by Bishop Michael Smith. Mass at 3pm.
Preceeded by Anointing of the Sick at 2.30pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Delvin Tractor Run: Takes place this Sun 30th July. Registration from 10.30am. Depart at 12.30pm from Salesyard, Delvin.
As always we appreciate your support.
Todays Readings
Listening to the word of God enables us to acquire true wisdom. By it we learn where our true good lies, that it
means more than silver and gold. This wisdom helps us to make the right choices in our search for the real treasure.
We ought to pray for the ability to make the positive, radical decision for the Kingdom. Jesus asks us all.
“Have you understood all this?”
Year A Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd July, 2017.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Willie & Ciaran Walsh. Sun 23rd 11.00am Liz Mullen. Mon 24th No Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th No Mass. Thurs 27th No Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass.Sat 29th 6.30pm Mary Toner. Dominic Reid. Sun 30th 11.00am John & Mary Mangan.
Please Note: Fr. Emmanuel will say Mass on Tuesday and Friday in Delvin during the week.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 23rd 9.30am Edward & Ursula King Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Sun 30th 9.30am Antoinette Faulkner MM.
Offertory Collection: € 695. Ren Fund: Weekly. €275. Monthly. €275.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th August at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Day Killulagh: Blessing of Graves in the Old Cemetery at 6.30pm on Sun 6th August. Mass in the New Cemetery
at 7pm. Please tidy up your graves.
Crowenstown Cemetery: Prayers for the Dead and Blessing of Graves on Monday 7th August at 7pm.
Delvin Cemetery: Mass for the Dead on Saturday 12th August at 7pm. A collection will be taken up to defray the cost of the
upkeep of the cemetery. Plot holders are asked to tidy their plots in preparation for Cemetery Day. A skip will be provided in
the Cemetery.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
St. Teresa of Calcutta: A Relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta will visit the Cathedral, Mullingar on 26th July as part of a tour of
veneration across Ireland. Mother Teresa died in 1997 and was canonised in September 2016. becoming St. Teresa of
Delvin Friendship Club: Are going on a Day Trip to Athlone next Thursday 27th July. Bus will leave from Carmel
Gaffney’s at sharp.
Killulagh Apostolic Work Society: Coffee Morning and Cake Sale will take place next Fri 28th July in Carmel Gaffney’s
from 10am-1pm. We would appreciate if some of you would do some Baking for the Cake Sale.
Killucan Vintage Club: Vintage Tractor Run will take place this Sun 23rd July. Registration at 11am. Poster on Board.
Delvin Tractor Run: Takes place on Sun 30th July. Registration from 10.30am. Depart at 12.30pm from Salesyard, Delvin.
As always we appreciate your support.
Today’s Readings
You have given us the good hope that after sin you will grant repentance. That God allows evil to flourish along with
the good has always been a problem to those who know of God. In this the patience of God constrasts with the
impatience of humans. The kingdom grows like the yeast spreading through the dough. The day of the Lord will
reveal all. Meanwhile we wait in hope, and pray to remain faithful.
Year A Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th July, 2017.
Sat 15th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Sun 16th 11.00am Austin Nugent. Mon 17th No Mass. Tue 18th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th No Mass. Thurs 20th No Mass Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Willie & Ciaran Walsh.
Sun 23rd 11.00am Liz Mullen.
Please Note: Fr. Emmanuel will say Mass on Tuesday and Friday in Delvin during the week.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 19th 9.30am Mass. Sun 23rd 9.30am Edward & Ursula King
R. I. P. Martin Carroll. Stonestown, Delvin. Ursula Butler. Church View, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: € 705. Ren Fund: Weekly. €420. Monthly. €70.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th August at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates. Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 7th August at 7pm. and Cemetery Day in Delvin
will be on Saturday 12th August at 7pm.
Feast of St. Camillus: Annual Novena of St.Camillus, Killucan is taken place from 13th -16th July. Each evening starting at
6pm, will include Veneration of the relics of the Saint, Confessions, Prayer for the Sick and Mass.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
St. Teresa of Calcutta: A Relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta will visit the Cathedral, Mullingar on 26th July as part of a tour of
veneration across Ireland. Mother Teresa died in 1997 and was canonised in September 2016. becoming St. Teresa of
Killulagh Apostolic Work Society: Coffee Morning will take place on Fri 28th July in Carmel Gaffney’s from 10am-1pm.
Delvin Community Alert: Meeting in Fatima on Tuesday 18th July at 8pm.
Killucan Vintage Club: Vintage Tractor Run will take place on Sun 23rd July. Registration at 11am. Poster on Board.
Delvin Tractor Run: Takes place on Sun 30th July. Registration from 10.30am. Depart at 12.30pm from Salesyard, Delvin.
Baptism-----Belonging to God’s family.
Through baptism men and women are incorporated into Christ. They are formed into God’s people and they obtain
forgiveness of all their sins. They are raised from their natural condition to the dignity of adopted children. They
become a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence they are called, and are indeed, the children of
God. Baptism is the door to life and to the kingdom of God. Christ offered this first sacrament of the new law to all
people that we might have eternal life. Further; baptism is the sacrament by which men and women are incorporated
into the Church, built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit, into a holy nation and a royal priesthood. It is
regrettable that the sacrament of Baptism is being described by some in media and political organizations as a
“barrier”. This contradicts the very meaning of Baptism. How just or fair, is a suggestion that discrimination against
Catholic children is a solution to the problem of insufficient supply of places in primary schools in certain parts of
the country? Taken from Mullingar Parish Bulletin.
Year A Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th July, 2017.
Sat 8th 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Sun 9th 11am Martin & Julia Kineavey. Sons Martin, Tommy & Christy.
Mon 10th No Mass. Tue 11th No Mass. Wed 12th No Mass.Thurs 13th No Mass. Fri 14th No Mass. Sat 15th 6.30pm Christopher & Elizabeth Darby. Sun 16th 11.00am Austin Nugent.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 9th 9.30am Colm & Lila O’ Farrell Wed 12th 9.30am Mass. Sun 16th 9.30am Mass.
R. I. P. Joseph Gray. Addinstown, Delvin. Anne Cremin. (Nee Bray), Perth, Australia. sister-in-law of Jane Bray.
Offertory Collection: € 785. Ren Fund: Weekly. €355. Monthly. €200.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th August at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates. Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 7th August at 7pm. and Cemetery Day in Delvin
will be on Saturday 12th August at 7pm.
Feast of St. Camilluis: Next Friday we celebrate the Feast of St. Camillus.Annual Novena of St.Camillus, Killucan will take
place from 13th -16th July. Each evening starting at 6pm, will include Veneration of the relics of the Saint, Confessions,
Prayer for the Sick and Mass.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th September. Contact Pilgrimage
Abroad 01-6359300.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Delvin Hospice Homecare Committee would like to thank Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National
Award Winning Garden for their Open Day last Sunday and giving the proceeds to Delvin Hospice. It was a great success.
Thanks to all the people from far and near who visited the Garden on the day.
Delvin Community Alert: Meeting in Fatima on Tuesday 18th July at 8pm.
Killucan Vintage Club: Vintage Tractor Run will take place on Sun 23rd July. Registration at 11am. Poster on Board.
Today’s Gospel
Today’s Gospel contains some of the most comforting and consoling words ever spoken. But who could speak them
except God-Jesus of Nazareth, God made man? They reveal that through him, with him and in him, in the unity of
the Blessed Trinity, we can enjoy God’s rest and peace. No matter who we are, life, let’s face it, can be hard, difficult
and burdensome. However, in the quiet of prayer, in the oasis of praying before the Blessed Sacrament, in the retreat
from the world, when we read God’s Word, we create the opportunity for God to comfort and console us. Truly,
only in prayer can we be comforted and consoled by the Holy Spirit and experience Jesus, gentle and humble in
heart, who leads us rest by the spring of God’s grace. Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata said: Prayer is the test of
everything, prayer is also the source of everything, prayer is the driving force of everything, prayer is the director of
everything. If our prayer is right everything else is right. For in prayer we find peace and rest for our souls. Finding
time for prayer is the challenge we face. However, this much is true: the more we pray, the easier it is to pray. The
less we pray, the harder it is. And the easier it becomes, the more we will pray. Taken from Bible Alive.
Year A Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd July, 2017.
Sat 1st 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 2nd 11.00am Matthew & Angela Monaghan. Mon 3rd 9.30am John & Ann Devine & DFM. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th No Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass Fri 7th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Tom & Maggie Leonard. Sat 8th 6.30pm Tom & Mary Lenihan & DFM. Sun 9th 11am Martin & Julia Kineavey. Sons Martin, Tommy & Christy.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 2nd 9.30am Oliver Kiernan. Wed 5th 9.30am Fri ( First Friday) 9.30am. ( List of the Dead) Sun 9th 9.30am
Colm & Lila O’ Farrell
R. I. P. Antoinette Faulkner. Mullagh. (nee Kelleghan, formerly Graftonstown, Delvin) Tom Murphy New Zealand, brother of May Moriarty. Ballinn, Delvin. Liam O’ Connor,.Emo, Co. Laois. brother of Sr. Kathleen, Southill.
Offertory Collection: Peter’s Pence.€ 865. Ren Fund: Weekly. €205. Monthly. €160.
Bible Alive: July Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 4th July at 8pm. ( Please note change of date.)
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Loughcrew: Annual Mass in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett takes place in Loughcrew, Oldcastle this Sun 2nd July at 3pm.
Lough Derg: Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg from 3rd July- 5th July. Pick up at Mullingar Park Hotel at 8.15am.
Contact Carmel at 044-9374818.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates. Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 7th August at 7pm. and Cemetery Day in Delvin
will be on Saturday 12th August at 7pm.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings will be taken after 11am Mass on Sunday. Pilgrims can pay over the next 6 weeks. Lunch
will be provided on the island. We will stop for an evening meal in Cavan on the way home. Contact Olive Power at 087-
- 9868125.
Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Will take place in Cistercian College, Roscrea from 17th -20th August. For young people
aged 16-35. Further info contact 01-6753690. Poster on Notice Board.
Annual Parish Magazine: We are near completion of the Annual Parish Magazine. We are looking for Photos of Baptisms
and Weddings from last year. Please submit before Monday 3rd July. Material going to Printers next Friday.
Summer Camp: The Annual Parish Summer Camp will take place from Mon 3rd July to Fri 7th in Fatima Hall from 10am-
1pm. each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4th to 6th class. The cost is €10 per person and €15 per family. It
promises to be a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendships. Further information please contact Laura O’ Neill 086-
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public this Sun
2nd July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare. Please support
Delvin Tidy Towns: The Committee would like to thank all who supported Church Gate Collection which amounted to
€424. and to the Business people who gave donations. Your support is very much appreciated.
Message from Pope Francis
To defend human life, above all when it wounded by illness, is a duty of love that God
entrusts to all.
Year A Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th June, 2017.
Sat 24th 6.30pm Pauline Coll. Sun 25th 11.00am Cora Timmons. Peggy & Ernie Lenihan. Mon 26th No Mass. Tue 27th No Mass. Wed 28th No Mass. Thurs 29th 9.30am Mass. Fri 30th 9.30am Michael & Seamus Mc Grath. Sat 1st 6.30pm Winnie Walsh. Christy Sheerin & DFM. Sun 2nd 11.00am Matthew & Angela Monaghan.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 25th 9.30am John Kelly & DFM Kelly family. Wed 28th No Mass. Sun 2nd 9.30am Oliver Kiernan.
Offertory Collection: €955. Ren Fund: Weekly. €315. Monthly. €185. Annual €500.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 4th July at 8pm. ( Please note change of date.)
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses this weekend 24th/25th June.
Loughcrew: Annual Mass in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett takes place in Loughcrew, Oldcastle on Sun 2nd July at 3pm.
Lough Derg: Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg from 3rd July- 5th July. Pick up at Mullingar Park Hotel at 8.15am.
Contact Carmel at 044-9374818.
Cemetery Days: Cemetery days are fast approaching, just to remind you of the dates. Cemetery Day in Killulagh will take
place on Sun 6th August at 7pm. Cemetery Day in Crowenstown on Monday 7th August at 7pm. and Cemetery Day in Delvin
will be on Saturday 12th August at 7pm.
Family & Life: Interactive Pro Life talk and training meeting on “How to Win the Pro Life Argument” on Tue 27th June in
Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar at 7.30pm. Speakers: Sarah Ekada, Paddy Manning and Michael Dwyer. All Welcome.
Rally for Life: A rally will take place in Dublin on Saturday next, July 1st to show support for protecting the life of the
unborn. Assemble at Parnell Square at 2pm. All are welcome.
Pilgrimage to Lough Derg: A One Day Parish Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place on Sat 2nd September. The cost of
the Pilgrimage is €60. Bookings are being taken at present. Contact Olive Power at 087-9868125.
Annual Parish Magazine: We are near completion of the Annual Parish Magazine. We are looking for Photos of Baptisms
and Weddings from last year. Please submit before next Fri 30th June, Material going to Printers next Friday.
School Mass: St. Ernan’s end of the year school Mass will take place in Delvin Church on Wednesday next, June 28th at
11.30am. All are Welcome.
Summer Camp: The Annual Parish Summer Camp will take place from Mon 3rd July to Fri 7th in Fatima Hall from 10am-
1pm. each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4th to 6th class. The cost is €10 per person and €15 per family. It
promises to be a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendships. We will be having a Coffee Morning fundraiser Sun 25th
June. All donations of cakes or other items would be welcome. Further information please contact Laura O’ Neill 086-
Delvin Tidy Towns: Will hold a Church Gate Collection on 24th/25th June. We appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun
2nd July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare. Please support.
Delvin Friendship Club: We are going on a Day Trip to Athlone on Thursday 27th July. Any member who was not at the
Club on Thursday last and would like to go please contact Jenny at 087-2362884 before next Fri 30th June.
Year A The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 18th June, 2017.
Sat 17th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & parents .. Sun 18th 11.00am Paddy Gaffney & DFM. Tommy Murphy. Mon 19th 9.30am Mass. Tue 20th 9.30am Mass. Wed 21st No Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am Pearse Mc Cormack. Fri 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sat 24th 6.30pm Pauline Coll. Sun 25th 11.00am Cora Timmons. Peggy & Ernie Lenihan.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 18th 9.30am Thomas Manny. Wed 21st 9.30am Mass.Thurs 22nd 7.30pm. Family of Baby Marcus. Daugella Sun 25th 9.30am John Kelly & DFM Kelly family.
R. I. P. Baby Molly Moran. Clonmellon. Grand daughter of Oliver & Olive Moran. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €815. Ren Fund: Weekly. €500. Monthly. €330. Annual €550.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 4th July at 8pm. ( Please note change of date.)
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Peter’s Pence Collection: Will be taken up at Masses next weekend 24th/25th June.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place next Sat 24th June. Bus will leave from
Carmel Gaffney’s at 9am.
Loughcrew: Annual Mass in honour of St. Oliver Plunkett takes place in Loughcrew, Oldcastle on Sun 2nd July at 3pm.
Lough Derg: Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg from 3rd July- 5th July. Pick up at Mullingar Park Hotel at 8.15am.
