Year B Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 27th October, 2024
Sat 26th 6.30pm Jim, Joan Bernie, Nora, Imelda & Walter Carroll. Peter & Mary Walsh. George & Eva Hamilton. Martin Smith & DFM John Mc Cormack. Sun 27th 11.00am Andrew Geoghegan. DFM Perrick family. Maggie & Dermot Kenny. Seamus Gaffney & DFM. Mon 28th Mass. Tue 29th 9.30am Mass. Wed 30th 9.30am Mass. Thurs 31st 7.30pm Mass. Fri 1st ( Feast of All Saints) 11.00am Gretta Mc Donnell. Gerard Murray. John Mc Cormack. Sat 2nd ( Feast of All Souls) 6.30pm Denis & Nora Mc Garry. Willie, Bridie & Ciaran Walsh. Sun 3rd 11.00am
Marius Carroll.
Killulagh Masses:.
Sun 27th 9.30am Sheila Nugent MM Fri 1st Feast of All Saints 9.30am List of the Dead. Sun 3rd 9.30am Elizabeth, Larry, Matt & Tommy Poynton.
- I. P. Fr. Vincent Mulligan. Oblate House of Retreat, Inchicore, Dublin.
Offertory: 1,540 Euro Ren Fund: Weekly 290 Euro. Monthly 200 Euro.
Bible Alive: November Issue on Sale. Cost 2 Euro.
Winter Time: The clocks go back 1 hour this Saturday night. Vigil Mass will be at 6.30pm. ( Winter Time).
Communion Calls: Will be done on the usual days this week.
Sunday Readings: Reflections on the Sunday Readings are being prepared each week. We would like to
distribute the reflections by email. If you would like to receive a copy please forward your email address to
Adoration: From this Monday October 28th Adoration will move from Killulagh Church to Fatima. for the Winter Months.
We will go back to Killulagh when the clocks change in the Spring It will start at 10am and finish at 8pm..
The Rosary: We encourage renewal of the practice of praying the Rosary during the month of October. In his letter on the
Rosary Pope John Paul 11 introduced five new mysteries of the Rosary dealing with the public life ministry of Jesus. The
new Mysteries are called the Mysteries of Light and are prayed on Thursdays.
Mission Sunday: Thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collection last weekend for Mission Sunday.
The total was 1,540 Euro
List of the Dead: Envelopes are being distributed . They should be returned by Nov 2nd . Mass for the New List of the Dead
will be celebrated on Friday 8th November in Delvin Church.
November Offerings: Will be taken up next Sunday. Please use the envelope that will be distributed to you.
Indulgences for the Dead: Can be obtained by visiting a Church and praying for the Pope’s Intentions between 12noon on
Nov 1st and midnight on Nov 2nd . (to gain indulgences it is necessary to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion).
Indulgences can also be obtained by visiting a Cemetery and praying for the Dead once a day from Nov 1st – Nov 8th .
Service for the Dead: Will take place on Friday November 22nd at 7.30pm.
Ceili Community, Kilbeggan: Are having 40 Hours Adoration from Tuesday, 29th October to Saturday, 2nd November. 1pm
–9pm Daily. Poster on Notice Board with details for each day. Mass at 8pm each evening.:
St. Patrick’s Church, Slane: Are having 72 Hour Eucharistic Adoration from Midnight Oct 29th to midnight November 1st.
Solemnity of Christ the King: 40 Hours Adoration in Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar from Friday 22nd –Sunday
24th November. Friday 22nd Opening Mass at 7.30pm. Saturday 23rd Confessions Noon to Midnight. Sunday 24th Solemn
Vespers & Benediction at 4pm.
Young Adult Retreat: A Retreat in Mt. St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea 15th -17th November. Theme: I believe that nothing can
happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. (Phil 3;8) Cost 150 Euro. Contact Sr.
Una 0906481666, or emil
St. Patrick’s Hall: On Saturday, November 9th TV personality and writer Manchan Magan will present his show Rewilding
the Mind at 8pm in the Hall. Tickets available from Delvin Post Office or Michael Leonard at 087-2879581
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet in Fatima Hall on Thursday and Friday evening next from 7pm-8.30pm. All young
people who have completed Primary School are welcome.
Ukraine: Please continue to pray for an end to conflict and for Peace in Ukraine. Please pray also that refugees from
Ukraine will find places to live and the support they need to recover from this ordeal.
Whist: Whist takes place in the Hall on Sun 27th October at 8pm.
St. Scire C. E.: Have Vacancies for Cleaners, Caretakers and General Operatives. If you are over 21, interested in upskilling
or career change and in receipt of Social Welfare Paymrnt. Please contat 044-9664931.
Church of the Assumption, Delvin Masses
Saturday 6.30 p.m. Sunday 11.00 a.m.
Monday 9.30 a.m.
Tuesday 9.30 a.m.
Thursday 9.30 a.m.
Friday 9.30 a.m.
Church of St. Livinus,
Killulagh Masses
Sunday 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday 9.30 a.m.