Contact Carmel at 044-9374818.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 31st Edition. If you
would like to submit any photos, articles please do so by Friday 23rd June.
Summer Camp: The Annual Parish Summer Camp will take place from Mon 3rd July to Fri 7th in Fatima Hall from 10am-
1pm. each day. It is for students who are just finishing 4th to 6th class. The cost is €10 per person and €15 per family. It
promises to be a wonderful week of faith, fun and friendships. We will be having a Coffee Morning fundraiser Sun 25th
June. All donations of cakes or other items would be welcome. Further information please contact Laura O’ Neill 086-
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be next Thursday in the Hall starting at 11am.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Will hold a Church Gate Collection on 24th/25th June. We appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun
2nd July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day. Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare. Please support.
Motor Neurone: Gala Ball in Headfort Arms Hotel, Kells on Fri 23rd June at 7.30pm. Contact 086-3601338.
Amen Support Services: Are running an Assertiveness Workshop in St. Anne’s Resource Centre, Navan on 22nd June from
7.30pm-9.30pm Further information 0818 222240.
Annual Alzheimer’s Tea Day: Thanks to all who supported Alzheimer’s Tea DayParty in Fore. Amount was €975.
Corpus Christi
We prostrate ourselves before a God who first bent over man like the Good Samaritan to assist him and restore his
life, and who knelt before us to wash our dirty feet. Adoring the Body of Christ means believing that there, in that
piece of Bread, Christ is really there, and gives true sense to life, to the immense universe as to the smallest
creature, to the whole of human history as to the most brief existence. Adoration is prayer that prolongs the
celebration and Eucharistic Communion and in which the soul continues to be nourished: it is nourished with love,
truth, peace, it is nourished with hope, because the One before whom we prostrate ourselves does not judge us, does
not crush us, but liberates and transforms us. Pope Benedict XV1.
Year A The Most Holy Trinity 11th June, 2017.
Sat 10th 6.30pm Patsy & Mary Leonard. Maura Carroll. Sun 11th 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Andy Leonard. Mon 12th 9.30am Lawrence & Nancy Carolan, son Frank & daughter Phyllis.. Michael & Mary Jane Sheerin & DFM Tue 13th 9.30am Patrick Donlon & son Patrick. Wed 14th No Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am Mass. Fri 16th 9.30am Mass. Sat 17th 6.30pm Camillus Daly & parents .. Sun 18th 11.00am Paddy Gaffney & DFM. Tommy Murphy.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 11th 9.30am Willie Loughlin. Wed 14th 9.30am Mass. Sun 18th 9.30am Thomas Manny.
R. I.P. Elsie Moore. late of Mooretown, Delvin who died in England.
Offertory Collection: €735. Easter Dues: €1,145.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 4th July at 8pm. ( Please note change of date.)
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Dues.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th Sept. Cost €699. There is a special
section for sick pilgrims requiring assistance . Special youth section 18-30yrs. Contact 01-6359300.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen on 087-9768703 or Margaret on soon as possible.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Mullingar Deanery: Annual Pioneer Mass will be held in the Cathedral, Mullingar Fri 16th June at 7.30pm. AllWelcome.
Lough Derg: Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg from 3rd July- 5th July. Pick up at Mullingar Park Hotel at 8.15am.
Contact Carmel at 044-9374818. You are invited to walk in the spiritual footsteps of your ancestors and be part of the
unbroken link of Lough Derg as a place of continuous prayer for over 1,500 years.
Dalgan Park: Retreat Day for Young Adults (18-40) entitled “Come Holy Spirit” on Sat 17th June from 9.30am-5pm.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 31st Edition. If you
would like to submit any photos, articles please do so by Friday 16th June.
Delvin Tidy Towns: Will hold a Church Gate Collection on 24th/25th June. We appreciate your support.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting in Dolores Gaffney’s next Wed 14th June at 9pm. Alec and Evelyn Sherwin, National
Award Winning Garden will be open to the Public on Sun 2nd July from 12noon -6pm. Plants and Cake Sale on the day.
Proceeds going to Delvin Hospice Homecare. Please support.
Motor Neurone: Gala Ball in Headfort Arms Hotel, Kells on Fri 23rd June at 7.30pm. Contact 086-3601338.
Amen Support Services: Are running an Assertiveness Workshop in St. Anne’s Resource Centre, Navan on 22nd June from
7.30pm-9.30pm Further information 081 8222240.
Trinity Sunday
Christians do not worship three different Gods, but one single Being that is threefold and yet remains one. We know
that God is triune from Jesus Christ: He, the Son, speaks about his Father in heaven ( “I and the Father are one”. Jn
10:30) He prays to him and sends us the Holy Spirit, who is the love of the Father and the Son. That is why we are
baptized “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. ( Mt 28:19)
YOUCAT Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Year A Pentecost Sunday 4th June, 2017.
Sat 3rd 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 4th 11.00am James,Mary & John Herward. Mon 5th N o Mass. Tue 6th No Mass. Wed 7th No Mass. Thurs 8th 9.30am Willie, Bridget & Mary Devine & DFM Hogg Family. Fri 9th 9.30am Mass. Sat 10th 6.30pm Patsy & Mary Leonard. Maura Carroll. Sun 11th 11.00am Michael, Kathleen & Liam Bray. Andy Leonard.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 4th 9.30am Phil Reilly. Wed 7th 9.30am Mass. Sun 11th 9.30am Willie Loughlin.
Offertory Collection: €860. Ren Fund: Weekly €355. Monthly €155. Annual: €200.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday next 6th June at 8pm. ( Please note change of date).
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Current 6th Class Pupils are invited to a special Youth Group meeting on Friday next at 7.30pm in Fatima.
Easter Dues: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th Sept. Cost €699. There is a special
section for sick pilgrims requiring assistance . Special youth section 18-30yrs. Contact 01-6359300.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen on 087-9768703 or Margaret on 087-7688105.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Lough Derg: Season has opened for One Day Retreats Contact 071-9861518 for bookings. The 3 Day Pilgrimage began on
Thursday 1st June. You are invited to walk in the spiritual footsteps of your ancestors and be part of the unbroken link of
Lough Derg as a place of continuous prayer for over 1,500 years.
Dalgan Park: Retreat Day for Young Adults (18-40) entitled “Come Holy Spirit” on Sat 17th June from 9.30am-5pm.
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima next Thurs 8th June at 8.30pm. Please attend.
Delvin Hospice Homecare:: We wish the Ladies doing the Mini Marathon in Dublin on Monday the best of luck.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 31st Edition. If you
would like to submit any photos, articles please do so by Friday 16th June.
Table Quiz: In aid of St. James’s Oncology Unit on Fri 9th June in Dolores Gaffney’s at 9pm. €10. per Person. Raffle as
well. As always we appreciate your support.
Amen Support Services: Are running an Assertiveness Workshop in St. Anne’s Resource Centre, Navan on 22nd June from
7.30pm-9.30pm Further information 081 8222240.
Pentecost Sunday.
This Sunday we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost. The account of the coming of the
Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles begin with these words: ‘When the day of Pentecost had come, they were
altogether in one place’. These words tell us that Pentecost existed before. In other words there was already a
Pentecost feast in Judaism, and it was during this feast that the Holy Spirit descended. ‘The law of the Spirit
which gives life in Jesus Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death’. Here the ‘law of the Spirit means, in
fact, ‘the law which is the Spirit’. But how does this new law of the Spirit work in practice and in what way can it be
called a ‘law’?. It works through love! The new law is nothing other than what Jesus called the ‘new commandment’.
The Holy Spirit has written the new law on our hearts by pouring his love into them. ‘God’s love has been poured
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us’. This love is the love with which God loves us and
through which, at the same time he makes us love him and our neighbour. It is a new capacity to love.
Reflection on Pentecost written by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa.
Year A Seventh Sunday of Easter (Ascension of the Lord ) 28th May, 2017.
Sat 27th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 28th 11.00am Tommy & Marie Mc Enerney. Mary Murphy & DFM.
Mon 29th 9.30am James & Mary Ann Andrews & DFM Tue 30th No Mass. Wed 31st No Mass. Thurs 1st No Mass. Fri 2nd 7.30pm Noel Renehan. Sat 3rd 6.30pm Michael Malone. Sun 4th 11.00am James,Mary & John Herward.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 28th 9.30am Micheal & Elizabeth O’ Keeffe. Wed 31st No Mass. Fri 2nd No Mass. Sun 4th 9.30am Phil Reilly.
Offertory Collection: €830. Ren Fund: Weekly €490. Monthly €135.
Bible Alive: June Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th June at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Current 6th Class Pupils are invited to a special Youth Group meeting on Friday next at 7.30pm in Fatima.
Feast of the Ascension: This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is also World Communications Day.
Pentecost Sunday: Next Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost. which completes the celebration of Easter. The gift of the Holy
Spirit which the believers received on the First Pentecost is received by every believer in baptism and confirmation. The gift
of the Holy Spirit is received many times, especially at Pentecost. At Masses we pray for a renewal of the grace of our
Easter Dues: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th Sept. Cost €699. There is a special
section for sick pilgrims requiring assistance . Special youth section 18-30yrs. Contact 01-6359300.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen on 087-9768703 or Margaret on 087-7688105.Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs 1st June at 8pm.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Events for the Pilgrimage Season Apr 30th –Oct 8th are on Notice Board.
Lough Derg: Season has opened for One Day Retreats Contact 071-9861518 for bookings. The 3 Day Pilgrimage begins on
Thursday 1st June. You are invited to walk in the spiritual footsteps of your ancestors and be part of the unbroken link of
Lough Derg as a place of continuous prayer for over 1,500 years.
Dalgan Park: Retreat Day for Young Adults (18-40) entitled “Come Holy Spirit” on Sat 17th June from 9.30am-5pm.
Digital Skills: Third Age is delivering free Digital Skills classes in your area. Starting shortly. The free training course is a
10 hour programme over five weeks, two hours per week. 10 participants per course. . It covers introduction to the internet,
internet security and safety, email, search engines and websites, online government services, conducting everyday
transactions, online voice and video and use of apps. To register your interest, please phone 046-0557766 or log on to
Delvin Friendship Club: A. G. M. will take place in Fatima on Thurs 8th June at 8.30pm. Please attend.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 31st Edition. If you
would like to submit any photos, articles please do so by Friday 16th June.
Table Quiz: In aid of St. James’s Oncology Unit on Fri 9th June in Dolores Gaffney’s at 9pm. €10. per Person. Raffle as
well. As always we appreciate your support.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Outing to the Hill of Uisneach, guided by Ruth Illingworth this Sun at 3pm.
Amen Support Services: Are running an Assertiveness Workshop in St. Anne’s Resource Centre, Navan on 22nd June from
7.30pm-9.30pm Further information 081 8222240.
Year A Sixth Sunday of Easter 21st May, 2017.
Sat 20th 6.30pm John, Anthony, Thomas & Mary Branagan. Josephine Murtagh. Sun 21st 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly family. Mon 22nd No Mass. Tue 23rd No Mass.Wed 24th No Mass.Thurs 25th No Mass. Fri 26th 9.30am John Heffernan & Parents. Sat 27th 6.30pm Tom & Elizabeth Toner. Sun 28th 11.00am Tommy & Marie Mc Enerney. Mary Murphy & DFM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 21st 9.30am Richard & Danny Monaghan & DFM. Wed 24th No Mass. Sun 28th 9.30am Micheal & Elizabeth O’ Keeffe.
R.I. P. Josephine Sands. England. sister of Teresa Flynn. Bracklyn.
Offertory Collection: €820. Ren Fund: Weekly €395. Monthly €395. Annual: €800.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to all the children who received First Holy Communion yesterday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them to prepare for their big day.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th June at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Current 6th Class Pupils are invited to a special Youth Group meeting on Friday next at 7.30pm in Fatima.
Feast of the Ascension: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. It is also World Communications Day.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th Sept. Cost €699. There is a special
section for sick pilgrims requiring assistance . Special youth section 18-30yrs. Contact 01-6359300.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Our Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sat 24th June. To book a seat please
contact Kathleen on 087-9768703 or Margaret on 087-7688105.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Events for the Pilgrimage Season Apr 30th –Oct 8th are on Notice Board.
Lough Derg: Season has opened for One Day Retreats Contact 071-9861518 for bookings. The 3 Day Pilgrimage begins on
Thursday 1st June. You are invited to walk in the spiritual footsteps of your ancestors and be part of the unbroken link of
Lough Derg as a place of continuous prayer for over 1,500 years.
Dalgan Park: Retreat Day for Young Adults (18-40) entitled “Come Holy Spirit” on Sat 17th June from 9.30am-5pm.
Skills Workshops for Community Groups: Westmeath Community Development has arranged workshops for
Voluntary Community Groups on May 25th . Details on the Notice Board.
Digital Skills: Third Age is delivering free Digital Skills classes in your area. Starting shortly. The free training course is a
10 hour programme over five weeks, two hours per week. 10 participants per course. . It covers introduction to the internet,
internet security and safety, email, search engines and websites, online government services, conducting everyday
transactions, online voice and video and use of apps. To register your interest, please phone 046-0557766 or log on to
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get- together will be on Thursday next May 25th in the Hall starting at 11am.
Annual Parish Magazine: We have started preparation of the Annual Parish Magazine. This is our 31st Edition. If you
would like to submit any photos, articles please do so by Friday 16th June.
Year A Fifth Sunday of Easter 14th May, 2017.
Sat 13th 6.30pm. Tom & Nellie Timmons. & Br. Lal . Christopher, Kathleen & Christy Casserly. Sun 14th 11.00am Sean & May Murray. Mon 15th 9.30am Mass. Tue 16th 9.30am Mass. Wed 17th No Mass. Thurs 18th 9.30am Mass. Fri 19th 9.30am Mass. Sat 20th 6.30pm John, Anthony, Thomas & Mary Branagan. Josephine Murtagh. Sun 21st 11.00am Peter Donohoe & DFM Duffy & Reilly family
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 14th 9.30am Bridie Dugdale.Wed 18th 9.30am Mass. Sun 21st 9.30am Richard & Danny Monaghan & DFM
R. I. P. Moya Byrne. Rathangan. mother of Ann Barry. Mooretown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: Vocations Sunday €1,045. Ren Fund: Weekly €295. Monthly €250.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th June at 8pm.
Vocations Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the Collection for Vocations Sunday last weekend. This money will go to the Bishop for training students for the priesthood of this Diocese. It is suggested that the period of time between May 7th and Pentecost would be a special time of Prayer for Vocations throughout the country. Thanks to all who came for the Adoration last Sunday for Vocations.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
First Holy Communion: Takes place on Sat 20th May at 10.30am in Killulagh and 12.30pm in Delvin.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Led by Bishop Michael Smith from 12th -17th Sept. Cost €699. There is a special
section for sick pilgrims requiring assistance . Special youth section 18-30yrs. Contact 01-6359300.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Candle Shrine: The shrine from Delvin Church has been found. It was found by Ronan Ivory in Ballyhealy bog on
Thursday. There is some damage to the shrine but it can be repaired. Many thanks to everybody who searched and all who
provided information leading to the recovery of the shrine.
Trocaire: If there are any Trocaire boxes which have not been returned yet we ask that they be returned during the coming
week. We will be forwarding the proceeds of the Trocaire collection this week.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Events for the Pilgrimage Season Apr 30th –Oct 8th are on Notice Board.
Lough Derg: Season has opened for One Day Retreats Contact 071-9861518 for bookings. The 3 Day Pilgrimage begins on
Thursday 1st June. You are invited to walk in the spiritual footsteps of your ancestors and be part of the unbroken link of
Lough Derg as a place of continuous prayer for over 1,500 years.
Dalgan Park: Retreat Day for Young Adults (18-40) entitled “Come Holy Spirit” on Sat 17th June from 9.30am-5pm.
Catholic Doctors’ Conference: A One Day Conference on Ethical Issues in Contemporary Medical Practice 2017 will take
place on Sat 20th May from 9am-9pm in Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin Cost €100. Further information at The Irish Catholic Doctors’ Learning Network.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee meeting on Thursday next May 18th at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Skills Workshops for Community Groups: Westmeath Community Development has arranged workshops for
Voluntary Community Groups on May 18th & 25th . Details on the Notice Board.
Irish Cancer Society: Church |Gate Collection will take place on 27th & 28th May. We appreciate your support.
Digital Skills: Third age is delivering free Digital Skills classes in your area. Starting shortly. The free training course is a 10
hour programme over five weeks, two hours per week. 10 participants per course. . It covers introduction to the internet,
internet security and safety, email, search engines and websites, online government services, conducting everyday
transactions, online voice and video and use of apps. To register your interest, please phone 046-0557766 or log on to
Year A Fourth Sunday of Easter 7th May, 2017.
Sat 6th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray. John & Alice Gillick & DFM. Sun 7th 11.00am Michael & Mary Brady. Mon 8th 9.30am Mass. Tue 9th 9.30am Mass. Wed 10th No Mass. Thurs 11th 9.30am Mass. Fri 12th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 6.30pm. Tom & Nellie Timmons. & Br. Lal . Christopher, Kathleen & Christy Casserly. Sun 14th 11.00am Sean & May Murray.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Su n 7th 9.30am Tom Flynn. Margaret Bennett. Wed 10th 9.30am Mass. Sat 13th 11.00am Willie Fox MM. Sun 14th 9.30am Bridie Dugdale.
R. I. P. Eamonn Convey. Lettrerkenny. brother of Breda Kiernan. Caddagh.
Offertory Collection: €935. Ren Fund: Weekly €390. Monthly €105.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th May at 8pm.
Vocations Sunday: This Sunday is Vocations Sunday. Offertory Collection will go to the Bishop for training students for the priesthood of this Diocese. It is suggested that the period of time between May 7th and Pentecost would be a special time of Prayer for Vocations throughout the country. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church next Sunday from 4-5pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
First Holy Communion: Takes place on Sat 20th May at 10.30am in Killulagh and 12.30pm in Delvin.
- Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thurs 11th May at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Mission Appeal: We are grateful for the outline of the missionary work of the SMA Society given by Fr. Tommy Faherty
last weekend. Anybody wishing to make a donation to support the work of the society can still do so. Please use the
envelope supplied or an ordinary envelope, marked SMA Mission.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Trocaire: If there are any Trocaire boxes which have not been returned yet we ask that they be returned during the coming
week. We will be forwarding the proceeds of the Trocaire collection before May 12th .
Knock Shrine: Programme of Events for the Pilgrimage Season Apr 30th –Oct 8th are on Notice Board.
Knock Counselling Centre: Drop in- Service. Contact 094-9375032. Poster on Notice Board.
Lough Derg: Season has opened for One Day Retreats Contact 071-9861518 for bookings. The 3 Day Pilgrimage begins on
Thursday 1st June. You are invited to walk in the spiritual footsteps of your ancestors and be part of the unbroken link of
Lough Derg as a place of continuous prayer for over 1,500 years.
Skills Workshops for Community Groups: Westmeath Community Development has arranged four workshops for
Voluntary Community Groups on May 11th, 18th & 25th . Details on the Notice Board.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: North Westmeath Turf Cutters are having a Traditional Turf Cutting Demonstration this Sun 7th
May at Drumcree Bog starting at 12noon. Proceeds from the day will go to Delvin Hospice and Fore Church Window
Restoration Fund. Adm €10. Music and Food on the day.
Anam Cara: Is a national organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on
Wed 10th May from 7.30pm-9.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. See Notice on Board.
Our Lady of Fatima.
The apparitions to the three children of Fatima took place in the Summer of 1917, beginning on May 13th when the
‘Lady’ asked them to pray for sinners and an end to the World War. In the final apparition on 13th October,
the ‘Lady’ identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary and called for prayer and conversion.
Year A Third Sunday of Easter 30th April,, 2017.
Sat 29th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. Sun 30th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly. Mon 1st 9.30am Betty & Helen Corcoran & DFM. Tue 2nd 9.30am Mass. Wed 3rd No Mass. Thurs 4th 9.30am Michael Smith. Fri 5th 7.30pm Billy & Kathleen Mahon. Sat 6th 6.30pm Joe & Annie Kate Gray. John & Alice Gillick & DFM. Sun 7th 11.00am Michael & Mary Brady.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 30th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith. Wed 3rd 9.30am Fri 5th 9.30am List of the Dead Sun 7th 9.30am Tom Flynn.
Margaret Bennett.
Offertory Collection: €920. Ren Fund: Weekly €685. Monthly €415. Annual: €300. nn q
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th May at 8pm.
Vocations Sunday: Next Sunday is Vocations Sunday. Offertory Collection will go to the Bishop for training students for the priesthood of this Diocese. It is suggested that the period of time between May 7th and Pentecost would be a special time of Prayer for Vocations throughout the country. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church next Sunday from 4-5pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
S. M. A. : The Society of African Missions---- SMA was founded in France in 1856 and when it was established in Ireland
in 1878 it was the first exclusively missionary congregation to sent out missionaries from Ireland. The main mission of the
SMA is in Africa where members work in 17 countries. Today, there are about 900 members and about 270 seminarians
preparing to be missionaries. The SMA asks for the support of prayers for the success of its missionary works. Our greatest
needs are funds to educate our seminarians and to continue work among the poorest on earth.
Trocaire: If there are any Trocaire boxes which have not been returned yet we ask that they be returned during the coming
week. We will be forwarding the proceeds of the Trocaire collection before May 12th .
Knock Shrine: Programme of Events for the Pilgrimage Season Apr 30th –Oct 8th are on Notice Board.
Knock Counselling Centre: Drop in- Service. Contact 094-9375032. Poster on Notice Board.
Poor Clares: Are hosting a Cloister Day on Sat 6th May from 10am-5pm. The days are designed to help young women aged
between 21and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life with a view to vocation discernment. Contact Sr. Colette
Skills Workshops for Community Groups: Westmeath Community Development has arranged four workshops for
Voluntary Community Groups on May 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th . Details on the Notice Board.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: 5K Walk will take place in Archerstown this Sun 30th April at 2pm. North Westmeath Turf
Cutters are having a Traditional Turf Cutting Demonstration on Sun 7th May at Drumcree Bog starting at 12noon Proceeds
from the day will go to Delvin Hospice and Fore Church Window Restoration Fund. Adm €10. Music and Food on the day.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Day Parade: A. G. M. will take place on Thurs 4th May at 8pm in Fatima. Please attend.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sun 30th April from 12noon -6pm, in the
Salesyard, Delvin. Donations of books and help would be greatly appreciated on the day.
Annual Alzheimer’s Tea Day:Will take place in Fore Abbey Coffee Shop on Thurs 4th may from 11am-5pm. All Welcome.
Anam Cara: Is a national organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on
Wed 10th May from 7.30pm-9.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. See Notice on Board.
Year A Second Sunday of Easter ( Divine Mercy Sunday) 23rd April,, 2017.
Sat 22nd 6.30pm Jack Ivory. Mona Cusack MM. Sun 23rd 11.00am Mary Mc Cann MM. Nicholas Grassick. Breege Mc Cormack. Mon 24th 9.30am Mass. Tue 25th 9.30am Mass. Wed 26th No Mass. Thurs 27th 9.30am Mass. Fri 28th 9.30am Mass. Sat 29th 6.30pm Michael Gilroy. Sun 30th 11.00am James & Peggy Reilly.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 23rd 9.30am Sean Newman. Wed 26th 9.30am Mass. Sun 30th 9.30am Kevin Ledwith.
Offertory Collection: €870. Easter Offerings: €2,940.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th May at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Divine Mercy Sunday: This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday.
Easter Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Easter Offerings.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
1st Communion Parents: A meeting for First Communion Parents will be held in St. Tola’s N. S. on Monday April 24th at
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Robberies in the Churches: Heating Oil was taken from the Oil Tank at Killulagh Church on Tuesday evening. A Candle
Shrine was taken from Delvin Church on Wednesday afternoon. If anybody noticed suspicious activity they are asked to
contact the Parochial House or get in touch with the local Gardai.
Skills Workshops for Community Groups: Westmeath Community Development has arranged four workshops for
Voluntary Community Groups on May 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th . Details on the Notice Board.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be in the Hall on Thursday next Apr 27th starting at 11am. We would
appreciate that those of you who still has to pay the balance of the holiday would do so on next Thursday.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: 5K Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 30th April at 2pm. Women’s Mini Marathon
will be on Mon 5th June. Closing Date for applications is 24th April.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sun 30th April from 12noon -6pm, in the
Salesyard, Delvin. Donations of books and help would be greatly appreciated on the day.
Year A Easter Sunday 16th April,, 2017
Sat 15th Holy Saturday 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 16th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass. Mon 17th 9.30am. Tue 18th No Mass Wed 19th No Mass. Thurs 20th 9.30am Paddy Kelly & DFM Kiernan family. Fri 21st 9.30am Mass. Sat 22nd 6.30pm Jack Ivory. Mona Cusack MM. Sun 23rd 11.00am Mary Mc Cann MM. Nicholas Grassick. Breege Mc Cormack.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 16th 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass. Wed 19th No Mass.Sun 23rd 9.30am Sean Newman.
R. I. P. Willie Fox. Killulagh, Delvin. Mary Flaherty. Watford, England. sister of Bridgie Murphy. Mitchelstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €920. Ren. Fund: €410. Monthly €175.
Easter Greetings: We wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. Sincere thanks to all who participated in celebrations during Lent and Holy Week.
Bible Alive: Easter Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th May at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
- Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Liturgy Courses available at National Centre for Liturgy. Poster on Notice Board.
Trocaire Boxes: Thanks to all who returned the Trocaire Boxes. Amount counted so far is € 4,198.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up this Sunday. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick on Easter Sunday at 10.30am.
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Loreto Sisters: Are you considering your future path in life? If so, and if you would like to learn more about religious life,
you are welcome to meet with Loreto Sisters in a relaxed environment at Beaufort House, Rathfarnham on Saturday 22nd
April from 11am-3pm. Enquires or phone 086-3194597.
Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin: Are offering Theology Courses. Poster on Notice Board.
Charitable Donations: Forms were issued recently. We would appreciate if you would return the form to the Parochial
House as soon as possible.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: 5K Walk will take place in Archerstown on Sun 30th April at 2pm. Women’s Mini Marathon
will be on Mon 5th June. Closing Date for applications is 24th April.
Delvin Sports & Leisure Centre: Are holding their Annual Book Fair on Sun 30th April from 12noon -6pm, in the
Salesyard, Delvin. Donations of books and help would be greatly appreciated on the day.
How can we strengthen our hope/?The liturgy of this night offers some guidance. It teaches us to remember the
words Of God. The readings describe God’s faithfulness, the history of his love towards us. The living word of God is
able to invoke us in the history of love, nourishing our hope and renewing our joy. The Gospel also reminds us of
this: in order to kindle hope in the hearts of the women, the angel tells them; “Remember what (Jesus) told you”
(v.6). Remember the words of Jesus, remember all that he has done in our lives. Let us not forget his words and his
works, otherwise we will lose hope and become ”hopeless” Christians. Let us instead remember the Lord, his
goodness and his life-giving words which have touched us. Let us remember them and make them ours, to be
sentinels of the morning who know how to help others see the signs of the Risen Lord. Pope Francis.
Year A Palm Sunday 9th April,, 2017
Sat 8th 6.30pm Hugh & Sheila Moran. Sun 9th 11.00am Tommy Gaffney. Mon 10th 9.30am Tue 11th 9.30am Joseph & Mgt Martin. Wed 12th 9.30am Thurs 13th ( Holy Thursday) 8.00pm. Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 14th ( Good Friday) 8.00pm. Good Friday Ceremonies. Sat 15th Holy Saturday 9.00pm Easter Vigil. Sun 16th 11.00am Easter Sunday Mass.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 9th 9.30am Michael & Elizabeth Hynes. Wed 12th No Evening Mass. Thurs 13th (Holy Thursday ) 5.00pm Holy Thursday Mass. Fri 14th (Good Friday) 5.00pm Good Friday Ceremonies. Sun 16th 9.30am Easter Sunday Mass.
R. I. P. Johnny Smith. who died in England. brother of Tess Anderson. The Green, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €885. Special Collection: €1,165. Ren. Fund: €325. Monthly €260.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 9th May at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Palm Sunday: This Sunday 9th April is Palm Sunday, which begins the celebration of Holy Week. Please bring Palm Branches to be blessed at Mass. We invite all our parishioners to attend the celebrations on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
- Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Liturgy Courses available at National Centre for Liturgy. Poster on Notice Board.
Confession for Easter: There will be Confession in Athboy Church on Monday 10th April at 7.30pm. In Clonmellon on
Tuesday 11th at 7.30pm. ( Visiting Priests will attend).
Chrism Mass: Chrism Mass is a special moment in the life of the Church. During the Mass, the priests publicly renew their
dedication to Christ in the Priesthood and the Holy Oils that will be used in administering of the Sacraments for the coming
year are blessed. Mass of Chrism will take place in Cathedral, Mullingar on Wed 12th Apr at 7pm. All are Welcome.
Holy Thursday: Adoration will conclude with Evening Prayer of the Church at 10.50pm. (offered for Vocations).
Stations of the Cross: On Good Friday at 12noon. It will be held outdoor, weather permitting.
Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat.
Trocaire Boxes: Will be collected on Holy Thursday. If you cannot attend Mass please send in your box or drop it into the
Parochial House. The Offertory Collection on Thursday will also go to Trocaire.
Easter Vigil: Candles for the Easter Vigil Celebration will be on sale beforehand. Cost 20c.
Easter Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Communion for the Sick: Will be brought to the Sick in the Delvin area on Holy Thurs and Good Friday at 2pm, and to
those in the Killulagh area at 5.45pm. Easter Sunday Communion will be brought at 10.30am.
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin: Are offering Theology Courses. Poster on Notice Board.
Suicide Awareness: Training Programme in Longford/ Westmeath between March and May, 2017.Contact 086-3801152.
Year A Fifth Sunday of Lent 2nd April,, 2017
Sat 1st Apr. 6.30pm Paddy Mc Quaid. John & Kathleen Dunne &DFM & Molly Paris. Micheal Moore. Sun 2nd 11.00am Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan. Mon 3rd 9.30am Mass. Tue 4th 9.30am Mass. Wed 5th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 6th 7.30pm Mass. Fri 7th ( First Friday) 7.30pm Bill & Kitty Donlon. Danny Gilmartin. Sat 8th 6.30pm
Hugh & Sheila Moran. Sun 9th 11.00am Tommy Gaffney.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 2nd Apr 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton. William Mc Cormack. James Drum. Wed 5th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 6th 9.30am Mass. Fri 7th (First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 9th 9.30am Michael & Elizabeth Hynes.
R. I. P. Mary Mc Cann. Church View, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €935. Ren. Fund: €280. Monthly €100. Annual: €300.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 4th April at 8pm. ( Please note change of date).
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Palm Sunday: Next Sunday 9th April is Palm Sunday, which begins the celebration of Holy Week. Please bring Palm Branches to be blessed at Mass. We invite all our parishioners to attend the celebrations on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.
Our Lady of Fatima: In celebration of the centenary of the apparition of Our Lady in Fatima all are invited to Holy Mass in
the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six Fridays of Lent. Programme on Notice Board.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
- Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Liturgy Courses available at National Centre for Liturgy. Poster on Notice Board.
Confession for Easter: There will be Confession in Delvin Church on Thursday next, April 6th at 8pm. (after evening
Mass). Visiting Priests will be available for confession. Confession is an important part of our preparation for the great
events of Holy Week. It is a unique opportunity to experience God’s mercy and healing.
World Meeting of Families: Pope Francis has personally chosen Dublin to be the host diocese for the World Meeting of
Families from 21st -26th August, 2018. Planning for this great national and international celebration of faith is well
underway. Hosting this important event requires an enormous amount of planning and funding. In this regard a second
national collection will be held this weekend. Your support for this collection would be greatly appreciated. We take this
opportunity to thank you for your support for last year’s first national collection.
Chrism Mass: Chrism Mass is a special moment in the life of the Church. During the Mass, the priests publicly renew their
dedication to Christ in the Priesthood and the Holy Oils that will be used in administering of the Sacraments for the coming
year are blessed. Mass of Chrism will take place in Cathedral, Mullingar on Wed 12th Apr at 7pm. All are Welcome.
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin: Are offering Theology Courses. Poster on Notice Board.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in Church.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Thursday next Apr 6th at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Suicide Awareness: Training Programme in Longford/ Westmeath between March and May, 2017.Contact 086-3801152.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Lent 26th March, 2017
Sat 25th 6.30pm Christy Coll. Sun 26th 11.00am Gus O’ Shaughnessy. James & Angela Doyle. Mon 27th 9.30am. Tue 28th 9.30am. Wed 29th 9.30am. Thurs 30th 7.30pm Oliver & Mary Burke & DFM. Fri 31st 9.30am. Sat 1st Apr. 6.30pm Paddy Mc Quaid. John & Kathleen Dunne &DFM & Molly Paris. Sun 2nd 11.00am Eilish & Fintan Mc Cormack. James & Bridie Branagan.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 26th 9.30am Seamus Mc Grath. Nellie Nelson. Paddy & Teresa Bannon. Wed 29th 7.30pm. Thurs 30th 9.30am.
Sun 2nd Apr 9.30am Tom & Patricia Egginton. William Mc Cormack. James Drum.
R. I. P. Mona Cusack. Rosmead, Delvin. Ailish Murray ( nee Power) who died in California. USA. native of Myleroe.
Offertory Collection: St. Patrick’s Da\y €835. Sunday €815. Ren. Fund: €385. Monthly €230. Annual: €250.
Summer Time: Masses on this Sunday will be at Summer Time. From Sat 1st Apr Vigil Mass will continue at 6.30pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th April at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Our Lady of Fatima: In celebration of the centenary of the apparition of Our Lady in Fatima all are invited to Holy Mass in
the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six Fridays of Lent. Programme on Notice Board.
24Hours for the Lord: We join Pope Francis and the Church worldwide in celebrating 24 Hours .for the Lord in Delvin
Church this Sat 25th March from 11am- Sun 26th finishing at 11am.Confessions from 7-7.30pm and 10pm-10.30pm.
Bible Study Group: There will be a meeting of the Bible Study Group in the Parochial House on Wed next, Mar 29th at
8.30pm. New members welcome.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
- Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Liturgy Courses available at National Centre for Liturgy. Poster on Notice Board.
World Meeting of Families: Pope Francis has personally chosen Dublin to be the host diocese for the World Meeting of
Families from 21st -26th August, 2018. Planning for this great national and international celebration of faith is well
underway. Hosting this important event requires an enormous amount of planning and funding. In this regard a second
national collection will be held next weekend of 1st and 2nd April, 2017. Your support for this collection would be greatly
Diocese of Meath: World Meeting of Families, 2018. As part of our preparation for the world meeting of families with Pope
Francis. A Talk will be given by Breda O’Brien in St. Mary’s Primary School,Trim on Thurs 30th Mar at 8pm. AllWelcome.
Chrism Mass: Chrism Mass is a special moment in the life of the Church. During the Mass, the priests publicly renew their
publication to Christ in the Priesthood and the Holy Oils that will be used in administering of the Sacraments for the coming
year are blessed. Mass of Chrism will take place in Cathedral, Mullingar on Wed 12th Apr at 7pm. All are Welcome.
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin: Are offering Theology Courses. Poster on Notice Board.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in Church.
Suicide Awareness: Training Programme in Longford/ Westmeath between March and May, 2017.Contact 086-3801152.
Delvin Friendship Club: The Club is going away in May for a 4 Day Trip Away. There are a few places left, if you would
like to go please contact Jenny at 087-2362884 or Mary at 087-7723245 by Mon 27th March.
Year A Third Sunday of Lent 19th March, 2017
Sat 18th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Sun 19th 11.00am Michael & Teresa White & DFM. Bernard & Annie Carroll.
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass. Wed 9.30am Mass. Thurs 23rd 7.30pm. Mary & James Moore & DFM . Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm Christy Coll. Sun 26th 11.00am Gus O’ Shaughnessy. James & Angela Doyle.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 19th 9.30am Teresa & John Lynch. Mike & Charlie Geraghty & Charlie Doyle. Wed 22nd 7.30pm Michael Forde. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Seamus Mc Grath. Nellie Nelson. Paddy & Teresa Bannon.
Offertory Collection: €1,100. Ren. Fund: €470. Monthly €280. Annual: €800. Private Donation: €100.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 11th April at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Our Lady of Fatima: In celebration of the centenary of the apparition of Our Lady in Fatima all are invited to Holy Mass in
the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six Fridays of Lent. Programme on Notice Board.
Feast of St. Joseph: Monday 20th March we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph.
24Hours for the Lord: We join Pope Francis and the Church worldwide in celebrating 24 Hours .for the Lord in Delvin
Church on Sat 25th March from 11am- Sun 26th finishing at 11am.Confessions from 7-7.30pm and 10pm-10.30pm. A sign-
in sheet will be available in the Church during the coming week. We ask that at least two people sign up for each hour.
at 7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 7.30pm on Wed and 9.30am on Thursday.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Faith Renewal Events for Spring/ Summer at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board.
- Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Liturgy Courses available at National Centre for Liturgy. Poster on Notice Board.
World Meeting of Families: Pope Francis has personally chosen Dublin to be the host diocese for the World Meeting of
Families from 21st -26th August, 2018. Planning for this great national and international celebration of faith is well
underway. Hosting this important event requires an enormous amount of planning and funding. In this regard a second
national collection will be held on the weekend of 1st and 2nd April, 2017. Your support for this collection would be greatly
Financial Statement: A statement of income and expenditure for the ordinary Parish Account is available on the Notice
Board. A copy of the report on the Renovation Fund is available at the back of the Church for anybody who didn’t receive
one last weekend.
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in Church.
Suicide Awareness: Training Programme in Longford/ Westmeath between March and May, 2017.Contact 086-3801152.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place this Sunday 19th March at 3pm. Those are entering floats are asked to assemble
at the Salesyard at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm. Artane Band and Micheal O’ Muircheartaigh.
Delvin Friendship Club: Our usual get-together will be on Thursday next Mar 23rd . We are starting with Mass at 11am. It
is the Birthday Party, so we hope to see you all there. The Club is going away in May for a 4 Day Trip Away, there are a few
places left if you would like to go please contact Jenny at 087-2362884 or Mary at 087-7723245 by Mon 27th March.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture “ The Big House” Land and Revolution in Ireland 1917-23 on Wed
22nd March at 8pm in Columban’s College, Dalgan Park, Navan. All are Welcome. Contact 01-8259438.
Year A Second Sunday of Lent 12th March, 2017
Sat 11th 6.30pm Philomena Smith. Sun 12th 11.00am Sean Mangan MM Mon 13th 9.30am. Tue 14th 9.30am. Wed 15th 9.30am. Thurs 16th 7.30pm. Fri 17th ( Feast of St. Patrick). 11.00am Mgt & Owen Murtagh & DFM. Sat 18th 6.30pm John & Catherine Clune. Sun 19th 11.00am Michael & Teresa White & DFM. Bernard & Annie Carroll.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 12th 9.30am Pat Fox MM Wed 15th 7.30pm. Thurs 16th 9.30am. Fri 17th ( Feast of St. Patrick). 9.30am John Joe Reilly. Sun 19th 9.30am Teresa & John Lynch. Mike & Charlie Geraghty & Charlie Doyle.
R. I.P. Mary Murtagh. Clondaliever, Collinstown. sister of Therese Smith. Killough, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €1,005. Ren. Fund: €315. Monthly €110.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th March at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Our Lady of Fatima: This year marks the centenary of the appearance at Fatima, Portugal of Our Lady to the three children.
Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Sister Lucia Santos from 13th May to 13th October 1917. In
celebration of this event all are invited to Holy Mass in the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six
Fridays of Lent. ( except St. Patrick’s Day). Programme on Notice Board with further details.
24Hours for the Lord: We join Pope Francis and the Church worldwide in celebrating 24 Hours .for the Lord in Delvin
Church on Sat 25th April from 11am- Sun 26th finishing at 11am.Confessions from 7-7.30pm and 10pm-10.30pm. A sign-
in sheet will be available in the Church during the coming week. We ask that at least two people sign up for each hour.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri. Mass on Thurs
at 7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 7.30pm on Wed and 9.30am on Thursday.
Financial Statement: A statement of income and expenditure for the ordinary Parish Account is available on the Notice
Board. A copy of the report on the Renovation Fund is available at the back of the Church for anybody who didn’t receive
one last weekend.
Pioneer Lenten Challenge: Many people abstain from alcohol and take the Short- Term Pledge for the duration of Lent. If
you wish to sign up to the Lenten Challenge you can do so by visiting
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in Church.
Suicide Awareness: Training Programme in Longford/ Westmeath between March and May, 2017.Contact 086-3801152.
Delvin St. Patrick’s Parade: Takes place Sunday week 19th March at 3pm. Those are entering floats are asked to assemble
at the Salesyard at 2pm. Roads will be closed at 2.30pm. Artane Band and Micheal O’ Muircheartaifgh.
Honda 50 Run: Registration takes place this Sunday 12th Mar from 10.30am-12.30pm. at the Salesyard, Delvin. Proceeds
going to Meningitis Research. We appreciate your support.
Year A First Sunday of Lent 5th March, 2017
Sat 4th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Michael Garry. Walter Carroll MM. Sun 5th 11.00am Patrick, May & Noeleen Smith. Joe Lynch. Mon 6th9.30am. Tue 7th 9.30am.Wed 8th No Mass.Thurs 9th 7.30pm Maggie & Tom Leonard.
Fri 10th 9.30am. Sat 11th 6.30pm Philomena Smith. Sun 12th 11.00am Sean Mangan MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 5th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory & Ellen Devery. Wed 8th 7.30pm Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Mass. Sun 12th 9.30am Pat Fox MM
R. I. P Ellen Power. Canada. daughter of late George and Annie Bezzanno. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €840. Ren. Fund: €300. Monthly €225.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th March at 8pm.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their parents, Teachers and all who helped them to prepare them for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Our Lady of Fatima: This year marks the centenary of the appearance at Fatima, Portugal of Our Lady to the three children.
Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Sister Lucia Santos from 13th May to 13th October 1917. In
celebration of this event all are invited to Holy Mass in the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six
Fridays of Lent. ( except St. Patrick’s Day). Programme on Notice Board with further details.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During thus season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b)Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. E.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue and Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 7.30pm on Wed and 9.30am on Thursday. They will commence from this week.
Pioneer Lenten Challenge: Many people abstain from alcohol and take the Short- Term Pledge for the duration of Lent. If
you wish to sign up to the Lenten Challenge you can do so by visiting
Catholic Grandparents Association: 1st Annual Retreat Conference 26th –27th April. The Theme is: “Helping our Children
and Grandchildren to know, love and serve God in these highly secularized times” Takes place at Dominican Retreat Centre,
Tallaght. Contact 098-24877.
Lenten Retreat: For Young Adults aged 18-40yrs. A time of conversation and reflection about how Jesus is calling you. on
Sat 11th March from 9.30am-5pm in Dalgan Park, Navan. Poster on Notice Board with contact numbers.
Trocaire: Famine and Poverty is a serious problem in many parts of the world. Your contributions to Trocaire will help to
relieve suffering. We are grateful to the Collectors who delivered a box to each household. Spare Boxes in Church.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on Wed 8th March at 8.30pm in Dolores Gaffney’s.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Thursday 9th March at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Voice of Ireland: Tommy Fleming is coming to TLT Theatre, Drogheda Sat 11th Mar on his 25th Anniversary Tour. Tickets
cost €30. and are available from Box Office 041-9878560.
Suicide Awareness: Training Programme in Longford/ Westmeath between March and May, 2017.Contact 086-3801152.
Year A Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th February, 2017
Sat 25th 6.30pm David Dunne. Paddy Gray. Sun 26th 11.00am Lily & Billy Gilmore.Mon 27th 9.30am. Tue 28th 9.30am Wed 1st Mar (Ash Wednesday) 7.30pm. Thurs 2nd 9.30am. Fri 3rd 7.30pm. Sat 4th 6.30pm Nan & Mick Anderson. Michael Garry. Walter Carroll MM. Sun 5th 11.00am Patrick, May & Noeleen Smith.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 26th 9.30am Joe Flynn. Wed 1st Mar (Ash Wednesday) 9.30am. Fri 3rd 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 5th 9.30am John & Ellen Ivory & Ellen Devery.
R. I. P. Brendan Dunne. Ballinacor, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €835. Ren. Fund: €295. Monthly €205.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.00am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th March at 8pm.
Confirmation: Will be in Delvin Church next Friday 3rd March. Each child will have one Sponsor. Places will be reserved at the Ceremony for the children and their sponsor in the centre aisle.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Our Lady of Fatima: This year marks the centenary of the appearance at Fatima, Portugal of Our Lady to the three children.
Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Sister Lucia Santos from 13th May to 13th October 1917. In
celebration of this event all are invited to Holy Mass in the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six
Fridays of Lent. ( except St. Patrick’s Day). Programme on Notice Board with further details.
Marriage Renewal Weekend: The next weekend will be at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone from 3rd to 5th March, 2017.
For further info contact 0857-7840408. or visit www.
Day of Prayer for Temperance: This Sunday is a Day of Prayer for Temperance.
Day for Grandparents: A workshop for grandparents will be held in the Parish Centre, Castlepollard on Sat 4th March,
from 10.30am-3.30pm. The purpose is to explore the role of grandparents in handing on the faith to their families,
especially their grandchildren. The speaker will be Mr Eanna Johnson, Dublin. He is a grandfather, writer and lecturer who
has studied this topic for many years. All grandparents are welcome. If you would like to attend please contact the Parochial
House before Sunday February 26th or contact 087-9868125.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fast: Those over 21 and under 60 should reduce
considerably the amount of food they take. Abstinence: Those over 14 should abstain from meat. Ashes will be blessed and
distributed at Morning Mass in Killulagh and evening Mass in Delvin.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During thus season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b)Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self-denial. E.g. fasting from
food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Mullingar Choral Society: Will hold their Annual Spring Concert in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on
Sunday 5th March at 8pm. Tickets available at the door.
Riocht na Midhe: The launch will take place in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan on 1st March at 7.30pm. Lecture will be given by
Thomas Pakenham on Tullynally, the evolution of house and landscape. 1740-1840.
Voice of Ireland: Tommy Fleming is coming to TLT Theatre, Drogheda sat 11th Mar on his 25th Anniversary Tour. Tickets
cost €30. and are available from Box Office 041-9878560.
Year A Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th February, 2017
Sat 18th 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. T. J. & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Sun 12th 11.00am Joe Cullen MM & Laetitia Cullen.
Mon 20th 9.30am Mass. Tue 21st 9.30am Mass Wed 22nd No Mass. Thurs 23rd 9.30am Mass. Fri 24th 9.30am Mass. Sat 25th 6.30pm David Dunne. Paddy Gray. Sun 26th 11.00am Lily & Billy Gilmore.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 19th 9.30am Martin Kiernan. Wed 22nd 9.30am Mass. Sun 26th 9.30am Joe Flynn.
Offertory Collection: €920. Ren. Fund: €430. Monthly €255.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th March at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Priory Institute: Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Spring. Application
deadline is 28th February. Contact 01-4048124
Our Lady of Fatima: This year marks the centenary of the appearance at Fatima, Portugal of Our Lady to the three children.
Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Sister Lucia Santos from 13th May to 13th October 1917. In
celebration of this event all are invited to Holy Mass in the Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall at 8pm on the six
Fridays of Lent. ( except St. Patrick’s Day). Programme on Notice Board with further details.
Marriage Renewal Weekend: The next weekend will be at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone from 3rd to 5th March, 2017.
For further info contact 0857-7840408. or visit www.
Gospel Discussion Group: The Group will meet in Fatima after morning Mass on next Friday (24th ,) The topic will be “The
Gospel of St. Matthew”. Everybody is welcome.
Religion in Schools: Parents, teachers and members of the public are invited to submit their views on “the role of
denominational religion on the school admissions process”. The consultation runs until 20th February. The survey is
available at
Medjugorje Irish Centre, Pilgrimages: Airport Transport and 7 nights B& B €279. Tel. 01-4434510. Details on Poster.
Day for Grandpartents: A workshop for grandparents will be held in the Parish Centre, Castlepollard on Sat 4th March,
from 10.30am-3.30pm. The purpose is to explore the role of grandparents in handing on the faith to their families,
especially their grandchildren. The speaker will be Mr Eanna Johnson, Dublin. He is a grandfather, writer and lecturer who
has studied this topic for many years. All grandparents are welcome. If you would like to attend please contact the Parochial
House before Sunday February 26th or contact 087-9868125.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting will take place in Dolores Gaffney’s on Wed next at 8.30pm. Please attend.
Delvin Friendship Club: Will be back in the Hall on Thursday next Feb 23rd at 11am. Hope to see ye all after the break.
Delvin Parade; Meeting in Fatima next Thursday 23rd February at 8pm.
Delvin Historical Society: Ruth Illingworth will give a lecture on “New Book on Westmeath” Thurs 23rd Feb at 8.30pm in
Carmel Gaffney’s. All are Welcome.
Comedy: Seamus O’ Rourke will appear in the John Mc Manus one man Play entitled Danger Money in St. Patrick’s Hall,
Delvin Sat 18th Feb at 8pm Tickets available from Michael Leonard 044-9664484. Proceeds in aid of Hall Funds. No
Parking at the Hall for Safety Reasons.
Riocht na Midhe: The launch will take place in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan on 1st March at 7.30pm. Lecture will be given by
Thomas Pakenham on Tullynally, the evolution of house and landscape. 1740-1840.
Year A Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th February, 2017
Sat 11th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran & DFM. Sun 12th 11.00am Patrick & Eilish Farrelly.Mon 13th 9.30am. Tue 14th 9.30am. Wed 15th No Mass. Thurs 16th 9.30am. Fri 17th 9.30am Sat 18th 6.30pm James & Peg Robinson. T. J. & Kathleen O’ Driscoll. Sun 12th 11.00am Joe Cullen MM & Laetitia Cullen.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 12th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde Wed 15th 9.30am Mass. Sun 19th 9.30am Martin Kiernan.
R. I. P. Pat Fox. Printinstown, Delvin. Sean Mangan. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €730. Candlemas Offerings: €1,175.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th February at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Priory Institute: Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Spring. Application
deadline is 28th February. Contact 01-4048124
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am and
11am Masses. We invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows and
give them a special blessing during Mass. Refreshments will be provided in Fatima after Mass.
Marriage Renewal Weekend: The next weekend will be at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone from 3rd to 5th March, 2017.
For further info contact 0857-7840408. or visit www.
Gospel Discussion Group: The Group will meet in Fatima after morning Mass on the next two Fridays (Feb, 17th ,
24th ,) The topic will be “The Gospel of St. Matthew”. Everybody is welcome.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Candlemas Offerings.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: This Saturday is World Day of the Sick. Please pray for all who are sick that day.
Religion in Schools: Parents, teachers and members of the public are invited to submit their views on “the role of
denominational religion on the school admissions process”. The consultation runs until 20th February. The survey is
available at
Day for Grandpartents: A workshop for grandparents will be held in the Parish Centre, Castlepollard on Sat 4th March,
from 10.30am-3.30pm. The purpose is to explore the role of grandparents in handing on the faith to their families,
especially their grandchildren. The speaker will be Mr Eanna Johnson, Dublin. He is a grandfather, writer and lecturer who
has studied this topic for many years. All grandparents are welcome. If you would like to attend please contact the Parochial
House before Sunday February 26th or contact 087-9868125.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Will be in the Hall Tue 21st Feb at 10.30am. All are Welcome.
Delvin Handball/ Racquet Ball Club: Registration on Mon 13th Feb from 8pm-9pm in Handball Alley Room.
Delvin Historical Society: Ruth Illingworth will give a lecture on “New Book on Westmeath” Thurs 23rd Feb at 8.30pm in
Carmel Gaffney’s. All are Welcome.
Comedy: Seamus O’ Rourke will appear in the John Mc Manus one man Play entitled Danger Money in St. Patrick’s Hall,
Delvin Sat 18th Feb at 8pm Tickets available from Michael Leonard 044-9664484. Proceeds in aid of Hall Funds. No
Parking at the Hall for Safety Reasons.
Divine Mercy: Conference will take place in R. D. S., Dublin. Bus departing from Trim Church Car Park, Saturday 25th
Febuary at 8.30am. Please contact Rita on 085-7284600 to reserve a seat.
Riocht na Midhe: The launch will take place in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan on 1st March at 7.30pm. Lecture will be given by
Thomas Pakenham on Tullynally, the evolution of house and landscape. 1740-1840.
Year A Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th February, 2017
Sat 4th Feb 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 5th 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny & DFM. Mon 6th 9.30am Tue 7th 9.30am DFM Mc Gowan Family. Wed 8th No Mass. Thurs 9th 9.30am Fri 10th 9.30am. Sat 11th 6.30pm John & Mgt Moran & DFM. Sun 12th 11.00am Patrick & Eilish Farrelly.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 5th 9.30am Bridget & Larry Whelehan & DFM. Wed 8th 7.30pm Noel Fox. Sun 12th 9.30am Tom & Mary Forde
Offertory Collection: €825. Ren. Fund: Weekly €255. Monthly €205. Annual: €1,620.
Bible Alive: February Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration. Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th February at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Priory Institute: Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Spring. Application
deadline is 28th February. Contact 01-4048124
Renewal of Marriage Vows: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at 9.30am and
11am Masses. We invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows and
give them a special blessing during Mass.
Marriage Renewal Weekend: The next weekend will be at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone from 3rd to 5th March, 2017.
For further info contact 0857-7840408. or visit www.
Gospel Discussion Group: The Group will meet in Fatima after morning Mass on the next three Fridays (Feb,10th, 17th ,
24th ,) The topic will be “The Gospel of St. Matthew”. Everybody is welcome.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up this Sun 5th Feb. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Next Saturday is World Day of the Sick. Please pray for all who are sick that day.
Religion in Schools: Parents, teachers and members of the public are invited to submit their views on “the role of
denominational religion on the school admissions process”. The consultation runs until 20th February. The survey is
available at
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Back in the Hall next Tue 7th Feb at 10.30am. and every 2 weeks after that. All are Welcome.
Delvin Parade Committee: Meeting in Fatima on Thurs 9th Feb at 8pm.
Delvin Handball/ Racquet Ball Club: Registration on Mon 13th Feb from 8pm-9pm in Handball Alley Room.
Comedy: Seamus O’ Rourke will appear in the John Mc Manus one man Play entitled Danger Money in St. Patrick’s Hall,
Delvin Sat 18th Feb at 8pm Tickets available from Michael Leonard 044-9664484. Proceeds in aid of Hall Funds.
Dalgan Park: This Sunday 5th February at 3pm Dalgan Park will be hosting an “Evening of Celestial Sounds” from the
Scholar Cantorum, Mercy Convent, Navan and Ashbourne Parish. Tickets cost €15. students €5.
Divine Mercy: Conference will take place in R. D. S., Dublin. Bus departing from Trim Church Car Park, Saturday 25th
Febuary at 8.30am. Please contact Rita on 085-7284600 to reserve a seat.
Riocht na Midhe: Will take place in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan on 1st March at 7.30pm. Lecture will be given by Thomas
Pakenham on Tullynally. The evolution of house and landscape.
Year A Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th January, 2017
Sat 28th 6.30pm Madeline Branagan. Sun 29th 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey. Joe Bray. Mon 30th 9.30am . Tue 31st 9.30am. Wed 1st Feb No Mass. Thurs 2nd 9.30am. Fri 3rd ( First Friday) 7.30pm. Sat 4th Feb 6.30pm Tommy & Annie Lenihan. Sun 5th 11.00am Dermot & Maggie Kenny.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 29th 9.30am Dan Mulligan. Wed 1st 9.30am. Fri 3rd ( First Friday) 9.30am Mass.List of the Dead. Sun 5th 9.30am Bridget & Larry Whelehan & DFM
R. I. P. Helen Kerr. sister of Jean Flynn. The Green, Delvin. Walter Carroll. Sheffield, England. brother of Imelda Keogh & Mervin Carroll. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €915. Needs of the Diocese: €1,550. Ren. Fund: Weekly €230. Monthly €120. Annual: €200.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration. Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th February at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
ParishMagazine: Copies of the 2016 issue available from Michael Leonard’s, or the Parochial House. Some back issues
also available at a reduced price.of €2.
Priory Institute: Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Spring. Application
deadline is 28th February. Contact 01-4048124
Needs of the Diocese: Thanks to all who contributed to the second collection last weekend. Amount was €1,550.
Catholic Schools Week: Jan29th and Feb 3rd . Mass in St/Tola’s school on Thursday at 11am. Mass in Delvin Church on
Friday at 2pm. Parents and family members are welcome to both Masses.
Gospel Discussion Group: The Group will meet in Fatima after morning Mass on the next five Fridays (Feb 3rd,10th, 17th ,
24th ,) The topic will be “The Gospel of St. Matthew”. Everybody is welcome.
Feast of St. Brigid: St. Brigid’s Crosses will be blessed at 9.30am Mass in Killulagh on Wednesday morning.
Feast of the Presentation; Candles for use in the home will be blessed during 9.30am Mass in Delvin on Thurs 2nd Feb.
Feast of St. Blaise; There will be blessing of the Throats on Fri 3rd Feb in Killulagh after 9.30am Mass and in Delvin after
7.30pm Mass.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in Parochial House on Thursday 2nd Feb at 8pm.
Candlemas Offerings: Will be taken up next Sun 5th Feb. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2017 will take place in the three schools of the parish during
the week 30th Jan -3rd Feb. Call to the school between 2pm and 3pm and complete enrolment form.
Crowenstown N. S. Open Day this Sun 29th January from 12noon-2pm in the School. All are Welcome.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Many thanks for all who supported and helped. Total amount raised was €3,000.
Delvin Handball/ Racquet Ball Club: Registration on Mon 30th Jan from 8pm-9pm in Handball Alley Room.
Social Dancing: Learn to dance with Joe every Friday night in the Hall from 8pm-11.30pm.
- Vincent de Paul: Would like to thank Parents, Staff and children from Peter Pans Pre- School for their kind donation,
also Miss Smyths Class from St. Tola’s St. Ernan’s for their food hampers and everyone who supported throughout the year
Comedy: By John Mc Manus entitled Danger Money in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin Sat 18th Feb at 8pm Adm. €15.
Westmeath Community Development: Invites expressions of interest from Community Groups on Economic
Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation before 31st January. Contact 044-9348571
Year A Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd January, 2017
Sat 21st 6.30pm Ann, Belinda, Tony Hearne. Tom Hickey. Sun 22nd 11am Nancy Lenihan MM Tue 24th 9.30am Larry Allen. Wed 25th No Mass. Thurs 26th 9.30am. Fri 27th 9.30am Anthony Mc Cormack & DFM Sat 28th 6.30pm Madeline Branagan. Sun 29th 11.00am Tom & Mark Hickey. Joe Bray.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 22nd 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent Wed 25th 9.30am. Sun 29th 9.30am Dan Mulligan.
R. I. P. Joe Cullen. Crowenstown, Delvin. Martin Mc Hale. brother of the late Pat Mc Hale. Ballyowen. who died in Australia.
Offertory Collection: €870. Ren. Fund: Weekly €355. Monthly €75.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration. Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th February at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
ParishMagazine: Copies of the 2016 issue available from Michael Leonard’s, or the Parochial House. Some back issues
also available at a reduced price.of €2.
Priory Institute: Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Spring. Application
deadline is 28th February. Contact 01-4048124
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up this weekend 22nd January. The
Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Christian Unity Week: From Wed 18th to 25th January is a week of prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join Christians
all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall this Sun 22nd January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your
support as always will be greatly appreciated. Proceeds going to Irish Cancer Society and Northwestmeath Hospice.
Catholic Schools Week: Will be held between Jan 29th and Feb 3rd . Information about activities during the week will be
available for the schools.
School Enrolment: Enrolment for Junior Infants for Sept, 2017 will take place in the three schools of the parish during
the week 30th Jan -3rd Feb. Call to the school between 2pm and 3pm and complete enrolment form.
St. Ernan’s N. S. Open Evening next Mon 23rd Jan from 6.30pm-8pm in the School. All are Welcome.
- Tola’s N. S. Open Evening in the School on Wed 25th Jan from 6pm- 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
Crowenstown N. S. Open Day on Sun 29th January from 12noon-2pm in the School. All are Welcome.
Delvin Historical Society: A talk on the Life of Sr. Faustina Kowalska of Divine Mercy will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s
on Thurs 26th Jan at 8pm. Speakers Fr. Eamonn O’ Driscoll and Liam Tiernan. Adm €3. All Welcome.
Delvin Parade: Committee Meeting in Fatima next Thurs 26th Jan at 8pm.
Delvin Handball/ Racquet Ball Club: Registration night on Mon 30th Jan from 8pm-9pm in Handball Alley Room.
Social Dancing: Learn to dance with Joe every Friday night in the Hall from 8pm-11.30pm.
Comedy: By John Mc Manus entitled Danger Money in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin Sat 18th Feb at 8pm Adm. €15.
St. Patrick’s Classical School, Navan: Leaving Cert History Syllabus by Dr. Patrick Callan Thurs Jan 26th at 8pm.
Westmeath Community Development: Invites expressions of interest from Community Groups on Economic
Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation before 31st January. Contact 044-9348571
Year A Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th January, 2017
Sat 14th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Frank Brady.Sun 15th 11.00am Anne Sheridan. Mon 16th 9.30am. Tue 17th 9.30am Tom Manny. Wed 18th No Mass. Thurs 19th 9.30am Fri 20th 9.30am. Sat 21st 6.30pm Ann, Belinda, Tony Hearne. Tom Hickey. Sun 22nd 11am Nancy Lenihan MM
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 15th 9.30am Chris Callaghan. Wed 18th 9.30am Sun 22nd 9.30am Nuala Fitzsimons Nugent
Offertory Collection: €725. 6th Jan €405. Needs of the Diocese: €965.Ren. Fund: Weekly €320. Monthly €140. Annual: €950.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Sunday January 15th is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration. Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 14th February at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
ParishMagazine: Copies of the 2016 issue available from Michael Leonard’s, or the Parochial House. Some back issues
also available at a reduced price.of €2.
Priory Institute: Join our supportive student community and study theology by distance learning this Spring. Application
deadline is 28th February. Contact 01-4048124
Needs of the Diocese: The next collection for the Needs of the Diocese will be taken up next weekend 22nd January. The
Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s National Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Christian Unity Week: From Wed 18th to 25th January is a week of prayer for Christian Unity. We are conscious of the
many divisions among followers of Christ. It is the will of Christ that they may be one. During that week we join Christians
all over the world in praying that the divisions may be healed and unity restored.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting in Fatima next Thurs 19th Jan at 8.30pm
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 22nd January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated. Proceeds going to Irish Cancer Society and Northwestmeath Hospice.
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind: Would like to thank Oliver & Olive Moran who raised €217. for the Blind with their
Christmas Lights display at their home.
Social Dancing: Learn to dance with Joe every Friday night in the Hall from 8pm-11.30pm.
Chjiropodist: Will be in attendance at St. Patrick’s Hall on Fri 20th Jan from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Contact 087-7723245.
Comedy: By John Mc Manus entitled Danger Money in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin Sat 18th Feb at 8pm Adm. €15.
Family Carers Ireland: Are proving QQ1 level 5 Healthcare Support. One day workshops. Contact 057-9322920.
Bishops’ Visit to the Holy See: Members of the Bishops’Conference will travel to Rome from 15th January for their
Ad Limina visit to the Holy See.The bishops’ pilgrimage will include an audience with Pope Francis, meetings with
senior members of the Roman Curia and visits to a number of holy sites. The bishops’ pilgrimage is historically
known as the Ad Limina Apostolorum visit or “to the threshold of the Apostles”-a reference to the pilgrimage to the
tombs of Peter and Paul that all bishops are required to make, and this normally takes place every five years.
Year A Baptism of the Lord 8th January, 2017
Sat 7th 6.30pm Patrick, Jenny, & Mary Alice Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 8th 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune.
Mon 9th 9.30am Edward & Anastasia Curran. Tue 10th 9.30am Mass Wed 11th No Mass. Thurs 12th 9.30 Mass. Fri 13th 9.30am Mass. Sat 14th 6.30pm Dolores Gaffney. Frank Brady. Sun 15th 11.00am Anne Sheridan.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 8th 9.30am Margaret Manny. Sun 15th 9.30am Chris Callaghan
R. I. P. Rose Murphy. Coleraine, Derry. sister of Brendan, Willie and Des Mullen. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €965. Ren. Fund: Weekly €515. Monthly €195. Annual: €1,350.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration. Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th January at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
ParishMagazine: Copies of the 2016 issue available from Michael Leonard’s, or the Parochial House. Some back issues
also available at a reduced price.of €2.
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses this weekend 8th January and Sun
22nd January The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s national Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 22nd January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
Delvin Parade: Committee meeting on Thursday 12th January in Fatima at 8pm.
Social Dancing: Will resume back in the Hall on Fri 13th January from 8pm-11.30pm.
Dundalk Institute of Technology: Infotmation Morning on Sat 14th Jan from 10am-1pm. Contact 042-9370208.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees Sunday 15th January.
For this reason, on the occasion of the annualWorld Day of Migrants and Refugees. I feel compelled to draw
attention to the reality of child migrants, especially the ones who are alone. In doing so I ask everyone to take care of
the young who, in a threefold way, are defenceless: they are children, they are foreigners, and they have no means to
protect themselves. I ask everyone to help those who, for various reasons, are forced to live far from their
homeland and are separated from their families. Message from Pope Francis.
Important Dates for 2017.
1st March. Ash Wednesday 6th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh
3rd March. Confirmation 7th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown.
16th April, Easter Sunday. 12th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
20th May, First Holy Communion 3rd December, First Sunday of Advent
4th June, Pentecost Sunday
Church Holy Days
- Patrick 17th March. All Saints 1st November
Assumption 15th August. Immaculate Conception. 8th December
Christmas Day 25th December
Sat 31st 6.30pm Pauline & Joseph Tierney. Bill Anderson. Sun 1st Jan 11.00am Joe Reilly MM. Mon 2nd 9.30am Mass. Tue 3rd 9.30am Mass. Wed 4th No Mass. Thurs 5th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th Jan ( Feast of the Epiphany) 11.00am Mary Dillon 7.30pm Peter & Bridget Cooke. Robinstown. John & Anna Vaughan & DFM. Sat 7th 6.30pm Patrick, Jenny, & Mary Alice Carroll & baby Nicholas Lewis. Sun 8th 11.00am Kyran Smyth. Bernie Clune.
Please Note: There will be no Vigil Mass on Thursday 5th Jan. Evening Mass on Fri 6th at 7.30pm.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 1st Jan 9.30am Ursula King. Charlie Doyle MM Wed 4th 9.30am Mass. Fri 6th Jan ( Feast of the Epiphany) 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 8th 9.30am Margaret Manny.
Christmas Offertory Collection: €2,410. Christmas Offerings: €6,085.
Bible Alive: January Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm in Adoration. Room at back of Fatima.. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th January at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Christmas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the Christmas Offerings.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Sun 1st January at 10.30am. The
Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Feast of the Epiphany: Next Friday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. Mass will be in Killulagh at 9.30am and in
Delvin at 11am. It is also the First Friday so Mass will be in Delvin at 7.30pm that evening.
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
ParishMagazine: Copies of the 2016 issue available from Michael Leonard’s, or the Parochial House. Some back issues
also available at a reduced price.of €2.
Moynalty Parish: Concert in Moynalty Church on Fri 6th January at 8pm. . Tickets cost €25. Poster on Notice Board.
World Day of Peace: This Sunday is World Day of Peace. Please pray for Peace throughout the world during the coming
Needs of the Diocese: A special collection will be taken up after Communion at Masses on Sun 8th January and Sun 22nd
January The Bishop has asked for a contribution from each parish to meet the cost of services provided by the Diocese.
These include Marriage preparation and support for the teaching of Religion in Schools. As well as a contribution to the
Bishop’s national Conference. The amount to be collected by this Parish is €5,400.
Bernie Clune Memorial Ceili: Will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Sun 22nd January from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Your support
as always will be greatly appreciated.
Social Dancing: Will resume back in the Hall on Fri 13th January from 8pm-11.30pm.
New Year Greetings: We wish all our parishioners every blessing and success for 2017. Thanks to everybody for their
generosity and support in the past year.
Important Dates for 2017.
1st March. Ash Wednesday 6th August, Cemetery Day, Killulagh
3rd March. Confirmation 7th August, Cemetery Day, Crowenstown.
16th April, Easter Sunday. 12th August, Cemetery Day, Delvin.
20th May, First Holy Communion
4th June, Pentecost Sunday
Year A The Nativity of Our Lord 25th December, 2016
Sat 24th 6.30pm Christmas Vigil Mass. Sun 25th 11.00am Christmas Day Mass. Mon 26th 10.00am. Lil, Dick, Jimmy, Baby Patrick Mullen. Ailish & Eddie Mahon. DFM Moore Family. Wed 28th No Mass. Thurs 29th 10.00am Mass. Fri 30th 10.00am Larry Murtagh. Sat 31st 6.30pm Pauline & Joseph Tierney. Bill Anderson. Sun 1st Jan 11.00am Joe Reilly MM.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 25th 9.30am Christmas Day Mass. Wed 28th 10.00am Mass. Sun 1st Jan 9.30am Ursula King. Charlie Doyle MM
R. I. P. Nancy Lenihan. Bells Hollow. Castletown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €790. Ren. Fund: Weekly €390. Monthly: €175.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10.30am-2pm, No Evening Adoration. Please note change of Time on Monday, as it is St. Stephen’s Day. Adoration in Killulagh on Wednesday Morning from 10.30am-11.30am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th January at 8pm.
Baptisms: We welcome the following to the parish community. Tom Anthony Fallon. . Nathan Marti Durkin. Edward Patrick Dillon. Adam Anthony Clune. Eimear Mary Cassidy. Rosie Margaret Clune. Ronan Price. Kayleigh Jane Murtagh- Smith. Thomas Ledwith. Skye Annaleise Aughey. Hannah Mae Ledwith.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the Envelope that was distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sun 1st January. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
ParishMagazine: Copies of the 2016 issue available from Michael Leonard’s, or the Parochial House. Some back issues
also available at a reduced price.of €2.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. We thank you all for the fundraising and support we
get every year. We appreciate it.
Delvin Friendship Club: Wish all our Members and Friends a very Happy Christmas. Thanks for all your help and support.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve 6.30pm will be in Delvin Church
Christmas Day: 9.30am in Killulagh. 11.00am in Delvin.
Christmas Greetings
We extend sincere good wishes to all our parishioners for a happy and peaceful Christmas. We welcome all who have
come home to be with their families. We remember those who did not get home or who have to work during the
On this night, like a burst of brilliant light, there rings out the proclamation of the Apostle. “Gods grace has been
revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race”. The grace which was revealed in our world
is Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, true man and true God. He has entered our history; he has shared our journey.
He came to free us from darkness and to grant us light. In him was revealed the grace. the mercy, and the tender
love of the Father. Jesus is Love incarnate. Pope Francis.
Year A Fourth Sunday of Advent 18th December, 2016
Sat 17th Dec 6.30pm Nancy Neville, Sun 18th Dec 11.00am Joe Greville. Mon 19th 9.30am. Tue 20th 9.30am. Wed 21st No Mass. Thurs 22nd 9.30am. Fri 23rd 9.30am Tommy Cunneen. Sat 24th 6.30pm Christmas Vigil Mass. Sun 25th 11.00am Christmas Day Mass
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 18th Dec 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy, Pat McHale. Wed 21st 9.30am. Sun 25th 9.30am Christmas Day Mass.
R. I. P. Philomena Forde. sister of Bernadette Darby, |Mabestown. who died in Dublin.
Offertory Collection: €685. Ren. Fund: Weekly €315. Monthly: €120.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 10th January at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Advent: This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. This Advent, Be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness.
Christmas Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the Envelope that will be distributed to you.
Candles in the Window: We recommend the traditional custom of putting a lighted candle in the window at Christmas.
Communion for the Sick: Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion to the Sick on Christmas Day at 10.30am and again
on Sun 1st January. The Priest will not visit the Sick the first week in January.
Choir Practice: There will be a Choir Practice on Mon night at 8pm in Delvin Church. Please attend.
Online Advent Calendar: The Bishops Conference has prepared an online Advent Calendar with an audio thought for
each day. The Calendar will be available at
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Cleaners and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
for further information.
- Vincent de Paul: Thanks to everyone for their generous donations of goods and money. Amount was €1,314.
Christmas Confessions: Prayer Service and Confessions in Delvin on Tuesday 20th Dec at 7.30pm. In Clonmellon on
Wednesday 21st Dec at 7.30pm. Visiting Priests will attend.
Christmas Eve:
Killulagh Church at 12noon. Delvin Church from 2-2.30pm, and after 6.30pm Mass.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve 6.30pm will be in Delvin Church
Christmas Day: 9.30am in Killulagh. 11.00am in Delvin.
The Coming of Jesus.
In fact, the Lord comes twice. His first coming is what we are about to commemorate, his physical birth. Then, he
will come at the end of time, at the close of history. However, St. Bernard tells us that there is a third coming
of the Lord: his coming o us each day: each day, the Lord visits his Church. He visits each one of us. And our soul
also enters into his likeness: our soul comes to resemble the Church: our soul comes to resemble Mary. Therefore,
our souls are waiting in anticipation for the coming of the Lord, open souls calling out: Come, Lord! Over the course
of these days the Holy Spirit moves in the heart of each one of us, forming this prayer within us: come, come.
Pope Francis.
Sat 10th Dec 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’Shaughnessy, Sun 11th 11.00am Mass, Mon 12th 9.30am Mass, Tue 13th 9.30am Patrick & Mgt Farrelly & DFM, Wed 14th No Mass. Thurs 15th 9.30am May, John & Paddy Mullen, Fri 16th 9.30am. Mass, Sat 17th Dec 6.30pm Nancy Neville, Sun 18th Dec 11.00am Joe Greville
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 11th Dec 9.30am Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan, Pala Sheerin, father Joseph and Paddy Gillick, Wed 13th 7.30pm Deceased members of Choir, Sun 18th Dec 9.30am Fr. Joseph Troy, Pat McHale
R.I.P. Joe Reilly, Ballyhealy
Offertory Collection: €730. 8th December: €265. Ren. Fund: Weekly €345. Monthly: €125. Annual €250.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Advent: This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. This Advent, Be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness.
Retreat: Retreat for Young Adults (18-30. Married Life? Priesthood?/ Single Life? Religious Life? on Sat 10th Dec from
9.30am-5pm. in Dalgan Park, Navan. Contact Fr. Joe at 086-6036506, Sr. Una at 90-6481666.
First Communion: The date for First Communion will be Saturday, May 20th, 2017.
Vocations: The Diocesan Vocations Team have produced a Calendar to help in promoting vocations to the priesthood.
Calendars will be on sale after Mass. Cost €5.
Youth 2000 Retreat: Takes place in Newbridge College from 16th -18th Dec. Ages 16-35yrs. Poster on Notice Board.
Killulagh Crib:The amount contributed last weekend was €435. Many Thanks for your donations. If anybody would still
like to make a donation they can do so this weekend.
Online Advent Calendar: The Bishops Conference has prepared an online Advent Calendar with an audio thought for
each day. The Calendar will be available at
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Cleaners and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
for further information.
- Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place on Sat 10th & Sun 11th Dec. This year we will have boxes
available for donations of dry goods, or tinned food to go towards Food Hamper. Your support will be much appreciated.
Mullingar Choral Society: Will host their Annual Christmas Concert in Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun 11th Dec at 7pm.
Family Carers Ireland: Are providing QQ1 Level 5 Care Skills on 8th Dec and a one day Stress Management Course on 1st
Dec in Tullamore. Further information contact 057-9322920.
St. Finian is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Meath. He studied in Idrone, Co Carlow and later in Wales. On his return
he settled in Clonard, Co Meath, around 520, where he established a famous school. His pupils were the initiators of the
great monastic expansion in Ireland. He did in 549 and is remembered as the tutor of the saints of Ireland. His feast day is on
Monday 12th December.
Sat 3rd Dec 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 4th 11.00am Karl Quinn. Mon 5th 9.30am Kitty Bray, brother Stephen & sister Mary. Tue 6th 9.30am David Anderson. Wed 7th 7.30pm Martin & Julia Kineavey. sons Martin, Christy & Tommy. Thurs 8th Dec ( Feast of The Immaculate Conception) 11.00am. Joe Gaffney. Printinstown. Fri 9th Dec 9.30am Margaret & Michael Malone. Sat 10th Dec 6.30pm Paddy & Mary O’ Shaughnessy. Sun 11th Dec 11.00am Mass
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 4th Dec 9.30am Mary & James Nugent & son Sean. Wed 7th No Mass. Thurs 8th Dec ( Feast of The Immaculate Conception) 9.30am Mass in St. Tola’s School. Sun 11th Dec 9.30am Pala Sheerin, father Joseph & Paddy Gillick.
Paddy & Madeline Kelleghan. -
Offertory Collection: €840. Ren. Fund: Weekly €310. Monthly: €140.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Advent: This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. This Advent be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness.
Retreat: Retreat for Young Adults (18-30. Married Life? Priesthood?/ Single Life? Religious Life? on Sat 10th Dec from
9.30am-5pm. in Dalgan Park, Navan. Contact Fr. Joe at 086-6036506, Sr. Una at 90-6481666.
First Communion: The date for First Communion will be Saturday, May 20th, 2017.
Vocations: The Diocesan Vocations Team have produced a Calender to help in promoting vocations to the priesthood.
Calenders will be on sale after Mass. Cost €5.
Youth 2000 Retreat: Takes place in Newbridge College from 16th -18th Dec. Ages 16-35yrs. Poster on Notice Board.
Killulagh Crib: The figures for Killulagh Crib were damaged over the years. They have been beautifully restored by an
artist. The cost is €800. If anybody would like to make a donation towards the cost we would appreciate it. Donations will be
taken up this Sunday.
Online Advent Calendar: The Bishops Conference has prepared an online Advent Calender with an audio thought for
each day. The Calender will be available at
St. Mary’s Parish, Kingscourt: Pilgrimage to Viareggio from Oct 1st -8th 2017. Contact MAP Travel on 01-8783111.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Cleaners and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
for further information.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place next Sunday 11th Dec at 12.30pm.
Laurence Ginnell: In conjunction with Westmeath Co. Council and present members of Ginnell Family are unveiling a
plaque to Laurence Ginnell this Sun 4th Dec after 11am Mass at Delvin Castle, Main St. A talk by Paul Hughes on
Laurence Ginnell will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s after unveiling.
- Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place on Sat 10th & Sun 11th Dec. This year we will have boxes
available for donations of dry goods, or tinned food to go towards Food Hamper. Your support will be much appreciated.
Mullingar Choral Society: Will host their Annual Christmas Concert in Cathedral, Mullingar on Sun 11th Dec at 7pm.
Irish Kidney Association: Belated thanks to all who contributed to collection. Amount was €180.
Family Carers Ireland: Are providing QQ1 Level 5 Care Skills on 8th Dec and a one day Stress Management Course on 1st
Dec in Tullamore. Further information contact 057-9322920.
Sat 26th Nov 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson. Patrick Lynch. Gretta Mc Donnell MM. Sun 27th Nov 11.00am William & Catherine Sherlock. Mon 28th 9.30am Tue 29th No Mass. Thurs 1st Dec 9.30am Billy Moran & DFM Fri ( First Friday) 7.30pm Owen & Bridget Gaffney. Tom, May & Sean Fay.
Sat 3rd Dec 6.30pm Kevin Bray. Jimmy & Ettie Bray. Sun 4th 11.00am Mass
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 27th Nov. 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. Wed 30th 9.30am. Fri(First Friday) 9.30am List of the Dead.
Sun 4th Dec 9.30am Mary & James Nugent & son Sean. -
R. I. P. Phyllis Quigley. Culmullen. sister of Bernie Carolan. Ballyhealy, Delvin. Charlie Doyle. Ballyowen.
Offertory Collection: €700. Ren. Fund: Weekly €290. Monthly: €120.
Bible Alive: Advent Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Advent: This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. This Advent be expectant that God will renew and refresh you in your faith. Be hopeful that you will experience a change of heart, an interior softening to the work of the Holy Spirit, turning you away from sin and darkness and bringing you to a living sense of God’s love and forgiveness.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting on Thursday 1st Dec at 8pm in the Parochial House.
Retreat: Retreat for Young Adults (18-30. Married Life? Priesthood?/ Single Life? Religious Life? on Sat 10th Dec from
9.30am-5pm. in Dalgan Park, Navan. Contact Fr. Joe at 086-6036506, Sr. Una at 90-6481666.
First Communion: The date for First Communion will be Saturday, May 20th, 2017.
Vocations: The Diocesan Vocations Team have produced a Calender to help in promoting vocations to the priesthood.
Calenders will be on sale after Mass. Cost €5.
Killulagh Crib: The figures for Killulagh Crib were damaged over the years. They have been beautifully restored by an
artist. The cost is €800. If anybody would like to make a donation towards the cost we would appreciate it. Donations will be
taken up next Sunday.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Cleaners and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
for further information.
Laurence Ginnell: In conjunction with Westmeath Co. Council and present members of Ginnell Family are unveiling a
plaque to Laurence Ginnell on Sun 4th Dec after 11am Mass at Delvin Castle, Main St. A talk by Paul Hughes on
Laurence Ginnell will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s after unveiling.
Delvin Friendship Club: Christmas Party will take place on Sunday 11th Dec in the Hall. Any member who was not at the
Club on Thursday last and would like to go please contact Alice before Friday 2nd Dec. 087-4147871.
Christmas Fair:Takes place on Sat 3rd Dec from 12noon-4pm in Casey’s House, Drumcree. In aid of Delvin Hospice.
- Vincent de Paul: Church Gate Collection will take place on Sat 10th & Sun 11th Dec. This year we will have boxes
available for donations of dry goods, or tinned food to go towards Food Hamper. Your support will be much appreciated.
Delvin G. A. A.: Annual Draw will take place on Sat 3rd Dec in Blue Hackle Inn.
Teagasc: Cross Compliance Information Meeting for farmers on Dec 2nd on the farm of John & Philip Dickson Moate.
Irish Wheelchair Association: Thanks to all who contributed to collection in September last. Amount was €264.
Family Carers Ireland: Are providing QQ1 Level 5 Care Skills on 8th Dec and a one day Stress Management Course on 1st
Dec in Tullamore. Further information contact 057-9322920.
Sat 19th Nov 6.30pm Maggie Kenny. Sun 20th 11.00am Ger & Marie Sherwin Mon 21st Nov. 9.30am Mass Tue 22nd Nov. 9.30am James & Mary Gaffney..Wed 23rd Nov. 7.30pm Amy Sheridan. Laura Finnucane.( Southill View, Hse) MM. Thurs 24th 9.30am. Fri 25th Nov. 9.30am. Sat 26th Nov 6.30pm James, Mgt, Jimmy & Michael Anderson.
Patrick Lynch. Gretta Mc Donnell MM. Sun 27th Nov 11.00am William & Catherine Sherlock
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sun 20th 9.30am Lily, Tommy & Larry Poynton. Richard, Mary & Marian Monaghan. Wed 23rd No Mass.
Sun 27th 9.30am Thomas, Margaret & Bridget Carley. -
R. I. P. Mai Mc Givney. Coolarty, Granard. mother of Teresa Feery. Castletown, Delvin. Anthony Nugent. Kinnegad. native of Fortview, Bracklyn. who was interred in Clonard Saturday.
Offertory Collection: €745. Ren. Fund: Weekly €865. Monthly: €230. Annual: €500.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Feast of Christ the King: This Sunday we celebrate Christ as a crucified King. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm-5pm. We hope you will come and attend the Hour of Adoration.
The Year of Mercy: The year ends with Ceremonies in Rome led by Pope Francis this weekend. We pray that we may continue to experience mercy and show mercy to one another in the future. In the words of Pope Francis “May the Church echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear as a message and a sign of pardon, strength, aid and love. May she never tire of extending Mercy and be ever patient in offering compassion and comfort.”
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 25th Nov at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Advent: Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Instruction on Burial of the Dead: New Guidelines have been issued by the Vatican about burial of the Dead and
Conservation of ashes in the case of Cremation. A copy of guidelines can be obtained from the Parochial House. They can
also be viewed on the Vatican website.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Cleaners and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at 044-9664931
for further information.
St. Tola’s N. S. :Bring and Buy this Sun 20th November at 2pm in the School.Great Prizes and Raffle.We would appreciate
if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the coming year.
Laurence Ginnell: In conjunction with Westmeath Co. Council and present members of Ginnell Family are unveiling a
plaque to Laurence Ginnell on Sun 4th Dec after 11am Mass at Delvin Castle, Main St. A talk by Paul Hughes on
Laurence Ginnell will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s after unveiling.
Delvin Friendship Club: Usual get-together will be in the Hall next Thursday Nov 24th starting at 11am.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: We will remember all those killed on the roads this Sunday 20th
November at our Masses.
Cluain Lir Community Nursing Unit: Are holding their yearly Ecumenical Service on Thurs 24th Nov at 7pm in Cluain Lir
Nursing Unit. All are welcome to attend.
Delvin Christmas Craft Fair: Takes place next Sun 27th Nov from 11am-6pm in St. Patrick’s Hall, Delvin.
Farm Hazardous Waste Collection Centre: Delvin Mart on Tue 22nd Nov from 9.30am-3.30pm. Poster on Notice Board.
Sat 12th Nov 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 13th Nov 11.00am Walter Casserly & granddaughter Niamh.
John & Mary Hartnett.
Mon 14h Nov. No Mass Tue 15h Nov. No Mass.Wed 16h Nov. No Mass. Thurs 17th Nov. No Mass Fri 18th Nov. No Mass
Sat 19th Nov 6.30pm Maggie Kenny. Sun 20th 11.00am Ger & Marie Sherwin
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sunday Sun 13th Nov 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully. Christopher Fenlon. Wed 16th No Mass. Sun 20th 9.30am
Lily, Tommy & Larry Poynton. Richard, Mary & Marian Monaghan. -
R. I. P. John Reilly. Collinstown. father of Susan Sheerin. Hiskinstown, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €660. November Offerings: €2,375.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm-5pm.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 25th Nov at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Online Advent Retreat. Would you like to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas from the comfort of
your own home?. Application deadline 22nd Nov. Cost €30. Contact 01-4048132.
Instruction on Burial of the Dead: New Guidelines have been issued by the Vatican about burial of the Dead and
Conservation of ashes in the case of Cremation. A copy of guidelines can be obtained from the Parochial House. They can
also be viewed on the Vatican website.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet every Second Tuesday in the Hall at 10.30am.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy on Sun 20th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We would appreciate
if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the coming year.
Laurence Ginnell: In conjunction with Westmeath Co. Council and present members of Ginnell Family are unveiling a
plaque to Laurence Ginnell on Sun 4th Dec after 11am Mass at Delvin Castle, Main St. A talk by Paul Hughes on
Laurence Ginnell will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s after unveiling.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Thurs next Nov 17th at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Understanding Youth Mental Health: Workshops takes place 29th Nov. Contact 046-9071702.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance in St. Teresa’ Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8 this
Sun 13th Nov.
Cluain Lir Community Nursing Unit: Are holding their yearly Ecumenical Service on Thurs 24th Nov at 7pm in Cluain Lir
Nursing Unit. All are welcome to attend.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Tue 15th Nov from 6pm-9pm. Further information contact 046-9487894.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture on Daniel Beaufort “A Man of Many Parts”. in St. Mary’s Church of
Ireland, Navan on Thurs 17th Nov at 7.30pm. All Welcome.
Offertory Collection: €660. November Offerings: €2,375.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th December at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
November Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to the November Offerings.
Feast of Christ the King: Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in Delvin Church from 4pm-5pm.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 25th Nov at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Online Advent Retreat. Would you like to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas from the comfort of
your own home?. Application deadline 22nd Nov. Cost €30. Contact 01-4048132.
Instruction on Burial of the Dead: New Guidelines have been issued by the Vatican about burial of the Dead and
Conservation of ashes in the case of Cremation. A copy of guidelines can be obtained from the Parochial House. They can
also be viewed on the Vatican website.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet every Second Tuesday in the Hall at 10.30am.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
St. Tola’s N. S. : Bring and Buy on Sun 20th November at 2pm in the School. Great Prizes and Raffle. We would appreciate
if all the parents would support the Bring and Buy as it is our main fundraiser to support the school for the coming year.
Laurence Ginnell: In conjunction with Westmeath Co. Council and present members of Ginnell Family are unveiling a
plaque to Laurence Ginnell on Sun 4th Dec after 11am Mass at Delvin Castle, Main St. A talk by Paul Hughes on
Laurence Ginnell will be held in Carmel Gaffney’s after unveiling.
Delvin Friendship Club: Committee Meeting on Thurs next Nov 17th at 8.30pm in Fatima.
Understanding Youth Mental Health: Workshops takes place 29th Nov. Contact 046-9071702.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: Annual Service of Remembrance in St. Teresa’ Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8 this
Sun 13th Nov.
Cluain Lir Community Nursing Unit: Are holding their yearly Ecumenical Service on Thurs 24th Nov at 7pm in Cluain Lir
Nursing Unit. All are welcome to attend.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Tue 15th Nov from 6pm-9pm. Further information contact 046-9487894.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture on Daniel Beaufort “A Man of Many Parts”. in St. Mary’s Church of
Ireland, Navan on Thurs 17th Nov at 7.30pm. All Welcome.
Sat 5th Nov 6.30pm Kevin Murphy. Sun 6th Nov 11.00am Sean Connolly, son Gerard. Annie Mc Grath & sister Betty.
Mon 7th Nov. 9.30am. Tue 8th Nov. 9.30am. Wed 9th Nov. No Mass. Thurs 10th Nov. 9.30am. Fri 11th Nov. 9.30am.
Sat 12th Nov 6.30pm John Fitzpatrick. Sun 13th Nov 11.00am Walter Casserly & granddaughter Niamh.
John & Mary Hartnett.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sunday 6th Nov. 9.30am John & Nancy Barry. Wed 9th Nov. 9.30am. Sun 13th Nov 9.30am Vincent & Mary Cully.
Sr. Concepta Murphy & DFM of the Macken Family.
R. I. P. Gretta Mc Donnell. Billistown Houise. Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €915. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €325. Monthly. €175. Annual: €250.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th November at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . (to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion ). Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up this weekend. Please use the envelope that was distributed to you.
Service for the Dead: The Annual Service for the Dead will take place in Delvin Church on Fri 25th Nov at 7.30pm. Please inform family members living away from home. They may wish to attend.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Priory Institute: Online Advent Retreat. Would you like to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas from the comfort of
your own home?. Application deadline 22nd Nov. Cost €30. Contact 01-4048132.
Instruction on Burial of the Dead: New Guidelines have been issued by the Vatican about burial of the Dead and
Conservation of ashes in the case of Cremation. A copy of guidelines can be obtained from the Parochial House. They can
also be viewed on the Vatican website.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet every Second Tuesday in the Hall at 10.30am. The next meeting will on Tue 8th Nov.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Thanks to the huge crowd who turned up for the Presentation Night on Wed . The amount of
money handed over to Mr. John Shaw was €21,318.00.. Thanks to the Inland Bikers who did a fundraiser for the
Hospice and handed over €3,800 on the night. Thanks to all the people from Delvin and surrounding areas who helped us
fundraise this money throughout the year.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
Understanding Youth Mental Health: Workshops takes place on 8th Nov and 29th Nov. Contact 046-9071702.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: A charity who support anyone who has been affected by the loss of a baby/ babies
through miscarriage. Annual Service of Remembrance in St. Teresa’ Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8 Sun 12th Nov.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Tue 15th Nov from 6pm-9pm. Further information contact 046-9487894.
Dundalk Institute of Technology: Will hold Family Open Days on Fri 11th & Sat 12th Nov. with welcome talks taking place
at 10am, 11am and 12noon. Further info contact 042-9370208.
Meath Archaeological & Historical Society: Lecture on Daniel Beaufort “A Man of Many Parts”. in St. Mary’s Church of
Ireland, Navan on Thurs 17th Nov at 7.30pm. All Welcome.
Sat 29th Oct 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh
Sun 30th Oct 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan & Perrick Family
Mon 31st Oct 7.30pm. Tue ( Feast of All Saints) 11.00am. Wed ( Feast of All Souls 7.30pm. Mass for the New List of the Dead. Thurs No Mass. Fri 4th Nov 7.30pm Ernie & Peggy Lenihan. ( First Friday). Sat 5th Nov 6.30pm Kevin Murphy. Sun 6th Nov 11.00am Sean Connolly, son Gerard. Annie Mc Grath & sister Betty.
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sunday 30th Oct 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton. Tue 1st Nov (Feast of All Saints 9.30am. Wed 2nd Nov 9.30am New List of the Dead Fri 4th Nov ( First Friday) 9.30am. List of the Dead. Sunday 6th Nov. 9.30am John & Nancy Barry
Offertory Collection: Mission Sunday €1,505. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €490. Monthly. €190.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Sat night. Vigil Mass will still be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents .with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th November at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The new mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed to the collection last weekend.
List of the Dead: Envelopes are been distributed at the moment. They should be returned by Nov 2nd Mass for the New List of the Dead will be celebrated on Wed 2nd Nov at 9.30am in Killulagh and 7.30pm in Delvin.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s intentions between 12noon on Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . (to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion ). Indulgences can also be gained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st to Nov 8th .
November Offerings: Will be taken up next weekend. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meeting in the Parochial House on Thursday 3rd Nov at 8pm.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Collection for Haiti: The people of Haiti have suffered greatly as a result of a recent hurricane. Already €25,000 has been
sent by the Diocese of Meath to relieve suffering in Haiti. Thanks to all who contributed to the collection last Sunday.
Anybody who would still like to contribute can do so this weekend.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet every Second Tuesday in the Hall at 10.30am. The next meeting will on Tue 8th Nov.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Presentation Night to Mr. John Shaw will take place on Wed next Nov 2nd at 8.30pm in
Dolores Gaffney’s. All are welcome.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
Understanding Youth Mental Health: Workshops takes place on 8th Nov and 29th Nov. Contact 046-9071702.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: A charity who support anyone who has been affected by the loss of a baby/ babies
through miscarriage. Annual Service of Remembrance in St. Teresa’ Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8 Sun 12th Nov.
Athboy Community School: Open Night on Tue 15th Nov from 6pm-9pm. Further information contact 046-9487894.
Saturday 23rd Oct 6.30pm Tommy Timmons
Sunday 24th Oct 11.0am Thomas Anderson MM. Michael Mullally.
Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 9.30 am, Thursday 9.30 am. Friday 9.30 am.
Sat 29th Oct 6.30pm Peter & Mary Walsh
Sat 30th Oct 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan & Perrick Family
Confessions: 6.00pm
Sunday 23rd Oct 9.30am Joe Callan
Wednesday 9.30am
Sunday 30th Oct 9.30am Thomas & Kathleen Clinton
Offertory Collection: €900. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €340. Monthly. €230. Annual: €500.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th November at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The new mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: This Sunday is Mission Sunday, and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide. The theme for Mission Sunday is “Every Christian is a Missionary”. Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a privilege in itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the Gospel and our Irish missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. The Offertory Collection next weekend will be for the support of the Church’s missionary work.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Renewal Events until end of November at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board with details.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet every Secon Tuesday in the Hall at 10.30am. The next meeting will on Tue next 25th Oct.
All new members are very welcome.
- Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
Understanding Youth Mental Health: Workshops takes place on 8th nov and 29th Nov. Contact 046-9071702.
Collinstown/Fore Parish: Monster Bingo in Park Hotel. Mullingar this Sun 23rd Oct at 3pm. In aid of Restoration Fund.
Family Carers Ireland: QQ1 Level 5 Activities of Living Patient Care and Palliative Care Modules on 26th & 27th Oct.
Contact Training Dept on 057-9370221.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: A charity who support anyone who has been affected by the loss of a baby/ babies
through miscarriage. Annual Service of Remembrance in St. Teresa’ Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8 Sun 12th Nov.
Mission Sunday
“The proclamation of the Gospel is the primary and perpetual concern of the Church: it is
her essential task, her greatest challenge and the source of her renewal.”
Pope Francis
R. I.P. Amy Sheridan. Ballinagh, Cavan. Laura Finnucane. Southill, Delvin. late of Greystones, Wicklow.
Offertory Collection: €915. Ren. Fund: Weekly. €255. Monthly. €215. Annual: €250.
Bible Alive: October Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th November at 8pm.
Parish Youth Group: The parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from 1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-36442363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
The Rosary: WE encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The new mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: Next Sunday 23rd October is Mission Sunday, and we unite on this special day with all Churches worldwide. The theme for Mission Sunday is 2Every Christian is a Missionary”. Mission Month gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our baptismal call to bring Christ to others, which is a privilege in itself. The gift we have been given, we are asked to give. Our gift to the world is the joy of the Gospel and our Irish missionaries continue to bring the Good News to people throughout the world. The Offertory Collection next weekend will be for the support of the Church’s missionary work.
Knock Shrine: Programme of Renewal Events until end of November at Knock Shrine. Poster on Notice Board with details.
Family Mass: We would like to organise a Family Mass in the near future. We need a Music Group to lead the singing at
this Mass. We invite singers and musicians who are willing to help to contact Eamonn Clancy (044-9664658). Laura O’
Neill (086-3642363) or the Parochial House.
Delvin Adult Ed. Group: Meet every Secon Tuesday in the Hall at 10.30am. The next meeting will on Tue 25th Oct. All
new members are very welcome.
- Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers and General Operatives. Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
Understanding Youth Mental Health: Workshops takes place on 8th nov and 29th Nov. Contact 046-9071702.
Westmeath Branch of Diabetes Association: There will be in Information Evening on Diabetes held in Annesbrook Hotel,
Mullingar on Tue 18th Oct at 7.30pm. All are Welcome.
Collinstown/Fore Parish: Monster Bingo in Park Hotel. Mullingar Sun 23rd Oct at 3pm. In aid of Restoration Fund.
Family Carers Ireland: Family Carers are providing a 1 day diabetes workshop on 21st Oct in Tullamore. And QQ1 Level 5
Activities of Living Patient Care and Palliative Care Modules on 26th & 27th Oct. Contact Training Dept on 057-9370221.
Miscarriage Association of Ireland: A charity who support anyone who has been affected by the loss of a baby/ babies
through miscarriage. Annual Service of Remembrance in St. Teresa’ Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8 Sun 12th Nov.
Anam Cara: Organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Tue 18th Oct
from 7.30pm-9.30pm in Mullingar Park Hotel. Further information contact 01-4045378.
Next Sunday’s Readings. Sir 35 12-14, 16-18. 2 Tm 4 6-8, 16-18. Lk 18:9-14
Saints of the Week
Sun 16th Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. St.Gall, St. Margaret Mary, St. Hedwig, St. Gerartd Majella.
Mon 17th St. Ignatius of Antioch. Tue 18th St. Luke, evangelist. Wed 19th St. Paul of the Cross. Thurs 20th St. Irene.
Sat 22nd St. John Paul 11
Year C First Sunday of Lent 14th February, 2016
Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 11.00am
Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 9.30 a.m, Thursday 9.30 a.m. Friday 9.30 a.m.
Sunday 9.30am
Wednesday 9.30am
R. I. P. Gerry Kiersey. Stoneyford Park, Delvin.
Offertory Collection: €830. Candlemas Offerings: €1,230.
Bible Alive: Lenten Issue on Sale. Cost €2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adorationon Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm to 10pm in Adoration Room at back of Fatima. Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 8th March at 8pm.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed on Friday. Thanks to their Parents, Teachers and all who helped them to prepare them for this day. Confirmation Prayer: Send your Holy Spirit upon them, to be their helper and guide.
Candlemas Offerings: Thanks to all who contributed to Candlemas Offerings last weekend.
Marriage Celebration: This Sunday we will honour married couples for their faithfulness in marriage at the 9.30am and 11am Masses. We invite couples to attend Mass together, if possible. We will invite them to renew their marriage vows and give them a special blessing during Mass.
The Celebration of Lent: During Lent we are asked to focus on the themes of repentance and baptism. During this season
we prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter, and to renew our baptismal promises at the Easter
Vigil Ceremony. We suggest that you undertake one or more of the following practices. (a) Daily Prayer. (b) Scripture
Reading. (c) Attending Weekday Mass. (d) Giving Alms. (e) Voluntary Acts of Penance and self- denial. e.g. Fasting
from food, drink and entertainment. (f) Repenting from sin or neglect of God and his people.
Masses during Lent: Weekday Masses in Delvin during Lent will be at 9.30am on Mon, Tue and Fri. Mass on Thurs at
7.30pm. Mass in Killulagh will be at 7.30pm on Wed and 9.30am on Thurs. They will start from this Mon 15th Feb.
First Communion: Preparation Meetings for parents and children on Mon 22nd and 29th February and 7th March. The next
session of Do This in Memory will be on Saturday next, February 20th at Vigil mass in Delvin. (6.30pm).
Delvin Pilgrimage to Lourdes: From 3rd Oct-7th Oct. It will be led by Fr. Seamus Heaney. If you are interested in going,
please contact Alice Reilly at 087-4147871.
Crucifix and Prayer Card: We are inviting homes to take a Crucifix and Prayer Card for a week during Lent. If you would
like to be included please sign your name and contact number on a sheet at the back of the Church. The following people are
taking the Card and Crucifix this weekend. Delvin: Vigil. Mairead Mc Grath. Kathleen Gilroy. Sunday Marie Bray. Marie
Anderson. Killulagh: Geraldine Fallon. Alison Mc Clair.
Delvin Handball Club: A. G. M. will take place in Meeting Room on Mon next Feb 15th at 8.30pm. Please attend.
Delvin Friendship Club: A.G. M. will take place in Fatima on Thurs Feb 18th at 8.30pm. Please attend
Delvin Historical Society: Are holding a Lecture on “Women in the 1916 Rising” by Ruth Illingworth on Thurs 18th Feb at
8.30pm in Carmel Gaffney’s. Adm €3. All Welcome.
Athboy Bethany Bereavement Support Group: Are holding a 4 week programme “Coping With Grief” on Wednesday
nights 17th, 24th Feb and 2nd and 9th March. Time: 8-9.30pm in 2. St. Brigid’s Court, Connaught St. Tel. 046-943007.
Beginning Experience: Weekend Programme for men and women who are grieving loss. See Poster on Notice Board.
Next Sunday’s Readings: Gen 15:5-12, 17-18. Ph 3:17-4:1 Lk 9:26-36.
Saints of the Week
Sun 14th First Sunday of Lent. Ss. Cyril and Methodius. St. Valentine. Wed 17th Seven Holy Founders of Servites.
St. Fintan.
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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th jULY, 2015 .doc Size : 63.5 Kb Type : doc |
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fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3rd July, 2016 .doc Size : 67 Kb Type : doc |
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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th July, 2016 .doc Size : 64 Kb Type : doc |
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Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th Aug, 2016 .doc Size : 70.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Tweny First Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st Aug, 2016 .doc Size : 69 Kb Type : doc |
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Tweny Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st Aug, 2016 .doc Size : 66.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th Sept 2016 .doc Size : 69 Kb Type : doc |
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Tweny Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 4th SEpt 2016 .doc Size : 70.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Twenty sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 25th Sept 2016 .doc Size : 69.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th JULY, 2015 .doc Size : 64 Kb Type : doc |
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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th JULY, 2015 .doc Size : 59.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th jULY, 2015 .doc Size : 63.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th jULY, 2015 .doc Size : 65.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th June, 2015 .doc Size : 65.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st June, 2015 .doc Size : 61 Kb Type : doc |
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EleventhSunday in Ordinary Time 14th June, 2015 .doc Size : 63.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Feast of Corpus Christi 7th June, 2015 .doc Size : 66 Kb Type : doc |
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Feast of Most Holy Trinity 31st May, 2015 .doc Size : 66.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Pentecost Sunday 24th May, 2015 .doc Size : 63 Kb Type : doc |
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Pentecost Sunday 17th May, 2015 .doc Size : 61.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Sixth Sunday of Easter 10th May, 2015 .doc Size : 65.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Fifth Sunday of Easter 3rd May, 2015 .doc Size : 64.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Fourth Sunday of Easter Vocations Sunday 26th Apr, 2015 .doc Size : 64.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Third Sunday of Easter 19th Apr, 2015 .doc Size : 63.5 Kb Type : doc |
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Second Sunday of Easter 12th Apr, 2015 .doc Size : 62 Kb Type : doc |
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Easter Sunday 5th Apr, 2015 .doc Size : 62 Kb Type : doc |